Faith and Relationship (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not just a religion but it's more of a relationship with christ and i started really getting more into the word there were times encouragement i have to be strong because god is with me i think he's got a whole list already of never-ending surprises lined up for us if we choose to continue our devotion to the lord [Music] is to trust him to have faith in him [Music] we're starting a brand new series and i just want you to really appreciate boy my word every week and hopefully not applying that remember last january we started with um uh remember this series world view but it ran for like five big chats six weeks and then we had the series the great exchange this is from january and then all the way to uh world view there's this great exchange where the series gospel demonstrated and then of course and introduced you make room about the holy spirit we have a short series about the youth and reaching the next generation two weeks it is beyond and kakatapu renew you see we've been receiving a lot of um a word from god but here's a verse that i want you to focus on it says in james 1 22 do not merely listen to the word because we've been listening to the word jotting down the word every saturday but not just listen to it yeah that's a good starting point but then again listening to it alone deceive yourselves do what it says right so do not just merely listen to every word that comes from god apply it because then and only then it will have an effect my wife is [Music] so here's the thing listening hearing is great but hopefully we're applying it so for the past seven eight months that we've been hearing the word of god see this this year we're gonna start a brand new series about faith and this is the title is unwavering and today for the next seven weeks we're just gonna talk about faith everybody say faith now here's the problem with faith human being like us but nevertheless it's second nature in us to seek tangible assurances right yeah we we live in the in the world not allah but as christians faith anybody here naga so these are things that simply shows us human being we we live by faith in such a principle anybody here double checked agreement so we operate uh in this principle so when we when we say faith are these things bad no but i'm just saying we apply this on a day-to-day basis but unfortunately some christians apply this on the spiritual level but there's a problem with faith faith is being sure of what you hope for and so certain unassured or assured about what we do not see that's what faith is i believe you so we cannot operate in the principle to see is to believe in fact if you're a born-again christian we're commanded and expected the righteous shall live by faith and we sometimes believe that faith is possibly waiting for god to fulfill his promise faith is it really anchored on god on the other side no man totally well in faith and they're relying on the material things of this world and as we go through for seven weeks in the life of this man there's no other better person about faith other than abraham himself i got this from his uh instagram and um latest yeah so abraham i mean when you talk about faith right and if we cross examine the life of this man look at this life uh he dissect nothing your first 74 years but in 75 years all the way he lived 175 years wow how about that okay sobrang zero to 74 years old he's a nobody we don't know anything about him we don't know any accomplishment of abraham on from zero to 75 years because we saw him in the bible 75 but looking at his life towards the end of his life man he's addressed as a friend of god friend of god right enemies describes the bible but only to moses and abraham and in our friend of god he's also the father of faith in fact if you're a christian you are sometimes called you're a seed or children of abraham look up on the screen i have a lot of realization based on this pastor steve shared this in one in our preaching meeting this week come to think of it 0 to 74 years old his and nobody meaning to say god can use you that starting point doesn't matter it doesn't matter it doesn't matter how dim or or dirty or how filthy your past is it doesn't matter in the past i redeem the lord but often times we just want okay in fact abraham describation that way he's a pagan worshiper according to joshua but oftentimes we want this lord friend man of faith it's too short of a goal so look up on the screen we want this but we're forgetting what happened here from the time god called abraham all the way to all those testings the waiting season all of those things sometimes we don't take into consideration christian will have a giving man of faith not knowing that it's a journey it's not an overnight thing and as we start this series for the next seven weeks including today my hope and prayer is that we're going to live a life like abraham young faith yeah but in the bhagavad-gita we're going to have hope because india like something later on in this but the start is really a man of faith and we can learn a lot about the life of this man so can we just close our eyes and bow down our heads and let's pray for this series that it will speak to us not just hearing it but applying it further in heaven we thank you for giving us and preserving us the bible that we can learn from the life of this man abraham your friend lord we pray that this series will really minister to your people because this is your word the unwavering