Best Restaurant Takeover Challenges | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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chefs New Order In Blue Team yes one scholar three beats one Scouts yes chef red team yeah two beats two scallops let's get going I'm just about to flip just finishing this here the red team gets their beet salad up first serve a chef why isn't it beat in the center of the plate not good enough yes it's over yes chef come on guys details call me tomorrow for Rita that looks amazing excellent thank you Chef let's go guys come on that's it guys very nice thank you Chef perfect service two scallops two beats table four as the blue team's appetizers hit the table on the red team Tamara struggles with her plating service chef it looks dry more dressy more olive oil give me a beet salad that you're proud of okay yeah Chef another feet three more scallops blue team let's go that's beautiful that's that's the burrito I know thank you fantastic order chef all right let's check out these plates tomorrow yeah these beats look beautiful finally we have a competition here you're starting to Plate like you mean it right yes chef Eric is on the scalps the scalps are being cooked to Perfection are those scallops called Pino no Chef they feel worm Chef coming up for scallops [Music] nice looking scallops thank you Chef four scallops table one we're doing great I'm feeling pretty good with appetizers well we seem to have our groove going but in the dining room a blue team appetizer has been found wanting good evening I understand we have a couple of cold sea scallops is that right yes I'll take them right back to the kitchen and have them replaced immediately thank you apologies once again I'll be right back Chef you got an issue here cold sea scallops on table six [Music] blue team and even back quick quick plates got sent back saying the scallops were cool might just be fired two more orders of scallops and it's right back out there please send my apologies to Chef so sorry about that chef The Blue Team recovers quickly and after a rough start the red team is nailing their plating good Chef it's better than good thanks it's really amazing thank you Chef I'm beyond impressed I'll be honest with you the Red Team rocks rocks rocks rocks the appetizer round like we are killing it and according to the diners both teams are knocking it out of the park I've had many beef salads but none quite presented like this the presentation of all the texture is great it's cooked to Perfection right now I want you to clean your stations get organized because the next test is incredibly difficult we need to get ready because this is going to be way more intense timings are the assets here guys it's Panic right now figure it out right now 30 seconds guys we're starting ordering blue team five halibut three venison yes chef I'm cooking both stars of the dishes so if I screw it up there is no dish Red Team yes chef six Tenison two halibutes innocent uh the broccoli goes with the Halibut right yeah no yeah guys I don't hear any food cooking and the kale and the the mushrooms go with the venison you don't have to do right now you have lots of time you don't you don't have a lot of time actually you have very little time yes chef I understand in dinner service it becomes really real the the mood is very tense [Music] the tricky part is now you have to synchronize halibut hack that as hell they both take different times to cook right all right Steph so I'm on the Venison and it's not the easiest protein to cook Kayla's gonna cook the hell a bit I'm dropping no we need to get his venison on First and Tamara's gonna plate both dishes you're both quiet please Kayla not yet I gotta drop it or it's gonna be a dead pan don't leave the pan move it off the heat Kayla don't do it I feel like I can't breathe and I just have to pump out these dishes let me drop let me no not yet no no I don't want you putting that hell of it in until he's put the venison in the oven but despite Tamara's instructions Kayla decides to start the halibut [Music] how far is this away this is six minutes away Chef sure about that yes six minutes six minutes here yeah so this is six minutes away and your venison's six minutes away what about resting yeah so your medicine's 10 minutes away yeah so in 10 minutes this fish will be overcooked okay Chef right Kayla what did I tell you about the fish Kayla if you're not gonna listen you're gonna be off the station get a new one [Music] over on The Blue Team Eric has his proteins under control and the first dishes are ready to leave the kitchen some nice looking plates here service but the red team continues to struggle and one of their tables is getting restless can I talk you into staying just five more minutes to give us another chance to try and get your food out thank you appreciate it I just had table seven grab me and tell me that if they cannot get their main courses in five minutes they're gonna leave tomorrow table seven is you yes sir this table is leaving the restaurant if the food is not there in one minute how did that happen hey we need those fish now we need them plated now I'm totally overwhelmed I'm not trying to yell at her because I'm trying to yell at her so we can win yeah guys honestly we've got tables that are gonna walk out any minute yeah if they leave because of your dishes gives me huge consequences they left they couldn't wait any longer table seven tomorrow has walked up just walked out cable seven is you that's never ever happened in this restaurant [Music] let's go work together as a team I need you to help her with signs and he played it okay yeah okay we lost one sucks brutal so we just got to be focused service but just as the red team starts to hit their Rhythm the blue team loses theirs you know I need three halibuting one medicine I need one halibut three medicine after that I need another halibut another better so let's go Eric how you doing here he's aren't steering like I wanted our timing is off and this is crucial why are you staring at the wrong side that's the back side come on I was so specific with you it just slipped my mind that there's one side that has to be seared first so stressful I don't know how to get out of the weeds oh we're just like stuck in this rut and we can't even bounce back if I were you I would pull him off that he can't do this Chef he's gone Chef he always is such an amazing job on the scoffs I know he's gonna do an amazing job on the proteins I don't know what to do here okay you know what start over Okay right now we're gonna put three new venison in there and five houses I can't start the help at the same time start the venison right now fatty food yes chef how long how long we need we need 12 minutes Chef we have to re-fire everything our timing is up I don't know