Best Weapons in Baldur's Gate 3 Tier List

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so you're interested to know the best weapons in Baldur's Gate 3 well that's exactly what you're going to be getting in this video I'm gonna be describing every rare and above type weapon in Boulder Skate 3 so we're going to be going over a lot of weapons and in this timestamp then chapter video I'm going to break down every single one of them into tier list tell you what I think the best weapons in the game are and the ones that are absolutely unmissable and you should definitely be going for so I really hope you enjoy if you do hit that like And subscribe button it would help me out tremendously and let's get right into the content so the very first weapon we're going to be talking about is the fomo Dynamo ax so this is a layer ax that does one to ten damage it does 1d10 slashing uh sorry 1d8 slashing damage and it has a weapon Enchantment of plus one whenever you deal damage with the weapon you get two tones of heat what do I think about this weapon and where would I put it in the tier list the last thing I want to say visual design wise this looks like it's light out of skywim it is a beautiful beautiful acts I really think they did an amazing job visually however you get this early in Act 2 at from Damon in the last Light in I don't think the damage is that great to be honest one one to ten damage um just not that great heat is not that great of an ability it really isn't probably worth the cost at 434 gold I just would pass on it I think it's like a beta weapon and not that fantastic but visually beautiful if you have a fighter if you have a barbarian maybe rock it for a very small part of act two uh but then then exchange it for a better option that we're going to be talking about the next one we're going to be going to is the shadow Lantern now this does 0-5 damage it does a 1d6 and uh 1d4 minus one bludgeoning the Willy the only reason that you're going to get this weapon to be completely flanked with you is that it has a level 6 necromancy spell uh kanjo Shadow ladder and Lantern White the thing is guys it isn't worth it it isn't worth it the damage is super super bad this you're getting into late act two so to do zero to five damage you're not gonna really be equipping this on any character it's just very very unrealistic that you would be using this and I don't think that this Lantern is that strong and I would highly recommend you give this Lantern a hard pass this is a beautifully designed weapon it looks very much like the lantern that you get uh basically to guide you through the shadow lands and you know that has a pixie inside so design wise beautiful but in terms of stats trash and I would never recommend getting this even though I do think the spell is quite strong so now we're going to be going on to the torch of revocation now this is the first weapon that I would highly recommend I think this gets Eva High 80 or low estio torch of replication what does it do it's a very rare uh very rare Club style weapon that is 1d4 plus 6 bludgeoning 1d4 narcotic and 1d4 fire so you have three different actual uh damage types you have a OnePlus weapon enchantment and it's burning and it it works basically like a club so if you have a barbarian or fighter I think this is an incredibly good weapon the only problem is and I'm going to be talking about this throughout the video this is a weapon that you're getting and actually I tend to put weapons that you get earlier in the game a little bit higher on the tier list so when I'm rating them I'm going to be giving them a bit of a preference just because I feel that the more you can actually play with the weapon during the course of the game the better it is um this is definitely an in-game weapon it does do a lot of damage it is a really really cool weapon but it doesn't really have any spells which most of the Legendary Weapons do um so it's it's a middling to your class I would say this is a strong a tier weapon but he cannot get that sto it doesn't have any spells and I do think there are weapons that are just better and getting it in actually um you know you're getting this in the lowest cities so by the time you're getting this the game is already deep you're deep deep into the game um so I can't really put it up in that highest tier list let's go on now to The Gleam dance stacker now this is a beautiful weapon amazing visual design 9 to 15 damage 1d4 plus seven piercing 1d4 narcotic it also has a glowing effect around it so you basically have a light effect uh which is amazing you get a weapon enchantment plus two and an offhand when you wield this in the offhand you get a one plus bonus to Alma class so it's almost acting like a you know a shield or a parrying dagger incredibly good can be flown if you if you're playing as a rogue beautiful incredible incredible uh dagger incredibly good this isn't actually so that's something you're getting this from fallen and stone Lord's Camp because of that actually I would say it makes high A2 I can't put it in the SEO specifically for that I think if it was a little bit earlier in the game it would definitely be in that sto beautiful dagger really like it but just that wise when you get it they'll probably are better options so now we're gonna go on to the still maker uh the still maker is very similar to what we've seen just above 8 to the 11 damage 1d4 plus seven piercing weapon enchantment plus two but you do get a whole person level three enchantment spell hold person is actually a very very good spell so we'll give it that and also I think in terms of visual design having this like necromancy like skull and then the beautiful Jade dagger it looks like something out of like ancient China incredibly cool I think visual design Wise Guys they knocked it out of the park was this still maker have to give this sto it isn't actually um you get this in secret caves in the basement below the open Palms temple in wyomes Crossing so this is late in the game and that's the only thing I would say the damage doesn't really it's not really that great for late in the game but honestly almost for role-playing purpose I would I would use the Stagger I think the visual design is so stunning and you do get some pretty decent stats and you get a pretty decent spell so you know low sto High ATO is where I would put this you can also throw it so that's you know a small benefit uh let's go to this now the sorcerer dagger the social dagger now the social dagger is going to get the STL I'm going to tell you why it does seven to ten damage seems like it's not really remarkable when D4 plus four piercing plus two acid but the thing is it silences Targets on hit this is really potent and you can get this in Act One by completing the Masterwork weapon so for when you can get it in the game the sourceful daggle is just stupidly strong right so you get the source of fly you complete the Masterwork weapon just like the social fly it basically cancels magic so just silence this Target on hit two good guys two good esteo of ago for sure if you're walking a rogue or let's say like a ranger or something and you want to have a melee weapon really incredible pick especially for the early to mid game social dagger would definitely be one of my one of my top choices I think it's it's an incredible weapon now we're going to go on to the corrosive flail now I love this flail specifically on shadowhot it's a 6 to 13 damage weapon 1d8 plus five bludgeoning the weapon enchantment is plus one and when you put it in your main hand you get tenacity so when you miss an attack you deal four bludgeoning damage anyway wheelie great option for shadowhunt I think honestly if you put a shield on offhand you have this in our main hand for a cleric weapon this is incredible I put it on shadowhawk almost every single time I play I really