BETTER TOGETHER | PT 2 | Philip Anthony Mitchell

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welcome to the victory broadcast if this ministry has impacted you in any way please consider supporting the spread of the gospel by visiting us online and choosing the giving option that works best for you now we pray that this message will stir your heart and build your faith get ready to receive the word of god what's up victory family so glad to see all of you today at victory church online right here in the chats and to all of our online family watching in cities all across the country in some pockets around the world we welcome you to victory church and we welcome all of you to week two of our brand new series better together last week we took some time to dispel some of the myths we believe about the church what that word is what it really means we looked at what we think it means culturally and the church that jesus gave us we we talked about some things we felt like the lord was calling us out of some things we felt like the lord was calling us into and uh we also celebrate uh the launch of v groups this week and people meeting in homes all across the metro atlanta area and inside the city and trust that so many of you had a great time of fellowship uh in your groups and that it was a blessing to you as we continue to dig ourselves out of this pandemic season this is a week we're going to continue to uh walk through uh this series and uh in this particular message just allowing some great writers to just post in our feeds to minister to our heart trust that you're ready to hear from those writers more of them and less of me uh in this in this message father in the name of jesus we thank you for uh just all of the group gatherings we had this week we thank you for um just being able to meet in person homes across the city we thank you for uh this series that's calling us out of silos and calling us out of radical individualism calling us out of uh loneliness into the beauty of gospel community and father just praying that you would truly prepare good soil that the word that is spoken today would fall on that ground and bear a harvest 30 60 and a hundredfold we thank you for the beauty of the scriptures the instruction of your word just pray that you would minister to our hearts now [Music] we ask all of this in the mighty and majestic and matchless name of the lord jesus christ this is part two of uh we are better uh together now family um one of the most uh powerful things that we engage in as human beings is our expression via language language is extremely powerful words are extremely powerful with words we build up with words we tear down things right on our words for whenever they are strategically spoken or transmitted they do not only arrive words that is to a designated receiver as a collection of just nouns and pronouns verbs and adjectives whenever words are carefully spoken they arrive with motives and they arrive with instruction they arrive with a heart or with the intentions of the sender a good example of this is that a couple weeks ago oh actually might have been a couple months ago um pandemic got my brain all messed up i sent my two oldest kids a text from my prayer room it was early in the morning i sent them a text from my prayer room i said malachi and israel read one proverb a day for the calendar day of the month now when they received that text from me they did not just receive a group of disjointed collection of nouns and pronouns and adjectives no that's not what they received from me they received a carefully crafted set of words that carried with them some sort of intentionality of the sender when they opened up that text that they got from their father it wasn't just a bunch of crazy words scattered all over the place with no meaning when they read what they got in the text it communicated clearly watched the intentions of the sender read a proverb a day so that you can add five minute exercise to your morning no that wasn't the intention of asunder but it was rather read a proverb a day so you can incrementally increase in wisdom my son and my daughter and so when i sent them that text it wasn't just a jumbled up group of words it was a strategically put together statement that carried the intentions of the sender the words then not only came with a message but read a proverb per day but they also came with the intentionality of the sender the words that not only come with an instruction read a proverb a day those words came with the intentionality and the heart of the sender ad30 the church of jesus christ is born and it is spreading across various cities like wildfire according to the book of acts over the next 60 years the church of jesus christ those believers would receive a collection of circulating documents going around various cities allow me to post on your page some of those nouns pronouns verbs and adjectives from some of those documents that were circulating in that time and as i post some of these pronouns nouns verbs and adjectives in your feed this morning in this message i want you to see if you can pick up on the heart or the intentionality of the sender less talk and more bible for week two acts records the birth of the church and then we start in the very first letter after acts romans chapter 12 verse 10 be devoted to one another in love honor one another above yourselves never be lacking in zeal that is don't do stuff with a cold heart or lazy even if do everything with your whole heart until god calls you to do something else but keep your spiritual fervor serving the lord be joyful in hope patient in affliction faithful in prayer share with the lord's people who are in need practice hospitality romans 12 16 live in harmony with one another do not be proud but be willing to associate with people of low position do not be conceited romans 13 8 let no debt remain outstanding except the continuing debt to love one another for whoever loves one another has fulfilled the law romans 14 13 let us stop passing judgment on one another instead make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister romans 15 5 may the god who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that christ jesus had so that with one heart and one mouth you may glorify god our father the lord jesus christ one of my favorite passages in rome that god would give us the same mind the same heart that together we could glorify him romans 15 7 accept one another then just as christ accepted