series lord god will sweep to the hearts of your people that will birth in them faith that will burn in them hope so father right now we pray as we study the life of abraham help all of us to learn from it apply it and give us a transformation that you desire in jesus name amen so we're going to look at the life of abraham sanbato maximum considered him as their a patriarch as their aparang um okay from christianity to judaism and the muslims they look at abraham so caleb simula did he seek god and we can see here in acts chapter 7 verse 2 to 3 it gives us a glimpse because it was stiffened bhagavatam was stoned to death okay stephen but before that he had this semi preaching he had this he made a sermon he spoke of a sermon kind of like a sermon it was stephen dito the glory of god appeared look at the word appeared to our father abraham so from this text alone this is very rich it was the lord who initiated remember abraham and his sons they are pagan worshiper according to joshua they worship this god moon the one that they worship way back in ur so the glory of god appeared to abraham look up here when he was still in mesopotamia it's the same place that's called er you are ur and i want you to focus on this because this is very pivotal this is very crucial in this story abraham when he was still in mesopotamia [Applause] and we're going to see here the plan of god is unfolding first we're going to look at the plan of god okay everybody say plan and this is in the midst of the millions of people in the planet during this time i don't know who is during this time but can be hundreds of thousands but god handpicked abraham hindi nahina he doesn't even know god god appealed to him and then sabirito and then may come and see god i wanna know your country more he wanted million people more which speaks of security and identity yeah your country is your sense of security now we can't relate much to this but during that time community lebanon if you're part of a big community you will survive so what god is saying live and go live your source of security leave your source of identity and go to the land i will show you okay so nandi to say let me give you i'm continuing here is where god appeared to abraham malinova are you following survival okay so i'm part of a community catholic at that time he was kidnapped so delicate so that's where god appeared and it says here something happened god appeared to abraham and said live your country leave your parents leave your family and go to the land i'll show you but something happened something happened to the family here's uh what happened now these are the generations of terra cite abraham so bear with me with the names terra pandana abraham so here's what happened haran died in abraham died in the presence of his father terah in the land of his kindred in ur of the cow dion so what happened here during maybe out of loneliness maybe out of depression i don't know we can just speculate but terra left or bear with me this is very important i'm telling you to the whole series he brought adam abraham rather terror took abraham and this is the time that god spoke to abraham already i'm going to show you a land initiative just leave your family leave your nation leave your country well then again terra as a father had something different in mind i don't know who's here in the abraham but we can see here the father this is a patriarchal culture parang the daughter-in-law his son abram's wife and they went forth together from ur um for whatever reason maybe or melissa or of the khalbians to go to the land of canaan but when they came to hararan they settled there don't worry listen up this is very important abraham encountered god here in or leave your family i'll show you a land for whatever reason see abraham hindi umales and to add himalaya malaysia rather with his father and settled in haran he didn't obey god at first he didn't answer the first call of god remember none don't say or when god told him live your family but what he did he didn't just militia but with his dad and said look up here god appeared here and then a terra has this plan to go to canaan but they settled in haran you know the word terra his dad's name it means delay yeah the word terra means delay and somehow terra as a father okay delayed god's plan for abraham see abraham's supposed to be a militia way back there's an earth but he didn't leave cinema and stayed in in haran now here's my question for you today who are the terrorists that are causing delay lord it's not it's not necessarily bad maybe it's just obeying his father but clearly god is saying leave your father leave your country go to the place i'll show you and then maybe abraham on his first calling and there's hope for us father of faith with regards to obeying god let me answer this question who or what are you considering the foremost before obeying god who are these people that are do you have equal concern with god so [Music] who are those people that's causing you to obey god at look look at luke 14 26 look at luke 14 26 i mean jesus if anyone comes to me and does not hate young fathers and mothernya wife and children brothers and sisters yes even their own life such a person cannot be my disciples yeah what the point of this verse jesus was saying if you love your father more than me you cannot be my disciple if you love your children more than me you cannot be my disciple you cannot follow me because and some of you here have terrorists in your life now you need to let go of you know