Beta64 - Persona 5

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that was a good 1:09:02 of watching cut contact

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] looking cool Joker hey everyone andrew here from beta64 you know what I love persona 5 that was smooth I've been a fan this game since it released picked it up a couple months after it came out didn't play for like three years beat it in six months and boy I was ready to make a video and it was just when Royal was coming out so I thought this is the perfect time there's so much here prototype footage early concept art scrap mechanics and over a half an hour of this video is just dedicated to unused findings in the game with some exclusive footage and if you're afraid about spoilers don't worry as long as you have two table in your party you have zero spoilers to worry about from the original game and if you're still playing through royal don't worry no Royal spoilers at all so let's sit back relax as we talk about the complete developmental history and all those crazy on use findings in persona 5 the story of persona 5 begins with the different game one that you may or may not have heard of it's Katherine a puzzle game following the story of a particularly unlikable protagonist trying to climb blocks now that doesn't sound all that light persona 5 does it well despite that Katherine is actually one of the first prototypes up for so two five at the beginning before was a puzzle game Katherine was simply being made as a test project by director katsu de Hoshino known for his work on persona 3 and 4 along with the team of all-star persona developers like character designer shigemori SOI Jima and composer Shoji Magoo doll they began to work on Katherine while performing the final polishing of persona 4 so around 2008 this test project was of course meant to test things out like these brand new high-definition graphics as well as moving around life-size characters realistically creating events and cutscenes etc etc but what was originally simply a test for the next persona game suddenly became a highly anticipated game of its own in Japan which is great but you know this videos on persona 5 so let's fast forward after Katherine was released in 2011 when on development of persona 5 we'll begin but not until the team that worked on this project was splitting - under the new name piece to do with 1/2 working on constantly releasing new titles and the other half had one sole focus to create the next big persona game the split left them with about 40 people or so eventually expanding to 70 over the next 5 years of development at this point that would begin using their own personal engine for the game unlike Katherine which did make things a lot easier like creating offense but development was not going to be easy there was obviously a lot of came to make but the most challenging part was trying to fulfill their desire to create something new the jump between persona 2 & 3 was pretty substantial but Hoshino and his team wanted to jump between 4 & 5 to be even bigger actually it was meant to be more of like a leap into the future of the persona series after all this was the series 20th anniversary this was the time to go big but because of that this weight was gonna be really long like really long has she no hope that fans would be understanding that reveals for this game wouldn't be happening for a while and he wasn't wrong it would be over two years before anything was teased about this game other than the occasional yes still happening but during that time behind the scenes a lot was going on so let's take a little look beyond the curtain shall we ok so during the earliest points of development there were a lot of ideas being thrown out trying to make persona 5 unique and different compared to the previous games in the series one idea was to make it an action based game instead of a turn-based one but this was ultimately scrapped though technically we would see this kind of battle system later in persona 5 scramble just with a billion enemies at once another major change that was considered but they actually went for was the addition of unique palaces with randomly generated dungeons used in previous games being limited to only mementos this was done in order to give returning players something unique to experience and hopefully draw on some new players to the series the decision to bring back shadow negotiations though was to appeal to older fans who felt the negotiations were a key part of the series and plus scheana wanted the Phantom themes to be able to hold up their enemies at gunpoint and say handover the money's classic be removed these were all decisions made pretty early on in the game's development but before they could really get stuff going has shoonoo and his co writers shinji yamamoto and you judo tanaka had to come up with the framework of the story they wanted something different from persona three and four deciding that the story of persona 5 should focus on self-discovery and journey now what does that mean well originally it meant that joke and his pals were gonna go backpacking around the world exploring different countries and confining themselves along the way but then the 2011 earthquake and tsunami happened in Japan and seeing the Japanese citizens managing to work together and bond through the tragedy it was beautiful and in light of that Hoshino decided that persona 5 should take place solely in Japan with the journey portion of the game being done through unique palaces which we mentioned before after all you do go through a lot of different locations through them so it's kind of like you're going around the world now let me ask you you like books well persona 5 story was based on quite a few dusty old novels and some newer ones depicting their cunning main characters in a variety of oppressive situations otherwise known as a picaresque fiction like the 1554 tale the life of what Isaiah do they thought amiss which back then was actually banned by the Spanish crown for being anti clergy and then there's water margin from 1589 where Outlaws managed to join forces and eventually were given freedom from the government and then there's Ishikawa Goemon the Japanese equivalent of Robin Hood who you might remember from when that test questions you get in persona 5 which is also where you learn about our sin the gentleman thief who eventually became a persona in the game though before our sin was officially decided to be Joker's persona that honor was going to be given to the German demon mephistopheles I really hope I said that right oh and by the way you know what catchy go to write or go to a catchy in the English translation but do you know where his name comes from why didn't until I research for this video and it turns out it comes from another book that helped inspire personifies story to fiend with 20 faces from 1936 in this novel a detective known as a catchy cool gödel faces off against his arch enemy the unnamed gentleman thief so yeah basically the exact same premises persona 5 you might think that's a bit of a cop-out but to be fair akechi has been a used character in well over 50 stories since 1925 think of it like Sherlock Holmes for Japan which is used in so much media I literally could countable the same goes for a catchy even though his name was changed a bit from Co Gordo - Gordo it's basically the same character that's been used in so many Japanese novels just now in the persona universe these novels that have mentioned didn't just affect the characters in storyline of the game it also majorly affected how fusions worked see in persona 3 and four fusions were done using carts but thanks to all that picaresque fiction that the writers had been reading they decided to make fusion based on capital punishment instead something that the hero in a picaresque novel would be very well aware of you know I guess persona 5 technically is a picaresque work more or less the main characters are literally designed as having no place to belong as they attempt to survive within a corrupt society and their work as a phantom thief was meant to give them a place to break outside those imposed cultural limits which in turn makes them enjoy the powers much more than in previous persona games where the protagonists were more so dragged into their newfound powers so that's the basic framework of persona 5 but now I'd like to focus on some actual concrete changes by comparing some of the earliest test footage that we have of the game now this footage was shown off after release but it demonstrates some of the earliest ideas that the team had during the first couple years of full-time development so let's take a look shall we the first of these short test clips comes from episode 5 of the persona stalker Club V show and shows off Joker carrying a small brown bag while wearing an unbuttoned shirt and tie in a blocky high-rise apartment overlooking Tokyo turns out this is where our protagonists originally lived along with prosecutor psy and that's right leblanc wasn't Joker's original home it was sized apartment in the beginning while trying to track down the fan of thieves unbeknownst to her she would have been living with their leader Joker showing him calling cars and discussing plans for capturing them but in the end this was all scrapped because Hoshino thought it was just too cheesy we do happen to have footage of the inside of the apartment as well which was shown off about a year later in 2017 it lets us see some more blocky rooms and early Czech pop up in Bellwood he finally buttoned up his shirt and got the same bag as the final game just blew her also check out psy at this point she was using Kathryn with the K's model from cath seeing as that game was a test for persona 5 it makes