Faith Bootcamp

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you [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] well praise the lord this is the day the lord's made i will rejoice and be glad in it hallelujah now wait a minute all right y'all come on in the room everybody come on in the room and get ready get ready come on in the room we are about to uh start the uh boot camp lady b well good evening everybody and welcome to the master class boot camp i'm so excited about tonight tonight is all about you experiencing a breakthrough in your life and so many breakthroughs have happened for us over the last several years and so i really really want to encourage you to do whatever you have to do to like and share tell somebody that we're on it's going to be a great night tonight and of course we always are giving something away and so for those of you who have registered already by now you should have gotten your worksheet your worksheet should have been downloaded to you if you haven't received your worksheet then you want to make sure that you text mcfbc that's mcfbc to 71441 mcfbc to 71441 and then of course we are taking your prayer request live that's right we are taking them when you call them in what we'll do is we'll see it it'll come on our paper on our screens right away and you can do that by going to bac that's bac and then when you do that you will get free i mean absolutely free a series called even now faith that's right even now faith will be given to you absolutely free i'm so excited about tonight i can't wait to hear the word of god from the apostle i know it's going to be amazing and we're on the set tonight with our senior pastor dr irisha so i'm going to throw it over to dr i and see what she has to say oh well good evening everybody you know what to do it's time to like and share it's time for you to take your faith to another level we're excited about tonight uh anytime you have a boot camp you come out stronger you come out more determined and you come out a better person and so your faith is going to be stirred on tonight we're going to be praying for you throughout the night yes i we're going to be able to see your prayer requests coming in in real time on tonight so make sure that you go to bac bac and if you didn't register and you're just watching on facebook or youtube make sure you register because you know there's always a free download available to you so you can have the worksheet and the outline but i'm excited to hear our apostle preach tonight i'm excited about the word on tonight uh this is kind of the kickoff to a marathon uh week as we go into pentecost sunday so you should get your faith built up as you prepare for pentecost sunday so apostle we're ready to hear from you tonight i know you got a great word well i'm i'm most excited about tonight because of course i've been in prayer about it several weeks ago lord spoke to me about breakthrough yeah and uh since the lord has broken uh spoke to me about breakthrough our family has experienced at least six major breakthroughs yes i was teaching the other night on uh for the last two weeks on our monday night prayer maximized prayer moment about breakthroughs and so when it came to tonight lord said stress that breakthrough because you know breakthrough really comes when you're in the midst of a fight right a faith fight and so i don't want you to take it lightly first of all if you do not have your worksheet i want you to yo i want you to do the registration and you get your worksheet that'll be downloaded to you right away because that's what we're going to be studying from then those of you who are facing something you need a breakthrough in then that's those i want you all to call so we can get an agreement it's called the breakthrough agreement connection bac that's what that stands for so i want you to go to that let us know what you need your breakthrough in so we can get an agreement with you because i really expect to see breakthroughs occur i really expect to see it not playing as they as a doctor i said listen we're in a marathon as we are counting down toward pentecost and then next week you know we have revived here at the church so this is a time for a spiritual refreshing in your life and i don't want you to take it lightly so if you'll do those things and and then we'll be able to get on set in real time those things that you won't you're believing for a breakthrough in and we'll be able to get in agreement with you i want you to stay with us the whole night though yes after the whole night because the agreement prayer is going to come at the very end and you don't want to miss the agreement prayer and uh i'm going to be teaching really two sessions two sessions tonight know many times i teach three this is boot camp boot camp means it's uh it's short but it's uh it's it's intense yeah so i'm going to do two intensive studies that first one is going to be basic the basic fundamentals of breakthrough and that's going to get that's going to bring those who have not heard about faith or who are not strong in faith that's going to give them a foundation and then the second session the second session is going to be about how to get your breakthrough yes how to develop that courageous faith to get your breakthrough tonight's gonna be a transforming night that's all i got to say yeah i'm excited about it apostle and of course i just want to really encourage those of you who are watching make sure you like and share like and share that's what i was trying to do while the apostle was talking but it was taking me a little bit longer so i had to put my phone down and wait and share just in just a moment but uh those of you who are watching you don't want to just get it all for yourself you want to share with somebody else so that they can get the breakthrough in the manifestations that they're looking for because oftentimes when you think that uh a breakthrough and i want to teach apostles lesson but a breakthrough doesn't happen when you get it in your hand the breakthrough happens when you get a revelation that god is talking to you about yes whatever it is you're believing god for and so those of you who are watching tonight i just agree you're going to have supernatural breakthroughs tonight in areas that you're standing in faith for because you're going to get a revelation from the word of god that's going to change your life and you don't want to be selfish you want to share with somebody else so go on and share right now like share make sure you put on the post apostle's going to be talking about breakthroughs and make sure that you share with other people and then of course make sure you tell them to register register by going to uh texting to 71441mcfbc that's mcfbc to 71441 and then you know we always want to agree with you in prayer set our faith in agreement with you and so you can just simply go to bac bhc and put in your prayer requests and then when you do that you'll get a free download on even now faith i like that even now faith but now faith is about it's like it's about that teaching i did on mary and martha that even though they were staring at the death of their brother in the face they told jesus lord if you if you'll just call on god right now even though my brother been dead four days yeah even now yeah he'll hear you some of you need that even now moment yes that even now even though things may look bleak and things may look dark even now god can move in your situation absolutely well i'll be able to preach that right absolutely and doctor i'm so excited about pentecost sunday i'm so excited about what god's going to do at the light on pentecost sunday but i'm really excited about revive next week revival night is going to be amazing you know last night pastor ypj and i had a conversation and he got me all stirred up but uh on this coming wednesday uh pastor ypj will be our guest speaker rich talbert will be our guest thomas and uh we just decided let's call it a never be defeated night all of this works together and then of course you know apostle has his round table coming up yeah for pastors and leaders and evangelists and so i know they've got a spot on that and uh to just encourage those pastors out there to be a part of that and so i don't know if we're ready to go because i'm ready to hear apostle on tonight i'm ready to hear the word that he has on breakthrough uh there are some things that you've been believing god for and i believe and i know beyond a shabba dab the time is now for those things to happen and so make sure you take advantage of all the free information but we do want to do that so pastor b are we going to go to apostles round table spot and as that gives a pasta and then we're going to come back here is that what we're doing next i think what it says that's what we're doing next i i think how are you i wouldn't miss the round table if you are a pastor or a fivefold ministry you want to make sure you are part of the round table so let's look look at this moment and then we'll be right back the round table is phenomenal the round table there's nothing like it you learn principles and applications to help your ministry grow my mentality is what would you pay to sit at the feet of someone that can change your life and change your ministry you you i mean you pay whatever you could to sit at apostles feet and learn those principles is phenomenal it will change your life in your ministry if you need a boost in your ministry apostle always says this you give him a few days he'll jump start your ministry for a few years you can't afford to miss the roundtable you must agree with me that 2020 was most challenging for the church world as we have had to pivot to learn to do church and kingdom ministry differently now by the grace of god our church new life church and its various ministries continue to flourish due to the innovative use of simple virtual technology now unfortunately i don't see the church fully getting back to the old norm for quite some time which means that we will all need to maximize this new norm of both in-person ministry and social media ministry now it's time for the annual apostles round table which will be hybrid this year with both in-person and virtual audiences now i can hardly wait until may 27th mark it down may 27th and may 28th for the 2021 apostles roundtable experience so that i can do what i know god has called me to do which is to help those who are in the fivefold calling male or female to maximize ministry now the registration for this two-day virtual or in-person classroom setting is only 150 per student so don't delay i'm going to cover topics like cultivating your faith for success in virtual ministry effective fundraising in the virtual world maximizing the virtual preaching moment and then developing online virtual partnership and much more i'll be talking about innovative social media evangelism listen i am ready to reserve a place for you at the 2021 apostles virtual round table may the 27th and the 28th now you can text there it is on the screen a rt2021-71441 to register and reserve your place at the round table for either the in-person audience or the virtual room now don't procrastinate do it now i'll see you at the round table now go to there it is on the screen art 2021 for hotel information and for more information i'll see you at the round table praise god i am so looking forward to seeing you at the round table it's going to be amazing you know last year at the round table it was all virtual and so this year you have the opportunity to be either virtual or in person and so those of you who want to be a part of the in person of course you'll find out when you go to register that you have to have been vaccinated because we are going to be in a building for several hours and so we want to make sure that you're vaccinated if you're not vaccinated and you want to watch it virtually you can watch it from anywhere wherever you are we want you to be a part of it it's going to be exciting you know apostle always gives away i think so much information and for 150 dollars your life is about to go to a whole nother level so i definitely want all of the fifo ministers to make sure that you're part of the round table and that's this friday and thursday and friday the 26th and the 27th 27th 28th 27th and 28th get it straight because the 26th is revival night yes and that's hybrid as well yes so you can be in the building you can watch online and uh i want you to be a part of that group that really pushes it um and gets individuals in the room but yes i think you know when apostles roundtable happens uh if you're a pastor i encourage you to make sure you sign up sign up your successor uh you will do yourself a favor now that apostle has opened it up it's not just not just your pastors it's foreign to do it now it's open for a five-fold ministry so pastors i would encourage you to include your key pastors your executive pastor because that's going to be talking about really that virtual ministry and virtual ministry requires you're more it requires a whole team i was going to get that out it requires a whole team you know and especially if you want to do it with excellence and making sure that it's not just people watching you but connecting and that's really what i want to encourage you tonight is that you don't just watch tonight but you connect tonight you participate tonight you know text the mcfbc to 71441 so that you can get your online worksheet and then make sure that you do send us your prayer requests we're going to be calling your names out there's going to be a powerful prayer of agreement at the end bac and you know dr what's so amazing is that uh apostle is saying that he doesn't see us going back to normal like going back to where we have people in church and people being a part of our regular services but you know i think even when everybody is back like maybe i'm thinking maybe 2022 2023 will be totally back to normal i think the virtual space is still going to be so vital for people's growth and development one of the things that people have had the opportunity to do is to church hop doing the pandemic you could go from one church to another and so you want to make sure that when people are surfing and church hopping that your presentation is amazing and so i really want to encourage you to be a part of the roundtable and you know i don't think apostles ever open up the round table for fivefold ministry so if you're evangelist if you are pastor if you're a prophet if you're a teacher whatever you are i want you to be a part of the round table because your life is going to be transformed a couple of days ago we had uh a apostles conversation with bishop rosie o'neill and dr jazz scurlock and dr arisha and dr one of the things that bishop o'neill said was just being around us causes her vision to leave you know and so that's what happens and and i heard pastor ypj even said last night that something happens when he comes in the building and when he gets in the environment of the apostle he says it's like he can hear god more clearly than he could before and so you know i think that that's what's going to happen for the pastors i think that's what's going to happen for those of you who are in five full ministry i believe god's gonna speak to you directly about some things in your life and again that's this thursday and friday the 27th and the 28th and you're probably saying how do you register you register by texting art 2021 that's art 2021-71441 so guess what the apostle is ready and i am so ready to hear this word on tonight so let's go right into the main auditorium right now with the apostle and then we'll be right back hallelujah hallelujah well this is the day the lord's made i'll rejoice and be glad in it listen i am thrilled about getting into this lesson today i'm looking at the uh breakthrough connection point and i do see some calls are coming in from houston from detroit from uh north carolina new jersey new york georgia uh arkansas hey yeah listen so i don't want you to be left out if you're believing for something maybe something's been taking much longer than you thought it was going to take this is the night when we can get in agreement with you like the prophet got in agreement with hannah and her soul said she needed that breakthrough on her barren situation and once she made that connection breakthrough occurred i'm believing that same thing is going to happen uh for you tonight what what is it that's that's been taking much longer than you thought it was going to take what is it that you have been believing for that you almost have settled on tolerating with but i got to tell you i heard some great testimonies uh already about some breakthroughs i want you uh to uh make that yeah go to that link and then put it down now i'm not going to share on the on the air what you're really believing