A Juicier Alternative to Brisket?

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hey guys welcome to mad scientist barbecue I'm Jeremy odor and today we're cooking something that might look a lot like brisket but it's not it's an Argentine cut called [Applause] Vaso I know you're probably asking what is basio well it doesn't really exist in the United States it's actually three Cuts in the United States the inner skirt the flank steak and the bevet you might think well what's it called in English it doesn't even really have an English name it's B in Spanish it means void basically it comes from the empty area kind of in front of the back leg of the cattle but before you get to the rib cage that is the basio that that void and this is a highly prized cut in places like Argentina and when I was there I was thinking wait a second I bet we could put that thing on a smoker and make it even more amazing because there's fat on both sides there's a little bit of fat in between there's some connective tissue and I was just thinking if we cook this like a brisket we'll render the fat we'll get great Bart so we should maximize flavor we should maximize juiciness and we should maximize tenderness so one of the things with open fire cooking is they don't take the meat all the way to low and slow barbecue tenderness temperatures talking about 200 205° something like that the way we think of brisket or beef ribs or pork ribs or anything that gets cooked all the way to tenderness so I'm thinking what if we take this cut and look at it through an American barbecue lens what could we create because I don't think anybody's really tried this I'm sure that there's somebody who's done it okay caveat I'm sure somebody has done I haven't seen it done but I'm willing to try it because I think it's going to be extra special we're going to keep it super simple we're going to trim nothing the Argentine way we're going to season it with salt and pepper only not quite the Argentine way but kind of more of a Texas Way Salt and Pepper only on the outside then we're going to cook it like a brisket and we're going to just see what happens I think it's going to be incredible and my experience in barbecue tells me this is going to be really good but there's no way to know until we try it so let me get it out of the package season it up and get it on we're going to start low and slow at 220 5° with an oak fire it is hot next to the smoker yeah this thing is huge not a ton of fat but a little bit of fat all around it want of salt and [Music] pepper all right before we put this on two things one is I'm sick you can probably hear it in my voice but um I'm going to power through the cook must go on and then the second thing is if this cut doesn't really exist in the United States you might be asking how did I get it well I called up my friends at Porter Road and begged and pleaded with them can you make this cut so I can cook it and find out if it's amazing and they said sure and then I said well what if people want to order it and they said they will cut it fresh if people want to order it so I'm going to put a link in the description so if you want to click on that they will take your order they will cut it fresh and ship it out to you but with that said let's get this thing on so if you guys can't tell this thing is absolutely humongous I think this thing is about 16 lbs it kind of reminds me of a beef shoulder clot but this has a lot more fat and should end up a lot juicier whereas shoulder Cloud would end up like lean brisket I think this is going to like the whole thing is going to be like brisket Point there's no way to know until we cook [Music] it [Music] okay at this point we are 2 hours in and I want to see what the bark is looking like I want to see what color we have on the outside and the second thing I want to see is the temperature because we have a layer of fat on the top and bottom which is different than brisket this might be a faster cooking cut than brisket is because that eliminates a lot of the evaporative cooling that would take place so let's open this thing up and take a peek all right looks like we're starting to render the fat here looks like we have good color for 2 hours in now what I'm really curious about is the temperature so let's see 137 not bad there's the thick part yeah only to 111 108 now the real question to how quickly this is going to cook is going to get answered when we hit the stall because typically when you hit the stall that meat side of the brisket is sweating out a lot of water and cooling the brisket down because this isn't a brisket and has fat on both sides I think it should push through the stall quickly and it's not going to extend the cook by a serious length of time but we're not going to know until we get there we'll check back in with you when it gets to the stall one thing I forgot to add for the rest of the cook we're going to run at 250° all the way until we're [Music] finished [Music] all right it's been about 7 hours total and I think it's about time to wrap this baso up oh I'll arrange it like this it kind of does look like a brisket look at that bark that's nice let's uh take some temps here 175 173 178 168 this is a little lower than I would normally wrap but I'm going to be a little bit more cautious with this cut of meat Underside looks nice too it doesn't have the same thickness of fat on it and so I'm going to wrap it a little bit earlier and of course I'm going to throw in some wagu beef ton all right I am a little bit disturbed at how much this looks like a brisket even though it didn't really look much like a brisket at all when we started so we got some wag you Tallow in there and try to wrap this [Applause] [Music] left all right so it's wrapped up with some Tallow in butcher paper like a brisket it just feels like a humongous brisket so for a brisket to be this size it would have to be like a 22 pounder at this point with all that gets trimmed off um this is huge all right time to put it back on all right guys some mid cook updates so I was thinking maybe this is going to go faster than a brisket cook and I think it's going slightly faster so I would expect a brisket to be at that level of bark um and that temperature maybe 9 hours in instead of seven so slightly faster but it's by no means a quick cook it's definitely not an Argentine style you know couple hours and it's done and amazing but I think if we do it this way it could be even more phenomenal because we're starting off with a better quality cut of meat so brisket became like the smoking meat because it wasn't really good in any other application except for grinding up to make burgers this can make three different amazing cuts and so I think that this could be like the next level like what like brisket 2.0 I don't know we'll see but I'm really hopeful the bark on the outside looked and smelled incredible and so we're not going to know until we cut it open but I'm going to cook this thing until it feels tender probably I'm guessing around 200 it might be a little lower than typical brisket maybe 203 or so so I'm guessing around 200 I'll let you guys know but I'm not going to force my wife to stay out here and record all that