sense for them to reuse models in UI for testing purposes though the proportions of the characters were eventually changed from what we saw in Katherine to keep the game from looking too realistic quote-unquote and now on to the last prototype footage we have which takes place on a train this bill was designed in order to see what it would look like if crowds were gray in order to help important characters stand out like the two students that Joker's overhearing this idea was scrapped though because well it wasn't colourful enough obviously oh and also Joker's wearing another early outfit here too and so development went on and on and on with nothing new from the team for two years other than yes we're still working on it we promise we're working on it yes we are working on it the first time that anything was like actually revealed was on November 21st 2013 it was just a simple teaser though there really wasn't anything substantial shown except for the last bit let's take a look at that ah yes releasing 2014 winter so as you're probably aware persona 5 released in Japan on September 15 2016 almost two years after the date shown in the announcement trailer and three months after this teaser was shown off in Japan persona fives North American release window was revealed to be in 2015 another two years off seeing as the game actually released in 2017 in the West after that silence there wasn't much else talked about the game that is until a new teaser trailer showed up on September 1st 2014 everyone was so excited to see this look it's fully animated and there's the new protagonist and there's a school's logo and oh freak there's the games logo ps3 right uh-huh ps4 oh my gosh I can't wait to play this holiday season of 2014 it was doing that was the most hyped delay announcement I've ever seen and a few months after that in December it was Atlas USA's turn to tell us it was delayed and they didn't actually for some reason they once again restated that persona 5 was definitely gonna release in North America in 2015 sure alright this is 2015 where's persona well obviously we didn't get the game but we did get some other nice stuff to see or like a cool ad in the newspaper which was the first time that the phantoms were ever mentioned along with their logo and then there was February 5th that's when the floodgates burst open with our first ever look at persona fives intro animation and even better the gameplay so yeah we've definitely got quite a bit to look at here and compare well more or less the intro animation and various other animated cutscenes didn't change all that much so really all that's left to compare is the various gameplay segments and well there's still a lot of changes in there so let's take a look shall we so the first thing we need to talk about is the date in the footage April 11th that's not normal right there's always a date up there but the thing is in the final game April 11th happens to be the first day of school that's when you meet up with ruiji the first time see on a bit with Comal Sheeta and then you end up accidentally barging into combo shooters palace join with our send me Morgana escape catch last bit of school it's that's a long day but in this trip apparently something entirely different happens here you get on the train walk to school have a normal day class though at a different camera angle afterwards you hang out with 3ug on and Morgana who apparently already know you well in some graffiti ridden spot in Tokyo which might be an early version of the axis way in Shibuya then in the evening you all had to leblanc to discuss your infiltration of commish udas palace with Metaverse Morgana we wait Morgan isn't supposed to look like this unless they're in the Metaverse but they aren't in the Metaverse in this footage since their feet aren't kicking up idiot out weird pink stuff though in this version of the game it does look a bit different like water ripples still that doesn't happen here so I guess Morgana could just change freely between cat and Metaverse form at first or maybe it was just for the trailer either way after that still on April 11th mind you Joker then goes to infiltrate comma shoot his palace alone and in the evening no less according to this kanji something impossible in the final game plus I didn't even mention this on Joker's way to school the trainees on gets shaken violently due to a passing train going way too fast and that sonic speed train is likely the one that crashes in the final game but in that version happens on April 10th not the 11th so I guess that means that it was originally going to happen on the first day of school with Joker on a train on the next rail over wait a second they're not the same color are they Frank we either wasn't the train or maybe was an early color for it yeah I don't know and honestly how the story flows in this trailer it's super confusing to try to match up with the final game which means they either made huge changes for the first few hours of the game story definitely a possibility or that date was just arbitrarily picked for the trailer either way there are plenty more changes to look at in this trailer especially with the UI take a look at this close-up of Rio Gees face these couple seconds alone have quite a few changes first off obviously it shows a lot more of his face here though it turns out the final games version of his art is still about the same size but it's mostly obscured by the outline now it's definitely not the same art there's different shading and the final version is missing his neck and nose which I guess is not that weird since you wouldn't be know to see it anyway and speaking of that outline in the final game it just sort of comes in like a lightning bolt but this early version had it ripping in like you were ripping paper along with the different red background ons close-up does the same thing too but her art is much more on par with the final game just a bit different here and there in the details for the pause screen the animation that's done when you hit pause is slightly different mostly with the eye contact after that it looks pretty much the same except that it says camp and main here instead of a menu in main and also the calendar was originally going to be called mission in this build and status it seems like it would have originally been called to party this footage also heads into the equip menu but the animation looks pretty much the same the only biggest difference here is Joker's eye there are a couple places I'd like to take a closer look at in this trailer like the doctor's exam room we can only see it for a split second but it shows off some really cool things that aren't in the final version like an x-ray of a fish a giant cabinet of various liquids and radioactive testing equipment along with the hazmat suit what can you like legally have something like that well I guess it doesn't matter because it's all hidden behind a sheet in the final version they'll never find that you look really close over there you can still faintly see the light from the machine but playing the game I never noticed it so she's probably good okay one less place , shootas palace to start us off on this the trailer shows us Joker dropping down into the main hall where the only difference is here is the painting on the back wall and even then it's only a slight difference with the arm placement the chandelier hopping Singh didn't change that much either except for nothing jump honestly for a trailer that was shown well over a year before the game actually released there isn't much to see in this palace I'm sure there's some difference with enemy placement or something like that really not a whole lot to look at except for with the battles there are two things shown off here that I want to look at the first is bullet hail a move that you learn from the tower confident in the final game but in this instead of lining up and taking your shots your party instead surrounds the enemy like what happens after all enemies are knocked down allowing you to perform an all-out attack and speaking of which and all-out attack was also shown in this trailer to check it oh my gosh that is not Joker's final art that's just scary oh my gosh I do not like that so that was the first gameplay trailer of persona 5 there was another trailer that was shown at e3 the same year but it was actually just the same trailer translated into English the time between those two trailers those so February to June right a lot of info was released to the public like the game setting the gameplay and how it was laid out and it was all pretty much the same as the final version but we did get some screenshots of the game that are very interesting that I think we should take a look at the first we have is of our sin in battle with chains all around him something you don't normally see in battle since they're like so small in comparison to the screenshot not to mention it's only around Joker in the final game not our sin which is cool and all but this other screenshot showing Joker waiting for his train on April 7th now that is really interesting because the final version the game starts on April 9th meaning that this screenshot is from two days before the final game even begins if this was actually supposed to be and not a placeholder date then maybe it's not so weird that you would have known rajion and Morgana on the 11th like we saw in the trailer earlier and speaking of trailers it's time to look at the second trailer for persona 5 that leaked on June 24th of 2015 it was included with the persona 5 special blu-ray and features a lot of the same footage from the last trailer except we do get to see a little bit of the casino from the intro of the game with a lot of gross placeholder sound effects also the