Every MasterChef Finale Entrée Round | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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one of my family's favorite dishes but i'm going to put an asian spin on it today because i'm trying to keep it with an asian theme i'm going to use a katara and make egg noodles this dish is trinidadian and canadian meat so i've got the black cod and i've got some pigeon peas i love fish and i love it with fresh mango and cucumber chutney this is flavor right here [Applause] looks like he's just about to start working on his noodles he is to me almost a pasta master he loves working with noodles and the fact that he's using a guitar which is a special little device and italian device to make those noodles shows that he's very confident and comfortable that he can make a really great noodle i think i'm being the right amount of ambitious doing these techniques for my entree because it's all calculated and i know i can execute it [Music] [Applause] i love my scotch bonnet okay it's delicious it's spicy and it's got flavor just like me oh that smells good marita you smell it up there yeah girl marita what you working on i'm working on my cucumber chutney they're all telling you it smells good yes chef sure does it sure does absolutely i can smell the heat in that too [Music] it's got a good solid base looking great have you worked with black card before the good thing about the black god it is kind of forgiving it's going to be not so sure about that myself because it is a white fish that is very flaky and become overcooked very quickly and when it's overcooked it is dry and nobody wants to eat a dry piece of fish keep it nice and moist thank you i have to make sure i cook that cod perfectly or else i'm done like dinner 30 minutes you have 30 minutes remaining you're now at the halfway mark the cooking of the lobster has to be perfect lobster is family favorite and i definitely can't let them down because i feel like i disappointed them in the lobster challenge before [Music] how you doing eric what do you have in here a lot of herbs uh spices uh coriander i'm grasses your lobsters are chilling how they cooked at a medium rare right now they're slightly under oh look at that what did you cook these lobsters for uh eight minutes chef eight minutes yeah chef claudia thinks i overcooked my lobster i just had to push through and eggs cute with this lobster dish i can't go home unless some candace's first master chef yeah can i have some looking good marina i love that she's making the black cod in the tara leaf too so merida's wrapping her fish and getting it ready to steam she thinks it's a pretty forgiving fish so that to me is a bit of a concern right now 10 minutes you have 10 minutes left 10 minutes [Applause] eric already cooked his lobster almost to the edge now if he stir-fries that lobster on top of the poaching i'm concerned it might be overcooked marita is definitely playing it safe doing what she knows really well which might be a very smart move but only time will tell one minute your final minute come on get him on the plate [Music] i'm happy to get a real walk and just cook some asian food i'm back in my element and stir frying these noodles [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] six five four three two [Music] [Applause] [Music] i hope they brought their passports because we're gonna trinidad with this meal the lobster has to be perfect because i overcooked it last time if i overhook it again then what kind of redemption is that eric please bring up your entrees it's uh homemade egg noodles with uh lobster sauce aromatics spices and then lime segments [Music] eric you've learned how to cook lobster to a tea the noodles are amazing the sauce not too creamy and over-the-top rich but is subtle with flavor it's a fine dish that i'd serve in a fine restaurant certainly one of mine thank you it's impressive eric by using the guitar you have the perfect what we call the shanghainese noodles you know you got that nice smoky burnt flavor here is when you're mixing east and the west together and you do it right very very smart thank you chef [Music] if you look back at the cook that you were when you first entered this competition and you compare that person that skill level to where you are now it's night and day thank you so much chef whatever the outcome is today you need to cook i am really nervous he's getting a lot of positive feedback marita please bring up your entrees i have black cod steamed in a terra leaf with pigeon pea puree a fresh mango chutney on top and fresh cucumber sauce on the side [Music] maria the pigeon pea puree very nice the tomato sweet concentrated very strong flavor the mango bit of sugar you added to remove a little bit of the acidity you have elevated this very simple dish from trinidad you've created a dish in my opinion that is a destination dish a dish that people would travel for which is a huge accomplishment thank you chef this piece of black cod see how moist that is how it glistens that is exactly how to cook one of the most beautiful delicate white fish that we serve in restaurants today thank you chef my big disappointment on the plate is the amount of fish it doesn't resemble a full main course portion serving one piece of fish is disappointing everything else about the dish spot on thank you chef he's taking a technique which takes hours and hours to prepare properly how is he going to pull that off also he's taking guitar which is tougher than normal clamps when they're overcooked they're like rubber bands there is no margin for error [Music] lin's also chosen a game knee elk is very lean cooking has to be done very subtly that