Jars of Clay | Philip Anthony Mitchell

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hi and welcome to the victory Church podcast we're so glad you could join us if this ministry has impacted you in any way we'd love to hear all about it please send us an email at share and victory Church ATO org we pray this message will speak to your heart if you are if you are a guest with us this morning if you're watching on podcast we want to welcome all of you to victory Church and I want to say that I'm so thankful to be back in your presence once again [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I was uh I was scheduled to start a new series this morning but the Holy Spirit removed the grace from me to start that series and I had nothing to say to you I turned my plate down this week and sought the Lord fasting and prayer and God impressed them a passage of Scripture onto my heart and that passage made no sense to me until until I returned from my travels and begin to hear various reports from members of my team and then it begin to make sense to me why God gave me that passage I'm gonna preach that passage to you this morning and for many of us in this room ah I believe and that this word will meet you right where you are and for those of us in this room that this word is not for you I just want to encourage you to just keep living and you'll be able to come back and get this word on credit I'm gonna have our guest musician I don't know who she is but just play because I just like where we are right now in God's presence and I'm just gonna speak to you plainly and I want to lay my hands on some people when this is over so right now as I stand before you I confess to you that my team my leaders and many of them are enduring a lot of hardship and trial it was just a month ago that we was laughing in the office and sent each others text messages and I've been traveling for six weeks I wanted to come back to the report of tragedy and issues one after the other I got the report of my brother Kenny here who was in a horrific car accident last week on his way to church my car was mangled and totaled by the grace of God he's still alive also had gotten the report of our sister Nadine who was also in a violent car crash last week and her car was mangled and by the grace of God she survived [Applause] think about Jordan son to me in the faith who just before I left was in a fierce battle with a record label through the influences of what I say is evil I have attempted to silence his voice a voice that I believe is necessary in the earth in this coach and in this generation this time that we are living in what was a powerful movement for a season has been placed on pause because of the evil of men I know about the grief that brought his heart and the pain that he's endure and right now his result of that and whatever else he may be facing I think about Rhonda another daughter in the faith who is dealing with an immense amount of trials and tribulations surrounded her family her sister Kiera you could never imagine the immense pain that they are dealing with right now and grief tears have become her daily bread and her food I think about elder Milton the pain that he's enduring just leading his home and his family trials and tribulation that visit his house look at Erika and her husband Kenyon some of the trials and tribulations they're dealing with and another daughter in the faith sitting up here Danielle who was devastated beyond words when you remember her in your prayers pray for her her father slipped into eternity just a couple days ago and although death is coming for all of us it is more painful when it's unforeseen when you text someone say I love you and I'll call you later only for the next call you get is this person was found dead in a home and all down the line I am carrying and shouldering the burden with my team members the pain that they are enduring right now as I'm talking to you and even as I stand here I think about my own wife whose enduring pain caring for her mother and even as I stand here I confess to you that I thought today I was gonna come back on a high horse but no I came back weak tired dealing with my own trials and difficulties I thought that the end of June would meet me in a high season but no the end of June has met me with my own inner turmoil and things that I've been dealing with all week and had to lean on the grace of God to stand here this morning a message from elder Milton gave me strength to stand here this morning and as I thought about all of the trials and tribulation my team members are suffering and then it reminded me and debunked for me the false gospel that many of us have bought into an America the allure of Jesus without problems the gospel that says come to Christ and everything will be alright with your life it is the gospel of blessing and ease with no promise of problems or difficulty it is an American preaching that we buy into a Christianity with no problems a Christianity with no turbulence no issues no hardship no difficulty for a lot of us have listened to preaching in this country in which it draws us to God and draws us to Jesus on the strength of promises alone but does not prepare us for what Jesus said was coming that in this life you will have trouble and as a result of that as I look across the gambit of our cultures I listen to believers talk you know what I see I see that many of us in America are living a Christianity that we think is void of problems and so we have a disdain for hardship a disdain for difficulty a disdain for problems so that when