shadow that Joker jumps on is wearing a different mass shaped like a heart and turns into a different persona in this footage compared to the final game with Joker fighting it at a different camera angle showing off a critical with a different font the music in this trailer is also like a MIDI ish sounding version of last surprise it's really weird and I think we should take a listen to it because that's basically all we have left to see in this trailer take a listen [Music] you know the more I listen to it the more I actually grow to like it you know what else I like in retrospect when a game is supposed to come out on a certain day that elite comes out saying it's gonna be delayed and then the PR manager was like no no it's definitely gonna come out that day and then it gets too late well that's exactly what happened to persona 5 Sony Computer Entertainment of Europe released an advertisement that said it would release in 2016 when it was set to release in 2015 and Atlas USA was like no the only thing I can confirm for persona 5 is a 2015 release both the ad and the PR manager were wrong and fun fact that same advertisement said that Final Fantasy 7 remake was going to release in 2016 hello from the year 2020 I still don't have it Andy from a-plus start has it I don't have it so we're now in September of 2015 and on the 17th of this month Tokyo Game Show 2015 officially began with Atlas booth featuring a small little nod to persona 5 that same day Atlas did what they called a business trip stream where they revealed the Velvet Room attendance as well as a new promotional trailer then honestly there aren't that many big earth-shattering changes here just some interesting ones here and there like kaneshiro not being purple at his palace or the fact that you can visit shoe tjuku on April 16th when in the final game it can only be visited starting on June 18th there's also a guy over there with a car just standing there menacingly and the signs were changed to like bird trip becoming second heaven and RonRon well that was originally called new order honestly there's a lot more signs that we could compare here but it would take way too long to mention them all I will say though the map icons here are white but they're yellow in the final game and the same applies in Shibuya where an early icon of a dog statue thing was replaced with just three blocks that's a cool change right actually you know what forget that you know it's a really cool change originally your party when chasing rat form will put their little arms up in the air as they ran away look go wait a minute why are there rats and , sheeta's palace that doesn't happen until like hey later okay interesting I'll take note of that so yeah that's all we have to look at it seems to be mostly just polishing up with little changes here and there - Oh summer 2016 release huh another delay but hey at least this time they were actually right the game did release on the very tail end of summer 2016 in Japan Atlas USA also announced a delay saying that the North American release would be pushed back to 2016 and that one didn't happen but hey you know you got one or two right that's not so bad if you were hoping for more interesting info from around this time not to worry after the trailer we got to see a developer interview with Hoshino showing off an in development build of the game complete with debugging features it also has the date April 1st on the top corner which is a date not possible in the final game but you know since it was a debug build this was probably just like a default day for testing purposes after all the kanji here says morning both when you're in school and in the palace and you can't be in the palace in the morning so yeah I just for testing when he is in the palace though we do get to see that the security level meter was planed to be on screen at all times not just when pressing the 3rd eye bun we also get to see a blue hallway , shoot his palace where it shows up little pop-ups for the places that you could jump to all taking cover something that was replaced with a light ring marker on the floor in the font version and not only that check this out briefly we get to see a removed room where Joker pulls a lever and it moves a bunch of paintings revealing another room now the security meter shows comma schita on the screen but with all those paintings it seems more like a place that would belong in Madara maze palace not to mention some of the materials used in this room are from Mataram his palace in the final game so that icon was probably just a placeholder or something by the way this room it never made it into the final game though it is technically still in the games files as discovered by pawn he made the textures don't look quite right but is still technically there though we are getting a bit ahead of ourselves aren't we let's talk more about on you stuff later instead let's head to the end of 2015 since September there's been a lot more interviews to complete with screenshots and other cool tidbits but to be honest at this point it's pretty much all the same as the final it looks like we're pretty much at the end of personifies development all that really happened going into 2016 was more informed Ryoji on and Morgana though at this point atlas was very very adamant about not confirming Morgana's gender even though in the final game were gonna does state that he is male the reason for the ambiguity during development may have been because the developers were still trying to decide whether make his gender concrete or more mysterious after all if it wasn't for him specifically saying he's a dude it really could have gone either way like Morgan is traditionally a female name in the voice actors female - but here's the thing Morgana was originally designed as a feminine character and we know this thanks to what was shown in the persona 5 official design works art book which was released a few months after persona 5 as you can see from this concept art Morgana was definitely going to be a lot more traditionally feminine character designers so eg Emma said he went for what he called a female design at first because a gender from Morgana hadn't been decided on yet this early artwork showcases a different body style and a rubber suit that covers everything except for the head the same art page also shows off more ganas van transformation which by the way was originally going to be a sports car Morgana was also going to be able to transform into other things as well basically anything he wanted to but this idea was scrapped and limited to the vein transformation oh and I also want to talk about Morgana's persona Zorro who was originally going to be a dog and then soy Jima was like now let's make him a big burly man in the end though so a jima decided just to have it resemble a blown-up balloon so that way you wouldn't be able to tell if it's actually strong or not in other words he wanted it to be mysterious much like Morgana there is so much more to this book than just Morgana though sorry everyone's here so let's take a look further in starting with the fan thieves and some of their earliest thieving outfits so it turns out originally their thieving outfits were literally just going to be their school uniforms with masks give it to them by Morgana this piece of art in particular is pretty weird because Joker's wearing skulls mask and ryouichi well guess he's the Joker now so eg methought they would be way too easy to recognize in these outfits though if they ever ended up you know getting caught so he tried alternate school uniforms like this but with a skull instead of the school's logo but that didn't last long either his next thought was just to have them wear regular clothes but now they just look like regular criminals so in the end he decided to give them distinct romanticize outfits that way the Phantom's could separate themselves from everyday criminals as well as their student lives now why don't we take a closer look at each of these phantom thieves individually and as you could probably guess let's start with Joker the first is of him wielding a gun but has she no thought it looked too realistic so these next couple pieces were made in a much more anime art style this was ultimately scrapped too because it was just too anime for their taste a balance had to be struck with the final design and in the end they managed to find a style they liked for both Joker and the rest of the cast next up let's check out Aug Aug didn't change all that much his persona Captain Kidd though used to look absolutely terrifying but that's about it now what about odd turns out originally in the Metaverse she was going to be using night-vision goggles to look around while wielding a crossbow but that was later switched to some cooler shades before it was all scrapped those these goggles were eventually given to Futaba to wear on was also planned to have a blue headband too that we don't have art of but that was removed this time because it apparently made her look like a country girl too much by the way interesting lo Tibbett from the art book here apparently there was planned to be an event in the game where on would have had her hair down it was imperative that this scene happened at least that's what scenario writer Tanaka thought after all she normally has her hair up in his opinion that meant it had to be shown down at least once so soy Jima decided to draw up this piece of concept art and Tanaka immediately changed his mind and the scene was never made never really explained why let's check out you scape at the beginning he was planning to resemble an art teacher more than an art student with long hair to boot but that idea was scrapped he was also planned to attend a school from an earlier persona game - but that was also scrapped and that's about it Makoto is up next and I know you were probably hoping that there was going to be a lot about her in this book after all she is a very popular character but sadly it wasn't meant to be all the interesting info boils down to that she used to wield to piss instead of one though there is this piece of art not labeled as Michael told but was instead placed in the various section of the book she looks very similar and designed but was carrying a sword and wearing goggles this could have been an early design for her but it also could have been just a generic girl character for a generic concept or piece either way let's move on to another one of the more popular phantom thieves Futaba did you know that originally she was going to have black hair but in order to keep her from looking like a stereotypical depressed shutting geek they decided to have her dire hair orange that is canon her thief outfit was also designed after outfits in the movie Tron with the goggles as I said take it from on but redesigned a bit to look more like a frog her persona Necronomicon was designed to look like a UFO due to futaba's chuunibyou illusions and her love for conspiracy theories at first it was gonna fly around inside palaces but it was just too big so they had to scrap the idea and just let people assume that's flying somewhere above the palace her mom was also mentioned the art pages - turns out at the beginning she was actually going to force Futaba to become a shut-in before she left it wasn't futaba's own choice she was also plan to be more motherly at first but they eventually decided to make her look like a researcher who puts work over family do not do not do that overall not so many changes more like explanations but Haru she changed quite a bit throughout development in the final game she's a sweet strong third-year female student but originally she was going to be male a first or second year student depending on where and development you're talking about they did both and she was going to be fluent in the art of classical Japanese dancing wearing a no mask with her thief outfit but since they already had a character with the Japanese mask they decided to scrap this idea and lastly we've got a catchy who looked roughly the same throughout development except that his thief valve it was originally going to be like a a cowboy and he also had this one that looks kind of cool like him alive also he was playing to be Makoto his brother but that was an idea worked on for very long and that's all we got on the Phantom thieves unless turns out there was one more fan thief playing during development and her name's was he Fumi the shogi player confidant one of the many people my wife said I should date but I picked Futaba because most diets already had them yeah.he Fumi was originally going to be a phantom thief taking part in the fight against society as the brains of the group but sadly it wasn't meant to be only because the story they had written so far was already just too long adding in another phantom thief was just gonna be too much so she was simply made a confidant and the brains of the group role was given to Mikoto some early concept art shows what she would have looked like in her thieving outfit though but sadly it never came to be even in royal there were plans for another phantom thief in addition to he Fumi that was going to be a radically minded strategist but once again story would be too long so that character trait was also given a mock rattle and now with all the phantom thieves covered including the scrapped ones let's check out some other characters that have early concepts in the art book like Oda without his signature hat we've also got a wide looking a lot more rough Kawika me looking more generic kama sheet of looking morgan gross and oh yeah looking cool as heck what the Frick happened her new redesigned and we also have what may have been early concept art for the velvet rooms assistant if the butterfly means what I think it means and now on to the final confidant we'll look at sigh we mentioned that originally she was gonna be living with Joker right but did you know one of the other ideas the team had was for her to be Mikoto's mother here's some art of her when she was planned for that role Plus enjoy some other art of her looking just like Bayonetta striking resemblance and now that we finally looked at all of those people I think we should end our look in the books session with some early pieces of concept art for a few places in the game like the velvet room complete with a very intimidating warden and bloodthirsty dog as well as this one with an aquarium in the back much more relaxing we've also got mementos but with skulls and a terrifying depiction of Comus shootas palace like oh my gosh I'm kidding some serious corpse party vibes I need to get that off the screen man getting flashbacks what do we like halfway done with the video cool that means all the rest of this is on unused findings in persona 5 this game is a mess there are so many unused bindings for persona 5 all over the place most of it isn't even documented on the cutting room floor just because it would take so long to write it all up luckily I got help from data mining expert Pawnee gave me exclusive footage to show you here today so why don't we get started on the unused findings in persona 5 in the final game if you've played it late at all you know that by doing various things you can increase Joker stats like knowledge guts proficiency kindness and charm but there's some unused texts that refer to these by different names and even some that were scrapped we've got sex appeal which may have originally been charmed and the rest of them I can't really find any final skills to match up with them very well but they still could technically be early names we've got one called cleverness a social status you would raise by organizing magazines without knocking them over perception which you drank up by reading to Yugi then we've got self-respect quick-wittedness cleverness and the last of which dignity which you would have increased by cleaning a room and your toilet yep originally that was even going to be toilet maintenance in this game not only that after cleaning a room for dignity points the text begins to talk about buying furniture and a bed for Morgana but Morgana always sleeps with you in the final game and you can buy any furniture so yeah that didn't happen even though according to some other unused text and even some unused models which I'll show you right now you could have originally customized your sofa your sheets your lamp rug cat bed and more kind of sad to be honest I really would have liked this feature you can technically still customize things by placing a confidants gifts which are fine but used to be so much more also by the way there are three unused confidant gifts that you could have received nice and speaking of confidants you know that when forming contracts with them you get this long speech about I am thou and thou art I will guess what that wasn't originally going to happen at all at first instead it would have just been a couple lines from Igor saying you have agreed to a new contract excellent but that's not all we can actually see this in action thanks to a scrap cutscene that's still in the games files it's an alternate version of Misha Muskaan track forming scene complete with a different transition to size interrogation just fix it takes a minute there he is here we go and then BAM there's Igor just as quick as he comes though he leaves what's even better is that there's no music or voices or anything in this whole event he's literally just this there's also some more unused text which gives us early names of some of the confidants yukio mishima was originally Taichi machinae Tai taka me was originally Aki mcgoun ge-mu nagisa UI who was originally powder Hatake yama which is interesting because his son in the game is named cow which must have come from this early name there's also a listing for a foreigner confidante - which didn't make it in as well as a world confidant that has text for each time that they ranked up in the final game ranking up the world confidante is impossible because they're technically isn't one but according to this text you could have ranked them up from one all the way to max rank meaning that you would have unlocked the most powerful persona of the word Akana dummy yes that is what it says the reason being is that there is no persona in the world o'connor in persona 5 original that is you can actually fuse one in royal but even so there is no world confidant that wasn't the only thing that royal had it back in the game that was previously unused it also added in two unused calendar events that are only referenced via text in the original games files that would be the camping trip and the New Year's shrine visit sadly the shoe gene founding anniversary wasn't added in so that one remains unused and also with the calendar comes some more unused text this time for scrapped part-time jobs like in the jewelry store as a barker and apparently helping with the election during the day in Shinjuku was a job you could have originally been paid for some other texts also references working at the karaoke bar as well as as a cram school tutor where he could have originally earned points for another scrap social set insight oh and on the subject of social stats according to some other removed text you needed to originally have a high level of guts to check out the shops in Ginza yes I said shops multiple because apparently there used to be more there than just the sushi shop and you could have originally visited them at any time via the train system though it doesn't look like you would have actually