how we're gonna get through this dinner service I need you on the pass I go in here they're going down they need my help okay all right Jeff Claudio take over the kitchen just blew it it really sucks he comes in with so much confidence and just nails like seven medicine at once okay next we're doing them at the same time nice hot pan all right guys we can do this with Claudio's hell the blue team gets back on track how long you're gonna have everything up in six minutes six everything okay start plating let's go and the red team continues to pump out orders order some nice looking plates here service we kind of just get the groove going elephants are ready service table eight let's go guys we got a rhythm now let's push it out like service come on service the last plate goes out are we done kitchen make me want to have a restaurant more than ever my father passed away when I was young and he was a restaurant tour my dad would have been so proud of me running this Kitchen tonight red team ordering three soup two crab three soup two crabs start just start I'm the only one here in reality who has any solid knowledge about what happens on the line no not the soup cause the crab has to be ready before the soup is Lynn you're not helping me okay this is a team effort if I'm seeing something it's not because I'm not trusting I can't clean it up please Sabrina thinks she's boss she thinks she knows it all yeah can I get those soup up for these two crabs here please let's get a few of these up coming up Jeff don't eat that soup there's too much oil on top of it I will not accept that our food items are not coming together properly Focus help him on the soup feeling a bit scared that we're gonna fall behind in service we're still behind you Cody more soup behind you thank you come on Cody don't keep me waiting here oh here we are Chef service let's go so we got two crab and two soup all right your first check is out there Bluetooth keep it up soup up all right service here we go table two one soup one crab but just after the first orders go out Claudio is alerted to a problem Michael the person who had this soup I thought it was cold which table table three blue team we need it on the Fly I can't believe a soup comes back let's get a brand new soup 9-1-1 right now okay gotta come out piping hot canoe doesn't do plates going back to the kitchen come on guys come on come on come on you're killing me that's good and hot I just took it all right thank you that's my sincere apologies that is hot it's very good tell me when you're ready for the bone marrow ready for bone marrow how's it looking for your tuna said finished crab salad up that's it you got it soup up excellent two soups uh one more soup coming right now blue team you've only got three crab and one soup to go okay are we cleaning every single plate of course we're cleaning every single plate [Music] what happened with those strawberries missing from your plate what went wrong it was an oversight Chef I was the last size on the plate that was my fault I accept responsibility will not happen again this is terrible and we can't keep going like this advertisers are all done and out now it's time to get ready for the entrees okay we've got 60 hungry guests out there for the entrees the guests will choose between Ivory salmon with squash and Beluga lentils and and peib with duck coffee potatoes and collard greens getting through this service is going to take nerves of Steel that's calm down collect ourselves and do this thing okay brother we got this we got this we have to get it and get it right blue team yes chef two salmon two steaks yes Chef yeah everything's piping hot hey guys everything nice and hot there's a lot of pressure a single mistake can send us out of control you ready with a Savage hold your horses I'm just putting garnishes here don't worry ordering red team one seven one two seven one steak Salmon's are going in Lynn and Sabrina have given me all the proteins and all the sides both the salmon and the beef have to be medium rare and it's not easy to get them both just right at the same time I need those steaks red team you've got two salmon that I'm waiting on and make sure you get those steaks up to temperature okay yeah Chef now we're gonna have to pick up the peas Cody yes drizzle is really looking messy there it's got to be long the full length of the plate and a narrow band yes chef we have to up our game and meet the standard with every plate that's how we're gonna win this yeah this goes on the side Lynn has no idea what to do okay this is not good Sabrina's telling me my plating is not tight enough I'm not lining things up properly we're gonna get that sent back you know that right it's putting us behind come on guys I need these steaks now yes chef okay pick up here that's a better drizzle on there Cody thank you Chef you keep it consistent like that for me and I'll be very happy while The Blue Team sends out a steady stream of dishes the red team's tables are growing impatient yeah players came out really fast and it was delicious but I feel like maybe the red team has forgotten about us ordering red team one seven one steak ordering red team won seven one steak so two seven two steak right now three salmon or two salmon I didn't hear you three salmon we're getting orders one after the other it's crazy it's Mayhem bananas and it's taking too long let's let's everybody screaming at each other regroup everybody okay please regroup this is not working I'm feeling overwhelmed right now Lynn calm yourself down first I am calm well the red team struggles with their steak and salmon entrees some of their tables are getting impatient we've been waiting for very long time back in the kitchen the blue team has hit its stride two steaks are gonna be ready here pretty quick Cody we're running like a jet plane on afterburners one more table left let's go guys come on last table let's watch these last plates are gonna be the best place we serve all night guys come on let's go Blue Team your last check is out damn I can't believe that we just did a dinner service at canoe and the ship didn't even sink red team listen up we've got two tables that haven't had their main courses yet yes yeah four Stakes is what I'm waiting for yes sure and it's taking too long yes chef Lin push your team there come on guys we can do this Michael if you need to get back there let me know I'll call the pass for you okay you get there get a pan on here I want to get a panhox oil butter let's go watch your lentils at the back there huh I am so embarrassed that Chef Michael has to come back and bail us out okay are the plates ready yes chef watching Chef Michael is making me realize I got a long way to go let's get that one cutting on the plates put it down put it down add a boy [Music] okay let's go four Stakes