I Challenged a World Champion to a Rib Cook-Off

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hey guys welcome to mad scientist barbecue I'm Jeremy Yoder today I'm doing something that I've never done on the channel before I'm going to be cooking some spare ribs on an offset and we're going to bring in an expert to cook spare ribs on a pellet grill so for all those of you out there who've said you know what I'll put my pellet grill food up against yours any day of the week and twice on Sunday well now we have somebody who's actually willing to do it I've offered it many times but we had somebody to take the challenge and he drove in from Kansas City he's done a lot of barbecue competitions and designed some smokers so Eddie you want to come on and tell us a little bit about the pellet grill you have and maybe some of your history my history goes back to 1990 with pellet grills going on 33 years redesigned them in about 95 and started making the competition pit but I started cooking barbecue competitions in 87 got a couple of world championships under my belt no big deal I got I got a few Awards okay so tell us about the grill you brought because this is something new that you've been working on right yes this is the the pg-1000i from Cookshack me and cook Shack hooked up in 2002. we build commercial cookers and backyard pits and grills this is actually a patented design I call it like an offset airflow looking really forward to putting out some of this Championship barbecue I'm looking forward to this too because I've offered it many times to people it's like okay let's let's cook side by side I'm not interested in anybody winning or losing I just want to see what the difference really is from somebody who knows their way around a pellet grill I've done some stuff with pellet grills but I'm by no means an expert I've never used it in any kind of competition nothing like that and so we're each going to cook two racks of ribs today here we have a Savory rub it's just 16 mesh black pepper and some Lowry seasoned salt and then you brought this in all the way from Kansas City what do we have here that is what I call my Championship seasoning have you won any championships oh that's that's that is the stuff okay right there now in competition barbecue I had there's different places I I changed up some technique and add some things to it you know I won the World Championship ribs I think it was in 99. I want a perfect rib score wow but I was cooking baby back SPO at that time good ribs or good ribs and we're not here necessarily like who's going to win what we're just going to see is it a top quality rib yeah yeah I think that's the much more important question oftentimes people ask me what kind of smoker should I get and even though I don't really use pellet smokers very often I often recommend pellet smokers because I ask them a couple of questions do you want to ruin your whole day if the answer is no an offset is the wrong answer for you and then it's what kind of level of convenience do you want do you want to start some charcoal and try to add wood Chucks if you don't want to do that but you still want barbecue then a pellet grill is probably the right choice and for this one you're kind of doing things a little bit differently than other pellet grills on the market so we're going to check that out I've won the backyard championship in my backyard I was the only contestant but I think you know that's important for the viewers out there to know we have some Berkshire ribs so good quality ribs we're gonna get those prepped and get them on these smokers great looking Berkshire whibs here especially this one here look how well marbled that is man so what I'm going to do is come down here on the end of the rib got a kind of a heavy fat cover on it there we're going to trim just a little bit on take a little edge off of it up here I don't do quite do very much with it I do try to square up the end on here because this will just get kind of thin and and be hard and crusty out here if I don't so we'll take that off come over here to the back these are just a hair bit stiff yet come up here and see this flap on here some people will call this the brisket of the rib I'll take that off because this will end up getting kind of tough then I do peel the membrane always a big thing should I peel them or not peel them well I go ahead and peel them because I want to get that flavor and more smoke flavor on the back side of the rib now sometimes it's best and to grab a hold of it piece of paper towel helps a ton but we got a hold of it okay but really that's there that's ready to season nice and square typical Berkshire is going to have a good a lot of nice fat in it man I can't wait till dinner time Eddie taught me a new technique that is brilliant you place a glove around the bottle of seasoning so that you can grab it with a dirty hand and it doesn't matter you know how many thousands of gloves I've wasted because I didn't know this so that's worth the price of watching this video it's just for you anyway but look at that there's a little Udders at the bottom but yeah I want to tell you about today's sponsor deal dash DealDash is an auction website it's been around for about 15 years and it's a way to get some smoking deals on products that you're really interested in so what's the catch you have to buy your bids up front you place a bid and you increase 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a little water on there they'll use some sort of a binder but the salts and sugars in here will get it to start to sweat really what we're doing is trying to let those seasonings start because they're dehydrated seasonings and they'll start activating with the moisture coming content coming up from the meat I'm gonna prep these ribs like I always do I will actually