Lies of P - 7 MOST POWERFUL Weapons to Make the Game Easy - Best Secret Weapon & OP Build Guide!

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hello and welcome back once again to rage gaming and lies of P we are now in the end game a majority of us at this point are in those final chapters of the game with that we decided to make a video dedicated to some of the best weapons and a couple items that you will find in those final chapters of 7 through to 11 where do you find these weapons and items why are they good weapons in particular this video isn't exactly a comparison of these weapons per se though like a ranking compared to one another but a selection of the best weapons you want to consider in those final chapters where you find them we begin with a weapon that you'll find at the end of chapter 7 this is the Frozen Feast which is gained from the boss Ergo of champion Victor and could be traded with alidoro to get the weapon as a great sword it's heavier and a bit slower and naturally is a motivity focused weapon with B scaling emotivity and see in technique as a starting point for the scaling visually quite cool as you can see in the image there's blue underneath and yet to begin with it's all rock and stone this is because there's a mechanic where as you attack you gradually start to chip away at the stone and as you can see we begin to reveal the true weapon which lies underneath this sort of Blue Ice Crystal and now as that's fully exposed and all the stones gone you're attacking slightly faster quite literally improving the slower move set of this type of weapon which is generally very slow but as you can see Heavy hitting quite a satisfying weapon the issue with a slower weapon like this is with the lack of a Poise system you will be interrupted during a lot of your attacks so you want to make use of these slower weapons fast attacks like running Heavies and otherwise to bypass that including say using the puppet string to do a quick attack using the weapon damage and evading at the same time however if I stop attacking you can see that the stone kind of regenerates and we go back to a much slower move set initially to break through it again it charges fables pretty well and the fables are pretty important too for example the single Fable bar liberate instantly exposes the weapon so you don't have to go through that process of chipping away at it and it makes this weapon a lot more relevant and a lot more viable then we have the single slash which is basically just a single very strong hit which to be honest for three Fable bars feels like it could be hitting a bit harder so overall I rate this weapon lower on the list of items in this video because you know the liberation of the sword it doesn't last that long and it'd be nice if we could say Liberate the sword in other ways than just attacking what if by perfectly guarding what if you could use your grindstone to expose it there'd be more ways to make the weapon a bit more viable but I do like it it's quite unique and I think a lot of people will find this weapon appealing which brings me nicely to highlight another item of this list which is the arm of God amulet which is the boss Ergo trade you can make for the same boss the final boss of chapter 7 trading Champion Victor's Ergo for instead of the weapon The Amulet you get an incredible concert while wearing it you increase your physical damage after a successful attack basically a successive hit Amulet the faster you attack the more physical damage you build up so the fastest weapon of the game should definitely consider running this amulet as part of their build it's going to be very good there the very existence of this amulet means you know Frozen feces of great sword is a bad take unless you're specifically really wanting to use that great sword so the amulet is going to be much more handy for more built in general next up we have a very gnarly weapon the live puppets axe I mean just look at this thing it's the puppet body parts kind of screwn into an axe very heavy lever so Ultra slow but very heavy hitting of course we find this one in chapter 8 when progressing to the second Stargazer of that region at one point you'll enter an open area with an annoying ballista style machine that fires down at you from a tower if you cross the water and go to the tower it's firing from you can just climb a ladder go up there and destroy it right next to that is the chest which contains the weapon so it's quite easy to get in regards to the weapon it's a motivity scaler with d in technique B in motivity we could improve this to say a in motivity but to really make this one of the better weapons in the whole game I think it need to reach SC scaling it does come with some very good Fable arts in the form of Killer attack and en jao though Killer attack the Fable is quick for its two bars that uses and as you can see leads to very quick stagger buildup which then can be followed with heavy hits for the Fatal attacks that follow up the incredible Ino Fable art is one of the best in the game in my opinion essentially you have a moment to enure for one Fable bar during that time you take massively reduced damage like Ultra reduced must be like 90% and you won't get staggered so injure allows you to take hits that you otherwise wouldn't be able to take and go for the combos that follow with a slower weapon again you overcome that by doing running Heavies which are a lot faster with a slower weapon like this or making use of Legion armor attacks like the puppet string one which is a top tier pick the weapon is essentially held back by its super slow move set but if this appeals to you and you're willing to go through the challenge in this game that is using a slower weapon this is a good pick now it's time to mention one of the most important collection boxes in the whole game it results in multiple really important buff grindstones like the satisfaction grindstone increasing your weapon critical rate which could be vital for a variety of fast High crit weapons it unlocks a weapon the pistol Rock drill and two amazing amulets the transformation