get him up red team your last order is out you're done being in a professional kitchen is more intense than I ever imagined I have a newfound respect those 50 dishes I've been ordering oh here we go [Music] mine's plated beautifully it really is it's really flavorful like it tastes delicious I ordered the blue team's pea potato Bean was it done to your satisfaction Mr Pastor surpass your expectations wow wait till Michael hear about this how's the red team's beef it's the cook to production if you're having The Blue Team salmon yeah it's actually very unique I haven't had this taste combination before it's very good the customer comment cards will be taken into account but the judges will decide the winner based on teamwork plating and taste first Ivory salmon red team it seems to be a little tighter together not quite as aesthetically pleasing I feel as The Blue Team I agree with you 100 let's try the red team you know with this being Ivory salmon it is very delicate and needs to be served nice and pink on the inside this is overcooked Michael just a little on the oversight unfortunately this is such a delicate fish it is squash is good squash is beautiful that's beautiful yep should we try the blue team wow they nailed the cooking on that that's a better cook yes yeah this looks like a professional chef cooked it the blue team had better presentation than the red team and the cook on the salmon was on point for the blue team the salmon on the red team was just a little on the overcooked side potato beef and once again I'm feeling that the blue team has the slight upper hand in terms of the overall presentation blue team looks very elegant steak I found nicely seasoned what do you think guys the meat is very rich I think overall it's a very well balanced dish let's compare that to the red team perfect sear nice nice caramelization on the outside of the Beet the inside here is a perfect medium rare it goes right through [Music] very nicely seasoned both on the colors on the steak perfectly cooked steak the red team's plate had a little bit more sauce than the blue teams the sauce sometimes makes a dish in this case you know the red got it after cleaning up the teams meet with the judges [Music] congratulations to all of you you should be incredibly proud of what you've achieved here tonight you were challenged to run one of the finest restaurant kitchens in the country and you managed to pull it off great work everyone so I'm very very proud of the job we did today we made it through this thing and we did a good job the winner of tonight's Team Challenge will not be announced until tomorrow when we all return to the MasterChef Canada kitchen so for now Drake and be merry excellent job very very proud of you well done everyone great job excellent go for it Matthew's working on the bibimbap the bibimbap has the most components and it's the trickiest to play Sean do you need any help on prep good for now man Dr Sean is on the Chop Suey station I know he's gonna kill it because it's a lot of presentation on that one Jeremy how's it going over there man it's pretty tough man I feel like the walk station is going to be the hardest because it's very technical so I'm gonna do it but I feel like I may not be able to communicate with my team as much how you doing Jeremy you good guys we're good Mary good job I'm on the Chop Suey Veronica's going to be working on the vivim Bop right here on the Crackle she knows what she's doing you're doing a really good job thank you doing good aprily well the walk is a lot harder than Eric made it for sure I've never made food similar to this before ever how did I end up on the walk use one hand okay all you have to do is fine like that okay that's all okay Alvin's giving him a few pointers on how to use that walk because that's gonna be a really tough piece of equipment to use right hand Alvin I don't care what hand you use okay that's a right hand walk if you turn it around to left hand walk okay well I can tell you mastering a walk is not something you're learning hours it's something you learn in months and years I understand how fast I really picked it up are you okay and you're gonna do great I get it I get it right get it right there aprily is strong and determined and she is not gonna give up good luck Jeremy good luck pick up the pace the alumni is arriving [Music] seeing David George Michael from season two I am so excited you see Dora come in Kevin it's just so amazing hi guys having a lot of fun over here I love it thank you here's Lynn there's David there's Christopher suddenly it just got real all right all right blue team red team I want to eat chop suey blue team I want three bibimbap red team two bibimbap these orders are flying in so much faster than I ever could have anticipated red team did you say red team you got to listen to me you gotta listen to me it's complete chaos before any dish gets served to the alumni it has to get past Alvin foreign I already feel good first dish out and we're already winning Blue Team One Charming red team do it now hey hey hey hey hey hey be careful be careful hey hey turn off get a cough get a coffee fire is billowing out of the Walk station oh that's it magic okay come on Jeremy was just adding his oil to his wok and he already set it on fire I'm not sure these boys know how to play safe Jeremy is there any way to starting to fire it's embarrassing I want to prove to the judges that I can use this walk [Music] just sitting here I can feel the anxiety from last season's restaurant takeover coming back it feels awesome to be on this side of the kitchen just knowing that we're not sweating we're not fighting and we're gonna get to eat some great food blue team red team yeah I'm pretty confident I'm feeling really good that's very nice thank you Chef Service Place table three red team I want three Chop Suey yes chef come on height service please I gotta tell you the Chop Suey and the red team looks beautiful it looks textbook it's absolutely fantastic just a combination of all those flavors and these as the home Cooks continue pumping out their dishes service please the judges take a moment to taste each team's Chop Suey salad we have the vegetarian chop suey presentation I would say it's even Steven they look fantastic big bold bright colors let's try the red team [Music] love the crunch yeah I agree with the Christmas of it I think they were just a little shy on the dressing that beautiful dressing with all the Chinese flavor is missing let's try this one [Music] yeah look at the noodles they're all just bathing in this beautiful Asian dressing The Blue Team nailed it great texture great flavor great presentation just got a touch more dressing in a slightly better dish do a chop suey get the eggs on those days Alvin is watching our every move where's the Sesame I'll