That Time Khadgar Went Into Draenor and Everything Blew up - Beyond the Dark Portal

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with today's video we'll be looking over another Warcraft novel retelling with the flying buttress last time we went over the second war this time we'll be going over beyond the dark portal if you have not seen the video I highly recommend it however like that video this series is full of jokes including swears so be warned so now on to the flying buttress thank you the haruma Red X all right mates how's it going it's me again here's what I've been doing for the last six months of my life as hiru just said this is an adaptation of beyond the dark portal by Aaron Rosenberg and Christy golden anyway I hope you enjoyed this I don't know what else to say so let's just do it throw down shut up roll you prick fine grab our ground and through the little bone cubes in his hand down to the ground who won balls rata sank back in Salt as his opponent gathered up the dice and began to shake them vigorously why was he even bothering to throw against brodog Lucky Bastard basically always won but then there was sod all else to do both gratar and brodog had been stationed here for bloody ages at the dark portal a strange Mystic doorway that led to another world gratar had never been through it himself none of his clan had he'd watched proudly as horde Warriors and buggered off through it to win glory and secure a new home and stuff but that was like three books ago every now and then an awkward returned and reported on the horde's progress but recently there'd been nothing no word no scouts Jack however as Qatar stared at the portal in this very moment he couldn't help but notice that something was a little bit different about it it's your turn what are you doing rata just ignored bro Duncan continued to examine the distant portal he's squinted and stared at the Rippling energy and stepped closer and closer until finally he gasped and staggered back although it was like trying to peer through murky water if you squinted and stared and stepped closer and closer enough you could just about make out a fierce violent battle going on just beyond broadov then approached to find out what the bloody hell had shocked gatar so much and within a few moments he too saw the events taking place beyond the dark portal go tell them what's happening right the commander no Greta had a gut feeling about what was about to happen this was more than their Commander could handle that's all getting us all they'll know what to do a short while later Bro Dog returned alongside nzul in a random ogre bloke a battle then yeah when we seem to be losing how long has however before nasal could finish his question the dark portal shifted violently and a figure emerged through it an orc whoever he was his eyes were wild and he raced right person is all in the others without a word or a single glance back is he is he running away another orc then came through and cheesed it then another and another and then a whole bunch of panic talks flooded through all absolutely terrified and not giving a single about the fact they were coward wasn't just Orcs either ogres weird unfamiliar hooded blokes the one Warrior caught grata's attention an orc but taller and bulkier possibly some ogre blood running through his veins he didn't seem as panicked as the others seemed like he was headed towards something rather than away out of my way Half Breed wasn't interested in that cool guy he was more interested in the weird hooded creatures you what manner of orc are you why cover your face come here the figure paused Shrugged and then did what he was told As You Wish as he drew closer rattar shivered there was something extremely unnerving about this guy what are you what do you want here don't you recognize me I'm terrible impossible he's dead and gone slaughtered by doomhammer along with the rest of the Shadow councils into these rotten carcasses all done if your master still lives then you should return to him you forsook me in the shaman tradition to become a warlock when you lived abomination serve him now that you're dead [Music] City his treachery causes the war we we lost how is that possible the Lord covered the very planes and do mama would not go down without a fight he fought it wasn't enough he killed the humans leader who was overpowered in turn and is always absolutely stunned but then took a deep breath straightened and turned to the ogre that had accompanied him then talk some of the other Chieftains tell them to gather here at once bring only weapons and armor weep a wave of massive energy then bursts through the portal without warning knocking everyone to the ground for a moment it felt like all the oxygen in the air had been snatched away the second explosion followed sending chunks of stone flying through the air and then all went quiet no there's all desperately raced towards the portal but it was no use the Shimmer and curtain of space flickered and then poof it was gone leaving only an empty Stone Archway behind what the bloody hell were they supposed to do now that's all go fiend as well as a bloke called God's Soul Ripper entered the village as if they owned the place whilst many of the shadowmoon orc Villages watched slightly annoyed by these arrogant Intruders but also slightly scared of them because they were weird looking and unnatural that's all I would speak with you don't know who you are don't much care your trespassing leave or die I need to speak is here coffee so you're the death knight don't look so dangerous to me dangerous enough sorry for gestured and several more hooded beings with glowing eyes emerge from the Shadows within the village through you Swift death instead the gentleman orc was beginning to sweat but he stood his ground there's all sees no one [Music] then extended his hand and murmured something and the shadow Moon Warrior gasped fell to the ground and was swiftly dead with blood pouring from pretty much every orifice on his face the other Shadow moon on look has stood it was pretty obvious they were about to Lunge and attack the golf fiend casually turned to them if you wish to die so be it I will sleep with his old stop there's been enough killing already approached and gold fiend relaxed whilst his companions fell back and disappeared into the Shadows from whence they came there you are does not get your attention I've dreamed of you I had visions of death and now here you are two years I've been dreaming of this you've come for me then to take my soul not at all I've got to save it I've come for you but not the way you think I wish to see you lead lead why so that I can destroy more of the horde haven't I done enough no I'm done with such things I let our people once straight into gul'dan's schemes I doomed this world Sega leader elsewhere gophin frowned this wasn't going as he'd expected it to go The Horde is dead half our people are gone trapped on that horrible World lost to us forever not lost forever the water was destroyed yes but it may yet be restored that certainly got nasal's attention how small wrist remains on Azeroth I helped create the dark portal I can still sense it I can help you widen the rift until a walk and pass through it the Elder Shaman considered this for a moment but he then shook his head what good would that do us the lines are too great to foe we'll never beat them our people are as good as dead already all we have now is the manner of that death and as always weakness absolutely disgusted golfing how would this pathetic excuse of an orc ever been so revered it was extremely annoying that they still needed him otherwise gorfeed would have just gone ahead and granted him the death he was so eagerly awaiting there and then this is not the only option we've rebuilt gul'dan [Music] his Twisted schemes they destroy lives even from Beyond the Grave how much power would you gain from success and power is all you Shadow Council bastards care about goldfiend had well and truly lost all of his patience now this was going nowhere so he grabbing azul's arm and shook the old man angrily two years to support him collapsed and you've been hiding in your village whilst Slaughter return s guidance and we do have a gun you're the only one left who could lead them I told you I have a solution we can't win we're doomed listen for me old man we do not need to defeat the alliance because we do not need to conquer Azeroth it's all paused with a real dumbass look on his face we only need to find and claimed Certain Magical artifacts once we have those we can leave us off and never return and what you know as well as I do don't always dying sooner won't be able to even sustain those of us that are left he won't have to those artifacts we can leave Azeroth and straddle fun somewhere else somewhere better for the first time in a very long time hope flickered across the painted white face of the Elder Shaman you do have a solution thank you all right then look at this place again greymane king of gilneas juted around at the newly built Citadel towering above and the other Alliance Kings all nodded so this is where our money's gone to it's big big is expensive the other kings mumbled in agreement but a tall slim young man then approached how great a price do you put on safety nothing worth having come to cheaply the grumbling then ceased Varian Rin recently crowned king of Stormwind near a thing or two about safety and how it felt to have that safety ripped away indeed how's the rebuilding Going Your Majesty very well Adam thank you stonemason's Guild is doing an excellent job they're fine Craftsmen their skills rival the dwarves themselves our city is rising higher and higher every day with every copper I'd say and that the king's all chuckled approvingly especially terrorists he'd grown quite fond of the young man over the years almost like a son he was not completely because Terran has already had a son that had grown into a decent chap himself but the king of lordaeron couldn't help but feel a little bit of fatherly Pride for the way this youth had turned out speak of the devil here's the Miracle Worker himself a tall dark-haired and powerfully built bloke then walked up was the man in charge of stormwind's restoration and the construction here of netherguard keep Master Van Cleef I trust the work continues at PACE it does your majesty it'll hold against all Corners so I promise you that I know it will sir you've outdone yourself here and that takes some doing thank you've nodded his thanks and then bug it off back to work and the Kings then continued their walk nicely handled diffusing greymane and flattering Van Cleef at the same time it was an honest compliment it worked harder because of it and greymane only complains to hear the sound of his own voice you've grown very wise for your age or perhaps just wise in general however as the Kings made their way further through the courtyard raymaine's grumbling started up again I know they're working hard but why so many buildings I go to so much trouble and cost to create such a vast Citadel it's only here to watch over the valley where the dark portal once stood is it not a simple keep would have been fine greyman's booming voice carried all the way inside to khadgar and archmage antonidus who just kind of smiled and looked at each other good to hear greyman is his usual self yeah some things never change the Kings then finally arrived at their destination and khadgar wasted no time at all to get right down to business you wish to know what your money has brought you then well neither God keep is large yes but it has to be to house all the Mad giant soldiers that will be stationed here if the horde ever return we need to be ready I understand the Warriors or why so many Magi surely one would be enough to monitor the situation and alert us of any danger khadgar began to Pace the room and consider his next words carefully you no doubt saw the state of this region on your approach something drained the life from the Orcs Homeworld and when the dark portal opened that lifelessness touched our world as well when we destroyed the portal we thought the land would heal itself but it didn't the tank continued to spread Ghasts and mermaids came from each of the Kings this was news to them we began to study the situation and we discovered that even with the portal gone a small dimensional Rift remains you said continued to spread lad at least tell us you found a way to stop the taint we did though it took several of us working together to do it hence why we need more than one Magi stationed here unfortunately there's no way to restore the land that's already been damaged we managed to protect the northern half of the black morass but the southern half people have taken to calling it the Blasted Lands I doubt it will ever be able to support life again still we stopped the taint and saved the rest of the world's soil at an incredible feat well done thanks we've done more than I dared hope but less than I might have liked it's still the matter of the rift itself is there a risk that it might reopen gotga scanned each of the king's faces and he could see just how nervous and uncomfortable they all looked the idea of going through all of that again Ain't nobody got the time for that but before he could answer trollbane's question he was interrupted by a shrill core from just outside and then illeria windrunner entered gentlemen Illyria it better be good I was hunting Hawks you're always hunting Orcs And that's part of why I wanted you here for this I was just explaining that we've noticed dimensional Rift where the dark portal once stood recently the Energy's emanating from it have increased dramatically what does that mean are you saying it's getting stronger yes we believe it's about to expand if the horde found some way to restore the portal perhaps perhaps not but even if they can't restore the portal they would still once more have access to our world once the rift is large enough I knew this would happen each of the Kings looked understandably unhappy Illyria however looked almost as if she was trying to stifle a grin how soon and how many how many we cannot say but how soon very we may only have a few days what do you need the alliance Army all of it here the sons of lotharma step forward once again and you're absolutely sure about this Rift I wish I wasn't the energy level is most definitely rising and the rift is most definitely expanding we can't afford to take chances I say we rally the alliance Army and Make Ready for War agreed the rest of the Kings nodded their agreement as well someone will need to talk to turalyon the very mention of that name made Delirious stiffened somewhat which khadgar noticed something had happened between those two but khadgar had never asked what he knew better than that he'd always felt sorry for them but now he was starting to wonder whether this cold distance between the two was going to cause some problems he's still commander of the alliance Army so it's his job to gather our soldiers and prepare them for what lies ahead an idea then occurred to khadgar twas a cheeky one but it could in fact solve two problems at once Illyria you could reach Stormwind faster than anyone else on that Griffin of yours why don't you go surely someone else could accomplish the track just as easily khadgar no I don't think so please Illyria for all our sakes find him tell him and bring him here and maybe you two could settle your differences he thought but he didn't say that bit out loud Illyria then gave khadgar the dirtiest stink eye you can imagine but then sighed in defeat fine I'll do as you ask and without saying any other words like buy or not seeing you all she stomped off right then each of us should return to our kingdoms rally our troops and gather supplies the king's nodded once again and then they all buggered off I go Rouse the sons of lotha pray it's not too late what nothing Grom hell scream smashed his ax downward whilst laughing maniacally but then frowned because he remembered he was attacking thin air rather than a real enemy Graham kargath the chieftain of the shattered hand Clan kargath blade fist then approached and the two exchanged pleasantries zonas all sent for your clan as well he's planning something don't know what doesn't matter anything is better than this his past two years we've done nothing and why because the alliance defeated us so what because the portal was destroyed big whoops build another one there has to be someone we can fight Graham couldn't agree more with that Hawks were a combative race at least now anyway they needed to constantly hone their wits and strengthen their limbs otherwise they grew soft which was pretty much why most of the Clans had been fighting each other grom's Clan the war song had not skirmished against the shattered hand specifically but they had fought against the thunderlords the red Walkers and the blade winds and Graham had bloody loved it at the time feeling that same sweet sweet red Haze descend that he always felt when he was murdering fools but after the fighting he'd fell empty Hollow a bit orc should not be killing Orcs the two Chieftains then made their way towards the ruins of the dark portal towards the figure standing there waiting and Grom continued to consider what had happened to the Orcs where had they gone wrong whose fault was it gul'danes obviously him his warlocks and their quest for power they doomed this world and then the old gone ahead and caused the horde's defeat on the humans world as well but the worst thing he did as far as Grom was concerned was ordered the warsong clan to stay behind should have been there Graham thought he could have turned that battle around however the wolfsong chieftain then shook his head the pass was the past blackham's dead durotan's dead gul'dan's dead doomham is captured possibly dead the dark portal was destroyed The Horde was now in a bit of a crap State really but perhaps maybe thanks to nasal some of that was about to change welcome why have you summoned us I have news news and a plan for two years you've hidden away from us what news could you possibly have you fell for gul'dan's coup then you sulked like a pampered youth now you emerged with a skull painted on your face not sure I even wanted this plan of yours as he said it Graham heard the pain in his own voice despite everything that had happened despite the words he literally just said he wanted to be proven wrong it was just hard to trust advisors these days because all of them thus far had been a bunch of knobs n'zhul then touched the white skull on his face and sighed deeply long have I dreamed of death I've seen him spoken with him I've seen the death of my people and the death of all that I've loved this image I wear it Honors that believe me when I tell you I did not wish to come forth but I now believe that I owe it to my people to lead them once more like you like before no thanks how about instead of following you I just slice you up here and now since you love death so much before the situation could escalate any further booming footsteps approach from behind and an ogre Mage appeared don't talk what news I sent you to locate and summon the other clans yet I only see Shadow Moon warsong and shuttered hand here where are the rest Lightning's blade are on their way but the thunderlords and laughing skulls weren't interested too busy slaughtering each other this is precisely why we need to act all that work all we did to forge The Horde is crumbling away what did you expect would happen while you hid away for two years we waited for your Council but it never came you abandoned us I know there was an awkward silence for a bit before dentark decided he should continue listing which clans were or were not coming for some reason the bladewinds would join us but the red walk as well as said The Horde is nothing but a memory now a bunch of dicks we'll deal with them soon enough don't worry what are the bones you was well the Emissary we've sent to them they they ate him what a surprise they've grown even Wilder since the portal fell they can't be trusted or controlled and the white claw clad mostly wiped out by everyone else before the truth about gul'dan even came to life they never hit that Sympathy for the frostwolves made him a Target and then he who survived to scattered now not even really a clan anymore it all felt a shiver of guilt at that the Elder Shaman had tried to warn durotan tried to undo some of the damage he'd inadvertently caused and look how that worked out but now is not the time for self-pity and regret white gold Clan were one of our oldest and proudest when other clanless Savages is this what our race is now I won't have him we must rebuild we must renew the bond between all Orcs only as a United race can we have any hope of survival of Honor of Glory rum stand it in Azul for a bit and then swallowed his pride tell us this plan of yours and Azul sound I shall follow me too I cast my word with health screens there's always a bit taken aback but then nodded we will wait until the Lightnings blade and blade when Clans arrive and then we will go to the others together our people must be United and what if they refuse still then we will persuade them the Grim tone of his voice left no doubt in the others Minds as to whatnot is always implying a new Grom I have another task for you something I need you to find just as suspected the bonjour Clan had not been very welcoming when the war songs arrived but sort of looked them up and down and started licking their lips [Music] Perkins skull splitter call off your warriors but we'll kill every last one of them could raise the seventh chewed arm and just kind of flapped it around a bit don't throw your lives away don't fight against you don't fight against your own kind when you could instead Slaughter humans on Azeroth but that the bones you achieved and tilted his head and stopped being a weirdo there's a rough fell Health screen forget that who can then grind showing many of his broken nasty British looking teeth you never were allowed to set foot on that other world were you neither were you now we get our chance says he can open the portal again however her can skull splitter then just started to laugh [Music] that with an old charm he got us into this mess and now we should just dance at his command yet again what are we possibly stand again from that the chance to kill humans a chance to win Glory and Honor claim new lands lungs better than all of this well what would we have to do things first pledge yourself in your Clanton as all follow his orders fight alongside the rest of us not against us Earth you give us something else to fight and we'll leave the rest of you alone there'll be foes of Plenty don't you worry but there is something else as all wants Graham tightened his grip on his ax he had a feeling this next request wasn't going to go down so well he wants that the skull hanging around your neck and skull splitter was indeed wearing a skull on a little necklace and the following conversation is going to try and explain how the bloody held that particular skull ended up on Drano no you can't have this it's not just any skull it's gone down skull that doesn't make any sense he died on Azeroth but he did at least one of his warlocks survived and on his way out of that doomed forsaken Temple he found gul'dan's remains ripped to shreds he grabbed his Old Masters head for some strange unknown reason and took it with him looks like gul'dan got to return to draunor after all that's dumb how the hell did you get it a warrior killed the Warlock skull for himself and I ate that Warrior it's mine now and I will not part with it Graham nodded I understand Graham's attack came swiftly and out of nowhere in the bulk the ax missed and there was a whole fight thing for two pages but what if luckily the magical skull of gul'dan remained unscathed to turken's body twitched and tumbled to the ground and Grom stared at it for a bit golfing had said not to touch it and although grum didn't trust the death knight he went ahead and did that carefully scooping the thing up with the bag instead who now speaks for the bonjour Clan another large orc pushed forward me so I got a spine breaker I lead now well tiger I've taken the skull question is will you be joining us we're joining hurricane hesitated as if that was a difficult Choice before I answered sir I have one question why do you follow an Azul Graham Health screen who once said yourself created all of our troubles huh tag our spine breaker wasn't as dumb as he looked it was a good question the deserved an answer you did to create all of our troubles by handing control to the traitor in this bag gul'dan denied me my chance to slaughter humans on Azeroth before but now thanks to his skull as all can reopen the portal now I will have my chance and that is some sweet sweet irony so the choice is yours bone sure rejoin the horde or we Slaughter you all rats thank you pun rats you sent word of an issue with Wildlife Galvin threatening to derail the entire tram construction project did you just say rats yes horrible things they are some of them are this big I think a girl been mechatalk spread his hands a whole six inches apart and turalyon stared at him in utter bafflement but this little seriously called an emergency session over a rat problem the Gnomes had come to Stormwind a few years back with full endorsement from the dwarves and they were a curious Bunch intelligent eccentric small that's about it they have nothing else going for them they've completely invested the Prototype chewed through the wiring we can't get in to repair it without losing good people to those vile creatures the last team we sent in that there was nothing left of them drillian nodded even if that was the most ridiculous thing he'd ever heard I guess rats are proportionately much larger and more threatening to your people than they are to mind I'll send some of my men back to Iron Forge with you they'll um hunt these monsters down and help you with repairs thank you that's excellent news the channel will be back on track in a jiffy go speak to aramil it will take care of the arrangements it was kind of awkward as galbin tried to climb back down from the table and turalyon wasn't sure if it was appropriate to help him or not but eventually the high Tinker did get down and Bug it off and torelli in turned his attention to all the correspondents sat on his desk letters a butt load of them from countless people or wanting something from him and it was in that moment that turalyon decided he really needed to go for a walk or something as he stepped out into the fresh clean air turalyon took in the sights around him the Dwarven District White Walls and Red Roofs many of bronzebeard's men had been housed here as a thanks for all their hard work and assistance and stuff he then made his way across the canal to Cathedral Square and fixed his eyes on the Glorious building at the center it was one of the first to be completed in stormwind's reconstruction the Orcs had damaged it badly in their attack but even still it had been a place of safety for so many Australian has not been to storm winds prior to the second war so he'd not seen the city's former glory but in comparison to the horrific state it had been left in after the war it was pretty impressive now Australian had been so lost in thought he didn't notice the pair of children until they ran right into his balls sorry Mister oh with an attack like that he'll make a fine Soldier one day really I hope so sir I want to kill some Orcs Australian smile faltered he knew that fiery need and anger but he wasn't about to encourage racism in a child go on like bless you both but you should get home looks like rain thanks Mr Paladin the kids ran off into a building adjacent to the cathedral the orphanage and to Rally inside with empathy before moving on with his life and entering the cathedral itself and inside he found Uther as well as a bunch of other Knights of the silver hand tending to homeless people and babies good to see you brother about time you found your way down here you're right Uther it's nice to be here too easy to get caught up in all the things that need to be done but can never quite be finished like rap problems hey never mind I'll tell you later