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how should Christians relate and respond to this issue of transgender and more importantly how should we as Christians treat people who are confused about their gender or possibly have gone even as far as being transgender that is coming up today on the beat hey my friend welcome back to the beat my name is Alan Parr thank you so much for tuning in if this is your first time here it's a pleasure if you want a free ebook click the link in the description box below if you enjoy this video consider subscribing hit that little Bell notifications so you won't miss a beat okay so this issue of transgender is becoming much more popular in our culture today as the enemy the devil himself is attempting to blind the minds of the people in this generation so it is critical that as this issue becomes more prevalent that we as believers know how to relate and how to poise ourselves and how to take a stand in the midst of this permeating our culture so here are five things that I want to encourage us as Christians to do and so the first thing that I want to encourage us as Christians to do is to simply be knowledgeable about this issue in terms of how people are talking about it in our culture and so in order to do that I'm just gonna give you three words that you really need to know so that you can be in the know and you can really understand what people are actually talking about in terms of this idea of transgender and the first word is simply the word gender now there used to be a time whenever you said that we're a gender and everybody understood that to be male or female but nowadays things have changed gender is no longer how you were physiologically and biologically created no gender has to do more with how you identify or who you identify with and so because of that reason we could have and it's been this culture many people believe infinite number of genders and so somebody put it this way sex has to do with what is between your legs but Jen has to do with what is between your ears in terms of how you as an individual identify I don't agree with that but that is what our culture is actually saying now the second word that I want to encourage you to understand is this idea of gender dysphoria and I'm actually going to define it here so you can know exactly how they're defining it in our culture and it is defined as a condition where a person senses that their gender identity or how they feel about being male or female may not align with their biological sex and experiences emotional distress as a result so this is somebody who has not gone through the process of changing their gender or attempting to try to change their gender but they are confused about their their identity if you will so they may be physiologically a male or female because of the genitalia that they have but in their mind and in their heart and all of that they identify as someone else and as a result this is causing quite a bit of emotional stress for them and the third word that I want to encourage you don't know is just simply the word transgender and this is somebody who is literally undergone the sex reassignment surgery to match how they feel they identify with and after this they are they start to take what's called hormone replacement therapy or for short HRT so once again if we as believers are going to have a voice on this issue of transgender in our culture today we've got to be knowledgeable so that we can relate to people that are dealing with this or maybe people who have people in their family that are dealing with this now these next two that I'm going to talk about we really have to make sure as believers that we hold in tension with one another because you can't have one without the other and so the second thing is we need to stand firm in our position and I'm gonna call this the idea of conviction you know the Bible says in Ephesians 6 and 14 stand firm then with the belt of truth buckled around your waist and so listen whether you lose the possibility of ministering to Samadhi or sharing your faith with somebody or whether people call you bigoted or intolerant or not accepting or exclusive or whatever you and I as believers we need to be ready we need to prepare ourselves for people to call us all sorts of things because we are convinced that we have the truth we have our waist buckled with the with the belt of truth and we cannot bow down we cannot just we cannot just conform to what the society says it's all well there's multiple genders and you know you be you and for me I'm gonna do the binary thing male or female but for you you can identify if you are a Christian and you're watching this video there is no wiggle room here we have to take a firm stance and say that because God said that he created them male and female Genesis 1:27 there are no other genders gender is equivalent to sex will this offend people yes but we as believers must first and foremost stand before God and make sure that we're giving a count for what we're standing on now with that being said number three we need to make sure that we are extending love to people that are dealing with this issue and so if on one hand we need to make sure that we have conviction on the other hand we also must hold in tension this idea of compassion and so what we have to really remember is that many people who are dealing with this issue of gender dysphoria meaning they're confused about their gender they are already experiencing a significant amount of stress and depression and anxiety and being ostracized from their community or maybe at school they're maybe being bullied or whatever and so we have to take that in