This Place Is...Disturbing - MAX PLAYS: Lies of P - Part 6

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let's [Music] go name was why is that lit up huh nice spooky atmo puppet are supposed to be [Music] dead where the hell is this music coming from sounds so close this bagette [Music] music oh dog bad [Applause] dog I guess one of them no the music is just playing [Music] what's going on all these puppets look utterly down depressed even that seems weird that's weird right don't worry about it they're free XP now damn I realized I didn't use my puppet string at all in that fight didn't even use it this G this game gives you so much stuff to work with they're King dead they they seem lost then again maybe him whatever's happening it's like they can't tell their elbow joints from their tail sockets I'm not even sure they can function without the king to guide them me smashy don't worry [Music] W oh that's definitely where we got to go let's go back here big Bonks for everyone clock sword blade and handle yo what do we have here it's a tech weapon look like an umbrella Bell of provocation and storm slash slash an enemy in front of you multiple times briefly taunt surrounding enemies to increase the attack of both the character and the enemies it's like the minute hand of a clock or the hour hand or something cute I haven't found a weapon that I I absolutely love that makes me want to switch to to decks I'll be I'll be open and willing when it does happen though down to play the game a completely different way right now smash Lord uh working out pretty good Lord [Applause] bonstein [Music] is there anything up here nope the boy who would [Music] Bonk these are people what the hell are you what the hell are you what the hell are you shortcut later on Mak sure locations have been pretty great so far man I won't lie the uh the locals in this game have been pretty sick oh man I have a ton of people I need to talk to holy [ __ ] go chat him up what the hell there's something I want to tell you jetto puppet please come to the hotel Garden on the way to alysian Boulevard huh I need to talk to you though welcome good sir at last we speak frankly instead of with professional Reserve I have something to confess something involving your unique perspective I am a puppet whose ego has awoken I don't know exactly whyly and we need not dwell on the details instead I wish to dwell on the welfare of Lady Antonia I adore lady Antonia it is a presumptuous feeling for a puppet to have to be sure I have no intention of putting myself forward of course however I cannot watch her die it's too painful thus I need your unique perspective you exist somewhere between human and puppet can a puppet and a human fall in love have you ever met a puppet who loves a human it exists indeed an unbelievable love to be sure I have no intention of telling her of course it wouldn't be proper to burden someone so frail if I may be Frank this is better than I dared hope even if you are telling me a sweet lie I shall savor it thank you it was wise to confide in you thank you for granting me that wisdom the Ergo is Whispering whoa that's different than your strings no matter what fate brings us I will be at lady Antonia's side serving her is my duty the very reason I was created welcome to Hotel CR interesting that there's a different side of becoming human between your Ergo and your strings uh what have you got for me what's new in here this looks like the same stuff right the stalkers are K's Vigilantes there are two groups of them the bastards and the sweepers the bastards are an organization of guards for the Alchemists and the workshop motto honor or nothing the sweepers are an organization of guards for the old families of K motto we always repay what is owed historically the relationship between the two groups has been turbulent but most were killed in the puppet's full scale attack that is what little I know beyond the hotel walls may I serve you in some other way thought I clicked on that one earlier I guess I didn't at the house of venini Master venini carefully curated this collection box himself with it you have returned to us what was stolen you have our gratitude the house of Vini always keeps a few special items in the private reserve sir only for our more Discerning patrons of course at the house of anini even what the hell do we have balance crank uh so we have a couple more motivity cranks which is a great Tech crank balance crank Tech crank enhances guard performances cool Tyrant murderer dagger blade what [Music] Tech weapon make a shank an ulent that can be equipped on a puppet increases damage inflicted on carcasses oh it's against the blue blooded guys I guess I should grab that right now look like a good time [Music] them weird zombie shits ah I heard you defeated the king of Puppets amazing ah the puppets appear lost without their leader they have no purpose no Focus to think one can have so much control through AO waves if we don't determine who or what is causing it this could all happen again tomorrow I fear I must call upon you again my friend please gather records of the puppet's Ergo waves while you're defeating them I know my way around to the stage of History half Moonstone now a full moonstones what is [Music] happening to the stage of History okay I don't think I can add motivity to this or can I unable to alter any further yeah that's it you get to do like one thing to it okay a great weapon calls for a great [Music] warrior whoa the puppet Ripper oh man what the [Music] hell all Legion arms ability oh my God oh my God but dude this is insane all Legion arms ability tier plus one holy crap I that's so good that's so good it UPS all the scaling one letter grade I see I see I see I think I'm going to buy the puppet Ripper damn it looks cool okay that is that [ __ ] okay dude it's so big it like actually whips around wow the damage is crazy low right now this is a sick weapon you have an R1 to R2 you do wow you have an R2 to R1 not really this looks like a fun weapon man to the stage of hisory Antonia's condition I knew it would come to this the petrification disease logs people inside a cage inside their own bodies we're all safe thanks to her sacrifice but I wish for a miracle to save everyone me as well I'll use my power to I still got to talk to [Music] her are you use my get this to [Music] 20 big cut scene oh but you come closer won't you when you reach a certain age it's a comfort to reflect on old memories that's a portrait of me when I was young I was so feisty so Fearless back then I loved the world and the world loved me back the passion of those days is long gone but I still dream of those memories I'm curious what your young eyes see is there any resemblance between me and that portrait I still have there is nothing left it seems there is nothing left wow yes those beautiful memories are still Vivid in my mind time time and the memories that fill it are all we have I hope you're making some good memories of your own it may be a comfort to you someday [Music] people have no idea