Week 1: Love God, not Money (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Music] we're starting a brand new series and if your first time uh today and maybe it's your first time watching us live online great news we're starting a brand new series we do this yearly a series about finances and handling finances because we want to address something and sometimes people will say but the goods have been impaired as a church why not i mean everybody's talking about money might as well have the biblical perspective of finances number one reason and uh marriage uh problems in fact one of the major causes and divorce at annulment in the world is problem with money mishandling of money so might as well have the right perspective a biblical perspective about money hindi pakistan there's this insatiable desire in us about money right this is about money and possession timely talk i say in the next few weeks and you have this wrong desire or wrong perspective on money and something that's insatiable appetite and when you talk about money the world talks about it and people will say you'll have you're going to have financial freedom financial peace i don't think it's in the bible that money will bring you peace and and freedom alone god jesus brings freedom for if the sun sets you free you're free and then alampu in peace is a fruit indisha born out of having bank account you know people in terror is and sometimes we think that it's all about the money more money more security now here is the problem with money born again christian we tend to christianize handling of money issue or among your money issues not then some of you part of feeling more personal hindi not go greedy right i'm just being cautious right but i'm just being wise and sometimes we we try to hide human old style nothing in handling money in a that's why today we're gonna talk we're gonna talk about three uh uh three things about money love for three weeks we're gonna talk about contentment next week we're gonna talk about security versus false hope now we're gonna talk about grid versus contentment next year we're going to talk about uh false hope versus through security and then next week we're going to talk about third week rather we're going to talk about selfishness against generosity so for the first week we're going to talk about contentment and before i jump to the series let me just pray for you and for me as well and we're going to receive it in humility and this is the issue of finances calor i pray that you'll open our hearts and our minds to receive your word today lord matuto sapangas amen all right when you say contentment it simply means it's in the bible it means self-sufficient it refers to a person or a christian that's spirit-filled having all they need within through the indwelling of christ that's a biblical definition of contentment the world will define contentment differently you have everything you need you have all you want you're satisfied and all of those things i'm not contented with my health so but then again the bible says it has nothing to do with what you have uh uh physically or materially speaking it's who you have it's not a thing that will make you content it's a person are you listening anybody here you feel like and sometimes we think that contentment is is something that you can actually earn and get and then you turn out to be greedy you know the word greed jesus says watch out greed is something you need to watch out for um obvious at the onset i was talking to a friend the doctor one of our members here say doctor cheeky she say it states for now you get to the point it's the same thing with grid hindi obvious hindi monitor okay except you that's a problem that's why we have to have this series because it's something that states for now and it's dangerous grid says get all you can and can all you get because you believe that he who gets the gold makes the rules and that's why today we're going to look at the story in in first timothy 6 it's a letter from apostle paul theologians believed that this was the time i believe that paul has already released from roman imprisonment young pastor by the name of timothy and timothy happens to be pastoring a very wealthy city it's a modern day city during that time this is in fsu's modern day nasa turkiyan i was given the chance to go there two three years ago so it's a library back there this is the modern day now better back then it's a central district city my port kasich so my portal city mo you're going to have the best main nightlife show because it supports different uh exchanges of of education manga thoughts market in fact some scholars believe genomatic john if you go there you'll see they believe that's a tomb of john and even see mother mary janindo because in industry mother america john so during this time there are false teachers that are proliferating as a church and they're using the word of god to have personal gain you know grammatical anxiety and just for wrong purposes i don't know maybe they're teaching prosperity gospel if you give to me you will be blessed and they have this goddess by the name of artemis or siddiana that's the of course but then it's one of the seven wonders of the world and genda during that time so imagine for a moment a young pastor by the name of timothy church kind of like modern day metro manila and here is a young pastor by and that's why apostle paul wrote him a letter are you following so i think and it's all about handling finances happening apostle paul timothy remember but