for now how can I help however uther's eyes narrowed slightly as he glanced over to alien's shoulder looks like there's a bit more unfinished business waiting for you mate Australian turned and immediately tensed oh geez lightbringer General oh so that's how she was gonna play it was it fine Ranger what brings you here Tidings of the worst sword little else would drallian felt a muscle twitch in his cheek and prey deliver them I wonder if I did not come to the wrong place for Aid didn't expect to find General's Knights and holy Warriors tending to babies in a church we serve where we called Elyria I feel certain you didn't come all the way here just to insult us speak a short time ago I met with khadgar and several of the alliance leaders seems there's a dimensional Rift where the dark portal once stood khadgar believes that very soon Orcs possibly an entire second horde could come through again he sent me here on Griffin back to inform you Hilaria continued to repeat what she'd learned and not for the first time Doral even found himself wishing lothar was still around he basically felt that way every time he faced a difficult decision lothar would know immediately what to do well what said the wild Amazon on this what does curtain think I doubt he knows what you flew all this way on one of their Griffins without informing him of what was going on Elyria just kind of shrugged and dralium found himself fighting extremely hard to maintain his composure what do you need the dwarves to give you instruction or perhaps you're waiting for lothar's ghost that drallian frowned in color rose in illyria's cheeks as her eyes glanced down to the floor she knew that she'd just taken things too far wildhummers have been stored shallows they're as much a part of the alliance as anyone suited with that they're informed as soon as possible we need to go immediately the Griffin will bear you to lordaeron I'll make my own way there couldn't even stand to share a griffin with him then so be it Australian then turned to Uther who was currently staring daggers at Illyria windrunner but the lightbringer then glances it to rallying nodded and Bug it off you are bringing the members of your order right no why not the Archbishop wishes them to stay here turn to the people who need them you haven't even asked him I don't need to ask illyrian look can we can we just talk for a bit we should five minutes Illyria that's all I'm asking no it was hilarious turn to frown turalyon noticed that she was actually trembling but that could well be because she got caught in the rain and was soaked I wrote you never answered I've been traveling on patrol there were rumors of Orcs Hiding Out Among the peaks of the altarak mountains the Grim smile then formed on illyria's face we found 10 of them illyrian you owe me nothing I understand that if what happened between this means you can no longer work with me I need to know the alliance cannot afford to find out on the battlefield that you're not listening do you have a problem with that there's no problem the alliance wants every orc dead so do I we can work together on that is that all we are to you now a means to an end a way to kill more Orcs more quickly what else is there the sooner we reach lordran the sooner I can seek out more of those green-skinned Abominations and Cleanse This Land of their filth I will see them dead every last one of them even if it takes me a hundred years a number of heads that started to turn within the church mainly because this wasn't exactly an Insider Church type of conversation to be having Illyria you're talking genocide another smile appeared on illyria's face this one cruel it's only genocide when those being slain are people yikes it was very obvious that Illyria genuinely believed that she saw the Orcs as nothing more than monsters as rats sure turalyon had killed his fair share of them sometimes even with great anger in his heart but what they'd done to his people but that was Justice this was something else you've lost much a human talking of loss what do you know of it your lives are so brief you never learn what it means to truly love someone just because you live longer doesn't mean you feel more illyrian trust me oh so you're better than me because you live for this long or are you better than me because of your precious light the light isn't mine it's every once it's about healing it's oh don't start preaching to alien your Holy Light didn't stop the Orcs from tearing away into our world did it the light can't restore my ravaged Homeland or give me back my hilarious snapped her jaw shut and just kind of stood seething for a bit Ranger here are my orders for the moment you'll stay here in Stormwind along with half of my troops and myself same for your Rangers have them gather here the city's only just started to get its feet underneath it I won't leave it unprotected so we're just gonna wait out the war here sir like cowards sir I will request reinforcements and when they come we'll leave but until then we stay you'll protect the city when it's your own then right permission to leave to gather my Rangers sir Illyria was intentionally trying to get under turalyon's skin and she was succeeding the only reason he wasn't being just as hostile and snide back was because he truly wanted to find a way to help her her anger and hatred was consuming her she changed and he'd do anything to help her get back to her old nice self rather than this mean angry the Paladin then realized he'd just been staring at her for quite a while so he nodded and Illyria bugged off was he making the right decision was it wise to wait for reinforcements yes meanwhile Valeria went ahead and ran right out of Stormwind as quickly as she could she didn't give a how weird she looked she just needed out of there fast that had gone much worse than she'd feared how was it a mere human could rattle her so much he was a jerk a rude loud jerk but also he was glorious and handsome and no shut up heart Illyria thought she then clenched her eyes shut and thought of her home and her sisters and lyrath her youngest brother such a joyful Smiley bloke he'd been he'd loved being alive but the orc slaughtered him snuffed out his brightness and the world was darker because of it they would pay they would suffer just as lyrath had just as her City had and her people and once again Illyria vowed to not let tyrellion get in the way of her Mission all he would do is soften her heart and stop her from getting her revenge no Coast this isn't a vacation duralian had given danath trollbane his second in command the opportunity to select those that would be joining him on the mission to Nether guard keep and he picked mostly Cavalry units because they were used to traveling long distances and stuff however they were all still pretty young and pretty green thank you for drafting me sir I wouldn't miss this fight for anything we've not faced Orcs before have you feral no sir but I'm looking forward to it I'm not you're not sir why we're gonna trample him aren't we oh yeah there's not even that many of them left riding in the woods like wild animals that's true for the ones that got left behind but that's not what we're dealing with I think the dark portal is going to reopen that Soldier gulp to that Revelation doneath went ahead and raised his voice even louder so the rest of the soldiers could hear him as well we won't be facing a ragtag group of orc survivors boy we'll be facing the horde positively the largest fighting force we've ever seen one that's never been defeated but we won the war sir we conquered them already we conquered some for all we know there's another dozen or so plans we've never even faced just waiting for their chance to have a crack at us we could well be heading towards our death here boys so why are you telling us this because I don't believe in lying about our chances you have a right to know what you'll be facing I don't want you going in thinking this will be easy expect the worst stay sharp that little Nugget's gonna keep you alive and you truly will be able to call yourselves the sons of lotha all of the men nodded and looked a hell of a lot more sober now not that they were pissed before but you know it's over as in serious and sensible and stuff listen do you ever you're getting jumpy William it's just the wind chill out yeah I guess you're right I hate this detail Randall well they got his guard in this anyway get the Mages to do it don't know mate but hey this needs your job well shifts over in and out William then started to say something else but stopped his eyes wide there was again listen Randall did as he was told and strained his ears and then he did indeed hear the thing that was getting William all worked up it was like a low moan followed by a high whistle and as the two of them turned to look at the empty space where the rift Between Worlds had once stood they crapped themselves and immediately cheesed it they ran as fast as they could through the darkness desperate to escape what they'd just seen but also trying to get to relative safety in order to sound an alarm so they won't be in complete cowards however both stopped as they heard the sound of footsteps approaching who who goes there boom I won go down I'm alive and empowering you're dead sucky it's all turned startled to see Grom hell scream mooching about we control the portal great always going according to plan as all them waved both grum and Taren gorfein to step forward and stop mooting about he'd appointed both of them as His seconds golfing overseeing the death Knights and ogres and Grom conveying orders to the rest of the Clans and there were many Clans now the thunderlords Laughing Skull bone chewers in fact most of the Clans are unified except for the red Walkers bunch of jerks but the horde was now nearly as strong as it had been before the first attack on Azeroth nearly good you know what you must do next know what to do are you sure you can maintain the rich for yourself even with the skull's aid it had taken several death notes working in tandem to help nazool widen the rift so Gotham skepticism was pretty reasonable arrogance you should not speak silly to you no he shouldn't and has all thought to himself but he didn't say it I can manage once the framework is rebuilt the portal will maintain itself we offer about your duties Taryn within the darkness of his hood golfing's eyes flickered slightly but he nodded and bugged off and has all turned to Grom I'm ready there's all more than ready very well the sooner you begin the sooner we can achieve our goals grum then saluted and also bug it off has all then lingered for a bit and then moved on just in time to see both of his seconds disappear through the rift to another world he then stared at the rift for a bit whilst casually stroking the surface of gul'dan's skull you will never need to see this is [Music] Glory will be yours yes soon abused died almost too easily messing well with the framework should be up within the next day or two well that was good news good job guys Soul Ripper the other death knight it led a small Force Through the rift cover the entire area in some kind of weird darkness and taking out the humans guarding the place and they'd managed all that pretty quickly what was the only plan still on this world we spoke to them through dreams and Visions no idea how long it will take for any of them to reach us though fortunately for The Horde towards only a few hours later that those aforementioned Orcs in hiding started to arrive they were battered and worn and there were barely three dozen of them but they looked pretty excited and as they grew closer golfing recognized the one leading them I had a vision you were here kilrog glanced past the death knight at the almost completed dark portal so it is true the portal is being restored it is indeed we came from Channel you can return that as the land been restored to life no the Lord is still dying but as all has a plan that's all what is that old Fool's involvement in this I saw a vision of him too though I thought it merely an image of the past it was an image of our future more like there's always taking control again his reports The Horde invented all the remaining plans on piano gilrog scratched at the scar tissue beneath his missing eye plan of it you think it's sound I do perhaps he's finally shaken the weakness and dealt cooldown inflicted upon him then if he's anything like the nazool of old I would gladly follow him go then there's a light your arrival beyond the portal your experience in wisdom will be of great value to it the thirds kill Rob tell me one of the other Orcs still trapped in aside from the frostwolves who will have absolutely nothing to do with any of us there are only two plans remaining outside of captivity Dragon more and the Black Rock Hill Rock seemed to visibly Grimace when he mentioned the latter a dragon Mora hidden in the mountain somewhere safe from human eyes and still in control of the Red Dragons Brandon main Blackhand lead the BlackRock now they've claimed Black Rock Spire as their own I wouldn't personally choose the sight of doomham's defeat as my base but then they never really cared for him well they returned to us they seem content to stay here gothin frowned but nodded let's go wrong off you go we are not awake and so off Kill Rock did go he and the rest of his Warriors walked towards the rift and disappeared meanwhile Graham hellstream watched as the bleeding Hollow Warriors bugged off he was pleased to see kill rugged survived but he had his own tasks to focus on the humans have not been idle there's a large Fortress to the north regards to pass out of this area great and that's our Target we take that Fortress we hold this entire Valley indefinitely tell the others to prepare we March at once the Scout nodded but before he could bugger off Graham held up a hand for silence he paused and listened and paused and listened footsteps went faster and harder sounded more like a beast than a man a heavy Beast with solid Hooves rather than Soft Paws Robert heard about the strange steeds the humans rode upon horses they called them it was his best guess that that was what he was hearing humans approach dispel the darkness the death and I just went ahead and did that and the veil of Shadow shrouding the area lifted allowing Graham and everyone else to see things more clearly to the north Hellscream could now see the stone Towers in the Fortress that the Scout had mentioned and a force of men riding atop weird long hairy beasts headed in this very direction under the front of them a balding red-headed man that's their leader Grom thought killing him was priority number one for The Horde roaming his Warriors then charged whilst the humans hesitated a little bit and unfortunately that hesitation didn't do them any favors only a few moments later as the blood lost within grum started to fade he looked around at the massive human corpses littering the ground however to his surprise he could not see the body of the balding redhead the leader guy where'd he go did he run away or something one of them escaped possibly ran to the Fortress then you should follow your delight's forces in that Fortress busy you need to get to the artifacts but we should be going back within a few days don't worry I'll do my duty you just see to it that you do yours girlfriend laughed and then just walked off without saying goodbye and Grom kind of grinded his teeth a little bit he didn't like gorfeind didn't like any of the death Knights how could anyone possibly trust such unnatural creatures but nizor vouched for the guy so Graham had no choice but to go along with it all really hopefully golf theme was right hopefully these strange items they were hunting truly would allow us all to save their people and in the meantime Ron had his orders a handful of you stay here the rest of you come with me we have a fortress to take Murray in bronzebe had hurried through the corridors of the Royal Palace of lordaeron whilst muttering to himself about all the twists and turns and nooks and crannies and stuff when all of a sudden he heard someone talking to themself in a nearby Armory murden peered round to see what that was all about and started to grin for the Young Prince Arthur's melathil who was all of about 12 years old at this point was looking very serious and attacking a suit of armor with a wooden sword thank you to pass here in Alliance lands I will show you Mercy this once be gone and never return now muradin was pretty hungry and also running quite late the Beast was one of the funniest things he'd ever seen what you will not depart you have besmirched me and I wish for you to unsmirch me very well you have had your chance but now we fight the Young Prince then charged at the armor and it was at this point that muradin's smile faded somewhat it was a different kind of funny now because it was a bit pathetic who the hell had been training this boy his form was in fact it was so bad had arthas lost his grip on his training sword and it flew across the room Landing right by moradin and as a young prince turned and saw that he was being watched his face cheeks turned bright red I was just I'm looking for your father boy can you direct me this infernal place has too many turns Earth has pointed in a direction and muradin went ahead and hurried off didn't want to be stuck in that awkward situation for any longer and he imagined Arthurs probably felt the same way trade with you a bunch of horde sympathizers Murray didn't entered just in time to see thorus bellowing and although that wasn't exactly unusual the bronze beer dwarf had not expected to see the small green creature that thorus was currently shouting at no no no no no no no no no you got me all wrong it's not like that at all isn't it cricks no well there's one trade princeier but even he came to his senses after the second war the Goblins have come to realize it's much better to remain neutral much better for you for us for everyone free trade thrives that way and we all benefit muradin Scout goblins what's this wee green money grub and treats are doing at our breakfast table telling us quicklish pleasure to meet you I see you're a dwarf brilliant observation perhaps your people would like to enter a trade agreement these two humans don't seem so keen on it I mean think about it you'd like to mine we like to tear down trees it's perfect that's enough cricks another Ambassador muradin has arrived we have business to attend to I'll talk to you again this afternoon and look at the papers you promised me well this wee bugger does deals with both sides telling us I'd sooner trust her murden stopped mid-sentence stunned by the fact the goblin had just nonchalantly helped himself to a biscuit from muradin's plate on the table that was my biscuit cricks didn't give a he ate said biscuit and chewed it real slow whilst maintaining eye contact with muradin the entire time then he did a little bow and then bug it off his ideas do have Merit and busted but now that you're here I feel we must talk of less amusing things such as the situation with King paranoid the mere mention of the name caused troll Bane to slam his fist on the table he betrayed us all damn nearly destroyed us I say prison if not outright execution hey better not to be keeping traitors and gilded cages I agree he deserves far worse effect but he is or at least was a sovereign King we cannot simply Exile or imprison him not without making every other king worry that we do the same to them should they disagree with us on anything it is a tricky issue drop him off a cliff you lose the trust of your fellows but you cannot leave him to get away with it either we need to force him to abdicate once he's no longer King we can try him as just another Alliance Noble the problem is he's refusing of course he is he knows abdicating means his death we have to do something tearing us and quickly right now he's got too much freedom and that's bound to cause trouble Taryn has nodded what are the lads is he not trying to the throne halogen you mean yeah he's got from the same cloth as his father I don't care much for him anyway Aiden pampered his son far too much as a youth the boy's never known hardship never face danger I fear Aladdin has no leadership skills whatsoever but what grounds do we have to deny him the throne he's the heir altarax Crown Prince if his father is to abdicate the crown falls to him there's no proof that he knew of his father's treachery at least he has that in his favor a knock at the door interrupted the conversation and worried and frowned for a second he thought that Goblin knob was back for more of his biscuits however it was a servant with an announcement Lord devil prester your majesty ah send him in love him have you both met Lord Preston hey fine man he is it's amazing he survived as well as he has with all his Feast it was amazing indeed no one had even heard of the guy until recently the ruler of some tiny Mountain domain that fell victim to a dragon attack or something he and his family had stumbled all the way to Capital City without any servants or guards or anything but apparently Presta was some distant cousin of paranoles and could trace his ancestry back to the Royal House of altarak it had been his suggestion to pass martial law there he was a fine man with fine ideas nothing suspicious about him at all Lord president stepped into the room and executed a graceful and deep bow real majesties a noble Ambassador now good to see you all again sit join us would you care for some tea or perhaps a biscuit Lord I wouldn't wish to intrude not at all in fact your timing is excellent we were just discussing the matter of ultra ah yes of course no doubt you've heard about young isidan Preston's question was met by a whole bunch of blank faces and raised eyebrows one of Lord perronold's nephews oh yeah ran off to Gill nights didn't he indeed he did rumors say he's hoping to Rally support for his own bid to the throne Romaine mentioned it and he's not yet met with the boy strange The Gray Maine to overlook something that could so easily work to his benefit all he'd need to do is back his it in for the throne and gilnez would gain a direct stake in alterax welfare and no doubt favored status throughout the kingdom I that would be a hard one to pass up tyrannus and trollbane exchanged glances greyman was canny enough to have figured out that opportunity and yet he claimed he'd not spoken to the boy was he lying was he being a sneaky bugger what do you think should be done with alterack Lord Preston why do you ask me so your perspective is useful we value your opinion you honor me thank you I think you should claim it for your own your majesty you are the leader of the alliance after all you took the brunt of the costs for the last war surely your due a reward for all of your efforts no thank you I have more than enough to handle here in lordram I have no desire to double my troubles by taking on a second Kingdom there was a tone to taranus's voice that suggested that he probably had considered that option already but he was right the troubles it would cause far outweighed the benefits perhaps you then King troll Bane your quick action stopped paranoid stretchery I know you lost a few men defending those mountain passes from the Orcs thoris frowned thoughtfully but before he could answer Taryn is interjected neither thorus nor I could claim altering it's not simply a matter of one Kingdom invading another are all part of the alliance and must all work together the alliance as a whole defeated the horde and won the war that means any spoils including altarak Must Fall to the alliance as well if any of us try to Annex alterak the others would feel slighted and rightly so I must be decided by all my apologies I did not mean to speak out of turn or offend you in any way I can see I still have much to learn before I can hope to match your wisdom or diplomacy no harm done Lord Presta I asked for your opinion and you gave it there are no bad ideas sooner we can present a good plan to the rest of the alliance the sooner we can move on from this matter well I can only hope that my small contribution has been somewhat useful then now if you'll excuse me I'll leave you to your weighty deliberations Preston waited for terranus's nod of permission smiled and then walked off he may be naive but Presta has a point maybe altarak should pay reparations with what their blade dry we added ultrax treasuries to our own once we took control of the Kingdom hey with all the money go into repairs in the internment camps they've nothing left for reparations you're right I'll just feel they should pay somehow ultrax betrayal caused so many lives her adults betrayal Taurus we must remember that very few of altarak citizens even knew of their Kim's treachery true enough I've known many for old turak over the years most defined folk of snakes like their King I'll give them out a more thought we all will we'll find a solution yeah I'm sure we will I just hope we do so before we're forced to set the matter aside for more pressing issues it was a cloudy cold night in Stormwind and whilst turalyon and his advisors were still awake hanging about inside Stormwind keep a handful of guards were currently posted outside of it shivering and mumbling to themselves the air was bitter so when one particular cold breeze wafted past them into the keep itself they didn't think anything of it but that extremely chilly wind continued to swirl through the corridors all the way to the Royal Library where two more guards were hanging about however they did react to the breeze because it was now accompanied by a whole bunch of Shadows and the next thing those two guards knew the Shadows dissipated revealing a whole bunch of intruders foreign 's death Knights and pargath throat splitter all spread out and started to comb the library for their prize but after several minutes of searching nuggets it's not here are you sure in response the bleeding Hollow orc just stood at an empty case and gor fiend examined it there was a little card in the corner that read book of medivh so it was here but where is it now over here one of the other death Knights called out so gothamed hurried over someone else was thinking along the same lines we were the death knight pointed towards a small Alcove and inside it was a body a dead body not one of the guards they dispatched on arrival but someone else with the dagger stuck in his back not Insignia on the dagger I told rack's crest why do you find such an obvious clue a bit of is asking perhaps they were sending a message showing the alliance that ultrack and its king is still in the game or maybe it was just a assassin well we want pizza chaos take the dagger the course is fresh enough open think all three died by the same hand in the meantime looks like we're going to wealthtrack we need to keep to our original plan as much as possible though so we'll still add your background Mountain first we need rent I mean a day later golfined in his band of Merry friends arrived at Blackrock Mountain and they'd gained a few extra merry friends as well including tag off spine breaker of the bone tours it was as large a force as goldfin felt they could assemble without being spotted by the alliance he just hoped it was large enough to get the attention of the two sons of Blackhand the group climbed up the mountain as openly and obviously as they could it was not the intention to make it seem like they were attacking or sneaking in and finally when they reached the top gulfiend instructed his group to Halt and sure enough a moment later some armed guards appeared you can't speak with the sons of blackhead tell them Terry gold fingers news in a proposal for them one of the York guards whispered something to the other and the other nodded and buggered off but he returned a short time later start close and well well well what brings you here dead man yeah you got some nerve coming all the way in to see us the dark portal has been restored I saw it in my dreams I knew it had to be one of your warlocks causing it what about it corfin frowned this conversation wasn't going as planned I've been sent to bring you back into the hole you land your back or clan we need the driving more planet as well and the Red Dragons they come out Rend glanced