love it I think visually just this kind of maze flail style weapon beautiful guys looks like something out of medieval Europe I just I'm just in love with this weapon I put it in the sto it doesn't deserve sto but it's going in SEO anyway uh just because I think of how it does have decent stats you can get it very early on so you get this from uh Dale of bone cloak so the lady that's actually trying to save her husband and the other dog so you can get this really early in the game and I think that's another real big benefit um so definitely get this put it on Shadow heart or put it on your own cleric great weapon love it all right let's go now to the Defenders flail so the Defenders flail is a little bit uh I would say worse in most ways so you get three to ten damage 1d8 bludgeoning plus two acids so it's kind of similar weapon enchantment plus one weapon armor classes plus one and you get to nasty but you only deal one bludgeoning damage and that's nasty um now that can stat wise that actually does change too on your character so I want to say that so take these stats with a little bit of a grain of salt because it will change a little bit depending on your own stats this is a good um flail I don't think it's as good as the flail above so I personally do prefer the closer flail over the defender's flail you're going to get this uh in the quash so in the gift Yankee crash so this is like late act one and it's kind of a missable area because I feel like more people will go into the underdark so you know your mileage may vary on this one I'm gonna put it in like high BTO low 80 I think it doesn't look as good and I think still the closer flail is better stat wise so personally I would pass up on the defender's flow I don't think there's that much going for it now this is an interesting one the shadowed flail this is the one that you get from uh looted from fiend so that's like the big like um like gnome style enemy uh that's actually trying to attack Ali and Logan so this is the in the cave and live and load where you get the ion flask you can basically kill the big note the null I believe he is that is attacking uh the two men in the cave and you can get this flail is it good not great four to nine damage 1v6 plus one bludgeoning plus two acid weapon enchantment plus two so that is kind of nice uh U-Hauls gift hidden an enemy which this weapon heals the heel of a one to six hit points but they go mad if they don't continue hitting an enemy each time so on the surface when you start hearing this you're like oh my God it heals when you hit something sounds fantastic but then you actually if you don't hit for one turn you get a negative status effect so because of that it's just not as good as it could be um I have used this I do like it on Shadow hot I don't know what it is but I really love flails on shadowhot but it isn't the best I would put it in like maybe maybe below BTO I just don't think even though it's the weapon enchantment plus two the image isn't super high and the the kind of ability you get is kind of a boon and and of course uh combined so I would have to give this one a pass so now we're gonna go on to sorrow now this is the first glaive type weapon beautiful glaive uh so this is a reward for completing save the refugees and then you're gonna go in the library you're going to get sorrow uh after you save house and really cool uh you get saw for lash so you get a transmutication cancer not that great you do have a Long Reach with this weapon so that's something to say um the damage for the beginning of the game is actually really solid 6 to 15 damage 1D 10 plus five slash it is quite good you are going to use both hands so you're not going to be able to use the shield with this weapon it does have more reach but I just don't think it's pure stat wise this is a great weapon I can't put it above BTO in my personal opinion and I just think solo is outshined by a lot of other weapons all right now we're gonna go to the monster slayer's glaive so 3 to 12 damage 1D 10 slash plus two acid monsterless layout this weapon deals an additional 1d4 damage against monstrosity type foes how many types how many times do you fight monstrosity type foes uh we'll find faulting so you can basically use this to like jump more uh distances increase by 1.5 meters if you're jumping very cool uh weapon enchantment plus one you know you can get this from war Moon Globe so this is in basically Act One um and she's a gnome Trader that is in actually the goblin camp I just don't think this is very good I would give it a hard pass I'd put this in like C tier it's just a lot better weapons in the game guys I just I mean the the vaulting is really cool but that's about it now he has a weapon my wife loves this is one of her favorite weapons on a barbarian I think it's an incredible weapon the blooded great ax 4 to 18 damage Wendy 12 slashing plus two acid 1d4 slashing conditional so wetless Revenge when a wielder has 50 hit points or less they do an additional one to four slashing weapon enchantment plus one if you're running a barbarian in the early game you can get this in the goblin Camp so you're getting this in act one amazing damage for act one really good blooded great ax Ester really really really good Defender great acts now this one you can get from the quartermaster tally at the last Light and now check this out this is 2 to 13 damage right and the blooded great acts in act 1 is 4 to 18 damage so this ax you can get later you have to buy it basically and I believe the price is actually High yeah the price is high about almost 200 gold and it does less damage basically it's only big saving Boon when you make uh your first attack of the round you can reduce the weapon enchantment by plus one to increase your armor class and saving for a bonus by plus one weapon enchantment plus two don't get this ax trash I think this is a really bad ax no reason to get this other than the blooded great ax you're getting it later you're paying more the stats are bad defend those great ax hard pass dto I don't like it at all and I think visually it looks not good guys okay the lat bat now this is definitely uh a very unique weapon a very cool weapon the can be found behind the bar in the waning moon in the shadow Coast lands so this is early to mid act two seven to fourteen damage 1d8 plus six bludgeoning lab catcher as its ability attack walls against beasts have Advantage you do fight Beast a decent amount in the game uh weapon enchantment plus one I'm going to give it a to just for its unique name I don't think it's like an amazing amazing weapon but definitely uh you know inventive they had they have some fun making this weapon and I do like it the social great sword the social great sword so this is another one of the social weapons you can choose when you're creating a Masterwork Weapon 4 to 14 damage silences Targets on hit Act One guys you know estio estio estio probably s plus two incredible really good maybe the best of the Masterwork weapons if you're doing a barbarian or you're doing a fight or social great sword very good uh so now we're gonna go to so now we're on to the soul breaker great sword so 11 to 24 damage 2d6 plus six slash plus two acid 1d4 psychic but conditional uh gift one psionic weapon when we ought to buy gift Yankee this weapon deals an additional one for psychic damage so really you need to actually create a custom character or use lizelle to make this weapon work but if you if one of those two conditions will actually truth then this is an amazing weapon incredibly good this is like late act one very very late act one but um you also get seldom cut unawares you get a two plus two initiative roles guys if you're playing as a gift Yankee this is a amazing weapon as to your easily the only thing is I would say it's very conditional you have to have a gif Yankee so that means