so many Secrets thanks for keeping me [Music] company yeah I'm starting to see like there's more of a robot side with the Ergo and more of a human side with the the lying stuff a chandelier going nuts okay [Music] carcass butcher amulet uh all right here we go the Bramble curved sword handle is uh a DEX handle I don't know if it's going to help me too much oh I have to go to the Coin Tree damn it [Music] very good yo grow C thank you damn I almost forgot about that that the Tekken beta and uh Tekken beta and the freaking Spider-Man game come out like the same time toage what always Is this different from a generic Souls like well number one it's Pinocchio right it's a Pinocchio story what is this we have a something here yo uh wilin thanks for the prime dude yeah there's got to be something with what's her name has to be some sort of resolution to her being there there's another record uh she's also dead red actress's locket fascination [Music] the locket is [Music] a a small locket that was given commemorative token it holds a portrait of a pale girl stabbed repeatedly by a knife the sisters exchange lockets as a sign of their friendship the elder sister was pleased to stand to always stand on the something of our dreams together your loving [Music] sister well that's [Music] something missed a path blow in the chandelier I don't think I did the uh uh the chandelier got to go back to the area under the Flaming chandelier no I didn't I went there there is a locked door down there um there's an Infinity door that we don't get access to not yet miss something there chat you realize if this isn't worth it we're going into mod mode this is like a dim Ergo piece we're going into mod mode realize this right you're not playing the game we only we only the mods will be the only ones able to talk not looking for stuff I missed cuz I went down here oh joy damn it had armor that did that seemed to do a lot of damage all right so dim Ergo not looking good so far another dim ergo oh God you guys got healed from that jesz you're so hard to hit I'm going to die from this crap crap disruption Junction guess I'll just die I guess I'll just die we're not nuking the chat yet if there's nothing of actual value down here yeah nuke them Christ okay I need three levels to actually hit him I got myself in a Diddly of a pickle here oh my Christ dude I can't even I'm stuck stuck on something I really it it better be worth coming back here or else if it if it isn't worth coming back here here uh it's going to be one week bands for anybody that's backseating just a solid week figure out how many minutes that is this this [ __ ] better be worth it I'm not here doing a completionist run definitely not oh my God crazy this is a respawnable enemy it just does so much goddamn damage what the hell ass weapon well that didn't work doesn't work guess that's not the right one please stop that please stop all right you're your moment this doesn't have like a phone booth in here or something here we go test body subject better than expected the Ergo coordination physical sensitivity and modification adaptability figures all could ask better results all that's left is to make a decision I won't be able to undo my crime I don't regret it I've come too far to regret it I'm ready to become a God or a devil I just hope that the owner of the body finds peace through this Revenge perhaps this prayer is a remnant my last bit of humanity they talking about the boss oh my God it was a shortcut it was a shortcut right was a shortcut Moment of Truth costume or a weapon here [Music] come venini decoder thing I could have not gotten that and it I don't think it would have been the end of the world but we we'll find out right I'll I'll chase this Rabbit Hole any even further I was I was having a good time you know figuring out stuff on my own I really was I was was having a I was having a good time just missing some doors here and there the portrait hanging in ched's room it looks very much like you yes it does I sense something strange something like the changes you're going through the sort of thing you'd read in a fairy tale go to jepetto's room you should see it for yourself wait what yo wait what I always welcome friends no trouble at all I almost consider it my oldest hobby trust me I won't let you down there we are a deciphered cipher just like well just like I used to make if you ever need me to help you decode another man all right check the ground at the end of the Cliff of crot Central Station Street where there is a good view of the ocean and crot landmarks that's back at the start a shorthand report I'll give you as much money as you want just let me out it's my duty to protect you please follow directions there are puppets everywhere where do you want me to go Central Station he failed to escape head to Frangelico Cathedral Archbishop andreus is accepting refugees going to survive that's in God's hands just in case I built extra equipment by the beach by the train station there you can do your repairs we're counting on you me mampo let's go talk to Dad really fast see what that's doing there's a ton of secrets in this uhoh uh oh the kitty actually likes me now uh oh my [Music] strings no strings weird kitty likes me now um again bloodborne became one of my favorite games ever because I went back and discovered all the things that I missed ah I'm glad you're here my son have you seen that painting I can't believe my eyes it's almost as if something is growing out of the portrait I remember commissioning that piece from an artist named D gray like all artists he was eccentric he claimed that a painting could Harbor a living soul but how can that happen dear and gray just like the f fairy tale it's a Japanese rock band fan give a foolish man his ramblings perhaps the seat of its growth was there all along I know you're curious so see for yourself I have what the [ __ ] huh I guess that's how much I've lied how do you know that ban dude I used to be a weeb chill how do I know who dear and gray is I I don't know I lived in the 2000s I don't know I used to be a weeb [Music] chill I just find it [Laughter] shocking I mean I don't know much about them I just know they existed um okay let's let's head out to some spot another Stargazer oh you still want to talk you're back I was so worried when you marched off to fight the king but this it's a necklace from the monad charity house they took care of Orphans and impoverished children from a cross crft many of those children grew up at the Rose estate and became Alchemists technicians and stalkers I hope the king didn't harm any of them or don't tell me the king's Aro is actually are you okay you look ill ever since I mentioned the necklace my Heavens you look you're changing you're becoming something more my hair changed Almost Human if this is what you want just keep behaving keep feeling like a human does you might just hold the true secret of Argo I'll use my power what the hell is happening [Music] Carlo what the hell I got some bloodborne ass bloodborne hair damn those hair physics