at Maine and the two brothers laughed after two years where nothing happens you come marching back up here into my keep I am full of fresh Warriors trotting behind you and you expect me to get all excited about kneeling before a withered old charbon and I should hand over not only my own Warriors but my dragons as well not damn likely he must we need your strength and the daggers to carry out our plan that's your problem not mine I don't give a damn about what old nizzle might be planning where was he when we fought the alliance I was here where was he when doomhammer fell I was here me too where was he when the portal was destroyed and we got stranded here where was he when we were hunted for two long years I'll tell you where it was safe and snug on Drano not lifting a finger to help but I with here I poured these Orcs back together I rebuilt The Horde not over on dranor but here on atheroth right beneath the alliance's nose I am Warchief now I know used up old Shaman is going to take that away from me go fiend absolutely longed to smear this boy into a pace but refrained please I ask you to reconsider without your rage in his audible fail he's got no experience with real war he's got no head for tactics no understanding of combat no real leadership skills the alliance will crush his little pretend horde and then I will pick up the pieces and with the horde the real horde even larger and with the Dragons by our side with me in command we'll sweep across the face of atheroth and then dead man you'll serve me behind go fiend tagar lost his dracherous dog I'll cut you down like the Kurt you are take your throne for myself and your people will follow my orders and take their place in The Horde once more oh yeah you want to attack me now wren's gring widened gorfiend turned to tagger he has too many gods but when Adam stepped back one final time will you join us hmm let me think no very well and there's nothing more to say go on then I can't wait to get news of your gory destruction and with that golfing and his buddies departed clenching their teeth as the sound of the Blackhand Brothers maniacal laughter echoed through the Halls some more time later the group had made camp for the night and golf fiend glad that the dancing orange and yellow campfire still reeling from the previous encounter and the fact that their plan had hit yet another snag when suddenly a noise in the Darkness human tiger wasted no time charging at the Intruder bringing his Club down hard and fast but then stopped stunned because the human simply reached upward caught the club and threw it aside like it was nothing I know you'd like nothing better than to attack me again but you've solid my clothing enough for one night I don't fancy getting your blood on it I'm not quite what I've seen you see the human Shadow flickered behind him and suddenly seemed to rise up growing monstrous inside who I I've been known by many names currently Lord devil prester prior to that Deathwing Deathwing bloody hell girlfriend had heard of the mighty black dragon perhaps the single most powerful creature on Azeroth what do you want with us calm yourself I've not come to slay you else you'd be Mirage already I've been watching you and I like what I see you have great strength and impressive Focus I would very much like to behold the world that gave rise to such a fierce and determined people gophin studied this Uninvited Guest was he asking to visit Drano I know of your meeting with the one called Rend Blackhand idiots he and his brother I know you also desire the Red Dragons that the dragon war have in slaved Deathwing didn't seem pissed off about that last bit in fact a grin formed on his face as if the very idea delighted him substandard beasts in my opinion I don't know why you're bothering with them dragons are powerful beings indeed we are you wish for allies then I have an offer for you my mighty children shall lend their aid willingly rather than under duress one of the Orcs seemingly trying to win a few favor points or something approach Deathwing and offered him a mug of Ale but the creature just glared at the orc and slapped the mug away get that putrid out of my face I will lend you the aid of my children in return I demand safe Passage through the dark portal as well as age transporting some cargo through as well you want to go to Drano why my plans are my own orc but don't worry it will not hinder your plotting gothames considered the offer they needed dragons didn't really matter what color they were and if he accepted the bargain he would never have to deal with Rend ever again as long as this deathwing's plans didn't interrupt theirs there was no downside really very well they're from Lord Deathwing let us observe the proprieties shall we of course Lord's death win we will give your people and cargo safe passage but first I have a mission to accomplish in the north I need to retrieve some cargo of my own very well I shall speak to my children and inform them of this bargain when I return I shall help expedite this task of yours right death ring them buggered off and golfing waited until he was absolutely certain the creature was gone movie meanwhile two figures male and female waited patiently as Deathwing approached what news father they've agreed as I knew they would and ixia soon we shall have two worlds at our disposal instead of one but I have another task for you while I'm gone name it father and it shall be done there are still Orcs within BlackRock Spire they have severed ties with their King and refuse to rejoin the horde that leaves them ripe for the plucky when I return nefaria I want this Rend Blackhand you two will take control of the mountain and the Orcs living in it they will become our servants if our ingrained mirroring the expression of his father little could be easier we'll have the Orcs and their Mountain Fortress waiting for you excellent now I must return to our new allies and Aid them in their little tasks that they made them all quickly turn to mine once again Deathwing bug it off and inexia turned to her brother well shall we go see our new home in new subjects indeed we shall sister good sport ahead I think open the gates the heavy gates to Nether guard keep did indeed open to reveal danath trollbane waiting outside looking very tired and very scared who's in charge here sir state your name and business please I don't have time for that who's in charge I am death turned to see an old dish looking bloke in robes a dalaran wizard then that's troll Bane is it I thought you were with turaly that I've nodded but now is not the time for getting acquainted close the gate in arm your men the hoarder here khadgar's eyes widened but he didn't question that information simply signaled his men with a hand and they all rushed off to do that and make ready and stuff what happened Geraldine sent me with half the men we had at Stormwind we left as soon as we received your message but we were too late the Orcs have already rebuilt the portal they were waiting for us my boys they knew we weren't gonna make it so they covered my retreat to warn you I'm sorry for their loss but your warning does give us time to prepare if the horde does plan to invade Azeroth again they'll have to get past us first now the God was built for this they will not find this keeps so easily taken how are you gonna defend it doesn't look like you have that many soldiers and I don't see any Siege engines along the walls true but we're not without defenses or weapons you'll see well whatever you've got planned you'll love my sword as well there's only an hour later that the Orcs started to appear whilst both danath and khadgar stood atop the tallest parapet observing the Swarm approaching audio there's hundreds of them however khadgar did not seem concerned indeed not as many as during the second war though either they've lost most of their strength or they're holding back for some reason either way it doesn't matter we'll deal with whatever they throw at us you asked about the keeps defenses watch khadgar pointed down towards the walls and danath followed said Point all along them with splashes of color men and women clad in robes much like khadgars and as one they all raised their arms up in the air and started waving them about I thanked him then filled the air and then impressive how many times can they do that I expect we're about to find out meanwhile the reinforcements Australian had insisted on waiting for had arrived at Stormwind and so he Illyria arranges and a small army had set off on their Journey Southeast but something inside turalyon was telling him they needed to move quickly something was wrong maybe it was A Soldier's Instinct maybe it was his own insecurities who bloody knows but either way the ride felt like it was taking forever but eventually the ground beneath them started to turn all red and Dusty and as they pressed further into the dead landscape and the keep became visible on the horizon trollian drew his horse to a halt why are we stopping something's wrong hilarious Shield would hit her eyes from the glaring Sun so she could see better and then gasped it's under attack The Horde there must be hundreds of them the tone of her voice was half horror but also half Glee with a smile of hate and rage twisting her face again Australian recalled their conversation back at Stormwind it certainly looked like Illyria was going to get a chance to do a whole bunch of orc genociding today we're almost upon them we'll strike from behind pin the Orcs between the keeping us once we've defeated them we'll enter the keep itself and fought to fight their defenses in case there are more waves Australian then took a deep breath raised his hammer high and allowed the power of the light to amplify his voice for the alliance the rearmost Orcs heard turalyon shout but that didn't matter because they got straight and trampled and the next row were dead before they even had a chance to react cheers erupted from The Fortress itself as tyrellion and his men cleaved through the Orcs with hammers and axes and swords and stuff whilst deliria and her Rangers fired Arrow after Arrow at inhuman speeds didn't take long at all before they were all the way through to another God's Gates I came as fast as I could Australian turned to the man alongside khadgar and smiled Dennis I'm glad to see you're safe but where are you men dead by the Light all of them the Orcs had a nice little trap ready for us when we reached the valley my boys they sacrificed themselves so I could Retreat and warn khadgar of the Lord's approach they did the right thing as did you Australian then turned back to khadgar we need to figure out why they're attacking isn't it obvious they need to get past us to reach the rest of Azeroth no think about it they lacked the numbers to take this keep they must have known that this wasn't the entire horde it can't be so where are the rest why attack with only a partial Army that's a very good point one way to find out bring me an orc believe me I'll get out of him what we want to know the way danath said that Mater alien Flinch somewhat the look on his face mirrored that of hilarious pure hatred for all of their brutality and the pain they'd caused this world duralian still couldn't help but feel pity for whichever poor sod of an orc danath ended up questioning but he went ahead and nodded his approval to that plan anyway and Illyria wasted no time at all she had up one of the towers did her weird sign language towards a ranger below sure enough not three minutes later a ranger outside the gates Cried Out we've got one why are you attacking us now why hit nether guard when you aren't at full strength I'll show you strength the awkward and struggled against his buttons but didn't achieve much I don't think you quite understand I asked you a question you'd best answer it however the orc just spat right in danath's face danath unsheathed the dagger and leaned forward towards the orc wait Australian didn't like this torture was wrong and he highly doubted it would achieve much given the Orcs seemed to have quite a high threshold for pain anyway it might be another way to find out he could feel hilarious eyes on him Angry Eyes she'd obviously been quite excited to see what was going to happen next and felt like dralium was being a right puss but the Paladin closed his eyes slowed his breathing found his peace and from that place of calmness he reached out to the light itself and the slight tingly feeling as well as gasps and ooze at the fact that he was now glowing suggested that the light had answered now you will answer our questions and do so truly Australian placed his palm against the orc's forehead and the Orcs shrieked And wept it was glorious but also it was burning his head why attack now to distract you from the thefts there's all need States artifacts Simple Plan simple plans are often the best what artifacts though why would he need any such thing from our world and not from his own the orc shook its head and trembled he doesn't know he'd tell us if he did however before they could ask any other questions what news storm winter someone broke into the Royal Library the guards found bodies one of which died by orcax Orcs in the Royal Library perfect destruction damn it looks like that simple plan worked very well indeed what did they take the uh the book of medif fantastic dralian felt a knot form in the pit of his stomach the Spellbook of the greatest Mage in all the world and now the Orcs had it I need that book to close the portal what I'd even gul'dan create the thing that spell book tell me how to close it properly this isn't good look we can't worry about all this right now there's still Orcs outside and distraction or not it's our job to prevent them from spreading past this key once that's done we'll figure out our next steps each of the others nodded even Illyria seemed to approve you're right we can't solve a puzzle if we're dead all divide into two groups I need golfing stopped mid-sentence and glanced up happy noises what was all that about however Deathwing then walked up looking as perfectly human as he had before what did you think I would not return oh of course I did Deathwing frowned and golfing realized his words could be interpreted as arrogance so he quickly added I completely trusted a word Lord definitely and that seemed to appease the Great Dragon bloke somewhat so that was good we need to travel towards wreck from there to Delran where we ask for the aid of your children in this you may I will summon them now deathring then tilted his head back and opened his mouth far wider than any human should be able to and uttered a strange Rippling warble was Bloody weird and disturbing but it ended soon enough thankfully when Deathwing closed his mouth and his face went back to not being gross anymore there we are thanks the death knight then turned towards tagar and Fenris but he wasn't looking forward to telling them what they had to do next well task will be challenging with vital I need you to go to the soup of sargeras you send us to our deaths then of it all as an artifact there that was all requires you and explain what well done with all of his power he died there ripped to shreds by monstrous things guarding that horrible place I heard that only a few escaped the rest died screaming in agony evil lives in that Darkness coffee do you think I would send you in one of my own nights if I believe you would not be successful neither Fenris nor tagar had an answer for that exactly now as I was saying we must retrieve a certain artifact but not we'll explain everything once you've found it referred to the dark awful and be quick some forces will not be able to distract the alliance Forever both Chieftains nodded albeit still looking a little bit unhappy about the whole situation very deathly we know this island of which you speak a sharp flurry of noise filled the air sounding like heavy rain or something but looking up Gotham saw dark streaks in the sky that certainly were not raindrops they were dragons a buttload of them my children enough to accommodate both groups I think Deathwing then pointed to a particularly large Dragon sibelian he's my lieutenant in all things even a few companions will bear your Orcs to the island as for your jaunt to ultrac I'll take you there myself don't get full of yourself death knight I do not do it to show you respect I do it to ensure success my plans come to naught if you fail so I suggest you don't if you wish to remain alive or at least as alive as you are now death ring then smirked then started laughing like a maniac and then lifted his arms during a wind that sent goffend and the others flying buddy how was he doing was this all some kind of sick joke a Deathwing been toying with them this entire time his four men shifted changing to that of a dragon but not just any dragon the mightiest Dragon golfing did know however metal plates running along his spine radiating as if molten fire was burning beneath them trying to break through and the Death Knight couldn't help but wonder if that was why this creature was so meticulous about his human appearance because his real one was disfigured as come little Death Knight [Music] Deathwing lowered his head to the ground and gorphine went ahead and did as he was told climbing atop the beast's neck and without warning they were off soaring through the sky in the direction of altarak meanwhile Aiden perenold woke with a stir he'd been having a nightmare about a large reptilian Beast with red eyes looming over him laughing probably just a metaphor he thought nothing to worry about he rose from his bed muttering to himself life wasn't fair the Orcs were supposed to destroy everything and he was just saving his people big whoops but no those big green oafs went ahead and failed and the one thing they were supposed to be brilliant at destroying things they went ahead and lost didn't they and he was branded a traitor the doors to his chamber then suddenly burst open and before perenold could ask what the bloody hell was going on a bunch of Orcs entered and seized him they dragged him out of his Palace and plopped him on the ground in front of the scariest looking Dragon he'd ever seen no please I became paranol the voice didn't seem to emanate from the dragon's mouth seemed to be coming from its back we've come to speak with you with me why throwing the wall you form the truthy with the horde yes yes yes I did with doomhammer himself I'm an ally I wrote the book of medivh give it to me what the book why I don't have time for debate hand the spell book over now paranoid sort of considered his current situation and nodded I I know where it is I thought I might need a bargaining chip so I had it stolen the alliance claimed my throne in Kingdom because I helped your kind in the last war I will give it to you for a favor the writer didn't respond so Aiden went ahead and continued the alliance of stationed troops Here in My Kingdom to watch me and control me destroy them and the book is yours gophin considered this it was a simple enough request very well it's probably done we will return afterwards and he will tell us where to find the book and with that the dragon left skywood and was gone could it really be that simple trade an old spell book one that Perino couldn't even use anyway for its freedom and his Kingdom's Independence this was the best day ever what's going on father was that a dragon what did you say to them what have you done Allah didn't stared at his father shocked as the man started laughing damn it father I've spent two years trying to overcome the stigma you've cast on our family name two years you stupid selfish bastard but Aiden didn't give a wasn't even listening to his of a son anyway all he could hear were the sounds of ballista and screaming off in the distance the sounds of death and destruction and he'd never heard anything so beautiful in his entire life votes I thought civilian was flying us to the island it's too far for the black dragon to fly directly they're taking us to menethil Harbor we'll take their boats to complete the journey menethil that's the name of one of their kings yes it's an alliance Outpost but it's the closest port to the island Fenris still didn't look very happy about all this but there wasn't much he could do about it the dragons then set them down near the harbor not too near obviously because dragons are a bit noisy so the Orcs began their silent approach the rest of the way wait can't you just turn this into chilly wind like a few chapters ago no I was um I was such a golfing today or something okay then we only need a few boats we'll take those three there closest to the water move quickly kill anyone who gets in your way Stamos then turned to specifically address tagger and only those who get in your way keep your suffrages in line tagger we don't want anyone to sound the alarm let them we'll stir the water with their bones no remember what gorfin said we get in get out that's it fine good let's go the little Espionage Mission started off really well within moments a number of human and dwarf guards and Lookouts have been neutralized silently Infamous wondered if he'd perhaps been a bit harsh calling tagar's Warriors Savages they didn't seem so bad definitely not as undisciplined as it always um oh no no my leg it ain't my leg [Music] to the boats chaos erupted there's a whole bunch of humans and wolves seem to appear out of nowhere but the Orcs managed to reach the boats clamber aboard and cast off however ahead of them in the ocean Darkness a beacon fire flared to light this is then we should definitely be gone before they arrive row row with all your might so the Orcs did that and soon the little boats were skimming across the water thanks to the Orcs powerful muscly arms but it wasn't enough to destroy us can we fight them they're trained for the citizenship battle who wouldn't send a chance the Orcs continue to row as hard and fast as they could but it still wasn't enough the kolterian ships were gaining but as is tradition in Warcraft novels a dark shape then dropped from the clouds and Booth a whole bunch of the ships burst into flames and the remaining ones fell back seemingly deciding this probably wasn't worth it now giving up no no match for the dragons and they know it but something inside femris told him the humans were not in fact giving up after all this group of ragtag Orcs journey into the tomb of sargeras still had to come back at some point and the humans would very likely be waiting for them archmage and tinnitus sat in his study staring at a recently arrived scroll whilst frowning to his grave news Admiral proudmoor had reported the stolen boats from menethil Harbor the fact that it was a bunch of Orcs that did it and the worst part dragons but not just any dragons The Horde had managed to enlist the aid of the red dragonflight during the second war and that was hard enough to accept or believe but now they had help from the black dragons as well how could the alliance hope to stand against that a soft tap at the door then interrupted those thoughts enter crisis you left word that you wish to see me yes I left word months ago where have you been I had other business to attend to crisis was being a bit evasive which antonitus was not a big fan of other business you serve on the Kiran tour crisis in fact I should not have to remind you of if you cannot make time for such duties perhaps someone else should serve in your stead that is truly what you wish I will step down I would prefer to remain however and I promise you that dalaran and the Kirin tour currently have my utmost attention and tonight instead for a brief moment but then nodded he didn't really want a sack crisis like was cool powerful smart even if he was occasionally evasive take a look at this the ultimate then thrusts the report to crisis and watched as he read it with shock and horror growing on his face the black dragonflight my research leads me to believe the Red Dragons have no love for battle or Bloodshed they only served The Horde under duress but the black a pairing seems more logical and deliberate and much more dangerous I agree you are our resident expert on Dragon law do you think there's any way to stop them or at least limit their effectiveness I the alarm sounded quickly and suddenly and both Wizards locked eyes it took out tonight us a few seconds to identify which alarm it was and what that actually meant but eventually the Arcane Vault it's being breached well that wasn't good news the Arcane Vault stood near the heart of the Violet Citadel and was protected by the strongest possible Wards and Magics it held many of the city's most powerful artifacts so without another word crisis held out his hand antonitus grabbed it and the two teleported and as they arrived within the Vault and got their bearings at the sudden change of surroundings they saw several men mooching about except they weren't men not living breathing human men anyway bloody death Knights they were why were they here what did they want they certainly weren't hanging about near any of the weapons or destructive artifacts displayed around the room they appeared to be gathered in the center around another figure clutching something in his hand and as soon as antonidus pieced together what it was he kind of cracked himself he has the eye of dalaran as the arch Mage yelled that he'd already sprang into action casting a Mystic bolt with one hand while summoning the rest of the Kirin Tor with the other however as his Mystic bolt caught one of the death knights in the Torso another of the ghastly creatures raised his truncheon and launched an attack of his own and suddenly antoninus didn't feel so good like an icy hand had gripped his heart and started to squeeze and it wasn't a nice feeling luckily for him though another of the Kirin tour then appeared a dark-haired Elven lady buying antonitus a bit of tone to recover from the attack but as she cast an offensive spell setting two death Knights on fire they counted said spell and antonidus watched in horror as the Elven made his body contorted and her bones snapped so therea no Prince kel'thas another of the Kirin tour then arrived and as soon as he saw the fate of his friend and colleague he looked pretty pissed kill thus don't let them teleport the prince nodded and turned his full fury on The Intruders but the leader of the death knight simply snarled to me a few death Knights that remained obeyed forming back up around their leader who was still clutching the eye of dalaran and despite calthas's best efforts the death Knight's forms grow indistinct and they disappeared it's not over yet they can be followed and trapped and did I just then murmured yet another incantation and in an instant he crisis and kel'thas found themselves outside once again facing the death Knights assistant I'll give you that he was swifter in the vault but we are Swift to hear there is nowhere to run who said anything about running a strong wind then sprang up behind the Wizards causing them to stagger and as they turned they stayed in horror if you think we'd come alone because the largest dragon antonidas had ever seen and crisis who Stood Beside the archmage went extremely pale and uttered a single word Deathwing the mighty Dragon then swiveled his head at the sound of his name and fixed his eyes on crisis with a curious gaze whilst the death Knights went ahead and clambered atop the beast's back I have what I came for let us be off and off they went balls they'd failed the archmage and the rest of the Kirin Tor were charged with protecting this city and its people and tonight they'd sucked up both of those things one of their own had fallen and The Horde now had the eye of dalaran but what the bloody hell did they need it for femuris stared at the old ruined building ever so slightly confused he wasn't sure what he'd been expecting the tomb of sargeras to be like but it wasn't this place was covered in shells and Bones of sea creatures and stuff this is where we'll find gorphine's artifact it is here I can sense it keep inside then let's go why are we standing around sooner we go in the sooner we come back out feminist didn't exactly like tagar all that much especially after recent events but he couldn't agree more so without further Ado the group entered the