are you gonna put this on lizelle always or are you rolling a gift Yankee so because of that it's more conditional than other weapons so I can't put it quite as high um just you know it's not it's more Niche uh beautifully designed to look at this thing it's it's just incredibly good looking um but yeah let's move on so now we go on to the Halibut of vigilance now this is a great damaging weapon very rare weapon 9-21 1D 10 plus seven slash Wendy four fours you get Sentinels so gain a one plus bonus to initiative what was an advantage on perceptive ability checks adrenite reflex when you attack all as a reaction you make it with Advantage weapon enchantment plus two incredibly good uh so this you can get in mutualized house in the shadow Coast land so you're talking mid to late act two it's worth it guys great great stats on this I would say this is high a low sto really good weapon you know maybe not like God to your legendary but very solid weapon very solid weapon and I've played with this and I like it you also get that extra reach the only thing is it is a two-handed weapon so just be aware you're not going to be able to use the shield with it but I think it's worth it and I think it's a very good weapon now we're going on to the homoid how about 1d10 uh damage one plus enhancement plus two strength now if it didn't have plus two strength guys this would be a fto weapon like this would be bottom of the tier list you can buy this from Damon in the last Light and the problem is it still does very low damage and it has very very little gain you're sacrificing intelligence and wisdom to gain plus two strength so really the only person I can see using this would be a barbarian that's it maybe a fighter um but it does low damage so even though you're gaining strength is it worth it in my opinion it isn't worth it um I would pass on this I don't I think there's so many better Hollow Birds you you know how about a villager lens is so much better yeah homoid halibut uh pretty bad adminton long sword so this can be forged in the admin team Forge by inserting Alonso mold and a myth ore yeah this is a good weapon a quite good weapon 6 to 15 damage 1d10 plus five slash um if an adminton weapon hits an object the hit is always critical so diamonds blade Lethal Weapon this weapon ignores resistance is the slashing damage weapon enchantment plus one there's no way this isn't at least at least a strong I would say High a low estio weapon I think it's super super good now because you have to forge things because you have to go through kind of like a quest type situation to actually get this I do think that that kind of limits it a lot of people aren't going to find it but it's a strong weapon and I think that it's visual design is also a little lacking because it just looks like a regular blade like I think it calling it like a miffle blade or something and maybe having a little bit more especially with the hilt would enhance them a little bit but good weapon good weapon black Gods sword three to 15 damage 1d10 1d8 plus one slash 1D for an aquatic uh dazing Smite on hit infused with one of your Smite the target must exceed at Constitution save a flow or become dazed so this is obviously meant for paladins weapon enchantment plus two actually you know you have to get this enact for me guys and it does flee to 15 damage it's not that great guys I mean the dazing Smite that's really nice but I have to put this in like CTO I think I actually you should be going for Eva very real legendary weapon 100 and I just can't really uh you know I can't recommend it whatsoever the bleed of oppressed Souls definitely one of the coolest sounding weapons 1d10 slash plus two acid 1d4 psychic 4 to 16 damage not incredibly strong not incredibly weak one plus enchantment you can get this mind flare Colony beneath moonwise so you're getting this middle to late act two um blade of Apple's C tier BTR kind of middling I think it just lacks damage I don't think it's super super great the coolest thing 4 to 18 damage 1D 10 slash plus two acid 1d6 sidekick thing the helpless a draw elf wields this weapon deals an additional one to four damage against restrained targets so in staring strands so it's got a it's got a Conjuration Spell and if you you know there's too many conditionals here guys you need to be playing a drow the uh the opponent needs to be restrained you need to cast the spell way too many conditionals the coolest thing even though this kind of Harkens back it really has a sound like like Bilbo or something like Lord of the Rings he um I think it's too many conditionals I would not recommend this I think those just it's just not great it's middle of act two it's in the shadow lands um yeah it's not quite it's not quite guys Duke waving God's sword so this is the sword of Will's father very very cool bad damage uh one to ten damage 1d10 slash when you kill an enemy allies with some nine meters gain temporary hit points equal to your quizma modified minus one weapon enchantment plus one Commander strike class actions Charisma plus two this is a great weapon obviously to give will it's very obvious that will is the one who's supposed to have this it is quite good um because of its abilities even though the damage is is kind of dog trash to be honest just the abilities alone does you know it's really good give just a will it's his dad's sword he should have it it's it's it's pretty good high ATM laugh so 7 to 16 damage Wendy 10 slash Wendy 10 actually plus four slash and plus two acid weapon enchantment plus one it's super Bare Bones guys look at this one it doesn't have that much unique about it I did design I think they just loaded in guys they must have been like have a hangover the night before or something CTO bad I I just I can't really ever recommend this uh one that I've used quite a bit the follow alvo so this is the sword that kind of um what is it called like kind of like King Arthur that you're pulling out of a stone um yeah so it under Dark Sword in the Stone um it's really really really really cool I think it's beautiful um 7 to 14 damage 1d10 plus four slash plus two acid weapon enchantment plus one performance plus one and you get this melody uh class action I think this is a really really cool weapon and I really really like it so you can you can basically the melody you can even have the streak or you can have the sing both of them are quite cool abilities I would really recommend this in the underdog I would absolutely recommend going for this I've used this multiple times I think it's sto for the phase of the game that you get it in which is act one really beautiful beautiful sword highly recommended sword of the emperor so this is an actually weapon looks really cool uh 8 to 17 damage not amazing not terrible shapeshifter Slayer the weapon deal is an additional 1d4 damage against shape-shifters not super useful uh Magic durability the wheelba has plus two bonus to saving flows against spells that's kind of nice weapon enchantment plus two because of how late you get this guys um you know it's cool role play weapon but truly it's pretty trash given how late you get it in the game I would not recommend sort of the emperor whatsoever I think it's like a CO2 weapon Co detail weapon not good not good not good the ad in my entire mace so this one Diamond Spain if a diamond Spain weapon hits an object the hit is always critical we go back to the critical hits that's good the sword varying of this is better in my opinion 3-day damage when D6 bludgeoning plus two acid weapon enchantment plus one I just think the adamantine sword is better than the mace so I'm gonna give this like C tier not great um but all the adamantine weapons can't really be that bad either it's just why would you choose this instead of the sword I guess if you just really want to lock a maze but uh it looks okay it's nothing