Nehemiah 2 | Rise & Build | Philip Anthony Mitchell

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hi and welcome to the victory Church podcast we're so glad you could join us if this ministry has impacted you in any way we'd love to hear all about it please send us an email at share and victory Church ATO org we pray this message will speak to your heart I want to take a moment in just honor my close friend and brother and confidant was in the room with us this morning came and brought out his heart for us on our anniversary Sunday would you help me honor my brother pastor Brandon Freeman who's in the room [Applause] [Applause] please don't make idols out of preaches I know they add tough on stage they're human beings with humanity and flesh for high - right now was carrying a heavy burden this morning and I am a sheep and a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ and I laid down my burden with you so I would be ashamed but this word of God got to be greater than our emotions if you are a guest with us this morning we want to welcome you to victory and welcome you to our 11:30 gathering was so glad that you if you're watching on podcasts on YouTube we want to welcome all of you to victory Church we want to welcome you to week 2 of what I feel is a prophetic series walking through the Old Testament account of Nehemiah that we tagged from rubble to revival because there is rubble in this room rubble of broken dreams and rubble of broken visions and broken relationships and and I'm believing that by the time this series is over there would be revival in this room in homes and hearts in our church for one of the things I want to say too is so important I want us to treat the prophetic word of God with some respect in some way there's some voices we don't listen to him but God's voice we should heed that God told me to preach Commission when it was not all my preaching calendar because he wanted to tell us that we're not a nebulous group of people but a group of people rally to run a cause much greater than ourselves the Great Commission of Jesus Christ and then he sent my friend pastor Brandon who'll God changed his word in the hotel on Friday night God told us we're camping right now this is the season for increased buying season to get involved that we don't miss God's favor and his blessing and God told me to change the end of my Calvin and do Nehemiah into the end of the year my prayer is that we were here God's speaking to us prophetically in this season last week we started this series with a message called burden of purpose and we walked through nehemiah chapter 1 today we're gonna walk through Nehemiah chapter 2 we're gonna read Murray to you five verses and then I'm gonna come back and unpack the rest of the chapter today we journey further into the prophetic series in this historical account of a man named Nehemiah Nehemiah chapter two and verse one says in the month of Nisan the 20th year of king artaxerxes when wine was brought for him I took the wine and I gave it to the king had not been sad in his presence before so the King asked me why does your face look so sad when you are not ill this can be nothing but sadness of heart and I was very much afraid but I said to the king may the King live forever why should my face not look so sad in the city where my father's are buried lives and ruins and its gates have been burned or destroyed by fire then the king said to me what is it you want and I pray to the God of heaven I answered the king the king gave him a blank check what do you want what do you want from me what would you do if God gave you a blank check ask me for what you want what would change in the earth if God gave you a blank check what would change in your family if God gave you a blank check what we're changing your life if God gave you a blank check what would change in our city if God gave you a blank check and I answered the king and said if it pleases the king and if the servant has found I like this word favor in your sight let him send me to the city and Judah when my father's are buried so I so I can rebuild it I want to take my blank check and I want to rebuild the city with my father's are buried I want to make good with my blend check let's pray spirit of the Living God breathe when these are people Holy Father we your sons and daughters alive and a critical time and history awaken us God to what's going on in this hour awaken us to what's happening in this city awaken us to what's happening in American Christianity and may our hearts hunger for more than just services maybe be remembered for what we had done in this hour speak to us right now spirit of the Living God we want to hear your voice above all of us i bind every spirit but the Holy Spirit and I pray you would touch us right where we have need give us revelation and insight in Jesus mighty name amen there are few things more powerful than death to awaken a human being to the importance of time and what we are doing with the time that we have four days ago a man that I loved and showed me great favour in my life on his deathbed in Orlando slipped into eternity and he woke up in the presence of Almighty God and in his absence my wife and I have had conversations and people around him have had conversations and in our conversation since he's been transferred to glory we have not talked about his house we have not talked about his car we have not talked about his money or his degrees or what he had in his bank account but what we have been talking about is the legacy he left behind we've talked about the things that he did for God and we've talked about the things that he did for Jesus and in our conversations I was acutely reminded of what the Scriptures have really taught us that when you and I are gone and our works have been tried by fire that the only thing that's really gonna remain is what we have done for Jesus nobody's gonna care about