you in order to bring praise to god side note there are a few things more powerful you can do to show acceptance to somebody than to open up your home to them let them come into your space and into your private area romans 15 14. i myself am convinced paul's writing all this to the church in rome my brothers and my sisters that you yourselves are full of goodness filled with knowledge and competent to watch instruct one another pause how are you going to instruct one another you can only instruct one another in the presence of one another talking to one another calling one another texting one another you can't instruct somebody else outside of the context of some form of community romans 16 6 18 greet one another with a holy kiss all the churches of jesus christ send their greetings first corinthians 1 10 i appeal to you my brothers and sisters in the name of our lord jesus christ that all of you agree with one another and what you say that there'll be no divisions among you but that you'll be perfectly united in mind and thought first corinthians 12 24 and 26 while our presentable parts need no special treatment but god has put the body together giving greater honor to the parts that lacked it so that there should be no division in the body but that his part should be have equal concern for each other if one part suffers every part suffers with it if one part is honored every part rejoices with it second corinthians 13 11 finally brothers and sisters rejoice strive for full restoration encourage one another be of one mind live in peace and the god of love and peace will be with you galatians 5 13 you my brothers and sisters were called to be free but do not use your freedom to indulge in the flesh rather serve one another in love galatians 5 14 for the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command love the lord your god as you love yourselves if you bite and devour each other watch out for you will be destroyed by each other so i say walk by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh galatians 5 25. since we live by the spirit let us keep in step with the spirit let us not become conceited provoking and envying and being jealous of one another galatians 6 2 carry each other's burdens and in this way you fulfill the law of christ ephesians 4 2 be completely humble and gentle be patient bearing with one another you tired of me yet ephesians 4 32 be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each other just as christ god forgave you ephesians 5 18 through 20. do not get drunk with wine he didn't say don't drink wine steak and cabbage is okay he said just don't leave home don't leave the restaurant bent is what he said don't be drunk with wine which leads to debauchery instead be filled with the spirit speaking to one another with what with psalms and hymns and songs from the spirit sing and make music from your heart in the lord in what context can you be able to pray and sing with one another you do that in the context of fellowship philippians 2 3-5 do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit rather in humility value others above yourselves not looking to your own interests but each other's interests the interests of others in your relationships with one another have the same mindset as christ jesus colossians 3 8 but now you must also rid yourself of all things these anger rage malice slander filthy language from your lips do not lie to each other since you have taken off your old self with his practices and have put on the new self which is being renewed in the knowledge in the image of jesus christ the creator colossians 3 13 bear that means be patient with one another with each other and forgive one another if any one of you have a grievance against someone forgive as the lord has forgiven you colossians 3 16 let the message of christ dwell among you richly as you watch teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms and hymns and songs in the spirit singing to god with gratitude in your heart first thessalonians 3 12 may the lord make your love and overflow for each other and for everyone else just as yours are doing for you first thessalonians 4 9. now about your love for one another we do not need to write to you for you yourselves have already been taught by god to love each other first thessalonians 5 11 therefore encourage one another and build each other up just as in fact you are doing first thessalonians 5 12 now we ask you brothers and sisters to acknowledge those who work hard among you who care for you in the lord and who admonish you that is those who teach you hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work live in peace with each other and we urge you brothers and sisters warn those who are idle and disruptive and encouraged to dishearten help the weak be patient with everyone first thessalonians 5 15 make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong but always strive to do what is right for each other and for everyone else hebrews 3 13 but encourage one another how often daily as long as it is called today so that none of you may be hardened by the sins and deceitfulness you know what where it says encourage one another daily so that you would not be hardened by sin i'm gonna tell you right now just pause for just a second i'm just walking you through the new testament i would much rather have one good christian friend who's not afraid to tell me the truth who's not afraid to rebuke me who's not afraid to tell me about myself i'd rather have one good christian friend who's not afraid to hurt me so that i can grow than be surrounded by people who are false and phony we should definitely be thankful for the true godly men and women that he has placed inside of our lives and our circles like if every single conversation is a rub on the back i'm i'm curious about that at some point we have to be able to say to each other my sister my brother you should apologize you might be wrong about this we need to pray about this you might be going in the wrong direction how long have you been doing let's pray and get you out of this situation hebrews 10 23 let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess for whom he promised is faithful and let us consider how we may watch spur one another on towards love and good deeds not giving up meaning together as some are in the habit of doing but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the day approaching hebrews 13 1 keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters james 4 11 brothers and sisters do not slander one another don't trash each other's name james 5 16 therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another and the king jimmy says in the effectual prayers of the righteous man what it availeth much it has great power first peter 1 22. now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other love one another deeply from the heart and not lip service first peter 3 8 finally all of you be like-minded be sympathetic love one another be compassionate and humble first peter 4 8 above all love each other deeply why because love covers a multitude of sin i should probably read that one again first peter 4 8 above all that is at the very top love one another deeply why because love covers a multitude of sin that's a tagline for your friends will hurt you and people in your church will hurt you ours is to run from hurt it says love deeply that is we work through hurt why because love covers a multitude of sin this whole generation needs a teaching on that not get hurt and run get hurt and lean into not get hurt and flee get hurt and lean in too because love covers a multitude of sin love forgives love gives you a path love says it's okay love says i'm not gonna throw this back in your face some husband some wife probably needed that first peter 4 10. each of you should use whatever gift you have received to watch serve others as faithful stewards of god's grace in his various forms first peter 5 5. in the same way you are younger submit yourselves to the elders all of you clothe yourselves with humility toward one another because god opposes the proud but he shows favor to the humble first john 1 7 but if you walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of jesus the son purifies us from all sin the last one first john 3 14 for we know that if we have passed from death to life because we love one another anyone who does not love remains in death my brothers and sisters i just walked you through the entire new testament of this for each other that one another and what were god's clear intentions to all of these believers and all of those who would come after him as god the holy spirit was writing through these ancient writers through peter and james and paul as he's writing through them to these various churches what was god's heart what was god's intention live radically individualistic no live autonomously separated from other believers no live out the christian life with you and your family you and your wife and children you and your cousins alone no live a cyber life technologically with no human dealings with other believers i'm just gonna get my podcast i'm gonna watch my stream i'm not going to have any friendship or any relation with any believers know live disgruntled and separated from the church because someone hurt you know the new testament one another's clearly communicate the intentions of god concerning you if you read all of the one another's of the new testament they clearly communicate the intentions of the sender he is calling you to live in biblical community with other brothers and sisters and the one another's already prophesied to you that we will hurt one another that we will disappoint one another that we will let each other down they already prophesy that and they teach us how to reconcile through our problems all of the one another some 60 of them i didn't even read all of them to you prophesied the intentions of god god absolutely is trying to send us a clear message he intends for us to watch live in biblical community with who with one another it's very clear that he has not called us to be radically individualistic he has not called us to live in silos he has not called us to live disconnected he has not called us to not deal with our problems he has not called us to bury issues get anything we bury alive we're gonna have to deal with in another season i should probably repeat that anything we bury alive we're gonna have to deal with in another season he told us to forgive one another and love one another and bear with one another and be patient with one another and serve one another and invite one another be hospitable to one another serve one another teach one another greet one another with our holy kids love one another be kind to one another be humble with one another the nearly 61 and others of god they illuminate what the wisdom of god calling human beings into community teaching us that we can't live this life on our own they reveal watch the desire of god's heart for us to live together an intimate relationship albeit messy all be it dirty sometimes all be it difficult but not to live isolated separated from other brothers and sisters it reveals what the protection of god knowing that we're gonna need people around us to keep us on this journey of life that we're living right now i didn't even give you all 60 but i walked you through the whole new testament i could have dropped on you all 60 plus it is very evident that these are not just a collection of pronouns and nouns and adjectives and verbs no the sender who was the holy spirit of god writing through these writers was communicating a clear message from the heart of god i am as your father calling you to live in biblical community with one another and with people outside your immediate family that's why he's given us all these commandments to not do them is disobedience to not do them we rob ourselves of the best of what god has for us you will never imagine how much stuff is not on your plate because you refuse to live in biblical community you refuse to have relationships you refuse to let people in some of the best things god will ever do in your life and my life he's going to do an engineer through the intimate of biblical this is why it doesn't profit us to build relationships with bad motives look right at me this is why it it it does not profit us to build relationships with bad motives if i'm entering a relationship with a bad motive i just want to i mean it doesn't profit us to do that from inter relationship to love to know you to see you become everything that god is calling you to be to work through our problems and our differences for our entire life when we get the best out of that person to get the best out of and as we live that way as we live that way god does miraculous things in our lives as we live in gospel community my brothers and sisters you wanted me to come and impress you with all of these i didn't i didn't want to impress you sermon