amulet which is ideal for a advanced build and more important the blue guardianship amulet providing Health stamina and Legion gauge as well basically the Ring of favor ring if you play the Dark Souls games super good really recommend you get this the fancy collection box will increase the shop inventory with the puppet Butler here in the hotel crack and you find this box near the second Stargazer of chapter 8 the Stargazer being Baron swamp from the Stargazer head forward and hang right kind of hugging the wall on your right as you follow through the swamp before too long you'll pass through a gap under a bridge above and on your left around the corner here is the box that has the item the box within take it back to hotel cat use it with the butler to improve the St stock and now you can buy the various options within that I think this is really important to know about so yeah it's in this video all right now it's time for a really really good weapon which is unlocked after the final boss of chapter 8 the green monster in the swamp with that boss Ergo you can trade with alidoro to get this weapon the two dragon sword this is one of the coolest weapons in the game thanks to its Ultra fast move set in general sure but its heavy attack is one of the coolest things you will find this heavy attack has a counter aspect to it so like when you perfect guard at the right moment and completely mitigate damage and maybe even stun the enemy you know go for a stagger when you charge this heavy you can see there's a sort of Pop motion and right at that moment you can go for the Parry it has a wind up though so you will have to do it before the attack actually comes to land and then you can see that we can do it and it's an instant stagger in this case which is great there is an amulet that improves your damage after getting a perfect guard so that would work perfectly with this weapon if you just tap the heavy you get a nice backward step so the movement is really cool it also has a nice Gap closing running heavy and in general the combos for this weapon are fantastic when we look at the details of the weapon it begins scaling with a technique of a which you can improve to S scaling so it's undeniably one of the best technique scaling weapons you can find further when we start looking at the Fable Arts things get very exciting the combo the triple triangle is actually an evasive movement the first one is a literal Dodge which then you can follow up with the rest of the combo to continue doing attack shot or probably better you just use the Dodge to dodge it's a really good Dodge and then you can follow with basic attacks or Heavies whatever alternatively the wind of Swords is super cool a medium ranged wind attack which can be used to build up stagger which is awesome or just do safe damage so it's Ultra good and it's very wide reaching as you can see overall it just plays really well it scales really well it looks and feels really cool and with your ability to guard counter with one of its attacks and evade through another it's honestly one of the highest skill weapons and rewards High skill which is going to appeal to a lot of people next up we have the coil molia if you are a fan of bonking and hammers truly look no further as this is quite literally a metal hammer on a stick with not the most inspired mous set because to be honest hammers never really have a very unique mous set it's quite vertical with the Heavies and then horizontal with the lights so that's quite a versatile Mo set thankfully obviously it's a motivity weapon with a standard scaling of B in motivity and D in Technique we could push that to a to make it better but it does come with absolute defense one of my favorite defensive Fable arts in the game in short it extends your perfect guard window making it very easy to land perfect guards that's how I progressed my first half of the playthrough using exactly that Fable art with a different Weapon It's triple Fable Art Bar attack thunder strike is three in one for one downward slam dealing as you can see electric damage massive damage stagger and causes a stagger for a fatal attack it's kind of kind of insane for a single attack sure there's a wind up but as you can see it's well worth it and the base kind of electricity of the weapon is very important for when dealing with puppets it's absolutely a puppet Destroyer to get this one then it's right at the start of chapter 9 you head out into a familiar Courtyard we first saw the start of the game with the way the story Loops back in itself leaving the crack Central Station Lobby and on the back left of the open courtyard is a bunch of luggage which has a chest in the middle it is surrounded by enemies so you'll have to deal with them but within the chest is indeed the coil it's quite easy to get all right so before we get into the final three weapons I'm highlighting I just want to talk about what is arguably the best Legion arm throughout the whole game this is the puppet string which when fully upgraded gets the attack link special attack which I've been showing throughout this video from medium range you can attach yourself to an enemy drag yourself in leap up and slam the leap up is a physical evade so if an enemy isn't attacking high enough or catches you as you go up you will literally evade the attack and most often that happens obviously it's a fast downward slam dealing good damage staggering leading to fatal attacks ideally used with a slower weapon that has a slower move set essentially if I had to pick one Legion arm for an entire playthrough it would be this one specifically when fully upgraded of course where it's at its best and as a neutral damage type it's tied more to your weapon so what you can do is buff up your weapon with the correct damage type say I'm fighting carcasses I need fire damage well it's still going to benefit from that fire damage as you can see I slam down and build up fire damage all the same so if I had to pick one Legion arm and I'd say the best one overall it be the puppet string and so in this video I wanted to highlight that's probably the best one okay