your house nobody's gonna care about your car and then when we're laying it in a box in front of a room they're really gonna talk about how we have loved other people and how we have impact the lives around us and the only thing that's going to remand them we were laying in a box is what we have done for Jesus and I thought about that man that he was a man that was gripped by a burden a bird to serve another man of God who we thought was greater than him that he invested the last chapter of his life some 13 years serving a man of God who he felt that his ministry was much greater than just a local church that his ministry was for the body of Christ and he devoted 13 years of his life serving and giving and building helping another man God for cause that was much greater than himself my friend was gripped by a burden a burden that had arrested him just thirteen years ago I'm burdened that led him into a season of his life he would have never known God had prepared for him a burden that shifted him for what he was doing to Oh tell me what God was about to bring him into because there are few things that are more powerful than when a burden grips the heart of a human being and it's like an impregnation of divine agitation so often we could be living our lives and just going in and out of church and in our sermons until and one moment God grips the human heart with a burden a burden will oftentimes lead us into seasons we never knew God had in store for us oftentimes burdens will lead us into plans and purposes we never knew God had in store for us and when God has gripped a human heart with a burden and it's a burden that will wake you out of the bed in the middle of the night and it's a burden that will put you on your knees to pray and it's a burden that will agitate you and it won't leave you it is a burden oftentimes that shifts us from where we are to where God wants us to be it is a burden that captured the heart of the man at the center of this series a man by the name of Nehemiah whose life was completely changed because of a burden my way of review his story began with a man named Abraham who history tells us was the progenitor of a group of people call the Jewish nation and God rolled up on a man named Abraham and told him he will be the progenitor of a great people Abraham will have a son named Isaac Isaac I have a son named Jacob Jacob I have 12 sons those twelve sons will settle down in a nation called Egypt and they will grow into a mighty and vast people and then would be enslaved for 400 years God would then roll up on a man named Moses who was also a Jew and God would Commission Moses to lead the Jewish people out of Egyptian slavery history tells us that Moses left some 2 million people out of Egyptian slavery and they would wander in the wilderness of Sinai modern-day Saudi Arabia for 40 years a group of people who was rebellious to a god would die in that wilderness here prophetically and then a younger generation people would go in to possess on land called Canaan a land that God had promised them since the days of Abraham 5,000 years ago from today I'll and I was flowing with milk and honey and provision a land that we call today modern-day in Palestine with the city of Jerusalem lies and he promised them that he would bless them in that land history tells them some two million people crossed the Jordan River into the land of Palestine and when they came into that land they saw other nations that had kings history tells us that they cried out to God for kings and then a nation that was led by God Almighty Yahweh would then become a monarchy God would give them a first king a man named Saul and Saul was a man that did a little bit of what God said in a little bit of what he wanted to do God would remove Saul and raise up another king named David and the Bible says that David was a man after God's own heart he was a musician and he was a writer of the Psalms he was a man that ladies hard naked before all men to see he was Amanda had failures and Amanda had victories he was a man that gave us some of the Psalms that keep us encouraged in the middle of the night David would have a great Kingdom and after 40 years would be replaced he will be replaced by his son a man named Solomon who God gave great wisdom to the Bible says Solomon was the greatest man that ever lived and no man will ever be greater than Solomon it was through the right of my Solomon's he gave us the book of Proverbs in the book of Ecclesiastes Solomon may be a great man but will corrupt his kingdom with foreign women because you got to be careful about the people you date because they could shipwreck your faith so Solomon's faith was shipwrecked by bad women because beautiful hips and nice lips can shipwreck a man's faith so after Solomon's faith was shipwreck a fool came to power name rainbow and rainbow have a group of friends that he did not know which time to change the friends because a new season had dawn because I told you last week man you got to be able to discern your seasons and you got to be able to discern my seasons change something people cannot go with you into new seasons you got to know the value of heart endings because often times we can't embrace new beginnings with our heart endings you got to have the ability to say goodbye to people in one season because you got to be able to prepare yourself for what God wants to give to you in a new season you got to say goodbye to the divorce that left you in one season because you got to be able to prepare you for the Boaz that is coming in this season I'm prophesying to somebody right now and so rainbowloom listening to bad friends and as a result of the mismanagement of the kingdom that God gave him he split the nation of Israel into the northern Israel or the Northern Kingdom of Israel in the north and Samaria and then the southern kingdom of Judah in the south for many years Israel was ran by false kings or