will take about 12 to 15 minutes to cook five to six minutes to rest well mom you look good that's amazing wow lynn what are you gonna be doing with these uh spun potatoes i'll be making trees how do you plan to do that i'm gonna wrap it around a wine glass to get the shade and then i will deep fry it oh that's a unique approach look at this beautiful elk here have you cooked without before i've never cooked without you never have nope sometimes you have to take risks because if you don't you'll never get a head chef well i admire that ambition best of luck with it yeah you got this david here we go brother david are you concerned that you picked raising meat for such a time sensitive challenge this is oil yes and i can leave my finger in here yeah just nice and slow nice and slow for a challenge like this i believe that the rounds are small enough that they'll cook through i want to get that to a medium and then i'm going to throw it in the fryer and what about the gui duck it's also a very challenging protein to work with it is truly i have worked with gooey duck a lot they're just simply not overcooking it i'm taking a lot of risks here i am and if you pull this off i'm gonna be very impressed well best of luck thank you chef you got it babe 30 minutes you have 30 minutes left [Applause] [Music] one of my trees isn't working i'm worried about my potato trees i need to leave enough time to cook my elk and i'm pressed for time right now she is so concerned with her trees she's not paying any attention to her outfit if she doesn't get the elk on in the next five minutes it is over for her come on mom i can tell you right now tammy looks worried for i think lynn's unraveling what the hell did i get myself into like what was i thinking [Music] the star of this plate is going to be the wellbore porky goodness david you got this man yeah david yeah baby five minutes and this time you should be playing flip your old time look what's happening over here gentlemen i'm working at super ninja speed to get everything on the plate she is building those plates [Music] that's the way i like it [Music] one minute you have one minute left come on one minute this plate is so important this is everything [Music] 109. eight seven six five four three two [Music] [Applause] [Music] this dish is fun it's quirky it's artistic like me as i look at my dish i'm happy with it it looks like a restaurant quality dish david please bring up your entree this entree is very personal to me i just hope i'm making my mom proud my dish is a wild boar belly with gooey duck clam and brown butter carrot puree it's an exquisite looking dish [Music] david you're taking the inspiration from clam and pork i mean that's just right up my alley you know asians we love to make seafood with meat with the clam with this wild boar perfect complement the combinations of textures of everything it just goes together the clam is so tender it is the thing of beauty very sophisticated humble dish from a very sophisticated humble chef your wow factor on this plate is the wild boar belly herbs and little citrus seasoned beautifully absolutely delicious we chefs love to be surprised and you surprised us with this dish nicely done thank you lynn please bring your dish up i hope the judges don't think it's too extravagant or show-offy and that they get my story and my creativity my dish is a butter-basted tenderloin in a potato forest the bed of a celery root puree [Music] lynn your dish has a real flamboyance to it and you've definitely connected with the ingredients i think you made one error you spent most of your time with your potato which i don't think should be the star of the show here it's the elk the elk is just a little rare that's the only fault on the whole dish everything else is seasoned properly the puree is lovely just the elk i mean the elk seasoned beautifully caramelized all the way around absolutely beautiful but it's just a hair on the underdone side the celeriac puree has that slightly sweet earthy flavor a beautiful accompaniment this is the kind of enchanted forest i could visit then i love stories on the plate and that story enchanted me the potatoes and the way it's shredded in the perfect season can just eat this all day all the ingredients they go together enchantment magics happen jeremy is taking four sushi inspired dishes he's got a lot of things to pull together there now jeremy's sushi boat has to be elevated it can't be sushi that you get in a kiosk at a shopping mall this has to be sushi that we've never seen before anywhere i'm making sushi because sushi got me my apron so i'm thinking sushi's gonna get me the title hello jeremy hey chef so tell me what you're doing right now with a papaya this is the traditional way to make papaya salad so you cut into it down to close to where the seeds are at and then you take a slicer and you do this that's the way that it's traditionally made in southeast asia that's amazing and then you get all these little uneven cuts yeah how are you planning to tie all of these four dishes together so they make the feeling of a one complete entree dish they all have soy ginger and wasabi they all play on those elements sounds like you've got a lot to get done i'll leave you to it thanks so much jeremy [Applause] mary has been so good with me i sometimes forget she's a vegetarian when i'm cooking meat i need to go by eye and smell and feel this pressure is insane when it comes to sushi rice in japan it is sacred it is served at room temperature i make my sushi rice and it has to get cooled so i put it in the blast chiller he didn't have to put it in the plastic you had plenty of time put a cloth over and let it cool sometimes you