for but at least i'm going to know because i'll be able to see it they may call your first name out or something like that but i want you to this is interactive you know many times believers only look at church as as a kind of entertainment fellowship venue and don't look at it as a study in a venue and that's what we're going to do tonight with the master class it is a class so we're going to study the word of god i'm going to take you systematically through the word of god so that you will have an understanding of faith at a new level we're talking about cultivating courageous faith that's we're going to talk about cultivating courageous faith now i'm going to pray for god to open your ears open your eyes so that these moments we're about to share will be relevatory moments so that your life will be changed i've been in prayer i've been praying and i've been listen i have been preparing for this and i am most thrilled now listen i need y'all to share it i'm still looking at my numbers i see some of y'all out there hey sister rosetta uh yes amen she's believing for a breakthrough yeah i i'm with you i'm with elgin one of my sons there i see him yes i haven't called everybody's name but i do i am in touch with you and what i want you to do i want you of course to share this our numbers are going up i know our numbers will be most significant tonight is our time of steady father in jesus name thank you for those things that you have uh revealed to me to teach your people tonight i thank you that every ears and only to hear every heart shall believe and receive our lives will be transformed by the word in jesus name amen and amen all right um so we got two sessions our first session is going to uh be on really uh this cultivating courageous faith i'm gonna talk about boldness and believing that this courage and boldness those and being strong those are synonymous terms in the scripture and and are necessary as we fight the good fight of faith amen and amen now i can hardly see my clock there oh okay i cannot yeah i can hardly see it but i'm good i'm good all right now listen our opening passage is going to be in first timothy chapter 6 verse 12 fight the good fight of faith lay hold of of eternal of the eternal life to which you were summoned and for which he confessed the good confession of faith before many witnesses so paul writes timothy and he's encouraging him to fight the fight of faith now when people see magnificent results in faith they really have no understanding of what it takes to get those uh tremendous results and it really you know um uh when people see those things they have no idea of the fight of faith that it takes and so as i said many people see church really as a kind of fellowship venue and they see church as a as a kind of an entertainment venue they want to enjoy the music and i'm not saying anything is wrong with that but really uh being a part of the kingdom of god the ultimately really fundamental part of being a part of the kingdom of god is really renewing the mind so that you can live a kingdom lifestyle and that's what i want to talk to you about because you know you you can have you can learn how to hope against hope you can learn how to keep believing when you get bad reports you can learn how to book the odds and that is what our faith is all about now this first part of our teaching tonight is going to be very fundamental because i cannot take for granted that everybody understands the fundamentals of faith and i say so often how i was so blessed that when i got into faith a lot of people understood it but thank god they went over the fundamentals and that helped me catch up and help me understand now so i've got to stress that the key to our victories in faith is knowing how to fight the fight of faith that is the key to victory knowing how to fight the fight of faith now in the early days of my i call it my faith school there in the little raggedy building god began to talk to me about the possibilities that he had for my life but those possibilities hinged on me being bold and me being courageous now you see that little building blood but i tell you it uh almost looking at it from there uh uh almost uh gives it some prestige i know you can't hardly believe i'd say prestige with that let's see if they really have another build another picture of that possibly on the inside that's on the inside 50 chairs this is in 1980 50 chairs but i don't have 50 people and if you can look close most of them are children they used to call my church kitty land praise the lord look at the next picture and that's the outside two cars side by side churches not wider than two automobiles and that was in 1980 august of 1980 um mark by the sign but then god taught me how to be courageous and it took courageous faith at every level in order to arrive at where we are now this whole idea of being courageous i want you to understand that it is not a gift but it is cultivated in other words it's developed over time it's developed over time and so it was a courageous act when we went from that little raggedy building to the building on jensen road boy i got to tell you that building on jensen road was great and we started our television ministry there if you look close over in the corner here you see yeah that's it that's a television camera we actually started the tv ministry there with not a lot of members or anything like that it was a bold step to do so wow it took a lot of courage then it took courage for us to move we moved about 35 miles from there to the crown park building that's it we moved into a warehouse and that's what god told me to do it was a courageous step everybody i knew said i was crazy hear you then moved into a barn that's what they call it but they did not understand god was filling the bond up with people week after week then when we went to the multiple campuses and uh we released our faith for a helicopter can you believe that yes we released our faith for a helicopter and uh boy did we encounter a bunch of persecution but listen that i think that was in 1995 when we got the helicopter and it was a tool for ministry it wasn't a luxury tube but it's a tool but it took courage to obey god because all of my peers were they were believing for church vans but we were at another level believing for higher transportation well i thought that if the news media could have a helicopter to transport bad news why couldn't the church the kingdom of god have a helicopter to support to transport some good news then that was the jet when god told me he was expanding my ministry where i would have to travel took a lot of courage a lot of boldness to obey god with no itinerary to say yes and then we moved on and we uh got the jet then of course from there all of the buildings that we have built at that was a faith fight for every one of them that was a faith fight for every one of them but through by the grace of god we watch god come through time and time again now i don't want you to think that all we use faith for was from was for substances and that sort of thing you know bills but no no no we've used faith to transform lives to see healings to see deliverances all of that has been the product of a boldness in faith so our first point tonight is understanding the principle of fundamental faith let's look at this first passage in hebrews chapter 11. now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good report through faith we understand the world's refrained by the word of god so that the things which are seen were not made of things which do appear now let's drop down to verse 33 through faith why who through faith talking about the elders talking about the patriarchs of faith subdued kingdoms wrought righteousness obtain the promises that's what i want you really to get in your mind obtain the promises because the promises of god are received by faith now when we think of the fundamentals of faith i want you to understand the bible says we live by faith that faith is not a life jacket that you put on when you're in trouble but it is a lifestyle it's a lifestyle romans chapter 1 and verse 16. now i'm going to be giving you a lot of scripture tonight why simply because our faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god and the power is in the word come on somebody need to document that in the chat in the uh in the comment section the power is in the word all right for i am not ashamed paul writes of the gospel of christ for it is the power of god under salvation to everyone that believeth to the jew first and also to the greek for therein watch this is the righteousness of god right standing with god revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall what's that say live by faith the just should do what live by faith so the scripture teaches that faith really works that faith really works when i want to understand the power of god or the order of god i go to the word of god i don't try to go to you know uh some celebrity or i go to the word of god and that's why paul writes to timothy and he says all scripture is given by inspiration of god profitable for doctrine doctrine is the order of god when i want to know the order of god i go to the word of god for reproof that's the correction of error for the dismantling of error all right because many times by the time we get interested in studying the work we've we have come up with and we have you know absorbed a lot of error all right now watch this it is important that i understand the potential of faith the success potential of faith now what it is the bible says first john 5 4 for um uh uh it says in first john chapter five and verse four you know his whatsoever is born of god overcome with the world this is the victory overcome with the world even our faith and this is my statement for every principle promise and prophecy there is a faith process to bring it to pass so what can we accomplish through our faith number one we can accomplish distressed situations can be successfully resolved by faith whatever the stressful situation you're facing ain't your situation worry situation emotional situation faith can handle that disease situations can be successfully resolved by faith disease situation sickness and disease and somebody tonight may be facing sickness and disease and have a bad report but i'm here tonight to tell you watch this this is your night of breakthrough in jesus name deficiencies uh situations where there is lack all right it can be resolved by faith difficult situations situations that look difficult and look you know uh when their odds are against you can be resolved by faith demonic situations when there is demonic attacks and that sort of thing it can be resolved by faith dream situations can be resolved by faith whether you're dreaming for those aspirations that you have and then destiny situations can be successfully resolved by faith those assignments that you have so when we look at this so total spectrum of faith i understand how important faith is now those of you who have your worksheet now you'll be able to go in and fill that out fill all those points out so that you'll understand okay you can go back and look at this but it's a steady moment this is about a moment of study now let's move further because jesus taught about faith what that's it jesus taught about faith now when i look at the word of god i see several things i see number one submission faith now what is the mission faith that is the faith that peter had when he said at thy word i will cast out the net and mary said nevertheless at thy word i mean mary said be it unto me according to thy word surrogate faith is when a person uses their faith for the benefit of another the the woman of zidane the the you know the um the uh centurion used their faith on behalf of another special faith paul writes about faith being a gift of the holy spirit what supernaturally god empowers you to believe and then there is systematic faith systematic faith is what jesus taught so in mark chapter 11 look at this and jesus answered and said unto them have faith in god for verily i say unto you whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed me thou cast into the sea shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he watch this saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he said therefore i say unto you what things so ever you desire what things soever you desire when you pray believe you receive them and you shall have them all right and when you stand praying forgive if you have all against enter that your father in heaven also uh which is your father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses so there i see jesus laying out uh the tenements there as it were of systematic faith systematic faith now when we examine systematic faith we see several things we see the asking now we ask the father in jesus name then we have the believing the bible says we but must believe we receive when we pray biblical believing is to accept something as a fact without sensorim evidence then there is the confession confession is when i put my mouth in agreement with what the word of god says confession has to do with me saying the same thing that god says about my situation so there's the asking watch this there is the believing there is the confession and then there's the demonstration now demonstration has to do watch this demonstration has to do with uh the corresponding action acting in agreement and then there is the endurance or strength to endure that is strength to endure uh in jesus name that since faith is not magic and uh i might have to you know there's some things that i i might have to do in order to uh uh to to as i'm waiting on the faith to manifest now there are several expectations of systematic faith uh several expectations now here's what i see when i'm in faith i'm not just hoping and praying something happened but there is a system there is something that i'm believing for because whatever i am believing for that promise that prophecy that principle it's going to come to pass through one of these avenues through one of these avenues are you with me now i want you all to stay with me it's going to come to pass through one of these avenues now i know this is good i believe you ought to be sharing this with somebody this is good share it with somebody watch this now so what are my expectations number one the plan of i'm expecting a plan of action a plan of action now i really want you all to have me on here while i'm showing this please do that i want to have a plan of action i'll step back so y'all can get it great i'll have a plan of action and that is he's going to let me know what steps i need to take then there's the favor of god i want you to hold on to this because god raises up others to use their power and their agreement uh their power and their ability to help me so there is that then there is the wisdom of god that is the application of the knowledge that i have so when i'm in faith i am believing that god is going to give me a plan of action whereby i may obtain that which i am believing for or i am believing for the favor of god the expectation for god to raise up somebody to help me or i am believing for the wisdom of god god give me wisdom to handle the situation that i am going through and then i'm also believing for the miracle the supernatural manifestation that cannot be naturally explained yes now even though we believe in miracles i cannot guarantee a miracle i guarantee you god's going to move but i can't tell you how he's going to do it amen and then finally i am believing for strength to endure until change comes strength to endure until change comes now throughout the bible jesus credited uh the success people had he credited to their faith he would say to them be it unto you according to your faith when the centurious healing of his servant manifested he credited his faith when the woman who had the issue of blood got healed he credited to her faith when the canaanite woman uh daughters got healed when her daughter got here he credited to her faith when the lepers got healed he credited to their faith when bartimaeus received his sight he credited to their faith so i understand watch this now the faith it really works it really works now let's understand the perspective of the faith fight because as i said to you watch this we have a real adversary and the real adversary that we have doesn't stand idly by and just watch you automatically live by faith he wants to do everything he can to back you off of this supernatural way of living why because he knows if he can do this he can limit what you experience in life and now the faith fight the faith fight is not just limited to a few but everybody i love this passage in first corinthians chapter 10 uh first corinthians chapter 10 i want you to look at this first corinthians chapter 10 and verse 13. there is no temptation taking