inside of the building didn't look much better than the outside everywhere they looked they saw signs that this place had spent hundreds perhaps even thousands of years underwater erosion moss and coral mold and seaweed was Bloody everywhere however as they progressed deeper the Halls became cleaner and drier less degraded and now that he could see what this Temple must have been like back in its Heyday femoris was a little bit more impressed for about five seconds look blood tiger knelt by the smear on the wall and gave it a Sniff and then licked it all blood several years old likely the blood have fallen down for his warlocks we're getting close be on guard are you scared femuris afraid of what we might find of course I'm scared you idiot gul'dan was a traitor in a fall but he was still the most powerful warlock The Horde has ever seen and something in here killed him you'd have to be insane or stupid not to be afraid well I'm not afraid my point exactly Fenris thought but he didn't say it instead he allowed himself a small grin fine you go first then like that tagar whooped and stowed forward he didn't give a but a few corridors later as the group arrived at an intersection Ragnarok stopped what's wrong nothing I never mind the death knight then Strode off and Fenris shook his head please For the Love of All Things don't let them be lost fortunately after a few more corridors they found what they were looking for but unfortunately it was currently being held by a creature from some kind of nightmare a demon that's it has the scepter of sargeras you will not pass this tomb has already been defiled once it shall not happen again we don't want to pass we just want that scepter you're waving about you may try and take it from me and when you fall I shall shred your bodies and sub upon your souls well I'll crack your bones with my teeth and drink out the marrow you tag are excitedly went ahead and charged with his ax and Fenris once again cursed under his breath at his companion's recklessness before raising his own weapon it was a difficult battle hell if it wasn't for the Orcs bloodlust they probably would have lost but eventually the demon was toppled and Fenris picked up the scepter we have what we were sent for let's go all right this is the tomb of sargeras and you just killed it's called you that was one Guardian there will be others you mark my words we should we should get the eye of sargeras as well if you remember when I was confused earlier it was because I was sensing another artifact I want to call dance off I know where it is Ragnarok saw the look on femris's face and knew he wasn't going to convince the orc Chieftain with words you will come with me to retrieve the idol or what go ahead kill us where we stand femuris was pretty sure the Ragnarok was bluffing but he was kind of past the point of caring now anyway if this death knight truly forced him to go and retrieve another artifact in this forsaken place they were dead anyway but Ragnarok just sacked he'd been bluffing after all maybe but fools will live to see another day without another word femoris and tagar turned and walked off and after a few moments Ragnarok decided they were probably right and Bug it off as well several days or whatever later Fenris tagar and Ragnarok arrived back at the Blasted Lands sailing some of the way before being picked up by dragons and stuff do you have it yes we have it what now our past Sarah finished Azeroth is no longer important to us who written as I say family started to ask for more details about this plan but was interrupted by a loud rumbling and as he turned is there a mass Convoy of carts rolling into the valley deathwing's cargo he thought must be for a moment the thunderlord chieftain wondered what could possibly be so important the black dragon wanted it move to another world but then he thought ah whatevs never likely to get an answer to that question anyway however another walk in the vicinity was a little bit more Curious than Fenris and he started to approach one of the cuts and as soon as he got close the dragons that had borne Fenris and his group here went into Attack Mode screeching and looking very aggressive indeed Gore fiend what the hell is going on did you bring these creatures Graham hell's dream appeared out of nowhere seemingly just returning from his distraction assault on another guard keep I did the black dragons around new allies some allies you're gonna do something about your new winged friends before they kill us all golfing looked up studying the sky for a moment and then nodded I swear to you that I will defend those cards please pour your children back to the family's Edge and sure enough the dragons chilled out and bugging off all right then you get what you needed okay what's in the cards cargo I thought all we needed were the artifacts there's been a change of plans didn't worry about golfing then raised his voice magically so that everyone in the area could hear him those cards are under high personal protection anyone who interferes with them or even tries to look in them will answer to me several Orcs then sort of grumbled to themselves before moving on and fenridge just kind of shrugged this task is done the golfing wanted to play some other game that was between him and us all so it just kind of bluntly changed the subject with a different question instead how soon can we go through I need some of your plan to stay behind and defend the portal for a short time longer the universe can go through an hour if you like you too I need some of your own shoes famous frowned and nodded it wanted all of his plan to be able to return but he could understand goldfin's reasoning he then walked off towards his second malgrim stormhand and the two of them selected 12 Orcs that would stay behind none of which protested they were thunderlords they served The Horde but the rest of the clan then marched to the portal ascended the ramp and made their way through ah home at last all there was to do now was wait for new instructions from this all Infamous didn't mind that at all he'd had enough Intrigue and deception and plotting to last him a lifetime after all the torture and stuff from a few chapters ago khadgar retired for the night and a bowl of stew and then went to bed and now he was dreaming he knew he was dreaming because he wasn't in nether guard anymore he was in dalaran inside the Violet Citadel and because he was young again or rather back in his proper youthful body rather than the wrinkly old one medivh had given him welcome join me and tonight is poured and handed khadgar a glass of wine and the two of them stood silently for a moment thank you for the wine khadgar then gestured at his boyish face and Youthful body and for this I thought I would make this as pleasant as possible I've missed it being young I wouldn't change a thing but he did have to be stopped but sometimes I do miss it I know I take it this is no ordinary dream no unfortunately not I have grave news to impart a black dragonfly disallied itself with the horde Coco choked a little bit on his wine the black dragonfly but what if the red has two flights Immortal Enemies the red have not been seen for some time it may be that they finally broken the horde's control but the Orcs have found new allies and it seems to us willing once this time are they heading towards nethercat we don't know perhaps they've already been here and to Old track as well they stole the eye of dalaran khadgar what does The Horde want with that I don't know but they were here to specifically steal it a handful of death Knights managed to get past our defenses take it and use the dragons to escape dragons that also slaughtered the alliance forces at altarak no doubt that trait of paranoids come out I wonder how parenold managed that yet another mystery I know how much you're dealing with already khadka but I thought you should know yeah first the book of medivh now the eye of dalaranth why these specifically Kaka then set his wine glass down I should be getting back back to being a boy in an old man's body he thought back to dealing with Illyria and turalyon's back to fighting Orcs and closing portals and bearing the weight of the world on his shoulders fantastic good luck my boy and then it was over back to reality Kaka Rose and made his way outside venturalion and a few others all clustered around a new prisoner not an orc this time a death knight was about to send for you need my help with this one do was the light ineffective quite the contrary his reaction was so extreme I was afraid I was gonna kill him I thought maybe you could say no more you have a name death knight the creature didn't answer the question unless his name was me if that's the way you want to play it Gaga then summoned some power Focus that power into a beam and banged it right in the death knight's face your name he has Soul River good now how did The Horde reopen the portal that's all let's all useless open it's such a thing possible entirely this is all starting to make sense gul'dan worked with medivh to open the dark portal in the first place it's likely his remains would still have a link to it and therefore could be used to gain control over the rift just like the book of medivhagata noted the turalyon was sort of gesturing with his eyes suggesting the two of them step away for a private chat so he obliged what good news her forces are driving The Horde back towards the dark portal we receive word from Admiral proudmoor as well as other groups of Orcs seemingly running apparently a Band Of Orcs backed by black dragons if you can believe it stole some boats from menethil Harbor Gaga's side I can't believe it I just had a wait he said boats I I headed Southwest into the great sea Southwest what they're not running they were heading for the tomb of sargeras why the hell would the Orcs do that is dead and sargeras is gone Doom's empty isn't it sargeras is gone but that doesn't mean the tomb is empty the Orcs are seeking artifacts we know that the tomb was shielded so that no creature of Azeroth could enter but the Orcs were never from here the warnings would mean nothing to them just as I meant nothing to cool down Winnie that's it that's gotta be it kakka then rushed back over to the death knight prisoner why did nasal send off to the tomb of sargeras however the brief moment of respite had caused the prisoner to become a bit tight-lipped again so khadgar panned another bit of magic in his face tell us we care nothing for your world our destiny greater than you can imagine human I can do this all day Soul Ripper stop speaking in riddles and answer the damn question of sargeras better what about it [Music] spit it out he can open portals where the worlds cargo then immediately stopped tormenting the death knight and looks around at everyone same bloody look of horror on their faces as he imagined he had on his other wolves Worlds Without End innocence without number falling before then lightsabers I know it's difficult to grasp the Lord we faced was half crazed with desperation and hunger their world is dying and they needed to take ours but now they're going to open portals to countless other worlds and this same scenario is going to be repeated again and again and again khadgar continued to mansplain the situation petroleum wasn't listening because it was now his turn to have a Little Dream Vision his head was swimming and his heart was pounding right up until it felt like his heart stopped completely and in that moment light surrounded him and in that brilliant light he saw a crystalline floaty creature do not despair the light is with you no matter how fast the darkness light will scatter it no matter what world the light is there know this and go forward with a joyful heart to Rally Australian's heart began to beat once more and he found himself back at netherguard we can't let other innocent worlds have this Unleashed on them it ends here the light shines on other worlds than us and it needs our help there were a few resentful murmurings from nearby soldiers Australians shot them a bit of stink eye if you have something to say say it clearly sir why don't we just let them go if they have fresh worlds to take maybe they'll just go away and leave us alone even if that were true we can't just let that happen we can't save our world at the expensive countless innocent lives besides Elyria then strolled up to join the conversation what's to stop them from returning once they've got fat from Plunder would you like to battle a horde twice the size of the one faced during the second war completely United and with the ability to open portals from anywhere despite the fact that she was agreeing with him turalyon still couldn't help but feel disappointed by illyria's attitude it was pretty obvious she didn't give a about Otherworld she was still just as consumed with her or hatred and this was just another opportunity to kill a bunch of them however Illyria then turned towards turalyon noticed that he was staring at her and blushed sir out in the field we saw something you should be aware of Illyria continued with her report but khadgar was too deep in thought to pay attention something was still nagging at him something wasn't right oh I'm an idiot they're not losing they're retreating they found all the artifacts they needed and now they're returning to Draenor this entire invasion was just a fate the bound death knight glanced up at khadgar shock and fear in his eyes and he then suddenly surged to his feet the creature lungs towards khadgar not giving the wizard any time to react but a blinding flash of light then swelled and faded and where the death knight had been stood was now nothing but a pile of Ash are you all right yeah thanks it was the light not me typical turalyon modest as always were your bloody light killed him too fast we could have asked him about the carts I saw cuts explain I saw some Orcs going towards the portal black dragons accompanying them they had carts loads of them how do they need carts for they came for artifacts not souvenirs well I don't bloody know another puzzle piece just when I thought we'd finally figured it out we've got quite the task ahead of us we need to send an expedition into Drano we have to find and kill n' us all retrieve those artifacts and destroy the dark portal for good Australian nodded and turned to his soldiers same word to the alliance Kings the orders however duralian's orders were then cut off by a shriek in the air and a shadow passing overhead but it was nothing to worry about because it was a friendly shrieking Shadow what took you bad wins your arrival is most timely with a message to be delivered and quickly well as long as you promise me and my boys will get a crack at those green skins we'll take a message for you we'll need to dispatch several messages to the various leaders tell them this the Orcs are retreating to Drano but they've found the means to open new portals to other worlds cadron's eyes widened but he didn't interrupt they're taking cart loads of something they obviously value with them we do not yet know what but we intend to pursue them through the dark portal and stop them by any in all means necessary and you show that Australian didn't hesitate just nodded no hurry make that Griffin earn her dinner so the wild Hammer Scout's all saluted and then bug it off and now we prepare to leave our world behind the rest of the day and evening was jam-packed full of chaotic planning and stuff who should go who should stay behind what Provisions should they take what kind of Provisions did one even take when traveling to an entirely different world spare pair of punts of banana and some coloring pencils everybody had an opinion on the matter discussions turned to arguments arguments turn to insults at one point giralian thought Illyria and kurdrum were going to start beating the out of each other purely because neither could agree on how they should utilize the Griffins but eventually a plan was drafted one that everyone seemed okay with and now it was just a case of settling when this Alliance Expedition would set off should head out right now my Rangers can see as well if not better than the Orcs at night no we don't all have your vision and we're exhausted Australian's right we are exhausted the purpose here isn't to kill as many Orcs as possible and go down shouting battle cries it's to get to the other side with as many as we can so we can stop something bigger the comment wasn't particularly aimed at Illyria but turalyon suspected it struck home nonetheless mainly because her face went red then white and then she stormed off and for some reason call it instincts or thoughts of habit or something dralion automatically moved to follow but khadgar stopped him let her go talking to her now would just make things worse she's tired too none of us are thinking clearly when she's ready I'm sure she'll come to you come to me turalyum wondered what bloody hell is that supposed to mean Verana a moment illyria's second in command Verona nodded I have a special task for you one that goes beyond your military duties it's not modeling to think that I might not return but none of us might we do not yet know what we face on the other side Verona looked troubled but didn't interrupt if I do not come back I wish for you to Bear a message for me to my family tell them I took the fight to the orcsome world to avenge quell to lass to keep our people safe from future attacks tell them I went to try and save other worlds as well others who I pray will never know the pain of what we underwent tell them I chose this path and then whatever happens to me my heart is with them Larry then fumbled in a pouch for a few moments and pulled out three small necklaces each graced with a glowing beautiful gem an emerald a ruby and a sapphire and Verana gasped and she recognized them yes from the necklace my parents gave me I had it melted down in Stormwind three lockets made from it I will keep this one she selected the emerald one and fastened it round her own neck I wanted to give the other two to verisa and Sylvanas when I please take these home with you give them to my sisters tell them this way no matter what happens we'll always be together for around his eyes glistened with tears it was all very emotional and Illyria couldn't help but Envy her second's ability to weep freely you will return my lady and give these to your sisters yourself but for now I will keep them safe until you do this I swear for other than hug deliria tightly which caused deliria to stiffen somewhat she hadn't had any physical contact with anyone for a very long time not since ugh shut up heart but she let Verana hug her for a bit longer before dismissing her and then lingered allowing the fresh air to calm her a little bit however that was soon interrupted by the sound of footsteps and asaleria quickly faded into the Shadows she frowned as she realized it was terrarium so she very quietly and sneakily buggered off the turalyon remained standing alone in the Moonlight despite his advice to everyone else he wasn't going to get any sleep tonight but unfortunately in these moments of loneliness it didn't take long at all for his mind to go back as it always did to that night two years ago when his whole world had changed flashback time yeah Australian lifted his head to see Illyria illuminated by the dim orange glow of the fire standing in his tent Elyria By the Light you're drenched he immediately leapt up from his cot and rushed to her a thousand questions bouncing around his head when did she get back what had happened where the bloody hell was she in his tent and all of that could wait because she was soaked and shivering she was going to catch the death of cold here stand by the fire Elyria nodded and stretched out her hands to the warmth but something was very wrong she was usually so self-controlled almost haughty but tonight she looked troubled come on I'll get you some dry clothes so we did that he found a shirt breeches a tablet they wouldn't exactly fit her fantastically but at least they were dry yeah change into these I'll get you something hot to drink then we can talk Charlie and then turned away so that Illyria had some privacy actually blushing a little bit when he started to hear soft rustling behind him but he wasn't going to turn around like some kind of perv not until Illyria said it was okay however a pair of small hands then unexpectedly slid around his waist from behind and a slender figure pressed against his back oi for a second the ever so dutiful Paladin had absolutely no idea what to do but he then took her hands in his and the two of them then banged furiously do I really need to spell this out like I'm reading some kind of Mills and Boone's romance novel or something turalian's perfectly perpendicular penis something something bosoms anyway Illyria was gone by the time a terrarium woke the following morning and when he emerged from his tent he received news that shocked him to his core The Horde had cut their way through Quail to lass and Illyria had lost no fewer than 18 of her kin cousins Aunts Uncles nephews but worst of all a younger brother he'd rushed to find her the moment he'd heard the news but when his hands closed on her shoulder she drenched away when he tried to talk she brushed any words aside it was as if they'd never even been friends let alone the hot steamy night they'd just shared together it was in that moment the turalian felt something break inside him something he'd since pushed aside and let's scar over meanwhile back in the present but come from looked to where the half Olga was pointing so they do Hellscream clutched his ax go hell and his eyes brightened in anticipation of the slaughter to come but his eyes then narrowed as he saw the numbers flooding across the Dead Land towards them the alliance had come in force indeed where was that bold leader guy the one who'd left his men to die and ran away I'm particularly ached to kill that guy come little Alliance go how is thirsty back with the alliance turalyum reigned his horse as his group cleared the hills overlooking the portal there were a lot of Orcs down there this was not gonna be easy but there were two individuals amongst the ominous line of green beasts that stood out to turaly one of them possibly wasn't even an orc kinda looked like them but his skin was more yellowish Brown built larger and differently than the rest a powerful Warrior but not the leader no the one beside him with thick black hair and glowing red eyes that was the one son's a lotha attack and with that the lines troops streamed down the slopes and the battle was on it was a simple plan kill as many Orcs as they could whilst heading straight for the portal turelian fought fiercely swinging his hammer about like a maniac and close by him for illyrian seemingly having an absolute whale over time but she was getting careless too busy reveling in the slaughter of one hapless org to know it's another looming up behind her Illyria without hesitation to alien uttered his prayer and thrust his hands forward and white light struck the orc Square in the chest but Illyria didn't give a not even so much as a thank you she was already on her way to the next orc turalyon then turned his attention to the orc leader he'd spotted earlier The Brute was almost dancing through the alliance forces his ax cleaving through flesh to A Chorus of Screams but powerful as he was the Orcs was still outnumbered and you could see in the orc's face that he knew it the alliance was still pushing ever forward towards the portal so the orc leader went ahead and made a decision he turned and shouted something to a cloaked figure standing near the portal and the figure nodded and the leader then bellowed something else causing all the Orcs across the valley to start backing away and slowly retreat with the bloody hell are they up to now turalyon thought the cloaked figure by the portal then caught his eye again seemed to be messing about with something by one of the pillars Paladin couldn't make out exactly what it was but it was glistening in the light possibly metallic possibly mechanical what's the matter it's something by the portal mechanical like something the Gnomes would make or the Goblins do you think they're planning to retreat back through the portal and Destroyer behind them yes come on I'll hold them off and so turalyum battered his way through the Orcs cutting a path whilst khadgar followed closely behind and as soon as the way was clear the Mage rushed forward and sliced at the gloped figure's neck it was a strong slice should have been enough to kill anyone but the figure simply groaned in pain dropped the device he was messing about with and cheesed it kaggar then grabbed the strange machine and studied it it was ticking that's never a good sign so he went ahead and threw it upward as far as he could augmenting his strength with magic and it's a good thing he did because the thing then bloody exploded oh Ron got his bearings and immediately made his way towards the cloaked figure traitor you would kill us no no I swear I was told it was a shield told by who I I don't know Mel Court was said to do it helps cream was kind of furious even as far as he'd been aware the device was indeed supposed to be a shield something that would allow the Orcs to escape safely which means someone was a bloody liar was it gold fiend that's all and it was in that moment that Grom vowed to survive this battle so that he could find out and beat the crap out of them but survival was easier said than done the explosion had rattled his people they were gonna need a pep talk fight my Warsaw fight like the Orcs you are tell them to pieces for The Horde meanwhile again on the Alliance side of things well this is it each of you tell your units one more time that this is a voluntary Expedition I'll not forced any soldiers across worlds if they do not wish to danath nodded and went off to Bellow his orders Illyria turned to her Rangers and did the same and khadgar just sort of stood there gave to Rally in a reassuring smile however the Paladin did not smile back Illyria was almost killed earlier I was barely able to save her Australian she's a trained Warrior she can now fight both of us probably you know that that's not what I'm worried about I know she can handle herself but she's getting careless she gets she puts killing Orcs before her own safety takes on due risks well we're taking the fight to the Orcs maybe this will be good for her good for both of you drillion went ahead and chose to ignore that last part and turned his Focus to his own men sons are low thought we faced battle before we Face loss defeat but we've also known victory now we Face the unknown we take the fight to them and we stop them so they never trouble us or other innocent worlds ever again for the alliance Australian lifted his hammer and the soldiers all cheered and khadgar nodded to himself this was what both he and lothar had sensed in the young Paladin all those years ago but this priest turned holy Warrior would rise to the challenge he just wished tyrellion could see it himself but without any further hesitation the alliance force is charged and pushed their way all the way through the portal to the other side it was very bright and very hot took a few moments for khadgar's eyes to adjust but when they finally did he gasped The Cracked Red Baron plane that stretched before them was familiar as was the Blood Red Sky balls I'm only 22 khadgar thought thought I had more time what is it what's wrong but khadgar shook his head and forced a very fake smile nothing however absolutely no one believed that light so he corrected himself I've had visions of this place before I didn't think I'd have to face them so soon I'm sorry it just overwhelmed me for a second Larry frowned but she knew he wasn't going to explain any further plus she was having her own issues with their current surroundings she was an elf a child of forests and trees and growing healthy lands but this place was dead all the road it's paved with bones those monsters everyone fell silent hoping Illyria was mistaken this was no small path it was a road proper built for huge engines of War to Traverse for it to be paved with bones would mean hundreds no thousands of bodies but she was not mistaken merciful light