godliness with contentment is great gain wow how can you have great gain if you're content because every time the world thinks the more you acquire the more you acquire the more you acquire the more you're gaining in fact if you have enough you haven't gained enough magenko led and then and it's just a matter of acquiring more so that you will gain more but god follow saying godliness with contentment you can be contented you cannot be contented apart from god because there's a hole you're trying to fill with something that only god can [Music] we cannot bring anything oh it's interesting because there's no use that's why my hope and prayer for all of you is these two things that we will be able to discern and restrain sabine and i can discern and restrain my goal after this preaching is that we'll be able to practice these two skills you'll be able to discern is this a trap because later on we're going to talk about the danger of money is this a trap okay and then i will not do this you'll be able to discern something with wisdom and restrain yourself in doing the things so first thing we need to understand about money is money is dangerous that's why in a second offering money is dangerous insight about handling wealth sinabine i'm going to the danger of money apostle paul says but those who desires it starts with desire and then it will lead you to something it will lead you to deception and you know what if you keep on doing that there's an utter distraction it starts with desire to get rich to have more than what you have and then you'll fall into this many trap corruption and then eventually before we knew it you already destroyed so three things you need to look out for now your money is dangerous now i know what you're thinking about we'll answer that later okay so keep that in mind so i start nothing with desire but those who desire desire is so strong it's a powerful force that fuels our behavior desire is something that wells up from within it's not completely rational in it tugs from the inside it's so powerful it it it's so emotionally charged okay it may stem from the loss of the flesh loss of the eyes being pride of life so when you want to get rich there's something that's the that's a better question to ask any motivation one word awareness everybody say awareness [Music] you're so focused on what you do not have you began to neglect the beauty of what you have angelina advertisers if you're into advertising i salute you i'm googling [Music] i don't know any behavior because the behavior be careful it will lead to deception satan will not stop from you desiring it gusting level up if you do not confront your love for money at the onset then it will lead to the next step which is deception he will use every platform to feed you with information soap and then you fall into a deception you know what the deception is the word fall into it means you're not aware that there's a trap the word the temptation there is it's a greek word that means a use for an animal they dug from the ground and then papa toma nilan animal mata trap before you you're already trapped the point is this deception before you knew it you're already trapped anything they can catch this animal easily but you know their strategy is based on the knowledge of the animal alumni weakness i'll tell you the the story behind it [Music] and then he's gonna close his face are you following because now the feast is bigger than the whole indian alabaster and this hard-headed monkey will not let go well in fact if they just release they can run as fast as they can because they're very fast but they're so stubborn they're holding onto the seed and won't let go i only on and they're gonna be trapped your credit card we use that too many people they buy things they don't need with money they don't have that's as well dupadara thing trying to impress people they don't even like it starts with desire now you're trapped anybody here you've been deceived bring me for twelve foreign [Music] it will lead to the destruction that plunged men into ruin and destruction it starts with desire to get rich and then you fall into a lot of temptation you know those get rich quick scheme you want to shortcut the process gusto look at the lottery curse google a lot of curses because there's something there's an element of waiting there's an element of trusting god there's an element of patience there's an element of hard work developed for you to get rich so be very careful for the love of money some people have wondered from the faith you know the word wonder it's a picture of a person getting lost [Laughter] foreign you don't plan to be lost it happens when you think where you're going and then you plan a shortcut a different route and before you knew it you're not headed to the direction you're headed to pretty soon and that's what it meant wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pounds and problems there's a church in in mindanao i think that the members are being lured to invest imagine a pastor trying to lure people to invest and then the blessing will come i i get that gesture freedom from any debts i get that but then be very careful those who decide to get rich there are a lot of deceptions and eventually you'll fall into destruction remember it's a lot when lot means abraham sabine abraham obama lika where do you want to go see lot [Music] before he knew it he was living inside of sodom and before he knew it sodom was living inside of him you get the progression here live near sodom inside of sodom