it comes we are even angry at God when we go through things we're mad at him when he does not answer the prayer the way we thought he would answer the prayer we're mad at him when he does not move the way we thought he would move we're mad at him with just a little while ago everything was going good but then all hell broke out in our life and then we get mad at God because we did not expect that and the reason we didn't expect that because we've bought into a Christianity that is not biblical that life has taught us and if you're young you just keep living but life will teach you that the Christian life is not just a life of mountaintops where we try to hop from one mountaintop to the other but life will quickly teach you that the Christian life is a life of mountaintop and valleys joys and pain sorrows and happiness strengths and trials it is a cycle of seasons of calm and conflict and there are many American preachers and a lot of us even sitting in his room watching me on podcasts that when the slightest wind of trouble grow who blow we are completely destroyed and led astray because we have not been prepared by gospel preaching for what Jesus told us was inevitable in the Christian life but we keep watching people outside the faith who seem to be living life of ease and we want that now knowing that the part of our package that comes with Christianity that part of our package is hardship trials difficulties and sorrows and because we don't listen to real preachers and because we don't buy into real Gospels whenever hardship comes into our life man we see believers be taken down and led astray and so we have this disdain for hardship we have this disdain for trial what watch that if some of us if we will be honest if we knew everything that was coming for us that was a valley will rip it right out of the page of our story we'll do everything we can to circumvent every problem circumvent every difficulty circumvent every storm what we really want is days of ease without problems marriages without problems relationships without problems we want no financial issues no internal struggle we didn't want no external problems at all we want none of that at all we want to just hop from mountaintop to mountaintop but is that disdain for hardship is that even biblical does not the truth of God's Word deliver us from that cultural bondage and leads us into a type of freedom where we have a theology of suffering so a man named Paul who was a former persecutor of the Christian Church was converted to Christianity on a road called Damascus by Jesus Christ himself the Apostle Paul would then go on to write two-thirds of the New Testament of the Bible and he wrote to a ancient church in the city of Corinth he wrote four letters to them two of them have been lost in antiquity we can't find them two of them have been preserved for us in a New Testament of the Bible in his second letter to the Corinthians which was really his fourth letter he wrote to them the second Corinthians chapter three he wrote to them about the Old Covenant the life before the cross he talked about the hardship of the Old Covenant he talked about the slavery of the Old Covenant living a life of laws and rules and regulations that we could not keep these moral laws that we was constantly under the tyranny of this Old Covenant and in a chapter three he begins to write to us about the beauty of the New Testament the beauty of a New Covenant the beauty of salvation in Jesus watch how the Hound of heaven hunted us down and brought us out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light how through the power of the holy spirit we have been regenerated into the kingdom of God and because of the blood of Jesus we're no longer under the Old Covenant but a new testament where we have a higher high priests that no longer do we have to kill animals and goats I thought I had some real Christians that would be excited about the fact that you're under the blood and not under the Old Testament they no longer do I have to shed the blood of animals when I make a mistake I could just say Lord forgive me and it's finished and he talked about the beauty of the New Testament the beauty of salvation the beauty of the glory of being saved in the Lord Jesus Christ and then the second Corinthians chapter for these next few verses that God gave me on my face this week in prayer I believe these verses are gonna minister to some people in this room and for others this will minister to you in another season and after he talked about the glory of salvation then he writes to them these powerful words and second Corinthians chapter 4 he starts out by saying therefore because of the glories of salvation watch he says therefore since through God's mercy we have this ministry what ministry the ministry of being safe the ministry of spreading the gospel the ministry of being a witness unto jesus for other people because we have this ministry of expressing the glories of god and the gospel and the Lord Jesus Christ to others because watch because in Christ now my life had purpose structure and form if you save let your hands in this room everyone who saved in this room because of Jesus your life now sound structure purpose and form has anybody said that to you I don't care how confuse you on your mind if you save your life has purpose structure and form you have purpose and because in you there's a ministry that was imparted in you to the world he said because I have this ministry because I've been saved he says because of watch we do not lose heart that is watch I don't give up I don't bow out