put in the black trader the rice gets dry and hard as i'm checking the oysters i am so full of adrenaline right now that holding the oyster knife is nearly impossible barry is struggling with those oysters big time in the pandemonium i realized that i didn't take my beef out of the oven that meat has continued to cook mary's looking frazzled at those steaks i don't think she's happy i'm really nervous that i've accidentally overcooked my meat i am panicking that doesn't look like medium rare to me you don't know it until we cut into it it's going to be the moment of truth 10 minutes you have 10 minutes left the rice jeremy i leave my rice in the blast chiller too long [Music] the rice froze a little now i got to figure out how i'm going to save this rice his rice is frozen into one solid sheet and now he's trying to defrost it in the oven the sushi rice is no good then your dish is no good i have so many things on the go have you ever seen mary station in such a state of disarray look at it i need to put the best thing i can on that plate time is not at all my friend in this cook jeremy is going to put the new spin on four sushi inspired dishes jeremy is really running around look at the sweat coming from his face he's got the speed but where he sometimes lets himself down is the finesse and running out of time in terms of plating one minute left last minute get those finishing patches on your plate now ten nine eight seven six five four three two [Applause] good job i feel good i didn't think i was going to get everything on the plate but i pulled it off i'm really worried that my meat is over i really don't want it above medium jeremy please bring up your dish i made four different dishes there is a deconstructed soft shell crab spider roll and then a miso marinated baby octopus with mushrooms a tuna crunch roll with wasabi mayo and crispy salmon skin and then ginger papaya salad but you know jeremy i was a little bit worried about the rice because you had in the blast chiller and you had it in the oven you know something the rice to me was perfect i am sushi in some of the best restaurants in asia this is restaurant quality just absolutely creative and delicious thank you chef jeremy this is a feast for one's eyes and i know that you have been challenged at times with plating you'd never know that looking at these four dishes the tuna roll very clean very well executed the soft shell crab cooked beautiful and crisp the dish that for me fell a little flat was the papaya salad i'm looking for a little sweetness in it to make it sing for me otherwise a really great job you should be very proud of yourself thank you chef so jeremy here you have four very different things happening on one plate opposed to having one composed main course that's very focused you give yourself now four different ways to be criticized you know that the standout dish for me was the octopus with the mushrooms you could have disturbed one dish and it could have been that dish right there that's my advice to you is focus you need to focus more but overall very ambitious and very delicious thank you chef mary please bring yours up [Music] so this is my take on surf and turf it's a seared beef tenderloin with fried oysters and an arugula and sea asparagus pesto it's a beautifully composed plate on every level but i know right now you're absolutely agonizing wondering what is happening inside this piece of meat here i am just cringing waiting to see the center [Music] perfect medium all right let's dig in mary the ingredients that you chose to put on this dish i think we're well thought out they work together and it's a fun play on surf and turf the oyster briny salty added that wonderful savory pop a lovely thoughtful excellently executed dish thank you mary each individual component was perfect the leek onion ring i mean that is genius the pesto sea asparagus something very unique and something i would be proud to serve in my restaurant thanks very much you know mary i think you found your niche taking the old school and bringing it to the new school it's such a beautifully composed plate in terms of the combination of flavors presentation the sea asparagus with the arugula in a pesto that's the first time i've ever had those two together and they work brilliantly it's pretty outstanding it really is thank you pineapple where's my pineapple for the mane i'm doing a braised pork cheek tamale ball with crispy pork belly and pineapple mole i'm no longer the girl that got the second chance and just barely made it in i'm now the best of the best i can't question that i'm in the finale you know mole sauce is one of the mother sauces in mexican cuisine it is very difficult to get right it's about really balancing spices heat not an easy task oh it's spicy a little steam coming from your ears dear [Music] it's important for me to nail this lamb for my mama up there watching down she's the one that introduced me to lamb and i just want to make her proud today i want to win so bad my food dream is to open a restaurant i'm not sure what kind of restaurant i can tell you it's going to be called valerie's though named after my mama and the boys stay focused pulling your pork bellies out [Applause] hi so you got your pork belly in i noticed in the first round yes that was a smart move look at the juice coming out of that yeah i'm really really happy with it chef so what are these balls that you're making this is the pulled pork cheek with um the mole sauce and stuffing the tamale and frying it this is the most elevated cooking i have seen you do in this competition i'm trying hard to impress you guys why did you wait you know i think it took me a while to get my confidence