The Goldee's Method to Smoked Beef Ribs CHANGED MY LIFE!

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so I've done a ton of research trying to figure out how Goldies is doing their beef ribs and today I'm going to be giving you everything I found and we're going to try to cook it their way see how these things come out so as you guys are probably aware Goldie barbecue was voted number one in Texas monthly a while back and ever since then they have been very popular and I tried their brisket method and it came out absolutely fantastic I have a video on that if you haven't seen it I'll make sure to put a link down below now what got me wanting to try their beef rib method was a video that I found on the meat Church's YouTube If you guys haven't seen the meat Church be sure to check out their YouTube channel they have some of the best recipes out there now in this video on the me Church's YouTube channel for the beef ribs they actually went to Goldie's barbecue and they were working with Johnny from jer's barbecue who is a co-owner at Goldie barbecue and he showed them the method that they supposedly use on their beef ribs there and there were some really cool methods that they were trying out on these beef ribs and that's really what got me intrigued now I was doing a little bit more research and I found on Johnny's YouTube channel called jer's barbecue he had two beef rib videos showing how he also does beef ribs now if you guys have not seen jer's barbecue be sure to check out that YouTube channel he is one of the most knowledgeable barbecue people out there and he's giving away free information on his channel that is really really good information so be sure to check out his channel now the two videos he made were about 2 years old and the meat Church video was a year old so it was a little more recent now on jer's channel when he was doing the beef ribs he was being much more creative and he said himself that that's what he's going to be doing on the YouTube channel and when he's at Goldie barbecue he's going to stick with the tried and true methods so I'm going to be basing this recipe off of what he did in the meat Church YouTube video mostly but again be sure to check out his channel because both those beef rib videos were Absol fantastic and they had some really cool ideas but enough talking about it let's get right into these beef ribs so we can get them prepped and on to the smoker so the nice thing about beef ribs is there really isn't much prep a lot of times when I've done beef ribs I will cut this fat cap off but I wrap the beef ribs usually when I do them with this method we're not going to be wrapping so he leaves this fat cap on because this will get completely rendered by the time they're finished so what he does do is goes to the bottom and I'm going to cut just some of of these scraggly pieces off here and you want to leave the membrane on because that's going to help keep these ribs together all he does is just score with an x on the back and that is it then you come up to the top here and what he likes to do is trim these Corners down so they're not as pointy so they won't burn up so I'm just going to go around kind of trim these a little bit all right and that is it and a big thing to barbecue that a lot of people Overlook is the aerodynamics of the meat that is one of the most important things you can do for barbecue is make sure your piece of meat is aerodynamic it's going to keep all those edges from getting burnt up so the next step is seasoning and in each video he had a different style of binder and season so in one of the videos he uses mustard as a binder in the other video he actually does two racks of beef ribs and I believe he uses hot sauce as a binder for one and then a honey water mixture for the other which is a very interesting binder to me now in the meat Church video which what we're going to be doing today he uses a spritz of werer sauce and water now again seasoning is different in each of the videos in one of them he's using I Believe season all some garlic salt salt pepper and another one I believe is using garlic powder low some beef bullion which is similar to the meat Church video and that's what we're going to be doing today so here I have that wor toer sauce and water I'm just going to give it a quick Spritz here I usually don't use a binder but I want to go with the method that he goes with so we're using a binder today all right so first thing we're going to do is a light layer of pepper he says they do a lighter layer on the beef ribs than they do the brisket make sure you get your sides next we're going to go on with the low's and this is known to be used in a lot of barbecue in Texas I think it's a good idea because it does have some sugar in there with all the fat on here I believe you're going to want some sweetness and he did a very generous coat of the low's on here mostly on the top so that's what I'm going to do here nice heavy coat of the Lowes as you can see now the last best ingredient here I think there's more but this is all he stated this a little beef bullion I have here now I picked up the sodium free beef bullion because I didn't want this to be too salty I think we have plenty of salt with that Low's on there but I think this beef bullion is a great idea and I'm excited to see how this comes out flavor-wise and again he put a good amount on there and then just Pat this in so this is a heavy coating of seasoning and I usually wouldn't go this heavy especially with some beef ribs but this is how it looked in the meat Church video so I'm going to gohe and stick with this now I'm probably just going to let these sit maybe for a few minutes just to let this seasoning kind of get wet a little bit it shouldn't take long now in jer's videos he showed how he likes to get these on his smoker and start his fire what he does is puts these on a cold smoker then starts his fire so these get some of that awesome smoke that you get from starting a fire in the beginning now yes it does seem like dirty smoke but he's not cooking it constantly with that dirty smoke just getting some of that smoke in the beginning is not a problem and it actually will add some fantastic flavor he also puts some beef Tallow in there as well which is a fantastic idea now I did want to try that method today but I needed to clean my smoker just a quick clean and the way I like to do that is I like