Bethel Sunday Morning Service Feb. 14, 2021 Service#2 Message by Elder Winston Rowe

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i came to praise the lord put those hands together i don't know what you came to do but i came to praise the lord i don't know what you came to do but i came to praise the lord hallelujah [Music] i came to praise the lord i came to praise the lord i came to praise the lord i came to praise the lord i don't know i don't know what you came to do but i came to praise the lord i don't know what you came to do but i came to praise the lord i don't know what you came to do but i came to praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yes i don't know what you came to do but i came to praise the lord i don't know what you came to do but i came to praise the lord i don't know what you came to do but i came to praise the lord i came to praise the lord i came to praise the lord i came to praise the lord i came to praise the lord one more time i came to praise the lord i came to praise the lord i came to praise the lord i came to praise but i can't praise the lord i don't [Music] [Music] telling me to go on something down inside of me telling me to go on something down inside of me telling me to go on [Music] go those thoughts on [Music] telling telling me to go on me telling me to go on something down inside of me telling me to go on go on go on [Music] [Applause] down inside of me [Music] telling me [Music] telling me to go on go on [Music] [Music] go on that's all i know [Applause] i'm going on [Music] [Applause] are prepared [Music] [Applause] going on that's all i know [Applause] where my shots are prepared [Music] when i [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] i [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] when i get [Applause] is [Music] me [Music] when i get there the lord [Music] [Applause] when i get there jesus will be there so when i get there when i sit there i will sing and shout when i get there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i will sing hallelujah [Music] when i get there [Applause] oh i love jesus he is my savior wisdoms are raging he is my shelter and where he leads me i will follow for i love jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i love yes i love jesus i love jesus i love jesus is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah i love jesus i love jesus because he first loves me he first loves me he first died for me he took me from the gutter ah he took me from the bottomless pit when my life was a mess when i was messed up hallelujah a god dude did not look at my mess but he saw a soul in danger can you just love that god who loved us when we were unlovable hallelujah hallelujah house of better as we come to worship hallelujah hallelujah we just leave your hands as an evil sacrifice because shatter hallelujah yes just lift your hands and just set up that praise oh hallelujah oh hallelujah hallelujah yes lord hallelujah you are god and your lord we love you we worship you we come before your presence with our sacrifice of praise we just come to tell you that your god your king and your lord we come to tell you we love you we worship you hallelujah hallelujah be all exalted about the first heaven above the second heaven above the heavens of heaven hallelujah salvation and glory honor and power beyond to the king of all kings and the lord of lords o hallelujah as we gather this morning we come with a praise we come with a worship clap your hand just put your hands together lift your hands clap your hand over your head we would say to the children yes yes yes hallelujah rejoice in the god of your salvation hallelujah we're in the house this morning we're in the house to worship we are out of the house hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah jesus is his name jesus is his name yes jesus christ is his name that show that name in the heavens and the atmosphere jesus christ hallelujah yes lord hallelujah hallelujah what a beautiful morning as we come we come to give it glory we come to exalt jesus hallelujah hallelujah holy holy hallelujah salvation and glory hallelujah yes lord hallelujah just join me as we repeat psalm 27 the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid when the wicked even my enemies and my foes came upon me to eat up my flesh they stumble and fell though one who shouldn't camp against me my heart shall not fear no war should rise against me in this will i be confident one thing have i desired of the lord that will i seek after that i may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life to behold the beauty of the lord and to enquire in his temple for in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his profiling in the secret of this tabernacle you shall set me up on a rock and now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about me therefore will i offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy i will sing ye i sing praises unto the lord hear o lord when i cry with my voice have mercy also upon me and answer me when thou seek ye my face my heart said unto thee thy face lord will i see hide not thy face far from me put not thy servant away in anger thou hast been my help leave me not neither forsake me o god of my salvation when my father and my mother forsake me then the lord will take me on teach me thy way o lord and lead me in a plain path because of my enemies deliver me not over unto the will of my enemies for fall sweetnesses are risen up against me and such as breathe out cruelty i have fainted unless i had believed to see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living wait on the lord be of good courage and he shall strengthen thy heart wait i say on the lord hallelujah the first verse of psalms 27 so the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid there are so many things to make us afraid there are so many things if we follow the news and see what is happening in our world we are tempted to get afraid and sometimes indeed we are afraid yeah sometimes the happening the news the situation make us afraid and we are fearful but this morning the lord reassures us he is the strength of our life he is our light he is our salvation and so this morning my strength in the time of chaos my strength in the time of everything that we are going through is jesus christ and i stand and i declare this morning that the lord is the strength of my life i don't know what your face or what your weak have been but the lord is your strength this morning just lift your hand and declare the lord is the strength of my life the lord is my strength don't speak it into your life speak it in the atmosphere no matter what your fears are this morning in the name of jesus because they clear it as we face another week with its testing with its trial with its situation as the psalmist said this morning tell the devil the lord is the strength of my life hahu shatter i feel it in my spirit this morning yes yes yes let the devil know that the lord is your strength speak it into your mind speak it into your spirit the lord is the strength of my life not that there are not many things to make me afraid not that they are not not things that made me fearful but the lord is the strength so this week as i go it's not in roy's strength it's not in your strength but i'm going in the strength of jesus christ ah hallelujah i'm going in the strength of jesus hallelujah hallelujah when david faced the giant it was a reality he faced the giant but he