consideration and know that they're already feeling a certain way and so the last thing that they need is for somebody to to to judge them or to to put them down or to make them feel even worse than they're already experiencing in terms of their emotional state any sort of hate speech or judgmentalism or anything like that is simply going to cause that particular person to shut down how we need to respond to them is extending love to them and what I mean by love doesn't mean accepting what they're doing or approving of what they want to do or how they see themselves but rather just simply giving them the same love that is spelled out clearly in first Corinthians 13 we need to be patient with them we need to be kind with them we need to make sure that we don't boast around them the Bible says love believes all things I'm gonna believe the best about you I'm gonna believe that God can change your heart the Bible says that love hopes all things I'm going to hope and believe that God is going to be able to change your life and to change your heart and to change your perspective in that way we're extending love to people that are dealing with this issue of transgender and along those same lines we need to also remind them that God loves them just the way they are even if they have gone through the transition process and they're taking hormones and they're trying to do all these things even in that God loves them God does not hate them God wants the best for their life we as believers need to speak that into their lives so that they know that God does not hate them number 4 we need to help people understand what God says about sexuality once again our reference Genesis chapter 1 verse 27 which basically says God created them male and female and here's the deal as you're talking to these people let them know of the sad reality that you know what you can go through all sorts of surgeries you can change your your cosmetic outward appearance but that is not going to change your internal wiring that is not going to change the chromosomes that God has given you at birth we need to make sure that they understand that if you were born a male it doesn't matter what you do cosmetically to your body hormones surgeries or whatever you will never be able to fully embrace being a woman because that is not natural and vice versa listen in there for this video and for this video I watched several surgeries of people changing their gender and different genitalia be taking out and I'm gonna tell you listen not only was it gross but it was not natural some of the things that people are doing the lengths that people are trying to go to to try to change their gender the female genitalia cannot be reproduced on a man's body and a male genitalia cannot be reproduced on a woman's body and a male cannot have children because they don't have the internal wiring to do that so we need to communicate to people who are confused and make sure they are very clear it doesn't matter what you tried to do on the outside and even on the inside there are some things that only God can turn around only God can change and if God is not gonna change your gender in terms of how he created you at birth then my friend it doesn't matter what you do however you were born is who you really are and then the fifth and final way that I believe we as believers need to prepare ourselves in terms of this transgender issue is to not tell them that they are not Christians because they are struggling or they're confused or maybe even have gone through the transition process we need to remember that in order to be a Christian it means that we are placing our faith in Jesus Christ so can someone who has gone through this process or someone who has castrated themselves or someone who has just severely confused about their sexuality can that person also at the same time place their faith their genuine trust and hope in Jesus Christ yes but is this God's will for their life no are they living in a sinful state yes we need to communicate that but we up we need to make sure that we don't communicate that they are not a believer simply because they may be severely confused about their sexuality and particularly their gender so I don't know if you're watching this and you may have a child that's dealing with this but more than likely as the times progress all of us in some way shape or form are going to be affected by this issue because it's sin going to become more and more prevalent and we as believers need to know how to relate ourselves we need to be on guard we need to be ready to give an answer for what we believe is the truth so I would love to hear your thoughts I know this is a controversial issue going on in our society today what are your thoughts leave them in the comments section below let's talk about it if you found this video helpful in any way feel free to share it with a friend also if you haven't done so already I would love it if you would subscribe check out some of the other videos on this channel thank you so much for watching I'll see you next time on the beat
Channel: THE BEAT by Allen Parr
Views: 197,902
Rating: 4.8120389 out of 5
Keywords: can transgenders be christian, gender dysphoria, gender dysphoria debate, ftm transgender, mtf transgender, ftm bottom surgery, ftm top surgery, the transgender issue, what is gender identity, what is my gender identity, what is gender equality, how to change my gender, how to change my gender on facebook, i identify as a woman, i identify as a man, i identify as a boy, i identify as a girl, allen parr the beat
Id: KAXa4AF146c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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