it is all sat on his throne within Hellfire Citadel he hated this place it was hideous a disturbing distorted creation of jagged angles and corridors and walkways and stuff for no resemblance whatsoever to anything traditional orc buildings were supposed to be made of wood not dark stone and rough iron plus this place had a nasty history this Throne itself had once belonged to Blackhand who in turn was only really a puppet for gul'dan and his shadow Council and the whole bunch of them had spent many a time here in this place plotting and scheming and generally being dicks who's all dared not look out the window as he sat there he had no desire at all to see the desolate landscape stretching off into the distance but ignoring it wasn't going to make it go away was it death all around them this was why nasal painted a skull on his face every morning his world had died many of his people had died even his own idealism had died stop feeling sorry for yourself Lord leader went ahead and ignored the voice inside his head at first but as he turned and glanced at the skull of gul'dan flickering in the Torchlight he found himself responding to it we did much harm you and I springers don't call us both of us we could try to save them you'll skull my old Apprentice could be part of that maybe together we could give them a new chance but that's not what you really want is it my master it's all blinked a bit taken aback of course it is I've ever sought to hate my people that I've become death to them it sees me it's why I wear this once again as all touched the skull on his face whilst talking to a skull which I'm sure is some kind of metaphor or something perhaps it once was you are greater than that together we could the scuffling sound interrupted the conversation and it all turned to see gorfeind had entered the room along with another figure a human or Grace and confidence when something about him didn't ring true I had the artifacts and it all felt hope surging tied and waved the death knight forward eagerly so gorfield approached and revealed said artifacts the old chairman stared at each admiring them a big old book ooh a crystal the size of a man's head ooh and a long slender scepter ooh with these we will create new portals we will save the horse we must begin at once it will take some time to craft a spell of this magnitude and everything must be exact but with these three things we will not fail I told you this would work golfing looked pretty pleased with himself but then took a step back and motioned towards the human accompanying him we could not have retrieved the artifacts if not the black dragonflight Deathwing is their father and leader Deathwing I truly am surrounded by death and has all thought skulls death Knights are now standing before me a mighty being whose actual name has death in it the human's lips then curved into a smile that was not at all friendly to jam-packed full of mockery if really gave us the aid of his children in exchange for Passage through the Dark Horse for himself his skin and certain cargo he provided cargo what manner of cargo nothing you need worry about there was the subtlest hint of warning in deathwing's tone so things got real awkward and quiet for a moment until news all heard gul'dan's voice in his head again you see even now you fly with the dragon all unwitting you fly with the shadow of death that's all will you not embrace it has all really wanted to clap his hands to his ears but he knew that would be a futile gesture and it would make him look like a weirdo in front of his guests so he took a breath and calmed himself I thank you for your Aid Deathwing we are grateful Lord Deathwing of course Lord Deathwing however despite the seemingly obvious polite dismissal in this all's words Deathwing just carried on standing there it was there anything else we could help you with that is generous of you to offer Noble I would be lying if I said the skull you have over there did not intrigue me greatly bloody hell could Deathwing hear gul'dan's voice too certainly seemed that way come goodness all it's my understanding that with these trinkets I helped your friend obtain you have all the power you need to achieve your goals the skull is no longer necessary to you and I want it as always now fighting back Rising panic it was true he didn't need the skull anymore but he didn't want to hand it over either gul'dan had been his Apprentice if there was any knowledge still locked within that little Relic surely it belonged to them as all by right I grow impatient I don't think you want me to be impatient as well do you finally it has all found his voice looked like he didn't really have a choice in this please take the skull if you wish it it is a trifling thing but that Deathwing smiled straight over to the skull and grabbed it I must say I am pleased with our partnership seems to benefit us both know that if you should have need of us you have but to call I shall leave you for now and several of my children shall remain behind and heed all your commands death ring then nodded to both news all engulfing and then bug it off with the skull I wish she hadn't taken that well if it truly is not needed this is all price today I guess do you have any idea what he wants it for none for a moment let's all caught a glimpse of something deep within golfing's red glowing eyes and it alarmed him almost as much as the dragonlord's presence had gold fiend looked worried kagar stared up at the alien night sky through his telescope he quite liked the night sky in this world it wasn't red for a start made him feel safe he then noted a particularly bright star who was a lot closer to a constellation that he'd named turalyon's Hammer than it had been before how much longer damn it Illyria stop sneaking up on me like that Illyria looked khadgar up and down but then just sort of shrugged I can't help it if I move quietly besides you're so focused on the sky you'd fail to hear an ogre trundling up here how much longer the Mage sighed and thought back to a whole bunch of scenes leading up to this moment you can understand Delirious impatience they've been here for several months already after arriving on this world the group had been met by a large number of Orcs but the alliance emerged Victorious from that battle and gained a foothold by the portal shortly after that more troops and supplies came through courtesy of the alliance Kings and that had been a welcome sight however those supplies didn't last very long and further supplies didn't arrive at all and after sending a scouting party back through to Azeroth they've soon learned why the Orcs had regained their foothold on the other side turalyon had optimistically predicted that they'd be able to mount an assault within a month but with their supply line cut off that wasn't going to happen so the alliance peeps did the only thing they could do pushed inward spending the past few months gradually building this outpost on a hold wasn't completely finished but they'd managed to get the outer walls in a couple of buildings erected at least say what you will about the Orcs but they've never been stupid so why aren't they throwing everything in the kitchen sink at us I don't know I don't think we're too late to prevent us all from opening portals to other worlds and why he's not done so already I'm not certain he must need something else wouldn't it take massive amounts of power some very complex spell work maybe you spent all this time just working out the details doubtful it's complicated yes but I imagine he was working on that whilst the artifacts were being retrieved SEPTA book and I what else what is he waiting for now catgara permitted himself to bring along a few items on this Venture a ring that enabled him to understand any language as well as be understood and some books spell books mostly but there was one that once belonged to medivh wasn't a particularly important book but it did contain some notes about Draenor or more specifically it's Skies so khadgar would regularly amuse himself at Night by spotting and naming constellations whilst letting his mind chew on azul's mystery and it was one night doing that that the answer finally came to him sorta except to book an eye hey lost your mind of you laddy get the others we need to talk a few moments later when everyone had gathered and stuff torelli you first look through the telescope tell me what you see Australian looked at cat guy without a bafflement but obeyed I see Stars what am I supposed to be looking at constellations groups of stars what do they look like well one's kind of a square the others long and thin I can't see any other distinctive shapes you're not used to looking at them one of medivh's many areas of expertise was astronomy he had books with star maps of this world what the hell are you talking about lad look at this pekko then thrusts medev's star book into curdrin's hands what do you see constellation names stuff the tone and the Seer SEPTA book and I Elyria looked at khadgar a twinkle of admiration in her eyes son has all needed those artifacts because they correspond with this world's constellations yes and no there's much more once every 547 years there's a Celestial event which involves three stars see that reddish dot in the middle of the book that's the first thing that appears in about a month you'll be able to see a comet streaking through the scepter and at the next moon cycle the moon will be full right smack in the middle of the eye apparently it's quite the spectacle so if nazool has items to correspond to these constellations and he uses the artifacts at the right time the harmony so established sympathetic resonance Geralyn I don't think it would be possible to fail at any spell using that kind of energy dralion lifted his head from the telescope and uttered one word when 55 days and the power will last for three and back to the present where khadgar could finally answer illyria's question now that we're all caught up I can't rush the Stars illyrian we're one day closer than we were yesterday soon soon soon patience is a virtue I'm sick of the platitudes khadgar you know for an elf you're awfully impatient well for a human you're boring as I want to fight I'll be holed up here you don't want to fight Illyria you want to die that guy kind of regretted letting his temper get the best of him whilst deliria went very still what's that supposed to mean we've all seen it Illyria you rush out there on fire for blood on fire for your revenge you're reckless you fight badly Illyria and you didn't used to that's why turalyon keeps ordering you to stay close his word is gonna lose you his to lose I belong to no one but myself gaggar knew the best thing to do in this moment would be to drop the whole conversation but he couldn't with bloody sick of all this soap opera nonsense you don't even belong to yourself you belong to the dead but joining them won't bring them back and someone in this keep that could give you a life illyrian all you have to do is open yourself to something rare and wonderful instead of slamming doors Illyria went ahead and marched right up to khadgar's face how dare you say such things to me it's none of your business why do you care how I choose to live my life why do I care because I don't get to choose the confession burst out of khadgar before he could stop it and things got real awkward real fast he hadn't even really realized the truth himself but there it was out in the open naked for all to see I know you think our lives are shockingly brief our youths are even briefer well 10 years at the most I didn't even get that I became an old man at 17. I'm younger than teralion Illyria 22 and look at me I look like a raisin I just to watch the two of you throw away something I'll never have it bothers me it does but I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken it out on you no I'm sorry I didn't think a bit more awkward silence filled the air until kadgar side come on let's go find turaly and the others we need to finalize our plans sometime later Australian had asked deliria in her Rangers to go scalp The Citadel which you'd think they would have already done by this point but okay and now she was back with her report the place is enormous the walkways on the walls alone support dozens of Orcs little watchtowers here lyria indicated on the map where the watchtowers were which is attacked from this area here while you're distracting them I can send ranges in and dispatch the sentries then open the main gate so the rest of the fighting force can join us we'll attack from above keep them busy watch few Lads and losses charge across to finish the job Australian nodded but Illyria shook her head he'll be busy with your own problems kogan we've got dragons remember hey but only a handful Lassie we'll be killing him before you can blink drillian smiled at the wild Hammer's confidence but still nonetheless we best not assume any help from your Griffin Riders just in case khadgar can you do anything to negate their warlocks all their dragons I'm sure I can come up with something I have some ideas that might give your Griffins even more of an advantage and provide help for the soldiers as well great the plan was all starting to come together terrarium thought but now came the party dreaded we'll need someone to stay behind and be in charge of Honor hold eria I'd like that to be you you want me it's key for someone I trust to stay here send your Rangers to take out the sentries no any Soldier here would know how to hold this key my Rangers answered to me and I will not send them with you not if you order me to stay behind be reasonable reasonable I'm a veteran of more battles than you have years to rallying alleria you're you're reckless I've saved your life when and I've saved all of you more than once check our turn to both Dennis and curdrin and indicated that maybe they should all bugger off and leave these two to their argument and they all agreed that was a great idea and left Illyria you don't fight smart not anymore I can't keep watching it back to save you from yourself I have a right to Revenge they butchered my family my people you think Lilith would have wanted you to throw your life away what kind of Testament to his life would that be towards the first time turalyon had spoken of illyria's brother and he completely caught her off guard I know you're a good fighter just not Now lyrics the others I wasn't there for them I might have been able to do something but I wasn't there I stayed safe whilst they died tears now filled Delirious eyes and Geralyn inhaled swiftly so I did the next best thing I went after their murderers and it helped they kept pushing the pain away More Tears streamed down illyria's face cheeks which in turn caused some tears to start to well into alien's eyes as well his heart was breaking for it but she needed this she needed to grieve killing Orcs was no longer working for him no longer keeping the pain at Bay and she was starting to come undone by holding all of this in I can't stay behind don't ask me to I stayed behind the last time I won't watch someone I love go to his death while I suddenly illyria's arms were wrapped around to rallyon and her head was buried against his chest I'll never leave you behind I will never leave you and then they kissed and probably banged furiously again I don't know I'm just glad it's over to be honest and done and it's all sat back in his throne and allowed himself to feel a little bit smug it had taken several months of research and planning but the spell was now complete once the alignment occurred he'd be able to open the portals to other worlds and his people would once more have a home all thanks to him right only a few more days right then we can finally abandon this forsaken Place let's all glams to kill Rock thoughtfully the one-eyed Warrior had always impressed him certainly was smarter than many of the other Chieftains we have a journey ahead of us first I cannot risk the Spell failing we have the skies cooperating with us but we need the land as well I need to access the lay lights as many as possible General herself will power the spell that releases us from her diseased grip there's only one place ideal for such a task the temple of karabor kilrog's one eye widened the black Temple and it's all nodded and it is best not to reveal the disgust he felt the war against the draenei still bothered him still wrecked him with guilt it was pretty disrespectful to go traipsing through the ruins of their sacred Temple but as all knew the rest of the horde didn't really give a they didn't share that sentiment for them the death of the draenei was still a glorious Victory if I perform the right there we will definitely succeed all right then I'll make arrangements for us to depart at once the path where are we going Gaga stomped into the room with an arrow protruding from his shoulder one he apparently hadn't even noticed up until this moment as the others stared at it so he ripped it out with a grunt I must go to the black Temple when the stars align to open the new portals okay then I'll gather the troops no not yet some indent Target instead I'll speak with the four of you here and give you each your orders kargath hesitated Zone has all kind of barked at him now that gave kargath a bit of a kick up the ass so he bugged off and then kill Rog piped up again I'll send word to hellscreen no but they're still on Azeroth we need to let him in his Club know no we do not Grom hell scream already has his orders he's part of this plan as well Kill Rock didn't seem convinced you do not doubt my wisdom do you kill Rock thick tension filled the air but killrog eventually inclined his head of course not Shaman go gather your warriors then tell them to make ready we will depart shortly and so kill rub bug it off as well leaving his all on his Lonesome and as he sat there he wondered if the bomb had worked dorphine had assured him it would it must have worked because Graham hadn't returned red eyes blazing demanding blood so that was good Hellscream had always been difficult to manage and now he was no longer necessary a short while later kill rug returned nodding to confirm that his warriors were ready Gorham then arrived and then kargath and dentark not long after good you're all here I have completed the spell I knew you could do it master so you're going to the black Temple then and it's always surprised that golfing did already seem to have figured out the next step but not for long golfing had been a promising Shaman when he was younger than a powerful Warlock and his cunning had only increased even more since becoming a death knight he was going to be a problem soon yes it's the ideal place to cast the spell I can have the horde Warriors ready by Nightfall we'll leave behind a small Force to man The Walls here the rest will protect you along your way however golfing simply shook his head he loves will not fall for our rooms much longer but they realize we've been striking to dinner within their Hall they'll attack with their full strength yes which is why you'll remain here kargath with your clan hold off the alliance forces when they attack delay them as much as possible if you survive meet us at the temple kargath pailed slightly but then straightened saluted and stalked off they won't win they don't have to all he has to do is keep the alliance from following us long enough for me to complete the spell The Citadel is strong and the shattered handed tough they'll put up a good fight and the rest of our people will honor their memory on all the worlds we conquer in their name dentark winced but then fell in line of course but do not doubt kargath's loyalty or the prowess of his Warriors they will fight to the end yes as will you beg your pardon Master you need me at the black Temple my place is at your side your place is where I tell you it is there's all slapped demtag with sudden Fury and the ogre made his eyes widened with shock and fear your face the skull the anger inside and has all faded quickly and he touched the skull on his face felt the same as it always did so he ignored whatever nonsense Dental was trying to say the humans have Magi of their own someone must be here to stop them someone I can trust and that someone must be you why not go Fiend I have far more knowledge of Rifts and portals than you do as all needs my help with the ritual he's right I do need him with me then talk whilst I would have you there you can Aid me Far More by being here defeated the yoga nodded and accepted his orders I will do as you command master good I will leave the black dragons here to help in the battle go now coordinate with kargoth then talk then stalked off and once he was gone as all turned back to kill Rock and golfing are there your warriors and your death notes we leave it once alleria interalian emerged from his quarters in the early hours after their reconciliation to knowing grins on the faces of the other Alliance Expedition members but there was also a hint of genuine happiness in the air which was nice considering they all potentially faced death today but Illyria then bugged off quickly to discuss the finer details with her ranges and then returned to inform the others on their decisions we will douse the lights for 10 Heartbeats then re-light them if we've taken the Watchtower Australian nodded he was feeling much better about the idea of Illyria fighting out of sight now she had returned to herself again meaning she would no longer take any unnecessary risks his plan was pretty straightforward danath was to lead to the initial decoy charge engage the Orcs in combat allowing Illyria and her Rangers to open the gates and then turalyon would lead the main fighting force in this meant that danath and his men would be outnumbered for a little bit but not for long it'll be harrowing for a while he'll have to trust that all is going according to plan it's fine I trust you Turan plus this time we're the ones taking those green bastards by surprise my boys the ones I lost they'll be at peace and we drop the Orcs between two fronts Dennis however whatever terrarium was going to say danath waved it aside of No Death Wish don't worry about that I want to get home one day and I want to bring my lives home with me I don't want to write one more damned letter that begins with it is with deepest simple once again turalyon nodded and gripped his second shoulder everybody knew their part to play in this battle and now it was time to get it done Australian's group moved quickly and quietly through the night until reaching their position and then waited for the signal whilst waiting Charlie engaged at the Citadel was utterly hideous somehow angular but organic at the same time as if it was some kind of massive beast but then there up on the walkways one of the Lights Went Out drelly encountered to 10 and sure enough the light was then re-lit it's repeated until the final light was doused and re-lit and then the sound of human battle sharks filled here and the Thunder of Thieves Australian desperately wanted to charge in two but forced himself to wait the Rangers still needed time their opportunity to open the main gate would only come after the Orcs Manning it were called to fight danath's decoy Force every second that passed was Agony but eventually duralian heard the clashes of Steel and the Bellow of war cries the battle had begun it was finally time May the Holy Light Grant her strength they guide us in this endeavor leading us to Victory to honor and Glory Australian then started to glow and they lined soldiers behind him all cheered and then they charged right towards the gate to the Citadel and sure enough it started to open she did it of course she did sizzleria windrunner Elyria and her Rangers emerged from the gate but behind them followed a whole bunch of Orcs as well but there was no need for stealth anymore now that the gate was open so the main Alliance fighting force charged right through them and in a matter of minutes the rallying had fought his way through the courtyard up several flights of stairs all the way up to the citadel's ramparts from here you could gain a better overall view of how the battle was currently going most of the Orcs were still down below fighting the alliance head-on and there were long black figures circling above black dragons but they seem to be waiting for just the right moment to join the fight for some reason duralian then spotted danath fighting fiercely whilst covered in blood and gore it was not human blood though and it seemed like he hadn't lost many men at all thus far the light truly was with them they were winning however some Orcs then caught up with turalyon up on the walkway so he turned his attention to defending himself and just as he struck the last of them down a loud shriek came from above yes the dragons had decided to finally help but the alliance had prepared for this with a plan of their own thick cloud cover suddenly filled the sky and those clouds then broke apart to form a haze of fog above the Citadel making it slightly difficult to see anything and the fog also seemed to play tricks with sound as well so the dragons above all started flying in circles heads bobbing about trying to figure out what the bloody hell was going on seeking the source of the whooping sounds they could all hear but they didn't have to search for long because a small shape then plummeted out with the fog and attacked the remaining dragons will ruled their rage and hurtled towards the lone Griffin Rider only for a bunch more Griffins to drop from the clouds and attack as well even though each Dragon was easily four times the size of a single Griffon the wild hammers had agility and speed on their side look to turalyon as if kurdrin's earlier boast might in fact prove to be true if they kept this up the wild hammers would be done with those creatures soon enough to lend a hand down here one of the Griffins then broke away from the rest and swooped down towards Australian there were two peeps sat on its back one small and the other large and the larger one jumped down as soon as they were close enough I'll come help you when I'm done here gaggar gripped his staff in one hand whilst drawing a sword with the other there's someone in there an ogre Mage only to deal with him first drillion respected khadgar enough not to question him on the matter Zoe just nodded for the millionth time and then turned his attention to two other soldiers that were hurrying over we've cleared the north Wing good I'll leave a few men here the rest of you with me let's clear the rest of these bastards out khadgar made his way forward with his eyes and ears open he could send to the yoga but for some reason they didn't seem to be doing anything no spell casting no rituals they were simply waiting waiting for him he then stepped inside a tower and then into a large room appeared to be a throne room the throne itself was empty my master is gone a massive figure then stepped out from the Shadows there he was the yoga Mage gone yoga grinned revealing its sharp teeth and large fangs indeed he left here some time ago even now he's traveling to perform the ritual whilst your alliance is fighting its way past us we may die but our deaths will ensure that The Horde lives on and conquers Worlds Without End another faint khadgar thought getting tricked by the Orcs had gotten real old real fast nonetheless if we're fast enough we can still go after him we could first you'd have to get past me I'm Den tug of the Shadow Moon Clan an honorable Jewel then so be it khadgar of dalaran both combatants then raised their hands and panked a whole bunch of magic into each other's faces we're well matched more magic stuff then happened then Target clapped his hands together shrouding the room in darkness for a bit but katgar simply slammed his staff down causing a shock wave that split the darkness and then they panged a bit more magic in each other's faces or something but in an ironic turn of events gentard then charged directly towards khadgar and the human Mage simply sidestepped the attack sliced with his sword and cut the ogre down with a fatal blow GG then duck Gigi good news we hold the Citadel we were tricked as all isn't here he left well before the attack he must have taken the artifacts with him so it was all a diversion