how many years they stayed in in haran roughly five years five years of abraham's life was somehow wasted because he settled here's my question another question have we settled in our harans and missed out our promised land but enjoy well the word means parched land but i don't know why they settled in hara we don't know some as i was studying this some scholar will say because of the health condition but five years about i don't know why they settled but here's my question for you today have we me are we missing out on what god has in store for us because we have settled midway and by the way during this time the instruction is just leave your parents leave your nation and go to the place i will show you i mean you're gonna live your source of identity and security and just obey god are we setting for the good are we seeking the best [Music] church are we setting for just the good and missing out on what god has in store for us so look up here abraham appeared into abraham god leave your family instead of leaving family he joined his dad to a trip papantasa canaan but settled in haran and what's worse he settled in haran i don't know but isn't it an encouragement for us young father of faith encouragement look up here settled in haran maybe abram is considering his dad now his dad died and come genesis 12 which is very important for you to understand because sometimes we just bank on genesis 12 not knowing god appeared to abraham years ago and it says here now i love the word now it implies hong kong i get to the point now in other translation now the lord had said to abram this is i don't know maybe it's a second time third we don't know but this verse is saying in acts it was it was said abraham so uh god spoke to abraham in his glory in ur now they were in haran and god is saying now the lord said to abraham we're going to see the patience of god is a god of second chances and they got to live in girlfriend our god is a god of second chances now the lord said to abraham go from your country and your kingdom is same what he said in earth are you getting the point because god is really patient to us so but are you frail the bible says he's patient not wanting anyone to perish he's not slow he's patient to you and me and that should spur hopes the lord our god is a god of second chances right and then let's move on with the story and then after saying now now let's go back to the drawing page abraham so let's let's continue because i'm trying to left up are you ready abraham i will make you into a great nation so he talks about the promises of god you see god is a plan and attached to that plan is a promise and not just promise promises i will make you i will bless you look up here i will make of you a great nation which is kind of weird if you're abraham weird though unabundant 75 years old and is married to a barren wife and he's saying the promises are i will make into a great nation wow these are my people [Applause] and i will bless you and he's talking about prominence i'm going to make your name great now again foreign but here's the thing the name abram was nothing but the promises are i'll make it a great nation and i will bless you and make your name great and not only those promises look at the protection of god i will bless those who bless you and those who dishonor you i will curse grabeno i mean don't you love this kind of god you're a nobody a pagan worshiper handpicked you and he's going to turn you into a great nation with a barren wife the plan the patience of god in dealing with us but he is keeping his promises coupled with protection and then only that you will abram will see and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed you see the purpose of god once god blessed us it's not just for your own consumption you're just gonna be a conduit of somebody else's blessing you're gonna be a blessing to somebody else that's why when we give to god we're blessing the missionaries abroad when we give to god we bless the the real life when god blesses us it's not just for your own consumption god wants to use and in you through you abraham all the families of the earth i mean this is global i mean if you look at abram and yet we're talking of what a 4 000 year old story and we're still being blessed up until now in fact we're gonna as we move on with the story for the next few weeks we're going to see bhagatan recipient in the blessing of the of abraham obedience so somebody thought and in you all the families on earth will be blessed you see the purpose of god and and you calling them verses i will make you a great nation i will bless you for what purpose so that you will be a blessing one moment you hear you want to be a blessing sometimes we're so limited we just want to be blessed and baboon and short-sighted i'm praying with that lord bless me so i can be a blessing the moment blessing sayo it will stop you down sprouts the water will stop flowing that's why some of us were so short-sighted and we're thinking lord bless me bless me bless me and god will ask for what hold on just bless me bless you no no no no no i want to bless you so that you'll be a blessing in fact in the grand scheme of things abraham was just part of apostle when adam and eve sinned before adam and eve seen brother god is a global mandate subdued the earth fill the earth of my glory so go and multiply it was hindered seemingly by sin when adam and eve sinned same command subdued the earth filled the earth of my glory and seemingly no no he's using a man abraham because