5 Signs That PROVE We Are Living in The Last Days and Jesus’ Return is Near!

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are we living in the end times in other words are there signs that we can look at that are going on in our world right around us that seem to indicate that we are moving in the direction of christ's second return and that the end times are imminent now i'm going to give you in this video five key signs that you and i need to look for that are going around right now in our world that seem to indicate that we are trending in that direction now you don't want to tune out too soon because sign number five could very well may be the most convincing of them all that seem to indicate that this is the direction that we are going now in full transparency i always like to explain to you all and share with you all some some resources that have really helped me understand things and i've referenced this book before but all of the things that i'm going to talk about in this video really come out of this great book by dr david reagan it is called god's plan for the ages the blueprint of bible prophecy and i highly recommend that if you are trying to understand bible prophecy that you go out and grab this book i'll put a link to it in the description below so you can go ahead and grab it it's a must-have if you really want to be a student of bible prophecy okay let's jump into the five signs that i believe indicate that we are living in the end times uh the book of hebrews first and foremost says this and let us not neglect our meeting together as some do but encourage one another especially now that the day of his return is drawing near now if a couple thousand years ago the day of jesus return was drawn near then how much nearer is it now but the idea here is that this implies that we should be able to discern that christ's return is drawing near because it says that in that passage so let me look at some signs here sign number one is what dr reagan refers to as nature signs and these are just signs that if you look at nature it seems to indicate that we're living in the end times now in matthew chapter 24 it says this later jesus sat on the mount of olives his disciples came to him privately and said tell us when will all this happen what sign will signal your return and the end of the world now jesus goes on and answers this question throughout the remainder of matthew chapter 24. but i want to look at a parallel passage where essentially he's answering the same question in the book of luke and it says here there will be great earthquakes and there will be famines and plagues in many lands and there will be terrifying things and great miraculous signs from heaven and so the idea here is not that these things will happen but rather they will happen in more frequency it will increase rather in frequency and intensity and this is the reason why jesus refers to these things as birth pains or birth pangs right so you know if you're a woman or if you've been married you see that a woman whenever she is getting ready to give birth her contractions increase in frequency and intensity and so it's not just oh well we've always had earthquakes we've always had famines we've always had plagues and things viruses and things going on around in the world oh but when they start to increase in frequency and intensity that is a sign that jesus said that the end is drawing near now the second set of signs is what i'm going to call the moral signs and this is referring to what is going on in our world today as it relates to a moral decay so i want you to notice several scriptures here matthew chapter 24 it says when the son of man returns it will be like it was in noah's day now we know whenever god destroyed the earth in noah's day that basically people were doing whatever they want to do there was an increase in wickedness that was going on in the world and jesus basically says that when i return one of the signs that i'm going to be coming back is that it is going to be similar to noah's day there's going to be an increase in wicked behavior and we're seeing that all throughout our world today now another scripture we'll look at is in romans 1 25 and 26 where it says they traded the truth about god for a lie so they worshiped and served the things god created instead of the creator himself who is worthy of eternal praise amen that is why god abandoned them to their shameful desires even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other so this is clearly referring to immorality i know this text isn't referring specifically to end times but it does say that these are some things that are going to take place right once again somebody could say well you know we've always had homosexuality we've always had this type of thing going on but once again when we see an increase in this type of wickedness these are signs that we're trending in the direction of this being the end times but perhaps the most convincing passage is in second timothy chapter 3 where paul says this he says you should know this timothy that in the last days there will be difficult times now i want you to pay close attention to this list that paul provides here and i want you to ask yourself do we see these things increasing in our world today he says for people will love only themselves and their money selfies hashtag selfies taking selfies with their car in the back their their house in the back and and showing off their their new ride their new whip their clothes and all that stuff right like yes these things have been going on but these things are happening more and more particularly with social media we are living in a time of highly materialistic stuff going on right where there's a lot of materialism there's a lot of i gotta have this i gotta have this and this is the idea of people loving their possessions loving their money once again boastful proud scoffing at god right you see