i just wanted to read to you the holy scriptures i want to read to you the words of god himself who has called us clearly into gospel communities call us to live in community with one another watch not just to live in community with the people that live in your house that's easy that's homogeneity not just living community with people who are your closest friends that's easy that's homogeneity he would not tell us forgive one another and do all these one others if he expected us to only be in relation with people that we would never have issues with or if we only expect to be in relationship with cousins and grandmom with them and all that he expected us to have relations with people in our community do you know this brother and sister you see them all the time you dab them up what are they going through y'all both married you've been married for the same time he expects us to have community outside of homogeneity outside of our comfort zone outside of our circle and when we when we live in these comfort zones and live in these silos we rob ourselves of the best of what god has for us that's not the model of the church of jesus christ to just go church on sunday and do your little sunday check off your box and go home that's not what he's calling us man he's calling us to live that's why someone we log off the stream we should be in the end man loving on each other in the chats trying to connect during the week having meals with one another all these one another's he's calling us to live and it is very obvious the intentions of the sender is for you to be intentional intentional intentional like signing up for a v-group is intentional jumping in my car and driving to somebody's house to sit with a bunch of people who are in my church family that i don't know well yet that's intentional making an effort to come outside of my comfort zone to try to build new relationships that's intentional watch building relations with people outside of the team that i serve on that's intentional the only friends you have are on the worship team or on the productions team or on the the executive team or on the welcome team whatever the case may be no relationships outside of homogeny outside of what's comfortable outside of your norm outside of your little circle your next open door might be inside the person you have not met yet the person who has access that you don't know has relationships that you don't know has favor that you don't know and we we got to come outside of this comfort zone it's like you decided that today you know what there was groups last week i might jump in one this week and just try it watch just try to watch obey what god said and and see what happens try to step out of my comfort zone and see what happens try to build relation with other brothers and sisters and see what happens try to come out of this dark place of loneliness i've been in and see what happens it is very obvious god is calling us to live in gospel community and it's very obvious he's calling us to work through our problems without always running from one another that if we would live this way we would grow in love and grace we will grow in intimacy when we have problems we will grow in maturity to deal with our problems it will help us to mature and help us to build meaningful relationships [Music] and so i want to close this short message by just sharing with you what i think are five life enhancing blessings that come from community you're gonna get more before this series is over i just want to drop five on you and i'm gonna pray for you five blessings that come from living in community more coming behind me i just want to give you five in this message number one community fosters spiritual growth huge blessing community foster spiritual growth spiritual maturation some of us grow the fastest and biblical community take two people put one in a one in a row and one in a circle and come back and check on them in a year and you'll see how fast the person in the circle has grown the person that takes the sermon they got in the row and go and work that out in the context of community man that person has the opportunity to grow extremely fast spiritual growth comes from that from sharing the word with one another calling each other and talking about scripture with one another living in gospel community praying for one laying hands on one another walking alongside each other man we grow faster that way than just listening to sermons and sin in a row praise god that you hear but then we have to go now and practice and then we see the manifestation of what happens when we live this thing out together with brothers and sisters i have great relationships with people in our church i love them i love them i have great relationships with people i love them life is better when we live this way number two community fosters meaningful relationships man surface relationships are too hard to keep up man they're two and you know what i'm talking about look right at me man surface relationship they too listen have you got to pretend to be somebody else to be with somebody that's too hard to keep up if i can't be me to be with you then we can't be together that's too hard to keep up we need meaningful relationships relationships that creates opportunities for us to grow and understanding of one another watch meaningful relationships i love this one it it it allows us to feel the presence of christ through brothers and sisters sometimes you could be hurting in a meaningful relationship a friend will call you text you come and visit you bring you something and you feel the love of christ through that person some of you say man i haven't i haven't heard from god he's not answering my prayers but he's trying to love you through someone that's in your life [Music] meaningful relationships are necessary for discipleship there is no discipleship without meaningful relation you know what discipleship is discipleship is i do you watch we do together you do i watch you do on your own that's how we create disciples you can't do that outside the context of community i do you watch that's life we do together that's life you do i cheer you on that's life you do on your own while i celebrate you that's life that's discipleship you can't do that outside the context of community how are we making disciples if we don't live in community it's impossible [Music] number three community forces watch needed accountability there's a lot of trouble we get in because we buy ourselves too