been out a walk around Ginza yourself just whenever you ride the train there Morgana would ask you if you want to visit the luck a sushi restaurant or the luxury jewelry store both of which needed a high level of guts to enter not to mention according to some other unused text apparently you needed a high level of guts just to get outside at night in general specifically you needed it at nerves of steel level which may have been bold level since in the final game so judo gives you permission to go out relatively early on and getting bold in guts happens pretty early on to the reason you needed hired guts was because well you were scared the city's dangerous you gotta train yourself to protect yourself and on that note did you know you could have originally trained your marksmanship in persona 5 as evidenced by scrap conversation with on bougie Yusuke Morgana talking about trick shooting and after deciding that you're the only one with a gun that would be good enough for cool trick shooting you were tasked with finding a place to improve your precision thought she would have a better chance of hitting enemy vitals and immobilizing them in other words I'm assuming that means that you have trained your shooting skills for an increased chance of critical hits when firing your gun but that idea and the place to do it at were both scrapped you know what else was correct a CD player you can technically still purchase CDs in the final game but those are for gifted at first though they were meant for your room CD player where they could have been used to play music while training which in turn made workouts more effective but it wasn't as easy as just buying a CD player some CDs you'd have to start with a broken system then fix it up before you can use it but after you do all that it could be used to replace the normal music track in your room with whatever you wanted something like this was added to Royal in the thieves den but this scrap one was meant for your room in Leblanc now here's a little interesting more or less random tidbit that I wanted to bring up before we get into the really interesting parts in the final game when your party members do a follow-up attack and battle they're actually using specific skills based on their weapons that you can't see in game like follow whip or follow knuckle or Morgana's case follow claw meaning that perhaps where ghana was originally going to use his claws to fight much like Teddy in persona 4 okay so onto that really interesting thing it's particularly too spoilery so if you've never played the original game feel free to skip to this timecode or if you're on mobile def five times all right let's go so you know that when you're doing shadow negotiations a lot of the time they'll refer to the palace owner right well it turns out there's some unused text for those this time referring to Lord akechi or master akechi there's not just some though there's actually lots of references to Lord akechi so that could mean that a catchy originally had a palace not to mention size palaces considered Palace number 57 and she chose is considered 59 makes you wonder what number 58 was supposed to be likely akechi meaning that you would have had a faces palace right after the casino but right before the cruise ship or you know maybe there was no cruise ship originally maybe a ketch II was the final palace either way this is only found in the game in text form there's no assets at all for this mysterious scrap Palace well hey there welcome back we were just talking about Palace stuff speaking of which according to some text you could have originally infiltrated palaces at night something impossible to do in the final game which reminds me didn't we see footage of that in one of the teasers earlier Joker then goes to infiltrate kama shaded palace alone and in the evening no less oh yeah so yeah apparently that was going to be a thing and speaking of things that we're going to be like a thing let me tell you about after-school chase so according to this unused text for a tutorial on something called after-school chase kama Tschida and his volleyball team goons we're going to be looking for you and chasing you after school and if you weren't sneaky enough you could be caught and detained until nighttime a strange little gameplay scene to be sure that's definitely not in the final game you could have also used the l1 button to figure out who is after you meaning that the goons were probably blending in with the other students and you could also use the Phantom thief skill known as stealth to dash around with the r-1 button something that evolved into the cover and - mechanic that was used with the X button in the final version is also another scene possibly related to this an unused text form which is about Joker attempting to search the school faculty office for kama Suda's metal this scene as slightly restored thanks to pawn he may with an exam prompt where you would have found the metal sadly in this restored scene that text that we talked about earlier is not here and there's no proof that is connected to the after-school chase gameplay still though it's nonetheless all right next thing we need to talk about our unused graphics but before we get to that I want to talk about some used graphics in the persona 5 weapon dot pack file which teaches us some of the early code names for the Phantom thieves like how skull was originally called Reaper or how Panther was originally called Papillon in crow while he was kadhai suit which is hilarious because it turns out there's a scene in the final game where a catcher wants to be called kadhai soo and all the fans thieves are like no you're gonna be called crow I wonder if that actually happened to one of the game developers like while he was pitching the name that would be home errands there's also one more interesting thing in the weapon dot pack final all the code names are matched up with sprites for their corresponding Arcana and it turns out the strength Arcana it's matched up with black literally a character called Blanc but it's in the same place that Haru is which means Haru may have originally been part of this strength Arcana instead of the Empress one all right I won't keep you waiting any longer let's check out some unused graphics inside of persona 5 to start let's check out these early porches of Ryoji that we technically already seen from the 2015 trailer this art style is definitely unique not quite the same as the final version and it turns out more character portraits have this same early art style like on but peeved off heck even in her early neutral Porsche she still looks have been upset there's also tons of frames for Joker who doesn't have any conversation portraits in the final game like at all so there's nothing really to compare it to also check out Morgana jeez Louise that is one smug boy I hate to break it to you though but technically the same pose is used in the final game just cut off so really the biggest change is just how much body there is since it was designed as a talking portrait not just to cut in the rest of these portraits also didn't really go through that many changes except for the art style we got you skate over here looking good as always Mikoto still looking very serious that's normal and we've even got Mishima here too this one's a bit different with him lowering his head when he's upset that doesn't happen in the final game but we're not done yet we've got even more portress just in a different art style from the 2015 ones like angrier to Yugi looking very anime and then there's some more of him too that seemed like a mix between the 2015 and final versions art style both in normal clothes and in his fan of thief outfit now what about unused expressions based on the final portraits see to keep from having to redraw every frame of animation sometimes the game will do like a paste of different expressions over finished portraits so let's see what we got here there's a couple of interesting ones like blushing Ryuji very cute and then we got Yusuke I don't know what I would have done to make this appear in game but I'm already sorry other than that we've also got some unused portraits of each key as well as some of shadowkhan Oshiro which is pretty much the same as the final version just not purple something that we already knew thanks to the 2015 trailer of the game there's also some more spoilery portraits to show for just a brief second so if you want to remain spoiler free for the original game just tap the right side of your screen two times or if you're on desktop skip to this time here great so here's a catchy after being defeated but smile these expressions are so unused that it doesn't even appear in the ps4 versions files we've also got him panicking that was also never seen plus some uncomfy close-ups of what is likely a catchy cognitive doppelganger and Cheetos palace alright for those who tuned out welcome back next thing we'll look at are some unused UI graphics like this break time prompt that happens to be in the files for the hideout and safe rooms perhaps Minh is like a button for you to press to reveal though we're not quite sure there's also this removed to l-3 command for disguising and canceling no one had any idea what this meant but as I was revising the script pan he may made an amazing discovery she found this meter labeled as Hensel or disguise in English it looks to be a meter that fills up to limit how long you could stay disguised plus she also found this unused text for the art showcase that mod are amazed at which suggests you would have had to disguise yourself as a handsome man in order to snoop on her apparently this text was around when the game was in alpha form as suggested by the text itself basically he would have had to