though [ __ ] wow wow that's amazing damn they really focused on the hair holy crap game's sick right game is sick holy crap that's amazing take us out of sub mode Jesus Christ chat um n Nomine thank you uh starting the game myself and loving it though the games mechanics are similar to S I'm having more fun with it than with all the different weapon combos shine on yeah the nice part is that it obviously it takes it's obviously Souls like and bloodborn like and secur like in many ways but then it also does a ton of new [ __ ] so that's that's dope um C Central Station Sani sarasani alley I think is where I want to go I think there's something down here oh it's raining still I believe this was it to be completely honest worry about those right now Jesus the hair wow the her uh we got to get over there a bit more over D with to her oh the puppets are still acting funky don't remember exactly what was over here got to look around yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe I see Hotel crot I do love this view it is a nice view but we must be right me I'm here don't I need to get something is this check the ground at the end of the Cliff of crot check the ground oh there's an emote for check ground that didn't work this right the Aton own hunting apparel you got lucky you stupid sons of [ __ ] you got so lucky you got so lucky oh you stupid sons of [ __ ] you got so lucky God damn it oh you're so [ __ ] lucky it's the best looking car costume I don't can't believe how lucky you are can't believe it thanks chat I look like I got taller too it look like I grew up a bit yeah right I I kind of see in that look like the character actually aged some that's cool game's pretty sick man game is pretty sick oh God yo muffin thanks for the 84 Idol shade thanks for the prime starving narcissist thanks for the six months did you just duck I just ducked the red attack yeah I just ducked it laurenzini arcade all right let's just keep going X James thank you I can't get any cool hats like no kidding man I have not found a an interesting hat yet no [ __ ] ain't got no hats and I have no idea which way I got to go now that's the way we came stage hisory need to get a baseball head of some kind how's it going you smashy God theay B Bango luren in arcade first floor key okay okay yeah I think the corpse damage thing is equipped it is looks like a special door ouch holy sweet Jesus damn boy bam that [ __ ] out big boy smash oh God huh it's a weird lamp hey convenient homo MOA game m m thank you this one's a large blunt let's try this for a little bit [ __ ] can do it called it oh this does very good against these enemies okay you just hang out down there whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa why you talking [ __ ] God wait these are people in here oh my God what the [ __ ] look terrible get a job that didn't go out as I expected dang yeah dude a slash type really messes with these dudes looking at my God no no no no no want this more than even that I hear something growling and I don't like it what did I get out of that something huge something's walking around and causing dust there's a half Moonstone nice [ __ ] [ __ ] okay oh man come on God why is she so bulky huh why is she so bulky yo game thanks again for the Thousand bits jeez dude SEC chat figure out where the hell I was okay um [ __ ] enemies show up still oh good oh my God leave me the [ __ ] alone baraca get away from me Chia thank you again for the 10 gift subs thank you very much no because I chose the wrong way way to go this wasn't it inde was not it ow Christ so can't I kill that guy with one jumping slash I don't like it holy [ __ ] I forgot oh my God what are you doing to me holy good [ __ ] run back can I have my stuff back now to the stage of History God damn kids it's right I'm like what the [ __ ] did I get killed by again this thing thing God oh it's wine okay seems right oh my God the health on your ass what is that about is you always think they're done always think they're done there we go slap them oh my God lot F250 not dead or defense it's all good all good oh the door opened I'm shocked I had to kill it you're invited to the concert being held at the manad charity pray for the successful opening of the exhibition children sponsored by the man charity House have a message of love for and hope for all of you I miss the chance to listen to the most innocent P performance in all of crot all prophets of the proms are less fortunate neighbors seems nice okay underground passage twe thanks for the tier two it's going to Ambush me to the left or right nothing let's go oh this looks like a fraking blast just a freaking blast that's a big boy what are you supposed to even be [ __ ] oh there's so many of you like that dude what is this cthulu looking [ __ ] you recovering your life you are this dude is recovering his life and they're both walking towards me a terrible idea time to panic look for oh my God time to panic look okay here we go here we go here we go oh my God you can chill no God damn it thank God I can kill those guys just in time just in time the stage of History underground passage hey what are you doing here who are you a lost visitor or a looter who's arriving have too late you look like a stalker stalker visitor looter I don't care guess these guys aren't [Music] related circular electric chainsaw blade that looks familiar increases resistance to disruption shock and break well I'll take all of these this thing looks familiar [Music] Jesus it's like a pizza cutter to [Music] me to mess around with that it has uh it uses Advance as it's scaling oh [ __ ] so we'll have to check it out back at the training Crown Prince of heist uh the few citizens of crot do do not know who V is the Crown Prince of high society a man who came up with the grand Covenant of the automated puppets and built the best manufacturing company at the age of 18 man who's always fancied Passion by making people laugh he is the most hated and beloved man in crot but his innocent passion makes even his opponent venini sentimental however even fewer people are aware of the tragedy he experienced in his youth the true nature of the depths of V's parents was covered up officially they're victims of homicide during a mugging even though V experienced such tragedies his youth he grew up with a cheerful personality and became a well-known person U whom any parents would be proud of however there's no one who knows that V secret leak requests for the case history every year and that his request is always denied suspicion surrounded this tragedy at the time and there is known to have been pressured from the workshop and The Alchemist throughout the investigation most interesting hypothesis is is that the murderer is not human if this is true it explains the workshop and The Alchemist suspicions uh suspicious attempts to cover it up it also explains how V was obsessed with investigations or inventions and success from his youth this is where the real tragedy of crot Lies even V the richest and most influential in all of crot can't