in the kitchen and now that i'm able to cook what i want to cook i want to show you guys that i need business i'm already impressed thank you thank you chef this win would be golden ticket to my food dream i want to be a food critic i mean i got a good palette i might as well use it right [Music] 20 minutes of 20 minutes he's left get that cherry going the tables have completely turned taya is cool calm and ready and trevor is trying to play catch-up i'm way behind i'm rushing to get this finished look look look it's caught fire i look over and my entire pressure cooker is in flame i put too much pork wine in my lamb also buco whenever you add alcohol into a pot always make sure that pot starts cold it's a very hot pot it can ignite right away and you take away a lot of hair like michael i mean i had to restart it up i lost a good 10 15 minutes of pressure cooking time we got it you got it trevor i hope my lamb shanks are tender 10 minutes you have 10 minutes left what the heck is happening i'm deep fry my tamale balls and when i turn and look the deep fryer is not to temperature stupid fryer the fryer is still the quickest way to cook this no going back i have to stick with the plan okay let's see if you minute i look down at my lab and i couldn't be happier it's exactly how i envisioned beautiful get it going buddy all he's running out right time my lamb reduction i gotta get reduced before it goes on the plate it's too fatty it's too whiny i'm cutting it really close this is a sauce that needs usually hours of reduction he's gonna try and do it in minutes he is really pushing it now keep an eye on that for me pull it together i gotta get back on track i gotta be able to plate my plating is everything in five minutes the server will be coming for the entree hot tub i'm getting frazzled because i don't have that much time to play [Music] look at the focus right now this is next level [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ten nine eight seven six five four three two [Applause] we get to taste and they have to keep cooking so let's go guys the first entree the judges will taste trevor's braised lamb shank and lamb tongue with celery act puree and vegetables judging from looks alone this is a piece of art it has this progression of color to me i just love this he's plating like a true professional chef always has and i think that's one of his strengths [Music] the flavors of the lamb shank i think are wonderful great depth of flavor it is cooked beautifully i would have loved a little bit more of that braising liquor as a sauce reduced and poured over it his celery root puree creamy delicate well seasoned really nice the shank nice and tasty my tongue was nice soft and tender i love these little beet roots that's an extra touch perfectness to a dish i love this dish the vegetables i think are world class perfectly cooked perfectly cleaned it's really smart there's not one ingredient out of place absolute perfection next up is taya's entree braised pork belly in pork cheek tamale ball and a pineapple mole it doesn't look as good as the appetizer the color of the tamale ball is a bit light it doesn't have that golden look that you would expect from a deep-fried item i do think it's a playful take i love the colors on the plate it does say mexico to me and now it's all down to how it's gonna taste [Music] wow boy tear can cook i mean the flavors here the pork belly i think is porkalicious other than i think it could have been pan fried or touched to be a little bit more crispy the more beautiful combination the spice it's just right and she's very very good with heat but tamale ball it's hard it's stowaway and the pull park inside it's dry this tamale is actually rocked completely raw in the middle great idea but you know the execution was not there taya is clearly masterful when it comes to spices and seasonings she has nailed the flavors of mexico that to me makes this dish a real knockout the main course is a nova scotian hodgepodge it's basically a pot with a bunch of cream in it and every fresh vegetable that's pulled from the garden that day and i'm gonna elevate that with sweetbreads and dungeness crab things are amazing and then finish it with a crab bisque on top [Applause] andy's menu is ambitious but i know andy can pull it off got a push got a push i feel like things are going really well right now i just need to keep pushing every element has to be perfect because there's not a lot of room to hide [Music] for the entree i'm making rabbit two ways with jerusalem artichoke puree i have to raise the rabbit which i already started oh my goodness what is that called again call fat call fat you're putting your rabbit in your apple in there yeah yeah wow it's amazing cole's bud is the fat around a cow's stomach it's just a great way of keeping things together with meat and also add moisture and flavors at home don't have the equipment don't have the access to all these ingredients like three months ago it was impossible to become a chef for me and now it's super close yes yes becky yes becky 30 minutes you have 30 minutes left okay boo bear let's go oh andy that looks delish a soubise is simply an onion sauce you take lots of onions and slowly cook them without any color oh god it's gonna be so good this dish is much more reserved and focused on classical french techniques it's good andy looks good bud i want to win because i really want to build a name for myself on the food scene in halifax looks great by looks good andy jeff tell me exactly what you're doing i'm doing a uh nova scotia hodgepodge you're putting crab in it and i'm gonna have some crispy sweet breads for texture and just like a play on surf and turf