I don't quit I want to say to somebody there are souls assigned to your voice and souls assigned to your books and souls assigned to your ministry and souls assigned to the things that was inside you that God is trying to get out of you so he said because you're saved because you have your ministry says we don't lose heart because of that verse - then he says rather instead of losing heart instead of giving up instead of bowing out instead of quitting we have renounced secret and shameful ways so I keep walking away from the darkness that's in my heart we do not use deception nor do we distort the Word of God how's that for American preaching we're not gonna bend truth to keep people in seats we're not gonna bend truth to keep people comfortable we're not gonna hide truth because we're afraid to tell people about sin he said now we don't compromise the gospel we don't compromise the Word of God for all of us who want to be teachers of God's Word reminding you of what the word says that we will be held to a higher account we shouldn't even be quick to teach for we will incur the greater damnation for our mishandling of God's Word he said put on the contrary by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to the man's conscience in the sight of God he says then he says verse 3 and even if our gospel is veiled everybody watch it is veiled to those who are perishing what gospel the gospel is not just blessing and prosperity that's American gospel the biblical gospel is the coming of Jesus the life of Jesus the death of Jesus the resurrection of Jesus the teachings of Jesus eternity with Jesus trials with Jesus good times with Jesus mountain times with Jesus valleys with Jesus life eternal this is the gospel it is the bad news that I was a sinner lost an object of God's wrath by nature of my sin and a righteousness imparted to me from Jesus to exchange my unrighteousness for his perfect righteousness this is the biblical gospel and he said for those who reject that said for Jose who push away from that he said the gospel is veiled they can't see it's only for those who are perishing who are dying on the way to destruction they push back against that truth and he says in verse 4 for the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God watch he said for everyone who is not saved it is the god of this world that has blinded their minds that they cannot see the light of the gospel and this is why those of us who are saved two things one we should never condemn sinners we should never look down on people who's not yet saved but you never say how come they act like that why should you expect them to do different when they cannot see did you remember at one point you was blind did you remember one point you was lost watch and if you wait deeper into the text your heart should be filled with joy if you were saved because she was not smart enough to be saved on your own you was once blind by the god of this world and it's only by the power of the Holy Spirit you were snatched from the kingdom of darkness and ushered into the kingdom of light that it was God working in you and around you to open up your heart to say watch yes to the gospel and notice the lowercase G in the text the god of this world that the scriptures of you wait and deeper tells you there are two guards at work in the earth capital G God Yahweh the God of heaven and earth the creator of all things the sustain of all things the one who have the final say-so on all things and then there was a lowercase G a God who's at work in the world his name is Satan Beelzebub the serpent of O he is the spirit behind everything that is Antichrist here come the emails write everything in the world that is Antichrist filling to fill in the blank religion fill in the blank movement fill in the blank whatever you want to call it fill in the blank everything that is Antichrist is the spirit of another God don't nobody want to preach that but they're afraid of persecution you fill in the blank everything that is Antichrist is of another God that's why the Bible says watch he is the Prince of the power of the air running through TV running through a radio running through culture running through social media running through governments running through laws against the Bible everything that is anti-crisis of the spirit of the devil I don't care what you call it I don't know what name you put on it if it's against God if it's against Christ it is of the devil it's what the Bible teaches that Jesus said in his own mouth not Philip Jesus said you're either with me or you against me you either gather or you scatter there's only two father's my father in heaven or your father the devil there's no middle ground there's no neutral ground it's Christ and Satan it is the Holy Spirit and the spirit of evil and any movement against Christ is of the devil the god of this world and is that God watch that keeps people in chain to keep saying no I'm not ready to give my life today to keep saying no I'm not ready to respond to the altar call to keep saying no I'm not gonna get up up my seat and walk the arm to keep saying no to that conviction in their heart to keep saying no to the nudging in their heart that come to Christ because they think they have time [Applause] and as the devil fighting them and change keep saying no don't turn no don't turn he wants to old men and women because he's leading them to damnation exchange their souls for wealth I'll fill you up with wealth I fill you up with influence I fill your fame while I have you in change they keep saying I don't need the Jesus who