bad Kings and Judah was also led by bad kings and evil men in the 720's BC a ravishing group of people arose in world history called the Assyrians they sacked the Northern Kingdom of Israel they brought with them a new form of punishment call exile and they chained up all the men women and children and carried them away back to Assyria in the five 80s BC another ruthless group of people would arise in world history called the Babylonians the Babylonians were copied Assyrians they were sacked the southern kingdom of Judah they would then carry the Jews some two million of them off to exile and it was there in exile the people of God got words from prophets like Jeremiah words like I know the plans I have for you sayeth the Lord plans not to hurt you he said to them in exile plans to give you hope and a future and what will begin in world history from the 580 s bc would be seventy years of what we call the Exile of Jewish captivity in the five 30s BC another group of people would arise called the Persians they will conquer the Babylonians and then they will find favor with the Jews they will tell some of the Jews men we see a homeland has been ruined for 150 years and they would allow Jewish people to return back to their homeland history tells us a man named zerubabbel returned back to Jerusalem with a group of people and he will begin to rebuild the Temple of Solomon that was destroyed some years after him another man would arise named Ezra a priest and he will lead another group of Jews back to Jerusalem and begin to reintroduce them to spiritual life 13 years after Ezra arrived in Jerusalem a group of men came to the Persian Empire and talked to Nehemiah Nehemiah was working a regular job in the Persian government he was a cup bearer to a Persian king he would taste the wine first and taste the food first if he fell dead then another man will replace him so Kings who were wise will always put a man next to him who had integrity so Kings who are wise would keep people next to them who had integrity because bad people around you can also corrupt your purity so in 445 BC a group of man a group of men came back to Jerusalem and they spoke to Nehemiah and Nehemiah questioned those men who say tell me about the people that survived the exile who are back in Jerusalem and these men were tell him back in Jerusalem the walls around the city had been broken down and the gates of Jerusalem had been burned with fire it's 445 BC now for some of us we don't care about walls because our cities are not built with walls but ancient walls was very important to a city because they represent the fortification of the city they will keep a city safe from invaders they will represents peace and serenity they represent beauty and safety they represent the glory of God around the city of Jerusalem and he said man b's walls were broken-down it was anarchy in the city people were in fear for their life they were in danger in their homes that people were distressed that people were grieved that people were sad watch the city that bears the name of God was in ruins and the Jews were ashamed and disgraced man that should make somebody angry when the city that bears the name of God is in ruins because all of these walls had been broken down just like the society we live in right now walls have been broken down walls of morality have been broken down walls of family have been broken down walls of Christianity have been broken down walls in the church have been broken down walls on social media have been broken down walls of the reputation of our God has been broken down and Nehemiah hears about these broken walls and immediately his heart is grieved the scripture tells us he falls down to the floor and he weeps and he prays and the scripture tells us he begins to pray in the month of Kislev and then in Nehemiah chapter 2 the scripture opens up with Nehemiah haven't prayed it says in the month of Nisan in the 20th year of King Artaxerxes when wine was brought for him I took the wine and I gave it to the king and I had not been sad in his presence and so in Chapter one and says Nehemiah I began to pray in the month of Kislev that is December and November and it says now he's before the king in the month of Nisan which is April and March so Nehemiah had been praying for four months before this game Nehemiah had been crying out to God for four months Nehemiah for four months had been putting his request before God and I found that this principle is so important because oftentimes we would get burdens from God and just we just run out to do them without ever seeking God before we lay our hand to action we got to learn to pray and we got to learn how to send prayer ahead of us before anything that we do there's so many things that we let our hand tools that come crashing down to the ground like rubble cuz we don't take time to get God involved in it before we set our feet in it man pray before you get married pray before you start a business pray before you start a ministry pray before you step out don't nobody can't say amen to that we need to learn to pray and pray for a season especially about things that are very great that God has put in our hearts sometimes the magnitude of something that God has put in our heart will demand a season of Prayer before we give birth to that thing so we got to learn how to watch labor in prayer before we give birth to things that are very very important before we gave birth to this church we spent nine months in prayer before we give birth to victory Church nine months in prayer so for four months Nehemiah has been praying before this King I think about how I met my pastor my mentor right now man my wife was listening to momentum leadership podcast but Chris Brown and she said honey man I hear this man on his podcast with this interview I think man you and him we have a connection she's a honey you need to sit down and listen to this podcast so I sat down