special okay guys our first legendary weapon the blood of lathandra the blood of lafando amazing amazing weapon so over one once plow along West you'll hit points or if you're once per long last when your hit points are reduced to zero you regain 2 to 12 hit points allies within nine meters also gain one to six hit points guys this is an act one weapon this is in the S plus plus tier this is one of the best weapons in the game in pretty much all situations you should be getting this weapon it is incredibly incredibly incredibly good you're getting one D6 plus two bludgeoning plus two acid and one D4 radiant I mean you shed Holy Light until radius you have weapon enchantment plus flea you have a level six evocation spell this is stupid how good this weapon is s plus plus plus plus plus here I cannot uh you know emphasize this enough blood of lafanda one of the best weapons in the game you should always be getting it really amazing and very easy to miss because the Roosevelt Monastery where you're getting this weapon a lot of people don't go they go the underdark weapon uh on the dark method to actually progress into act two they missed that part of act one so what I would recommend is going in the on the dark and then going the Overland route and going through the monastery because you want to kill this weapon it's super good okay whoops grinder 10 to 23 damage so we're having a put the high uh damage weapon 2d6 plus seven bludgeoning 1d4 fando weapon enchantment plus two tenacity you can deal up to five bludgeoning damage if you miss a strike really strong I would say probably an eight-tier weapon beautiful weapon I think the visual design is really cool how it's glowing really a cool looking mace even the the handle of the mace um is beautiful I think it's really cool at your weapon I think um could be better but probably still one of the best like maybe 25 30 weapons in the game um if it was legendary it would probably be an SEO weapon I think the visual design is incredible the only bad thing about this you are getting in and actually um so keros in the stone Lords camp this is late enough that it does hold the weapon back but it still does very good web uh damage even for the end game all right we have a very rare uh mace slash flail I believe it's a I guess it's actually a Morning Star so it's between the mace and the flail uh the sacred star very rare 9 to 19 damage 1d8 plus seven piercing 1d4 radiant radiant strike on hit and flick one ton of radiant orb upon the target Sanctified weapon Undead creature struck by this weapon are possibly turned there was some places in the game that you will be fighting a decent amount of Undead I believe this weapon is gorgeous um I'm gonna put it in very high at low sto this isn't actually weapon so you have to get this from the biker uh at the Tabernacle in the lowest city so you're getting this late in the game but it's a beautiful weapon it has good stats low high a low sto really cool weapon really cool weapon Twist of Fortune 7 to 14 damage when you roll two or less with this weapons damage die we roll it and take the new result that's good that definitely saves you from some low strikes so a very good ability um weapon enhancement plus one you get this in act two I think honestly um you get this in the troll house or the Toll House in Act 2 for the time that you get this weapon I think it's a good weapon I think it's High eighthier um it's not the best weapon in the game by any measure and I don't want to over hype it but I do think the twist of Fortune is solid and in a lot of playthroughs if you want to lock kind of a Morning Star mace type weapon it's a good weapon to go for we are gonna now go to the Unseen Menace 3 to 12 damage 1d10posing plus two acid invisible weapon the weapon is invisible when equipped it loses this property for two rounds on a missed attack or weapon enchantment plus one uh uh I don't know this is a weird one to me I mean yes it's it's invisible if you're hitting things how does that help you it's I mean it like even the statement is yes but what exactly is hitting you not great guys meme weapon this is isn't in category mean probably like D or F here just avoid this it's cool that's all you can say it's it's a pike I mean I don't know what else to say it's it's pretty bad uh cacophony uh so 1d8 bludgeoning plus two acid 1D for fando so I guess that's where cacophony comes from weapon enchantment plus one it has thunderous Smite uh as an ability so if you're like you're kind of playing like a mage that also wants to be a paladin really cool weapon looks beautiful probably high beat here I don't think this weapon's incredible by any any measure it is an act one so you can purchase this from Lady Esther um it's not great it's not terrible it is good for Act One the damage is quite good for act one it does get outshined I think as the game goes on later um but not terrible not terrible cantrip staff 8 to 15 damage uh 1d8 plus seven bludgeoning you gain a one plus bonus to spell save DC and spell attack goals weapon enchantment plus two cats restoration topple um it's an actually weapon guys and that's what holds it back I think if it wasn't actually so you get this in the lowest city if it was act two act one I think this would be a really good weapon being an actively I have to put it in like around C tier I just think that it doesn't hold up correctly there's so many better weapons so yeah I would I would pass on this weapon personally Spear of antifauca so this looks like something like a Native American like Tomahawk weapon or something visually this looks incredible I wish the stats would live up to it uh this pair of uh Anna faka or whatever whatever that name is I have a hard time pronouncing holy it is a cool looking weapon uh 1d8 plus one bludgeoning two to nine damage Trash Guys put the trash you gain a one plus bonus the spell save DC and spell attack all's weapon enchantment plus two guys if this was if it had different stats I would walk this almost every game I think the the visual design is incredible but the problem is the Quarter Staff it is so dog trash in terms of stats I have to put it maybe CTO and CTO only for looks if not it would be like fto it would be basically one of the worst staffs in the game beautiful but I don't know what they were thinking stats wise the gold wormling staff so 4 to 14 damage when d8 bludgeoning plus two acid plus the 1d4 fire you get a fireball can trap so you get an additional you know I mean you can the problem is you can basically you're gonna have Fireball all the time guys and cancer-ups you could it's not even like a spell slot so you can get this in act one uh Whirlwind Moon Globe at the goblin Camp it's not good guys it's not good it's it's okay I guess for act one I'll give it a pass because it's early in the game but uh CTO Harper sacred Striker so very interesting sounding weapon um definitely the staff quite cool 7 to 14 damage 1d8 plus six bludgeoning weapon enchantment plus one spiritual weapon so a level six evocation spell and you can get this in actively so if it wasn't for actually I think this would be an incredible weapon obviously you probably couldn't cast a level six Bell if you you won an ax3 so I guess there's a little bit of that going on um it's beautiful it's really cool you can purchase this from projection uh at the source for Sundays in the lowest city so you're getting this late in the game guys um 7 to 14 damage spiritual weapon it is a good good staff I'll put it in high at you Hollow staff 2 to 12 damage wielding with both hands you get bludgeoning damage and a 1d8 narcotic so I always think of like those those shamans and you know they have the staff in both hands and they're like shaking it in their hands or whatever arms of hater level one conjuration it's an athletes it's an actually weapon guys let's think about this