Beta64 - DSi / Flipnote Studio / WarioWare: Snapped!

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[Music] so I don't know if you know about this little-known system it's called the the D s of course you know about it so 15 million units in its first year alone well not this one specifically this is the DS Lite the slimmer and trimmer cousin of the DS that released about a year later but we're not talking about that one either today we're gonna be talking about it slimmer and trimmer first cousin the DSi this thing has so many memories for me I got it over 10 years ago but I love the photo taking the sound recording the DSiWare mmm it was all so good where was it all right well here's the thing this system was only designed just a few months after the DS Lite released but it turns out the original design for the DSi was actually going to be bigger thicker and heavier than the DS Lite so on today's episode of days 64 we're gonna be talking about the development of the DSi development for the system started in late 2006 with project leader Masato Kuwahara taking the lead whose previous work was helping with the Game Boy camera and coining the name download play a feature that was going to be included with another project of his the Game Boy Advance wireless adapter before was scrapped and added to the ds4 the DSi though this would be his first time as Hardware Project Lead and it wasn't gonna be easy with strict deadlines approaching I'm talking at how to be designed and presented by December they had to come up with something quick that would be worthy as the successor of the DS Lite why though why was there such a desperate need at Nintendo to create a new DS that quick well it turned out during that time the demand for the D s was starting to fall a bit in Japan even though they were still outselling the PSP Nintendo decided that a new DS hardware revision would really be a good idea to stimulate sales in Japan they didn't really quite care so much about the oversee as though as you can see by these release dates five months we aren't getting a bit ahead of ourselves though let's go back to late 2006 and see what the team behind the DSi had come up with for the new system after all there was a lot riding on the ideas that came up with they've got to revitalize the D s in Japan with no launch games to help the system and they've got to prove that this new Deus was going to be better than the DS Lite a system that had only released months before they're designing process started this wasn't going to be an easy task they had to make sure that this new system had everything that anyone could want out of a DES so they decided to give it to game card slots okay got one question about that why why do we have two DS game slots you can only play one Deus game at a time am I the weird one for thinking this because apparently according to Anna whatta ass and Nintendo there was a huge demand for two game card slots and apparently a lot of requests among gamers well you can't argue with gamers so sure let's do two game card slots what else do we want to put in this thing well we've got the classic front and back facing cameras a staple of the system those were put in pretty early on in development even before the hardware was settled on they told developers that the cameras were definitely going to be in so if they wanted to get a head start making games using a camera they could just borrow the Game Boy Advance camera from Cowell training a face training out for the Diaz that I had no idea existed but now I actually kind of wanted so if you're in Japan or Europe then you want to send me a copy here's my people now even though the team already knew that they wanted to include a camera from the beginning there was still some debate around how to do it see in the team's mind the reason for including a camera was obvious the D s already had a sense of touch with the touchscreen the ability to hear with the microphone so why not allow it to see with the camera that way at the gamers could use it to take pictures of I don't know rocks that always accomplished with the outward camera but they also wanted a front-facing one too for various gameplay elements but having two cameras it just seemed like a waste so they considered having just one camera that swiveled much like those newfangled flip phones ever around there was a bit of a problem though you know how Nintendo is known for making some rock-solid systems like that gameboy that survived a bomb yes so Nintendo didn't want the DSi to be any different I don't think they were accounting for a bomb per se but adding the swivel idea to the system would decrease durability and increase its size so despite it being less cost-effective that went forward with the idea of having two cameras instead and with that came internal storage to hold those photos and an SD card slot to though the ladder was added a bit reluctantly they weren't really sure if an SD card would really be that useful for game developers but Miyamoto kept pushing its addition into the system promising that if they added it he would use it so with that promise in mind they added it in and at that point the hardware was just about finished with just a few other additions they included a larger screen due to consumer demand they included higher quality speakers and louder audio playback due to consumer demand to a matte surface was added to keep away fingerprints at the request of the consumers and of course we've got that sweet sweet double D s card slot that was added also due to consumer demand so with all that in place the team started putting together a prototype system to show off to Nintendo EAD in October of 2007 and that's when things started going not good at all they realized a little too late that this thing was going to be huge best-case scenario was going to be a bit thicker than the DS Lite but LinkedIn width wise yep no it was going to be way too big but I mean it's a little late to turn back they needed to present this thing ASAP so they did knowing full-well is pretty much going to flop and flop it did at the end of the presentation they asked how many people would want to own the DSi and three said yes seven said no and they assumed the three that said yes were just being nice to the Creator since it was right in the room with them at that point what can you do you got to start over and that's not gonna be easy they had already configured parts for the system evaluated the