and then we're going to put it in the warmer at 1:45 just like we would a brisket then tomorrow we're going to slice it open and give it a taste test when I have fresh nose fresh taste buds all that stuff I'm not been surrounded by smoke for you know 14 hours beforehand so the next time you see me I'm going to have that thing done I'm going to put it back on the Chad table we're going to unwrap it slice it up and give it a taste test I have really high hopes all right guys it's the next day so after a nice long rest we're going to unwrap this thing and see what it's [Music] like [Music] now before I cut into this thing I have to remember this isn't the point this isn't the flat we're not going to slice this the same way we would a brisket this is actually three separate muscles so we have remember the flank the inside skirt and the bevet so I'm going to cut this section off and then I'm going to cut this section into two parts and we're going to give it a taste test so the smell is outrageous and it's crazy juicy anytime I I put any pressure on this thing juices just leak out everywhere so let's get to cutting that is a weird that is that's a weird looking brisket slth juiciest piece of beef uh juicier than beef ribs that is insane I'm not I'm not squeezing it it's just that's how juicy that is cu it's got the fat on top and the bottom that is unbelievable all right I'm excited about this kind of like a brisket I'm going to give this a little squish yeah yeah that's freaking juicy yeah this is ridiculous man this is so crazy all right I got to taste this first up let's cut a chunk of this relatively lean looking stuff so this part is pretty lean it's pretty Exposed on both sides but it's got great bark let's taste it oh it melts unbelievable unable that is unbelievably good good job Porter Road and uh before we cut into the rest of these I need to tell you about today's sponsor pter Road they make incredible beef and incredible pork if you want the highest quality meat delivered to your door you need to check out Porter Road I've been using them for years I recently went to visit one of their farms and I can confidently say that there is nobody who's raising animals better than Porter Road is higher quality raising produces higher quality beef and higher quality pork and you'll know when you taste it especially with the pork you notice that it's just so much more flavorful than commodity pork and then with beef you get just a richness that you don't find in commodity beef the marbling is intense the flavor is intense and if you're going to spend 12 hours cooking something you're going to want to make sure that it's of the highest quality because you don't want to throw that time away your time is valuable and you want to spend your time cooking something that's going to blow people's minds and Porter Ro is the answer another cool thing that they're doing for this is if you want to order one of these Porter Road will cut it custom for you and send it to you it's a big chunk of meat you don't have to really trim anything off of it you can put it on the smoker and get some Barky Smoky juicy meat so they do the highest quality raising and then they dry age the hanging carcass for 2 weeks so you get some of those benefits of the enzymatic activity that breaks down connective tissue and increases the flavor without having the waste of dry-aging individual Cuts so you have to cut off all the pelic and then attempt to cook it so Porter Road I highly highly recommend them I'm going to put a link in the description if you're interested in ordering a Theo or anything else that they make because it's all wonderful quality stuff click on that link and check them out I highly highly recommend them I've been using them for years I know other barbecuers who love their stuff so if you're in the market for some great quality meat check them out link is in the description now let's cut into this faux point I'm just going to take a chunk off right here ooh it's a different texture too and you guys can see there's not a big layer of fat on here but this is full of juice because it had a layer of fat on top and bottom that rendered really well okay that is Smoky and good oh let me try a little bit of this here we have another muscle I think this should be the inside skirt oh all due respect to grilled skirt steak but as my py used to to say you can't beat that with a stick man this is good this is even better than I thought it might be the whole thing is just crazy juicey I mean guys guys look at this look at this I don't think there's a juicier piece of meat it's like the richness of beef ribs with the texture of steak and the smokiness of brisket look at this piece it's like the mother load of burn ends and it is just insanely juicy as juicy as a piece of meat gets so pleasant surprise guys so to sum things up let me give you some thoughts here this is actually similar in flavor to a brisket but imagine the whole cut is like brisket lean the difference is Imagine The juiciest lean you've ever had double it and you're probably close so the texture is kind of the tighter grained like you know the lean and because there's a layer of fat above it layer of fat in between layer of fat below it just locks in all that juice it is the juiciest thing that I think I probably ever barbecue that includes the bone in brisket that includes any rack of beef ribs um the texture if you like that lean texture but you want it to be crazy juicy I think this might be the ticket also in a future video I'm going to use another one of these to cook open fire because that's another amazing way to cook it and it only takes you know 3 hours something like that and that is a completely different experience the outside is crunchy the inside is still crazy juicy but this is a wonderful cut I've fallen in love with you guys want to order one you can check it out in the description regardless I love experimenting with new things like this and so this was a great opportunity to learn how this thing Cooks in American style barbecue and let me tell you guys it Cooks freaking great if you guys enjoyed this video hit the like button down below and don't forget to subscribe to the channel you can also follow me on patreon where this month we're announcing the winners of a brand new solution pit a smok Slinger direct heat pit a super 55 drum and who knows what else so if you want to check that out you can find me on patreon atmad barbecue thank you guys for watching I'll see you next [Music] [Applause] time
Channel: Mad Scientist BBQ
Views: 289,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brisket, bbq, smoked brisket, texas brisket, beef brisket, bbq brisket, texas style brisket, texas smoked brisket, offset smoker, texas bbq, solution offset, how to use an offset smoker, using an offset smoker, offset smokers, vacio, how to smoke vacio, barbecue, open fire cooking, argentine vacio, asado, vacio a la parrilla, how to cook vacio, como hacer vacio, smoked barbecue, smoked vacio, jeremy yoder, jeremy yoder bbq, mad scientist bbq, jeremy yoder mad scientist bbq
Id: Crrnql_lpww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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