said to the giant i come to you in the name of the lord so yes i have giants this week but i'm going in the strength of jesus christ oh hallelujah hallelujah thank you god we're gonna repeat our mission statement and pledge and for those who are joining us it will be displayed on the screen you can just follow we endeavor to love obey and serve our lord and savior jesus christ striving always to fulfill our purpose in making disciples of all men for the advancing of the kingdom of god on earth under the direction and the power of the holy ghost and with our empowered people we'll foster unity love and fellowship within the apostolic community in carrying out our mission we pledge to build god's kingdom through the ministries of apostle prophet evangelist pastor and teacher as we seek to rescue our fellow men from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of life teach believers the word necessary for maturity growth and mission and prepare believers for the glorious appearing of jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah remain standing as we continue worship this morning in jesus christ's name [Music] [Music] hallelujah bless the lord thank you jesus hallelujah [Music] you know this morning when i listened to the first services message and one of the thing that helder when he was preaching he said stay in the church adversity will come would stay in the church and my motto is always stay under the coverage when you walk out of the coverage you know that you are not safe so stay in the coverage stay in the coverage stay in the church brethren god bless you we will sing for our pentecostal imma this morning number 195 as i journey through this land singing as i go hallelujah and we are going we are turning together we are turning together hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] as i journey through the land singing as i go pointing souls to calvary to the crimson floor many arrows pierce my soul from without within but [Music] look upon his face [Music] close to him he will give me oh [Music] [Music] here's guiding me i can see let's sing forever yes [Music] gently on to [Music] to me [Music] [Music] oh let me lift my [Music] forever [Music] reach [Music] hallelujah [Music] knowing that you are working for [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] i'm at last ever to rejoice [Music] oh hallelujah our texts will be taken from you may be seated if you can second kings chapter 4 from verses 8 to 15. hallelujah and i will read in your hearing oh yes jesus thank you jesus so hallelujah and they brought the head of ish bossette unto david to hebron and said to the king behold the head of ishbashet the son of saul the enemy which saw that life and the lord at avenge my lord the king this day of saul and of his seed and david answered reykjav and bena bana his brother the sons of ramon the beyond be wrote bureau tithes and said unto them as the lord leave it who had redeemed my soul out of all adversity when one told me saying behold saul is dead thinking to have brought good tidings i took hold of him and slew him in ziegler who thought that i would have given him a reward for his tiding how much more when wicked men have slain a righteous person in his own house upon his bed shall i not therefore now require his blood of your hand and take you away from the earth 12 12 and david commanded his young men and they slewed them and cut off their hands and their feet and hung them apart and and them over the pool in hebron but they took the head of ishbashet and buried it in the sepulchre of abner in hebron this is the word of god it's prior time it's prior time in the house brethren and at this new day time to pray for us will be our missionary megishi hallelujah and every destruction that is rampant around the place around our country around our community let us stand gradually let us stand at this time we will sing the chorus have passed me not two times and to pray for us is our missionary megishi hallelujah every destruction that wasted heaven [Music] our [Music] ask me [Music] my [Music] [Applause] oh my [Music] is is [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah up stand up for jesus ye soldiers of the cross lift high your royal banner it must not suffer us [Music] from victory unto victory his army shall he lead till every fall is vanquished and christ is lord indeed stand up stand up for jesus the trumpet call obey for the mighty conflict in this his glorious day [Music] ye that are men now serve him against unnumbered fools your courage rises with danger and strength to strength hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] lord god of heaven and earth we lift you high above the heavens lord god almighty you are great god and greatly to be praised in the city of our god in the mountain of his holiness lord you're beautiful forever situation the joy of the whole earth is mount zion lord jesus we come this afternoon in your presence lord where there's fullness of joy and at your right hand it's pleasures forevermore [Music] lord god here we stand we stand in your presence lord at this midday hour lord jesus lord god destruction that wasted a new day but it shall not come by us jesus at this midday hour lord jesus the holy ghost fire is moving right now in our nation lord jesus the fire of the holy ghost is moving right now at this midday hour lord jesus we take control of the atmosphere lord god almighty over this area talk to him bro don't turn kingston lord god holy ghost take full control lord god almighty every altar that baal sets up lord god we tear it down right now we tear down everyday and worship us we tear you down in the name of jesus christ of nazareth lord god almighty and we call for the holy spirit holy spirit come come holy spirit come on this midday over right now lord jesus your people needs you we need you holy spirit lord god dwell among us right now [Music] and sit with us lord we welcome your presence lord we welcome your presence right now in the name of jesus oh god almighty we thank you lord for all your goodness to us lord god you'll be better to us than we've been to ourselves oh god almighty lord god so many things are happening around us lord god sometimes we feel as if we can't make it but lord your promises you'll never leave nor forsake us lord god and we rest ashore upon those promises [Music] oh god almighty so many sicknesses this virus lord lord god the hospitals lord jesus my savior they held workers so many of them are done with this corona lord god we pray today lord for a tsunami wave of healing lord jesus we need your healing today lord jesus my savior look down and have mercy have mercy today have mercy today lord have mercy today as we cry to you you are our only hope lord nobody can do anything about this thing but you lord so our eyes are on you today lord jesus we know you are well able and we know god nothing is impossible with you lord jesus so we are depending on you today lord o god we pray today lord god oh pastor lord jesus we pray that you touch him in a marked way lord we pray that you cover him continuously that you lead him continuously in the paths of righteousness we pray lord god that you touch his body physically lay your hands upon him right now wherever he is that lay your holy hands on him lord jesus let him feel your glory even right now not jesus lord god down lord upon him to death as you have never done before lord jesus lift him up to another level in you lord jesus the church has been faced with