prototypes checked their durability and assembly and they were just about to start making molds for it but now it's time to start all over and do it all over again the funny thing was though the team actually was really happy about this turns out no one on the team really liked the original design they just thought they you know maybe when we actually feel it in our hands it'll be better it wasn't better it was big it was bulky and it was heavy so in order to fix that they scrapped the second D s game slot and did a few other things to help slim down the system like moving the CPU raising the battery housing and removing the gameboy advance slide so now with the entire system redesigned it was time to bring it back to Nintendo EAD and everyone thought this was way better thank goodness the newly designed system was happily received and the DSi had been saved all right hardware's complete now comes a very important question what do we put on the DSi it couldn't just be another DS Lite it has to have something that'll set it apart something like like the we had like like a Wii Menu except it would be a DSi menu with the DSi shop and DSiWare and pre-loaded photo editing apps man the data science is actually kind of like a mini weaned away but the philosophy behind it is very different see the Wii was designed to bring families together onto one system but the DSi it was meant to be my Deus not not specifically mine but ideas that you could call your own one that you could customize with various pre-loaded software and photos that way when you're out and about everyone knows that it's your DS it's Matias if you think about it it makes sense why the DSi borrows so much from the week after all a lot of the same people who worked on the Wii Menu also worked on the DSi and helped shape it into what is today but of course those features we all know and love about the DSi had to be brainstorm first and there were a lot of ideas that were scrapped since they only had time to include like two or three features before the system's release one of those scrapped ideas was video calls much like the Wii you had that chat thing that no one ever used the DSi was gonna have something similar nice idea but getting it to work now that would take way too much time but the team knew that they had to use those cameras somehow so they just decided to create a photo channel equivalent for the system masahito Imaizumi was named director of this project which happened to completely by accident actually at first he was simply a member of the console feature review team and at some point mentioned hey I I wrote down some cool ideas for that uh the photo app idea and the DSi team was like cool you're in charge of that now and that's how he meizu he became the director and he took it seriously deciding it would be best for this photo up to be more of a for fun thing than having it be a serious photo diary application and Miyamoto agreed in his own words he noticed that many people on trains would simply text rather than play just because it was so easy to do so he thought why don't we make the photo op easy too easy to cut up photos add some doodles maybe some frames I don't know just fun stuff that's kind of how the DSi was it just came with a lot of fun stuff like the DSi sound out and that's something Miyamoto really wanted in the system towards the beginning of the DSi x' development he handed a wada a list of ideas that he thought should be included in the new system it was pretty long though so as time went on a lot of the ideas had to be scrapped and one of these scrapped ideas was a music playing app no one particularly cared all that much about it it was just too much work not enough time soon the specifics of the system were being finalized and Miyamoto decided to check out that list of included features and lo and behold his music app idea wasn't there he asked the team what was up and they told him that it dawn the DSi shop later but Miyamoto was not letting that happen it didn't matter that the DSi was in its final stages of development if the Mii channel could be put into the Wii at last minute so could a music app and the DSi team was just like please no we already considered it we don't have time to make anything interesting and if it's not interesting no one's gonna use it and not to mention lots of people would probably think of music app on a game consoles weird so why don't we just leave it as a downloadable thing later for people who actually would want any what it was on their side they just didn't have enough time to brainstorm new ideas for this out but Miyamoto did he already had a big list of ideas that he had come up with in owada well he was actually kind of impressed and decided okay sure let's give it a shot but the DSi team wasn't just gonna suddenly have more time to work on this so Miyamoto decided to make it himself along with Yusuke Aki fossa who had been working under Miyamoto his entire time in Nintendo and a key facade Manvi was on board that moment he heard about Miyamoto desire from music app he was ready to go ideas forming all over the place much like Miyamoto he knew that the DSi just had to have a music playing app at launch and they went for it and around the same time a game was being developed - based on recording sound so they thought hey you know a music app is good to know but since the DSi already has a mic why don't we allow people to record stuff with music gap and once again they were brainstorming like crazy like what if people could mess with the speed and pitch of recordings or what if we allowed users to record their own system startup noise sadly that last idea didn't happen but the other ideas managed to make their way in somehow I mean they were already pushing it a lot just adding in sound recording but they managed to do everything that they wanted to with their app now called Nintendo DSi sound yes made it they made it the DSi was finalized both hardware and software though I guess I haven't exactly mentioned why it's called the DSi see a lot of people think that's because the AI and DSi is for ice because it had cameras and that is partly the reason but another lesser-known reason is because of the week so you know how the Wii has two eyes in the name it's representing a person two people for the week coming together onto one system the DSi though only has one eye which represents one person because it's my Diaz and the best way they accomplished that was with the DSi shop