get the Sesame Chef it has to look good and taste good all right don't forget I will not forget the gun shop or else we're not gonna win this challenge red team one more bibbon ball coming Chef I see Matthew slowly putting toppings on his bibimbap one at a time I'm filling both my bowls at the same time I'm working twice as fast as Matthew hey nice plating thank you Chef Table Three enjoy thank you it's very visually pleasing nicely done how you doing good how are you so Lynn what was the standout dish for you you know my pronunciation I like the the BB Baby Bop is that how is it I really like the blue cheese the way the rice was cooked just like a nice party in your mouth I really really I had a feeling you're gonna say that this is our take on the famous Korean bibimbap which one looks better I think the blue just a fraction it seems like everything was in place with a sense of purpose but I love the way the crab looks on the red team it looks beautiful crisp nicely cut and portioned let's taste it [Music] well I'm getting crunched from the crispy rice around the edge of the bowl from the soft shell crab from those beautiful vegetables okay let's try this one there's a lot of garnish here which is what you want but it's the flavor there oh really crispy crab that is a flavor bomb this is very close but I got to tell you the red team has a slight Edge I agree okay everything's looking great girl yeah what I like to see is Mary she is up front there right in the middle of it watching every dish go out okay red team I want two more chow mein yes chef aprily two chummy gets married there is so much pressure being team captain you're doing amazing okay yeah yeah I'm just trying to keep it clear in my head what needs to go out and that none of our dishes are going out poorly all right very nice fairies table five main blue team one time in red team do it now you say yeah I hear Alvin talking to us and whenever he's saying anything I would always say yes chef blue team I want three bibimbabs yeah and I don't hear anything from Jeremy because he's just so zoned out at the walk how are you doing Jeremy Jeremy how are you doing leadership right now I got to tell you in the blue team seem to be quiet well Jeremy's on the walk so he's got his back to the entire kitchen and he has no idea what's going in and out of his station I don't get it Blue Team One Lobster say yes chef yeah got some salt thank you red team I want one more chow mein [Music] look at these women they're strong they're confident they're giving the guys a run for that money I can tell you that much doing okay Veronica doing great get the charmings out get the charmings out Mary number 12. guys we're doing so well okay come on let's go come on come on did you taste I did good service please season 2 Master Chef winner David George is in the middle of sampling both teams chow mein dishes when Claudio Pays His table a visit how you doing good Jeff good so what do you think of the food so far I pulled a giant piece of uh cartilage out of my mouth so that's never appetizing so other than that it flavors are on point well listen we're gonna get you a fresh plate okay and redo this thank you really bad news for the red team David George found a piece of cartilage in his dish Mary yes chef this is absolutely unacceptable I'm so sorry I know and I'm so sorry April Lee deserves David George season two winner Lobster Ricardo Legend I'm very very disappointed come on get it right make sure you check it free fire yeah another refire hey you're not leaving me right now come on red team you're behind come on behind come on one minute Chef if a lobster gets sent back again it's all over fun okay this lobster looks great got two up that's the replay service please number three you're doing amazing David I hope you enjoy this thank you Joe can you understand how this can happen being in that kitchen again we know what they're going through you're just trying to do your best and as fast as possible no disrespect to doing an amazing job all right I hope you enjoy this take care the most popular dish at r d Eric's famous Lobster chow mein they look pretty similar so we'll try the red teams first the lobster is cooked perfectly the noodles on the other hand seem to be overcooked all right let's try blue one this Lobster album looks Raw it's a little under I mean that is raw Lobster Tiffany's translucent there wall officer overcooked noodles what's worse both unacceptable neither makes a perfect dish coming up on the red team's pass good very nicely done thank you Chef Matthew how many more busy Maps we have I have one more and then I'm done yo did you test me to see these guys not yet two more chow mein service as service winds down Claudio Takes One Last Tour of the dining room to get the alumni's final thoughts it's got it's got excellent flavor nice texture to it they're doing really well good evening ladies how are you enjoying everything um we're too happy with lobster chow mein okay it was really chewy and I think like this was a leftover dish Baba's not going to be happy about this one Chef Alvin this is a complete and utter disaster they found a lobster shell the lobster was beyond overcooked that's bad one team was that please please please don't beat the red team this one's The Blue Team blue team Jeremy Jeremy Jeremy Lobster chow mein look Lobster overcooked noodles on the cook come on I want everything asking perfect do it again right now see what do it you know what they said what describe it as leftovers bad that's bad really bad you gotta get that yes a new blade of chow mein it's gonna be down to the wire Jeremy come on last one that's the last one you're behind come on last order of chow mein look better than the last one nice one nice one service please number 12. all right we're done thank you we just took over one of the busiest restaurants in Toronto what an amazing experience I can't believe we pulled it off service is starting now all right let's rock and roll red team order in 280 choke salad two coats for me for the appetizer service Barry and Trevor are building the artichoke salad okay so we'll go artichoke chip green here let's build them and I'm on Duck constantly watching and two salads Miranda is doing all our soup five minutes on the five minutes on the consummate I'm cooking the artichoke salad and Aaron is plating Chef there's order number one two artichoke salad Barry that looks great well done keep it up hey Chef Michael's Expediting and I'm relaying orders to my crew it's awesome and the ball gives them to me please we're rolling like a well-oiled machine coming in the Maze bring it up artichokes ready in 30 seconds gotta be careful no communication and your service is going to break down two consummates to the Past service I need more artichokes here red team two salad [Music] when the orders start coming in and listening to Chef Michael but I'm waiting for Barry to call the name red team New Order in one artichoke sound three kosame can I get a yes on that yes sure thank you trimmer are you the team captain Barry yes chef yes chef thank you Barry two of those solids ASAP working on it I can't believe how hard it is to keep track of what goes with one come on Barry the artichoke salads honey them right now what is going on I'm overrun at this point Barry buried behind Okay the two constantly finally serious just communicate Hey Barry more consummates lovely thank you very much Miranda I think Aaron's doing a good job as team captain blue team I need four salads to go with these two they're coming right up Chef less than one minute we're working really well as a team and our orders are flying out the door service it's a rush in this kitchen the adrenaline is pumping order back up check I feel like I'm in my element good service okay red team last order here one artichoke salad and three kosame one salad coming right up Barry even though this is chaos I am loving it we need those soups as fast as we can still coming okay Barry these can go to the window wipe those plates Barry wipe those plates Chef one artichoke salad three soup in the window I want to do this every day I'm quitting my job when I get home last table up here service appetizer service winds down the judges take a moment to taste each team's dish let's try the red teams consummate wow that basement is nice and Flaky it's perfectly cooked that is beautiful isn't it but broth needs a bit of salt I agree with Claudia that it could be just season a touch more just to hit that Peak okay let's try the blue teams all right [Music] just a little more seasoned which just rounds it out pretty darn close to Perfection I think the blue team taken on this evening it's a great start now let's try the artichoke salad I see a difference in the way that they played in both salads immediately the red team seems to have a more of a clean concise look The Blue Team on the other hand it's much wider okay we'll taste the red team first [Music] I really like the combination of flavors it's beautiful nicely seasoned I would be happy eating this salad at obese in the south of France or just about anywhere now let's try the blue team's artichoke the artichoke could be in the pan just a little bit longer because you know I'm not getting that right caramelization they didn't evenly distribute the stuff and they noticed that when they were seasoning it they were right here seasoning need to be above it so that those flakes just naturally fall over the entire salad the red team seems to have the edge here I think all in all they did a great job getting the appetizers out let's see how we do with the main courses we need to hurry this up appetizers were a huge success hopefully we can keep this momentum rolling into the entree for the entree course guests will choose between a beef tender loin and a seared monkfish the entree orders are coming in medium rare yeah all right are you ready all right blue team two filet medium rare yeah make sure you season those steaks well and yeah Chef I'm cooking steaks hey is working the veg Miranda's working with fish how far out are you Aaron nine minutes on the Trevor's responsibility for the main service is the beef filet join the fish I am responsible for the monkfish dish and it'll be plated by Dairy how long out on those first order of steaks Trevor four or five minutes Barry I feel the beef tenderloin dish is the most difficult to nail on this menu and I really want that to be on me I feel that I could handle it all on my own the main orders are coming in so fast two fillets both medium rare immediately we're frazzled how far are we uh where did my Ladle go hey blue team I need some food up here please the first order of stinks Trevor give me one minute you got one minute exactly come on guys you're gonna have to focus now coming out right now that's not medium that's rare I need a medium steak and I need it now the hardest thing about the beef dish is definitely nailing the cook on the beef I'm having a hard time gauging it just by touching the outside Richie what's holding things up undercooked steak Chef come on red team I need this order yes chef we do not want Chef Michael coming into the red kitchen if that happens we're done a medium steak while Trevor is struggling with undercooked steak over in the blue kitchen watch that pan is looking a little too hot for my liking Aaron seems to have the opposite problem regulating the temperature on these induction burners it's a juggling act I do not want to get back in there okay yes sir take him off the pan if you feel like they're gonna Burn yeah hold on I've never seen Aaron look so stressed ever what's your pan again there Aaron look at it it's smoking Aaron do you need help what do you want me to get on some steaks no Aaron yes sir this one is burnt you can't serve a steak that has black on the edges like that that's a waste of good steak I'm feeling like we're drowning I've lost four stakes and I'm gonna have to re-fire don't let that happen again yes chef this isn't the time to panic it's time for us to rise to the occasion sorry I'm letting you down on these snakes Okay Aaron let's just [Music] Barry I need that first order of steak um the stakes are taking longer than I'm expecting everything that's coming out is rare at best that's rare like these have been in the oven longer on the pan I need the steak my fish is dying up here Barry Barry what do you think medium rare maybe just as mistake on the plate yet waiting right now thank you Chef two fish two medium rare that looks very good all right table 25. Trevor are you still in the weeds are you good no I'm good I'm good now guests at the red team tables are receiving their entrees I ordered medium rare and it's exactly medium rare the steak is delicious the blue team's customers are not so lucky okay blue team when can I get some food from you uh two minutes shot followed by the second one in five this is rare I can't send that up it's rare it's not medium I'm getting really worried for our team do you want me to get on some steaks Aaron what do you need from me Aaron doesn't have to be a hero I can come in and help Erin I need an answer you cook me four medium I'll take care of all the medium rare pay it for medium what means you need to finish those plates we need to get them out yeah we're finishing them right now how far out Aaron coming right up I'm right behind we're cleaning right now you have potatoes coming from yes Tam yeah you're amazing thank you wind fell out of my sails for a minute there but still got a handle on this four medium rare fish are following Chef service please nice looking Place Sharon thank you