so many things when we pray for our pastor today lord jesus we pray for him today lord that you'll hold him in your hands lord god almighty we pray for his wife and his children that you will encourage them lord and courage system monique so that she can in turn encourage our pastor because we know sometimes we need encouragement lord jesus my savior we pray for our sister pastor sister jean [Music] [Music] jesus my savior touch her lord touch her body from the crown of her head to the very soul of her feet lord god anoint her a fresh holy ghost give her the strength that she needs to carry on lord as your coming draws nearer so the pressure gets harder a lot of ministers everyone today we pray that you will encourage our hearts and help us to stand up not to stand up for you casio will stand up for us lord jesus lord god almighty jesus so many things are happening in the world lord god but only you have the answers lord jesus and we pray for the leaders that they will seek your face for the answers lord because without you they can do nothing lord god all those mighty scientists that is in the world they can do nothing not they can do nothing without you so we ask you today lord to have mercy have mercy have mercy o god have mercy lord god bless every person in this house today lord lord we come because we need more of you we come because we need a word from you lord lord jesus help us to be ready and stay ready lord we pray for those that are fooling around help them to stop no lord jesus help them to stop no lord god and come home because it's supper time lord jesus said help us lord say that lord send help for your children lord those that are sick and at home we pray for their healing and deliverance lord god almighty we pray for the moderator today that you will energize her with the holy ghost lord lift her up to another level in you we pray oh god for the minister who will minister today to us lord god let him hear from your heart today what you're saying to us lord lord god help us to be connected lord to stay connected to you lord god almighty because without that we will not make it bless the service today lord and give us the victory lord that you have already won for us lord god and we will give it glory and honor lord jesus so we are careful to praise you today lord in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah i don't want to get a justin to i don't want to transfer that is to this world that is so much better to this world i just went this [Music] [Music] [Applause] i don't wanna [Music] this world is not our home brethren hallelujah we are working for that better home my god we think we have bet her home down here we think we have good homes down here but tell you something we've got a home that is so much better and we are going to go there i'm going to go there sooner or later i tell you i'm ready i'm ready i want to be in that home i am going to that home amen god bless you i just greet the holy ghost in this place god is good one more time i greet you beloved brethren in the name of jesus christ and i greet my pastor in his absence his family associate pastor gene hilton i greet you all and to all our viewers youtube facebook twitter we welcome you we greet you in the mighty name of jesus this morning and our first time visitors in this house i'm going to ask you to stand for those that are visiting with us this morning hallelujah two beautiful young ladies oh lord it is good to have you in bethel today worshiping with us may the lord bless you you are at the right place at the right time just listen and hear what lord has to say to you god bless you and our first time viewers we welcome you too be blessed today god is in this house and god is with you in your house wherever you are god bless you i love your beloved ready in the name of jesus it's offering time it's offering time in the house of god let us all stand let us all stand at this time hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah everyone please stand if you are not sick and if you are sick you can get well you are in the house of healing and deliverance so please stand hallelujah thank you jesus our texts we will repeat our give us screen taken from first chronicles chapter 16 from verses 28 to 34 and it read us give unto the lord e kindreds of the people give unto the lord glory and strength give unto the lord the glory due unto his name bring an offering and come before him worship the lord in the beauty of holiness fear before him all the earth the world also shall be stable that it be not move let the heavens be glad and let the earth rejoice and let men say among the nations the lord's reigneth let the sea roar and the fullness thereof let the fields rejoice and all that is therein then shall the trees of the wood sing out at the presence of the lord because he cometh to judge the earth o give thanks unto the lord for he his good for his mercy endure it forever father we thank you today for your many many blessings showers of blessings your showers just pouring down upon us and today as you blessed us we want to give back a portion of what you have blessed us with bless sanctify thank you in jesus name amen the praise and worship to you i was glad when they said unto me [Music] i was glad when they said unto me come let us go into the house of the lord i was glad when they said unto me i was tired when they said don't see me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes yes i was [Music] unto me i came running when they said unto me i came running when they said unto me [Applause] yep us i was glad when they [Music] oh i was glad when they said unto me i was scared when they said unto me come let us go into the house the rock highlight in the shadow i will abide when the songs of life are raging over me in the rock i like [Music] [Music] hallelujah arranging over [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] god [Music] is [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is hallelujah [Music] in the rock i hide in jesus just call that wonderful name jesus jesus jesus that's the rock that's a rock hallelujah when the storms of life are raging all around in the rock ensure make sure that you're in jesus make sure that you are found in jesus make sure that you're found in jesus hallelujah hallelujah i greet you this morning in that powerful awesome name that name that is a shelter that name that is a rock that name that is a defense that name that is a high tower thy name that is a fortress in that rock that one rock that is our thrift you know jesus is so powerful because jesus christ is a rock he's a strong tower he's a fortress he's a mighty god he's a defense he's a wall he's a protector he's my everything holy ghost hallelujah and that's why this morning he's our rock our shield and our shelter we give god thanks this morning we got to see everyone here this morning or to our first time visitors god bless you god bless you we pray the blessing of the lord be upon you today those who are upstairs and downstairs those who are first time online we pray as you tune into the service that your heart be blessed especially those who are not saved not yet baptized in the powerful name in the most precious name of jesus christ today is the day today is the day of salvation today is the day you need to say yes to jesus christ and come under the protection and the shelter of that rock called jesus amen we agree to you well in jesus name this morning we accept greeting from our pastor who is unable to be