Scrumptious Root Beer Ribs!!!

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hey everybody Welcome to Ramblers Diner it's a great day to be alive isn't it I want to show you these beautiful delicious scrumptuous root beer ribs everybody likes Ribs Right some people like root beer some people don't but if you've never had root beer ribs I've got to insist that you give this a try it was so fantastic it's the 321 method most of you who do barbecue already know about the 321 method three hours of smoke three hours WRA an hour whoever you saw it and let pack up bur out absolutely fantastic you want to learn how we do root beer ribs stick around watch this all right first thing we've got to do is get this membrane off the back here we don't want that on here some people say it's fine to score it I'm not a big fan of that so we're going to go ahead and take this membrane off sticking a knife under underneath of the membrane lift it up a little bit we'll grab ourselves a piece of paper towel and we'll just go ahead and rip it off and I've got four of these to do today because we have some family coming over for dinner uh I won't make you suffer through all of that we'll just go ahead and pull these out ourselves and be back within a few minutes okay next thing we've got to do is we've got to get a little bit of binder here we're using mustard today we don't need a whole lot of it we don't want the uh flavor profile to come through very much just want to have something to bind with and mustard usually provides a decent flavor to bind with just a little bit concerned that since we're making root beer ribs we don't want too much mustardy flavor we're going to go here with the mustard rub that all around and then we're going to go in with some flap Yama slap y mama I guess we're going to lightly coat the whole thing both front and back top and bottom this is the first time I've used slap your mama so uh I was kind of not expecting it to have quite as much pepper in it that's why I've got the pepper out here but I think that I don't need to add any more pepper so we're just going to go with that and then we'll move on all right so we've got our uh smoker rolling at about 225° uh like to keep it nice and slow and I use these racks to be able to move stuff in and out pretty easily and that way I don't have a whole lot of mess to clean up inside of the smoker we're going to put these down here in the back on top of those racks tighten them up a little bit the way that you put them in is the way they're going to come out so we want them formed as the best that we can this one's a little bit long so we're going to put it sideways here a little all right there we have it and we'll see you again in a little while okay it's time to wrap these guys up we're going to put a little bit of butter in and some maple syrup to go along with it that'll help keep it moist and give it an extra yummy flavor so we're going to go me side down to start with and we're going to put one two three four Pats of butter down there couple here on the top and here we go with a little bit of syrup maple syrup and a little bit on the bottom and then we wrap and there we have it who knew that making ribs could be so easy all right we're all put back together now we just wait another two hours and then we bring them out sauce them up and give it a little time to tack up all right it's time to work on our glaze and I've got a bottle of sweet baby rays Hickory and brown sugar and this is one of our favorites I actually like the hot one better but uh there's a few people in our family that can't eat the hot stuff so we're going to use this very sweet Smoky flavored one and we're going to have that all prepared for our glaze when it comes time to glaze our ribs now remember I've got four rxs of ribs here so we're going to use this whole container container for our glaze okay and to that we're going to add probably about half a cup worth of uh maple syrup here that's about enough and then we have this Soda Stream root beer uh syrup that uh tastes an awful lot like some of the commercial root beers out there I did open it up and taste it the other day just to make sure it was going to be close enough to what I wanted to do and it's pretty close so we're going to take this cap and we're going to add two of these capfuls then we'll give it a good stir and then we'll get the taste test see how it goes okay so I tested it and it's going to need a little bit more of this root beer syrup so we're going to do another two capfuls and we'll give that a good mix and be right back all right so we've got it mixed up pretty well here and I've brought myself over a couple of testing spoons give it a taste test and we'll see how it goes okay so at the end of the day that extra two capfuls wasn't enough and so I ended up using the whole bottle which is about seven capfuls total and we're going to give that another try here just to make sure we're happy with it think it's going to be good there we go that's perfect so what we have is one bottle of sweet baby rays one bottle of the root beer syrup and about a half a cup of maple syrup and that turns out to a really terrific glaze we're going to put that on the ribs in a little while okay it's time to glaze these bad boys we'll see what happens oh beautiful po spacious SK for lots of poror cribs oh an't that beautiful going to be even more beautiful in about 20 minutes sorry about the neighbor kids yelling for for for for all right so now we're going to let that tack up it'll take about 15 or 20 minutes then we're going to get another coat give it another 15 or 20 minutes and then perhaps one more coat after that we'll see how it goes okay let's uh open this thing up and see if it tacked up for us well it's starting to tack up I think we'll go ahead and apply our second coating here and we'll see what uh what it [Music] does we'll give that another 15 minutes let it tack up some more give it one more coat let it tack up some more and then we'll be done okay it's been another 15 minutes let's take a look see if they've tacked up any more oh they're looking pretty good not quite as Takis I'd like but they're looking pretty good we're going to go ahead and sauce them one more time and then we're going to wait another 15 or 20 minutes all right folks it's the moment of truth what do you think oh beautiful beautiful beautiful let's pull one out and give it a try beautiful beautiful beautiful okay how about we take one of these ribs out of the middle here and see how we did lookie there oh yeah that's what we wanted okay so I'm going to have one for me we're have one for our cameraman here oh yeah does that tell you it was good root beer rib Heaven oh yeah I can't put it [Music] down M oh boy you're gonna love this I promise you you have to try this you're going to love it
Channel: Rambler’s Backyard Diner
Views: 9,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8P5ICJvXVmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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