for a minute actually weapon you're getting a level one Conjuration Spell what a dog trash weapon this is like a dto weapon don't ever get the Hall of staff total trash I mean you get creatures at this advantage on saving flows against your necromancy spells but is it worth it hell no it isn't worth it it's terrible uh incandescent staff very well staff now I actually got this in my latest play flu and been playing around with it glance resistance to five damage range spell attack plus one Fireball Fireball topple this is definitely guys definitely you can get this in act two so this is at quartermaster tally last Light in it's very expensive for that point in the game it's like almost 1200 gold but the thing is about this you basically get a free Fireball spell uh which at this time that you get this you're probably only gonna have like two level three spells uh slots unlocked so just getting an extra Fireball this is definitely worth an incandescent staff estio really solid weapon really like the incandescent staff the Marco shiriken the legendary staff now obviously guys it's a legendary staff it's gonna be one of the best in the game uh so let's take a look at the stats for this 8 to 15 damage 1d8 plus seven bludgeoning Arcane enchantment you gain a one plus bonus to spell save DC and spell tackles Arcane battery alleviates the Arcane burning and burden of spell casting was the power of the staff the next value cast doesn't cost a spell slot so you can get an extra spell slot weapon enchantment plus two kalisha's favor you get a level four evocation spell obviously guys this is the legendary staff if you're playing a mage you're going to want to go for this estio S Plus to your kind of you know goes without saying it's the legendary version of a staff I wish there was more uh Legendary Weapons because I think actually in terms of looks this isn't the best looking staff in the game in my opinion but in terms of stats this is a God to your staff it's really really good you can find this in Lama zeros ta so this is going to be an act three uh from sorceress Sun deals so this is really late in the game that's another problem with it you can't get it early um so you know your mileage may vary by that point you probably quite quite strong anyway but is it worth getting yes it absolutely is um the morning flaw so this is a act one weapon um yeah so quite quite cool uh very rare Weapon 4 to 14 damage 1d8 bludgeoning plus two acid 1d4 cold when dealing cold damage the wheel that deals an additional one coal damage so if you are specking your uh like wizard into a lot of cold based spells this could be quite good you do get a ray of loss evocation but you probably already will have that weapon enchantment plus one because you can get this in in act one from three different places I think way of frost I mean the the morning Frost is a decent weapon I think it's an 80 weapon it's not the best in the game by any measure but I do like it and I think visually it looks really cool it looks like something that would come out of skywheim in my opinion okay now we're going on to the staff of cherished necromancy so probably one of the best necromancy staffs in the game 3 to 13 damage 1d8 bludgeoning 1d4 narcotic heightened necromancy creatures have disadvantage on saving flows against your Deco mancy spells so quite good there life Essence Harvest when a Wheeler kills a hostile creature what's a spell they they greedily absorb its energy and gain life Essence until the next long last life weapon enchantment plus two if you're going for a necromancy build I probably one of the best apps in the game to get really really good this is an act free uh so you get this from Phil Graves mansion and act free so quite late that's the negative about it but visually amazing uh if you're playing a necromance or Wizzle that's specifically uh you know specked in the necromancy definitely the staff you want really really good at your high a high Atia staff of spell power this is another actually um staff you get to deny damage 1d8 plus one bludgeoning Arcane battery so you get the Arcane battery again weapon enchantment plus two the thing about this is you're getting this from the House of Hope when you get the staff of spell power you probably should be going for uh the moashika the legendary staff so I don't think there's much Point um to get the staff of spellpower to be honest I think by that point you should already be going for a legendary equipment so I have to kind of put this in B Tierra not because it's bad but but when you actually get it those better options that's really all I can say about this one uh the spell sparklow really cool I get this and I use it actually in my Mage playful so you can go check that out if you want to check my lives uh the stream I'm using it right now spell sparkler you basically gain lightning charges so then when you do lightning attacks you deal additional damage two to nine damage it's not that great but here's the thing it's an act one weapon you basically get this for the rescue the Grand Duke side quest uh which is like where you know in the wisdom load you get this really early act one so it's really good for when you get it so I'm gonna put it in the high ATL whoa now this is a really cool looking staff probably one of the coolest looking stats in the game it looks like kind of like a bat or like a maybe like a naked wow with wings or something three to 19 damage 1d8 bludgeoning plus one narcotic Arcane enchantment you gain a one plus bonus to spell save DC and spell attack holes Arcane vampirism when the creatures affected by your spells fail any Associated saving foes we gain one to four hit points weapon enchantment plus two blight level four necromancy spell um this is it is a web level free weapon uh you get this from killing cows or door um doing the pale elf Quest the issue being that it's so late you're gonna get the snack free but is it a cool weapon hell yeah it is top of Atia in my opinion the harmonic Doula um harmonic Doula 7 to 14 damage weapon enchantment plus one mellow Harmony is it good not really guys it's pretty bad I mean it does decent damage it looks really cool but this is an actually weapon guys I'm gonna put in BTO I just think I've never once really was desired to use this I used it for like five minutes and I thought I don't like this at all past guys seat your weapon the adminton Scimitar so we go back to Edmonton weapons if an amateine weapon hits an object the hit is always critical weapon enchantment plus one if you know this is obviously going for the joysit build if you're going to play as drizzle then you're gonna want the admitting Scimitar this is a beautiful beautiful uh weapon you can get this in act one in certain inserting uh mythical ore into a scimitar mold this is a beautiful weapon so what you might want to do here is you just might want to create two of these for for Twisted really really beautiful weapon have to put it in the Str really really cool the justical Scimitar so a short weapon 9-14 damage 1d6 slash plus two acid Shadow binding if you attack was Advanced you have a chance of blinding your target weapon enchantment plus two I would put this since you get this in Middle you get this like middle Act 2 late Act 2 um and The Gauntlet of Shaw I think that this is a pretty strong weapon for that point in the game I would probably put it probably put it in like high atier I don't think it's the best weapon in the game by any measure but I do think it is decently strong and I do like it so Jessica semitar would recommend not the best in the game but uh not bad evil not bad phone blade four to nine damage when concentrating your melee weapon attacks dealing additional one to four poison damage and staring strike it's a melee level 1 controllation spell weapon enchantment plus one you can buy this from Damon in the