preach not knowing that he's leading them to damnation he keeps them blind that they can't see that's why we should be praying that the scales of those who are not saved will fall off their eyes so the light of the gospel can shine into their heart and conviction will turn them from the power of Satan to the power of Christ [Applause] I'm just quoting the Bible to you verse 5 for we do not preach ourselves but Jesus Christ our Lord how's that for American preaching you listen to podcasts you listen to preaching and teaching you watch on social media are they preaching themselves are they bridging the Revelation they got a 4 a.m. that can't be found in Scripture are they preaching the Word of God we are always busy and being excited about every man's revelation but you never check it against the Word of God I don't care if you got that at 4 a.m. can it be found in the Word of God what if your 4 a.m. revelation is contrary to the Word of God where did that revelation came from your flesh we got too many people preaching themselves always talking about them I don't want to hear about your house you caused your jets or how awesome you are we want to hear about the one who saves and that is not you and it's not I how do you spot a false prophet they only talk about themselves put all of them on notice right here from Atlanta Georgia how do you spot false prophets they only talk about themselves and what they have and their accolades you said well no they got to be real because they got a big church sighs don't mean real wish your check for fruit and not for numbers fruit like my wife says fruit fruit fruit I rather have 500 maybe victories rather have 700 transform lives than 5000 on the way to hell no nobody won say amen to that verse 6 for God who said this is powerful and everybody watch let light shine out of darkness parentheses watch made his light shine in your hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ then we read by the end it means nothing to us this is so powerful he's saying the God that stepped out on nothing in the beginning of time and looked into darkness and spoke and said let there be light and light came to be he said that great being look into your heart and said this heart right here Tiana's heart let there be light and Tiana's heart let there be light in Daniels heart let there be light in Kenny's heart let there be light Alina's heart let there be light and more Cueva short nah that's just a bit of darkness too long let there be light and Shawna's heart I've been watching you since she was a baby you've been a darkness until you was 25 I never said let there be light inch the nails heart Oh let there be light in Kiara's heart let there be light in Olivia's heart he points us says let there be light in that person's heart and snatches you for himself and I'm telling you my brothers and sisters if God doesn't do another thing for you and if you don't answer another prayer if you don't give you the new house new car new job new man new woman when I look at the cross the cross alone is enough to give God thanks and praise for the endless ages of eternity I thought I had some honest people in this room that looked over the shoulder and knew they wasn't darkness nor was my way out from the wrath of God and when I look at the leg that's in my heart right now my soul says thank you Jesus but we was wretched and objects of Wrath bound for Hellfire and God looked at you and said Veronica let it light be in her heart I want her for myself so that's not biblical preacher oh yes the scripture says no one comes to the Father except the spirit draws him every sane person his room lift your hands yeah God looked into your heart one day in your rebellion and said let there be light [Applause] watch this is powerful and now in view of all of that watch what Paul says in verse 7 watch he says but we have this but we have this but we have this treasure in Jars of Clay to show that this all surpassing power is from God and not from us watch he says we have this treasure in just what treasure everything I just talked to you about let there be light that the light in your heart the Holy Spirit inside of you the power of salvation and God dwelling on the inside of you it's treasure it is the most valuable thing you possess the faith Jesus the kingdom one is he said this treasure but look when he put it he put it in jars of clay this is powerful what are jars of clay human beings you ever held onto clay it's fragile watches and it's easily to be broken now watch the dichotomy in the text it blew my mom the all sufficient strength and power of God and the person of the Holy Spirit Jesus chose to dwell not in permanently strong jaws but rather the power and the strength of God is dwelling in the weakness of human vessels and is this constant dance of human weakness and God's strength human weakness and God's strength human weakness and God strength is why Paul says when I am weak then I am strong whoa I thought somebody would say amen is this when I am weak then I feel strong and that strength is not in and of myself it's because of the power of God living inside of me this is why we should stop despising washing this stop despising your weakness let me get some people free right now but there people this room because you're weak you think God is mad at you or because you're shedding tears you think God is mad at you or because you have a difficult time in your marriage you think God is mad at you or because you have a difficult time in your mind in your heart you think mad at you or you think you struggling a relationship