Chef table 27. thank you very much Miranda I'm sorry that I put you in that spot yeah now both teams are sending out entrees at a steady Pace hello ladies so you're a medium rare yeah I'm very happy with the potatoes were great presentation was really well done I think it's perfect and you I really am enjoying how the meat is cooked it's very tender it's just a wee bit undersalted salted a little say in the season I'm having the monkfish from the red kitchen The Taste is very good from the blue kitchen I have the beef it was peppery flavor was Exquisite to pop it hi you're not touching me beef here no it's not quite the temperature I ordered I think it's a little bit too rare right now right away thank you so much I appreciate it hey Michael Michael they ordered medium and look at that all right it's medium what color is that that's rare okay I'll fix it right away fix it medium chef mistake comes back and it's undercooked this is my fault come on Trevor I need that re-cooked steak just let it rest it's coming right out chef give me one minute here if I can't figure out the dumbness of these steaks we're gonna lose this Challenge and I'm gonna be the cause you're perfect [Music] refired media I'm sorry thank you all right let's go service all right there you go how is that and it looks great enjoy the rest of this thank you two and two set service table 23 service table 29. thank you very much Antonio there's a couple of hiccups we're in some kind of a Zone and we're just doing it service let's go thank you rig team routine service is over I feel fantastic cooking that line working with Chef Michael I haven't felt that alive in a long time red team you have your first order Chef one octopus yes one tartar one octopus one tartar for the appetizers I want Andy to be working on the cooking of the octopus I want Nadia to be working on the mix and the marinade for the steak tartare and I'm going to be putting together the final composition of these dishes you let me know when you need me okay yep I will looking great all right blue team your first order is four octopus two beef tartar Eugene octopus two tech tire bring it in Becky is handling the tartar dish Eugene's role is to cook the octopus my role is to Plate the octopus okay again you have to clean the place before they go out yes Becky all right red team ordering two octopus tartar two people having so many orders coming in but I know that as a team we're gonna be able to pull through where's my tartar going with this octopus guys right here Chef red team nice place beginner's luck it's pretty awesome thank you very much red team nice looking appetizers thank you really great we are doing very well we are talking we're communicating how can I help you how can I help we are working like a proper Kitchen in my eyes so blue team the red team is already pushing Ops out they're on their second table already you have not given me one table yeah perfect plate them put them down octopus down this is our first plating and Keegan's already asked me to do the plating instead now 20 minutes on your first table Kagan we're gonna pick it up from here things are feeling a little bit chaotic Becky how we doing two more plates nearly up blue team you gotta hustle you still owe me four octopus Kagan you're getting absolutely crushed right now by the red team I need my team to move a lot faster they're just yelling frantically moving okay seems like they're not actually doing anything the only four more octo right now four more octo there's no clear option for what to do next like I don't know how to fix this hey again is this finished greens the greens pig in the greens Kagan you're making me wait for plates and then they come up and they're not even that great the pressure is getting to me three octopus yep you guys gotta hustle now do you need help on octopus I'm going to start octopus right now the octopus dish is way more work than I thought it would be we just got the order her Becky don't worry every little element takes a few seconds to do I need that octopus Now flip that flip that flip that Mike G is a phenomenal Captain I don't like that one too skinny do it again he is focused he's got an amazing plan he's communicating well are they good guys are doing a great job thank you Chef they're ready for service okay again take a look at this plate this is your competition give you a recap you want me four tartars two octo four times and your apps are all out help us finish these plates Becky beautiful plating here thank you all right guys great job on the appetizers and the appetizers around our team has done a terrific job of really owning the challenge nice work red team thank you thanks Chef thank you Chef we did a good job I always have to clean her yes with the appetizer service complete the dinner guests critique the red and blue team's dishes I'm eating the octopus from the red team I thought the balance of flavors was unfortunately the octopus was slightly overdone the red team beep was very very good so it was awesome I'm eating the blue team's octopus and I love the Char on the octopus it's nice and tender and firm and just overall a really tasty Dish as the home Cooks prepare for the entree service the judges take a moment to taste each team's appetizers so here we have the octopus a La Plancha the blue team's plating is not as sophisticated or as clean as the red team you can see that the red team here has really placed everything properly let's try the blue team's octopus first here to cook on that very even the interior is Juicy you can see that octopus is so tender the flavor and the way they cook that octopus it's perfect I hope the red team tastes just as good as it looks you know it's just a tad on the dry side the execution was not there let's try The Blue Team tartar two teams generally under season it's unbalanced okay let's try the red tea no disappointingly um I think the red team is suffering from the same problems as a blue team no seasoning I would say they were even Stephen round two entrees are up next start thinking ahead of what it is that you're working on Cheers Cheers for the entrees guests will choose between Sebring with chorizo and clams and lamb loin with black lentils and carrots Let's Go Blue Team One lamb two breeds you're gonna be real busy Eugene all right red team first order two Sebring two Sebring guys then you're gonna give me three bream one lamb how many fish do you have we got three on Andy You're Gonna overcook your fish yes yeah your Lamb's probably 10 or 12 minutes out how far away from lamb right to the gates we're struggling with timing Mike yeah start thinking about how we time this better all right blue team listen up ordering two lamb two sea breeze that's nine in total Eugene that's nine total this is the first time I've ever cooked Sebring this is