press l3 to disguise herself as a fancy gentleman in the art showcase to get up close to Mohammed sounds a lot like when you had to sneak around for comma shoot as metal huh seems like you would have had to do a lot more sneaking around in the world before was just all up in scraps now check this out these graphics are from the ps3 version of the game exclusively basically this is how it would look like the animated portress would be in the cutouts with the text executing nearby or struggling with the read portraits its file name helps us a bit and trying to figure out what his purposes it's called sucks n which means tactics strategy or operation so perhaps it was meant to show up when giving orders to your teammates in battle but was ultimately scrapped in the end honestly I don't know but you can see these same portraits and other unused graphics with the text mission Technic skill up which is probably supposed to read as mission technique that's fine there's also one more of these two with just a random dude silhouette likely this was just a placeholder though and speaking of placeholders here's one for all out attacks that says let's fire the kanji there by the way means temporary so yeah it's definitely place or you'll see there's kanji on some other stuff too like this placeholder calling card featuring a very different phantom phase logo the Japanese text was translated on the cutting room floor but there were some liberties taken with it so I decided to translate it myself for a more direct translation at the time I appear that countdown to despair will begin at the time the clock points to zero peace will be in the past ordinary life will not return to all the detectives let's begin the game the families very omnis wouldn't you say once again this card was only meant to be temporary as you can see by the kanji but gosh it sounds so cool there's play more placeholder graphics where that came from like this one for confidant rank ups finding a safe route getting a new mission and one that was probably for deadlines it's this tutorial on it but also firm date so maybe a deadline for tutorial or a tutorial about deadlines we also happen to have a placeholder background for flashbacks in the student council room with no shadows just some ambient occlusion and that's not all we got plenty of placeholder flashbacks more than just backgrounds most of which have edit mode on the bottom-right or another one of those temp kanji watermarks most of them also use generic poses for the character who are almost always wearing their winter uniforms no matter what time of year or location also check this up the date here happens to be April 1st an impossible date in the final game and remember that's not the first time we've seen it that impossible date was also in the debug build that Hoshino showed us so likely this was the default date for debug and edit mode seeing as it appears twice in totally different time points in the story also fun fact if you look closely at this flashback here see that it's a Mac cursor meaning that persona 5 edit mode was probably being run on an Apple computer there's just a couple place order stuff left for us to look at in the graphics department like these poster like things that are only found in the ps4 version of the game one says get XP and the other one shows Joker his current rank and a spot for XP to be listed out mean this was likely for the party menu where it shows how much XP is left before leveling up also check out this early save icon which could be an early version or maybe a place where by the way it's never used the name cards that appear when you walk into shops and such also have a bunch that were never used for various reasons like Joker not being o to walk into them in the final game or some just simply use a different image there are two exceptions though the first is for a sports store which is not in the game at all and the other is for me Ashta park it's a real location in Shibuya but it's not in persona 5 nothing exists for either of these places in the files though all we have are the name cards speaking of cards you know how all the confidence in the game are based on different tarot cards right well it turns out there's some unused variants of them being reversed or shunt and I think now is the time to tell you how persona 5 was originally going to be way more stressful of a game so if you play persona 3 or even 4 you probably know what these images represent in those games if you didn't meet up with certain social links for a while or cancel plans or did generally bad stuff your link to them could become reversed or even break and thanks to those unused graphics and a lot of unused data we now know that this stressful little feature labeled as doubt instead of reversed was planned to be in persona 5 for all non playable confidants with the exception of Mishima Carolina Justine so judo and Sai since there are no images for their cards though they do appear in unused dialogue as being possible to reverse so it's like at first every woman's plan then they limited it a bit for the images before it was all completely scrapped so let's check out some of that unused dialogue like this one from Regatta explaining a bit on how it all works and there are plenty more unused pieces of text that happens if you do decline that invitation Chihaya would ask you if you stopped believing in her fortune-telling talk kami would wonder if you're ignoring her text because you think she's annoying and he foo me well she just straight-up pulls out the this always happens to me I always drive people away card like egg I already feel bad enough for getting to respond to someone in real life I don't need peace in Makeba to Frigg they've even got text when you ignore their phone calls which by the way include SIA and the catchy meaning that they were not automatic confidants at first now some of these doubt events are still in the games files by the way showing exactly what would have happened if you just happened to save the wrong thing and make them doubt you like for you schita not being able to remember Martin Luther King Jr's famous quote look that's a freaking deal-breaker there's no way you really want to be a politician which I mean you don't so like because he is right well anyway after this cool little animation you get some not so cool news you've lost all of your confidant benefits like for Chihaya no more fortune-telling or for talk to me no more medicine not to mention you won't get any extra XP from Arcana burst it's pretty freakin rough luckily you can lift this doubt by proving that you're not a suspicious person like for colic ami you would have to prove to her that you haven't been hanging around any other girls okay but if you decide to continually ignore them they will become broken and when that happens you won't be able to talk to them anymore cheese the police honestly I'm really glad this ever made it in I do not need any more of this kind of pressure in my life and hey you know what speaking of pressure let's talk about the security meters you find in palaces or more specifically unused graphics for the characters on those security meters the first one we've got is of normal casino which you would think would be in the final game but no by the time the security meter shows up you've already seen a shadow form making the normal common schita impossible to see on the meter the next one we've got is of shadow Futaba which once again you think would be in the final game but no even after you see shadow Futaba the meter only shows normal food table no matter what which leads us to the last unused meter character futaba's mom we think I mean it looks like her though for some reason it's listed as the last of all the security meter characters with the name danger care one and you know since we're on the subject of palaces there's a ton of unused and early maps in the game and by that I mean like map maps like the HUD kind though there are a lot of placeholder maps for the close ups that appear when collecting them some of these early HUD maps even have early styles to them like from Adorama's palace though basically the main difference is that it's very great layout wise though this main room was definitely expanded later on and inversely the safe room here has shrunk some I mean assuming that is a safe room that map along with this one that's in the same early style and this one which is closer to the final but not quite also happy to come with some early markers that go and use like and ask for safe room down for stairs yeah they're pretty self-explanatory that can be even more even earlier styles of HUD Maps all from modern armies palace by the way and here's the first of them yeah it's a map on an iPhone with the text another world Navi on the status bar notice how the map has some kind of like crosshair thing on it that may have been a 3d move rotate and scale tool meaning that this is just a zoomed out screenshot of a 3d model hallway done textured no less pasted it on an iPhone with a p over the home button in other words it is definitely a mock-up that never saw the light of day the other map idea kind of saw the light of day but not for palaces only mementos it's a map made out of pieces of hallways and rooms that are put on a grid via an algorithm these pieces are actually for the garden in Mathura maze palace but in the end it just uses a nice stylized handmade map Maradona isn't the only one who's got unused maps though far from it kimochi de also has a very interesting early map in the games files it's hard to compare side by side given that there are three maps for a three story castle to help we can think of it this way the first floor of the early map is basically just the first floor and right half of the