do you think God isn't or because you was curled up in a fetal position the other night under the bed and didn't want to get up to go to work you think God is mad at you but he chose the vessels he was going to put his power in watch he made you weak he's gonna help somebody he made you weak why did he make you weak because if he made human beings all sufficient and strong our pride would eclipse his glory tank they missed that if he made human beings also they missed out every man's human beings all sufficient and strong human prime would eclipse his glory so he made you weak that we will always have a need for Yahweh ah God they don't matter how much money you get how big the house is how many promotions you get he made you a fragile vessel that you always have need for Yahweh something in this life will always put you on your knees [Applause] so now watch all your fake preachers watch the words of a transparent godly man a true preacher and leader cuz Paul's writing this letter to a church that was being infiltrated by false teachers who was telling everybody you shouldn't listen to Paul because look at all the suffering Paul is going through how could he really be a man of God and be going through all of that how can he be a man of God in his home is like that how could it be a man of God and his mind is heartless look at all that stuff Paul this man was shipwrecked at sea he was going through all of that he was stoned over here he's not a real man of God and he was talking about apostles who was calling himself strong and of their own selves making the people at corinth despise hardship and the more that kept listening to those false teachers the more they kept saying now hardship is not godly so that means Paul can't really be a man of God see yeah that sister over there she can't really be a woman of God look at all she going through she in real that's what that's what they watching you were saying look at all he's going through he can't be a real man of God watch if he was a real man of God God wouldn't allow him to suffer if he was if she was a real woman of God God surely would not allow her to suffer job if they was doing everything they're supposed to be doing surely God would not allow them to suffer if I'm just going to church to serving on the team paying my tithes and praying surely God will keep me from hardship but watch the words of a transparent godly preacher verse 8 is profound and verse 8 is for everyone in the room that's ever shed a tear over hardship and verse 8 is for everyone in the room right now who's dealing with any type of hardship verse 8 is for you and verse 9 is for you and verse 10 is feel the Word of God is powerful here are your three verses for you first eight watch Paul oh no if they're real men want to God surely there's gonna be going through we are hard pressed on every side but not crushed you know that means I got pushed on the job Russia in my home Russia in my mind Russia in my heart will save my finances per se in my relationship I'm hard pressed on many sides watch but not crushed you know a question is IDI I'm not pushed to the point where I can't bounce back hey hard pressed on every side but not crushed to the point that I cannot bounce back and if you don't know what that feels like you keep living I'm 40 you keep living you'll come to a season where you'll be hard pressed on every side finances marriage home mine heart friends you'd be hard pressed on every side and shedding tears I know what that feels like that's real Christianity but the transition in the text I'm not crushed she'll see that is I still got just enough in the basement I still got just enough in the basement to bounce back from that what's in the basement the power of Christ dwelling on the inside of me watch perplexed but not in despair you know Perplexus confused anybody's ever been to her trailer had you confused doctor's report had you confused got fired from the job confused loss of a loved one confused abandonment by someone you loved confused father left you confused mother left you confused friend turned it back on you confused watch but not in the spare you know what the spear is hopelessness watch I may be confused about this but I still have hope you know what hope is hope is an expectation of good watch and even if the good is not that he changed the circumstance he may just change me in the circumstance and he would change you as you pray even in the middle of the pain let me help somebody you may not be able to pray your way out of every circumstance but you can't pray your way into peace in the middle of the circumstance did you hear what I just said you may not be able to pray your way out of the circumstance but you can pray your way into peace in the middle of the circumstance so that you don't be where at the sphere that is suicidal I've been there you've been there thank God for the keeper who brought us back from God verse 9 persecuted but not abandoned they keep talking about you they forsake you they leave you to trash your social media and even when you feel alone you're never alone because God promised he will never leave you nor forsake you now even when I feel completely misunderstood and alone I know God is with me I even feel misunderstood and alone I know that God is with me persecuted but not abandoned you're never alone there's always help in the person of Jesus Christ and even when you dumb into social media looking for a word I can't find it when you pick up the phone we want to call somebody and put it down because you don't want to be judged you don't know who to