come close to their power on the other hand the fact includes another truth State censorship is keeping me from writing it but as a writer I'm curious if people are ready to accept the truth the truth that there's a murderer made of steel that walks Among Us perhaps our world of crow is not such a safe place after all [Music] vine where that big boy go not you again you're not done whacky whack don't come back sorry you just have to try really hard for oh God oh my God his arm came off Jesus that's what I was looking for damn and his head came off whoa you can cut off different parts of their body parts that's incred incredibly cool the last hit was actually in the head too sick as hell did I go down here came from here yeah I came from here no uh weird physics on bodies right I went through here did I not so yeah we couldn't get back there yet okay okay yeah sorry no ragd doll physics can't make soup out of your [Music] enemies there two sides to this oh getting totally turned around so we got to go to the lower one actually I think we got to go back we got the key actually have to go back to that stinky room welcome back to stage of History yo Skinner thanks for the 50 months dude yeah Mega stinky whoa ah so there's a thing causing the stink terrible am I hearing the greatest show on Earth the biggest show on Earth is coming to crot introducing the grand exhibition in C city tomorrow the center of a new age State of-the-art machines balloons spread across the sky popular performance that toured from across the great desert in the south of the country to the country in the Far East don't forget the essence of the automated puppet the center of crots Revival the greatest show awaits you all don't miss your chance to see the following exhibition puppets of the future multi-purpose P puppets venini tram new Butler puppets special exhibition Gallery treasure from the Far East wish to behold these Spenders sure to attend so it's like their World's Fair there don't like these tables locked all these dudes up holy [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] weirdo oh my God look at this tracking weirdo this is [ __ ] up oh oh my God okay um okay do these clown ass mini bosses are truly where some of the challenge resides not this way it's the other way yeah there's a lot of enemy Variety in this game I've noticed like quite a bit see you later rest Dark Moon Moonstone hell yeah probably upgrade this sword now EV [Applause] really wait what he's com back okay my God damn Spear of Honor blade and handle yo what are we talking Tech weapon Killer attack and Rush swing that's one hell of a spear yes yeah it seems like this game is actually very Ham on Tech weapons seems like technique Dex is maybe the way to go cool super cool okay how the hell did we get back to that one spot was it all the way down there yeah I think it was I miss this hallway I did place is getting opened up nice yeah is deck actually related to more Mobility that's really cool come on not going to deal with your [ __ ] okay I have a big stupid guy to deal with down here I have have an idea this puppet guy no I can't pull them all the way over here [ __ ] die hear are you got not [ __ ] done yet they killed him what the hell I mean thank you they killed him huh they don't like each other oh it's this one increases the Ergo acquisition when killing enemies that seems nice Wonder slightly heavy now I don't think that's a problem though right I think I'm still good under 80% is fine yeah I'm not really fat rolling exactly dude that sound though isn't the old woman of the uh venerable lady looking for some wine you know like the wine you've got Jesus where was that at oh my God we'll be able to actually we don't even need to worry about it the game will tell us when we get back to the Stargazer all you guys drop something in here all stuck in this Bo box uh hello is anyone there calling any and all stargazers in the vicinity please respond over the Vini there was a bloodborne sound effect there can you hear me really AA it actually worked this has to be how the king of Puppets did it how he called to the puppets and control them I can't believe you can transmit your voice through AO waves what a brilliant Discovery and you'll never believe what signal I've picked up over the AO a cry for help from the grand exhibition somehow someone survived I'm suspicious too but you have to investigate what if it's some trapped innocent we opened up this one yeah oh that looks like a boss fight to me all right let's go drop these souls and uh do this side quest really fast looks like a boss fight to me this place was amaz uh we went through it pretty well I guess I liked it a lot it was fun gentle thank you Strider what's up man Skinner beard Dominic uh who took my key tweak Darko Legacy big Mick fake keyblade Mega Trojan aromance chelsia thanks again everybody where were you [ __ ] oh my God okay hang on a second where were you help it guys please there you are ah lovely we even in the bottle it has a distinctive shade of red pinbacker and Mias thank you guys you young one every step is a struggle when you have the petrification disease but this this happier days is priceless oh I almost forgot speaking of price here's what I can spare please take it benini commemorative coin it's a ring no the Comm of coin thank you gift from the old lady at the window is ungr of in any space but any commandor coins were Meed minted for limited edition sale for the venini fan club was a magnificent event ended by crot socialist really so you telling me if I go back to Vini he'll give me something special so stop coughing lady I'm talking here maybe maybe at the house of anini strike a light you found a commemorative coin dating from the founding of the venini foundation the foundation is a sort of fan club sir a very limited number of these were minted for the original members well once Master venini established himself as the prince of of high society his popularity skyrocketed and his signature coat and glasses were mass produced this is one of The Originals however from the limited run take care of it wen't you you have restored Master vini's lost collection you've earned the small token of appreciation sir thank you oh I think I need half moonstones to upgrade right upgrade mats I can get here except those cranks I know my way around dude I need full moonstones full but my big pipe can get upgraded it's getting buffer my God at the house of a I should probably buy all these too I'll use my power um I got Vitality [Music] up it's going up three points each now big Bonk boss [Music] weapon [Music] H okay all right I'll keep the flam batter John just to see oh we got to get the coin coin Tre is about to the bosm yeah I should probably go check out the pizza Cutters move set as well love it's bonus [Music] stuff come on bzm bzm already can I upgrade my arm I'll check I don't know if I can welcome back he's still twitching a little bit zenix thank you oh I did get [Music] it Jesus that is so sick oh I can't even upgrade this thing damn it I have