here but he have sent his greeting so we continue to pray for pastor and his family that the lord is strengthening in this time hallelujah we also pray for associate pastor not feeling well this morning but we know that we serve a healer a deliverer god who just one word one word oh lord god hallelujah listen to him jesus speak the word speak the word so in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we declare that the lord touch her we ask the lord this morning to just touch our body in the name of jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah because just just lift your hand and say in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of the lord jesus christ hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah can we just stand this morning hallelujah as we welcome to this pulpit to being a word from the lord our friend and our brother hallelujah elder winston rowe in the name of jesus christ raise your hands everybody just put your hands above your head i needed to watch me just watch me like go like this jesus lord jesus jesus if you can say satan under your mouth jesus [Music] lord jesus lord jesus [Music] lord jesus [Music] [Music] are we worshiping him this morning just lift up those holy hands and say [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything is saying jesus jesus my voice is saying jesus said the instruments are saying jesus the mic is saying jesus the building is saying jesus the rocks are crying out jesus [Music] jesus [Music] are you feeling that you're feeling it [Music] just jesus jesus jesus jesus to jesus to jesus to jesus to jesus to jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] messiah [Music] [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus ain't no rock gonna take my place jesus no stone under this building is gonna take my place oh god there's a difference right now somebody feeling god right in your belly that's god in you jesus dear father we stand in apostolic authority we stand as ambassadors of the kingdom of jesus christ and as we stand this morning in the name of jesus christ ambassadors we are of salvation ambassador we are of miracles and healings and signs and wonders ambassadors of the blood that was shed in calvary we are ambassadors of the kingdom of god we stand as ambassadors representing the government the kingdom of the living god ambassadors of salvation we are we represent the righteousness of god so we thank you let every power be subjected to the higher power today for there is no power but the power that there be of the lord and savior jesus christ no power no power but jesus power is yet ever a time that we need to stand as ambassadors is now you may be seated today i greet the spirit of the living god my friend my savior my king to whom there is none like i'm telling you amen i also greet pastor michael lewis and his family not here this morning amen and our assistant pastor gene hilton that is healed this morning hallelujah oh god we are ambassador of healing we represent healing amen we are ambassadors of miracles we represent miraculous we're ambassadors amen amen hallelujah amen and from the scripture that wasn't read but a scripture was read amen the scripture that was supposed to be read was from second kings four i won't read everything but let's just read from verse um verse eight and we'll touch a few verses for time's sake second kings four verse eight and it fell on a day that elisha passed to shoenam where there was a great woman and she constrained him to eat bread can you imagine that is so important eating bread and so it was that as after he passed by he turned in feather to eat bread she said unto her husband now behold now i perceived that this is an holy man of god you see that eye of perception the right one oh my god she perceived that this is a holy man of god which passed by us continually she said let us make a little chain by praising on the wall and let us set for him there a bed a table a stool and a candlestick that it shall be that when he commit to us that he shall turn in thither and the following day that he came to the and he turned into the chamber and lay there listen this and he said to get his eye servant called the shinomite and when he had called her she stood before him and he said unto him not her him say no unto her behold though has been careful for us with all this care what is it to be done for thee that's a man of principle he understand the king the principles of the kingdom would this thou be spoken far to the king or to the captain of the host and she answered i dwell among mine own people in other words she lives in a different land with different kings and captains and he said what then is to beat what then it is to be done for her and gahey's i answered verily she has no child and her husband is old and he said caller when he had called her she stood in the door let me read verse 16 and he said about this season according to the time of life those shall embraced a son and she said nay my lord the man of god respect do not lie unto thine handmaid but nevertheless the scripture said she conceived and be our son today i want to talk to us about hope when your hope sees its opportunity your hope sees its opportunity you know in considering a word like this and let me greet everybody that is here sitting down especially my own visitors sister rose and sister dixon amen and i just want to say this to everyone today watching via the internet youtube facebook you name it and everyone sitting here that we were all made with an understanding to hope for something there's not a single man on earth that does not hope i i i don't believe that a child don't um does not hope i think children from their small they start having an insight of what to hope for and if you should quiz some of your children from they are young they will tell you what they are hoping to be in life amen and so this is something that also in looking at the word hope that it is innate in us it is in us to hope it is in us to hope and when we talk about hope we are talking about giving a desire and an aspiration or having a desire or an aspiration to do amen having certain ambition and certain expectation ex to expect or to anticipate to look for something i know that everybody that is qualified for a job will send out a resume with the anticipation and the hope that they will get the job i know that everyone that maybe you're sick maybe in the hospital you are hoping to get better i'm telling you you can't do without hope you can't do without hope i can't do without hope parents hoping for their children to live and to do the right thing now we come across a woman in the scripture she was barren but there was something that was going for her what was it she has hope because she perceived you recognize why she have hope because she has been at a certain man passing in her district uh in her barrier barrier in spanish he called barry our inner community every day and deep down in her something tell her that this is not an ordinary man and i can imagine how she battle to believe what she sees and not to believe what she's seeing so much so she come to the knowledge of an understanding to go to her husband and say to her husband i per se i have been watching this man and i know that there is something about this man no no no i believe that this woman has been waiting for many years and hoping to have a child like some of us here today and some of you watching me maybe across the world hoping and waiting and waiting and