you but such is common to man but god is faithful who will not suffer allow you to be tempted try to test it above that you're able but with the temptation also make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it so what that's telling me watch this when the faith fight starts i call it the commencement of the faith fight and when the faith fight starts it normally when it starts it commences when you are experiencing delayed manifestation i'm waiting longer than i wanted to wait i'm in the fight the faith fight commences uh when you are dealing with unfavorable results which satan is trying to convince you uh that it's the best god can do amen amen you're believing for something that's beyond what has manifested and the devil wants you who am i talking to tonight he wants you to back away from your dream and back away from what you were really believing for and settle for less the faith fight is on when you are being mentally assaulted with thoughts of doubt and fear and impending failure boy if i got i wish i could talk to you i wish i could put you in a time capsule and take you back in time with me so many times that devil told me it wasn't going to work that it's not for you it worked for them but it's not for you faith fight is on because when the devil fights he doesn't show up in a red suit with a pitchfork when the devil fights he fights you in the arena of your thought life and that's why the bible teaches us that we cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of god and we bring into captivity every thought our every thought so it is those thoughts that cause this uh that are part of the faith fight faith fight commence when you're facing the temptation to scale back your expectations watch this and then fabricate new instructions from the lord i've seen that so many times the faith fight is on when you are when there is uh no immediate revealed plan of action to follow and you just hold you in a holding pattern amen so those are some of the things that identify that i'm in the fight here's the good thing that you're in the fight that the father is committed to you the commitment of the father in the fight i love this now i gotta choose now when i'm in the faith fight i have done those things uh yet but have not yet received the promise of god now put hebrews back there hebrews chapter 10 and verse 35. it says let us hold hebrews chapter 10 and let's look at verse 35. all right all right hebrews 10 35 and 36 all right it says there cast not away therefore your confidence which hath great recompense of reward for you have needed patience that watch this after you have done the after you have done the will of god i've done what i'm supposed to do i have confessed the word i have prayed appropriately my believing is intact watch this it says after i have done all those things the fight is on because now i am i am in need of that patience so that watch this after you've done the will of god you might receive the promise the manifestation of what you are praying for so now god is committed to me that's what i want you to see now that even though i may be in a fight god's committed to me i'm in a little regularly building and i got to tell you people said i wouldn't make it but god was committed to me and what god had me to understand that even though in this situation the odds are against me i never knew of anybody who recovered from a church fight and who had fallen so low but even though that was the case god had me embrace that he was with me let's look at a couple of scriptures that i believe will encourage your heart tonight and there in psalms 34 and verse 19 many of the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivereth him out of them all he's talking to you somebody ought to grab a hold of that yeah monique you ought to grab a hold of that catholic grab a hole in that gwendolyn gwen uh great bear grab a hold of that god delivers us he's committed psalms 50 and verse 15 call upon me in the day of trouble and i will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me psalms 91 15 i love this he shall call on me and i will answer him i will be with him in trouble and i will deliver him and honor him and the amplifier says i'll throw him a party i love that all right watch this look there in hebrews i know some of you what was the old temperance old testament scripture it says let your conversation be without covetousness and be content with such things as you have but he has said what did he say i will never leave thee nor forsake thee never leave you nor for safety amplified says it this way come on i love the amplified it says and i will not i will not i will not in any degree leave you helpless or forsake nor let you down relax my hold on you assuredly not amen and amen so now let us understand clearly now from the scripture that we have to hold fast we have to hold fast and so hebrews chapter 10 says let us hold fast to the uh let us hold fast to the profession of our faith without wavering why he is faithful the promise i'm talking to somebody tonight who've been standing in faith i want you to know he's faithful that promise if he promised it he'll make it good if he promised it he'll make it good i'll say that one more time if he promised it he will make it good we may probably if he promises it in his word he'll make it good if he promised it prophetically he'll make it good if he promised that you on the inside and you got it on the inside he will make it good amen now let's understand the persuasions for the faith fight what do i have to have the mindset that i have to have if i'm gonna fight the fight of faith what mentality do i have to cultivate if i am going to have this faith fight now i love james chapter 1 and i have it in the amplified it says considered holy joy for my brethren it says counted all joy and amplified whenever you are enveloped or in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations be assured and understand what the scripture says knowing this right that in the trial and proven of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience but let endurance has perseverance and steadfastness and patience have full plate and do a thorough work so that you may be people perfectly and fully developed with no defects lacking in nothing now i want you to see that when you come out of your faith fight you're going to be stronger than ever before i'm a strong man in faith today why because i've been through faith fights because i had those situations when the odds were against me when the people said it wasn't going to work but i heard what god said when i was counted out i stood steadfast it is this mentality that you have to recover that's what boot camp is about boot camp is taking a civilian and making them a soldier and that's what i believe is happening to you tonight that you are becoming a faith warrior in jesus name amen and amen knowing this let's look at knowing to know is to comprehend with clarity and conviction a thing as factual truth established and fixed in the heart and mind without an intimate unwavering confidence with an with an intimate uh unwavering confidence that gives birth to a distinctive behavior that behavior is boldness yeah i'll go over that again it says is to comprehend with clarity that's why i'm taking my time tonight and conviction a thing of factual truth established and fixed in the heart and mind with an intimate unwavering confidence that gives birth to a distinctive behavior and that's what god wants you to have no matter what you're going through no matter what your breakthrough you need that's what you have to have look at what god tells uh look what the what the word of god says about abraham in romans chapter four i hope you're being blessed by this now you need to share this teaching because you don't get teaching like this all the time come on now you don't get teaching like i don't and then i won't say that because i want anybody to be bothering me but listen i'm a teacher of faith i'll teach you how to live by faith and your life then now you'll have something to shout out about we have to shout right now you'll shout when you when you start getting the manifestation of what you're believing for and being not weak in faith he considered not talking about abraham his own body now dead when he's about 100 years old neither yet the deadness of sarah's room he's stacking up the promise of god through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to god and being watch this fully persuaded that what he promised he was able also to perform what is this being fully persuaded see this knowing this being fully persuaded takes believing to a whole nother level and you see you must know the persuasions of in faith must be unquestionable in other words i've got to be when i'm persuaded watch this i've been won over i've been won over a change of mind based on the influence of information and evidence and those without as much information and document evidence in the scripture could be steadfast in faith why can't we that is abraham he was old and without evidence he was persuaded and elijah uh without any visible sign that it would reign he kept praying he was persuaded and the widow in first kings she was persuaded here four basic persuasions that you have fully persuaded on the truth of god's word okay when nobody else says god's word is true all right fully persuaded based on satan as a defeated foe and he must be resistant i don't care what you say the devil is the defeated folk he says he said things which are impossible with men are impossible and men are possible with god so i understand that nothing is too hard for god i must know watch this the process of faith is understandable what i'm teaching you tonight is fundamental but it's understandable you can understand the bible says wisdom is the principle thing and then and therefore it says wisdom is a principle thing therefore get wisdom but with all thy getting get what and understand him that is why i'm systematically taking you through the word of god because i want you to get a clear understanding you know what you understand listen to me now what you understand cannot be stolen look in matthew chapter 13 i read this years ago it just blessed me so it says when the when anyone hears the word of the kingdom you hear in the word the king of the night tonight and understanding it's not then cometh the wicked one see when i don't understand it he can take it from it and that catches the way that which was sown in his heart this is he which receives seed by the wayside but if i understand it he can't snatch it if i understand it he can't steal it that is why i like to systematically walk through the word of god because what's important to me is that you get an understanding that's my role in the body of christ my role in the body of christ is to be a teacher and i gotta tell you there's not many teachers around who will simply stick with teaching you the word of god so yet you will know how to uh get your mind transformed so that your behavior will transform so that you can rise above uh any difficulties that you are facing all right watch this now i must know watch this not only that uh the process of faith is understandable i also must know that uh oh my god i must know that the power of faith is unstoppable the power of faith is unstoppable now i hope y'all getting this i'm almost to the end of my first session because i told you now in this first session what i would major in was giving you the basic fundamentals of what it is to live by faith or to operate in faith all right i must know watch this that uh who i must know that the power of faith is unstoppable there are things that god says in his word that are unstoppable now this is what gives you the courageous confidence is that i know the power is unstoppable scripture says scripture says so then faith coming by hearing and hearing by the word of god and i understand this now that jesus said if thou can't believe all things are possible to him that believe it now watch let me connect the dots for you all right so isaiah writes for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my words so my ways this is god saying higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts for as the rain cometh down and the snow from heaven and returneth not thither but water at the earth and maketh it making it to bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sower bread to the eater all right so shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void that town that sounds like unstoppable to me and shall not return unto me more but it shall accomplish that which i please it shall prosper in the thing whereto i sent it i'm going to stick with this because when you choose to live by faith child of god you step over into that unstoppable realm i don't care what the facts say facts can change as you operate in faith the faith of moses was unstoppable at the red sea the faith of joshua was unstoppable at the walls of jericho the faith of gideon was unstoppable when he went up against 132 thousand with 300 men the faith of the hebrew boys was unstoppable at the fiery furnace the faith of daniel was unstoppable at the lion's den the faith of hezekiah was unstoppable and reversed the bad report the faith of hannah was unstoppable and reversed the years of barrenness the faith of ezekiel was unstoppable oh my amen amen and he preached in the valley of dry bones the faith of watch this elijah was unstoppable on mount carmel against the false prophets the faith of david was unstoppable against goliath the faith of the church was unstoppable on the day of pentecost after the day of pentecost the faith of jesus was unstoppable amen even though he died he was unstoppable and on the third day he got up from the grave grave couldn't hold him unstoppable i'm talking to you today unstoppable god that's the message that i want you to be understand we are sure to victory because jesus taught that because of the revelation of the word get this now get this now we would be unstoppable what do you mean if there's in matthew i love that scripture and there in matthew 16. psalm peter anderson said thou went to christ jesus said who do men say that i am simon peter amster said thou art the christ the son of the living god and jesus answered said unto him blessed art thou simon bar jonah why flesh and blood had not revealed this unto you but my father which is in heaven and i say also and i say also and i say also unto thee that thou art peter and upon this rock i'll build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it that sounds like the church is unstoppable but when you're talking about the church we're not talking about the carpet we're not talking about the brick we're not talking about the martyr we're talking about you you make up the church and to the degree you have revelation knowledge how you get that out of that let me tell you see peter says all right watch this you're the christ son of the living god and jesus says blessed are you simon by jonah flesh and blood did not reveal this unto you you got this revelation from the father all right watch this so it's revelation from the father that is the central focus here and he says watch this and i say also unto you in other words just like you know who i am by revelation i know who you are by revelation oh my god i know who you are by revelation amen amen and amen and he said it is upon this rock what rock the rock of revelation knowledge that's what you're getting tonight the rock of revelation knowledge watch this that he says i will build my church and to the degree that you have revelation knowledge the very gates of hell the council of darkness the great gates try to keep you back amen amen he says it will not prevail against you the devil whatever he tries to do cannot stop you when you have revelation knowledge you become unstoppable and i want you to somebody to put that in the chat section that i am unstoppable i've got unstoppable grace on my life i'm unstoppable when it comes to if i just don't quit i will win i am unstoppable are you listening to me and take that prophetic word and you run with it it's unstoppable god says my faith a man who walks by faith will become unstoppable and nothing will be able to stop you from prospering and nothing will be able to stop your healing and nothing will be able to stop your deliverance we walk by faith yes and not by sight unstoppable grace who glory peter god boy i gotta i had to throw that thing down because my time is out for this session and i didn't want to move until my next session amen now this next session i'm going to be talking about see i got you i got you ready now i got you ready this first fundamentals of the boot camp but now we're going to be able to go through uh believing for breakthroughs how do we believe how do i have this courage to believe for