to warm it up clean the grates and then just rub it down with some oil when it's hot so unfortunately today I'm not going to be able to put these on a pit but I tried to let it cool down a little bit that's because jerby says he runs the pit at around 200° for an hour after that he kicks it up to 300 and lets these go for another 7 to 8 hours unwrapped at 300° that hot temperature is really going to help render the fat on these beef ribs and he's using a large Offset Smoker similar to what I have except for mine is reverse flow now if you're using these big style of smokers you have a lot of air movement which allows you to run a hotter temperature if you have a very small offset smoker or pellet smoker some 300 might be a little too hot for these but these are looking pretty good so let's go ahead throw them on the pit all right so you can see we are right at the 200 Mark here let's get these beef ribs on these are going on the top rack and I always put the thicker end towards where the Heat's coming from and I have a piece of blocker wood here because on this smoker there's a lot of heat coming through here but that's it let's get this closed up and let these things smoke all right so we have just reached that 1H hour mark at 200 ° I'm now starting to crank this smoker up to get it near 300° it's already got some nice color and now all we want to do is just get this fat render we're going to do a nice hot cook on this at 300° it's going to create a wonderful bark and really let that fat render down so I'm probably going to check on these beef ribs in another jeez all right we got some woodw here but I'm going to check on these beef ribs in another few hours maybe give him a spritz but I will see you then all right so we are 6 hours in on the beef rib let's check these out yeah these are looking really really nice just check out the bark we got going on there it feels super tender yeah that bark on there is incredible so these are probably getting pretty close to being done now on jer's barbecue he went by feel so we just grabed the ribs and I don't have gloves so it's a little hot but just he just kind of felt to see how tender they were and these still need a little bit more time but I'll give you a temp check anyway we're at 196 and they do feel pretty good but definitely need a little more time so the 78 hour mark is looking about perfect for these beef ribs let me give you a little bit of a closeup here that is incredible and this is what that no wrap is going to do for you so I'm going let this go probably for another hour or two till they are super tender so I'll see you back here when they are ready to pull now before that I just want to say I have been spritzing this with a little bit of pickle juice this is probably only the third time I've spritzed it and I didn't start spritzing it until 5H hour mark probably now Johnny from jer's barbecue didn't say that he used any sort of a spritz but on one of the videos he was mopping this with beef Tallow which is an interesting way to go but we're going to put beef towel on this when it is finished cuz that's how we did it in the meat Church video but I will see you guys when this is ready to pull off all right so we just hit the 8h hour mark on those beef ribs and as you can see I'm losing a little light but they are finished I checked them we're temping out at about 203° more importantly the bark looks absolutely fantastic and I can feel how tender they are so I'm going to get them pulled off and we're going to get them wrapped up to let them rest [Music] so I'm going to be wrapping in aluminum foil let me go grab those beef ribs and there we are so I hope you can see even though it is dark how nice these beef ribs look and if you see that's the tenderness you're looking for see how they just want to kind of fall apart beautiful so I'm just going to get these wrapped up in some foil [Music] now we let them rest for 1 hour and then after that I'm going to unwrap them pour some beef towel over them let them rest for another half an hour then we will be ready to try them out let's jump right ahead and slice into these beauties [Music] so the beak ribs are done and they smell absolutely fantastic and more importantly the bark on here is ridiculous I have never seen bark this crispy and all I can smell is just deliciously rendered fat so far this seems like a huge success but I let him rest for an hour I unwrapped him I dumped a bunch of Tallow over it you can see it already looks kind of dry so it's soaked up a lot of that Tallow already let it sit for another half an hour and here we are I'm going to slice this up so we can see how it came out oh yeah I don't know if you can hear how crispy that crust is oh yeah check that out nice and juicy look at that the crust on here this is what I'm talking about super crispy bark this is an amazing beef rib I need to oh it's still hot I want to grab a nice piece of this bark you can see how tender that is definitely could probably let this rest a little bit longer but just check out how tender that is and I want to give this crispy bark a try so here we go wow wow guys really dude this bark is ridiculous this might be it is the best beef rib I have ever had very happy I went with the Sodium free bullion because it is a little salty if you just have the bark but if you mix it up with this Savory meat it is absolutely delicious this is a beef rib guys and you can see it's cooked to Perfection super tender this fat is rendered down beautifully so good now if you want to know how to do the Goldies brisket which is just as good as these beef ribs check out this video right over here and if you're looking to make some of that Tallow check this video out over here but I hope you enjoyed the video if you did make sure to give it a like really helps out the channel and if you are new you can subscribe right over here but most importantly get out there and smoke something good M amazing
Channel: Smokestack Joe's
Views: 94,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beef ribs, smoked beef ribs, goldees, goldees bbq, goldees beef ribs, goldees beef ribs recipe, goldees smoker, smoked beef, offset smoker, bbq beef ribs, beef ribs recipe, best beef ribs, dino ribs, dino ribs meat church, meat church beef ribs, smoked dino ribs
Id: 05RDP8WjWG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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