more and more atheists popping up more and more people shaking their fists in god's face and mocking him and scoffing at him disobedient to their parents listen the way i hear some young people talk to their parents i wouldn't be able to get away with that and i know some of y'all watching this wouldn't be able to get away with that if you were talking to your parents like that 20 30 years ago right but you see these kids just talking to their parents any old kind of way this is an increase right uh un ungrateful oh my goodness right like we see we live in a culture where a lot of people feel entitled they feel ungrateful let's keep going they will consider nothing sacred marriage isn't sacred anymore to sleep with whoever i want to sleep with i'll get with whoever i want i'll get married i'll get divorced i'll get divorced married again i get another divorce like what's sacred anymore right they will be unloving and unforgiving they will slander others and have no self-control can i get an amen they will be cruel and hate what is good they will betray their friends be reckless be puffed up with pride and love pleasure rather than god and here's the clincher they will act religious but they will reject the power that could make them godly stay away from people like that now that leads me to sign number three and dr reagan calls this one spiritual signs so we've looked at nature signs we looked at moral signs going on in our world but now let's look at the the spiritual people the people who claim to be spiritual and godly what are some signs that we can look at that might be going on in that particular crowd uh jesus says here in matthew 24 and many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people listen i don't have enough time to unpack this one but this is just increasing right yes we've always had false prophets but it's getting worse particularly with the advent of social media and youtube everybody wants to be a prophet everybody wants to say god told me this god said that right i heard from god god showed me this god showed me in a dream right so there's going to be an increase in false prophets and they're going to deceive many people which is why i come down hard on these people on my channel matthew 24 24 for false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive if possible even god's chosen ones and then once again we read second timothy 3 3 5 about people who act religious right there's a lot of people who act religious they go to church and things like that but they reject the power that could make them godly and then first timothy 4 1 now the holy spirit tells us clearly that in these last times some will turn away from the true faith they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons so we see this going on as well people turning away from the faith people deconstructing that's the new word now i'm deconstructing my faith right people are turning away from the faith now also second timothy chapter four this is a clincher for a time will come when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching i could go on and on about this because there used to be a time when the bible was used in church but now sadly enough the bible is not used in a lot of churches because why the pastors know the people don't want to hear about it anyway right and so as a result people are turning away from sound biblical wholesome teaching and instead they're following their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear they have a desire they want to be rich they want to be healthy want to be wealthy want to have prosperity they want to get a job they want to get married they want to blah blah blah right and so what do they do they find a teacher who's going to tell them the very things that they want to hear that their ears are itching to hear and we see this going on so much particularly in the charismatic crowd and the health and wealth prosperity movement the word of faith all of that all right now there's some positive signs as well and in the in and once again one of them is that there's going to be an increase in understanding of biblical prophecy dr reagan points that out in his book daniel 12 4 but you daniel keep this prophecy a secret seal up the book until the time of the end why when many will rush here and there and knowledge will increase we there's so many people now that are interested in bible prophecy and science people like obsessed with end time events which is why i keep doing these videos to hopefully teach you a little bit more with each video because people are obsessed with knowing the future and knowing bible prophecy and this daniel says or god says to daniel this is going to be a sign of the times to come now sign number four remember we got five so stay here with me but david reagan calls these technology signs and so whenever we start seeing how technology is evolving in our culture this is a sign let me give you an example in the book of revelation god ordains two witnesses and they're in revelation chapter 11 you can read about them in verse 3 through 13. well these two witnesses are given power by god to evangelize and do miraculous things and so it says they have power to shut up the sky so that no rain will fall for as long as they prophesy and it says here that they will be killed it says the beast that comes up out of the bottomless pit will declare war against these two witnesses and will conquer them and kill them and their bodies will lie in the main street of jerusalem and then it goes on to say and for three and a half days all peoples tribes languages and nations will stare at their bodies no one will be allowed to bury them now you tell me how the world this prophecy could have been fulfilled 200 years ago 300 years ago where everybody in the world from all tribes peoples languages and nations would be able to stare at two dead bodies in the street the only way that is possible is