crazy let me see that fish [Music] okay Eugene is summer clothes we need to redo it so Eugene you just wasted five pieces of fish I'm sorry Chef right now all we have is one out of the five orders for the first table it feels like we're starting the challenge over again now Nadia Here Comes lamb down he gets trained I mean the red team your fish is going to get cold while you're waiting for your land to be cooked right coming down right now if you guys give me cold food in the past it's gonna go right back to you move the plate move the plate let's go come on the orders are coming in five Sebring it's absolutely chaotic red team I need that lamb yesterday fish has already gone out very hungry when are you gonna give me five bream in one lamp as soon as we can get the the breed from over there it's for five okay thank you are you in charge now seems like it seems like it right looks like it I'm having a hard time balancing all of these different things I can't pay attention to Chef Claudio and I can't pay attention to the rest of my team using one and only one fish okay four fish are about to come Eugene you got that take control do you need me to Eugene listens to you and you're more composed Eugene I'm in charge now I'm excited to be team captain I'm gonna whip these boys into shape thank you Becky the best chance we have of winning is with Becky at the helm [Music] ET ordering four Lambs four Lambs after that you're gonna give me five lamb one dream okay I'm coming down okay five lands season them all season trays these are raw this is clean for done felute with Scott fellute how many lamb total 13 lamps 13 lamps 13. timing is off we're in the weeds right now we need to work harder okay Nadia faster and get out take the pan with you we gotta work through this two minutes on the lamb get the plate ready are the lentils done yes excuse me right here the key to running a professional kitchen is yelling nice looking Lambs Becky thank you how long in the premium the brain is about two minutes away you seemed captain and it's going much smoother I need those two breams fast yeah what's going on red team you start off very strong we're now slipping away from you I am getting extreme amounts of fire in my station oil flame does not go well together give me that frame are you cooking it or cremating it this is burning my land this is putting me way back I need help I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I need Trace Michael G what is going on with you you're burning Lambs take a deep breath my order of land is all burnt which means that I'm four orders in the weeds right now things are totally hitting the fans stop taking my stuff like Andy notices this comes right over to me and says calm down we got this we can do it relax yeah you got this Mike don't get rattled don't get rattled I'm good I'm good I'm good and he saved me we've got nine more lamb and three Sebring we've got four up right now I'm waiting on the lentils to cook get your garnishes get your lentils Yep they're all ready to go okay good good good good we're good we're good now we're good enjoy this finally all right Becky you're doing a great job your team is catching up now that was a smart move by relinquishing control of your team and giving it to be it's a great thing to do I'm like hashtag team Becky right now just like yes you go girl yes Julia and Becky and you are clear no Eugene Thompson it feels amazing to be in a professional environment beautiful guys it feels really natural I'm beyond proud right now it's amazing thank you chef Mike how are we doing down there we're good next slams coming up okay cool I think we're caught up on fish looking at these dishes I'm really happy the way they're turning out all right guys we're getting our Rhythm now it's good keep pushing keep pushing you really just need to pump out these last few dishes and we've completed probably one of the hardest cooks that we'll ever have to do in our lives medium here I'm really proud of my team we're good we're caught up we're caught up all right that's it service is over bring it in guys good job good work guys all right guys we got this let's get it going the teams have no time to spare the VIP guests are arriving and service will begin soon yeah both teams are pushing hard to prep their appetizers clams and chorizo and broken avocado salad I'm gonna do a test here Josh and then you can okay it chew it up we're gonna succeed together we're gonna fail together and that's not an option okay we have orders in red team one avocado salad one Clement chorizo your Chef we're gonna have Chanel do the broken avocado salad and I'm gonna do the clams this is way too hot way too hot and then what I'm gonna have Jennifer do is go back and forth and helping us how are we doing for avocados we need more avocados no we're good okay how you doing Josh good good good blue team one avocado salad two clams and chorizo I'm doing the clams and chorizo it's something I've eaten often I've made often it's a no-brainer blood orange and then we got pumpkin seeds Andre wants to do the salad you're doing Wicked Chrissy thank you thank you regime is our floater I guess Chef two clams up good job table 15 two clams New Order in listen up Red Team Four avocado salad two clams two clams four avocados make it nice don't make it twice fine mine thank you there's not a lot of room we're bumping butts all the time that's the switch being super organized in this kitchen is Paramount I'm just gonna work around you okay yeah okay well done guys this is looking good blue team order fire two broken avocado salad two Clement chorizo this is a lot harder than it seems blue team did you hear me you're gonna have to scrap this badge they didn't open uh a lot of them didn't no no no the clams are just not opening fast enough okay Chrissy I need you to push on those clams okay yes yes it's feeling really overwhelming that I just can't get them out fast enough let's go let's go it's so close my team is saying we got clams coming they're not coming Chrissy needs to get on it Pronto I need clams I'm the team captain and I'm gonna thank this team we got like six plans all day I thought that was just before my blood pressure is rising fast blue team I need those clams please get it together woman Tracy I need this out a little bit faster keep it on the Heat make sure you've got enough liquid in there thank you those clams will open up to you clams you know all of these flavors you know what you're doing that's good and it's hot all of a sudden I find my groove and we are busting out appetizers two clams Chef nice looking chorizo and clams here Chrissy your Rush order thank you can we go here plate this Josh is there another piece of tentacle for this calamari and chorizo have you another squid have you got another squid to grab me yeah