eventually sodom lived inside of him this is what is inside of you what is eating you up it's easy to know another credit card bill more i know majority in the manga benilimosa credit card that's what eating you up that's what eating you up it's easy to detect because where your treasure is is there your heart also you want to help in the in the advancement of god's kingdom but you can't because you're enslaved by your faulty decisions that you know nothing so destruction the word destruction also means it's eternal loss hindi uh destruction that's that's given if you're mishandling your finances it will affect every facet of your life in fact some of you are feeling the pressure or economics so be very careful because eventually this utter destruction means eternal loss i like what thomas aquinas said when a man condemns things eternal for the sake of temporal things that is greed i love that pacara pinatus when you compromise your faith your belief your trust in god in fact in america 43 percent of director level women have slept with their bosses so that they'll get promoted wow [Music] integrity when you condemn things eternal and when you love it okay lord i love this i want this i want this corruption short time with the prostitute and all when you condemn things eternal for the sake of temporal things and that is greed i know this i learned it the hard way many many years ago i was in the pastor yet but and then indeed we nearly married we're like five years married and we're married now for 23 years so i'm a christian yeah so i told you susceptible i'll buy you a new house so i bought a house for her problem you rush things in fact the bible says there's more hope for a fool than a man who acts in haze so so we found the house and then halamo everything is falling into the right places anybody here number one christian that was very good on discrete hundred thousand so we bought the house on loan i'm so young sabiko synagogue ebay 25 i knew very well i'm compromising i've crossed the line but then again you desire young deception lord say you know he will find your wife finds the blessing of the lord brings wealth he adds no trouble to it i was in sales back then unforeseen events it's as if the whole 25 years how you your future call i can pay 21 000 a month for 25 years as if it's a major accounting oil company in etc i can't even pay the 21 000. to make the long story short blah blah blah blah blah blah because you [Music] thousands [Music] we learned it the hard way it's a trap that will lead you to destruction how many of you how many of you you're happy that our god is a god of second chances come on now of course so if you fail so what balika lang i failed miserably after three years you know what's happening we learn it the hard way that's the beauty when you're with god he doesn't condemn you he keeps no records of wrong so when we bought our new house discern and restrain let's look now now how do you counter that or jeff sigue we agree it's a desire that wealth from within christian god there's something that will nudge you and budge you okay there's a desire and i mean we're going to be deceived and eventually will be destroyed now this is how you counter that the starting point but everybody say but kinontras nepal this is a conjunction to contrast what the false teachers are it's a false teacher sayopo you're a man of god the starting point to counter greed is an understanding you're a servant of god you're an agent of god in this world people are watching every spending decision that you have because every spending decision is a spiritual decision this is spiritual money spirit it's the spirit behind money jesus no one can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or you'll be devoted to one and despise the other i love the word that jesus used you cannot hindi jason not being you should not no no no no no no impossible that you will worship god and at the same time you're holding on to money you cannot serve both i'm fighting [Music] and jesus was saying that's not lordship lordship is lord of all or not at all jesus knew our hearts you have to make a choice it's as if those who are for me you'll choose god only now once you do that a human of god eterna flee these things any distinction so the first thing that you need to understand that if you're a man of god you are now fleeing you know the word flee the original greek word means piyogo that's why we get the word fugitive the man of god is a fugitive running from a potential cat tour he doesn't want to go back to seeing not gonna credit [Music] foreign some of you need to do this today you need to flee in a form of plastic surgery you have no control of credit card so under your chair check your i'm serious some of you need to cut your credit cards card okay because way back in 1992 i was say a young a man working in manila diamond hotel 1992 so i was like eight years old back then so so i was a bell boy someone in a diamond hotel way back in 1982 opening team camino arrow so after a year of working nila pita come in a credit card company a regular employee surgery it was only way back in 2009 when he started using a credit card discipline yes you some of you need to delete some app look up here they ordered please let me balance this okay look up here tomorrow [Applause] foreign okay this will balance that you know what poverty is poverty mentality okay because the poverty says i want more and also there's another side of it you don't greet the man i don't have enough poverty mentality means