second floor from the final game squished together and the early 2nd floor included the left half of the final second floor plus the left half of the third floor falling the so far awesome here we can see some removed rooms like this one that's just an empty space in the final map and a couple other places that because of their size were probably safe rooms and that's common shootas map confusing big and a whole lot to talk about same thing applies to its crap rooms once where we can actually walk around though some are more unfinished than others like this room which is attached to a test area for palaces that uses commish Ito's main hall as a base now if we compare the main hall itself it looks pretty much the same as the final except for a few small things like a cabinet here where there was supposed to be a bookcase but that's not what I want to focus on I want us to check out this room except that we can't because the model for E is gone it would have been over here but sadly we only have collision for it which is why this render is so blocky the interesting thing is that actually resembles this removed room in the early map that we literally just finished comparing but since it's only collision there's not much more that we can look at so let's move on to all of these scrapped places for commish ITA's palace first we've got an area full of gates and crates some of which look like they were designed to help jump over the gates leading to more gates there's something similar in this next room which has a big box meant to be used to climb on this ledge which leads you to really nothing much next up is a pathway with three broken bridges which is no trouble you can easily jump over all of them and the next stop on our journey is this elevator room which has a nice attached dining area very nice the rest of it though isn't quite as nice now what about this curved pathway with an oil slick in the middle no I don't think it was actually supposed to look like this but still it's kind of cool-looking not gonna climb and then we've got this puzzle room that was meant for the rat transformation with of cells to look through it's different from the one that we saw in the trailer meaning that there were likely to wrap puzzles playing for comma shooters palace and that's not all next up is this gym which was designed for you know torturing students is big really big and resembles the smaller area in the final game where vog takes notes of student names called the training hall of love and next up here we've got a bunch of prison cells with students in each one though in this they're actually all part of the level geometry for some reason so they don't have any animations there's even more cells in another scrapped area but with no prisoners in them pretty much all these scrapped cells have chalkboards in front of them that were completely removed from the final game for whatever reason there's also an area with a bunch of students suspended in cages over a water pit shown off from this really neat camera angle at least you would have been able to reach this place via elevator as you can see here sick there's one last unused place we'll look out in comma shooters Palace the sewer it features even more cages over water as well as various other rooms around it one of which features spikes coming out of the ceiling that would have likely crushed the player turns out this main room has actually added back into royal as a place to hold one of the will seats though I won't say how to get there that would be a spoiler now I know we've been talking quite a bit about comma Sheeta but don't worry there's plenty of unused areas for other palaces too like this early money-laundering office for connoisseur Rose Palace complete with a locked camera basically turning it into like a like a 2.5 D side-scrolling segment there's also multiple places to climb up and drop low to hide from patrolling shadows it's pretty cool to be honest futaba's palace also has an early unused corridor called underground passage it's not much very blocky and the doors only leads you to walls so yeah other than the two shadows there's not much here but now here's something really cool think back to the earliest gameplay trailer that feels like forever ago turns out some of the places in here that don't appear in the final game can still be found in its files for instance this train which we saw from this scene in the trailers now because in order to get this thing to work again it's kind of plopped into the game we can walk around the train though it's clear that you were not supposed to as evidenced by the camera clipping through the advertisements but that's not all we've also got this area from the trailer a scrapped meetup spot for the Phantom thieves so now that we can walk around it let's take a look at this place in more detail though there isn't a whole lot of detail to see since there was definitely a reason why the trailer only had two fixed camera angles it's because like heck there aren't even any buildings in the background for the city itself since it would have been outside the camera's view anyway there's some cool stuff to see around here like multi the donut shop some ambulances and a cool little area with an art piece in the center very nice alright next thing I want to look at our unused events some of which are translated some of which are dubbed but all of which are unused and there are quite a lot of them some are more interesting than others so I think we should take a look at some of the best that persona 5 has to offer first let's think back to the intro of the game in the casino you know how Joker bursts through the window while cool and whatnot and then almost immediately gets caught and handcuffed of course you remember that but that's not how it was originally going to go see in this unused cutscene which was actually dubbed by the English voice actors but doesn't come with any translated text Joker's told to hide and escape from the police after crashing through the window being advised to walk along the walls and distract police officers along the way so that way others can escape meaning that there may have been even more gameplay in intro after that SiC window crashing animation this next unused cutscene shows what would have happened after that unuse event we just looked at where Joker pulls out his gun with police sirens in the background then right as the searchlight hit some BAM he fires the gun revealing that he's floating now after that cutscene we get to look at this unused room which shows the outside of the casino sirens blaring things happen and while Joker runs away to the hideout it's fully playable and you could run around but that's really all that is here alright next up is an unused event from after Joker and Ryuji escape comma shootas palace for the first time remember how they escape the castle via a vent in the Metaverse well according to this cutscene that happened in the real world leaving behind a school bag as evidence that comma she discovers after snooping around meaning that either the escape point from the Metaverse dropped them through the vent and then they drop the bag or another option is that the metaphors in the real world were originally connected in such a way that would cause certain things to affect the world also maybe Joker and reuse you were actually going through air vents or something and fell out leaving a bag either way it's amazing what implications of forty second cutscene has in the games world and storyline okay moving on let's do a little rapid fire and some less interesting cutscenes to look at like so judo asking if you're interesting group dating or if you want to get a part-time job there's even one of the principal telling Kama shoot in the faculty room that they've got to accept students like Joker with with a warm and open heart an interesting thing for the principal to say but okay now here's something super interesting but it's spoilery for sure so you know the deal here's the time code tap three times and it will pass for those of you who are ready to go let's do this so this is a game over sequence completely removed from the final version it was likely going to play if you didn't manage to complete Cheetos palace in time something that's actually impossible in the final game since it forces you to go in before it's too late the dialogue mentions Joker being chosen by God and thusly must be protected by the police after all it states that the world is about to end very soon and then that's it game over well hey there welcome back alright everyone it's time to take five for lunch and by that I mean originally in persona 5 you could invite people during lunch break to the school's cafeteria via the scrapped event where you'd walk to the cafeteria or agon it tells you to invite someone you pick who you want call them up and there you go you're eating together after a quick chat in the unused cafeteria you leave that's it no points for your confidence or anything though II was probably likely intended to happen apparently you could have also gone in off hours to get a bite to eat by purchasing a meal ticket and showing it off to Yoshida - I mean the server lady that's what it says right there after that you eat and that's it nothing happens once again there was probably a purpose to all this but sadly it's not there next up unused voice clips there are a mountain of them unused in the game and I just like to look at a few of the most interesting ones like Joker announcing every single day of the week it likely would have been playing when he went to sleep in that transition between day and night and it was probably removed because like could get old really fast Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday there are