then and we fell for it Australian frowned trying to desperately think of a reason why this hadn't been a colossal waste of time still this was undoubted to leave the bulk of their worries and we crushed them we've taken their Citadel their military might is broken for good I no not field another Army again anytime soon danath approached his armor battered with several cuts on his arms legs and face but he didn't seem too bothered by his injuries you did a fine job danath but khadgar's discovered some ill news their leader isn't here well we best be after him then eh gerdrin and Illyria then joined luckily overhearing that last bit so turalyon didn't have to explain yet again the thing we've established like three times now do you know where they were going I don't but I can find out I know gul'dan's magical Aura from the war and I know the eye of dalaran I can trace both gaggar then closed his eyes and muttered something beneath his breath and the rest of the group waited patiently until kadgar's eyes suddenly snapped open again found them I mean there's a slight problem they're in two different locations what skull and the eye aren't together why wouldn't his all let either one out of his sight I don't know what he has the skull went North the eye went Southwest I sensed the book of medivh that way as well which makes me think that's the way it has all went and I need both the skull and the book I can't close the rift completely without them then we'll have to go after both danath I think you'd like to kill a few more rocks indeed I would sir the new girl Afton is all you've got a head start so gerdrin you and your Griffin Rider Scout ahead find them slow them down if you can Danos will follow with ground forces take some of my ranges with you they'll help with the scouting drillian smiled his thanks to Illyria before continuing your job is to destroy and us all and bring back those three artifacts consider it dunlut and with that gerdrin and danath saluted and buggered off and leaves us to get the skull and at all and the rest of the horde had been marching for about a week they'd reached terracotta Forest without any problems but one of kilrog's Warriors then caught up with them with their not so fantastic scalp report the alliance they're right behind us they must have taken Alpha Citadel faster than we expected he was supposed to hold them back how many are there the Scout then shook his head I couldn't get a clear count of them but there's a lot more than we have here that's for certain and they're moving at a frenzied Pace they're pushing themselves to their limits then eight lens one speed how long before that reach us two days at the most with their leader drives him like a madman Rouse the camp everyone up we marched through the night to put more distance between them and us and so within minutes the Orcs were on the move again but after further marching it became abundantly clear that the alliance was still closing the gap between them so they were going to need a new plan we could stand and fight they outnumber Us by a significant margin I hate to say it but if we Face them they'll Slaughter us and while I would gladly Die For The Horde as would my clan dying here will not get you to the black Temple so what are we supposed to do we could take shelter in the ruins of no that's days away we do not need to consider that just yet sweat was beating across killrog's brow at whatever nasal was about to suggest which surprised and amused The Horde leader somewhat kill Rod Deadeye a legendary figure known for his courage was afraid it is our only option we cannot run and we cannot fight so we must hide and the only place in this Forest we can effectively do that is a sudden change in the air interrupting us all again felt like a storm was brewing but all intense and concentrated and stuff on Instinct and it's all Dove to the ground and it was a good Instinct because a second later the hammer both in through the space where his head had been Griffins take cover chaos interrupted with hammers flying about and Orcs desperately trying to avoid them but they were kind of failing miserably at that and slaughtering us do something the death knight glared and it's all with a slow calculator relating green forming on his face he's got a handful of short human Pretenders and overgrown birds that is all I would have thought you would be able to handle such a pathetic attack but no matter I can if you're unable the bloody cheek of it skull of gul'dan had been right about gorfeind you should not speak to me so turangorfield you shall not do so again this all then Rose from his little hidey hole fueled by his anger clenched his fist and concentrated really hard and then a sudden furious wind slides through the air and that wind then snatched up a whole bunch of dry gray sand and proceeded to scour any dwarf and Griffin it came into contact with and by scour I mean Rob's skin clean off bones it was gross but also glorious within seconds there was nothing left of the poor sods but a pile of feathers blood and Flesh on the forest floor but nasal was nowhere near done he then waved his hands and a bunch of rocks dislodged from the Earth itself and shot upwards hurtling towards more of the wild hammers above forcing them to abandon their attacks and focus solely on evading was all then turned to go faint with a smug grin on his face and the Death Knight looked very surprised indeed hi sweetheart now let me see if I can add to the confusion Goffin then studied the forms doubting about overhead for a moment there that one I've seen him before he said leader goofy then raised his hands and boosh energy shot out and struck his Target the Griffin itself squawked in pain and began to plummet causing its right at the topple out of his saddle and although the Griffin did manage to shake off its injuries and regain control the dwarf couldn't fly so he went ahead and slammed into the ground there's all golfing and killrog then made their way over to it the being was bleeding from several gashes but his chest still Rose and fell regularly excellent now we have a captive Kill Rock then quickly bound the dwarf and then bellowed be gone winged pests and we will Slaughter and devour Your Leader while you watch and that worked any remaining wild hammers in the area decided they'd had enough disappeared and everything was nice and calm again we need to assess our losses and we should post Scouts to check out the rest of the alliance Army as all nodded but was currently a little bit distracted because he'd surprise himself with that immense Display of Power but the bloody hell of that come from sometime later we lost a full quarter of our forces and the rest of their army is still racing towards us clearly they accept the courts on their head to wound us and slow us down how far behind are they now and only one course of action remains we must go to arkendoon no not there don't be such a help we're out of options that is the only way we can hope to survive the alliance Army and reach the black Temple there has to be another if we go there it'll be the end of us it will not our condone is an unpleasant ruin and an ugly reminder of our past nothing more not all knew it was a little bit more than that but what if some of the tunnels must survive at least for a short length within them we may be able to defend ourselves without said protection the alliance forces will kill us all and our race will die with us that's all that's right but we must proceed with caution I have no wish to awaken something we cannot defeat it's settled then right gilrog I should hate to leave you behind kilrog swallowed hard and lowered his head that's all you know I'm afraid of nothing that lives nothing that I can fight and tear to Pieces but that place however kirog then sighed utterly defeated the bleeding Hollow Clan will go in as All Leads good between us we will be more than a match for anything that Waits within those walls now gather the Warriors who must reach the bone waste as soon as possible both Kill Rock and gorfin nodded but would have to fulfill their orders leaving the Zord to contemplate some things did the draenei dead truly linger in arkendoon would they blame him for the actions of his former Apprentice was these strange Cosmic entity the shadow Council had accidentally summoned within those ruins gonna cause some problems he sure as hell hoped not some more time later Lord Warriors came to a stop as they reached the edge of the forest and stared out with the bone wastes that lay before them it was an ugly desolate place even this all took a moment to take it all in but that moment was soon interrupted because the ground started to somewhat shake and as The Horde leader turned back towards the forest we found out why the alliance is right behind us into our conduit hurry move it you worthless cretins and so the Orcs all bloody cheesed it inside well the walls here are still structurally sound a few collapses but most of the ceilings remain and the floor is passable we can group our Warriors over there instead of a strong defensive post here Alliance will have a hard time digging us out some of the lower channels may still be attacked we should check those carefully before battery fourth if nothing else is there it might provide an even better stronghold kill Rod nodded and then sent some of his Warriors to go check those tunnels out but he did warn them not to stray too far then he gor fiend and is all settled in to discuss battle strategies and stuff but a few hours later one of kilrog's Scouts returned eyes wide with a faint smile on his lips there's something you need to see what is it we found something sir the Scout smile broadened into a full-blown grin which put in azul's mind at ease whenever they'd found this guy seemed pretty bloody happy about it so they went ahead and followed the Scout until eventually by the ancestors before them stood several figures an ogre and a bunch of Orcs as all didn't recognize them though and their clothing was very strange who are you and what are you doing here one of the Orcs stepped forward and spoke up is that you where's gul'dan oh Dan is dead nearly saw the death of us all for his own Twisted ambitions as all leads to horde once more The Stranger nodded apparently not very shocked by this news then I'd submit to your leadership missile I'm vulpill one of the Shadow Council though perhaps you do not recognize me four pill has all stared at The Stranger he remembered a war pill a promising young thunderlord Shaman but that ball pill had dark hair and a short beard and he was young this guy was old but golfing then stepped forward and studied the guy okay new here old friend full pill and the rest of the strangers hissed at the sight of Goldfield easy it's me golfing yes it feels like you trapped within that rotting meat what has happened to you what dead thing do you drape about your spirit like a cloak I inhabit the body of a creature called the humor that's why the races we encountered and we went to another world Azeroth one rule that created a portal to oh the world when our world was dying gul'dan opened a portal to another one it is there we met these humans golfing Spirit inhabits one of their corpses we'll tell you all about it later but right now we would hear your tail in our current plight what ply the ogre then stepped forward but not just any yoga a two-headed one and a warlock at that a rare creature indeed in fact there had only been two within gul'dan's Inner Circle choco all and video it is no not perhaps as you remember us it's true as all had seen black art mooching about back when gul'dan was in charge then he looked different now strange runes covered his flesh and he had eye patches and but I asked again what plight the alliance is right behind us the humans we spoke of earlier another Races they worked with we're outnumbered and cannot stand against them not without hate we cannot fall the Faith of Our People rest upon us all reaching the black Temple he will perform a right that will save us all both Lord pill and Blackheart nodded we've been here since gul'dan sent us to arkendoon to plunder it surviving Within These tunnels and hoping to one day return to the horde and now the horde has come to us we know these ruins well for they've been our home for years we'll fight these humans alongside you and help you defeat them I'll Crush any of you who stand against us our ancestors have smiled upon us to restore you to us in this hour of need one might even describe it as extremely convenient know that you are welcome in The Horde once more and will share in our people's Triumph we have them and all we have to do is go in and get them yes but not now one of valyria's Rangers named talthritar had somehow assumed the role of danath's advisor during their Pursuit Of The Horde he was in aloof bloke but often right about things we need to wait until morning by morning they'll have dug in if we attack now we can take them before they've had a chance to settle and build defenses look around you sir you may be ready to fight but your men are not it's growing dark and they're weary would you have them stumbling about underground blind to danger and too tired to defend themselves they killed kurdrum the news of kurdrin's fall that the wild hammers had brought back with them had not exactly boosted morale the soldiers were already exhausted from the brutal places that danath had set them and then a bunch of dwarves came back crying their eyes out saying kodron had died which put everyone in a really bad mood I know and you will not honor its Spirit if you take men too exhausted to fight to avenge him they will simply join him in death Darth growled but he knew telford's art was right he was always bright classic countries are one night will count one night rest and attack at first light A wise choice a few hours later when it was Dawn and stuff danath woke up to a bit of a surprise the soldiers appear to be building some kind of structure what's all this about we're only here one night all right so but some of the men thought this would be a good place for a fort didn't see no harm in italtazar then approached in light of the sacrifice of our Dwarven friends I thought it would be a good gesture we are after all an alliance and better to symbolize that than to start a strong altogether dareth stared at telfres are in disbelief you're the one who pointed out our bloody tired my Memoir and instead of resting you've got to build in a fort it's fine many hands make light work see the results for yourself kathras are then pointed and sure enough humans dwarves and elves were all stood together they still looked tired but they were happy smiling I guess all shunan anime is correct success really does come from hard work and the power of friendship your men were right not only does it have strategic value but this is the only place we've seen thus far on this planet that was not red and lifeless this Forest is still very much alive if we somehow return to these woods and complete what we began here today we shall name it the illyrian stronghold it is fitting the Orcs destroyed much of quelt alas so in return we will build claim this one green region left upon their forsaken world and if not these foundations will stand as a reminder to them anyway no speech but uh let's get those Orcs first eh one of the soldiers then pressed some food upon danath so he found a quiet place to go and eat it and then he went ahead and fell asleep again for some reason even though he was the one who wanted to get this attack started but a strange Eerie squawking sound soon stirred him awake so he left to his feet and went to investigate and he soon came across what looked like a pile of elves on top of something making an awful screeching sound step back the elves reluctantly Rose but maintained their firm grip on the thing and it was one of the strangest things Dallas had ever seen it was a humanoid creature had arms legs a face but not the face of a man the face of a bird what manner of creature are you and what are you doing skulking about our camp you're wasting your breath you can't understand our language Progressive yes it does but no harm he means does it blink to the creature wait say that again critic no harm he means no no only one to know who you be why you come Donna then glanced to tell thru just kind of shrugged your name is grizzik is it okay answer our questions and maybe we'll answer yours what are you griffic is our color old race all this may begin well Grizzly curious no harm so you keep saying why are you spying on us how do you know our language clever follow you listen close learn fast thank you strange curious or I recover friends of The Horde or their enemies that produced a particularly big reaction from the Birdman his feathers went all puffy and fear and hate them not bad ones I have seen But now at this point Dennis realized this aracoa bloke didn't pose any real threat so he nodded to the elves that were still holding him even water turned his wounds and then Dallas turned his Focus back to grizzak what do you mean not bad once explain harakoa ate some people who stayed for self but we want we watched teeth for drama we watched primitive walk but who could know Madness comes to Orcs what we now know critic then shivered oxen that one are not friends but they're not hate respect all right all right slow down aux and draenei draenei is in Draenor kind of his name they call worlds yeah they're proud of self the name whole world for self they're strong before you said there was a Madness the Orcs turned on these Janai yes [Music] they think so strong and good [Music] hide away so the Orcs wiped out an entire civilization Dennis then turned to talfreza sounds like The Horde did a practice run before coming to Azeroth indeed it does except Azeroth did not fall to the mystronaut has we were stronger luckier more like the whole civilization of peaceful people what a damn shame and back to Riddick again keep talking he said the draenei were peaceful but also powerful and the Orcs were primitive so how were they able to wipe out this Janai logs come together no longer separate they do have different Clans sounds as if they were not always a unified directed horde long ears gets it all United they grow strong cruel then turned from from myth critic pointed at a brown thing for this grizzak pointed at a green thing her skin turned color from brown to Green yes then green orc attack and slay Grana arakawa say we are next so we off grizzak looked sad for a moment but then pointed at the massive ruins through the trees and continued I can doon can I dead sleep there it is Holy wolf below grow windy all dead now a thought then occurred to danath have you been there to welcome you to these winding tunnels I have been down many times but why you wish to go there I am Dennis trollbane of the alliance we pursued the orcish horde here from our own world and I intend to see them all dead and their threat destroyed they're hiding in those tunnels and I could use your help to find them that was our shot a disapproving look towards danath but the Bold Ginger leader didn't give a grizzak seemed harmless enough he obviously hated The Horde if he could save them from getting lost in a maze that also happened to be a bloody Mausoleum Dallas was all for it I know away in way that even off who lived there do not know I know where they live and what's perfect new Orcs will pick that's that's incredibly useful information it was at this point the grizzak caught sight of a griffin perched nearby and he got very excited about it and rushed over to stroke the thing I've never done you know what do you think you did easy fergen they're called Griffins grizzak they're from our world each Griffin has a rider a wild Diamond dwarf like Ferg in here this one Grieves that's scary catering's Mount skyway's Ryder kurdrin was the leader of the wild hummus yeah fell in battle today ah prisoner I see him break upon the Orcs being captive with them into our can do look like that one red fur launching blue marks on skin very loud bloody hell curtain was alive to his dadath's turn to get really excited now we need to rescue him the dwarf knew the risks the mission must come before personal attachments curdrin is one of turalyon's most trusted lieutenants the fact that he's even alive means The Horde realizes he knows things they'd find very valuable if they can crack him we need to get him out of there before that happens and this area code can take us to him there's no doubt dangerous for you to help us so why do you do so you were both hot I hate them what they do to alacoa the world all right then let's do it sometime later grizzak had sketched out a basic map of arkendoon and its various tunnels whilst danath had formulated a plan of sorts and now the Birdman was leading them down a long dark tunnel yeah behind this death lead us down into our condone proper but beware can I Revere they're dead not like intrusion critic reached for the door only for it to unexpectedly swing open revealing a figure on the other side so Griffith went ahead and hid behind doneeth who stepped forward with sword in hand but it was not an orc not any race that danath had ever seen before pale blue skin that nearly glowed in the Torchlight strong and Noble features similar to that of an elf except for the tentacles on its chin and the Hooves on its feet the creature then spoke but in a strange alien language so there was no awkward silence for a bit until grizzac replied in the same dialect what is this creature what does it want certainly doesn't seem happy to see you I tell him I lead Noble Warriors here that's all the creature then looks danath dead in the eyes murmured something causing his staff to glow and then spoke again only this time in perfect common this creature tells me he lives you here what are you what is your goal here among the revered dead I apologize for the intrusion we would not disturb your dead nor you but the orchid has taken refuge in your tunnels they've captured our friend we seek to rescue him and defeat them yes the Orcs have invaded our tunnels they have laid claim to the shadow Labyrinth the deepest part of our condun and the least damaged it is there they will have taken your friend and there you will find the majority of their forces the majority some of the Orcs did not arrive recently they've been here for some years since before the explosion they reside in different tunnels they have solid this temple with their presence for far too long we'll soon fix that for you you have told me your purpose but now tell me what manner of creature you are many places I have traveled never once in your life before I am human we hail from Azeroth another world the Orcs forged a portal and invaded our world but we broke their army and pushed them back now we seek to seal the portal once and for all to protect our home and our people the being studied danath for a moment testing the truth of his words until finally it nodded that is a noble goal I am nemeron one of the last of the Arkham Knight we were the priests of our people we cared for the dead here in this Temple did a little bow and introduced themselves back was the polite thing to do I applaud your determination both in rescuing your friend and removing the horde's tank I can help you with both tasks if you will allow it I'd be grateful that then showed the draenei the crude map the grizzly had drawn them causing nimiron to chuckle to himself that one draw this for you he's been prowling our halls for years he knows little Beyond where to search for items to steal I meant no harm I not know anyone remain I never have taken anything if if you thought you'd get caught be careful with this one the arakawa were over a devious face and a selfish one he's been true to his word thus far and I believe him when he says he hates The Horde yes hate them all please we have common enemy that we do very well hello we will start fresh as of this moment the draenei then pulled something from his robe and started to doodle on the map soon enough he'd expanded it quite considerably the Orcs will be here come I will lead you to them and without another word memorand turned and started to walk off with his clopy Hooves and the rest followed have you lived here by yourself for these years there are others several of us survived towards attack and fled into the tunnels other drama joined us later but many of my people died in the explosion only a handful of us remain danath looked around wondering where these others might be but memorandum simply shook his head you will not see them though you may seem Noble and true it would not be wise to put the rest of my people at risk they will remain hidden whilst I Aid you so that if you do betray me my race will continue a wise precaution I'd have done the same after a bit more walking nemeran finally stopped at another door this marks the start of the Shadow Labyrinth behind here lies The Horde I would Aid you further if you will permit it though I warn you the aid I'm offering may prove unsettling to some what do you mean in my keeping of The Souls of all our departed at times of great need I may call upon them I would do so now they were relish the chance to cleanse these holes of the orcsfeld touch danath was a bit shaken by the idea being presented to him he knew the horde's death Knights were orc Spirits placed in human bodies so clearly Spirits could survive beyond death but he'd always been taught that the dead should be left to hell alone to rest in peace but if this draenei a protector of the Dead was alright with the idea then it was probably fine besides from a military standpoint they could certainly use all the help they could get I'm honored as long as it doesn't um disturb or anger them then we welcome the help nemiran smiled clearly pleased with danath's considerate response and then raised his staff a violet light then filled the tunnel and that light changed from Violet to blue to green and then to gold and then suddenly a whole bunch of ghostly draenei figures started to form all around them and they were all staring directly at daniff which made him feel a bit uncomfortable your soul is troubled of the alliance you grieved for the Fallen though you have I'm here with grief and rage in your heart the true reasons that drive you are good and just be at peace I am bullistron once known as the blinding light my Army and I shall Aid you in your struggle dareth was no longer afraid there was not sort of Peace within him now so that was nice we're in your debt Della then shook his head in an effort to clear it a little bit and fight back the tears of joy starting to form in his eyes and turn to talthuzar once we're in you're with me we have to find curtain and then the Bold Ginger leader turned to the rest of the men in his charge the Orcs are behind this door they don't know we're here and they're likely not expecting an attack for a few more hours so we have the element of surprise let's use it when that door opens in fact the first orc you see shout yell kick things out of your way we want them confused panicked and unsure of how many foes they face that'll leave him easy marks for our blows and now it was just time to open the bloody door and get on with it sure enough thanks to the element of surprise in army of draenei spirits danith is Elven Ranger followers and grizzak were able to pass through pretty much immediately the Arcana priest LED them into a smaller room at the center of which was a strange wooden thing and down to that was a little muscly baited bloke unconscious and Dennis lowered the wild Hammer from his restraints slightly in Shock by the state of their friend his arms were bent in unnatural ways and his flesh was almost cut to Pieces broken hands feet hell if it weren't for the fact he was still breathing they'd have judged him dead like I don't even know where to start I do your friend's Spirit clings to life only tenuously I can try to heal him or I can ease his Crossing if you would rather let him pass no I've seen too many please if you can heal him please do it Jonathan telfazar then stepped back to allow the priests some space so the Drone I got to work placing a hand on the dwarf's head and uttering some strange words and danath gasped softly as a pure