last Light and again just like many other weapons early Act 2 very poor damage um cool looking blade but you know adminton Scimitar you could already get in act one so why the hell would you be buying this I just don't see it um I don't think it's super good guys don't think it's super good knife of the undermountain king now this is a really cool really cool weapon 8 to 14 damage organ rearranger the wheeler score is a critical hit when rolling 19 when they roll two damage or less with all the dice taking the highest was so Shadow Blade you have advantage on attack oils against lightly or heavily obscured targets when using this blade weapon enchantment plus two this is an act one weapon uh that you can find in the give Yankee crash you should this this weapon is definitely S Plus to you this weapon is incredibly good for Act One late act one if you're doing like a rogue or something anybody that would be using like a short sword or dagger like a ranger amazing weapon really really cool one of the most underrated weapons in the game definitely go for the knife of the undermountain king incredibly good sword of the clutching humble sword of the clutching umbrella you're getting at the last Light and again four to nine damage weapon and Champion plus one guys skip skip skip trash to your weapon really bad totally skip this weapon terrible sword of Life stealing five to ten damage lifestyle critical on a critical hit the target takes an extra one to ten aquatic as long as isn't a construct on Undead you also gain 10 temporary hit points this is a really cool ability and I will say the ability I think makes it much better than it would be you're getting this in early Act 2 Daemon last Light in just like a lot of weapons um but it's low damage I would put it in like middle BTO I don't think it's incredible it's not terrible okay now we're going to the baneful so you can buy this from blog at the micro Mica knit Colony so this is early to mid act one seven to twelve damage 1d6 posing plus two acid the blades magical paths only function if it's bound to an Eldritch Knight or warlocks pack weapons so it's got some really weird like very specific conditionals this weapon has a plus one bonus to damage and attack all his Bountiful blade on a hit possibly Bane your target the main thing is really kind of cool it is very unique if you're playing as Eldridge Knight or you're playing as a warlock maybe you would use this it is a level like it is an act one weapon so I'm gonna give it a pass but it's like a detailed Weapon It's not incredible the sickle of boolol um one of the coolest looking weapons in the game one to seven damage visually they did a great job with this weapon um it's so bad guys you should never ever ever ever ever play with this blade other than just role playing with one of the worst weapons in the game um it's it's basically about the fake God boo y'all uh climb down the clag blocks near the Sailor night temple in the underdark incredibly cool looking weapon but you should never do it maybe you use it if you're like all playing with like the worst weapons in the game or something uh or just like all playing as a fool or something it's it's a terrible weapon so so sickle so this is another of the source of weapons so you know it's going to possibly silence on Hit the Target three to six damage 1d4 slash plus two acid there are better uh social weapons I would pass on this CTO but its ability the silence is very very good Spear of night so this is really cool so this is found in the gauntlet of Shaw so this is one of the one of the weapons you can get uh in in The Gauntlet of Shaw and with the quest with Shadow hot cool if Shaw allows it use this beer to kill Night song Shaw's blessing three to ten damage plus two piercings so this you're gonna have the Spiel at night and then basically do shadowhawks Quest it's it's quite good and you know the weapon is is is very important to the story so I'll give it a I'll give it an additional um kind of bump it up for that because it's so important to the story so yes be all night in the ATO but you know it's not amazing or anything uh the niful null on that now this one I don't even know how to pronounce I don't know what's going on I don't know the night now incredible weapon another legendary weapon it's a trident 11 to 26 damage now listen to this guys listen to what you can actually do this weapon will return to your hand when thrown you cannot be forced to drop the Trident when thrown the weapon creates an explosion that deals three to twelve Thunder damage in a six meter blast and around the target fail of the wind you gain that free plus we meet a bonus to movement speed and jump distance equipping this weapons gives you immunity the following damage nylon or glowing this object shines with a glowing light and a radius of six meters weapon enchantment plus free this is honestly one of the best weapons in the entire game maybe the best weapon in the entire game unbelievable God to a weapon if you have like a barbarian and you love throwing weapons or something this novel Noma is incredible beyond belief it looks like you know like I tried it was handled by God or something uh I could maybe use this in my four build I have to think about that that's really cool credible weapon um yeah actually so you can find in the painted chest and cholt after being teleported there by the the Gin uh in the Livington circus so this is going to be quite late in the game unfortunately but just in terms of absolute overall power best ride in the game bought none one of the best weapons in the beginning Bar None incredible uh visual design really really cool the sparkly points so this is another one of the lightning based weapons that you can get for saving the Grand Duke or rescuing the Grand Duke even though you don't rescue him here that's what the quest is called rescue the Grand Duke in act one in the Wisdom Road two to six damage but you get two lightning charges so if you're playing as a lightning based character this can be quite strong weapon I'm gonna put it in the beat here it doesn't have the best damage but you're getting it so early in the game that I'm gonna give it a pass and I do think it has some really strong um strong things because of that sparkly points is pretty good okay now we're getting to the clown hammer 9 to 21 damage it is a stupid looking weapon this is an outrageous weapon who am I irony whenever this weapon lands a critical hit both Target and attacker have to succeed a wisdom saving flow or be affected by fits of laughter don't ever play this don't is this a meme this is absolutely a meme where Warhammer weapon um getting this and actually so you get this from the circus I don't even know what you're thinking if you're using this mean to your fto never use the clown Hammer stupid uh yeah charge bound Warhammer it's Hammer's magical paths only function if it's bound to an Eldridge Knight a warlock's pack weapon so very very very similar um to the weapon that we were looking up a little bit before where it's very conditional uh the weapon has a one plus bonus to damage and attack holes and the weapon deals an additional one to six lightning damage so if it's a bound weapon it can be quite strong it only does one that's in damage but then you get that additional one to six lightning weapon enchantment plus one you're getting this in early Act 2 at the last Light in from Damon again it's not a bad weapon it's just not the best weapon in the game Hammer of the just so this is a cool cool weapon uh 9 to 21 damage you get a 1d10 bludgeoning 1d4 radiant slay the Wicked This weapon deals an additional one to six bludgeoning damage against fiends and Undead which you fight a decent amount of fiends and Undead weapon enchantment plus two and you get a detect fat level two divination spell incredibly cool looking weapon good