one day his son jesus christ will come through the lineage of this man and truly all nations have been blessed because of the birth of his son now let me ask you this question do you want to receive the promises of god in your life so do you want to receive the promises of god me it's good to understand that god has a plan for us i know the plans i have for you random chance maybe you're thinking i know there are unplanned seriously i'm serious god has a plan for us now look up here that plan involves god's patience bless the lord higher but you're a christian but you're thinking no no no hindi gomez god out of panoram chance as always suck this to your bags god has a plan for you now having an understanding that god is a blind now he's patient with you and god wants to reveal his promises to you he wants to protect you and he wants to accomplish his greater purpose through you now do you want to receive the promises of god there's a famous verse here in famous amos amos 33 i love this verse can two people walk together without agreeing on the directions how can you accomplish god's purpose if you're not walking in his ways my wife will always say now here's the thing because there's such thing as the participation of abraham yeah got us a plan he offered it but we have a role to play we can see the participation of abram here so after receiving that review look up on the screen genesis 12 4 so abram went everybody went he went look at the word as the lord had told him i don't know maybe that five years in haran gave him a realization oh my gosh he went as the lord had told him and lot okay orphanage young friends okay next foreign and lord went with him now look up here abram was how many years 75 years old when he started obeying god and now he's ready to depart from haran look at the screen it's never too late to participate it's never too late to build up your faith it's never too late i don't care what's happening because the old will be gone anyway then you will come so prosecute murderer whatever impossible it doesn't matter just come as you are to god because it's never too late it's never too late [Applause] so what abram did he left he went oh enough of this i'm going to obey you now as you told me many years ago in order and then moving on by faith abraham or obeyed in hebrews 11 look up here by faith abraham evade when he was called to uh to go out of place that he was to receive us and yet look over the screen even though he do not know where he was going because god didn't give him a specific place an instruction comfort zone he wanted young sense of security and identity you see faith is taking the first step even in the midst of uncertainty it's taking that first step even in the midst of uncertainty that's why in the applicable safety to see is to believe a that's a physical realm indigenous spiritual realm faith is taking the first step it's not blind faith abram knew this god is different this is a different god because his glory appeared to him so faith is taking that first step even if it's hard even if it doesn't make sense no do not embitter your children or they will become discouraged as a parent i hope you know how to say i'm sorry for hello first step means i'm going to give my tights even if it doesn't make sense one thousand swell doors open by 100 it's up to you the kingdom of god will advance with or without your tithes the question is do you want to be part of it that when we have reports of missionary men pakistan his wife and lord his brother son and all the possessions that they had gathered and the people that they had acquired in haran and they stepped out to go to the land of canaan look up here faith is being movable despite being uncomfortable you're not sticking to your comfort zone you're not sticking to your haran you see our faith is manifested through our obedience are you in your comfort zone january [Music] school but here's the thing are we are we are we so in love with our position are we so in love with our comfort zone that when god asks you to give when god asks you to go when god asks you to participate when god asks you to forgive when god asks you to humble yourself when god are we so in love with our status quo that we're not movable anymore be very very careful because okay god we're movable okay god we're always active because that's faith we're always led by the holy spirit so as i am you know as abraham obeyed god he went even the means of uncertainties it's uncomfortable looking forward exactly genesis 12 5 when they came to the land of canaan abram passed through the land to the place at shechem to the oak of morae at the time the canaanites were in the land remember abraham has no idea the the command just leave your family and go to them and they'll show you and yet the hebrew writer said you don't even know where he's going just follow maybe the river trail because tabishilan river and then when he came to canaan canaan is an advanced uh uh place anusha maram including raucha and all it's a land of flowing milk and honey it's a land that god cares for you you've read that and then when he reached cain and sabrito then the lord appeared to abram and said to your offspring i will give this land wow so he built an altar to the lord who had appeared to him listen up as i end this is just an introduction okay so be here for the next six weeks bhagavad-gita look up on the screen god is faithful he may have stayed in iran followed his dad didn't follow god but then god is faithful when he started following