call then you could fall to your knees and look up and find help struck down that's the epitome of suffering that's the persecuted church in other countries China Middle East watching their children being killed for the faith we don't know nothing about suffering here you got a flat tire the devil got you please men and women are watching their children being put to death for the faith we comfortable in America we've seen nothing yet it's coming though so we will revival pain brings revival just pain makes people pray and turn from their sin you know what I've been praying for America that God will shake the ground like he did shake the ground to remind us that we need him make believers pray because when we have ease we tend not to pray we have long seasons of mountain times we tend not to pray everything is blessing and grace blessing and grace blessing there's a place for that but that's not everything I tell you what you've probably prayed more on hard times than good times come on Oh anyone we may be struck down to the other point of frustration but watch I like the next word Kenny I'm not destroyed what that means look I'm still here some of you look over your shoulder and think that you should have been dead then you should have lost your mind then you should have gave up then you should have quit then you have no business being here in your right mind but you are not destroyed you are still here let's finish the verse verse 10 now watch verse 10 is powerful for those of us who despise hardship verse 10 tells you the purpose for your pain this is powerful watch watch the scriptures we always carry around in our body the death of Jesus and watch the transitional word so that watch the text so that the life of Jesus may be also revealed in our body pastor what does that mean here is the purpose where you're suffering because I told you if you're a Christian you will have times of suffering pain hardship and trial now this verse is powerful this verse set me free what is the death of Jesus suffering what is the life of Jesus that this part is powerful what is the life of Jesus it is the ability to endure suffering watch and come out on the other side like Jesus suffered crucified but came out of a borrowed tomb with all victory in his hand for Googlers are believers we suffer now listen to this you do a good job telling people how to live well but when you're a mature believer you got to learn how to show people how to suffer well you got to show people how to live well and suffer well how do you suffer well you endure knowing that God's grace is keeping you and you come out on the other side you come out with your mind you come out with your testimony you come out with faith still believing what people are watching you how do we know that that is the soul that the life of Jesus may be big word revealed that is people can see that this thing you say you're part of it's much bigger than what I thought oh they watch you when things are good you dance you shout you pose you sing you love you engage and when help comes we can't find you you quit you run away from the Ministry you want away from church you run away from people you run away from God but now what about the people that was watching you when you was on the mountaintop you only showed them the life of Christ you'll miss that but you have to also show them that death of Christ so I live well and I suffer well and I come out on the other side with my testimony with my faith with my mind still intact I've been saying that for years we got to stop being these punk wishy-washy Tucker a tale believer that's that American garbage hardship is part of the package and I got to know how to endure it and come out on the other side watch I shed tears and come out I've weep and come out I'll lose strength and come out I'd get tired and come out I preach while I'm hurting and come out I take care of my mother-in-law and come out I handle the doctor's report and come out I bounce back from the divorce and come out I handle the pressure in my mind and I come out I live well and I suffer well that is biblical Christianity why so that those who are watching me from the outside can say there's something different about him I saw he lost his car his job his house he lost everything watch I see hell breaking out in a family I see hell breaking out in a home in a marriage he's still serving God and she's still serving God she lost her father and her hand is raised shame more pain than anybody in this room but her hand is raised that's how you showed the life of Christ that is inside you that everybody who's watching on Instagram or 35,000 and we know Danielle is not only a ferocious beast when she's doing well but she's clinging to the garment of Jesus in the middle of her pain and you know what that does that attracts curiosity in the mind of the one that's watching me I can't believe you lost all of that and you still love him that is the purpose of your suffering and watch everybody eye contact when I was praying to God this week about something I'm dealing with he spoke one word to me he said I'm sovereign and he stopped talking that's all he said to me and I continued to walk and cry on a prayer walk and all he said to me I was I'm sovereign and as I walked and prayed the revelation came to me Philip there's nothing you're enduring right now that caught him by surprise he knew everything you will be going through he knew about your insecurities failures and hangups when he chose you and he promised to see you all the way through to glory so watch why are you worried what are you