here you go yeah just right here right here put it in here being the team captain he's a lot of pressure I don't have a time to to stop what I'm doing and turn around just to double check everything I'm kind of relying on my teammates can I get a bit more because clam is that too dry yeah Chef it's gonna be more soupy hurry up because I was gonna get cold yes chef Michael is looking for Perfection the avocado is up in the window so one time at Chorizo and your appetizers are done well done come on guys home stretch home stretch guys plate congratulations you have all your appetizers out well done okay no time to relax Andres will be rolling Fast and Furious I have the red team clams and chorizo and I think it's delicious I'm loving the the red team salad because of the experience of the textures from the softness of the avocado to the sweetness of the orange the blue jeans appetizers climbing trees are incredible it's packed full of flavor it's by the blue team's avocado salad usually it was really nice very very tasty so you got the salmon yes I got the lamb the appetizer was definitely more like a practice and the entree is the real thing guests will choose between roasted lamb sirloin and Atlantic salmon red team one Atlantic salmon one roasted lamb sirloin I'm gonna be cooking the lamb Chanel plating the dishes we have to get the sauces going guys I have Jennifer cooking the salmon okay I think this is almost there the Skin's getting pretty good I actually haven't cooked a lot of salmon but I'm about to get to know salmon real well I'm gonna set up blue team three Atlantic salmon one roasted sirloin I'm taking on the salmon guys I need help I need a regime on the lamb that's how we got himself back in the master chef kitchen good sear on that lamp Lamb's in Andre's plates are gorgeous he did such an amazing job on the appetizer round that you know what stick with it I need the first dish up I am now starting to get a little concerned here we go here we go that's two blue in the oven in the oven Lambs are not done here I don't feel like we're kicking off on the right foot it doesn't feel organized you guys these are all blue these are too rare like longer in the pan Blue Team new order in for lamb for that guys so much land come on Blue Team I need some plates now almost there Chef there are way more lamb orders coming in than salmon I'm not just gonna stand around waiting for salmon orders just gotta wipe that sorry that means cleaning sorry chefs Andre you're gonna keep an eye on these plates to come up clean for me okay yes all right service let's go first table out well done blue team you have one lamb one salmon table seven come on red team you're killing me over here salmon and lamb to get your first order out chefs service pick up feels like we're super slow and everything else is going 100 miles an hour great team tell me what you got coming up next thank you so much while many customers sit waiting for their entrees one Diner has encountered a problem Michael I went to one of the tables look at that look at that Jennifer this salmon is way too underducked oh no I assume each of us is quality checking throughout the cook is it not being cooked properly this is not locked you guys this is not done hey Jennifer just now dude you keep pulling me off of this to do other things okay Josh should be taking the responsibility of Captain but yelling at me doesn't make it better man our team is suffering from Communication Breakdown do you need any more salmon I don't know guys I don't know I'm not the one to ask the salmon undercooked by me I just want to fix this as fast as I can okay that's better you got it I'm trying to let yell at you at all I hope it's to your satisfaction very well done good thank you really apologize again thank you thank you how long you been waiting for their main course about 45 minutes 45 minutes blue team the two salmon for lamb Chef how many lamb all day nine nine I need one right now to go with this salmon if it's not here in a minute I'll be sending this salmon back it is almost impossible to get the timing right on the big tables that have a mix of both the salmon and the lamb guys I need it in two minutes so we have to reset the whole thing no it's coming red team yes for lamb New Order okay was that a yes yes thank you the tickets just never stop you just feel like you're just constantly trying to dig your way out of this hole and the only place that you're going is down in the past two seven 211 one second Chef I need four lamb to go with these two oh and then it's two lamb two salmon after that you need four of them okay yes do you need another pan for lamb how long on that salmon and that lamb he needs to cook more lamb so we're gonna be about eight minutes that's that's killing me red team these are words you don't want to hear you have over a 90 minute wait on one table it's a 10 year old girl I spend a lifetime building this company not to be destroyed in an afternoon 90 minutes have gone by this is a horror of a service I'm sending my chef the cuisine Julian to help okay blue team I'm sending Chef Julie to give you a hand so we can get these last few tables out yes chef guys we gotta get these final tables out let's go okay I'm gonna go and jump in the red team give them a hand I need you to stay on the path okay all right red team we gotta get this salmon out I'm not gonna let my customers down you're going in the oven with those yes here because we suck okay you need to go to make salmon you want to keep on them I just turned it down a little bit Julie's pretty slick man she she knows her stuff and the board's cleared one salmon three lamb up table eight pick up table 13 Mr sandwich going to table 14. service please thank you nice looking plates red team you are done your last place around yes feels great at the same time um you know I feel bad you know we definitely could have done better you know I had 90 minutes behind service blue team the old dance it took too long oh we did it we actually did it it was painful at times but we got it done
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 802,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: masterchef, #masterchef, master chef world, best dishes on masterchef, master chef, how to cook, cooking show, cooking competition, masterchef world, masterchef best dishes, best masterchef dishes, masterchef canada, masterchef canada restaurant takeover, masterchef canada restaurant challenge, alvin leung, claudio aprile, restaurant takeover, restaurant takeover masterchef, masterchef canada restaurant takeover claudio, masterchef canada compilation, team challenge
Id: 6bdnpx8FwGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 32sec (3692 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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