to save this [ __ ] don't have an extra plug yet all right here we go see what this is all about yeah the arcade's actually really big with only one Stargazer everything always makes its way back around it's interesting oh I didn't check the pizza cutter move set damn it go Bonk boss uh if I can remember right wrong right [Music] cool the grand exhibition theme was automatic puppets and city of the future the plan was to Showcase and demonstrate the most advanced technology in CR but you know the rest you can't hold an exhibition in a city that's falling to utter chaos and now the whole city is an exhibition of a nightmare cool I love this [Music] song you guys have swords well the dog got it that's for sure huh I actually thought this was going to be a boss and damn we are exploring [Applause] hit me again I dare you ow he hit me I see dog that's a big guy [Music] No Deal damn the explody feels good lot of shark shock cartridge can enhance resistance to shock I guess the game is trying to tell me something damn it's up nine points in weight but it's way better my ass slightly heavy his legs up there well I'm glad I came over here dude dropped a unique item I have to find a way to turn this music off a Vini trolley don't get hit don't get hit don't get hit nice his hair game doesn't know how to process that no wind resistance in here kind of looks like the beginning of the game okay yeah I I mean I'll be real uh this game feels like a Souls game it doesn't feel like a Souls it doesn't feel like a Souls like oh oh oh this does not feel like a Souls like it feels like a Souls game through and through they did it you know like a lot of other devs have tried right and but they end up making a thing that okay it's like uh like Neo was obviously a response to all the souls stuff and it was like okay I see what you guys are doing but it's clearly more Ninja Guiden than like a Souls game clearly I think that's a good way I think that's probably the best compliment that I can also give the developers of this is that yeah this does not feel like a Souls like it just feels like a fromsoft game feels like I'm just playing a fromsoft game right now combat feels good combat feels great that thing go what the [ __ ] is that [ __ ] you ain't normal you found out that Souls games Souls light games are two separate things yes AB absolutely there's a lot of games that took inspiration from like Miyazaki and from soft games 100% And they're Souls likes they are not Souls games Souls games are specifically like from soft stuff and you can even you obviously bloodborne can be boiled in there for sure but you can even have room for um like hero to a degree but armored Core is not armored Core is not that is a that is a different thing that is an armored Core ass armored Core game a lot of modern design principles added to it you know this plays more this actually yeah you know what to yeah I was saying the same thing this doesn't play like bloodborne at all I mean I could be doing maybe a different build but like the the speed of which comat is in bloodborne is really different on every weapon even heavy weapons you know I've been using heavy weapons throughout this entire time but even heavy weapons and bloodborne you are fast as [ __ ] doesn't seem like fun oh can you come over here yes ignore me seriously just ignore me I got him damn I hit him like through through his shield holy hell I hit him through the shield what's that Tech crank nice that unlocks that shortcut cool I saw that one earlier I'm [ __ ] strength amulet eh oh I was looking for strength yeah cool plus four is a chunk all right we got this side unlocked we went down there let's go down here God damn damn stop it stop it you is it going to come to life what the [ __ ] oh my God why this is what a Roomba looked like to these folks oh we clearly missed something yeah there's like a ladder here [ __ ] clearly something else down here I wonder if these things no the other enemies didn't disappear and they respawned I was thinking that might have been it [Music] uh oh there we go damn what a cool looking level look at this [ __ ] just walking up to me and [ __ ] look at this guy like want fire that's unfortunate think if there's a pathway I missed down there I don't think so good [ __ ] God oh what is this [ __ ] what the hell the hell do you think you are you can't walk off of course you can ow ow ow [Music] ow yeah I think I'll just pick out everything that I haven't been throwing you know I've used like a couple of throwables I'm just going to equip all that [ __ ] down here I'm stick it all like right down here I'm just going to Chuck everything I got saw blades CH they could be swung powerfully yeah sure a shot putt you know I just going to throw all this [ __ ] at him that big guy dead he ain't coming back oh God there's a chest GL I pick that up I game is trying to give me information I wanted this for me and that and that and that and this you piece of [ __ ] wow that was a difficult fight don't lock on just trying to save all these items till the next game but I clear I felt like the game was giving me a sign right it was like here's these electric canisters I'm like oh really huh oh really huh Bridge did I miss an item down there I guess I did huh killed all of you Champion Victor has returned the man who did the Pinnacle of Life Champion Victor has returned you remember the great wrestler Victor Hercules of crot the man who never backed down even pitted against a lion and a bear the veteran who painted the circus with your cheers and Applause Victor is coming back to us Victor's incurable illness that came suddenly a few years ago sat ined all crot citizens everyone learned that he's human after all all fate can be avoided with the help of Alchemist and medical science Victor is back from the de the illness can't be bothered the illness can't bother him anymore the steel like will and superhuman power that def defied fate the World's Strongest Man Victor is coming back to us his big return match is with none other than an automated puppet this coming full moon witness what sure to be a legendary moment of a man who stood a pinnacle resting even a machine only a few spots left Victor SS like a Frankenstein I wonder now Victor from darkstalkers right that's where my brain went back from the dead please stop pumping that wall appreciate if you didn't come back to life B go Bango a [ __ ] holy holy God am I even looking at up here huh okay I'm going to go back down these death machines are something else [ __ ] be spinning very nice oh funny yeah they put items in some pretty clever places in here you know I like it a lot oh God uh ridd time let's get it wrong another fine day in the city of CR but I wonder my friend just where you've been a if your goal is to study The Human Condition there's no better way than my riddle position you know how it is it's time for a quiz today's riddle might have you over the barrel mhm but get this one wrong and you will be in Peril so answer correctly or Tango with danger but when you quiz with the King