gentle radiant surrounded nemoran's form he'd certainly seen this before this being from another world this draenei was wielding the very same power the turalyon had what do your worst jagrin skin beasties don't have placed a hand on the dwarf's shoulder it's all right good you're all right I have done all I could he is healed for the most part not all scars can be erased nor things that are broken made as they were before ah it's broken didn't know I had that much blood in me down a flat it's about Bloody time don't worry those beasties got not a word out of me you should rest ah rest is for the dead he's a wild Hammer that explanation probably didn't clarify or mean anything to the priest but he accepted it anyway so what's the plan lady who are your friends memorize the priest of the Dead one of the last of this place's Guardians you owe your life to him he healed you ah thank you the whale damage didn't forget such debts and that one's grizzik the arakoa he ate talks and guided us into this place from the forest plan danath then raised his sword the troops are storming the tunnel the rest of attacks soon and draw the Orcs attention away meanwhile we'll find us all and bring his head back on a pole arm I like the sound of that where is this awk Shaman then both curdrin and danath turned to nemeron hoping he knew the answer to that question the most defensible room is our former prayer Center that's where he's most likely to be found lead on then a few moments later after nemoran had led on and stuff yeah behind this door stand back Lads kogan wasn't exactly steady on his feet yet but there was no point in trying to stop him nothing was going to stop a dwarf that was desperate to reassure himself he could still fight so Dallas stood and watched as curdrum raised his hammer and shattered the entire bloody door and in the room Beyond it danath immediately saw several figures with two in particular standing out more than the rest a big one-eyed orc and an older looking one with a white skull painted on his face the older one immediately cheesed it through a door so danath gave Chase but he only made it halfway across the room before the big one-eyed bugger stepped forward and blocked his way I am Kill Rock dead I am Chieftain of the bleeding Hollow Clan I've slayed many humans you will not be the last you shall not pass so be it I'm Dennis trollbane commander of the alliance Army I've slain many Orcs And I'll probably kill you and then I will pass Dallas charged the hulking Beast slamming his shield full forcing to kill Rod's chest but the alt responded with an attack of his own however the temperature of the room then plummeted and danath smiled a cheeky knowing grin as a wave of bull lestrawn's Spirit Warriors flooded in and then it was just chaos Hill Road in Rage and sort of lost his a bit which gave the commander a bit of time to notice a strange droning noise it was coming from Beyond the Door that n'zul had cheesed it through balls wasn't as all starting his portal opening ritual here and now we need to break through now most of the other Orcs in the room had been cut down already but killrog still blocked the way and was showing no sign of giving up anytime soon but thanks to his small stature curdrin did manage to break through made his way to the other side of the room and once again smashed the door down with his hammer only to find that the room Beyond it was now completely empty and it's always gone again kilrog then grinned you did get past me I'll give you that when in the end you failed my master had gone to the black Temple to cast his spell and there's nothing you can do to stop him Worlds Without End will tremble before The Horde well at least you won't follow it fueled by his anger dareth charged the alt once again and after a bit of a scuffle he sliced the massive orc's neck with his sword by my blood The Horde lifts and then boosh Kierra Dead Eye was kill our dead guy well done light I failed how can we possibly stop them now I don't even know where this black Temple is what is it no can take you there a soldier then walked up Sir the Orcs are on the run some of them fled deeper into the tunnels though the soldier paused clearly expecting a reply and looked a bit puzzled when he didn't get one so kurdrin then nudged danath and whispered he's still in charge lad even if you feel you feel you can't elect your troops know it hey so danath straightened and met the Soldier's eyes let the Orcs run we know when as all went and we're gonna follow him we'll be making for a place called the black Temple number on come with us this is no place to live you can serve your people more by leaving here and returning to the world we'll even take you to Azeroth if you want truly your world must be a wondrous place to have produced such a people I appreciate your offer but no my place is here our dead remain in this world honorably laid to rest in arkhandun scattered in the forest even Paving the path the Orcs misnamed the path of Glory here they lie intrano so here I stay to tend them the Holy Light is placed us here for a reason someday it will triumph over all until then I rejoice in the knowledge that I have aided you and that you and your people carry the light as well go forth daneth trobin but I would ask a favor before you go name it do not let that one undo what the light has wrought a noble and fierce Warrior he is to be sure but wisdom marks a warrior as much as bravery nimaran was indicating kurdrin who was kind of grimacing a little bit in return I'll do what I can but you can see how stubborn he is don't worry we're on the right track that guy felt compelled to say that to the rest of the group as they sat there in awkward silent they looked like they needed some reassurance they traveled North from Hellfire Citadel and whereas danath and his group had been fortunate enough to get a nice change of scenery in the last few chapters with forests and tunnels and stuff khadgar to alien and Illyria were still very much stuck with cracked Earth Dusty soil and a red sky the only difference here really was a mountain range and a spiky one at that the skull's not far now are you certain yeah trust me I can sense its presence without even searching for it now it's close good I've had enough of this place I think we however Hilaria then raised a commanding hand for silence listen cat got strained as he is but they weren't as sharp as an elf's all they could hear was wind but then he heard something other than wind flapping Dragon gadgar desperately tried to duck for cover but before he could even move angry Roars filled the air and a bunch of small dark forms appeared above they don't look fully grown we can take them gadgar studied the creatures and realized turalyum was right what was it crisis had once called the younger ones Drake's they called Drake's not as strong as their parents but still dangerous turalyon nodded but now wasn't really the time for a natural history lesson arches fire at will Hilaria and others all started to loose their arrows striking a number of the little bastards and knocking them out of the air which in turn heart and the soldiers who were now just kind of waving their swords about and hoping for the best but despite that absolutely fantastic strategy the Drakes just kept coming right up until An Extremely Loud Roar stunned everyone rigid and the ground started to shake the Drake's then decided it was probably a good time to cheese it so they bug it off and turalyon turned to see one of the weirdest bloody creatures he'd ever seen what in the absolute bollocks that guy then glanced in the direction terrarium was looking and almost fell on his ass from shock the creature was monstrous easily twice the size of an ogre with skin as rough and thick as rock it then let out a bunch more Roars and guttural sounds causing more figures to emerge oh goods and this creature just communicated only one way to find out so khadgar put on the ring I mentioned about six chapters ago the one that lets him understand any language as well as be understood and attempted a plan that was so crazy it just might work wait to everyone's surprise the Behemoth actually paused we meant no offense whatever you're telling him isn't working khadgar damn it those drikes are circling back drillion was right the Drakes did indeed now seem to be coming back for some reason but that wasn't necessarily A Bad Thing the ogres in their Mass are all sprang into action hurling rocks and engaging the Drakes in combat meaning they were no longer focused on the alliance forces however khadgar sensed an opportunity here attacked the Drakes Delirious stared at the old wizard in disbelief the turalyon grinned and nodded he got it so the alliance members joined the fight focusing solely on the flying reptilian creatures until finally every last Drake had been smashed stabbed and or eaten and stuff do not run but could have stay in fight helped us we're not your enemies we only wish but before khadgar could continue to negotiate the truce the bloody ground started to shake yet again and for a moment he could swear that this giant Beast towering over him the one that had just a few moments ago swallowed a drake hole looked frightened which didn't exactly fill catgow with confidence a second monstrous Beast then Strode from the mountains this one even larger who you while you still live we're only passing through we aren't your enemies just let us go and we'll no you leave you speak speak of grunt speak of GrooVe hordecum no best you die Secrets stay safe Grand stay safe that God glance did the first creature he's been conversing with but that guy wasn't gonna help look like an infant that had just been caught taking a in the cookie jar this second creature was its parent that much was clear we will keep your secret we helped the gron with the dragons this one could tell you so himself that caused the giant that was presumably called gruel to scowl but it then glanced around and actually noticed the piles of black Drake corpses all over the place you Dragon Killers yes kill baby dragon smiley we do that not need help no you die wait what do you need help with you're too weak you cannot help maybe we can ask Bro went silent for a moment Black Wing great father Chuck cadgar a second to figure out what that meant but then his eyes widened Deathwing you want us to kill Deathwing now hold on a minute death Wing here and they want us to kill him that guy was as shocked as they were they'd known the black dragons where I lied with the horde seen a number of them at Hellfire Citadel but he'd really hoped that it was just lesser members of the dragonflight here on this other world not the bloody patriarch of the whole thing however what bloody Choice did they have yes of course do not worry we can handle Deathwing he won't be a problem for us Gaga did his best to ignore the death stares his friends were currently sending his way foolish but Brave grow like now prove it grow then gesture towards a particular Peak off in the near distance death wing kill help ground Red Mountain of pests then you pass but tell no one agreed grow then walked off towards deathwing's Peak didn't follow a mountain path just created a new one with his fists and the smaller Grant and ogres all followed as well what are you doing we're supposed to be looking for the skull or going up against Deathwing do you have any idea what that dragon is capable of Yes actually he's got the skull what the skull is right in front of us and so is Deathwing we'd have had to have confronted him regardless most likely wonderful you know I'm starting to wish I'd gone South with danathan kirgil not long later the alliance forces gruel and his mates had made it to the edge of a valley that led to deathwing's Peak and the Lion's folks were all a little bit shocked by what they saw within said Valley eggs a shitload of them pulsing and glowing well I guess that answers that question well those carts I saw the ones being transported to Drano protected by black dragons now we know what was in them and if they hatch the black dragons will overrun this entire world then we best make sure they don't hatch lyria raised her bow the caggar stopped her you might want to make those your first Target pointed above and illeria cursed as she saw the dark shapes flying towards them and so without further Ado the battle was on brawl went ahead and slapped a whole bunch of dragons out of the sky Illyria and other archers fired their arrows khadgar used his magic as did some of the ogres which was a bit weird any Drakes that were grounded were picked up by soldiers and tyrellion and other ogres at one point turalyon watched in horror as oga started ripping the Wings off Drake's in the same way a sociopathic child would torture a butterfly you know I'm not sure we're fighting the right enemy their tactics may be brutal but it's working once the fighting was over it was time to move on to the eggs however again sir alien seemed hesitant what's the matter dragon's are sentient creatures they think they feel it's one thing to fight the Drakes but these are babies Australian I love that Compassionate Heart of yours but you know what will happen if they're not killed now turaly and grimaced it was a tough one a difficult decision what to do what to do destroy the eggs so the alliance forces went ahead and killed a whole bunch of babies and just as tyrellion himself was smashing the last egg a loud shriek filled the air khadgar glanced up to see a huge Shadow launch itself from the peak its wings covering the entire Valley in darkness pull back to the valley wall khadgar and Illyria followed trailing's orders to cheese it to cover and once there khadgar studied this gargantuan foe it was definitely Deathwing and he really was massive inconceivably huge but there was one thing that struck khadgar as curious plates of silvery glinting metal running down the beast's spine and beneath those plates were glowing lines of red lava what was all that about oh and there was something else interesting about Deathwing he was holding something in his left forklore he has to skull with him nice of him to bring it to us but how the hell do we get it four disgusting cowardly wretches murderers of defenseless infants no torment and Madness before I devour you whole who will be the first to be burned to ashes death ring men narrowed his eyes and focused with Dreadful intent upon gruel you hi I am cruel greatest of gron this is my land my mountains you will not take them you go or end up like children deathrun then roared in Fury my children Perfection incarnate beautiful and defenseless deathwing's words then turned unintelligible as he howled and flailed in anger and grief guy was understandably very upset and khadgar kind of wished he'd listened to turalyon's reluctance to kill a bunch of babies Oh How brave of you such courage must have taken to smash shells and murder defenseless infants a pity you will not live to brag about such a noble feat the black aspect then flapped his wings causing a gust which sent gruel flying into a wall I've had many names throughout history notharian success I am the bane of Life the Lord of death and I tell you now that this world is mine never brull then launched himself a Deathwing and slammed into the beast's chest with such an impact the mountains around them cracked the Deathwing didn't give a is that all you have Deathwing snared and then raised his ripe folklore over the grunt's head almost as if about to squash an insect except that wasn't what he was doing it was a signal to a bunch more black dragons perched upon the Peaks around the valley and they were now all diving down directly towards the alliance forces attack another big battle then occurred which we're just gonna gloss over during which kagari kept one eye on the fight between gruel and Deathwing as much as he admired the Grand's courage he knew gruel was gonna lose hell the only reason he'd lasted this long was because Deathwing was likely toying with him they needed to get the skull before Deathwing got bored so khadgar raised his staff High muttered some words of power and struck Deathwing with the biggest bloody lightning bolt he could conjure hitting the Beast Square in the chest well struck little mage but I mastered such Magics Millennia before your race first learned of them you'll have to try much harder than that Deathwing then went right back to his fight with gruel whilst khadgar came to the realization that this was Bloody hopeless that was the strongest spell he knew and it achieved absolutely jack how the hell were they gonna appear as deathwing's armored hide wait Ahmed the metal plates that's it studying Deathwing again khadgar concluded that the black dragon was virtually made of lava and those metal plates were the only thing holding him together lightning hadn't worked fire spells would be useless the dragon's body likely burned at such a high heat the ice would be useless as well kaggar's most powerful Magics weren't going to touch the guy but what if he used one of his weakest what if he tried to use one of the first spells he'd ever learned at dalaran a simple parlor trick it was worth a try so kadgar squared his shoulders and raised his hands how entertaining have you not realized yet that your mightiest spells cannot harm me however the words within khadgar's incantation then registered and the dragon's eyes flew wide with alarm pathetic wretch I will silence you the Mage completed his casting and the metal plates around deathwing's body began to shift with several of them starting to fall away completely the dragon craned his neck to look at the damage and realized the tables had well and truly turned and turned back to khadgar absolutely Furious you may have won this battle but hear this and hear it well I have seen you Mage catguard gold a little bit terrified I burned your face into my memory rest assured I will come for you and with that the Destroyer unfilled his wings and Bug it off conveniently leaving the skull behind and also all the other black dragons buggered off too cause whatevs after the absolute Terror and shock wore off kaggar walked up and grabbed the skull only to be ever so slightly surprised when it started speaking human but powerful what great potential I sense here but that is to be expected is it not from medivh's Apprentice you can become stronger yet if you have the courage to to embrace your destiny I can teach you the blood and Slaughter are the keys to true kakash of the skull into a sack no thanks finally you'll gamble work khadgar brilliantly that's still the matter of n'zul and the rest of the artifacts but if the others succeed then we can finally close the portal for good Village up ahead this particular Scout Barack wasn't doing so well dried blood still coated aside seeping through the bandages they gripped for him after kargath bladefest had ordered his clan to abandon Hellfire Citadel and yet Barack was actually one of the least injured among kargath's little band I'll go on myself I'll make better time here quickly when I return we'll set out for the black Temple as kargoth walked he found himself wondering how the bloody hell it had all come to this when nasal had given him the order to stay behind and delay the alliance it had been pretty obvious that the shaman did not expect them to survive and although death in battle wasn't a problem for kargath or any of his shattered hand orbs those dying with honor and then there's dying for no reason whatsoever gargoth stalked on noting the landscape around him most of Draenor resembled Hellfire Peninsula these days but for some reason this place was still green with grass and bushes and stuff nagrand had clearly not been touched by the same desolation as the rest of the world to still a healthy place which was a bit ironic really considering it was home to an entire Village of sick and weakened Orcs climbing a low Hill kargath finally spotted the village and for a second he entertained the notion of bringing his Warriors here chasing out the current inhabitants and just claiming the place as their own let the war pass by as all didn't expect to see them again anyway but no bad kargath he'd sworn an oath to fight for the horde they wouldn't be able to live with himself if he just gave up on it all now and became a farmer or something plus having a sword for a hand would probably make driving a tractor quite difficult so we went ahead and walked down the hill approached the village but came to a halt about 100 feet away just to be safe from the lurgy great mother Gaya walks inside the village looked up startled and then disappeared into nearby Huts hopefully one of them was off to summon Gaia kagath thought and sure enough a moment later she emerged and stomped towards him who's there gargoth blade fist Chieftain of the shattered hand cargoth I've not seen you for many a year what do you want here an alliance Army has invaded drama they've overthrown Hellfire Citadel and will be marching on the black Temple soon oh yeah and what's that to me both monuments of War those places we're better off with them gone I need worries any walk able to fight must come with me at once are you mad this is a village of the sick you want to add to their suffering by dragging them into your foolish War why should they fight why should any of us you invaded the humans world this is the consequence God got snowed as his anger began to outweigh his fear we're all part of The Horde all One race we survive or fall together as all says he can get us off this hell hole if he can get to the black Temple and hold off the alliance long enough you can have an entire world to yourself for you and your patience what's wrong with this world guy adjusted at the lovely nagrand landscape I like it just fine this world is dying only part of it the part you and your full warlocks have tainted the grand is vibrant as ever it is Maga uncorrupted and so are its people they may be sick with the red pox even dying from it but at least their pocked skin is brown not foul by the horde's dark magics it is your duty all your warriors must come with me at once but that okay just laughed you want them get them yourself go on walk right on into the village drag them out with their sick beds take them with you to your War gargoth glance passkey had to see a number of Orcs had re-emerge from their Huts to watch The Exchange they don't look so sick to me the Chatterton Chieftain then pushed past Gaya towards the Huts however as he drew closer still he saw one particular orc he recognized absolutely covered in red pustules that were sleeping nasty goo Garrosh what has happened why are you here is it the horde is it my father Garrosh Hellscream son of Grom then fell to his knees and coughed up a whole bunch of blood and bile I warned you now to exert yourself the pox is still upon you you're nowhere near well enough to leave your bed go then glad at kargath again do you want him to join you for battle are these the Warriors you'd hoped to find no they are no worries they're not even Orcs anymore they're useless Gaga then returned to glare back again and a Garrosh and the rest of the Orcs behind them you pathetic weaklings do the horde of favor and die here if you can't help defend your people you have no right to live and with that he turned and stalked off there was nothing for it now but to take his remaining Warriors and disappear into the hills they lacked the numbers to make a difference at the black Temple the better option was to take what few soldiers he had left find some place to hold up and rebuild and then when they were strong enough reclaim the Citadel and the rest of the land from there meanwhile back within the village back to bed with you what did he say was it was it about my father is he still alive Gail looked away unable to meet the Hope flickering in the young walk's face she had no bloody idea if Grom still lived but she knew all about the guy is savagery his appetite for violence he'd been the first to give himself to gul'dan's foul magic even if he did still live he was most certainly Beyond Redemption he didn't say anything about your father I'm sure he's alive and well those kargath would have mentioned it horlads Australian looked up relieved to see that the dark shape in the air was not yet another Dragon it was curdrin I'm glad to see you all those green beasts captured me they did nearly didn't make it well I'm glad you escaped they rescue that was and healed upright proper the lad danath sprung me stormed their great ruined found himself a strange looking friend there that could teach even eat a thing or two about healing with the light good thing he did too because uh I wasn't at my best Charlie looked at his friend with admiration curdrin had basically just admitted he was at death store despite the fact that likely wounded his pride quite a bit unfortunately nizul got away him and his pet Death Knight cast a spell that sent them straight to the black Temple we couldn't they stop him don't worry I'm sure you did your best I'm just glad you're okay Australian then stroked his chin and considered curdrin's report the black Temple sounds ominous what do we know about it name much but this fella can take us to it Australian them raised an eyebrow as a bird bloke walked up this is glizzic he led Dana think that I can do I can tell you a black Temple I know what and where is this is this your benefactor the one who healed you nay nay that was a did I know it's complicated then what are you I arakawa we're born of this world long of arakawa kept to ourselves it'll have we to do with Orcs And don't I then oak throws up banded together formed hard floated draenei I can do him with a draenei burial City and black Temple not fairs as well though it was not cold that day then I made last stand there but Orcs are sorcerer go down be very strong he altered Earth itself race great volcano gul'dan eh khadgar then pulled the skull out of his little bag here's all that's left of him he won't be causing any more trouble critics eyes then widened who flew Gordon no someone else got to him first but we destroyed the horde's power broke one of its major strongholds now we just need to reach the black Temple find us all and kill him I can show you away Australian then glanced to kurdrin again who just kind of shrugged foot subtle but the unspoken conversation was basically can we trust him with kurdrum responding I don't know but they didn't really have much Choice thank you Grizzy we welcome the help we'll draw up a rough map tonight based on grizic's information tomorrow I'd like you to head back to danath curdle we'll decide where to meet up for the final assault I that's a fine plan now what's a dwarf got to do to get some alien food around here several days later turalyon's group had head back to Hellfire Peninsula and griddick had then LED them Southeast to a region known as Shadow Moon Valley at which point they'd reunited with danith and the rest of the alliance Army and they'd not been idle they'd already began building yet another Fortune's idea he felt we'd need a place where we could keep an eye on things it struck us both as a good Vantage Point Australian nodded it was indeed a good vantage point from here they could see all the way across the valley towards a strange place a giant volcano probably the one that Grizzly had mentioned stood at the center with lava flowing from it obviously but the lava was Green fell Magic purists I've ever seen I don't even want to know what sort of spells cooldown work to cause this it's a violation of nature itself no wonder this world is dying gaggar then turned to curdrin and frowned keep your people as far away from it as possible don't enter the valley any more than necessary all right we've already scouted anyway gerdrin then pulled out a sketched map the black Temple was there at the far East End there's no easy way out from it either any sign of nazul hi he's there and those death Knights as well plus some Orcs but not many we've gotten pinned they'll may be going anywhere good now we just need to get over there ourselves kakka you're the key here we need you to take out nazole and stop his spell Illyria you and your Rangers protect him from long range attacks shoot down anything that even looks his way I'll be right beside him to take care of