and I listened to the podcast and as I listened to a story I thought to myself man this man and I have a lot in common and so immediately I felt God telling me I need to reach out to this man and so the next thing I did was pray for one week for two weeks for three weeks for four weeks eight weeks 11 weeks I spent three months praying before I ever reached out to that man three months asking God for favor three months accent God to turn his heart towards me three months accent God to give me the right words three months accent God forgive me an opportunity God he lives in another state so I'm praying for an opportunity and that in a divine moment God says now and I did the only thing I knew what to do I shot him a DM and Instagram y'all know we'd go down in the DM s right somebody holla at me so I shot him a DM and I remember exactly what I said to him verbatim my name is Phillip Mitchell I'm from Queens New York I'm married and I have four kids and I pastor a young church in Atlanta I am struggling and I need help I am NOT a stalker nor my crazy I have ten questions I want to ask you and I need 60 minutes of your time and after that you never have to talk to me again the story goes that he never checks his DMS but on this particular day he happened to fall into there in the middle of the night and saw my DM sitting in his delia and felt the Holy Spirit say to him help him and shot me back a message says give me your phone number and then for the next couple of months we were trying to get in contact with each other and eventually he would say listen I have time in this Saturday morning let's talk right now I said man I'll do you one better I'm in New York right now doing a wedding how about can we meet in person he said I'm all the way in central New Jersey but when you have honor for people above you I said I don't care where you want I'll Drive to make sure wherever you are [Music] huh so I hopped in my car with my wife and throw three hours to central New Jersey to meet a man for 60 minutes to ask him ten questions cuz when you hungry when you know you have a calling you posture yourself around greatness mentorship is a shortcut to success and wise people would surround themselves with people who are wiser than them only a fool learns everything by experience but wise people would posit himself around mentors to short and a learning curve if you could learn in five minutes when it took me five years to learn then it helps you to go further faster so I drove three hours to meet him for a half of the four hour ask them to ten questions we exchanged numbers and then a relationship was born after three months of Prayer for favor so nehemiah is praying before this king and the scripture says watch he had never been sad in the King's presence before why because Nehemiah understand protocol and procedures mainly help my young people Nehemiah understand protocol and procedures so i'ma put my name on a roster and not show up I don't sign up for something and not show up I don't got to be to work at 9:00 and show up at 9:45 nehemiah understand policies and procedures and so he had never been sad before the King before why because in Persian culture you were not allowed to be sad in front of a king because if you were depressed in a king's presence they would take your life watch but he had been carrying this burden for four months watch because Nehemiah know how to manage his emotions [Music] and there's so many of us get ourselves in trouble because we don't know how to manage our emotions God gave us emotions as indicators not as leaders that's why the Word of God got to be greater than your it's like these new cars I Drive an old car but like these new cars men when somebody's in the lane and you can't see them and the little light lights up when you rev you to let you know something's in your blind spot the purpose of the indicator is not to tell you to merge the purpose of the indicators just to warn you that something that's happening on this side of your car the purpose of your feelings is not to tell you to merge the purpose of your feelings is to tell you that something is happening in this area of your heart you don't merge just because you feel it you submit your emotions to prayer and wise counsel you don't feel and merge that's how you get into a crash because they design that because of blind spots that's why the scripture says be angry and sin not because you don't feel and merge you feel and pray and there's too many of us get in trouble because we led by our feelings as well be up and down up and down up and down because we're led by our emotions our emotions our indicators they are not guides they don't believe Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane where I was watch and did not feel like going to the cross [Applause] [Music] [Applause] your savior in mind did not feel like going to this cross if it is possible he said let this pass from me so he felt like not being crucified then he walked out of the garden no he subjected his emotions to what to prayer and came out and allowed a man to kiss him I want to say to someone who's been kissed God got you they missed that God got you yeah there's always a Judas in the camp but God don't you I know what it is to be kissed on both cheeks but God got you you don't ever have to cry by a Judas they will go on and hang their ownselves you just wipe your cheek and keep moving don't get shifty over Judas just wipe your cheek and keep moving forever - this would hang their ownselves God got you so I never respond to betrayal with vengeance I just wipe my cheek and I pray because I believe God got me so the King asked me verse 2 why does your face look so sad you are not ill this can only be sadness of heart I was very much afraid but I said to the king watch may the King live forever that's how you talk to people in authority above you you know just talk to people who's an authority above