also lines for every single confident on the game excluding the twin saying let me explain let me explain let me explain let me explain let me explain let me explain let me explain let me explain let me explain now feel these lines actually give us a small glimpse into some game design choices that were scrapped like these from Morgana let me explain it would've been playing at the beginning with the first battle tutorials and explained that baton passes would have been available from the very beginning not a confidant reward I'm entrusting you with this chance to attack again no need to hold back go for it also apparently side have asked you in a very roundabout way what difficulty you want to play on something that's only picked by menu in the final game in someone's heart be stolen so easily even if you're untrained you sound rather composed about it easy normal hmm I see well it would be problematic if it were easy do you mean that you risked your life to steal them I see and you admit to doing so alright the last voice clip I want to mention isn't even in persona 5 it's in persona 4 arena Ultimax and it's of the announcer introducing a new fighter persona 5 hero along with this persona mephistopheles which actually be announcer pronounces it Mistoffelees myth mephistopheles or something like that which means i got it wrong when i mentioned it the first time but it is jokers original persona p5 hero persona 5 hero mephistopheles ok we've looked at unused text graphics areas offense voice eclipse I don't even have enough fingers to talk about it cuz wait actually - now we're gonna talk about unused models in the game and most if not all are very interesting so let's start with as you can probably guess , sheeta's palace first off remember the two sided portrait in the main hall well it looks like originally it would have been a two sided wall that rotated along with an early portrait of Camus shita though it's actually cut off here's what the painting looks like in its full glory and speaking of the eternal never-ending glory of Camus schita there's a scrap bust of him which you can bust open for treasure it also happens to be in the test room that we briefly talked about earlier and when using Joker's third eye it appears as blue instead of gold which is the color that's shown for all the others searchable bustable objects in the game the only ones that show blue are like the two sided wall so maybe this bus was just special , Sudha spouse also has subscribed volleyball players which are blocky stick people so yeah placeholder and then there's this thing with the moving eye as well as a couple more discretion advice kind of things there's an unused poster that was meant for the hidden library room as it matches up perfectly with these pins and then there's also a bed with a lot of team members on it you know if you want to see them there on the cutting room floor for now let's head on over to Mathura maze palace where there happens to be some unused paintings one of which is animated and this other one was meant to trick players into thinking was a real passageway except that it looks nothing like a real passageway in the palace so it was likely made from a long while ago back when the palace looked like that and then there's this angel that comes with laser heat vision yeah I don't know where this was meant to be but it's labeled as part of Mathura mieze palace so sure next up konishi Rose Palace literally here's the entire Palace as you would have seen it from the ground it's untextured indefinitely placeholder much like this slightly on textured keypad that would have been in the bank futaba's palace also has a place odor object - a sarcophagus that can bust open pretty forcefully likely would have contained a shadow in it much like the final version does though that one doesn't burst out the casino also has a bunch of placeholder objects - like this card wall that still has a watermark on it for big stuff there's even another early version of this card wall that isn't watermark but it's still very unfinished there's some other miscellaneous untextured objects in the game's files as well like guns and knives this gun and this knife for men is placeholders for Futaba who in the original game never fights only acting as a navigator this knife was meant to stab a map and combo shoes palace but that never happens as you simply get a big piece of art showing up on the screen whenever picking up a map and lastly this gun has the kanji for left above it which is interesting because Joker only holds a gun in his right hand in fact everyone is right-handed except for a catchy maybe this was meant as a like placeholder for him or maybe you could have originally do wielding guns we already saw that there was a plan for Michael told to do it so it wouldn't be more the question we've got some other stuff too here that's a bit more random ie I couldn't figure out a good transition to it like a treasure chest that can close which never happens in the final game surprisingly and then there's also this lockpick model complete with animations which likely means that there was going to be a scrapped minigame where you would actually have to use your lock pick to pick the chest lock instead of Joker just doing it automatically and speaking of Joker here's him doing this face the very enemy and here's a catchy as a rat so I was all really interesting right Oh prepare yourself cuz we're gonna look at some really really interesting unused models and it all starts with this one of Morgana and an unused brown back it's totally a little bit different from the final game it's more I'd say realistic in a way but that doesn't even compare to what we're gonna look at next our earliest Morgana so this is it realistic Morgana who happens to be wearing his Metaverse scarf instead of a collar remember how I said a while ago that when the development team was working off of Katherine the proportion of the characters were changed in order to keep them from looking too realistic well this may have been from back when that was a thing along with this model of Joker it's got a much more realistic ish look to it and appears to be a mix of the models used in that early testing footage it's got the unbuttoned shirt from this one and the bluer bag around one shorter from this one though this unused model doesn't include glasses something that is seen in both these prototypes also for some reason they switch which side the buttons are on in the uniforms which you can see better when comparing bujji's early and final models on pretty much looks the same but has a Messier hair and shorter skirt and then there's so little wow that is some vibrant colors math since they just seem to be solid colors I'm assuming there were Menace placeholders also his posture was much better in the early model don't slack on your posture it's important but one character changed more than all of the others and that is yoshida it looks pretty much like a completely different person musashi azan says taro oh llamada which is one of the more generic japanese names out there almost like saying John Smith in English and the kanji down there basically says to rub bad government this is probably the most generic politician ever and was very likely a flee solder we're not done yet though there's some even earlier on use models that are much stranger for instance here's an untextured model featuring Joker on an electric chair with the only animation being having the lever polled kinda creepy and then there's this girl also untextured she's just found randomly inside the model for the buildings where she doe gives his speech in yoga Jaya which by the way can't be seen in the game dude the camera angle which is probably a good thing seeing as one of the buildings is McDonald's weird I don't think they were allowed to do that anyway this girl is called test size and is roughly the same size as most of the carriages in persona 5 meaning that it was likely just used as a reference when sizing objects in the world but if that's the case why is it such a complex model could they've just used like a block or a stick figure well the reason for that may be that she was originally a planned character for the game as evidenced by this piece of concept art we saw earlier there she is inside sports car Morgana with likely an early version of Joker was she going to be a party member maybe she was just drawn for fun either way someone did spend a good chunk of their time modeling her so she must have been important to someone but as of now we don't know who she is or what her purpose was maybe one day maybe one day hey it's in card Andrew here pond he may thank you so much for helping with this episode of getting all the footage and explaining all that on you stuff mystic distance for your fact-checking thank you so much members of the beta64 discord server thanks for just being amazing fans patrons thanks for your consistent support and viewers thank you for watching I hope you have an amazing day
Channel: Beta64
Views: 1,222,129
Rating: 4.9247785 out of 5
Keywords: beta64, beta 64, beta, persona 5 beta, persona 5, persona 5 royal, royal, unused, persons 5 unused, sewer, unused events, unused rooms, scrapped, early models, models, leftover, ryuji, makoto, ann, morgana, haru, akechi, sae, sojiro, walkthrough, sprites, graphics, voice, dub, chase, bad ending, confidant, reverse, broken, doubt, unseen, maps, voice lines, development, documentary, p5 royal, p5, atlus, trailer, teaser, demo, scramble, switch, nintendo, ps4, ps3, playstation, sony, pv, pv 1, pv 2, pv 3, pv 4
Id: 3iIo-x85etM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 36sec (4176 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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