really what is the most difficult element for you in this dish a lot of the food from the east coast is pretty basic in nature so i'm trying to try to elevate it good luck with it thank you i really hope that they like it becky seems like she's calmed down now nice dabbing great job good dabbing becky there's a lot of pitfalls when you're cooking rabbit the meat is very lean not a lot of fat to it easy to overcook but if you do it right i can tell you a rabbit could be absolutely delicious those look beautiful bex thanks 20 minutes in 20 minutes the servers will be coming for your entrees [Music] there are elements in my mane that take some time listen and i'm all over the place someone just keep an eye on this to make sure it doesn't go over we got eyes on the cream for you bud we got it for you this is incredibly intense and i'm feeling that right now andy needs to conserve his energy because he still has another course come on andy 18 minutes good i'm there i'm there if andy lets the stress gets him and makes a mistake there's no turning back it might look that i'm completely out of control but i've learned in this competition that greatness happens on the edge of chaos yeah get the sueb ready to go so we're in good shape here we're in very good shape ten minutes service in ten minutes looks like a hundred grand hodgepodge we're seeing a lot of intensity from andy right now part of the crap this the way that i'm making it is roasting the shells in the oven pouring it into a stockpot i'll incorporate some cream reduce it down further so it's really thick and dense and hopefully have that really pungent crab flavor two minutes servers are coming in two minutes buddy plating is absolutely key everything i put out has to be restaurant quality incredible focus on these two home cooks there's a lot of pressure right now i can feel my hands shaking as i put the cure in the plate yes these last seconds are completely chaotic let's go ahead come on let's do it i'm trying to get the micro greens on there just to give it a refining touch i'm really happy with the apple flavors in the entree they're infused into the rabbit so you can't really miss them the first entree the judges will taste is becky's rabbit sandal caramelized apple and fennel wrapped in colfan and cider braised rabbit legs on a jerusalem artichoke puree the sauce could be a little bit thicker it lacks a better color but it smells great her composition is actually very chef inspired [Music] the cook on becky's loin of rabbit is spot on perfect and then the leg moist but fall off the bone flaky this is a dish that embodies her thoughtfulness she's put into the dish it's things that grow together go together the archer puree is smooth silky it's not rich but it's got flavor she cooks with so much instinct she nailed it [Music] next up is andy's entree a dungeness crab and sweetbread hodgepodge on an onion soup topped with a crab bisque it's colorful but you know it doesn't look like a main course is it a soup there's nothing to bind this dish together you know what i have my plate dirt that's from the hydroponics it does look tasty though and that could save everything [Music] look at the shine on the sweetbreads [Music] i think andy did a wonderful job at bringing the ocean and the land together i mean the crab is perfectly cooked the sweetbreads are succulent his subis onion sauce at the bottom the creaminess is outstanding the crab bisque is really full of deep rich flavor we come to expect both flavors from andy and this dish delivers these ones are a little too big everything you gotta look good keep going keep going two different approaches jennifer is going very conceptual and andre is going rustic caribbean but the flavors that he knows and loves i'm making a curry goat basam my wife is inspiring this dish because she always takes me out to a million asian restaurants yeah i'm bringing a jamaican curry goat dish into a korean dish nice knife skills my bosom platter will be made up of goat two ways i'm braising goat loin and i'm currying goat also caramelized kimchi that hot a green mango salad and a green onion ginger sauce well that's good korean caribbean i like that if you can get it right you're gonna get beautiful combinations of flavor and spices doing great andre [Applause] uh right now i'm working on some lamb shrimps i just seared them to brown them and now i'm gonna get them going in the pressure cooker she's pressure cooking her lamb for only 35 minutes she has to get that lamb shank in the pressure cooker right now otherwise it won't be cooked yeah that's time to slow down slow down there you go yes there you go at a girl getting something into the pressure cooker is a calculated risk you don't know exactly what's going on until you open it timing on the lamb is like mega important 30 minutes 30 minutes for your entree what is that andre gochujang it's like a spicy red pepper paste is that for the salad too that's for the mango salad oh nice is it good could use some thing to mellow it out more honey yeah and some lime i just got to make sure i don't overthink everything and just do what i do best flavors get some salt in there jennifer is taking that childhood nursery rhyme and creating almost every element from that nursery rhyme in this dish i am making a mint fleece for the lamb to do this i'm powdering some mint candies and i'm going to make them into the cotton candy that is going to be the minty element which is a great condiment to have with lamb is she doing cotton candy in her dessert no no this is in this case it's crazy i want a nice little fleecy ball that almost looks like a cloud and will melt away when it touches milan there we go he still