not be removing the membrane I'm going to score the membrane and we're going to season it really simply and so we have two ends of the spectrum competition World Championship winning barbecue rub and here we have Lowry's and some 16 mesh black pepper we have caretaken to remove the membrane and it's just rapidly score them we're gonna see when the rubber meets the road what the differences are so one is a very simple approach and the other is not actually super complicated but it's more complex than what I'm doing foreign foreign okay we have these four racks seasoned up I'm gonna take one that Eddie seasoned with his championship rib rub and I'm going to take one that I seasoned with Lowry's and 16 mesh black pepper I'm gonna cook one rack of each and Eddie's gonna cook one rack of each so we're gonna have kind of four different ribs that we're going to be taste testing at the end thank you foreign okay get ready to put the ribs on so I'm going to supercharge my flavor enhancer with some pellets okay it sits right over the fire pot this is the flame tamer goes on top of it bone side down I'm gonna come down here and I'm going to turn this to 275. okay we're a couple hours in our rib cook and it's time for us to make the glaze that I'm going to put on the ribs at the end what I'm going to use is the cook Shack Barbecue mild sauce I like to thin it down with a little bit of apple juice then we're gonna sweeten it up a little bit with some organic raw honey all we're going to do is put that in the pan mix it up and then it's going to go on the pit and cook for the rest of the time while we're doing finishing the ribs up because I wanted to get all that good flavor that's going on inside the smoker all right this is what takes a while I'll do this mixing for about four to five minutes so Eddie made up of sauce and I was thinking well I gotta make something so we did an Instagram live and we asked the people and you guys chimed in and people saying no sauce and some people were saying do the bourbon glaze and so I thought we would do the bourbon glaze so shout out to Evan Leroy from Leroy and Lewis and it's got three ingredients we have sugar we have apple cider vinegar and of course Bourbon and Eddie says I have to cook it in the smoker so I can't put it on a burner and so I went and got this pan that I stole from my wife sorry Erica also thank you Erica so we're going to mix these three ingredients together we're gonna add it to the ribs to give it some sweetness but it's not going to cover up any of the flavors that would work really hard to create in the cooking process so I'm gonna dump in some sugar as you guys can can tell I'm kind of eyeballing it now vinegar I'm doing my very sophisticated mixing pretty impressed Eddie for these mixing skills you don't use the good stuff for cooking no no We're not gonna throw in any like Pappy Van Winkle or anything like that in case you guys are wondering we're just over three hours in let's take a look at the ribs now all right we're going to check back in in a few minutes when we wrap these up so I'm going to wrap them two different ways the kind of savory ribs I'm going to wrap in butcher paper and some tala and then the more competition style ribs I'm going to wrap in foil just to get everything nice and tender but I think they're both going to be really good we're just going to see which ones we prefer about four hours and 15 minutes in this cook we're going to take a good solid look at these got a nice pull back on them where see how the flex is we're starting to see separation and that is perfect we're going to wrap this one first I like to roll the top and bend the ends in and I'm going to put this in the warming drawer I think I'm going to go ahead and wrap that one too it's just a hair tight but I think that one had a little more other one had a little more fat content into it again in the warming door warming drawers running 50 percent of the temperature set at when I got this set at 275 about 135 or so in the warming drawer which is perfect for holding still making glaze here the sauce and what I want to do is stir in the top part that's gotten more smoke on it so I'm adding flavor Eddie just wrapped his ribs up so I'm gonna wrap mine too the ones with the competition rub I'm going to wrap in aluminum foil and the ones that are the way I like to make them at home I'm going to wrap in butcher paper with some Tallow so we're gonna have two very different styles here and then when they're done getting to the right tenderness I'm going to unwrap them both and kind of let the outside set a little bit and then the one with the competition rub I'm going to use the glaze that I made so we'll have two very different ribs to compare both cooked on the offset and then we have two different ribs on the pellet cooker also so we're gonna have some common denominators running through these rib Cooks but I think we're gonna have four separate experiences with these we've got effectively zero pull back on the moon hopefully I get some here they smell good look at the convenience all right so these have good color I'm gonna add some of that Tallow keep this really juicy and it's going to be kind of like a confi with these ribs a little package so I'm going to run these at about 275 for the rest of the cook so probably about another 45 minutes wrapped and then I'm going to unwrap them glaze one and kind of just reset the outside on the other all right the ribs with the competition rub I think are basically done so I'm going to hit them with this glaze so sugar apple cider vinegar and bourbon back in the smoker we're getting close they need a little bit more time but they're starting to look nice I just took out this pan of glaze we've had cooking down in the pit getting all this nice smoke flavor in it and I'm going to stir it