breakthroughs i'm gonna be talking about preparing for the faith fight amen amen i'm gonna be talking about only preparing for the faith fight but then i'm gonna talk to you about how to persevere in the fight yeah yeah i'm going to talk about a profile for the fight and listen i'm going to tell you what you need to do and you're going to understand how to win in life like never before amen and amen hey all this offering time that's right we're going to have our offering at this point and because you are out there you know i was praying about this god says i want you to talk tell them about an unstoppable seed i say what lord he said yes tell this this is time for them to sow an unstoppable seed what do you mean the bible says and god is able to make all grace about god's able to make some things happen when you sow grace is the favor of god now god has been talking to me about this about this favor about god raising up people to help you nobody makes it without help and that's what we're going to target our seed for tonight but as we're making uh this um uh our sowing into the kingdom of god we're gonna name our seed tonight uh this is gonna be an unstoppable seed i want you to to get this now uh listen i want i want you to participate you know this was free we made the the master class free and everyone preaches i wouldn't give it to them free to hear you just give away too much stuff well i have confidence in the people see i have confidence in you that you understand the value of what i'm teaching and not only that you understand that the ministry goes forward and it's going to teach a whole lot of people a whole lot of things i'm telling you we're getting the gospel out and then you understand the power of your sowing and so i told them no this is how god told me to do it you know we had some earlier master classes where we did charge for registration but we're not charging now i'm just asking you whenever you see this some of you may see it now you may see it later whenever you see these two sessions i want you to be a giver i want you to give now tonight's going to be revolutionary it's going to transform your life tonight as you sow your unstoppable seed what do you mean i'm stop of unstoppable grace that god will raise up the favor that you need that will cause your pursuit to be unstoppable you know as i was praying about this and talking to the lord about it you know i'm always excited about the giving moment simply because it is a given moment-giving moment that got me where i am that we give not to buy gift but we about to buy by blessings but we give because it's expected of the lord he expects us to give put it in his word we give because it eradicates a lack it eradicates my lack we give because watch this it establishes my loyalty to god and then we give to because it expresses our love for him so as you're giving tonight i'm asking for some catalyst givers i always i always ask god god how do you how do you want me to approach our giving tonight and i'm believing for some catalyst givers do we have a do and listen what we're going to do we're going to give and then we're going to get back online i'm going to show you how to give i'm going to listen to my exhortation and then we're going to you're going to give and then you're going to encourage others to give seed sown seed sown all right now here's how god has directed me to receive our offer this is a kingdom moment a kingdom moment is a moment in time when you obey god and you'll see a shift in what's going on in your life i don't take offerings lightly because god has done too much in my life through offerings and that's why i have great respect for the offering moment and that's why you never hear me saying let's get the offering out the way no this is a powerful moment those of you who follow me all the time i just want to thank you so many of you started giving this morning saying hey this is for tonight and that's praise the lord i love that but here's what i want you to do i'm uh god has this has instructed me to ask for some catalyst givers catalyst givers a catalyst is something that starts the reaction the reaction that i want to see tonight and then even as this is played later is the spirit of giving and liberality or come on the life of a person what they will give above the level of their initial intention and that initial expectation some of you already knew oh yeah we're going to have offering and you were prepared for your offering and that's good but here's what i need i am believing for five people who will give a thousand dollars i'm going to be one of them i'm going to be one so i'm believing for four more people who are watching who will be a thousand dollar giver yeah it's not for everybody i just need you in agreement man come on now you don't have a thousand dollars god's not talking to you but they're those who it's gonna be my unstoppable seat it's going to be a thousand dollars because i'm believing for a special grace connection a special grace importation favor impartation and my thousand dollar seed is an expression of my expectation secondly listen to me now i am in faith for those of you who will be catalyst givers at a 200 level i'm believing for 100 of you who will stretch your faith tonight to give a 200 seed well well i'm gonna give more than two you i know you want to give 200 you want to get five listen i was praying and and really uh as i wrote it down here 10 people i'm believing who will give 500 to 10 people will say you know i don't have a thousand but man of god i'm gonna i'm gonna sow my unstoppable seed tonight of five hundred dollars don't choke now i don't want you to choke and then what do you mean no choke don't don't say ah i ain't gonna do it i almost missed uh a life-changing blessing by almost not obeying god at a giving moment and then there i'm looking for 200 of you who have sold that one that that that of 100 200 of you who are so 100 and as many as possible so 52 as many as possible so so you find where your level of faith is and now you say i don't have i don't have fifty two dollars what should i sow you sow your best seed you sow your best seed now i'm saying but you wanna target it sow your best seed 20 dollars come on let's target everybody let's do something let's don't be a shoplifter as i told pastors i have confidence in people that when they get a good word they don't mind sowing a good seed let me tell you what happened years ago years ago i'm sitting in a church and in that church god speaks to me to sow a seed i almost choked i almost didn't do it it was larger than i had intended i had been given all week long and so um the man told me his budget wasn't met the pastors of the pastor but the the preacher was our apostle price it's his crusade 1990 in houston at lakewood and um god said make the budget i almost choked because i had already given i had money i didn't have it for that i wouldn't hold that money for something else but god said give it now here's what here's the thing you have you cannot receive that unstoppable harvest unless you sow that unstoppable seed yeah that's it you want to harvest got to sow the seed so my wife hunched me and boy i tell you she you know better than i said let's do her she didn't know better than that so i raised my hand we gave that seed at night in 1990 it broke the it broke like off of my life and unstoppable favor came on my life in 1990 as i sat in apostle price's uh uh crusade every christ ever in faith crusade that was being hosted at the lakewood church and it's now our east campus that's right we own the bill to die glory that's a whole other testimony but that day that thing uh uh that that night was transforming i believe the night's gonna be transformed into you well that next week or everything well that same night we had a breakthrough because everything i gave was given back to me people just walked up to me started giving me money secondly um what i was believing for uh was the down payment of the house it happened the next week boom that's right next week and then i was talking i wanted to open a church the south campus uh in south houston couldn't get eight people in bible study eight people but after god sold the seed god said go get the largest building and boy it broke i'm telling it it broke wide open still a location today and then uh my daughter who was being raised by her mother as a jehovah's witness and would not let me see her uh called me and gave her my gave me i mean she gave her to me what i didn't say she said you can visit she just gave it to me and that was in 1990 but i would have missed it if i had choked i want you to find where you are now those of you i really want to know who my uh am i my five thousand dollar my five one thousand dollar i'm really for i really want to know who you are i really want to know who my who my uh my five five hundred dollar give us i want to know who you are i want you to let us know i see as you put that down in the chat and you let us know when you do that it encourages others i'm gonna pray and then i'm gonna turn it back over to the set they're gonna encourage you some more and uh give you the ways to give the ways to give i'm gonna tell you uh number one okay you can give by way they're gonna put it there on the screen you can give by way of uh of uh texting it to uh or you can give to uh slash give all our giving platforms are there give to uh uh one four four one and put it in the master class session now master class i think there's some code there for max the class a session for master class uh there you can use giblify you can use in fellowship you can use uh paypal uh you can use zell or a post office box and people do mail it in i trust you but i want you to be a giver tonight at one of those levels it's an unstoppable seed father in jesus name i thank you for my catalyst givers and i thank your father in jesus name whether they are giving at the 500 level or the 1 000 level lord i thank you they'll obey you swiftly in jesus name same grace that came upon my life that night in 1990 i declared that grace on their lives unstoppable grace for unstoppable harvest of favor in jesus name that is our prayer and then lord i thank you at whatever level the gift is you'll show yourself mighty and strong in jesus name amen and amen all right i'm going to tell you to go i'm going to go down i'm going to throw it to the uh the desk now they're going to encourage you to give come on let's do our giving and then let's just jump back on and let people know that our gift is in the ground unstoppable seed god bless you praise god i know you were blessed by that word on tonight and of course i know you're getting ready to sow your unstoppable seed several people have asked how do they sow you go to give a file you can go to push pay you can go to give you can text give to 71441. no i'm missing it all you want me to do it no but i'm some people are asking what category so it's under master class master class is the category so it's give you can go to new light you can text new light to 71441 you can go to givlify and look for the beautiful picture of our senior pastor and the logo uh new life church on giblify you can do members you can also do zell at that's paypal paypal at new life church you can do zell give at newlight or you can do po box 670167 and for all of you who are out there criticizing me for messing it up it's on the screen so you can see it on the screen and of course we're believing god for those ones that are going to give 1 000 those that are going to get 500 those uh 200 that are going to give 100 and then for those that are going to give the 52 seed i've already gotten a word from pastor sharp he's given 500 um i have a word for um that linda collins is given one thousand dollars all right we receive it and then um i think pastor marv donato pedro maldonado 150 doctor i do you have any names over there yeah i saw a couple pastor anthony williams a hundred dollars their unstoppable seed i'm loving uh the lawrence's are doing 100 um i see they're in the them in the comment and then i saw another one but they're coming in you guys are commenting that your seat is being sewn are you on rosetta clare 200 uh stacy rawls and uh they're they're catalyst givers of a thousand so that makes two i think we're believing for three more and then there is there we go um dad gave one yeah the raws gave one i gave one so we only need two more so we only need two more absolutely yes renee c uh ward stevenson a hundred dollars god bless you veronica ray uh another uh hundred dollar seed uh sylvester carter two hundred dollars you guys are sowing into the kingdom of god chris and amber lawrence say it's not 100 for them it's one thousand for them okay so that's that's number four that's number four yeah number four yes listen i was just reading and then did you count linda collins was number five oh yeah so now that you've got it i have the five so don't stop giving i see ethel smith two hundred dollars alan haskins one hundred dollars um and uh those of you who are asking what uh where to put it it goes under master class if you're on like zell or if you're on cash app or if you're on maybe paypal you just have to put it in the notes to say masterclass um if you're on any of the other devices like or if you're texting new light to 71441 then it should be there if you don't see it just put it under offering and then put a note in the notes section that says masterclass and we'll definitely know what it's for um let's see um bishop mcarthur i have one more catalyst giver one thousand dollars carla cage is giving one thousand dollars so so where are the davises so we're at seven we're at seven now jennifer brooks uh 200 i'm doing 200 as well mary major has a hundred um and so it's so good to see your seat sewn okay and i have 1000 from katherine taylor on um on a youtube um i have 250 from ruth dennis on youtube i have tony whitaker osbourne one thousand dollars on youtube so that's number eight i have the alive church on youtube one thousand dollars so that's number nine um somebody says i have i am unstoppable i have unstoppable grace on my life i'm in agreement with you on that so the people are giving and they are obeying god and so i want to thank you all for obeying god i'm looking i'm looking for more just to make sure i'm not leaving anybody off uh so you're looking for them yeah let me encourage you to go ahead and uh not only sow your seed but share that area in your life that you are desiring breakthrough bac there are so many of you who have uh already put it in but you want to make sure that you get that agreement connection by sending that prayer request so that at the end of this boot camp you know apostles going to come to get in prophetic agreement with you and that's going to happen at the very end you don't want to miss it for that breakthrough agreement prayer and so while you're sowing your seed we're in agreement with you but you want to add to that seed you've got unstoppable grace unstoppable favor but also making sure that you put it in the comment i put it that prayer request in at bac this is such an exciting time the first session was amazing absolutely amazing and dr a couple of people are saying they don't see the master cat class drop down on giblify go out and come back in because that's what i had to do i had to go out of giblify refresh your screen and then go back in and you'll see it on there so it goes under master class and so again as i said before as you're giving if you're giving on zell if you're giving on paypal if you're giving on cash app there's a little note section there just go on and put in the notes that it's for the master class if you're giving on giblify you just look for the drop down there it'll say masterclass is also there for masterclass text 71441 text new life to 71441 look for a master class if you don't see it on all those platforms just put it in an offering and then put a note because all of them give you the opportunity to put a note and put master class and it'll definitely get recorded properly so thank you so much for your obedience to god thank you for giving and i just want to piggyback on what dr i said those of you who are believing god for a breakthrough you've been writing in the comments that you believe in god for unstoppable favor unstoppable grace i want to encourage you as you sow your seed when you finish on your scene go to bac bac and give us your prayer requests because there is power in agreement the bible says if two of us on earth shall agree as touching anything it shall be done unto us and so we want to set our faith in agreement with you and as apostle said earlier tonight we have seen so many breakthroughs over the last several months uh when i possibly declared that it was time for breakthroughs in our family just in our family we've seen at least six breakthroughs manifest in our family