i want more i want more you can be a millionaire i still have a poverty mentality airport mcdonald's 300 pieces [Music] you can be rich and still have poverty nothing look up here and a greedy person i don't have enough in sanyan poverty can say i don't even agree to say i want more now you will be blessed by everything the gusto seek versus kingdom and then everything else should be added and there's a parameter you need contentment in fact the bible says godliness with contentment is great you should have an ambition and the bible says to make it your ambition to live the quiet life attend to your own business work with your hands again don't you like that don't you wish them again invite us a church like this just to guide you it's not a passive foreign no it will not lead you to passive passive acceptance of the status quo but the positive assurance that god has supplied once needs and the consequent release i love the word consequent consequent release from unnecessary desire you should know is it a want or a need there's a discernment in it is it a want or a need and then you now you flee but you have to pursue something the word pursue is sometimes you know not a translation to a word persecute because the word pursue means eagerness and diligence in going after something and we should pursue this these six godly characters we don't have the time to go through the six it's it needs another series but when you flee from sin financially speaking you want to flee from unnecessary buying and all you pursue righteousness with integrity pursue godliness coupled with faith love steadfastness and gentleness it implies godly character doesn't happen overnight it's something that's a person continually everybody say continually continually works for the rest of his life there's perseverance involved and then it says here a righteous person may fall seven times but we're gonna go up again we're gonna get up again because we're not like the wicked the last time repent and then pursue pursue god so the man of god pursue godly character and lastly as we end timothy my son take hold on something eternal don't focus on the temporal and shoes and bags those are temporal take hold of something that's eternal the man of god holds on to eternity remember this woman she's a fashion blogger she died last year of stomach cancer and she's famous the chemo radiation will discontinue this is a chemotherapy indicia will work the way she hoped it will work sabina it will be stopped and i'm just going to enjoy my family as a pain free as possible [Applause] i have a brand new car park outside can do anything for me i have all kinds of designer clothes shoes and bugs can't do anything for me i have money in my bank account can't do anything for me i have a welfare in this house can't do anything for me i'm lying here in a twin size hospital bed i can take a plane everywhere i want to go to can't do anything for me so do not make do not let anyone make you feel bad for the things you don't have but the things you have be happy with those if you have a roof over your head who cares what kind of furniture is in it the most important thing is love the most important thing is love and here you are trying to gain the whole world even compromising our faith it's a poor very poor deal you've been short changed right back sex got to gain promotion it's a poor change it's a poor exchange yeah it's a portrait want more you have to have christ in you some apostle paul as we end my secret contentment sabine paul i've experienced everything the secret to my contentment is that i can do all things through christ who gives me strength that's his secret to counter greed you have to have christ to counter discontentment and be content you have to have christ so as i end listen up the secret to contentment is having jesus christ how i wish i have other options but there's none let's all celebrate today let's give god praise how i wish i have other options for you the secret contentment is this the secret contentment is blah blah blah the secret contentment is one million dollars in your bank account how i wish i have option b but there's none the sacred contentment is having christ in you the all-sufficient christ in you it's a picture of i have you i have everything if i don't have you i lack everything there's only one thing you need jesus said to martha only one thing is needed and your sister chose the right thing to choose that's being on the feet of jesus that's my prayer for all of us come on can you just raise our hands father in the name of jesus christ guilty lord coming lord my potential lord god to be greedy people even if you watching online raise your hand lord if alumni lord this world will dictate us those lies that we need this we need to buy this we have to have this and sometimes we we be lured and submit that to those lies only to find out my bagon model next week maybaga model next month my shiny year bigger newer things my lord once we have you we have everything that we can do all things through you who gives us strength so lord may you give us contentment knowing lord god that you are sufficient enough for us in jesus name we pray amen amen amen come on let's give him praise you
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 46,833
Rating: 4.9002624 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Id: JIuH3RSuz88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 54sec (3294 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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