hoping and she knew that there was a god that exists in that other nation because having the god of israel in those days was not a private god other nations knew about the the the almighty god of israel they know about the mightiness of god the awesomeness of god just like today many persons not yet saved but they know about the god that we worship they know that he is the mighty god they know that he can do everything and trust me they know better than some of us that are sitting here they know and sometimes when it comes to trust some of them trust god even more than some of us i'm telling you and and and this was the situation that this woman sees herself in she definitely have a hope in her spirit in her heart for many years that one day i'm gonna get the opportunity to have a child somebody might have the hope in them one day that i'm gonna be healed of this sickness and diseases one day i'm gonna be married one day my son will return back to me come back to me one day my children will come back to god one day your husband one day your wife but somebody even sitting here there is something tingling in your spirit that it gonna happen mean a business what is happening around me me know that this day sunday the 14th of february is mighty to hope thou in god and i know that god loves me and he will come through for me now the most of all of these things that i'm talking about is to recognize that one that there are seasons that we have got to make good use of for example the man of god was passing every day and she knew something but she was waiting for an opportune time ah maybe she did not know that this was the time that she was gonna have to approach the man of the house the husband and tell him about the man that has been passing through the district of the community but for sure sure she went in the right time and the right season you see my friends what i'm trying to bring out here is that when you have hope you gotta look for the opportune time you've got to ask god to show me when to make that application for that job oh my god you've got to ask god when should i speak with my mother about this but god i know i can talk to mommy every day i know i can talk to the boss whenever i want i know but but but there is an opportune time that you need to approach the boss to get your raise up here god when is the best time for me to approach my daddy when is the best time order my steps because i got to be effective i cannot afford to waste time i cannot afford to waste my good energy i must know and so that's why we gather here today because somebody thought it was last week sunday that god was supposed to do something for you don't it and maybe somebody thought that it was last year that you will get that house lord jesus that your children will be saved uh god but you thought it because you have a hope that it's gonna happen surely there are times when you've got to get radical and says god it is now time but tell me your time because you see when you look at the life of jesus he was effective in the life that he lives on earth he was very effective from the first day he went to that wedding canaan and his mother came to you and said then run out of wine there's no more wine and and what uh and you gonna say woman my time is not yet you cannot imagine much water and turn into wine at home before you can imagine how many times the water and the children go and that's wine and they could drink wine and so she knew that it could turn water into wine and he's and she says to the disciples anything you're telling me to go do it and you take him tell it to do what did she have she have hope in jesus christ she knew that this was a time that they needed the wine this time they cannot do without the wine so she could ask him to pick the grapes crush them and then ferment them and make wine in one second you could ask him to do a process that maybe would take a couple months in one second somebody said thank you jesus everybody has hope we cannot live without hope there is always something in our head to hope for whether good or bad but i believe that most person today is thinking about having something good i don't think we want bad things i i really don't hope it's too precious for you to put it beside something bad don't it why are you hoping to have coffee whoops why are you hoping that that that man to die because him trouble you oh lord why are you hoping things that are wrong and bad against those whom you call your enemies why are you putting your hope in the wrong basket do you know hope was not given to each a ride and anything that was negative so much so let's go on the the scriptures speak of that if we have hope in this world we would have been like men that are miserable yeah yeah yeah we'll be miserable the world is miserable because they will not put their hope in christ that's why they are miserable if i put my hope in christ then i cannot be miserable because i hope though in my god i hope though in my lord i hope though in jesus christ but if you put your hope my god upon this world and that's what most persons do so when something goes wrong they commit suicide oh god when things goes wrong persons begin to cry out oh what am i gonna do i can't live anymore and so they terminate their whole life but i'm here to tell you hope that god gives us must not be hinged to the things of this world i must hope first in christ jesus this woman she saw this man of god she she knew that he was different she knew that he was special she knew that there was something about him she knew that something can be done a long time shall we if you have a child you mothers and those who have a child also are married or child you know what it feels to be going and not having a child and when you reach a certain age the doctor would tell he said care again i said doctor just imagine what was going through her brain but she stood at her fence every day there is something about that man there is something about that man there is something about that man she was gonna step out of her frustration she was gonna step into the way of this man of god every day may give him some bread what shall i do shall team him i don't want to say to him but shall pull him in that is a type of prayer do you know the type of prayer amen every day you go to god until one day god is not just a mention to you but god become your friend it's not just a mention jesus that's just a mention you don't mean one thing you don't mean one thing until you begin to become his friends because that's what god wants ultimately he wants us to become his friends jesus christ of nazareth and some persons are too friendly with the world so it's hard to be friend with jesus but i want to encourage you this morning to recognize that this is your opportunity to have hope in god there is nothing else that you can put your trust in like god there is no one else because god have already made profession long before he created you so that you cannot just be an existing existence but you can have trust you can hope in the things of god why don't we trust god's salvation we must hope in god men feel man's sin but immediately god came to the rescue and gave man hope that god is going to be your salvation one day of course adam feel of course adam's sin of course he was electrocuted and executed from where god gave him my god but listen what happened immediately god says that look my friend the seed of the woman is gonna bruise the head of the serpent i am gonna give you salvation because even