afraid of why is your heart filled with so much anxiety why are you jealous of this person why are you why are you going on and on in your mind about that as if he's not gonna bring you through as he's not with you in as he will not make you a testimony of sovereign washes and when you serve a God that serving you know what she's a provider he's a healer he's a sustainer he's away make up he's a circumstance changer is sovereign if you're in the palm of your hand why are you dancing around and worry when you're standing in the palm of his hand you know what strength to sleep in the middle of a storm and to get rest because some of you are sleeping but you're not resting so I don't know who I'm talking to rest tonight even in the middle of that drama go home and rest you sleeping but your mind is one a treadmill rest God is sovereign and long as you're in his will in his presence and you're not running the opposite direction in sin he will see you out wash if they don't want to hit his next part and if he doesn't see you out you got to have you got a bin with Jesus to understand that and even if he doesn't see me out even if I don't get the new car or the job even if you don't bring me even if you don't bring the person back into my life even if you don't do the fill in the blank even if I never hear his voice again he'll make up for it in glory and when eternity doesn't play in the backdrop of your mind Trials easily take you out as if God is not taking you somewhere let me finish the verses and I'll send you home first eleven for we who are alive are always being given over to death this is powerful you see the word watch this giving over I know someone else that was given over to death you'll saved you who you're supposed to be the image of so every now and then God will give you over to hardship yeah I'll be blaming the devil for too much he need that powerful he's gonna leash some of the hearts are we going through we'd be like order devil got me no God is allowing this wind to blow on you the Bible says it rains on the just and the unjust and every now and then God will give you over to hardship why because of faith untested as a faith not trusted sure I got faith that gotta be tested how do we know you really got faith you gotta come out on the other side who am I talking to come out on the other side who am I talking to come out come out come out on the other side I got another word for you and am I gonna say Amen about this watch this word endure endure endure and go everything is not the devil some things is just a test you have you considered my servant Tiana watch how I allow her to go through all of that and she won't curse me watch I strip of all of this and she still served me let me finish the verses five more so then death is at work in us but life is at work and you Paul said to them what is death is to every death is at work in the believers sufferance but when people see me come out life will be at work and those are watching me my suffering my testimony will produce life and people who's watching me death is at work in me but life is at work and everybody following me therefore we do not lose heart because of all of that we don't give up though outwardly we are wasting away yet inwardly will being renewed day by day verse 17 for our light you fill in the blank your light and momentary afflictions your troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all God called all of your troubles on this side light and watch this word momentary you know what that means that means it's coming to [Music] last verse so instead of keeps staring at all your problems Paul says in my suffering I fixed my eyes Jesus I fixed my eyes on what is not seeing what is unseen for what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal so Paul says I fixed my eyes fix my eyes on Jesus I want to just say to someone in this room be encouraged I want to say to someone in this room men endure and suffer well I want to say to someone in this room come out on the other side with your testimony man I want to say to someone whose room God has not forsaken you nor forgotten you I want to say with the real believers please stand up and worship God anyway in the middle of your trial anyway in the middle of your circumstance anyway in the middle of your hardship anyway in the middle of your difficulty but tears in your eyes he is worthy but pain in your heart he is worthy but storms all around you he is worthy we live well we suffer well and we come out well we show forth the death and the life of the Lord Jesus Christ and I want to say to someone else in this room God is sovereign and he got you how come against worry in the name of Jesus how come against anxiety in this room in the name of Jesus I feel the spirit now how come against fear in this room if you need this one down here right now I need to touch somebody if you have you battle in a hardship a trial and immense difficulty run down here right I come against confusion in the name of Jesus Shoko ba ba ba Sutter I come against the temptation to give up in the name of Jesus we truly hope this message resonated with you and encourage you in Christ if this ministry has been a blessing to you please support the spread of the gospel by visiting us online and choosing the giving option that works best for you and again thanks for tuning in and we look forward to singing that's
Channel: Victory Church
Views: 2,777
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 49sec (3229 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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