over the last several months and so we can definitely stay in faith with you and definitely be in agreement with you you know you never want to get somebody in agreement with you that doesn't understand what you're standing in faith for so those of you who are standing in faith or maybe you're standing in faith for a family relationship we can agree with you on that maybe you're standing in faith for a reconnection of a relationship that was lost we can agree with you on that maybe you're standing in faith to purchase a new home we can agree with you on that maybe you're standing in faith for just favor so that you can have favor in whatever situation we can agree with you on that so definitely go to b-a-c and you know apostles not going to just take your prayer requests and i give you something even now faith is available it's going to be given to you absolutely free it'll be an mp3 download once you give us your email address all that information we'll send it to you absolutely free who can be free so definitely want to encourage you to make sure that you do that and then if you're just watching just picked it up and you haven't registered yet there's a free worksheet so you want to make sure you text mcfbc to 71441 doctor i you know one of the things i was thinking about as you were talking that many times if we were having an in-person worship service there would be times where we would bring either our seed or bring our prayer requests to the altar yeah and what that bac is it's your act of obedience of really taking your prayer requests to the altar it's just a virtual altar so just like if you were coming to the altar and asking for someone to agree with you in prayer if you were coming to the altar to lay your prayer requests on the altar this is a virtual altar that apostle has created to come into agreement with you for those situations that you're facing in your life and when we lay things on the altar and we invite god to get involved in it breakthrough happens manifestation occurs supernatural the supernatural power of god shows up and so i don't want you to discount oh i'm just typing it in no you are placing your prayer petition on a virtual altar not only do we see it but heaven sees it and the angels go to work on your behalf and so don't miss this moment for this point of contact this interaction between you and god because supernatural things we say it all the time happen at the altar well in this now new age the altar is a virtual space yeah and you're saying i'm not gonna miss this moment to get apostle to come into agreement with me because when two or three agree on touching anything it shall be done and so you've got your seed in the ground you've placed your prayer request on the altar now it's time and as you're be getting built up in faith you're going to watch god working your life you're going to watch god moving your situation moving your circumstance because you've done the seed and the petition god always shows up always and you know that's how i was as you were talking i was just thinking about how when you sow a seed a divine reversal takes place you know um there are many of you out there that maybe you're believing god for something and they've said no no no you know apostle tells a story all the time about us sowing a seed when we were about to get ready to close on our house and we had finally gotten a mortgage company to say yes and then god says take the money that you've been saving for your down payment and sow that seed and so that's what we did and guess what god changed situations and within a week's time we had all the down payment we had been saving up for months we had it all at one time and it was right there and so it all happened because we obey god we sowed our seed but 20 knows and then you finally get a yes and then god says sow that amount of money and give to the kingdom of god we did that and then supernatural breakthroughs begin to happen in our lives and not just based on revelation but manifestation god started manifesting some things in our lives and just even just this year uh we were in faith for a home a vacation home and god reversed the whole policy for us because i stood in faith i would not get off my faith i had already sown my watch god work scene and i was just waiting to watch god work you know doctor ida told us that it's going to require two appraisals in order for us to close on our house and down to the very day they said the policy has been reversed yeah i love it and they are absolutely beautiful and you know you may not be you know a vacation home is made that's on your long-term goal yeah but that short-term goal get god involved and i'm already i'm excited because apostle is ready for us to go into our second segment for tonight i need you to share this because maybe you've got some friends who miss the first part don't let them miss out on the second part so like and share this so that your friends can be built up in faith at the same time as you are you need some bold friends in your company so prepare your hearts let's go back into the auditorium for apostle well well well i got to tell you i am so blessed of god to have a wonderful wife and a and an ama and amazing daughters i can't say just one daughter but amazing daughter and dr i is pastor of the church now which really has freed me up to do a lot of other things and boy i couldn't be any more pleased with how she is giving direction to our church led us through the pandemic in an amazing way kept everybody safe and boy i tell you what is about to happen at the south campus is really is going to be awesome and i'm looking forward to it just to hear them comment tonight uh it's just been such a blessing i'm sitting here listening to them i'm staying on the set but i'm listening to them in the studio and just listening to them and uh encouraging you has been uh has been so refreshing you know uh there are several of you who are giving and i want to thank you for obeying god but then there are those of you who were not giving who you were you were you you were trying to oh no i'm never i don't know about that come on now i want you don't choke i want you to obey god now what you mean don't choke you know choking is kind of a street term means that you know you don't do what you need to do uh listen don't don't don't choke trust god on this and watch god work i want you to do that and this is what the lord told me that it's going to be something's going to happen in your life that you're going to be able to trace back to this moment of obedience just like i can trace back what happened in my life in 1990 to that moment of obedience at the east campus it's like we call it our east campus now but at that time it was lakewood church um the uh ever increased each ever increasing faith crusade was being hosted there but i can trace back to that moment of obeying god after thinking about choking and man i mean choking out said i don't want to give i already kevin i and i got that money for something else but i obey god i am so happy that i did my life has never been the same i'm doing that now why to encourage you encourage you to just obey god at whatever level now some say well i don't have fifty two dollars but listen do what you can do what you can and you'll watch god work amen i've been looking at those of you who have been taking advantage of the agreement connection and uh i see your names yes i see where you're from and they're calling from uh they're you know they are using that link from all over indiana maryland virginia alabama oh my god praise the lord and as i said it's confidential so i'm not going to call out your situation but angela and uh who vera and juan and gene and oh i see i'll see you now i have it i have it here i have it here and maybe before the night is over they will connect and call out names as well as cities so you know we are talking about you and we have yours it's not too late it's not too late to register and get your worksheet because your worksheet is going to help you study this this is study time this is not church time where we're just going to have church and shout i ain't got a problem with that but i gotta tell you i um matured because of teaching the teaching is what mature took me to my life and i started to see supernatural things happen because of teaching and that's what tonight is about you're ready for our second to our second session all right the lights are so bright in here boy i got diagon hall to see my uh my instrument here i want you all to like and share like and share it listen i'm ready to get into second part two part two is going to be good now um uh part two we want to just take up where we left off and it's because it's in this session a segment i don't have to review everything so i can just dive right into it we're going to be dealing with believing for breakthroughs believing for breakthroughs as we fight the fight of faith and normally in the midst of the fight is when you need the breakthrough it's in the midst of the fight that you need the breakthrough and so um as i like to always start off with testimonies this church is sitting on on land that uh at it was a time almost it was a very tough economic time it was very tough economic time we had looked at buying this land and um the price of it was somewhere between i was right at 2 million 2 million dollars for the land i think it's what maybe 30 acres or something like that uh but that's what the cost of it at that time was and of course we could not get in agreement with the people who owned the land uh they were just really you know wanting something ridiculous for it but in the midst of an economic turn down god told me to expand and uh those same people watch this this is breakthrough those same people who were asking for almost 2 million came to us and said listen here's what we want to do see god had already told me this was the place you see i'd walk by here and speak the word of god over it and declare the church coming up out the ground and that sort of thing uh in the natural it didn't look like that was going to happen no it didn't look like it was going to happen but i declared it in jesus name in the midst of the economic downturn uh when uh the oil into all situation with belly up here in in in in texas years ago they approached me uh it was an oil company too they approached us and said we need to get this land off of our books and we'll sell it to you and so we negotiated uh 344 thousand four hundred and one dollars three hundred and forty four thousand four hundred and one dollars for land that we were looking at that they were wanting to sell us at about two million it was breakthrough time i want you to put on that in the comment it's breakthrough time there's another situation of course that occurred and that occurred really when we were building this building and god gave me a specific date that he wanted this building dedicated see this is god's house it ain't my house it is god's house it was built his way he said he wanted us to dedicate it without a mortgage boy it took a lot of courage to do that because that means we depleted all of our savings and all of that oh my god and we had to go week by week and week a week but i got to tell you we uh i got down to the the end we had a week before the opening and none of the sound was in none of the chairs was in we actually saw god work a miracle we had breakthrough all because we refused to back away i'm talking to somebody tonight who you can't back off if you don't back off you won't listen if you don't back off you'll see god come through miraculously i'm talking from what i know and now let me talk about something that's much more intimate to me yeah i think it was in 2017 lady b have to help me it's 2017 2016. i think anyway i had a the devil attacked my body talking to somebody right now and boy the doctors could not figure out what was going wrong they couldn't figure it out we were going from specialist to specialist to specialists and the specialist who trained the other specialists he said put his head i never forget he did he put his his his head in his hands and shook his head like this and said i don't know what's going on i know he needs an operation but i don't know what operation he needs and listen i'm in pain i mean we can for about two or three weeks straight i'm going from doctor to doctor i'm going from emergency room to emergency room i'm in excruciating pain and boy i got to tell you this doctor was our last resort so we were there and he said i don't know what to tell you i don't know and so lady b got spiritually indicted and rose up when i told him what really matters hadn't changed i ain't changing believing i'm healed i said what really matters hadn't changed he's got to still my healer now i wanted it to come miraculously i prayed for people and they have miraculously been healed i wanted my healing to come that same way that you know the symptoms just leave body just turn around like that that's how i wanted it but that wasn't the way it was going to occur but i still had to stand in faith so then she told the doctor you or not our answer and so we left there and then she had a hezekiah moment because somebody out there need a hezekiah moment tonight that is a moment when you go to god on the basis of your faithfulness and she said god we have been faithful god we have been faithful and we need favor now show us what to do and god put a a doctor on her mind and she called the doctor friend of hers and the doctor friend says listen i know the exact doctor that just that would help bishop with the symptoms it seems like he's happening and so he called that doctor name she said we already called him he said he couldn't do it his his staff said he was going on vacation and his staff said watch this he's not taking any new patients i'm just talking to you about how god can work things out i'm talking about your breakthrough now i've already got it settled in my heart i'm coming out of this i already got a cell in my heart i ain't gonna be in pain like this for the rest of my life and listen so uh she said listen i told lady b i'm going to see him in the in the operational surgical theater in just a few minutes i'll talk to him for you that sounds like favor doesn't it yes she calls her back us back and says he will see the bishop in the morning at ten o'clock in his office amen amen he changed his vacation amen oh god i'm telling you and boy when i came to his office they took me into his inner office he walked in with a swag and said listen i know i've called all the doctors you've been to i've called all the emergency rooms you've been to i've looked over all the information i know exactly the operation you need and i'm the best at it whoa glory to god he says bishop i got you on this he says you pray for god the god in my hands and god my team i'm talking to somebody today i'm building faith in you today listen he said you talk to god you tell god to guide my hand and my team i got you on this i stand today better than ever amen and amen so when it comes to believing for breakthroughs we got to understand several things and one of the things we must understand is that watch this we got to understand that faith establishes the end result of our hope but does not give us the right to determine how god will work it out now faith establishes the end result of our hope in other words faith establishes what we want to end up with but it does not give us the right to tell god how to do it amen but here's some things that i do have number one i have that god does not promise to mirror how he rescued others he's not he's not promised that he got to do it for me like he did it for somebody else number two god does not promise a miracle to rescue me because miracles operate as the spirit will that's in the first second corinthians chapter 12 and verse 2. but god does promise to manifest our rescue as it pleases him and what pleases him according to our faith i want you to understand as we get into this because i believe in for a turnaround for so many of you i want you to you're in the faith fight i want you to prepare for the faith fight now here's what we have to prepare for faith fight is because we have to understand kingdom boldness you don't fight you know timidly when you fight there is a boldness that you have to have in the bible we see words like courage and words like be strong and steadfast those are synonymous terms for boldness kingdom boldness is acting with courageous confidence on the word of god whether it's in service in speech in sacrifice in sharing in sowing or in standing anchored in the trusting love of god i want you to hold on that trusting love of god because your boldness tonight is not based on you but it's based on god's commitment to you amen and so i want us to give us a revelation of divine courage and the bible teaches us that the