stats Hammer of the just I'm gonna give in the high ATO I think it's a really good option if you're playing as let's say like a paladin or Barbarian really really cool option I like it a lot calderick's Warhammer 8 to 20 damage so some really good damage numbers uh 1d10 bludgeoning 1d4 psychic so quite quite good there weapon enchantment plus one you're getting this in act two you can be looting it from Catholic form after fighting him in the mind flare comedy Lenny so this is like getting pretty late in act two middle to late act two um but it's it's strong dude it's it's really good the damage is good um it doesn't have any like unique spells or anything which is a bit of a shame but Keflex Warhammer really really nice now we're going on to the ranged weapons Hellfire hand crossbow so 9 to 14 damage 1d6 posing two acid Health stock up possibly inflict Bonnie when hitting a creature with this weapon while hiding on visible so this is obviously meant for Rangers or Oaks 100 and you get a level 3 evocation scorching away scorching away is already one of the best uh early game spells in the game weapon enchantment plus two this is an incredibly good crossbow I really really think this is good you can get this from your girl in The Gauntlet of Shaw so you're getting this in late act two it's a really good weapon even from when you're getting in the game I wish you did get this a bit earlier but this is very very solid Harold 4 to 13 damage uh heraldish Doom when you deal damage to a target with a ranged weapon it must exceed a Charisma saving flow or be Bane for two turns that's a great ability guys that's very very nice weapon enchantment plus one you can get this in act one is awarded by zeros for completing find the missing shipment which involves delivering your chest unopened that you find on the east side of Riverstone Road this is quite quite good guys it's kind of difficult to get because you're probably not going to go to the cave and get the chest and then deliver the chest but if you do and you if you do have heavy crossbow proficiency it's a good good weapon and it's a beautifully designed weapon I think they did a very good job odd y Style really strong act one weapon giant breaker 7 to 16 damage 1D uh 10 plus 4 piercing plus two acid weapon enchantment plus one heavy hitter your weapon hits hard enough to send your target Wheeling for two turns that's a really really cool uh ability it looks something out of like Nordic mythology I think that the design is absolutely gorgeous uh you're getting this from act one so you can get it from bleam and The xenogram Outpost if you get this in act one this can be a really strong option if you're big into heavy crossbows um it's great guys this is one of the best heavy crossbows in the game in my opinion especially for when you're getting it which is so early in Act One um yeah really really cool longbows the jolt shooter this is another one of the weapons that you can pick when you do the rescue the Grand Duke Quest we've already talked about that uh six to 14 damage wheel the deals damage you gain two lightning charges 1d8 plus three piercing plus two acid really great weapon I think in the at your um shooter I've used it a lot I use it on my floor build and I like it a lot so yeah solid ATO weapon you get this early in Act One quite not quite nice quite nice Titan string bow 7 to 14 damage 1D 8 plus 4 piercing plus two acid weapon enchantment Plus One Titan weapon this weapon deals additional damage equal to your strength modifiers so if you have very high strength like your Barbarian this could be a fantastic weapon a fighter this could be a fantastic weapon you can see that the visual design they just did a straight copy pasta from the jolt shooter uh giant Biko can be quite good again you purchase it from blim and The zeroom Outpost very nice nice uh nice nice weapon so now we're going on the short bows blight blinger four to nine damage when D6 plus free piercing attacking gnomes or chores was this weapon receives a 1d4 bonus to attack and damage rolls uh play the accelerator when this weapon lands a critical hit it also slows the target creature you're not going to fight dwarves that many times in the game guys um gnomes I guess a few times it's not great guys and and you're getting this and actually this is a trash weapon for actually I would say honestly I would put this in like detail I think this is a terrible a terrible weapon for the time in the game you're getting it you really needed to get this way earlier for it to be viable God guys this is a long to your list my flow is getting dry dark fire short bow five to ten damage weapon enchantment plus two gains resistance of fire gains resistance a cold haste you get haste on this if you didn't get haste this would be an absolutely trash weapon but because you get haste and you get weapon enchantment you gain resistances this is actually a really good weapon um you can get this from Damon in the last Light and this is probably if you're on Archer one of the best weapons to get in that too I'm gonna put it in STO I do think that getting haste so strong and gaining resistance to fio and cold from one weapon it's really solid it's really really solid so you probably thought we're nearing the hour mark we'd be done but we actually are not there's still a few more weapons that I want to cover now I'm going to the absolute best weapons in the game most of the legendaries are here there actually is no one resource that has all the weapons so I had to go for multiple wikis really hope you like this guys hit that like hit that subscribe button and let's get now to the absolute God teal weapons in the game I think some of the best weapons in the entire game and a lot of the legendaries so Baldo's Giant Slayer so what this is is it's a two-handed great sword two D6 slashing Giant Slayer is its its uh ability on hit double the damage from your strength modifier this weapon grants you advantage on attack goals against large huge or gargantuan creatures weapon enchantment plus three and you get giant form from this this is an absolutely insane great sword um it's just it looks beautiful it's crazy good good this is an absolutely crazy crazy um great sword and to get this you're gonna need to go to whims Rock Fortress into whims prison and basically defeat a sir so this is a very very late game weapon but absolutely incredible legendary great sword now we're going to be going on to Blade of the first Blood blade of the first blood is one of the best daggers in the game you do a 1d4 piercing and a 1d4 and Aquatic you have a weapon enchantment a plus two and improve critical the number you need to roll critical hit when attacking us or reduced by one this effect can stack so basically you have a situation that it goes from having a 20 is a critical to a 19 is a critical but there's other abilities in the game that can enhance this photo and you also have exploit weakness creatures hit with this weapon receive vulnerability to piercing damage which is what this what this weapon is actually dealing and in the offhand you have true strike or pose when a creature misses you with a melee strike you may retaliate and gain true strike Armor class negative one and it is a bound weapon this is a really good weapon I would put it a little bit below uh the baldos Glade sword I would say this is maybe an atio where that previous weapon uh was in s tier so yeah I think this one's just one one notch below that and now we're going on to the Clemson Mischief guys the Clemson Mischief let's take a look at this weapon this is a legendary short sword it does one D six plus two piercing it does one D4 and Aquatic and it was does one D4 piercing as a conditional play among the weak is its ability the weapon deals an additional one to four piercing damage against targets with fifty percent of the hit points