in right now I'm gonna go ahead and glaze both of these so we're truly going to have four different types of ribs for people to taste this will be extremely interesting foreign what I want to do is I want to do a grilled finish to the bottom of the ribs so I just changed the grill to 350 degrees let that Char boiler come up and then I'm going to grill the bottom of this so we can get that little bit of char barbecuey taste so what I'm looking at is when you pick people pick the rib up and first thing they're going to probably do is bite it with The Arc like this in the bottom and then the first thing that's going to be on their tongue is going to be that that's in competition barbecue you really want to get an idea and and flavor like on chicken thighs or whatever anything we're cooking put in that box you want to you want to season the bot the the side that's going to hit the tongue first the heaviest that's where you're you're going to get you're going to get one chance to make a major impression if you're cooking competition barbecue okay I'm gonna Grill the bottom do a little sear to add a little more flavor to that sauce right here we're going to give it about 30 seconds all right we got about 30 seconds of Sear on the back side of these ribs and we're going to put it back on here and go to hold and I'm going to do the other one same thing got a nice little fire a little char and we'll let it tack up give it about two or three minutes let it tack up on there really good and we'll be ready to cut them all right so the four axle ribs are now done first we have these two that were cooked on the offset we have seasoned salt and black pepper then Championship rub on the offset and then what did you do with these two Eddie this is salt pepper with barbecue glaze that I made and then this is Championship rub with the barbecue glaze I made okay with your cooker and your pellets yeah this is my pellets processed the whole bits over here okay Eddie for competitions did you use an electric knife for brisket sometimes I would because it's easier if it got a little overcooked for ribs did you slice bone side down or up exactly like you so I could see the bone and get a good cut even doing it this way sometimes I hit bones I'm with you it's not an exact science the way those bones are in them thank you for coming to do this with me well thank you for having me this has been wonderful I think it was juicy man they look wonderful yeah got a little bundles of ribs dude those look yeah that rack was the ringer yes it was until I did that they were still marbled yeah they look so good and I'm looking forward to this so our special taste tester is my next door neighbor Dustin he isn't an Offset Smoker guy like me he's not a pellet cooker guy like Eddie so he's got no skin in the game so he's going to give you his honest feedback the Only Rule is he's got to be honest so with all that being said that's the one that you take it away and tell us what you think all right got a really good fiber real strong pepper taste on that which I love good sweet taste I think I'm liking the salt and pepper a little bit better than the glaze on this one you notice a difference in smoke flavor between those two I would say almost salt pepper I guess yeah probably has a little bit smokier taste to it let's try it again just make sure sure yeah I would say it's got to smoke your taste okay now you're gonna move on to World Championship ribs looking for no pressure delicious doesn't seem as sweet as this one not getting a lot of smoke flavor I think this one still has the most smoke saucy that's a really good taste if you this one's uh kind of sweet and savory it's got a really good flavor and it's a tough tough draw the first one and the fourth one would be my go-to's yeah those are the most different ones but they are they are but they're I like that they're so different they're you know delicious it's almost a what you're craving at the moment I guess interesting now think about it if you only took one bite mmm one bite man that would be tough I might have to go with the number four it's the one bite for him yeah that is yeah because that's that's what that ribs designed for in a judging tank yeah so so you agree with the uh World Championship rib judges so that's good company to be in I guess yeah yeah so yeah I guess it worked out yeah all right so first up I guess uh we're gonna do it in the same order we have sweet and salt black pepper for the outside great bite look at the moisture on that bomb yeah when I cook roots for me I do it like this because I can eat a whole bunch of them and it's not quite so heavy really simple but I gravitate towards simple you know so that might be but she hasn't had number four yet so well that's good I mean she's definitely going on at how you're running that pit I'm actually really curious to see how these turned out definitely some smoke ring action and then we have kind of sticky bourbon glaze on the top a lot more complexity in the rub oh yeah that's really coming through nothing's overpowering about what's in the rub some Savory flavors in there the right amount of salt I think that's good this one I think would make a really good cop for him really because you're not you don't have that sauce it's got that sweet tone to it yep but you're not got that sauce being stuck to you so the rub's really showing through we're also using good quality ribs oh yeah yeah there's no doubt about it that that Berkshire rib is is Top Notch those are off the chart good all right I'm gonna grab one of these you're not at World Championship level yet that place is really good and sweetness taste the honey and the underlying complexity of the rub too uh-huh that's really good on that bite I got some of the Char you were talking about I totally get that yeah so it's like just