and DSi where there were tons of good things on the shop and then there was wired where snapped now I know some people liked it well liked is a strong word I know some people that completed it so like that was about what 20 minutes of gameplay for those of you who don't know what WarioWare snapped is it's like WarioWare but you use the DSi camera to track your face and hands in order to complete micro games but as you could probably guess the problem with the game was the finicky controls not to mention that you had 15 seconds to complete micro games and there was no leveling up no speed ups no nothing just 5 micro games and once you beat them hey you've completed one of the four counting four stages in total but I just can't grow to hate this game half because it's so nostalgic to me for whatever reason I never owned it a friend did plus the fact that the DSi camera was used to do this that's very impressive throughout the development of this game though there were a lot of issues with hand tracking see originally instead of setting the DSi down and using the front camera to detect the player's head and hands you'd instead hold the DSi with your left hand and then the game used the back camera to detect your right hand the problem was with the shadows that the system would create in certain lighting which would make the game think that the shadow was your hand and of course that's not good so they try putting a black mat on the floor so the player's hand wouldn't stand out and it wouldn't cast a shadow the problem now was that if you even had a minor suntan you couldn't be tracked at all you just blend him with the mat they thought about this and decided well if we can't track the hand maybe we can just attract the index finger so they created a finger sleeve with a specific color so it could be tracked no matter your skin tone you'd still need the black mat though they honestly considered selling wire where snapped as a cartridge game complete with a black mat and finger sleeve but yeah I don't think you could convince the higher up of that let alone the consumer so tracking the right hand was out but they still wanted to use the outside camera so they thought hey well if you can't track your hand why don't we just track the players bare feet no they didn't like that idea either believe it or not so they decided to scrap the outer camera idea and just use the inner camera instead with the system being set on a table not being held and instead of fee it tracked your head and this worked a lot better after all they had worked on the face training DS game that I mentioned before so they did have some idea on how to track faces but there was a new problem on their hands the game didn't feel fast why where's known for a fast-paced rapid gameplay and this was just really slow at this point they pretty much had no other option though using the inner camera with head tracking got them the best results it was either this or just scrapping the game entirely so they got ready to submit a new proposal for the game using the catchphrase wire where don't touch the team was feeling a bit down about this though they couldn't help it the game didn't feel like WarioWare but the proposal needed to be submitted and they just as director now Komoda put it just felt like they were teetering on the edge of an abyss but a ray of light appeared over modi and by that I mean he ran to one of the programmers on his way home one day where he was told that even though the game only shows a silhouette on screen the DSi is actually capturing the player in full detail inspiration hit he thought what if the fun of the game was in the game itself what if it came from tricking your friends into taking embarrassing videos of them while playing the game so in the proposal they quickly added this idea of a bonus section where at the end of the micro games show little animations of what you looked like while you were playing and the people at the office loved it now according to Nintendo guidelines though if you take a photo on the DS it has to make a click sound it's just common etiquette but of course they couldn't do that they would ruin the surprise so to kind of work their way around it they chose to simply not save the photos the moment you close the DSi the photos are gone that way if someone is actually embarrassed or mad or wants to kick you in the face you have no need to worry it's just between friends maybe this game isn't so bad after all maybe I just looked at it the wrong way it's less a game and more of a tool just to make funny videos with your friends sure it doesn't feel like warrior where it's finicky slow not even all that fun but the fun isn't from the game itself the fun is from the videos your friends and family in silly little poses you know I'm sorry warrior where I I misjudged you so next up is the final DSiWare game I wanna discuss though it's less of a game and more of an animation tool it's footnote studio I can't tell you how many hours I put into this thing just creating animations uploading them watching other people's and it was really really fun I was always happy to hear that jingle every time I booted up the game classic classic flipnote studio began as a simple after work project by Koizumi & Shimizu after they just finished developing Super Mario Galaxy in 2007 it was just a for fun project that they worked on after their normal work day ended and you're probably thinking that this project was originally some sort of drawing thing or animation tool but no at first it was just simply a networking we application but that didn't go very far they didn't really know what they wanted from it so instead they decided to switch gears to the DS and created a small tool that allowed you to draw a picture on the DS and have a display over the network on your Wii this was cool but it needed something more and after looking at chemises drawing on the Wii Koizumi noticed his unique style and thought what if we created some kind of light flip book animation and two days later they finished it working and done now well while they were playing around with it they thought hey you know maybe we could have like sound the D s already has a mic in it so why not and the next day was added in done the entire prototype was finished in less than a week so with it in hand they decided to show it off to other people at Nintendo under the title flipbook workshop it was generally well-received except for a few people that said