danger no stranger now listen closely and heed The King's Speech for the answer to this one will stay out of reach think about this whatever it takes what cannot be used before it breaks egg correct you were once such a fool yet you've gotten so glow I'm as happy as a parent in this city there are those who wish to crack the shell and be reborn how about you can you awaken and break free of the shell that is your puppet spotty it's a frightfully difficult question huh so I'll reward you with a hint at the Grand exhibition you now must behold all 10 fingertips of the woman of cold look close before she escapes your notice then I'm done with you mostly the fingertips of the cold woman huh what behold the fingertips of the cold woman at the Grand exhibition I think it was that one on the uh what's it called on the bridge I think what the [ __ ] were you a robot hell H almost looks like a puzzle room we're seemingly human but weird you're weird Sharp peepe loading something in here Victor oh [ __ ] he's dudle oh my God damn he's Dudley and he's pissed holy crap I tried to Parry a command grab [Music] holy God damn this guy is crazy so these people are like modified somehow with this creeper juice which might be related to might be related to the plague does this open up Sint t [Music] big shortcut weapon uhoh boss area we made it arago Hearts connected connect Minds with wavelengths that transparent fullness where lies cannot exist is that a new true world or a forced prison maybe I don't maybe I won't be able to think free laughing in my head or running away um I need to go take a gander at it's it's boss time I need to go take a gander at that one puzzle note we got I also need to replenish I also need to drop some more souls or not die I think I need to turn everything I got into um like fire [ __ ] right Legion arm fire rhinestone this acid good against I'll try acid you know see how it goes I can also get the uh potentially buy the acid uh acid is good against humans okay I might have to change this but we'll see I'll use my [Music] power okay at the house of think it was for this guy no matter what fate brings us I will be at lady Antonia's side serving her is my duty welcome to Hotel Kat this is a supply box officially approved by the city of K I shall open it and add it to the hotel shop no matter what serving welcome whoa whoa damn there's some very good stuff in here now there's some uh very good upgrade materials in here now I think I I think I also got a quartz I can use I know my way [Music] around half moonsters half moonstone are what I'm looking for and then full Moonstone of the Covenant okay let we go um pop some Ergo no what welcome so now I can go upstairs and get this big upgrade much weapon do you fancy right now I've been using uh the wrench and the uh what's it called the seven coil spring sword but the wrench is just so beefy with my build that it is it does massive damage it's crazy okay no more lying uh guard regain it can also oh God it takes three three add Fable slots card regain is very nice h fruit cubes no no nah I have two quarts damn welcome back to the stage of [Music] wonder which ones in here are [Music] critical don't do it don't do it why more pulse cells seems good two courts in phase one or what is actually what the hell is phase four can I even look at it I can't fine this is also good enhanced heal uh where is that enhanced attribute resistance enhanced special resistance charge Fable when Reviving these are all weird grindstone aect [Music] duration [Music] um seems good for what I got going right now damage of charge attack Fable Arts an low guard rain reduction lower damage when discharged uh or is charge attack stamina consumption doesn't seem [Music] bad I like that yeah I like that unlocked what do we got in here more amulet slots damn perfect guard cause stiffness breaks the enemy stance when a perfect guard is successful that is so good that is so incredibly good more Fable slots my God god dude all perfect parries cause stagger that's crazy that's crazy yeah but I mean still it's an interrupt of some kind it stops them seems very good let's go whack this bossi welcome back to the stage of History uh okay found stuffff already yeah I got to look up that that's the grand exhibition woman right oh it's a boss we know it we know it I mean is this our second or third boss of the night can't remember welcome to my R he speaks this is where Evolution becomes real oh really me I am Victory the champion you running at me open your eyes the world did you just smack the [ __ ] out of me like right at the start okay fascinating oh my God this guy is early dude where do I get to attack I think the sword might be better for this [Music] oh my God you dodge I don't know [Music] a [Music] no okay oh God literally [Music] Bane the new world belongs to us back to rise oh I tried to get the the fancy Parry okay he's a big boy I I'm not aable to get multiple attacks in a row so I think I'm just going to try to go for big Bonk in this situation even though I'm fairly sure he's going to be weak against fire fairly sure uh I'm going to I'm going to say I can light him on fire right let's go with that I don't know if the acid did that much flame grindstone everything generally is pretty weak to fire in this game this guy a puppet or a zombie uh he's a zombie technically but he's like a mutated zombie open your eyes world it's not over yet I am the chosen one I don't know when to going to stop think they uh think the sword was doing better oh my God I tried to escape [Music] yeah it gets berated he gets berated the new world belongs to us ow I'm torching you it's not over yet I am the chosen one oh God I [Music] be you're so weak so a fit oh god oh jeez oh God all right all right all right um I'm gonna say sword right to be real I think sword is actually better for this fight it it's going well uh and I need to keep it on fire right uh fire abrasive yeah yeah I like it yeah the wrench was big damage but to be honest uh I think he's weaker against like slashing so this works better and uh no kidding my lighting him on fire was also working out very good where's my Legion charge put that down there I got the crazy Parry on this one too might be able to get him with it to the followers of the truth fairly decent start I say all [Music] no it's not over yet I am the chosen one the new world belongs to what [ __ ] healing what is this what is this oh my godamn [Music] [Music] down [Music] yeah let's go dude let's go why be humble I am evolved we're better there what the hell story I'm surprised you defeated Victor Chapo's Creations are truly marvelous ah but where are my manners my name is Simon Manis a leader among Alchemists I've known your father for a long time we used to be colleagues you know chipeto didn't understand that the petrification disease can strengthen humankind locked into conventional thinking I'm afraid but even he can't stop such a magnificent Discovery it's the door to a new world you've seen this place with your own eyes truly inspiring is it