came off of a grill I get smoke flavor it's not overpowering I've used a pellet Tube before to get more color and more smoke flavor on a pellet smoker and I didn't like the flavor that it gave I didn't get any of that it didn't have an aftertaste to it exactly yeah right would you consider that getting closer to like what an offset is yeah I think definitely closer maybe like the smoked profile isn't as complex maybe as with an offset like burning whole logs but smoke flavor is definitely there I want to try it with the rub and the glaze Lowery's and pepper didn't really stand up as well to the glaze it's like glaze like Spirit fingers rainbows unicorns fireworks but I didn't really taste the like the flavors from The Lowry's and pepper but I think with your rub it's gonna like step up to the plate and match that right I've been eyeing this one for a while it's rib is juicy yeah you have a gift my friend man that's good I actually get a little more smoke flavor on this one I do too this one we just had yeah yeah I agree this rack had more fat content to it and I think that helped pick up the smoke flavor from the pit it's just more flavor all the way around on this it's juicier complexity from the rub sweetness from the glaze nothing's overpowering or out of balance right level of salt really impressive oh that's the world championship rib basically right there it was done on a baby back because it was a higher end baby back it had more flavor back in you know the day of 2000 when they were a little more common than cooking a spare and clean bun right it's almost as if you know what you're doing Eddie well if you stick with it you might get something I figured out something yeah wow I gotta go back and compare to this one this one still tastes Smoky and savory and simple and good I hope I have to characterize it nine times out of ten I want like a salt and pepper rib but I think that one time out of ten that I want something else it would be those I could see that I mean but I think for most people though they're going to be something like nine times out of ten one time out of ten and it's Rich that's a rich rib yeah normally I would sit down I could eat a good six to seven bones you eat six or seven bones of something that rich you're definitely gonna feel it yeah Erica what do you think my favorite it is number one really I don't know if she's trying to spare my feelings here or I've just learned to cook according to her flavor preferences but I'll take that win all day long you can take the world championship s here's the thing that I really wanted to answer today with the pellet grill how does it stand up in terms of smoke profile compared to an offset I think the offset is still smokier but this still has lots of smoke coming through great color you can set the temperature you can walk away kind of at the Pinnacle of convenience with like what you can turn out and so there were some aspects of your cook that went better in your pellet cooker than in my offset for instance you got better pull back on the bones things like being able to char it at the end things that I can't do and with a touch of a button yeah they got done a little ahead of time I'd be able to go into my warming drawer oh that was a big one yeah I'm really jealous of that so I had a whole lot of accessories that you don't get in an offset I just have two tubes that get welded together yeah so and you're manually working it this year I'm sitting in the air conditioning and they're watching my app and just you know if I wanted to turn it up or down yeah yeah yeah you know it's yeah rub it in like you can make great things absolutely you think it's about what your preference is I always tell people if you you don't want to ruin your whole day you shouldn't get an offset if you still want great food you probably want to end up with a pellet cooker this isn't the last test that we're going to do we're going to do a little bit more and more planned to learn about this cooker really cool I had World Championship ribs for the first time in my life so I'll chalk that up as a win I want to thank Dustin and thank you Eddie for being here and cooking with us great it's been a wonderful time thank you for the the invite to take take this on for sure this was this is great I loved it if you guys enjoyed it hit the like button down below and don't forget to subscribe to the channel you can also follow me on Instagram Facebook Twitter and on patreon which is how I know Eddie and if you want to follow Eddie you can follow him on Instagram at edmorin and then if you want to follow the stuff that he's doing with Cookshack we're going to include links for all of this stuff down below so be sure to check him out thank you guys for watching we'll see you next time adios are really freaking good man hey man do you want to eat a rib yeah yeah yeah it is getting dark Emma what's better McDonald's or ribs Emma which rib do you want to taste you want this one or this one or this one or this one I have one this one yeah good choice there you go what do you think yeah yeah you like this or do you want McDonald's the ultimate insult thank you
Channel: Mad Scientist BBQ
Views: 76,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ribs, rib cook-off, competition ribs, bbq competition ribs, how to cook competition ribs, pork ribs, smoked ribs, competition bbq, competition rib recipe, bbq ribs recipe, ribs offset smoker, offset smoker, how to smoke ribs, barbecue, smoker, how to cook ribs, pork ribs recipe, offset smoker ribs, offset vs pellet smoker, pellet smoker, pellet grill, offset vs pellet grill, pellet grills, pellet smokers, cookshack, fast eddy, cookshack smoker, offset vs pellet, texas bbq
Id: XqQr2J6lx1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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