you any kind of weight [Applause] don't talk to your employer any kind of way and then they find out you a Christian don't talk to your employer any kind of weight don't talk to your thority figures they may the king live forever he said why should my face not look sad when the city where my father's are buried lies in ruins and his gates have been destroyed by fire watch the text he said may the King live forever now watch now in this moment he knows policies that he's not supposed to be sad in the presence of the king watch the scriptures and now he has a decision to make I've been praying about this for four months and now I sense watch and opportunity and now I gotta decide do I keep quiet in this moment or watch do I take a step of faith into what I don't know what's coming for me next oftentimes we just sense God leading us to take a step of faith but we be so afraid about uncertainty so afraid about the next season and for so many of us we're so analytical Philip Anthony Mitchell that if we don't see a tizzy sometimes we'd be afraid to take that step but my step of faith should not be contingent upon Who I am my step of faith should be contingent upon who God is because his track record shows me that he's never failed me or let me down and even when we don't know what the next season whole we need to take that step of faith and so now Nehemiah has to make a decision do I remain quiet watch and try to protect my life or do I put my life in jeopardy for the cause that's much greater than me I'm coming back to that at the end or do I put my life in jeopardy for the cause that's much greater than me and do I let the King know what's going on in my heart do I take the risk at my life for the people that are suffering in Jerusalem do I risk myself for other people what do I care about making a sacrifice for cause that's much bigger than me he tells him why should I not be sad this is so powerful watch the city where my father's lie are in ruins he doesn't even say Jerusalem because he knew that Persia and Jerusalem had enmity against each other so this is what you call wise diplomacy that is not only about the ask but how you make the ask you know I've been here for a couple years now and you've seen the fruit of my labor you know my heart for the company you know my heart for the ministry is it possible that you can elevate me to just this level and if you can't I honor you just the same that's wise diplomacy I just helped somebody get a promotion so Nehemiah takes a step of faith he tells the King what he wants he says this is what's going on in my heart King and then he addresses the king and then in verse four says the king said to me what is it you want now pause this moment is very very powerful the king says to him Nehemiah what do you want if God asks you in a dream what do you want watch what would change as a result of your next ask would you just come out tomorrow with a bigger house and a new car would you just come out tomorrow with a bigger bank account but something speaks about the character of a man or woman when you know what to do with a blank cheque I wonder how strong with the kingdom be if it rested on your prayers and desires only what would change in Atlanta if it rested on your prayers and desire only if all of the kingdom rested on your prayers and desire only man what would happen with your bling check what are you desiring he says what do you want then I prayed this is so powerful he said man how could he prayed the King asked him what did he want this is so powerful because it teaches us about having a life of prayer and always prioritizing God before we speak and do and so now nehemiah's burden was about to transfer into action watch but before he fired off anything at the King he fired off help from God see because the Bible tells us we should pray without watch ceasing and so always I can't always get to my prayer room I can't always get to my prayer corner I can't always get to my knees but I have an opportunity and I just say God help me um listen god help me someone is much better than some of these long prayers we'd be praying that God don't want to hear Oh God How Great Thou art and da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da and then you heard him god help me when you in a jam you ain't got time for thus says the Lord you just got time for God help me notice how if you ever been in a car accident the first thing we screamed for [Music] so he fires off a quick prayer he says God help me and I answered the King watch everybody watch if it pleases the King and if his servants have found washes work favor in his sight this is powerful let him send me to the city never says Jerusalem in Judah where my father's are buried so I can rebuild it so watch his blank check was God used me God use me for the cause that's much bigger than myself whenever I can insert my life into your story use me for the cost that's much bigger than myself and in verse six then the king with the Queen sitting beside him asked him how long will your journey take he's not trying to check him because he's trying to handcuff him from leaving he's trying to say he's trying to show his affinity for Nehemiah Nehemiah had been such a great employee in the presence of the king he's saying man how long are you gonna be away from me because I don't want you to be away from me that long what would your employer say about you and if you was going with your employer miss you let me help somebody you should be such a dynamic employee and servant that if you was no longer there it would hurt the company because of your absence you should be such a dynamic servant that if you were no longer around it will hurt us because of your absence where are you going why are you leaving how long are you gonna be gone Nehemiah never tells him but history tells us he was gone for twelve years as the governor of Jerusalem verse seven almost done and now also said