has to do the other gold this is gold loin i'm serving this goat two ways for the curried goat in the pressure carca almost there it's gonna have a pulled pork consistency but the braised goat is gonna be nice and tender like a filet mignon i'm gonna braise it baste it in butter and get it nice i'm looking for a medium rare cook on my goat line if i don't get the cook on this goat right i'm just handing the trophy directly to jennifer 20 minutes only 20 minutes left okay okay oh my god jennifer both andre and jennifer right now are feeling the pressure i think part of it is that they're multi-tasking half of my burners are taken up by the pressure cookers for almost the entirety of this cook i have at least five elements that require burners this is very tricky i think she has too many things to do i'm a little bit anxious about that less than 20 minutes left the only thing i have done is fleece i can think of eight other things i still have to finish can i get the zelda i know how to do all these things but time is of the essence my oaths i am hate smoking right now i just got to do the next right thing i feel like a lamb might want to eat some oats she's got to be very careful with the smoking do not over smoke it might impart a bitter finish to those oats it's risky but if it works pure genius steel cut oats are amazing anyway but with like the sneak attack of smoked taste i think it'll be outrageously awesome the smoke smells awesome thank you thank you gold how's it go andre is opening up his pressure cooker how is it it tastes good learn some salt look jennifer's opening up her pressure cooker now i don't know if it looks down to me it's tough to see from up here right i can tell whether or not things are done usually by feel i hope i nailed it how's my time guys five minutes five minutes keep going keep going what was that jennifer uh red wine demi glass wow i'm gonna add some of that uh sour cherry syrup to it i am brushing these lamb bones with some of the glaze and wrapping them in copper foil it's finale day why wouldn't i two minutes you only have two more minutes left i'm pretty close i'm pretty close it's looking good bro looking good watch your time go andre go how you doing man i think i'm doing well what are you gonna do with the cabbage the cabbage is what they're gonna eat it out of so they're gonna wrap it and put it in the cabbage okay one minute one more minute look at those dishes wow oh that looks so delicious thanks guys [Music] nice jennifer oh my god [Music] [Applause] hey you got it baby seven six four five four three two [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't let up now because dessert is gonna be served in one hour the judges will now head to the banquet room to taste the entrees okay both time has probably never been seen like this before i think the judges will really like it at the start of this i thought this dish might be a bit impossible because there was just so many elements but it did all come together i just really hope they love it jennifer's entree is up first it's a braised lamb shank served with hay smoked oats sour cherry glaze and a mint fleece i always love a story in the dish it evokes the sort of whimsy of that nursery rhyme it is eye-catchingly colorful and this right here this mint fleece it is so unusual very smart oh boy this lamb is undercooked it's slightly rare in the middle my lamp is slightly undercooked it's a braising piece of meat this is not the type of meat that you ever ever serve medium rare or rare claudia that's too bad because my piece of lamb is beautifully cooked tender and juicy mine was also cooked perfectly i think we have to consider that both of you had smaller shanks than mine but the vegetables for me are really the star of the show they're so complex the carrots perfectly cooked the oats with that smoke going through them sensational i love that combination of meat fruits vegetables starch all coming together and the thing is everything fits and then you got that plump cherry giving acidity a bit of that juice balancing with sweetness and finally i love that mint fleece there is such a lot of detail in this dish it's a really good one [Music] next up is andre's entree a curried goat bow sam with pulled curried goat sliced goat loin caramelized kimchi and a mango salad in gojujeng sauce first thing in my mind is i really gotta dig into this dish once you smell that roll mouth the curry of all the spices coming from korea and the caribbean and making it a balsam okay something wrapped in lettuce which is gonna take the edge away from the heat is perfect look at the color on the goat loin it's perfectly cooked perfectly rested i am really excited to try this [Music] i got to tell you the flavor is out of control it's so multi-layered there's so many flavor components to it it's sweet there's acidity wonderful development of spices and heat the flavors are absolutely magnificent and that is andre's gift that perfect cooked roast loin the wonderful savory flavors of the curry that kick a pea from the kimchi and the mango a bit of caribbean a bit of korean mixed together this dish is fusion at the highest level and not bad from a guy from scarborough you
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 1,102,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: masterchef, #masterchef, master chef world, best dishes on masterchef, master chef, how to cook, cooking show, cooking competition, masterchef world, masterchef best dishes, best masterchef dishes
Id: ZoUJe8taBL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 0sec (2700 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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