righteous are bold as a lion amplified says the wicked flee when no man pursues but the uncompromisingly righteous are what bold as a lion now if god says it then that means it's so so with your timid self god has spoken boldness that's what god does he calls things that be not as though they were and god says the righteous and who are the righteous we are we have been made righteous in christ jesus he took our sin and gave us his righteousness when you see the term righteous in the bible it's talking about you and he has spoke boldness over your life when he spoke light into darkness light came amen so i want you to understand that that boldness has been spoken over you now here's the thing we are partakers of his divine nature now what do you mean by that we are partakers of his divine nature first peter ii peter chapter one says whereby given to us exceeding great and precious promises that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nation now what is this divine nature of god if i want to understand the divine nature of god i look at the nature of jesus christ and the nature of jesus christ was he was very bold i mean he was very bold so that same boldness is mine because it's in me because i have received jesus as my lord and savior the holy spirit comes into my life with that same nature of god so i'm telling you lying resident on the inside of you is this boldness oh my god lying on the inside of you now is this boneless i wrote i wrote a i wrote a book i call it the matrix on kingdom boldness and i explain this revelation of how god showed me how to cultivate this courage how to bring forth this boldness because it's on the inside of you right now because you are a partaker of the divine nature of god now what you got to do is we must affirm that that boldness is in us by faith until it transforms us i've got to confirm it i am i have the bible says the writers are as bold as a lion watch this now remember when i gave that definition of of of of boldness go back to the definition because i want to put a kingdom boldness acting with courageous confidence on the word of god whether in service and speech and sacrifice sharing sewing or in or in standing anchored in the trusting love of god because there's a connection between boldness and the love of god look in first john chapter 4 i want you to see this hearing as our love made perfect on the tour why and when love is made perfect and mature that we may have uh boldness in the day of judgment as i understand the love of god how much god loves me watch this the boldness to believe god's not going to let me he's not going to let me suffer he's not going to let me hang out here and i say where's everybody no i'm talking about i'm not i'll suffer persecution but all that other stuff that devil's putting on me no no i got to understand that is not the lord i know you've heard preachers tell you the lord won't put it in the mirror he didn't put it on you now he put it on joke no he didn't read the bible he didn't put that on job no he did not put it on job it was the devil that was attacking job job said the lord giveth the lord it wasn't the devil that took away from job it wasn't god that took away from job it was the devil that took away from job but he came out on top job had his breakthrough and that's what i focus on that he had his breakthrough now listen to me now because i want you to get a breakthrough revelation now here's our breakthrough revelation that those who meet me on monday nights know about this but let's go over it for those who have not had that opportunity breakthrough is the point in time whenever spiritual mental resistance and reservation is overcome once and for all that brings undisturbed peace and persuaded assurance of timely manifestation so there is the mental breakthrough i want you to understand this this mental breakthrough is when i clearly understand god of revelation i clearly understand the truth of god's word i clearly understand the power of god is working on my situation i have such confidence in god i rest in it it's like what the bible says what happened with hannah the bible says what hannah did that after she got in prophetic agreement watch this with the prophet now her countenance changed uh-huh still didn't have the baby but she understood it's just a matter of time i want somebody to put that in the comments it's just a matter of time same thing happened all right abraham the bible said he fully persuaded abraham understood it's just a matter of time still did not have the manifestation so that's what has to happen to you tonight with the things i'm about to tell i'm not about to share with you you're going to reach that mental breakthrough and understand it's just a matter of time you'll understand amen and you'll have that peace that surpasses all understanding amen and amen now after the mental breakthrough that is the manifested breakthrough i don't have to talk to you much about manifested breakthrough that's when you got it in your hands that's when the object of the victory the object of your faith has manifested whether it's a healing whether it's a possession whatever it is it's there but i'm telling you you have a breakthrough before it happens and that's what has to happen i believe in what i'm believing for tonight now many of you gave me your your petitions and that sort of thing i'm happy about that i'm gonna be praying i'm in agreement but i'm believing the spirit of god gonna do something in your heart and you're to have that same kind of hannah countenance change and yeah you're going to have that amen now let's look at the boldness resolve here's the boldness resolve is that i understand now when this boldness happens i'm equipped to overcome any situation contrary to the truth truth for me is what god's word says that's my truth truth is what god's word says i'm not i'm and you're prone when i have this bonus i'm prone i'm not prone to be dismayed or tossed by a false doctrine and what other folks say don't bother me unless you break free of the limitations and stereotypes that rob your potential i can tell you how many people told me oh my god as i was believing for to go on television oh i'll tell you oh you can't go until you don't have enough members i thought god put you on television god put me on television and i didn't have but a handful of members but god did it but everybody tried to talk me out of it what are people trying to talk you out of amen but boldness will cause you to understand that watch this you're free of limitations and you're free of stereotypes that rob your potential when you have this boldness you'll endure persecution without a disruption of your peace yes indeed when you have this bonus you'll make the transition from a carnal believer to a spiritual believer in other words while you walk by faith and not by sight when you have this boldness you have an unwavering expectation of possessing the promises of god i knew it when i was in the little building that i was there but i wouldn't be there alone i knew it i knew it even when i was going through the sickness i knew it i knew it that my healing he promised it to me and i knew as i said nothing mattered what really mattered hadn't changed i understood now let's look at this regiment for developing this courage you know me i'm a step-by-step person i believe in showing you now this is what you got to do now this is this is the real you know this is this is it i mean this is more than just telling me lord the lord our lord this a lot no no no here's my part he's your responsibility here's how you have to respond in a situation number one you've got to accept the word of god as the standard of truth now i keep saying that john 17 17 you just might want to write it down it says thy word is truth now for me truth is what the word of god says so i'm never shaken by something that's contrary to the truth because truth for me is the word anchor all expectations in the unfailing love of god now watch this what do you mean that god loves you too much to let you fail the bible and paul says nothing in romans nothing can separate me from the love of god just in breathe know nothing you've done in the past nothing that has ever happened can separate you from the magnitude of his love number three allow the holy spirit to have access to your mind and they say how do i do that well the holy spirit is on the inside of you after because you're born again but what you have to do now is you have to allow talk to him holy spirit i need your help holy spirit i need you to guide me acknowledge him number three number four allocate time daily to absorb the word of god that's why uh i think this is great season because you can go to god's word on youtube you can listen to me on free on youtube i'm sending you even now that even now a series two lessons on even now faith i'm sending that to you absolutely free all you got to do tonight and you know i looked at it and boy if you understood i'm almost like jesus when he told that woman that will if you knew the gift of god if you only under if you understood how powerful that is even if you did not have a breakthrough situation i'm gonna send it to you absolutely free who does that i'm gonna send you the whole city i'm not charging you for it i'm sending it to you it's my investment in you and then put it like this it's our investment what you mean our investment i'm telling all of my friends all of my partners those who give to support the ministry when we do something like this it's because of their gifts as well so i'm just saying listen all you got to do is go to the link and say you know i mean what new light what uh bac yeah do that i'm telling you yeah do that do it now and i'm going to rush that to you because you need to spend time daily absorbing the word of god now alienate yourself from unbelieving others i'm associated with believers that's right you know i tell you you got to get away from the haters you got to get away from those who have small minds you got to alienate yourself i'm then tell you to break off all relationships but there's some people you can't be around when you're in a faith fight because they'll try to talk you out of it man i got to tell you of course i keep saying how people try to talk lady b and i out of every major when we were in faith fight we knew we had to get away from a lot of people why because they was telling us ain't gonna ever happen they're saying i ain't never heard of this i've never heard of that never heard another well they heard every now because our faith causes you to change statistics yes right now you rewrite the statistics but it was because we had to pull away that's why being in a good church faith field church i love this church because even though i'm not a pastor uh my daughter has kept that spirit of faith on me in this church he's kept that spirit of faith and if i were you i would listen i would stay at home if i could get here if i could get here and be in this environment of faith oh there's nothing like it all right here's the next thing i want to arrest every contrary thought of unbelief with the word of god i want to rest how do i rest with my mouth and that's right right i cast down that thing with my mouth well you'll never get here yes i will yes i will cry because i'm already healed i'm already here because the bible says with his stripes i was healed so i thank god for my healing in jesus name that's how you have to cast it down you understand all right i tell people all the time when they're going through a life-threatening situation you keep the will to live and you you don't put death in your mouth and you don't let you don't do that all right all right and then i gotta affirm what i believe uh until manifestation takes place in other words i gotta keep confessing it i got to keep saying it i got to keep saying it i got to keep saying and that is what happened lady bridget you know she gave you the testimony about the vacation home and that sort of thing but when they were telling her we weren't going to close she wouldn't change it she wouldn't say i i knew no no she wouldn't change she stayed with him we were in a legal fight one time and uh she thought i called it cancer i called it cancer but that means a high powered uh attorney was paying all this money you you tell tell they don't cancel these kind of things yeah they do yeah yeah she's we call it cancer in jesus name we stayed in agreement she kept affirming and ultimately we got a we got a a letter from the department of justice says it's been canceled i've got to tell you holding on to your faith with your affirmations with your mouth is the most important thing and i know many times when you're going through you want sympathy from others and because you want that sympathy from others you will just kind of cower down and start talking yeah this one's yeah you can get old this kind of stuff happen come on now don't do that don't do that don't well you know if it ain't one thing that's another you know it went for bad luck i wouldn't come on now you're a believer how you gonna talk like that i'm telling you no you gotta be strong in faith be bold in faith keep your confession amen death and life is in the power of your tongue let me move on here as we are getting you ready this is boot camp i'm getting you ready for your fight all right now here's the next thing i've got to do when i've got this i understand this regimen all right this regimen is going to cause me to have this resting uh in developed courage this resting ah man the bible says nothing terrified by your adversary this is your demeanor when you are going through a faith fight in nothing terrified by your adversaries which is to them i send a message to the devil an evident token of perdition means they're going to fall it's not going to succeed but to you of salvation and that of god my demeanor when i'm in faith that's what let me kind of talk about that i gotta talk about when you're in your faith fight you don't walk around your head all day no no no no no no no no no you've got to have the same demeanor that abraham had glorifying god you got to have that same demeanor the bible says that uh hannah had her countenance changed she went i'm telling you i'm trustworthy i'm telling you you want sympathy you cannot oh i'm getting too excited you you cannot be be petitioning for sympathy at the same time believing god for the supernatural i don't need sympathy i don't need sympathy i need the supernatural i want the supernatural therefore my demeanor is not going to be a demeanor of defeat of doubt unbelief i'm going to rest i love it i'm going to rest yeah resting how you rest in the lord that means i believe god's got it under control i've done my part faith-wise i've released my faith i've made my confession i've done the will of god amen that the word says and now i put on patience amen i've got strength to endure and so i'm going to rest wrestling says i'm confident in the plan of god plan of god is working i'm counting on the power of god i'm not counting on my power god's going to bring me through it he's going to talk i'm getting really excited he's going to bring you through the power of god i'm considering the perspective of god i'm not looking at this from my perspective i'm looking at this from god's perspective amen i'm looking at it from god's perspective and then watch this watch this i have a conviction in the principles of god that his word cannot fail his word cannot fail i have courage because of the possibilities with god what do you mean the possibilities with god i understand with god all things are possible never count it out he's never counted out he is never counted out and you will win if you just don't quit all right let's continue with boot camp because now the bible says we have to labor to enter into that rest now what does that mean that as i'm saturating myself with the word of god i'm saturating myself with the testimonies of others then i know that i know that what god has done for others he will do for me in principle now he may not mirror it and do it exactly like he did it for them but i understand god's got a way that he's going to perfect what concerns me therefore i'm resting come on can i get you to put that in the comment section that i'm resting come on i'm resting i'm resting come on put it in the comment section let me look and see if y'all talking to me tonight yes i'm resting i'm resting i'm resting all right now so now how do i persevere in the faith fight how do i persevere and the perseverance uh is a commitment to consistent aggressive maximized effort exerted to accomplish a predetermined task with the willingness to exalt all our possibilities to realize it don't tell my perseverance i'm not talking about sitting back and going well if it happened it happened no no no no and i'm not talking about you know working to try to