because technology has evolved and now that we have the technology we have tv we have we have social media we have all these things it is now possible for this type of prophecy to be fulfilled now continuing on with this idea of technology what about the mark of the beast would it be possible for people to receive the mark of the beast 200 300 years ago maybe not so much right but now notice it says he required everyone small and rich assuming small and great rich and poor free enslaved to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead and no one could buy or sell anything without that mark and so the question is how could people throughout the world receive the mark of the beast without lasers without computers being able to track you know who has whatever mark and who doesn't have the mark like technology has evolved now here's another thing that would not be possible unless technology has evolved and that happens in revelation chapter 13. let's read it and with all the miracles he was allowed to perform on behalf of the first beast he deceived all the people who belonged to this world he ordered the people to make a great statue of the first beast who was fatally wounded and then came back to life he was then permitted to give life to this statue so that it could speak then the statue of the beast commanded that anyone refusing to worship it must die now i don't know about you but 200 years ago 300 years ago it wasn't possible to erect some sort of statue and make it appear as if it was alive and if it was speaking but now once again with the use of technology holograms and things like that it is very possible for this type of prophecy to be fulfilled so technology advance and increase is one of the signs that we're trending in the direction of the end times and the fifth and final sign that i'll give you in this video although dr reagan gives you a few more in his book i encourage you to check it out are political signs right now remember the next one i'm going to give you is really going to tie it all together so hang tight because that's the most important thing now political signs let's just look at the state of israel because we know that israel is a very very key player in end time events i want you to notice what god said through the prophet zechariah as it relates to israel it says this message concerning the fate of israel came from the lord this message is from the lord who stretched out the heavens laid the foundations of the earth and formed the human spirit i will make jerusalem like an intoxicating drink that makes the nearby nation stagger when they send their armies to besiege jerusalem and judah so notice that in the end times jerusalem and the israel essentially is going to be uh an enemy of the nations the nations are going to try to attack israel we see a lot of the stuff going on in our world today it says on that day i will make jerusalem an immovable rock however all the nations will gather against it to try to move it but they will only hurt themselves so we see that as israel becomes first and foremost a nation didn't happen until 1947 that's a whole nother thing right but now that they are an official nation we see these other nations that are attacking jerusalem now another one that i really picked up in this book that i haven't really heard a lot of people talking about as it relates to political is ethnic strife they may say well where do you get that from well i want you to notice here in matthew 24 7 it says nation will go to war against nation and kingdom against kingdom now we read that earlier but what's interesting is that the greek word here for nation is actually the word ethnos ethnos from which we get our word ethnic or ethnic groups or ethnic people groups right and so the idea here could be that when we see more ethnic groups going against one another that could also be a sign of the end times and we see this all throughout the world but more specifically we see this in the united states where certain ethnic groups right are rising up and attacking other ethnic groups uh riots in different cities and things like that going on so these are all signs of the end times but my friend the most convincing one of them all is what dr reagan says is the convergence of all these signs happening at the same time see we've always had nature signs we've always had political science we've always had advancement in technology we've always had these types of things but when you start to see all these things kind of converging and happening at the same time that seems to indicate that we are trending in the direction of christ's second return being near and now finish with the words that the apostle john said in the book of revelation come quickly jesus even so jesus come so i'd love to hear your thoughts what do you think about the signs of the end times do you think that we're living in the end times do you think there's anything that i've left out of things that are happening in this world that we should pay attention to that should let us know that the end is near right and we're living in the last days let me know in the comment section below and let's talk about it if you found this video helpful in any way feel free to share it with a friend also if you haven't done so already i'd love it if you would subscribe check out some of the other videos on this channel thank you so much for watching i'll see you next time on the beat
Channel: THE BEAT by Allen Parr
Views: 260,437
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Keywords: allen parr, end times prophecy, end times 2022, the last days, end times, bible prophecy, bible study, the rapture, book of revelations, book of revelation, book of revelations explained, bible prophecy update, the return of christ jesus, signs of the return of jesus christ
Id: DaNOyH5i33s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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