the final three and some of the best weapons in the game shout out thank you to Josh for providing the footage for this starting with oro's I which you can buy from alidoro or Hugo depending on your choice with those characters this point in the game you need the boss all of laxia the complete who is a boss you face in chapter 11 Skilling at first with C in motivity and B in technique it's deant in that perspective sure but it's the move set that's really nice here a circular blade that swings wide on the fast light double striking with the charged Heavies in a vertical way which you can do twice for four big hits all very fine but the weapon really shines when we look at the Fable Arts like storm notice which causes the weapon to spin and that improves its ticking damage the weapon is ideally paired with the arm of God amulet we looked at earlier since the ticks of damage are so fast and consistent with this weapon especially when buffed up the Fable Art's a bit expensive for its nature but with five bars to work with you should be able to maintain that Buff when using it having said that the mid-range throw attack which is the wandering Moon Fable art is insane in the best part of the weapon throwing the weapon deals many ticks of damage again from range safety pretty incredible since it's also two bars of fable to do and you can build up that physical damage with that amulet so yeah a quick look at this one really it's very good and with very strong build potential I recommend it next up we have another strength style focused weapon the ultra slow Ultra heavy hitting the no bless oblig also a bosso weapon you can buy it via alidoro or Hugo depending on things after defeating maners who might be your final boss of the game depending on your choices one of the best honestly in terms of output weapons and motivity weapons for sure in the game starting with a scaling motivity with d and technique it means business you can push it higher the Moet is standard sadly slams and swings like other blunt Hammer motivity weapons best served by running Heavies or either full charge Heavies or tap Heavies to cause staggers really well or use yeah the puppet string slam to overcome the slowness thankfully we have enjo here again one of the best Fable arts for this type of weapon ignoring enemy attacks reducing their damage massively which is huge and all for a very cheap Fable at that but more importantly one of the strongest attacks in the whole game Ergo release dealing a stupid amount of damage with a pretty fast slam down for the weapon speed in exchange unfortunately for Ergo to actually get value out of it so if you have no Ergo there's no point using that Fable art it consumes a varying amount a percent based on how much you have at the time seemingly starting at about 500 as a baseline the Ergo cost is well worth it though especially if you're dealing with a strong enemy whether that's a boss mini boss or whatever and to be honest by the time you get this weapon Ergo is going to matter a lot less and if you go into New Game Plus you'll have more than enough so it hits Ultra hard it's like the highest scaling or one of the highest scaling motivity weapons if you want to do the biggest burst in single hits this is probably your weapon lastly for the list It's the final weapon of the entire game proof of humanity an awkward one because you need to face the true final boss of the game which means making specific choice at the very end I think it's safer if I just tell you to look up how to do this so I don't just say ridiculous spoilers in this video you must trigger the final true final boss fight to then take its boss Ergo to then trade that boss Ergo for the weapon in my opinion this is the coolest weapon in the game dual swords is just my thing and these weapons split into two during the heavy attacks and during one of the Fable Arts as a weapon it starts as a shockingly balanced weapon I thought it'd be all about technique but it's actually more balanc in bot ity and be in technique pretty ideal for this game to be honest because it seems to prefer when you have a balance of damage stats but I love the weapon move set light attacks are super quick single sword attacks while heavy attacks use both whether that's a quick heavy a Charged heavy or even a running heavy it comes with 30 crit rates so you'll be regularly critting with various attacks and the Fable art grind will increase the chance in which you'll get those crits and that's well worth it meanwhile link slash allows you to go hard with a triple attack combo using both weapons to strike and spin in a very visually satisfying combo there also strangely a decent weapon for basic guarding but yeah I got to say this is one of the best balanced weapons in the game visually my favorite and I rate it very high because of that but there you have it that's my overview of what I believe to be the best weapons and items you'll find in chapters 7 to 11 obviously there's more weapons in this game that are top te even some are found very early in the game but these are the weapons and items I think are most important to know about in that final section I hope this overview has been helpful to you and hopefully not to too directly spoilery considering some of the topics for now though I've been Hollow you've been you thank you for watching see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye and
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 93,485
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Keywords: lies of p best build, lies of p easy, lies of p best weapon, lies of p boss weapons, lies of p boss weapon unlock, lies of p alidoro, boss weapon, lies of p unlock, lies of p secret, lies of p motivity, lies of p techinque, lies of p advance, motivity build, technique build, advance build, lies of p build, lies of p ergo, lies of p, lies of p gameplay, lies of p guide, lies of p combat guide, guide, gameplay, weapon, best, best build, build, ergo farm, lop, ragegamingvideos
Id: Tl9jDHmK1xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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