prove no no no no i've said i'm gonna do everything that i am supposed to do the demonstration of discipline perseverance i can see the bible says the things that were written were written for our learning and so abraham stood in faith for 25 years oh my god elijah stood in faith through seven bad reports you only got one report caleb stood in faith for 40 years to go into the promised lane the hebrew boy stood in faith having to go through the fire to get their deliverance and naman stood in faith through six uneventful dips in the muddy water the building i mean we're in right now and we broke ground because god said break ground on it but we didn't walk in it for nine years took nine years for it to manifest i'm telling you but this discipline discipline is in forced obedience and that's what you have to have i don't know what you're fighting what your faith fight is your faith fight is maybe for a job your faith fight may be for healing your faith fight may be for a better relationship whatever it is you have to understand that's why that strength to endure comes because i'm not going to let it rob me of my peace i'm in this faith fight but i am sure that god is at work where's god i'm glad you asked you where's god when i'm going through he's somewhere preparing the table before you in the presence of your enemies that's what he's doing he is somewhere making preparations and to cause your breakthrough now let's look at the documentation for discipline perseverance here's some things i got a whole fast and this holding fast in scripture suggests some effort the scripture tells me to be steadfast unmovable that ex suggests some effort because you know i've heard people say you know it's easy it's supposed to be easy no no no no when the bible says this yoke is easy he was not talking about the faith fight no he was talking about your assignment your assignment is easy for you because you the yoke fits you but he was not talking about the effort that why would he call it a fight if it's not going to be uh something that i put forth effort i've got to press toward the mark i'm just looking at scriptures that let me know i've got to put forth some meaningful effort all right and the bible tells me all through the bible that uh he rewards the efforts of the diligent and having done all the stand what are these these are things that tell me that i have to put forth effort so don't know why one person said to me man it looks like you know your overnight success i tell no no no overnight success is a long night i mean we had to fight the fight of faith we had to stand strong be steadfast amen nobody flagged me down one day and said hey listen here's a church where thousands of people come it's your church no no no no we had to learn how to stand in faith we had to learn how to build it brick by bear brick we had to learn how to do that so i want you to understand just because you hear the ray you know the royal testimonies of people you don't understand process and so i want you to clearly understand process stay there stand in faith it does require effort and then while it's requiring effort i control my thoughts i control my tongue i control my temperament yes what it is i control those things so that i don't get out of faith now let's look at this discipline all right this this courage gives me fortitude all right kingdom fortitude i want you to put that up there this kingdom fortitude is the spiritual stamina the trust the spiritual plan of god and the ability to stand steadfast against opposition and discouragement now let me talk about that because all that some discouragement along the way of course there are but that doesn't stop me from believing all right anything that will edify me in the kingdom uh spiritually will strengthen my faith stamina so i want to be around those things that's going to build me up i want to be in a church where people are talking about the miraculous and talking about the supernatural i want to have friends around me and those these friends i call that controlling my team my thoughts my tongue uh my temperament my team i want to have people around me who will be believing like i'm believing amen i don't need to be around haters amen all right watch this look at this the strength of my perseverance what's going to cause me to be able to stand it's in the degree of reverence i have to god my con listen i'm counting on god yes i'm counting on god yeah he yeah i'm counting on god i'm trusting god the power of god the strength of my perseverance is the continuous flow of revelation so i'm going to continue i mean it's just like when you're you know you're working on a diet plan or something as long as you're going to the meetings you're strong you can stay with the plan all right continuous flow of revelation the strength of my perseverance is in the regiments of righteousness in my life what you mean the regiments of righteousness it's in my praying it is in my sowing watch this it is in my serving i'm going to keep those things up when i'm in the faith fight i'm not going to resign from the faith but well i can't come to church well because it's hard i can't come to church i love my job no no no no i'm going to stay with it amen stay with it the strength of my perseverance is in watch this the confidence i have in the process i understand the process i understand i will who jesus that i if i don't quit i gotta win if i don't quit the strength of my perseverance is in the conviction that every delay is somebody need to write that down every delay is in my favor every delay is in my favor would you somebody will you write that down i'm telling you you know we were we are oh my god we've been we've been working at the uh at the east campus east campus we've been working at that east campus for a while amen for love city because they get we it's in the city uh and most christian camps are not in the city not in a local municipality so we have all kinds of things that we had to bring up the code and that's all that's all right god said put it there god knows what we need and that's why we went uh i mean we did it first class and boy some things were delayed but i would always say every delay is in my favor every delay is in my favor and we have watched it those delays have caused us to be blessed all right so the strength of perseverance is in the conviction watson is in the magnitude of the joy set before us now what do you mean by that the joy set before me what i mean by that is simply this the bible says now jesus is there in the garden of gethsemane and his he's in a faith fight because his body is in agony don't want to go to the cross he has looked in the cup and in the cup he has seen oh my god in the cup he saw a calvary crown of thorns on his head in the cup he saw the beating he saw the thorns he saw the beating he saw the suffering in the cup and he said lord let this cup pass faith fight is on faith fight is on but then he says nevertheless not my will but what happened in that nevertheless moment he chose watch this to give two new meaning to the moment what he chose to give the scripture says for the joy that set before him he endured the cross now what that means he saw another day he saw the day when what he was going through was going to pay off big time what he was going through was going to pay off in your redemption my redemption the redemption of millions he i mean that's what you have to do many times we have to give new meaning to the the challenge that we're going through we're going to come out of this stronger than you were before you are yes yes you're going to come out stronger you're going to come out better than ever yes you are see that's that's joy set before you listen as you understand how to live by faith and as you understand how to walk by faith guess what life for you and your family is going to be tremendously different i'm telling you you and this it's going to change how your family i mean you're about to open the door for new possibilities for you and your family that's the joy that is set before you and now let's wrap it up the profile of a faith fight let me talk about the story of jairus i love that story because jairus comes to jesus and he comes to jesus because his daughter is at home sick and asked jesus to come home with him on the way home the bible says the woman with the issue of blood stopped them and and uh touched jesus garment and she got healed and boy i gotta tell you it was amazing it says while he had spake that came from the rule of the synagogue's house certain which said that daughter is dead what do you mean after this woman has given her testimony somebody comes from his house saying don't trouble the master anymore the daw your daughter is dead amen so don't trouble the master any further as soon as jesus heard the word that was spoken he said unto the ruler of the synagogue be not afraid only believe keep believing keep believing somebody put it on that keep i'm keeping i keep believing come on encourage somebody else who's in the who's in the thread who's in the coming keep believing keep believing and he's suffering no man to follow him say peter and james and john the and brian john the brother of james and he cometh to the house of the ruler of the son of god and seed the tumult and them that wept and well greatly and when he was come in he says unto them why make this this a do uh yeah to do uh and wheat the damsel is not dead but sleeping glory to god and they loved him the scorn but when he had put them all out he taketh the father and the mother of the damson uh and them that were with him peter james and john and entered in where the damsel was lying and he took the damsel by the hand and said unto her uh talitha kumi which is being interpreted damsel i say under the arise power in that word and straight away the damsel arose and walked for she was of the age of 12 and they were astonished with a great astonishment powerful powerful now jesus knows that jairus's faith is key to his breakthrough it's key to his miracle and that's what i'm saying to you tonight your faith is the key to your breakthrough your faith is the key to you coming out your faith is the key to hoping against hope your faith is the key of defying the odds your faith is the key to overcoming the negative prophecies and prognosis over you your faith is the key and so jesus had to get to have the head desire of jairus to hold on to his faith so he holds on to his faith and his expectation through the dilemma even when it looks like the sickness was winning he holds on to his expectation through the distance his daughter was not accessible his daughter is far away he holds on to his expectation through the delay yes the woman with the issue of blood she gets healed and gives a long testimony he holds on to his expectation through the drama what do you mean the drama the bad news spot don't worry the master in the most she dead she's dead oh my god hold on to his expectation watch this watch this watch this ah hold on through the death i mean it looked like sickness had won he holds on to his expectation because jesus says you keep believing you kee i'm talking to somebody that looks like the situation is getting worse the doctor is saying things are not getting better the tests are not coming through like you thought that you wanted them to but listen i mean it could be financial but listen you got to keep believing watch this he holds on to expectations through distractions he gets to the house everybody's crying and then jesus now he doesn't get distracted by that he doesn't buy into the sympathy he doesn't buy into that but he tells them he puts them all out let's get rid of all distractions we live we live by faith we live by faith amen god god always comes through we live by faith and he holds on expectation through the deliverance and supernatural hit his house so i'm closing with that hey glory to god i close with that tonight is that the supernatural is about to hit your house amen where manifestation takes place i prayed i prayed because i believe watch this i have really believed amen jesus i see you all in the chat you only all got it y'all got it hold on yeah amen ah yes he and i see you yes indeed i see some of y'all some of y'all got it hold on to your expectation amen amen to hold on to it watch this i i like to close this way because i am i am amazed at what i call uh the phenomena of divine appointment now what do you mean by that and that is the point when godly possibilities become real to you it's and you know it's your time it's one thing to know others have experienced the supernatural but it's another thing when you can say it's my time glory to god it's my time so moses uh had this divine encounter one day at the uh at the burning bush he thought he was just going to put out a fire but he was drafted into divine service and he knew it was his time all right all right samuel was just attempting to get clarity little samuel boy in hearing god when he was drafted into divine service and the little boy samuel understood it's my time david was just taking supplies to his brothers when god used him to kill goliath and when he heard go live cussing the people of god out he knew some way and another it was his time amen amen peter was just looking yes for some adventure when he asked jesus if he could step out of the boat and walk on the water he wanted a miracle experience for himself and jesus said come and peter knew it was his time amen and amen amen amen oh lord jesus gideon was just trying to feed his family when the angel appeared to him and told him he would be a warrior deliverer an emancipator watch this and gideon somehow knew it was his time who am i talking to tonight the woman at the well after talking to jesus about living water oh my god she understood that that talk with jesus had transformed her life and she knew it was her time amen amen today you were thought you thought you was just listening uh to a virtual something a virtual seminar a virtual master class but something has happened on the inside of you and you know that you know it's your time amen amen you got to understand it's your time and when you understand it's your time it is that time when you know the hand of god the fingerprint of god is being placed on your life i knew it when i was in the little raggedy building when others had counted me out i knew it was my time when god taught me how to meditate on his word i knew it was my time and i knew his fingerprint had touched my life i knew it was my time amen amen when god brought miracle after miracle after miracle into my life i knew it was my time i stepped out of my denomination and everybody said i would fail but i had the fingerprint of god on my life i knew it was my time and i'm saying to you tonight you need to put in the comment section breakthrough it's my time yes supernatural it's my time healing it's my time i declare oh jesus it's your time amen i'm gonna borrow the closing from my daughter on sunday shall buy a heavy burden beneath the load of guilt and shame when the hand of jesus touched me now i am no longer the same he touched me he touched me hey all the joy that floods my soul something happened and now i know he touched me it's your time and made me whole god thank you for tonight thank you for all the people who have called all the people who have reached out all the people who are believing for their breakthrough and i declare that mental breakthrough happens tonight while they have that unwavering assurance in jesus name and then father i thank you in the precious name of jesus for the manifested breakthrough that will astound the doctors astound the economist astound the attorneys and we give you the glory for it in the name of jesus i agree in jesus name and you said if two of us agree as touching anything we ask it will be done in jesus name amen and amen it's your time i send you now back to the studio it's your time it's your time it's your time to cut your mic on first it's your time to cut your mic on bridge i had your back though i appreciate it i appreciate it it's been awesome it's your time to get the breakthrough manifestation that you're believing god for you know apostle talked about several things as he was getting ready to close out and throughout the lesson one of the things he talked about is you allowing us to get an agreement with you for your breakthrough uh go to bac and as he said whether you put a petition or not if you give us your email address we're going to send you the even now faith series that series alone will help to continue to encourage you in faith and boost you up in faith you know one of the things that passed and i started doing about 40 i think about 41 42 years ago and that was listening to two hours of the word of god every day and a lot of times people always ask what do you listen to how what word are you listening to i