much there's a lot of trouble we get in because nobody can rebuke us there's a lot of trouble we get in because nobody could tell us we're wrong there's a lot of trouble we get in because there's nobody knows about the darkest recesses of our heart nobody knows about our sin struggles nobody knows and listen anything we traffic in the dark that's an area for the devil to come in and wreak havoc i have no dark areas in my life there is someone in my life that knows every dark area of my heart beginning with the lord god almighty because i have a prayer life and they're beginning with best friends and my wife if she does not know my best friend knows and my best friend and my wife does not know god knows but there is no dark areas anywhere in my life the most embarrassing things the things that i may be ashamed about my wife knows my best friend knows god knows they keep me a circle of accountability you want to hear what's real i call up my friend and be like bro i'm struggling this week i feel i feel i'm struggling i'm not doing good this week in my mind my heart i'm tired i'm battling this issue i feel this way about this bro pray for me this tomorrow i don't let that stuff just sit in the darkness i don't let that stuff stay in the darkness because if it's set in the darkness it is a seed for the devil to come and create a tree inside of my heart [Music] say well pastor i i can't really trust to share this with nobody then you haven't built enough meaningful relationships it was your lord and mine on the night he was about to be crucified goes into the garden of gethsemane with a group of disciples one had already committed suicide he has 10 of them with him now he goes in with 10 men he tells seven of them stay here he takes three and he goes a little bit further than the scripture says he says to them my soul is sorrowful unto death he doesn't confess that in the presence of all 10 or all 11 men i'm sorry all 11 men he doesn't confess that in the presence of all 11 men he confesses that in the presence of three men watch he pours out the deepest part of his soul the lord jesus said my soul is sorrowful unto death do you have anybody you could confess that to when he was in his darkest moment when he was in a moment that was that was his his his most difficult moment he had somebody to confess the darkest area of his heart he wasn't talking to the father never he's talking to peter james and john my soul is sorrowful unto death could everybody handle that no but he know who could handle that information man it's a powerful thing when you have people in your life that can keep you accountable sometimes when we don't have a place to confess we walk right into trouble think about how much trouble we would avoid if we only had a place to confess someone to go partner with to say this is what i'm dealing with pray for me before i make this bad decision i'm guilty of that anybody else no it's just perfect people watching me this sunday so a huge huge blessing in community is accountability and when we don't allow people access into our life we rob ourselves of this beautiful gift of accountability it protects us from watch harming ourselves it strengthens character it strengthens the person we are it helps us to keep our commitments keep our word and encourage us to apply the things that we are learning it gives us greater resistance to sin number four community fosters personal development personal development it creates opportunities for us to minister to people to develop our gifts to practice our gifts or we develop in the context of community i can't keep preaching to a mirror for the rest of my life at some point in time i got to share this gospel with people and as we share and sing and serve and all that it gives us the opportunity to grow as we're living in community we develop the things god has placed inside of us in the context of community and lastly community fosters watch holistic support when my mind is hurting i can find support in community where my heart is hurting i can find support in community where my spiritual state is dry i can find help in community [Music] god has made this model very obvious to us the trinity god has lived in community jesus when he was on earth he lived in community and i could tell you right now my life changed and i grew faster and community than at any other time in my christian walk it was community that changed my life when i first got saved it was brothers and sisters that changed my life when i first got saved brothers like i would call up a friend and be like man i'm battling this and they will respond to me open your bible to this scripture and that's how i grew so fast that's how i learned so much word in the context of community eating bojangles together discussing the bible together sharing in life together crying together laughing together being at each other's birthday celebrations for each other's kids and on and on to this day community there's so much that i have received from god outside of the sunday morning preaching in the context of biblical community i'm gonna tell you right now i'm not gonna name drop listen so god has opened amazing doors for me in my life and put me in rooms i don't belong has given me relations with people i don't i don't have to plaster everything on social media there's a lot i enjoy in private all because of gospel community there's a lot of places i've been i've never put on my social media all because of gospel community there's things that i'm enjoying right now only because of gospel communion there's doors that have opened up for me and this season in my life because of gospel communist places i've been i thought i would never been with certain people who i could not get in that room without them because of gospel community i don't got to put everything on instagram there's so much blessings god will bring right into your life when we just learn to live in true biblical gospel community life is better when we live it out together so my brothers and my sisters for a second week i call you out of your silos i call you out of individualism i call you out of imagine i call you into a gospel community even if we can't gather large temporarily we can gather small i challenge you man jump into a small group this week go sit on somebody's couch and liberal be in the presence with brothers and sisters cry laugh discuss the scriptures have some snacks pray for one another inside the context of come hug somebody on the way out messed up