to him I watch this now watch when you got favored you letter not to work that thing when someone who has more than you grant you a favor you gotta be wise to know what to ask for some of you always praying for God for big blessing but you don't even know what to ask for when opportunity comes that's why preparation has to precede opportunity praying God make me rich but you don't know where to put a million dollars some of you'll go stick a million dollars in one account not knowing FDIC only insurance 250,000 dollars well cuz if you believe in for rain you need to plant seeds in your dry season Nehemiah had been praying for four months so he was praying about his opportunity and what he was gonna ask for watch when the opportunity came so you can't be believing God for something I have no idea what you want to ask for what happens if God answers your prayer we'd be so nervous about the pray he don't answer but what about the prayer he does answer but he puts you at the table when he opens the door when he gives you the new connection watch are you ready I'm just trying to help some of my entrepreneurs are you ready God increased my business but you don't know what you're gonna ask for if you put the right person in your office so Nehemiah goes on he works favor if it pleases the King watch may I have letters to the governors of Trans you Fraidy so that they will provide me safe conduct which is travel until I arrive in Judah and he keeps milking may I have led us to a size the keeper of the king's forests so he will give me timber to make beams for the gates of the Citadel by the temple and for the city walls and for the residents I will occupy watch so he said listen I want you to give me papers so I could travel safe so his favour was for safe travel then he says I want you to give me material for what I'm real for the gates material for the walls and material for my house material for the gates material for the wall and material for my house I want material for what gives access I want provision for what gives protection I want provision for what gives covering that he sets out on proximity to the people and verse 9 says so I went watch to the governors of trans Euphrates and I gave them the king's letters you know I'm here because someone so said you got to know what name is greater than yours [Music] that God gave us a name that's above every name that at the name of every knee will and every tongue will so if it has the name it is lesser than Jesus the prussian has the name your sickness has the name things have names so we got a notice speaking what in what name he said the king right he said the king has sent me and he sent me with a calvary verse 10 then sambal on the horror night almost done and Tobiah the amorite two governors of two different towns officials watch they heard about this this is going to help somebody and they were very much disturbed and then some of them came to promote the welfare of Israel so watch as soon as he stepped out to do something for God then came opposition against what God was calling him to do and some of us wonder why we started the business that God told us now we're dealing with opposition we started the ministry that God told us now we dealing with opposition we stepped out on faith for what God told us then we dealing with our position our position is not something to cry about sometimes our position is a compliment our position is not always something to cry about something opposition is watch confirmation because satanic opposition is assigned to you that you're headed in the right direction no one starts anything for God it doesn't feel opposition it's like the wind against your airplane and now travel a lot and imitation about planes they can't lift with our opposition mr. please kick planes can't get off the ground without opposition they missed that Brandon a plane could keep going down the runway it cannot live without the opposition of wind the opposite of wind pushes up the nose in the wings and then it causes the plane to have lift some of you accent god to lift you but you can handle the opposition you mad about obstacles not seeing them as opportunities and you man about situations not seeing them as springboards sometimes opposition is for a lift it is to lift you opposition to get your business opposition's against your ministry our positions against your marriage it is to lift you into places you would never know you would be and instead are always crying about opposition say God give me the grace to handle this like a G when we grow in maturity we learn to see opposition as gifts and haters as gifts because all they do is prophesied to me that I'm heading in the right direction and I'm doing exactly what God has told me to do that's how we use haters to prophesy somebody say lord thank you for our position about the robbed you of those tears somebody say lord thank you for opposition yeah you gotta fight for that we gotta have good grit tenacity and resilience you got to know how to fight for that somebody say fight for that say fight for that the last time I read my Bible said the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and then violent they watch take it they take it by force they take territory by force they take opportunities by force they're kicking doors with prayer by force they ship into new seasons by force they thanked God for opposition by force they rise above conflict with force they got good grit resilience and tenacity so here come the haters let me finish up the text verse 11 through 16 I went to Jerusalem and after staying there three days watch I set out during the night with only a few men because you got to know who to keep in your circle got to know who to keep in your circle not jump because I learned not just because they are round they need to be down watch and you got to know who to tell your vision to cuz he was only with a few men you can't trust your