god as god has told him go to this place he went to this place and then when he was standing there and then looking at his eyes that vast land somebody got you know what abram to your offspring i will give this land so what he did he built an altar an altar is a place of remembrance an altar is a place of worship and altar is a place of sacrifice he built an altar knowing that god appeared to me you see as i end our faith okay our faith is born out of god's faithfulness our faith is you see faith alone is not enough you can have faith to someone you can have faith you have a strong faith have strong faith that there's no god so it it's not actually the faith itself it's the object of your faith isn't it when you're about to fall into a ravine it doesn't matter you're going to fall well acquainted you faithful because the faith is only me it's only sure regarding it with regards to who are you anchored on are you anchoring it on god and our faith is born out of god's faithfulness let's all stand on our feet today i have some prayer points to some of you here and there's some call to action that we need to and don't leave yet we're going to pray for a specific group of people as we as we start this series first of all we're gonna ask for god for wisdom and acknowledgement and understanding and maybe the boldness to surrender our terrors you know what i'm talking about these people to fully obey god these are some maybe some group of friends i don't know maybe these are this is a lifestyle maybe this is your career whatever terror you have right now you can stick there god is patient but you're missing out on god's plan and purpose as you're delaying it so we're going to pray today to surrender those habits to scare us because knowing that god is a plan and now you're trying to please other people and you know that you know that it's against god you cannot fully obey god because there's a terror in your life that maybe you need hindi to fully obey him and some of you second group of people you have to leave your comfort zone you've been settling in those maybe it's a person maybe it's a career i don't know but you you've been staying long enough you've been settling long enough some of you have been a saturday christian and you've settled you don't want to join a small group you don't want to lead a small group but are you waiting for heaven to come and i believe you're missing out on god's greater plan for you that you will be a blessing to many people that god has blessed you fix that marriage so that you can you can be a blessing to other marriages because you're not doing your part the testimony that you have how god restored your marriage so maybe some of you are in your quran you're not really bad it's not necessarily sin but you're just overstaying in your comfort zone so whether it's a terror or it's a haram leave that around and pursue god so let's just bow our heads and as we start the series unwavering series we're gonna learn more that it's not abraham who has this unwavering faith it's god who's unwavering he is ever faithful that's why you can go back to him today surrender all those things and start moving towards god's direction because he has a plan for you but on your hands if that's you can you just raise your hand let me just pray for you those relationships that unforgiveness that unforgiveness is really killing all those meaningful relationships that pride the part of feeling more because you have money you are better than other people the class nasumi see it as a marriage mode that greed you're continually doing it yeah you're a christian but you're missing out god's promised land for you so if that's you i shall keep that hand raised as a sign of surrender let's be serious about this lord acknowledge me you're gonna you really it's a sign of surrender lord in the name of jesus you see these hands as a total sign of surrender we may have heard you but just like abraham we have fears maybe or maybe we're trying to please other people and lord right now as we raise our hands we want lord god you to move into our lives we want to get rid of those terrorists we want to leave our harass lord god and just focus on the promise you have given us lord it's hard we have so much faith but lord today you're assuring them i better plan for you let go and let god let me lead you god is saying seemingly it's not favorable somatamo seemingly it's uncomfortable but take heart it's a walk of faith it's a journey that god is bringing you through in my hope and prayer lord god as these people raise their hands there's going to be breakthrough you're going to release the grace to say no to sin you're going to release that grace to stop whatever lord god it's allah they're compromising their faith they've been maybe they've been justifying it maybe they're trying to build a case against it but lord and they know that they knew it fully well and they want to give it that lord god today would you just release them lord god give them the grace so that one day we'll be called a friend of god we'll be called a man of faith a woman of faith lord today we just want to honor you and give you praise in jesus name amen amen amen amen come on let's give god you
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 62,414
Rating: 4.8421054 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Id: Okoxu5YD0mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 38sec (3158 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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