though we believe that is we alone have hope god have hope that in mankind he will get a son again he will get a people again so he prophesied he said look here the seed of the woman is gonna bruise the head of the serpent definitely he gave us hope that one day jesus christ one day i will bring you back and give you what you have been robbed of i will bring back your inheritance i will give you back your position that has been stolen from you i am gonna give you back your good health i'm gonna give you back all the wealth that have been stolen from you by the enemy of your soul somebody say thank you jesus don't ever think that god has forgotten he is the god of our salvation just think about salvation the beauty the sweetness of salvation oh god almighty some people die without it but god make provision that we can receive it we can accept his salvation and put away the hope and the trust in the salvation of the world everywhere you go they are trying to save the world don't you know they are trying to save the world they are not even saved and they are trying to save the world even right now people are saving more animals taking care of some animals that they say going extinct than even human so every time you say they have animal cares and animal protections going up i'm not against taking care and protecting animals i'm not against that oh what about you who is going to take care of you where is your eternity think about it if the animals have the sense that you have they would repent they would serve god because everything that i bread know their god everything that i've have you ever thought about it at everything that has bread no dear god only man that do not know their god there is hope in god david spoke of hope he said therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoice it my flesh shall also rest in hope even before jesus manifested he was sending out the message that i am coming with hope church listen to me if there's one time we need to begin to look to god and put our trust our hope my god our attention in the lord jesus christ is now don't make him pass and you don't touch him we used to sing a song a couple years ago that says jesus is passing this way some of you don't know this way jesus is passing this way is passing this way today listen to me jesus is still passing down your aisle is passing in this aisle right now he's passing in the aisles of your living room he's passing in the aisles of the kitchen he's still passing this way and he's looking for somebody like this woman who can perceive that god is with me god is here [Music] jesus god loves me he's here right now you might not see him but guess what it's a no faith in the substance of the things that you hope far what is it that i hope for in this time what is it that you're hoping for my god some people still hoping for some worldly things even though it's going away they're mashing up that is they are being destroyed you're still hoping for that go ahead i have no problem but remember to hope thou in god i know that most persons right now are shattered because of covey 19 and the second wave that is coming and everybody prophesying all the scientists all the educated folks speaking up second wave are you not baptized yet and second we have to say come in and there's a mutated wave that is coming from south africa and it has reached america no doubt because a couple months ago there was somebody calling on the angels of africa to come so no doubt that that that south africa one is going to reach in america i'm just trying to point out to you that the lord is still our only hope it doesn't matter what is that mean around us all he wants you to do is to trust him obey him listen this woman like the woman with the issue of blood she saw the crowd and she knew that she was forbidden even to go into the crowd but she perceived she could not but go after him lord god somebody hearing me if there's ever a time for you to go after jesus is now reach out and touch the lord as he passes by god almighty this woman i don't know what you saw in the man of god what are you seeing today in jamaica what are you seeing today in america what you see my god is god telling you something are you really hearing what god says you are to hear are you just looking in outer space and wish them find some life on mars to say and let me tell you but i'm here to tell you that mars will also burn with fervent heat the bible said that immediately after those days the stars from heaven will fall my god almighty i don't want to be on earth when the sun and the moon begin to fall and this [Music] hope in god put away your frustration creator is he that is in me than he that is in the world salvation listen to me folks and let me go slow with this quickly the the deflection from our minds the trick of the devil is to deflect our minds from salvation that's the greatest thing if i anyway just look at what is happening wrong he wants to pull your mind so that you don't think about salvation that's a deflection do you know that's the only offering that god has offered to mankind sal they shun so much so that when jesus was born the bible said he will come and he will save his people from the sin salvation do you know that salvation consists of many things that you and they have never encountered before on earth salvation is so powerful it's like a rocket that will take you from time into eternity do you know that all you need to get salvation is a one-way ticket and it's all in jesus do you know that the only thing the enemy he doesn't want your money listen let me tell you something satan doesn't want your money he doesn't want your qualification he doesn't want your house your property he doesn't want your gold your silver all he wants is your soul and he wants your relationship with god he wants you to backslide he wants you to break your relationship with god he wants you to turn your back because of some foolish material stuff can imagine somebody go to hell because of a car somebody go say hell because you have a ph d [Music] think about it the only thing that god offers to mankind was salvation from the beginning to the end jesus christ everlasting life somebody showed we gotta trust god today let me tell you something in genesis 49 and verse 18 listen to jacob my god and this was when he was of age a whole man old but he was wise listen what jacob said he said i have waited for thy salvation oh lord somebody i don't know how you feel this man in his old age he was not working with amnesia jesus christ he did not have all of those mental sicknesses that is going around these days he never lost his memory all he said something i believe he said from the beginning listen to me hold on to god hold on and put your trust in god jacob said listen to man hope i waited for thy salvation oh lord in other words i don't care what persecution i don't care what wind i don't care it sounds like jewelry my god job was take everything was taken from job from family to riches to wealth everything this man was eaten down by my worms and think about it one thing that he hold to he has got hope in god yes they might take away your house they might take away a car they might even take away your husband your wife your children they might take away your business they might take away everything that you have they might fire you and kick you out of a job but one thing for sure hope thou in god job said listen i will not let go my god i trust in the living god job hold to god you know he said i