vaccination up whatever it is love on one another be kind open up your home be hospitable to let's live in gospel community as we fight our way out of the pandemic as we fight our way back to in person yeah i challenge you look go sit on somebody's couches we can just enjoy the fellowship of brothers and sisters if the scriptures can't convince you certainly there is no special anything i can say that's going to convince you i mean i took you through the whole new testament the heart of god is for you to live in biblical community with other brothers and sisters and my prayer for you that if if it's not anything else that would be organic or that would be by design but that you would not live in a silo by yourself you would not live on an island to yourself you will not live this life of radical individualism where it's all about you and your monuments and what you're chasing you would you you will live like this with brothers and sisters and as we live this way as we live in communities we live in fellowship as we make effort to know and learn and be in friendships with other people and you you you'll never imagine what god would do in your life the places he will take you the doors he'll open up for you the favor he will show you the relationships he will give you the tables he'll sit you down at the opportunities he'll place right in front of you because you had the right relationship there are some things i've enjoyed just even during the pandemic season because of key relationships and my prayers that you will hear my heart but more than that you will hear the word of god speaking to you calling you into intentional biblical community make the drive even if it's once a month go sit down in the room with brothers and sisters and let's be the church that gathers small until we could be the church that gathers large okay v groups this week someone's couch someone's living room some coffee shop let's have a great discussion about maybe five of those 20 something passages i read to you not even the whole 60 of the one another's maybe you could talk about which one you need to practice better which one you're really walking in which one is the most impactful the one i love the most man look love one another deeply love this one because love covers a multitude of sin just love deeply cover sin forgive one another reconcile be patient be kind try to understand before you're understood love one another deeply for love covers a multitude of sin let's be the church that gathers small until we can be the church that god is large and be the church that gathers both large and small that is my prayer for you [Music] in the mighty name of our savior father in the name of jesus i pray spirit of god [Music] you give people the courage to push past fear and excuses and travel and distance and time and work and schedule and all the things we prioritize above the word of god to find some way somehow to lean into community even if it's just once a month god i pray you will call us out of our silos out of our comfort zones to lean into the building of relationships with brothers and sisters who share in a common identity father i pray that there will be an explosion of your spirit in small groups all across the city of atlanta this week i pray meaningful tears will be shed and caught in your bottle this week i pray hands will be laid on brothers and sisters and impartations will happen this week i pray people will be encouraged and affirmed and loved on this week i pray people would wrap each other in their arms messed up just say these are the arms of jesus holiness week i pray people would cry as arms hold them as they have not been held in so long i pray people who are hanging on to a thread will feel love from some group that says i pray a v group would be disrupted by the holy spirit for one person in need and that a testimony would came back of a life that was saved in a v group this week i pray we will push past homogeneity and comfort zones and lean into relationships with brothers and sisters inside of our biblical community i pray we will bring back the drift and we will fight father lord to live the way that you have called us to live and i pray as we live this way i pray great grace and favor and blessing would fall on victory church and father i pray for everyone that responds in faith i pray many of them will build new relationships or strengthen old ones that would walk them into some blessing that has been held up in their life some door would open and some of them would look back on a relationship that has lasted 20 years 30 years a lifetime because of the step of faith they will take this week i thank you for what you're going to do in the hearts of all of your children who just take a step of faith and and for those god who who may be concerned about covet and delta variance and compromise immune system father we don't condemn them we pray father when they are comfortable when it is safe they will grab hold of this truth and walk it out in gospel community i pray that for your children in the mighty and majestic and matchless name of the lord jesus christ amen and amen and amen uh family i will be crashing uh a group this week a different one and uh just looking forward to hanging out with some brothers uh this week i just want to encourage you to uh to dive into a group this week don't be afraid step out on faith if you're not in a compromise situation you're not covert nervous you you're comfortable with going out man join us as we gather small across the city this week let's be the church of acts let's be the church of jesus christ the church is not a building it is a people and we are not going to let lack of facilities or anything else hinder us from being who god has called us to be and doing what god has called us to do i want you to know that i love you and i can't wait to hang out with some of your brothers this week join us right here next week for part three of being better together life is better when it is lived together i love you all hang out for a little while and then go in peace enjoy your week family thank you for listening to the victory broadcast we pray that message was a blessing to you if you have a story or a testimony to share we want to hear all about it send us an email to share at or visit us online under share thanks for listening go in peace
Channel: Victory Church
Views: 630
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 59sec (2759 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.