go back and i listen to old cds and old dvds and old lessons that apostle has taught in years past are either old lessons from apostle price or old lessons from people that i know that i can get the word from and i just listen to them over and over again and so you know doctor i with the now mp3 format i can listen to it on my phone yeah so when i'm riding my bike i got the word playing in my ear and i'm writing and listening to the word of god on a regular basis and then i'll hear something that's just like it's so encouraging and i'll take the time to say let me mark this one so i can come back and listen to it again or either i'll put it on the on my uh phone like i'll make it like a thing on my phone where i can just go back i don't know what you got bookmark it i bookmark it on my phone so i can go back and listen to it over and over again because that's how faith comes and that's how you continue to stay built up in the word of god you know it's it's it's essential to your life you know um when you have what you wake up and you're feeling like you have a bad day don't stay in that moment that's the importance of putting on the word so even in those difficult seasons your faith can be start up you know last night i had a conversation with pastor ypj and as we were talking my faith got so stirred on just the nevertheless moment and having this oh my god that was consonant yes and and that's really it all works together that courageous faith is convinced that god is able and not only is he able he wants me to have yes he wants me to have it he wants to do it for you and so we come boldly before the throne of grace we come convinced of what he promised that he would do for us and so you know i i really want to encourage you to make sure that you go to bac uh we have your prayer requests and you know new light is a praying church and so even though you know there's the prophetic agreement here we're praying over your prayer requests yes at all times every you know there's somebody there's a prayer line every day that really somebody's praying but we don't just take this and put it to the side somebody is really petitioning god on your behalf absolutely um tonight's work was amazing nobody can teach faith like the apocalypse nobody nobody can teach me now i thought he was going to take that closing and really like show me how to do it yeah you know because he said i just through it i think he was trying to stay within it he was trying to stay within his time but you know i was waiting for him to just go just close with it give us a little you know he touched me you know he told me come on but all the joy that floods my soul and just even tonight as we were here uh god you never know when that favor of god and that breakthrough will show up you know while apostle was teaching uh we've got something that's happening uh to you know that we're working on and favor showed up and so that's why you want to stay in faith you want to keep your seed in the ground because favor will show up and god will put your name in rooms that you don't even know that somebody's talking to you about and um it's it's time to go to the next level i think apostles got one more thing he wants to share with you he just took it from me i was just getting ready to talk about it and he just took it he slid it over you know he came from out of there and then came and took over our set but i was getting ready to tell you a possibility nobody said nothing yeah but you took it out you took my you took so apostle was talking about the boldness matrix while you all were listening and he was talking about taking that bold and courageous step and many times you know god will tell you that there's something for you to do and your breakthrough is on the other side of your obedience and it takes boldness to obey god and so i want to encourage you to get the boldness matrix and so you may be saying how can i get it you can text b k i h b h that's b k i h to 71441 and get your very own boldness matrix there is so much information on the inside of here there's note section there's also a place for you to have like there's several levels of potential defining promises in here and then of course in the very back of here there is like a qr code where you can go and download several messages that are absolutely free and uh you actually don't have to even do the downloads you can get the boldness matrix and it gives you a link and so when you get the link then you can go and get all of those lessons there we go again giving you stuff and so that we're giving you word the word of god so you can continue to grow and develop in the word of god so again b k i h b h that's b k i h b h for the boldness matrix get your copy today i think it's only forty dollars it's only forty dollars the only four dollars is you're saying about uh listening to the word this is it this is the key these are the things that god taught me years ago about boldness uh there are four lessons on uh beyond your choking point uh how to win against the odds another four lessons another four lessons on hope how to hope against hope breaking another for uh two lessons on breaking the controlling power of the fear of lack uh three lessons on manifesting the life that matters i love that one and then there's one that's this this one is worth it all how to experience happiness because people want to be happy yes and then leaping beyond your limitations that was good hearing and obeying the voice of god now all of these together i think would cost you well over a hundred and sixty i think we had 160 they have 175 when they added it all up yeah but you can get all of this and all of the teaching and everything testimonies for only forty dollars come on invest in yourself yeah quick yeah we give you a lot of stuff free but come on invest in yourself get the matrix a lot of pastors take my matrix and they teach their churches out right yeah they go through life they go lesson by lesson and they teach their if you want to really learn and master this life life of faith it takes more than just hearing one message it takes more than just a desire it takes a discipline and a devotion come on invest in yourself go there and get this and i got to tell you it will bless your life absolutely and you know apostle we have so many exciting things coming up in the next couple of days of course sunday is pentecost sunday dr i i'm looking forward to pentecost sunday and you know we're talking about it earlier about how the traditional thing is for pentecost sunday you wear white right you know it just this makes you feel so clean and so pure you know so clean and pure on penical sunday so you know i'm i'm excited about your wife you know i got my white i'm ready i'm gonna let y'all wear white i'm not wearing white but i'm still appearing holy before the lord yes you're ready for the holy ghost to come you know and just like on pentecost uh the holy spirit descended on them i'm an expectation of the holy spirit moving in our services and in our lives for pentecost sunday it's gonna be great yeah if you want to wear white wear white but uh come join us in worship and then we'll also be virtual at 10 a.m and that's the kickoff well this was really the kickoff but sunday then we've got uh revival and then on the 30th we'll be back in the south location i'm so excited about going back to the south with the new encounter experience yeah it's going to be great yeah that would be great yeah so apostle this was an an amazing night and uh we i know we've given you a lot to do tonight you've got to make sure you get your prayer request in uh so that you can get that even now make sure that you uh down uh text mcfbc to register if you didn't register so that you can get the outline worksheet and then of course you want to get the boldness matrix you want to make sure that you get the bonus matrix and have that today absolutely well of course you know we want to encourage you to make sure that you if you haven't registered for the master class you can still do that mcfbc to 71441 mcfbc to 71441 and then there are many of you who wanted to so wanted to give don't miss the opportunity to sow don't miss the opportunity to give go ahead and sow your seed you can go to giblify you can go to zell you can go to paypal you can do uh cash app for new life church so so many ways that you can give give make sure you put it under master class and if you don't see the drop down just put it in a note section that says masterclass we exceeded the uh those persons who are going to give the thousand dollar seed but i just want to tell you if god spoke to you to give a thousand dollars obey god do your part and make sure that you do make sure you watch god work in a supernatural way in your life and then of course we never want to take for granted that everybody's born again everybody's a part of the family of god so those of you who are watching right now if you've never knowingly accepted jesus christ as your savior and lord the bible says if you'll just confess with your mouth the lord jesus believe in your heart that jesus christ was raised from the dead you can be saved and so i'm going to ask everybody to repeat this prayer after me and so if everybody would say this with me together dear god i know without jesus i'm lost without jesus i believe your word i believe your word that if i ask you to save me if i ask you to save me you will you will jesus jesus take the throne of my heart at the throne of my heart be my lord be my lord and my savior my father fill me with your spirit fill me with your spirit and your power so i can live a life pleasing to you thank you father thank you for saving me for saving and placing me in your family placing me in your face in jesus name amen amen well if you prayed that prayer for the very first time welcome to the family of god we're so excited that you made the commitment to the lord jesus christ and so the next step that you have to do is to be a part of a local church how can you do that well you can become a part of the life you can become a part of the light on this sunday come to service this sunday morning or you can become an e-member you can text e-member to 71441 but you need to get involved in a local church so you can continue to grow in the things of god well i that's all i have for tonight i don't know if uh doc apostle dr you guys have anything else no that's that's all i have for tonight and uh i'm just excited about and thrilled that you know we had a lot of people who partners with us tonight i just want to thank them for their partnership i want to still encourage you i think they're going to have a spot that rolls at the end on the matrix but i want to encourage you to get your matrix do that and continue to to live by faith and to walk by faith it's a lifestyle that god when god when god spoke that to us years ago we did not know the magnitude of what it would mean to live by faith and how many lives we would touch and change but it's been it is not just been but it's an incredible ride incredible ride an incredible walk so that's all i have for tonight well apostle has been great and we're we're done early and uh you did a great job on your teaching and so uh we got time to go home and get us something to eat or stop and get us some need or something that is good well they got i think they've got your uh round table spot as well and love city so they're gonna run those and uh i'm i'm excited about this weekend at the light so thank you all for joining us remember you can share this with someone keep listening to the word watch god working your life apostle all right well where am i i'm that's my camera right there all right listen don't leave until you hear all of the other you know the rollins the announcements they they've worked real hard so honor my staff by watching that and remember you join us on sundays uh and then of course we look forward to you being a part of next week remember we say stay focused stay in faith and watch god work god bless you the all-new boneless matrix of our apostle ivy hilton hot off the press addresses the scriptural development of kingdom boldness as you experience the boldness matrix you will be personally mentioned by apostle holder chapter after chapter testimony after testimony this literary work is like no other it's not a wall it's not a syllabus it's not a workbook it's a matrix the chapters are filled with the wisdom of god the workbook section will enhance what you've read the boldness audio success tools section features the enlightening teachings of our apostle holder totaling 23 lessons valued at over 170 dollars covering in more detail the dynamic principles of courageous fullness series like breaking the controlling power of the fear of black leaping beyond your limitations hearing and obeying the force of god and much more all for only 40 dollars plus shipping and handling there is nothing like the boldness matrix with proven rockets to encourage you to take steps of faith [Music] the round table is phenomenal the round table there's nothing like it you learn principles and application to help your ministry grow my mentality is what would you pay to sit at the feet of someone that could change your life and change your ministry you you i mean you pay whatever you could to sit at apostles feet and learn those principles is phenomenal it will change your life in your ministry if you need a boost in your ministry apostle always says this you give him a few days he'll jump start your ministry for a few years you can't afford to miss the roundtable you must agree with me that 2020 was most challenging for the church world as we have had to pivot to learn to do church and kingdom ministry differently now by the grace of god our church new life church and its various ministries continue to flourish due to the innovative use of simple virtual technology now unfortunately i don't see the church fully getting back to the old norm for quite some time which means that we will all need to maximize this new norm of both in-person ministry and social media ministry now it's time for the annual apostles round table which will be hybrid this year with both in-person and virtual audiences now i can hardly wait until may 27th mark it down may 27th and uh may 28th for the 2021 apostles roundtable experience so that i can do what i know god has called me to do which is to help those who are in the fivefold calling male or female to maximize ministry now the registration for this two-day virtual or in-person classroom setting is only a hundred and fifty dollars per student so don't delay i'm gonna cover topics like cultivating your faith for success in virtual ministry effective fundraising in the virtual world maximizing the virtual preaching moment and then developing online virtual partnership and much more i'll be talking about innovative social media evangelism listen i am ready to reserve a place for you at the 2021 apostles virtual round table may the 27th and the 28th now you can text there it is on the screen art to 71441 to register and reserve your place at the round table for either the in-person audience or the virtual room now don't procrastinate do it now i'll see you at the round table now go to there it is on the screen art 2021 for hotel information and for more information i'll see you at the round table it's a teenager's dream a great summer getaway for fun and thrills experience the hangouts after parties the five-star dorm life our signature white sand beach front lake and so much more experience where learning and worship takes place discover the answers to winning big in life experience the spirit of love city usa summer camp right here in houston texas it's the talk of the town go to and register now summer sessions begin in june it's the fun that lasts a lifetime love city join the apostles apple initiative and be on the front line to receive this personal refreshing touch of faith our brand new video app has launched and we want to make sure you know about two unique options for connecting directly with the apostle and be only your smartphone away your subscription to this unique community of faith is only 9.95 monthly or 99.95 annually for the price of a cup of coffee and a breakfast roll you can be connected and enjoying refreshing times of interaction and access to years of wisdom from the apostle this app is unlike anything ever offered and is available now directly to your smartphone or tablet through the apple app store and google play it's easy to join do it now apostle lobby hold your unlimited potential initiative now available at your fingertips
Channel: New Light Church
Views: 1,868
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: vUVDh8E4g0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 57sec (9237 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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