anything close by we smashed through their defenses killing us all grab the artifacts and get the hell out agreed absolutely the rest of the group nodded as well so that was settled dorelli and then said a quick prayer and called Down the Lights protection upon each of his companions and then they were off the alliance charged across the valley leaving only a handful of peeps to guard the camp they raised around the volcano and soon enough the black Temple was in sight it was enormous carved of some stone that had perhaps once been vibrant and bright but was now covered in Ash however Australian took in the sights the ground beneath them started to rock and lightning shattered the skies with a sudden loud boom what's going on that's all he's begun his spell can we still stop him I can just get me there in time Dragon raised his hammer and summoned his faith doing his glowy light bulb thing to which the alliance though just cheered as they always do and the alliance Commander then charged he was shining so bright that the Orcs within the temple grounds were blinded by his approach making it pretty easy for him to master a whole bunch of them right up until an important character stepped out into his path well if life does not frighten me gophin then lifted the strange weapon he held which started to Glow with its own multi-colored light and duralian could sense that whatever this energy was it was attempting to overpower his the Holy Light is all that you are not monster if you don't fear it then embrace it drillion fired off a burst of light like a missile which struck the death knight and that achieved absolutely nothing so the death knight then took his turn raising his truncheon and shooting some kind of Shadow from it the darkness engulfed terrarium smothering his light in his Limbs and it felt absolutely awful and as he fell to the ground gasping for air his mind raced with imposter syndrome thoughts about how he was as a leader I would let his men to their Doom how he should be absolutely ashamed of himself he'd let everyone down khadgar danath curtain Illyria as her name popped into the Paladin's head his attitude started to change he'd led the soldiers the best way he'd known how sure he wasn't handling lotha only lothar could be lotha he was terrarian and the light was with him so he took a shallow breath and started to pray the dark tendrils around him started to melt away retreating from the Pure White Radiance he was now emanating and then he smashed his hammer right into gorphine's face however again the attack barely achieved anything cannot win I'm already dead what is the worst you could do to me the same old I always do Australian then lungs towards golfing summoning his faith and glowing for the millionth time Channel said light into his hammer brought that hammer down as hard as he possibly could and cleaved clean through his Target causing gorphine's dead flesh to collapse Obi-Wan style into a soggy stinky Heap on the floor but a horrific whaling then filled the air with a jagged shrieking wisp twisting out of the body and although the Paladin tried to swing his hammer once more he was a fraction too late and terrigorphine's soul buggered off into the sky what was all that about Australian come on elyria's Sudden command startled to Rally in somewhat but then he remembered they were actually in a bit of a hurry so he pressed forward golfing had been the last remaining barrier between them and the temple itself so now they could go inside and end this all stood atop the roof of the black temple in the center of an inscribed Circle above him the sky flashed with green lightning as the conjunction of The Watcher the staff and the Tome reached its peak the orc Shaman could send drano's Ley lines he could feel them in his fingers and toes he could feel the entire world trembling in his grasp this was why the draenei had built their Great temple here this was why it was the only place and as all could cast his spell from here he could literally tap into the entire planet for its power and as we all know draining power from the planet is always a brilliant idea and never has any bad consequences around us all were several death Knights and a few warlocks aiding in the spell whilst Beyond them were a number of Shadow and Orcs Warriors who were there for protection and it's a good thing they were because a short while ago the alliance forces had crashed against the black temple with full Fury it was only a matter of time before they breached it but they'd be too late as all thought he then raised the scepter of sargeras with one hand and the eye of dalaran with the other both started to Glow pulsing with strength and as all then started to float Rising higher and higher now with a single quick slashing gesture of the scepter the shaman then tore through the curtains of the cosmos itself and the world started to shake many of the other participants staggered and fell to their knees but as all didn't give a you could feel the power Reaching Across reality the energy is leaping forward grasping at something something solid there another world and then a rift was open success and what's this not just one Rift there's all consents there were others opening as well all across Journal double success he could send Scouts through each one they could conquer many worlds each Clan could have its own and then no one would be able to stop the horde however those thoughts and feelings of elation were soon interrupted when one of the shadowmoon Orcs piped up hurry up what's silence in that small moment of distraction the eye of dalaran kind of twitched a little bit in his old hand he frowned and clutched it harder but it seemed to be writhing like a fish and before nizor could process what was happening the artifact then left from his palm flew through the air and came to rest in the hand of a wrinkly old human wizard behind the angry looking wizard bloke was another human full armor and glowing a blinding white light and beside him an Elven female with a face full of stink eye and an arrow knocked the names directly towards n'zhul how dare they he thought how dare they interrupt My Moment Of Glory the eye will not serve you when you are dust completely outraged and has all raised his hands and the ground beneath the alliance Intruders cracked with Jagged bits popping up and hurling themselves towards The Interlopers and although they managed to duck and weave and avoid most of that gale force wind then snatched them up causing them to hover hopelessly in the air for a bit lazul took great pleasure in watching them bob up and down looking really annoyed however time was of the essence and all that through the rift no glory and fresh will to wait us however the shadow Moon awk from before then piped up again we should kill these Alliance scum and then gather the rest of the horde we can't just leave them one of our brothers grabbing the warsong is still on Azeroth there are females and children still scattered all over we cannot abandon them to do so would be the most cowardly gutless something then snapped in this all as one of his own Clan lectured him and it was in that moment that he realized that his guilt his shame his need to do good for his people he was all just holding him back without those things he could finally be free so he went ahead and just Palpatine lightning to the post odd didn't even give the guy any kind of retort just fried him to Ash as all then turned to the rest of the Orcs who stared in shock and disbelief the rest of the horde is lost they've served their purpose I Am The Horde and I will survive choose me or choose death those weren't exactly fantastic options but the Orcs nodded and rushed towards the rift and it all went ahead and rushed through it too with the damn thing Vanishing as soon as he'd stepped through it but now that he was gone the pesky wind holding turaly and khadgar and Illyria dissipated as well too late well you've got the eye of dalaran back that's got to count for something I don't know I don't know the spell he was using I don't know how to find whatever world that riff took him to even if I could open a portal we have no idea of the destination Gaga looked utterly defeated but he then noticed the inscribed circle on the temple roof and started muttering to himself what is it power more power than I've ever felt in any one place save medivh's Tower so that's why what I'd wondered why does all abandoned Hellfire Citadel instead of just casting his spell there but he couldn't he needed the magic here to fuel it does that help us any I'm not sure perhaps khadgar then entered the circle and immediately regretted it and started screaming like a maniac such power it poured through him like wildfire sending every sense into overload as all was a shaman not a mage his Magics came from the elements from the world itself for nasal standing in this circle would have been like tapping into something he already had quite a bit of experience with but for khadgar it was an entirely new experience one he built absolutely no tolerance for whatsoever but he hadn't earned his archmage title for nothing he was a master of magic and whilst this was new it was still magic he could bloody handle it so he reigned in his senses took some deep breaths or something concentrated really hard and then boosh with a clear head and a full grasp with the situation we can now analyze what the hell all this power was trying to tell him oh no what the Rifts and his all didn't just open one he opened many too many all over this poor world the scope of this I don't think Daniel can bear it can't hold it both Australian and Illyria looked at each other and then back to khadgar what do we do and how long do we have but before khadgar could answer the world answered for him the temple itself started to shudder the volcano nearby roared and ejaculated many of the mountains around Shadow Moon Valley trembled with huge sections cracking loose and tumbling down it was absolute chaos and if that wasn't bad enough a sudden realization then hit khadgar making him feel even more depressed about the entire situation Azeroth it's in danger we have to get back to the portal now do you have what you need to close it I have the skull The book must be here somewhere I'll find it duralian nodded all right I'll rally the troops there's no time that guy then grabbed her alien's shoulders don't you understand I'm sorry turaly and truly but if I can't shut down the portal right away Drano will take Azeroth down with it cat guy watched there's a realization dawned with into alien's eyes and felt an absolute gut punch at the Grim resignation that followed it we'll take the Griffins the fastest way back but I will speak to the Troops before we go they deserve that at least while Australian and delirium buggered off to explain the situation to the Troops khadgar got a move on to try and find the book of medivh natal had still been clutching the scepter of sargeras when he disappeared through the rift but that wasn't a big issue probably a good thing really the further away that a cursed item was from Azeroth the better but where was the damn book Kaka then tried his little tracking sense thingy but there was far too much magic in the air clouding his ability to sense anything clearly however a weird noise then caught his attention lo and behold the shadow Moon orc that nizul had apparently fried to Ash a short while ago was still alive somehow I am no Shaman well I'm smart enough to know that you need this God guy looked down and was extremely pleased to see the book of medivh but despite the fact that this orc was most definitely dying khadgar was still a little bit wary that this could be some kind of trap why would you give this to me I am your enemy you are at least an honorable Foe and is all betrayed us promised us a new start but as soon as I can't feel my legs to be honest mate I'm surprised you can feel anything what were you saying about Missouri as soon as what as soon as he found safety he fled we were nothing to him the Orcs eyes then flashed with one final spark my last Act is to defy him so take it take it curse you make him pay for his treachery I promise you we'll do everything we can to stop him Irish then died but there wasn't really any time to make a big song and dance about it cat God now had the book so he immediately began skimming it and soon enough just to suspect it he found what he was looking for details about how medivh had worked with gul'dan and how they'd created the rift he now knew exactly how to close the dark portal he just hoped he could make it there in time luckily a whole bunch of griffins then appeared circling above one of which mounted by kurdrin then descended allowing khadgar to climb aboard where a turelian in Elyria speaking to the Troops well they'll have to catch up then we have no time to waste to the dark portal so off they buggered flying as fast as they possibly could meanwhile Illyria and turalyon sat atop a griffin of their own hovering above the alliance soldiers on the grounds of the black Temple hilarious squeezed to alien's waist gently as a gesture of support apparently she knew just how difficult this next bit was going to be for him sons of lotha months ago we came through the dark portal not knowing what awaited US but knowing that we had to come we came to stop The Horde stop them from taking other worlds just as they tried to take ours and the moment to do precisely that has arrived khadgar has what he needs to close the portal but this world is in chaos Azeroth our home is in danger and we must now do everything we can to save it and the families we left behind Australian paused and Illyria knew he was very likely burning the face of each and every Soldier into his memory I go to help khadka to protect him for I'm sure there will be resistance but you must hold the line here drallian's voice was now cracking tears were absolutely streaming down his face cheeks none of us know what will happen we may survive this find a way home live to a ripe old age or we may die here with this world if such is Our Fate I know each one of you chooses it gladly if we fight for our world for our families our honor we fight so That Others May Live Free Sons aloe Tha the light is with you as it always has been and always will be for Azeroth soldiers all cheered Australian and hilarious Griffin Rose and then off they buggered as well off in the direction of the dark portal not long later they arrive to find the scene at the dark portal was mental turalyans prediction that there might be a bit of resistance was correct and also a massive understatement seemed like every remaining clan on the planet had realized that the dark portal was their best bet for survival but now is not the time to worry about being massively outnumbered they were not here to win a battle the priority was to protect khadgar whilst he closed the portal once and for all do what you have to do the young slash old archmage nodded raised his hands and got on with it several paragraphs of skirmishes and loud noises and special effects that I don't have to budget for that occurred with new Rifts opening up around the battlefield causing full-blown cracks and fishes and earthquakes and all sorts of Draenor quite literally was now tearing itself to pieces and I'm sure you're sat on the edge of your seat biting your nails and feeling all sorts of Terror and suspense but don't worry because boosh khadgar's eyes shot open with a beam shooting out of his staff directly at the portal Center and as soon as it did a sound like shattering glass filled the air Gaga then turned to one of kurdrin's dwarves and tossed him a sack containing all of the artifacts they've managed to retrieve take these fly back to Azeroth take them to the current tour but what about you just go there's no time Australian inhaled swiftly there it was then khadgar had just confirmed what they'd all suspected that one dwarf would make it back home but the rest of them would not so be it however the wild Hammer dwarf continued to hesitate so kurdrin went ahead and barked at him get your ass in gear lad and that sort of startled the younger dwarf into action so he grabbed the sack jumped on his Griffin and shot off straight for the collapsing portal but as the Griffin and it tried to pass through the sack fled with light and the portal responded with the resulting glare absolutely blinding everyone couldn't see a bloody thing but they could certainly hear shrieks and screams of pain from a Griffin and a dwarf which were then drowned out by a ferocious rumbling and a deafening crash that knocked everyone sideways gaggar even blacked out for a second but as he regained his senses and got to his feet he looked up to see that the portal was now gone nothing but Rubble remained no Rift no sight of Azeroth they'd done it it was both glorious but also the absolute worst at the same time they'd saved Azeroth yet but that didn't change the fact that they were still here on a planet that was tearing itself apart all around the Orcs cheesed it they didn't seem to grasp the concept that there was nowhere for them to run quite sad really the upheavals of the planet were growing more and more intense with every second it wasn't long now what an undignified death gagar thought having one's brains bashed out by a chunk of Earth Gekko then looked to his friends with geralian giving him a soft gentle smile illyrian nodding and curdrin offering a nice salute so this was it then khadgar had always suspected it that vision of him in his last stand on a red skied world was a big giveaway but hey ho at least they'd save their world that was cool and he could think of no other people that he'd rather spend his final moments with what the bloody hell was that another Rift a Lifeline quickly through here and so without hesitation the group ran through what was on the other side none of them had a bloody clue could be anything but it was the only chance they had a short while before the things that happened in the last chapter and on the Azeroth side of the dark portal push on horde Warriors we are not far over the past several months both sides had taken control of the dark portal a whole bunch of time but this time was different enough was enough it's time The Horde would take the portal and then go home none of the other clans on Draenor had bothered to come to Aid them and also there was that whole plot point with the bomb that had happened ages ago they'd been betrayed and that had very much been on grom's mind this entire time it was a big battle and we're gonna gloss over it because that's what I do the only real significant moments are as follows rexar the half or kafoga who is regularly snubbed in these books was also present for the battle during which he caught a brief glimpse of the portal itself and noted that it looked a bit weird and at one point he witnessed a warlock gets stabbed in the chest which he just kind of grunted at and shook his head he didn't like warlocks very much but they obviously noticed his disdain and stumbled towards him you Half Breed you are not true heart but you'll do come here rexar stared at the Warlock in disbelief the did he just say insult me and then expect me to help you sod off however the Warlock Drew closer still and rexar noticed the green glow around his fingertips oh dear his warlock didn't want his help he wanted rexar's Life Energy rexar then tried to step back but he was boxed in there was nowhere to go though he growled at the wall off he wasn't going to go down without a fight and the Warlock simply grinned did a quick gesture causing rexar to fall to his knees suddenly gasping in pain wow no longer so sure of yourself does it hurt do not worry Half Breed soon the pain will be gone the Warlock then raised his other hand slowly and started waving it about and rexar felt Agony surged through his entire being followed by the most extreme exhaustion he'd ever felt however a snail cut through the haze of torment and a blur slammed into the Warlock her other no but unfortunately he was too late the warlock's hand and touched heratha's fur and rexar could only watch in horror as His companion his friend shriveled and disintegrated to dust that feels better your pet just saved your life yes you did but who will save yours with a quick snap of his wrist Rexall slam both axes down and cleaved right through the warlock's neck and chest and then still punting with rage rexar knelt down beside the pile of dust that had once been haratha and placed his hand onto it you have been Avenged my friend though I wish you were still by my side the magnathol then picked himself up took a breath channeled his grief and then called out to Grom the portal something is wrong grum looked up and waved his ax to acknowledge rexar and then glanced towards the portal himself just as a handful of Orcs started staggering through it but first the warsong chieftain felt hope that the horde finally sent help after all but no these Orcs were not in any shape to fight they were battered and bleeding they weren't running towards this battle they were running away from another one grum then approached one of the new arrivals what is happening what's going on run however the portal then flashed made a bunch of weird noises and then vanished whilst the framework itself collapsed into a pile of rubble and it was in that moment that both sides decided to stop fighting and run away with the horde retreating all the way back to a foothold called stonard in the swamp of Sorrows a short while later Graham marched up to a wounded orc sitting huddled by a fire and clamped his hand down hard on their shoulder now well in the name of the ancestors happened back there shivering the wounded orc frantically revealed all he knew and when he finished grandma the rest of the gathered crowd just stood there in shocked silence for several minutes so we prepare then prepare for water stream our whole world is dead our people are dead and we're trapped here forever hello we prepare for vengeance we're all that's left if we give up it means the end of everything we knew everything we cared about if there's always plans that's all think Grom this has to be his fault who else could have caused the world to shatter so he betrayed us all he said he'd save dranor and instead he destroyed it we don't know that we knew he was dealing with extremely powerful magic but if something went wrong or it went perfectly right for him maybe he was just using us all of us our entire world to further his Ambitions that's what gul'dan did isn't it many of the assembled Orcs grunted And spat at the sound of that name and who trained gul'dan who taught him clearly the fruit did not fall far from the vine mutterings around the crowd grew louder and angrier and Grom knew he needed to nip that in the bud before an angry mob formed do you not see that it doesn't matter so we decide what we do based on rumor and worry should we pie in for what could have been is this hell the mighty horde behaves we've survived we're here on a world full of life and food we can restore The Horde and sweep across this land once more the angry muttering then turn back to Cheers everybody loves a good speech Yes the alliance is hunting us and yes we are no match for them today but one day one day soon we will be we will launch attacks as we've been doing for the last several months we'll grow stronger we'll become Predators once more and the humans will Quake With Fear The Horde will rise again and we will take our Vengeance against the humans with a true and final Victory noise the crowd cheered and whooped and danced around and stuff and Grom nodded pleased they were all behind him again all United except one you've been betrayed repeatedly each time by another or claiming leadership and still you continue down that same path you have no reason left to fight before we fought to protect our people by claiming this world for them but they're gone we no longer need this world with this handful left we can find a place the humans have never gone claim it without shedding a single drop of blood there's a fun in that though yeah what is life without battle you're a warrior you understand that fighting Keeps Us strong Keeps Us sharp perhaps but why fight when there's no need why fight just for the sake of it it's not fighting to save anyone not fighting for Glory or to win anything it's fighting from sheer bloodlust and I'm sick of that I want no part of it coward step forth and say that step out of the crowd and call me coward to my face just as expected no one moved and rexar sneered and shook his head you are the cowards too afraid to live truly outside the shadows of lies and Promises you've been bought with you have no courage no honor and that is why you cannot be trusted from now on only the beasts I will trust and with that rexar bug it off and his Grand watched him depart he felt a whole bunch of emotions first how dare that guy abandon them but then at the same time who could blame him he wasn't even part of The Horde in the normal sense none of the other machnathal had joined to fight during the first or second war just racks up and what had that gained him oddly bloody mentioned it all in any of the books he lost his world his people and even that wolf a short while ago it was no wonder he felt betrayed no one walks away from The Horde we should go after him drag him back by his ears he insulted us he should die for his insolence enough let him go he served The Horde well let him have his peace I'm All About Us what do we do now we we know what to do I literally just told you in that speech a few minutes ago this world is our home now let's live in it fully York Shaman died shot open at the sound of his own name and what he saw immediately started to freak him out quite a bit it was a swirling nothingness all around him assaulting his senses it was enough to send anyone mad so he squeezed his eyes shut again hoping it would all just go away okay closing his eyes wasn't making it go away so he reopened them he then noticed a dark form looming nearby shaped like an orc and then another one all around him all the other Orcs that had followed him through the rift soon to be here however none of them were moving something then pulled at lazul's chest and Limbs and he watched as the other Orcs around him receded rapidly with a moving or was he it was impossible to tell in this Darkness but after several minutes of being alone the shaman then found himself staring at another dark figure only this one was no walk it was a massive red being with a face that was all immediately recognized right what uh my Unfaithful little servant did you think I'd forgotten about you no great what of course not in truth as all I definitely hoped this being had forgotten about him oh I've been watching you closely this whole time as you cost me a great deal you know and now you shall pay for such failure hi there's always so terrified his brain could barely formulate words I knew eventually that you try it again to cast Magics you were not ready to handle I waited knowing that someday your own arrogance would bring you to me and here we are you've dreamed of death you've thought to escape it but now my little puppet death will be all you ever know nothing the end they woke up and it was all a dream or something thank you very much for watching thank you to my patrons as well who are currently being listed on the screen and I shall now hand back over to hiru so he can have the last word because it's his channel bye bye if you want to see some more Warcraft book summaries go check them out on the flying buttresses Channel and if you want to see more of the compilations here please let them know down in the comments
Channel: hirumaredx
Views: 249,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Battle, For, Azeroth, World Of Warcraft (Video Game), hirumaredx, history, wow, worl, vanilla, bc, burning crusade, wrath, wrath of the lich king, linch king, Video Game (Industry), World Warcraft, facts, Warcraft (Fictional Universe), how did doom work before wrath, before cata, how it use to work, funny, 2022, 9.2
Id: n8ZOknwqK7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 17sec (13937 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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