not what do you suppose our cure has has created here you're shortsighted just like your father but you speak the truth as you see it just like everyone else we on the other hand are Visionaries we understand the petrification disease on a deeper level the disease does not signify death it's the process of purifying a person's Essence a purified human who overcomes the petrification disease will gain a strengthened body and a mind free of Lies the essence is Argo yes the Argo you use as your power was once a human being our undertaking is to help other others experiened this purification through this Elixir truly it's an honor aro's power can do even more in the hands of the awakened its abilities are Limitless we already have the means to control that power power beyond your imagination so while you wallow in a pathetic path last we step forward into Humanity's future on the aisle of Alchemists you're welcome to come to the island and witness our Triumph firsthand or perhaps you'll make a futile effort to stop us maybe the sainta statue can help you in any case good luck standing against Evolution must be ex exhausting not to mention demoralizing keep your chin up puppet and I'll see you soon no one can say that Simon Manus leader of the Alchemists isn't hospitable of Mercy stue yeah there's the key you just going to hang out up there okay cool uh where is this going now that's back to the front oh he's he left now okay yeah there's a lot of long talks in this where characters just like talk for a very long time the aisle of Alchemists according to the guide V visited that place that's something I guess luggage oh we're taking it oh who the hell ciao Bell it seems you and I share a strong connection talking to an alchemist is like talking to a brick wall that's also an alchemist brother you should say hello to your friend but it is true that we are in something of a bind we're going to need to consult with our old friends history you got that right sister our power is sure to help us we didn't behave that bad is shindig I hope a moment please my young brother here is slowly but surely losing his very sight his windows to the world to a terrible sloww workking illness that is why I seek the gold coin fruit it's set to work miracles and do I ever need the Alchemists give us just enough to keep him going but not enough to cure and never what they promised we can't rely on those Crucible kissing Wizards please don't make me beg he needs this no besides that's [ __ ] for a fellow who raided the black rabbit brotherhood's den and walked out in one piece it'll be as easy as eating your weight in bmal please the gocoin fruit is the only thing that helps are you there they moved the tree away from these people please the gold coin fruit is the only thing that helps can you spare any as a personal favor Oh I thought they wanted to know where the tree is yeah I'll give you one we knew you were a true friend and generous that's right I liked you from the start you know just out of feeding if you felt otherwise that wasn't me if they wanted to know where the tree was I'm going to kill him excited or just feels happy he gets chatty but he really is grateful we both are on that note I hate to borrow and run but we have another request from The Alchemist to take care of so we will be staying behind you'll need to go on without us so I suppose this is farewell I won't ever forget your kindness here a small token but it's a gift from the now go oh oh was actually kind of decent oh wow it was actually not bad H was worth it and put this record on a record okay we cool will you do for once it's not difficult or dangerous just give this to alidoro I give it to him myself but's is in the baron swamp now he'll understand the significance of this gift I know I know my way around a still ain't got none enough to do that this a good [Music] song this game's freaking amazing Jesus this game is freaking amazing [Music] godamn fraking game is aming [Music] amazing so you met Simon I've been dreading this conversation I should have told you about Simon earlier but it's the sort of thing you have to see to believe he is the most dangerous man in he spreads Mayan and death for a delusion he calls Evolution Simon wants to evolve a new world in crot a horrible future even worse than the carcass monsters we all face that's why I woke you up if you can't save crot from Simon no one can find the aisle of Alchemist someone must know how to get there I will help as much as I can of course save C whatever choice you make I shall wait for you that is why I'm L to Bear a [Music] witness I've always wondered why I'm a listener why this power came to me in this time and now I understand reached out wanting someone to hear it was once human or maybe it wanted someone to remember it perhaps a God or an angel who knows but the Alchemists have tainted everything the gold coin tree is a pathetic creature they created cre from the listeners like many of their Creations it's tragic but useful you can control Argo with gold coin fruits the sad tears of those who became trees if they get the chance the Alchemists might force me to make such a Trae them or something even more tragic don't let the sacrifice of the Alchemists vitim be in vain with the fruit they lend their strength to you collect gold coin fruits and let the Saint's statue inspire you to victory you honor their sacrifice their grief and tears whatever choice you make game is good game is very [Music] good whatever choice you [Music] made uh motivi all the way [Music] up I guess I can also start working on capacity right [Music] [Music] now [Music] what people have no ideas thanks for keeping me [Music] where did he say he was going is that was that the same guy that's in the swamp Okay he went to the swamp I was thinking it was the gold tree guy that went to the [Music] [Music] swamp [Music] [Music] sheesh this game really is fantastic it honestly [Music] is it's really good [Music] [Music] it's kind of unbelievable yeah it's wild to me how good it is you know it's kind of insane it isn't a Souls like this is a Souls game I mean so far I think this is definitely up there for like hella Game of the Year material unless it really K really like jumps the shark in the end I don't know dude this is ridiculously good yeah I don't I don't feel like this is a Souls like I feel like this is the first game that no this just feels like a Souls game it doesn't feel like it's a Souls like it just feels like a Souls game let's get this unlocked really fast and let's go unlock our [Music] um oh that's right did I get an new thing for this guy lady Antonia has her illness has worsened perhaps because she lost hope I fear we might lose her soon lady Antonio cautions against it to be sure but I still believe the gold coin fruit is our last hope I have heard about an alchemist who knows how to use that most miraculous of medicines please find a way to treat her [Music] I have to talk to her again hold on a second hang on a sec you hold on a sec you people have no thanks for keep I'm an old