know that my savior redeemer means savior i know that there is salvation i know that my redeemer lived think about the hope that this man have i'm here to encourage somebody this is the moment that your hope meets its opportunity my god listen what david said is said father will not leave my soul in hell neither will those suffer thy holy one to see corruption what is he talking about i hope in god you don't want your soul to go to hell then there is hope in christ jesus listen to me even the prophet david could have released it he said be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart all he is that hope in the lord my god am i speaking to somebody you thought that you could just take your hope and put it upon a certificate that you have put it in the monies that you have put it in some institution even in the bank that you have even in the bank account that you have i don't care how many millions and billions that are in it but there is an opportunity for you not to trust in horses money at chariot but to put your trust to put your hope in the living god for he is the god of my salvation my god listen to me my beloved brethren remember remember david said the word of thy servant open which though has caused me to hope these men were speaking to me listen my my soul fainted for thy salvation but i hope in your word in other words he's saying a long time now wait may i wait for your salvation becoming no say you are the god of salvation i'm hoping my hope is indeed my trust is indeed i i am pointing to this that's how you have to live in these days don't just live a careless life and say boy i don't know what is happening tomorrow tell your friends i hope in the living god jesus christ of nazareth and so listen david said the word my hiding place my shield i hope in thy word you see that word hope it always go with faith i know about it these three faith hope when faith and hope come together you're gonna make some love you're gonna encounter love faith hope charity the greatest of all is charity but accept faith and hope comes together you can't have love i hope in your word oh god the word is so dynamic i trust in your word think about it i hope in your word i trust in your word hope and faith come together and become one one can go without the other listen what the wise man solomon said about hope he said the hope of the righteous shall be gladness that's why mccain said but the expectation means the non-hope of the wicked shall perish when you are in righteousness and you hope in god god have made us to become the righteousness of god so we can hope in god have you ever have a situation where you support i just have to trust god i'm hoping in god i know there's somebody here right now you're trusting your hope in your hope is locked up in god don't move it don't move it keep it right during jesus don't move it i said don't move it don't move it jesus christ of nazareth the hope of the righteous shall be gladness when a righteous man going on his knees to pray my god i'm going on gladly in the following grumpy grump i'm gonna by god i'm glad to come down and go before you i'll even tell god you're glad to go down before him i will enter in his kids with thanksgiving in my heart and into his courts with praise my god in the presence of the lord there is fullness of joy so go down glad we're going to pray again go on god go in he's a glad glad get up delight yourself in the lord who dwell in god why are thou cast down in me or my sword don't you know that there is a god in whom we can hope when they're gonna pray pray go pray laugh with god have a desire of gladness jesus i'm glad it's midday it's my time to pray thank you put some gladness in it step out of every gloominess because the season that we are in is one to make man feel gloomy dead not man ground for me but i'm here to give you hope this woman did not have a child but my god one thing shoving her belly she was impregnated with hope [Music] pregnant with hope all you see every day is just a normal belly you don't see nothing but you have something inside it like anna she was pregnant with hoop jesus christ how would you talk to this morning what are you pregnant with what is it that you have in your belly what is it that you have what is it that you're impregnated with i impregnated with something that is of god anna was impregnated with samwell long before she get pregnant she trusts she hoped in her god and one day she said i hate this i hate this today i hate this for somebody you're gonna be healed you're to be baptized in jesus name you're going to receive the gift of the holy ghost my god until anna she got into the temple and when she prayed and when she prayed my god even the priest himself eli could not understand what this woman was saying he thought she was junk yes she was junk but she was that junk with alcohol and liquor she was junk with hope because israel needed a prophet jesus christ israel needed a judge what is it that you hope for [Music] what you're hoping for what you're hoping for what is it that you're hoping for church listen to me today everybody listen today i'm commanding you in the name of jesus put a hope in your belly don't make not occupy that space rebuke fibroids from your belly go fibroids from my belly go in the name of jesus christ replace it with hope in god just put something come on get out of my stomach jesus christ of nazareth kick it out put hope in it in other words put a samwell in it in the name of jesus christ because it is necessary my god for the things of god to come alive and here comes the miracle through hope the prophet tell the woman he says next hear them timer next hear them time yeah well let the false prophet tell you next saturn time but come until the next 99 years but this prophet himself next year than china you will be holding a baby in your hand did not finish it the beer be dead the baby died and the woman hope in the god of the prophet was so strong when she was at waguan what happened you see the power of hope when you're pregnant with it are you hearing me ellis my god you don't want to hear my hope here today i hope to baptize the world of jamaica in jesus name and other places too i don't care who you are you need salvation you're you know bigger you know better than salvation i don't care what block you carry what 16 you have what weapon you carry you don't need this and this is the opportune time for you to get this because if this one left you the woman child was dead she was asked what everything all right what she said all is well that's the thing about hope they might kick you out of your position at work they might move you from where you're supposed to be they might fight against you speak against you but guess what there is something in your belly bubbling there is hope that we're going to get that position they're going to give about the salary here we're going to get back here they're going to get back the children something must be there my question is [Applause] have your hope seen its opportunity today this woman's hopes are a prophet walking down the street in a serious brand name camel coated skin with a bag around him with another little man walking beside him like a bodyguard okay his eye some of us would run for him and said he's a madman i'm gonna want him come beside and become the like on smell just think about it because i'm wearing a camel suit animal skin lord jesus christ of nazareth you can imagine i'm not going to say it smells bad because god knows how to perfume