are lower so as they get weaker it does more damage weapon enchantment plus two main hand only you get red vein savagery when you make an attack with an advantage the target takes an additional seven piercing damage so this is obviously made for Rogues or assassin type characters the Crimson Mischief is a disgustingly good weapon absolutely sto without any question and if you do it in the offhand when you make an attack with your offhand you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the attack incredibly good this is if when you meet one in the temple a ball and kill her so definitely very very very late game beautiful weapon gorgeous art and uh yeah just crazy crazy good is the question Mischief we've got the devotees mace now legendary mace is one of the mace weapons here we go it's got weapon enhancement plus Fleet you got the healing incense or so it actually does it does healing basically in an aura uh you can do concussive smash back breaker it does 1d6 Plus for you bludgeoning and One D A ladient definitely if you're like a cleric I think this is probably the ultimate cleric weapon because of that healing Aura it is a beautiful weapon I definitely think the devotees mace is really really solid and one of the best legendary maces you can get um would highly recommend it I think probably in to Wise It's probably right around the ATO I don't think maybe this is an STL weapon but it's super super good and basically how you get this is you each level 10 was a cleric you get picked divine intervention on thy servant and you can cast it now the difficulty is though I believe this has a limited number of casts in the entire game um but you basically get a bound weapon and it is it is a beautiful beautiful weapon let's go now so we're going to go to the Duelist prerogative which is the legendary Rapier so this one does 1d8 piercing and One D for an aquatic it's got a weapon Enchantment of plus free elegant duelist while your offhand is empty you score a critical hit when rolling a 19 so very similar to the dagger we had looked at earlier and couldn't sub Mischief moreover you gain an additional reaction proton so this is definitely for those uh Angels out there or perhaps a rogue or some multi-class build wiveling cut on a hit with some middle a weapon use your reaction to deal additional narcotic damage equal to your proficiency bonus and it has two spells on it the challenge to duel and doula's enthusiasm so maybe you would give this to will this is a beautiful beautiful weapon it is going to be an act 3 you have to do the quest save Venera um so yeah this is near the Basilisk gate very very late game beautiful weapon incredibly incredibly good um pretty much almost all of these legendaries are going to be in the sto it's just where are they in the sto and how good are they uh so now we're going to be going on to the godwick mall so we're going on to the gallerac mall this is the legendary Longbow so if you are playing a bow build then it's probably a certainty that this is the bow that you should be going for in the end game so what do you get for it you get a 1d8 plus Fleet piercing damage you get weapon in enchantment plus flea bonus and on hit possibly inflict a guiding bolt conditional damage next to tackle upon the target is made with Advantage gonewick mall is glowing so it has a toggable glowing light in six meters so it basically has a light effect you gain uh there's also Celestial haste on the bow so you get a hasten status for five tons without a lethargic debuff and that would charge us every long West and you get a bolt of celestial light which brightens your Target's two-ton there's 1d8 radiant damage an additional 1d4 radiant on sequential turns and that recharges on a short list incredible bow disgustingly good if you're a ranger if you're an Archer character you pretty much got to go for the gunwick mail it is just stupidly stupidly good and yeah it's incredible and let's see uh so now we're gonna be going to uh let's see uh saloon's Spear of night now we've already talked kind of about the Spear of night um the Spiro Knight's kind of a special weapon because again with Shadow heart and the whole night song uh so I don't want to get into too many spoilers in in this video because this is just about weapons so let's take a look at this 1d8 posing two-handed Wendy six posing one-handed so you can do it this Neva two-handed or one-handed weapon enchantment plus flea saloon's blessing gain advantage on wisdom saving flows and perception checks dark vision see in the dark up to 12 meters Moonbeam level Fleet evocation spell and moon mode class action now I'm gonna tell you if it was not from Moonbeam I would think this would maybe be like in the ATR probably one of the weakest legendaries you can get the thing is Moonbeam is an incredible spell and I would highly recommend you pick this up this is kind of nice too because you have a bit of range with this um and it's a really cool sphere looking weapon I think the weapon art is really cool I'm sorry on this that you don't get to see the art I tried to find all the weapons in one resource but it's just not available uh so I didn't the best I could pasting these resources together to give you a comprehensive summary so loon Spear of night I would highly recommend it I do think it is a fantastic option um and Moonbeam is a disgustingly good spell really good weapon so let's move on and now we're gonna be going to the last two weapons and this is a legendary great sword the silver sword of the astral plane so the silver soul of the asteroid plane does two D6 plus free slashing plus 1d6 psychic which is conditional you win the enemy's body and soul and possibly stun them so this has to be yielded by GIF Yankee so it's it's definitely one of those weapons that you need to absolutely be a gift Yankee to use this to its full uh effect I do think this is a absolutely crazy good weapon if you'll give Yankee uh you get a gift Yankee you have advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving Rose resistance to psychic damage cannot be Charmed um and the GIF Yankee does that additional one to six psychic damage so this is really only good uh only good if you have Jeff Yankee now where can you find it you can basically find it from Sherlock's called vast so this is going to be way way late uh you can take leafels deal talk to Vos you can get it then or you can actually drop it from Keflex loss in act one but it's a very low percent chance that's going to happen that's extremely hard fight act one I would not recommend that but it is a disgustingly good weapon but only if you're a gift Yankee I really hope guys you love this list please please hit that like And subscribe button I did my absolute best I know I probably missed a weapon I know I probably made one or two mistakes but I did my best guys I honestly from the bottom of my heart tried to hit it out of the park was this one so please share this as much as you can thank you guys so much and I'll see you guys in the next video I had a ton of fun and hope you did too
Channel: That Anxious Gamer
Views: 4,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 best weapon, baldurs gate 3 best armor, baldurs gate 3 legendary magic items, baldurs gate 3 act 3 legendary weapons, act 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 act 3, act 3, baldurs gate 3 legendary gear, baldurs gate 3 legendary weapon, best weapon, best armor, weapon, best class, best build, baldurs gate 3 gear, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best legendary weapon, act 1, act 2, act 1 legendary, act 2 legendary, legendary, best, armor, bow, shield, location, bg3, ragegamingvideos
Id: AHeWgtjwLjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 27sec (4047 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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