vision to the hearts of negative people who say you can't do that you'll never accomplish that you I know your background you I know where you came from you I know what you've been through I know all you've been through God will never use you to do that you got to know how to Stuart your heart around the right people let me finish because I know you ready to go home I went no take my time No don't tell me that I always got more message than time don't say that to me let me let me let me begin to land the plane I'm almost at that I'm almost at the end verses 11 through 16 watch I went to Jerusalem and after stay in there three days I set out during the night with a few men I had not told anyone what my God had put in my heart because you can't reveal something before its time you don't need to put everything on social media some of us are so insecure everything we got to put on social media you're so busy snapping your moment with the child that you missed a moment with the child [Applause] you're so busy IG and you're so busy putting everything in the moment that you missed a moment everybody don't gotta know you on the beach my pastor told me something very valuable make noise I got stuff I'm believing for there nobody know but only a select group of people who hold me down let me finish cuz I know you're ready to go I had not told anyone what my god had put in my heart there were no mounts the donkey he was on except the one I was riding on let's go shanties by the night I went through the valley gate toward the jackal well and then the don't get everybody watch examining the walls of Jerusalem everybody watch which had been broken down everybody watch are you examining what's happened in our society the things that have been broken down you need eyes to see what is happening all around you watch we need to examine culture to know what is broken down God used wolf people we need to learn to examine culture to know what's broken down you can't rebuild what you don't know is broken you know why you say nothing about American Christianity cuz you think we good not seeing our rebellion and idolatry and blasphemy against the Lord God Almighty in the American church that's why you say nothing about that that's why you say nothing about that you keep hating on me from social media don't get mad at me because I'm woke and don't get mad at me because I pray because God reveals things to his true prophets you stay silent we're gonna cry out until everybody has heard you keep sending me all these messages you keep playing we will not be silent we're gonna cry up until everybody has heard we need to venerate God we need a restoration of biblical Christianity we need to restore the reputation of Jesus pause and it don't begin in the pew and beginning the pulpit they keep sending me all this hate stuff on my Instagram I don't care you're not gonna shut me up we need revival stop and we need to stop blaming the world that's a cop-out as we wrote in Chronicles if my people God said my people not the world stop blaming sinners for our problems if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray seek my face turn from their wicked ways our here from heaven you can cry in about Atlanta I will heal their land our marriages broken down walls churches broken down walls families broken down walls no fathers in homes broken down walls government broken down walls the church broken down walls American Christianity broken down walls who's gonna rebuild that who you waiting for man I don't want to read the rest of this he travel around the city he checked the walls and then verse 17 give me verse 17 shanties give me verse 17 shanties Thank You shanties then I said to them I said to them after I examine the condition in the state of the city after we examine culture after we examine the American home the American church after we examine Atlanta after we examine social media after we examine the pulpit of America and it's preaching do you see the trouble that we are in Atlanta this hour of this nation Jerusalem it lies in ruins our homes that lie in ruins no fathers single mothers grinded it out our marriages lie in ruins our churches lie in ruins our pulpits lie in ruins American Christianity is crumbling into ruins and its gates are burned with fire don't you hear me crying out every Sunday how much more gonna keep saying come pray serve give come let us rebuild the walls of Jerusalem let us restore the name of our God that's why I put it on my arm make much of Jesus until he calls you home let us make much of Jesus let us restore his honor and his glory let us shut down the garbage we see on social media and stand up and say no this is Jesus he's Yahweh my king I also told him about the gracious hand of my god that was upon me that's called favor and they replied and start saying so they began this great work let's build I'm just trying to get five seven hundred people that call victory home to stand with me so we can build to care about the city that we in case you hear me like this is deeper than just services what good is Sunday morning if we don't do nothing in our society that's why we do outreach here every month that's why we take up offerings to spread the gospel through this camera as far away as Australia that's why we're fighting to get out of the school we're fighting to purchase land and facilities we're fighting to have enough resources to stop praying about stuff I wouldn't pray about somebody come into our church we don't have a car we want to just buy one for them we can't do that with 20% in I'll give and we got single mothers that have no roof over their head we don't want to pray let's get them an apartment no we want to put them in one because we have the resources to do that we need to rise and bill you know rise and build by coming and attending you rise and build by praying and serving and giving Nehemiah will go on the whole trajectory of his