eyes these people but but guess what many would have rejected him but somebody you might have rejected jesus before the bible talks about him that he has no form no commonness that when you should see him there's no beauty in him in fact you don't want him because him don't look like a mercedes-benz it doesn't look like a beauty queen he doesn't look like a bodybuilder he doesn't look like a billionaire but i'm here to tell you if you don't perceive him today you might just lose your soul [Music] sorry the child died [Music] but because hope was in the belly i'm singing to somebody a business gundam because of so-called coven you go come back up you need the money for your mortgage you need the money for your children your children in university they need to be paid for jesus christ you have bills to pay but what is your hope where you hope there lord god the prophet i come to your hosts today don't plan it jesus christ i feel god send you somebody oh god almighty of some dead situation and think that god have forgotten about his promises to you but i'm here to tell you that you could be dead and stink like lazarus for four days [Applause] the woman listened to her this is what touched me even when the child died but because she knew it come from god listen to me if what you have don't come from god it might not come back to you but if you know what you have if the job comes from god you're going to get it back [Applause] a couple of weeks ago a friend of mine in new york already baptized in new york she was working with the coffee team very nice girl but she had a she had a pass a couple years ago in a fight and was imprisoned but she get baptized god fill her the same day before she baptized she got filled with the holy ghost because i was preaching that sunday morning in new york my god she have been through rough times and every time she gets a job listen to me every time she gets a job then go in our record and say oh because she went to prison for something years ago and they take the job from her and she would call me and say ella they let me off because i go back in prayer she get back the job listen to me i said to her it took me about three or four times already i prayed and i said god want to move you from there and immediately tomorrow she get a better job but every time she gets her job every time they go back in the record so she got a good job last year about march to deal with the coveting and good salary and everything and guess what a couple months ago they went back in her past and they let her go immediately and she called me on the phone i was somewhere preaching and i i saw the car coming by caller afterwards she was crying she was subbing she's a good girl you know very good person very very good person she cried she said hello i don't know but i haven't passed all of those things that i know i made a mistake in the past and why this thing and i said don't worry my friend i said let me pray for you right now and we pray and we broke it in the name of jesus christ i said you need back the job she says yes i need that job it was helping me so much i said in the name of jesus i sent him angels go go right in there please give her back her job she called me back guess what the caller should get back her job even though they took away her job she has hope that she will get back her job is there somebody right now right now right now right now something was taken from you and you did not think you can get it back i needed to raise your hands anywhere you are watching me anywhere you are and you're going to say right now i have hope in god i have received all is well i have received in the name of jesus christ the devil has stolen your children they are backslidden yes they are mixed up but in the name of jesus they shall return touch your belly mummy and say yes call them them call them them with them they might everybody stand right now in this bill understand is there somebody here not yet saved you're not yet baptized in jesus name if you are upstairs please come if you are downstairs you can just come to the front and stand in one of those areas come we're going to pray for you come now be taking so long upstairs don't be afraid don't be shy come hope in god [Music] this is a time for your hope your opportunity of hope to come alive [Music] somebody's coming run come my friend run come on [Music] thank you for this man lord just stand right there stand right there oh somebody else is coming i see them coming i see them coming then jesus and his righteousness [Music] only on jesus [Music] [Music] altar everyone come come sister rose stand right there put her right there let her stand right there yes don't be afraid don't be afraid stretch your hands to water we're going to pray for them you already baptized everybody here already baptized you're ready to baptize stretch your hands towards them [Music] say with me lord jesus we trust in your word we trust in your word and your word alone right now lord let your hands be upon everyone that stand at this altar [Music] we don't know what is in their heart what they're hoping for but today we know for sure that because of this word they trust and their hope though in god no lord touch them touch them are they oh my god almighty just touch them lord let your hands be upon them forever in the mighty name of jesus christ let the church send jesus name in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah we're gonna close let us just close up while you're standing then jesus i dare not trust the sweetest friend but only [Music] on jesus name on christ the sun dead rock i stand all over the [Music] [Music] is [Music] dear somebody not baptized on this altar and want to be baptized if you're not baptized i don't want us to talk with us just raise your hands just before the [Music] benediction heavenly father as we go this week we give you [Music] thanks for today we give you thanks for your word we thank you for hope hope that make it not a shame thank you we thank you that we can put our faith on our confidence in you the lord god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth that when we put our faith in you we don't need to be she ashamed we will not be ashamed as we go we go in faith we going home believe in you god look into you who is the author and or finisher for faith those who are standing on the altar right now whatever the situation whatever the circumstance tell them to just lift their faith in you god almighty strengthen their faith help their unbelief oh god help them to just cast all their faith and they're confident that as they go god that they won't see the situation but they will see you god who is bigger than greater than and more powerful and the situation we look to the hills someone's come at our health and you are a hell bless your children bless this church continually as we say thank you in jesus christ's name hallelujah amen and amen just lift your hands for the benediction hallelujah now unto him who is able to keep us from falling and to present those falses before his throne to the only wise god be glory honor the meaning of power even now and forevermore let all god's children say amen amen going home going home going home in jesus name you
Channel: Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic
Views: 2,430
Rating: 4.6571426 out of 5
Id: YgsqrWjWwGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 6sec (7626 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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