nice to watch people's animation but I'd never use it I don't want to do any animation stuff so to help with this Koizumi and Shimizu who decided to rebrand their project as not only an animation tool but simply a notepad for people to quickly jot things down and with that they decided to rename the project who Goku momocho which means moving memo and in other countries it was simply called flipnote studio one of the biggest things they wanted for this project was the ability to share your flip notes with friends and why not that was the most fun part about it they thought about using the DS's local communication to share notes wirelessly but they didn't particularly like it as the only way to share flip notes plus they already had this great looking we app that would show off all your flip notes so they considered turning flipnote studio into WiiWare where you would get flipnote studio on your we use the DS Download feature to download the drawing app on your DS then you could draw to your heart's content make some animations and then save it to your weave basically the we where was the main software and the DS was meant to function more as a drawing tablet they also wanted to have the Wii app connect to the internet so that way you could exchange flip notes with more than just nearby friends but this whole plan changed once they learned about the DSi immediately they knew that this would be perfect platform forget we where we'll make it DSiWare but still they wanted it to connect to the Internet after all as they learned some people would just prefer to watch flip notes rather than make them so having an Internet bulletin board was crucial they just needed a back-end system made and a server setup no problem except there was a problem Nintendo's network development department was booked solid it wouldn't be until the latter half of 2 9 that they could get something done and they were just afraid if they waited that long they would miss becoming one of the first DSiWare applications on the platform granted though it wasn't until the latter half of 2009 that anyone outside of Japan got it but it's cool at school so they asked a water for help on what to do they wanted to release flipnote studio in 2008 but Nintendo can create a server until 2009 what should they do wait or was there another option and in a moment of inspiration it wanted jumped out of his chair and said let's work with hey Tina wait a minute Anna isn't it I always called her Tina now in case you didn't know hatena is a lot of things they're a bookmarking excited a diary service a haiku board which is basically Twitter a dictionary so many things now they hadn't worked with Nintendo before this but because their Nintendo they of course jumped at the chance to help flipnote studio make its 2008 release by creating its server back-end and its front-end website flipnote hatena they were crucial to this whole footnote studio thing but even so they didn't show up for the sequel flipnote studio 3d nintendo instead took the charge of that one Thank You mundo ok sorry could I just say our disappointing footnote studio 3d was in America you know all those online features that they had No well it's because they never added those online features outside of Japan instead Nintendo went to the trouble of making this whole mini Nintendo Direct on flipnote studio 3d explaining all of these online features and it looks so cool and then just know they just scrapped it all and that release date that was delayed to almost 2 years in North America and 3 years in Europe all due to unexpectedly high usage of Japan so high that we only ever got a shell of what flipnote studio 3d was ok I'm good I'm good let's head back to 2008 shall we Koizumi and Shimizu still had to convince hatena to help on the project even if they were pretty much gonna accept anyway because it's freaking Vint endo still when the hatena team first saw flipnote studio they honestly wondered if it could actually be sold as a game in their mind there wasn't exactly all that much sure worth paying for and I guess they were technically right even Nintendo knew it should only just be a free app and after explaining that to them and giving them a hands-on demo they were on board but how should this online service work we just can't have anyone post anything at any time someone might post something savory Koizumi mentioned how he wanted the service to have some kind of up vote down vote system to help weed out the unsavory footnotes but hatena had a different idea a recording system instead of someone posting a flip note and then getting depressed at their peach ex mario amv featuring Bulevar at broken dreams got downloaded 30 times they decided to only have specific people be able to report flip notes and then everyone else would be allowed to only praise with stars and such and no certain amount of people were the web users you'd post a flip note it would get shown on the web immediately and then after a certain period of time if it hadn't even been reported once it would appear on the DSi doing it like this allowed flipnote hatena to remain free and clear on the DSi thanks to the thousands and thousands of hard-working Japanese men and women who spent their countless hours of free time looking at my embarrassing flip notes oh gosh it's ok though right it's ok it's shut down it doesn't exist anymore no one made a backup right nope we're not doing this now if you want to hear this it's on patreon instead let's talk about something not embarrassing the new microphone I'm sure you noticed that it sounded different and I think it sounds way better than my blue Yeti and it's the neat mic King bee this was sent to me buying neat mics themselves it's amazing I love this microphone so much if you want to check it out links in the description and yep that's all
Channel: Beta64
Views: 339,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beta64, beta 64, warioware, wario ware, snapped, snapped!, prototype, nintendo dsi, dsiware, original, beta, dsi xl, dsi commercial, flipnote studio, sudomemo, flipnote hatena, hatena, ugoku memo chou, wiiware, wii, nintendo, ds, nintendo ds, wario's feet, wario feet, popular flipnotes, development, warioware beta, 3ds, nintendo 3ds, dsi camera, dsi sound, ds lite, nintendo ds lite, bare feet, feet, flipnote studio 3d, photo dojo, birds and beans
Id: FQwfeQeQBQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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