life was completely changed why because he found favor in a king site what attracted favor from this king to Nehemiah number one is character so I keep telling stop being impressed with gifts and be impressed with character I don't care if you can preach or sing or haul a microphone what does your personal life look like when no one is not watching talk to my wife and talk to my children ask them what kind of man I am off this platform we need leaders with character as well nation is in trouble we need preachers with character and political leaders with character and parents with character because our sons and daughters are watching Nehemiah had character character tracks favor what else Nehemiah was a man of honor honor attracts favor especially in his generation we don't know nothing about honor talk to pastors anyway talk to Authority anyway we need to learn honor it is a meta theme that runs all the way from Genesis to Revelation honor and respect in fact the scripture says the one whose job it is to preach and teach they are worthy of double honor we need to learn to honor up either across to our brothers and sisters either down to people beneath us we need to learn to honor in we honor in all directions of the cross honor attracts favor dishonor is a boomerang it will come back to you dishonor ruins relational equity you can have equity with someone for years and in dishonor was snatched that equity from that person's heart whilst the Nehemiah fire favored because he had godly ambition God will bless you with favor when your desire is to please him how can I close this message was there a deeper reason Nehemiah probably found favor from a Persian king I suspect something very powerful happened in history what was the name of the king Nehemiah stood in front of artaxerxes artaxerxes had a father named Xerxes who just watch 40 years before Nehemiah stood before this king had a rebellious wife named Vashti and put her away and while Xerxes was in Persia he summons for a new queen and had a beauty contest on my mu ace hala and me and just watch 40 years before Nehemiah stood before artaxerxes Xerxes would appoint a new queen in Persia the Jews knew her as Hadassah you know her as Queen Esther a Jewish woman in the Persian Empire who had to risk her life to save her people from annihilation so just 40 years earlier artaxerxes step mother Queen Esther risked her life to save her people because she was down for the cause that was much greater than herself watch in her generation she stood for something never realized that just 40 years later another Jewish man was standing in front of another Persian king and risk his life for course that was much greater than himself what if Esther did not stand what if Esther did not throw herself into the cause that was much bigger than herself but she heard her people was about to be annihilated she went before a king to spare her people what if she was only for herself and only for her home the Jews would have been annihilated there would be no Nehemiah the very King he stood before his stepmother was Queen Esther the favor of one woman who stood for cause much greater than herself open up the door for the favor of another man 40 years later who was stand for cause much greater than himself and we see God working through unlikely people who turn a heart towards him for causes much greater than themselves watch who was probably alive when Nehemiah stood she got to see the fruit of her labor what are you standing for what are you helping to rebuild do you not see this city broken down do you not see our culture broken down do you not know that time is running out are we just gonna keep having services America or are we gonna rise up and build are we going to have a favor that turns to action are we gonna care about the brokenness in our culture and say don't have nobody else stand I know I got some Esther's in this room and if there's nobody else stand I know I got some Nehemiah's in this room where all my Esther's at make some noise and you're gonna stand for Jesus I don't hear you Queen Esther and we are all my neomycin make some noise if you're in this road I don't hear you Nehemiah it's time to rise until it's time to put favor to action it's time to stand for the cause that's much greater than ourselves it's in a bungled service it's about the kingdom of God in the island that we're living in if the people of God won't stand he's not sending angels behind us I am Nehemiah I have surveyed the culture and I say to you let's rise and build let's put favor to action let's pray the surf let's give the sacrifice let's grind let's get out of here let's take territory for the our God and Savior [Music] eternal God and ever wise father how will Lord and our Savior the God who commissioned us to carry the message of hope to the whole world you who have planted us in a broken City and a broken culture may you impregnate us right now with your burdens with your heart your tears your grief we want more than just Sunday morning services we want revival we want thousands of people crying out to you come quickly Lord Jesus we want hot burn with fire walking out witness unto Jesus Christ sharing the gospel laboring together as a church for the cause we truly hope this message resonated with you and encouraged you in Christ if this ministry has been a blessing to you please support the spread of the gospel by visiting us online and choosing the giving option that works best for you and again thanks for tuning in and we look forward
Channel: Victory Church
Views: 13,276
Rating: 4.9463086 out of 5
Keywords: Build, rise, broken, brokeness, Nehemiah, favor, awareness, broken walls, walls, victory, rise up, conquer, freedom, camping season, camp, camp out
Id: IgGXdf-dc-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 46sec (4006 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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