friend of jetto his son is like family to me make yourself at home you're always welcome here if you have any questions ask he who was that who was it that we wanted us to talk to oh it's the Alchemist guy next to the tree okay bluefaced guy how's the cure for the petrification disease coming along glad you asked it's going well thanks to you s sadly it cannot cure everyone completely victims who have progressed too far have already lost organ function and there's no way to restore that even if we eliminate the petrification disease they won't last long their passing might be less painful than petrification though are you sure I can make a cure Mr stalker but I leave the choice to you a longer but painful life or a quicker but peaceful end I'll make the Cure if you give me one gold coin fruit The Cure isn't exactly stable give it to the patient as soon as possible people have no idea thanks for keeping I guess I should give it to what's his name I believed in you and my belief has been rewarded she can be cured it feels like a dream the possibility of imminent death though why won't pain ever leave her alone I cannot make this Choice every option is painful I cannot know what's best for her what would what would you choose yes I suppose ignoring her pain wouldn't be right thank you so much no matter what happens I will accept it drink it yourself the medicine please accept this token of my gratitude no matter what fate brings us serving her I wonder if something recycles when we leave and come back let's go to that Trinity door Jesus where is it oper stage you never got the key though what I answered the question oh I have to do the second riddle the secondary riddle that's right this thing or [ __ ] uh [ __ ] it's somewhere right behold the fingertips of the cold woman at the Grand exhibition where'd it go this reorganize I drunk there it is switch display oh my God there's nothing else behold the fingertips of the cold woman at the Grand exhibition okay all right stuff is coming back to me I remember saying at some point that there was a puzzle room hold up wait a minute for you can do a system reset using the saintus of Mercy goldo fruit can be consumed to reset your level P organ or Legion arm the more times you reset the more gold coin fruit is required ah so they moved this whatever choice you make I shall win you puppet who dreams of new life offer up a gold coin fruit oh this device must be powered by gold coin fruit yeah a new life for an old puppet this is cool damn oh Pop this now a [ __ ] oh God I Adriana recorded for the brothers and sisters uh praise pistus the one who will swallow even god listen my brothers and sisters I pistus shall tell you about the world's secrets in the beginning it was a wish it had to be a wish it was the only Paradise perishable humanized humans can have for thousands of years humans wished per wishes perished but one reached a star that was a miracle more so because that star was a very good one the star answered the humans and descended to Earth then everything began lore Matthew thank you okay before I go get shot again figure out where the hell I got to go there there was a room somewhere hey why the hell couldn't you just give it to me this looks like a puzzle room I said now we go to the Trinity thing that's so bright oops wait a minute it was in here right there we go they pass through the door it's time to understand the true meaning of the three pillars performance of the day the greatest singer in Crow has arrived it's a shame she can't sing because her what tongue was cut out that seems Belford Superior radiation converter and quartz Dam I didn't get a costume this time yeah acid damage goes down a bunch but it's huge on fire reduction and better physical seems quite good no new costume though fortunate not as good as the other ones right but the quartz is great quartz is genuinely good we're going to need all of that [ __ ] you know damn what time is it oh my god I've been streaming this game for 7 hours what the hell whoa dude whoa holy crap that's wild what the [ __ ] is a defensive thing cool to endure any attack more you hit the more it spins does it eventually wear out oh it's got a number oh my God four four rev is the highest oh this thing is cool as [ __ ] this needs a different handle right this thing's cool as [ __ ] it just needs a different handle I know my way around so now exploding pickaxe handle huh you don't have to disassemble the craft all right all right great sword handle [Music] nah crot police baton [Music] handle this already has an A in motivity meaning I can bump that up to S right I didn't make it of course I know my way around [Music] and the motivity of this is just weird motivity in Tech and C seems odd think I just disassembled my other one yeah I did so that yeah seems nice I know my way around what move set would be good for this though that's the question I just got to see what the heck this thing with the Baton is actually like I mean cool it's funny I know my way around just m around right now I know my way yeah you know what let's try something actually [Music] crazy for Weir it's not it's like actually making the dummy attack me faster how funny how funny I know my way slabbing oh and it lights up did it light up with did it do that no that was something else it's y attack was this is just the boom Hammer right this is this is just the boom Hammer I know my way around [Music] [Music] for goofy [ __ ] am I coming up with wow this actually feels like it would be good with the um uh with the spinning axe thing right circular electric chainsaw handle scales with Advance that's so weird what does advance even do again is that the one is that the handle that actually came with I know my way around a weapon it's Elemental damage oh so I can see why that's good yeah [ __ ] wrench um there's a knife move set that I don't have yet either I see I see I [Music] see yeah we checked out the fire axe it was okay it was [Music] okay all right see like the goofy combinations you know at the house of [Music] a at the house of I know my way around a weapon obvious VI L it's going to scale on Tech right yeah obviously most most things feel like they scale on [Music] Tech damn that's no upgrade got a Rapier move set so goofy cool I mean it's neat that this exists right the dagger itself has like 30% crit gotcha gotcha I'm I'm just loving it I'm exhausted though right I am exhausted though this game is great can't believe I I just dropped like 7 hours into it man what the [Music] hell
Channel: Maximilian Dood
Views: 149,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maximilian, dood, fighting, games, capcom, street, fighter, hype, rage, max, reaction, twitch, videos, yo, videogames, maximilian_dood, max dood, dude, stream, streaming, lies of p, bloodborne, playthrough, souls-like, dark souls, pinnochio, geppetto, victor
Id: 0cJ-WgOMuy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 7sec (12247 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 10 2023
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