The Best Ingredient Based Challenges | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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oh my goodness oh my god pumpkins i love pumpkin wowzers i did not see that coming i've never cooked pumpkin in my life so i'm definitely nervous i have a lot running through my head right now i have no idea what i'm gonna do with a fresh pumpkin i am excited i always have canned pumpkin at home it's quick it's rich i'm pumped pumpkin i would be delighted to have a fresh pumpkin i would be doing something grilled something poached in a little miso i think it just allows you to do a little bit more with it than just something that is more of a puree base i think veronica chose fresh pumpkin for me because she does understand that i prefer to work with fresh ingredients so i think she was trying to help me out you know pumpkin is a very delicate vegetable it's very easy to overpower it so i would be happy if i got the can the flavor concentrates so it's actually almost in some cases a superior version to the fresh can i need a can opener because i got some canned pumpkin today to work with veronica [Music] i don't think aprilie realizes that i was trying to help her canned pumpkin has a real punch whereas the fresh pumpkin is very subtle [Music] i'm not mad at veronica for giving me the fresh pumpkin because i'm i'm screwed either way i don't know my way around pumpkin other than halloween so i'm pretty nervous it's a really difficult fruit to work with i think it's a fruit vegetable what is it mario what would you do i would do an incredible soup with lots of cinnamon cloves ginger maybe a little bit of coconut milk i would do some pasta maybe a pumpkin gnocchi flavored with a little bit of sichuan pepper sounds wonderful i'm making a pumpkin cheesecake for some reason when i saw the canned pumpkin i knew i had to go baking and this is the first thing that popped into my head jacqueline is blitzing down pumpkin seeds and she is making a pumpkin seed crust brilliant i'm not ready to go home yet so i just need to make this work bake baby bake i'm making a pumpkin squash soup i have some apple i have some apricot flavoring i don't know if the flavors are gonna work i've never cooked in an elimination challenge i've been pretty lucky with that i have no idea if this dish is gonna be enough to keep me here i'm fighting for my life [Music] wow there's a lot of activity happening here mary what are you making i'm making a pumpkin gnocchi with a blue becca mouth i'm not putting potato in there because i want to keep the pumpkin flavor up front sounds actually quite ambitious we'll see you think veronica gave you uh a gift i do think she gave me a gift okay five minutes you have five minutes left i know pumpkin is very fibrous so i'm blending that puree like mad i want to bring out the flavors of pumpkin because that's got to be the star of the show i look down on my dish and i'm a little worried that it's not very gourmet it's a pumpkin puree soup flavored with apple ginger sage and pumpkin crostini very interesting all right let's taste wow i like it you have the right amount of pumpkin right amount of stock and the apple complements it beautifully you honor the pumpkin you know i like that thank you very much chef alvin [Music] it's full it's luxurious and very fresh tasting just looking at the soup how beautiful and bright that is how smooth that is beautiful beautiful soup from its color to its taste to its texture thank you so much chef [Music] this is a pumpkin gnocchi with a blue cheese bechamel and crispy sage all right so let me try it [Music] you have the liver you know you have the sweetness from the pumpkin in the gnocchi you have the saltiness coming from the crispy pancetta and the blue cheese just that oomph nothing's overpowering each other you know i love these little orange snookies because when i see them it reminds me of pumpkin i must say you deliver what we wanted thank you so much thank you jacqueline please bring up your pumpkin dish the challenge was to honor the pumpkin and i think i've done that in the flavors i hope it's enough it's a pumpkin cheesecake with a pumpkin seed crust blackberry couli and a blackberry chantilly don't look exactly over the moon why is that i think it's a little undercooked in the center so you think it's uncooked let me see [Music] this is top ten raw cheesecake can send me home it's not as bad as you think but i would say slightly undercooked okay this really tastes like pumpkin you know what impressed me the most is your crust i think it's a fantastic idea to make good use of the pumpkin seed apples and alexander keith's cascade hop ale beer and apples what are we gonna do i am doing a pork loin chop i'm gonna make a honey beer glaze with an apple relish pork with the apples and maybe a coleslaw we'll see when we get there i'm gonna be making a beautiful pork chop beer pork just makes a lot of sense everyone almost selected pork i would have to say they're taking the safe route for me it is apple fritters i'd be making a beer batter i'd probably add hazelnuts or macadamia nuts to that actually for texture exactly i'd roast down and melt down some apple to almost make a little puree sweeten it up a touch delicious finished i would do sweet i would have cinnamon and maple syrup i would use the beer as well i would really let those apples sing and be the star of that show for me savory i would take the beer and use it to steam a delicate seafood like scallops or shrimps and apple salad i'm gonna do something with pork tear gun apples and beer my flavors are gonna be spot on the beer orange apple a little cinnamon for some surprise garlic i think they'll really enjoy that well i hope they do anyway well kayla stuck me with uh baked goods so i'm actually gonna make some apple and beer infused profiteroles with some caramelized apples on the side everything can go wrong they're finicky as hell which is 60 plus minute dish i got to get going i got to speed some things up here josh chef so you were forced to make a dessert i was absolutely forced to make a dessert that wouldn't be my go-to so what dessert are you making basically i'm doing beer and apple infused profiteroles caramelized onions beer caramel topping it with a couple of crunchy nuts for some texture i hope you guys are gonna enjoy it well sounds like you've got a lot to get done in a short time i sure do good luck [Music] all right you have been making a lot of desserts so far and you are changing your strategy yeah why well because all these people think i can do is bake so got to show them i got a little bit more under the hood than one trick well who do you think is going to go home i think the ones that are staying comfortable they're the ones are going home very nice thank you very much so what do we have here seared pork chops cornbread muffin and of crab apple jelly beer where's the beer beer in the sauce vinaigrette cornbread wow is this a classic dora baked good try with some of that jelly it's awesome this is the jelly yes it's very tasty thank you let's cook perfectly i like the whole dish thank you [Music] the sauce you've made has great depth of flavor again awesome between the apples the beer the deglazing of the pan you've hit wonderful great notes well done i hope this knife is big enough i need a bigger fork i tell you where you come from everything must be big well you got big appetites out in alberta where i come from this can feed the whole city this is scarpro [Music] oh shake your hand that's a good sign oh i know about it okay don't do that to me those pork chops are beautiful they're moist thick and that's how pork chops should be done thank you so much oh thank christ [Music] i can smell the beer coming from my plate it smells pretty good it looks really good i hope the judges agree [Music] what is this profiteroles infused with the alexander keith's cascade hop ale filled with a goat cheese and marscapone cream surrounded by caramelized apples [Music] wow kayla there didn't think you could make dessert i think that worked to my advantage today the flavors come together apple slightly under done would have removed the peel but well balanced she's wrong thank you chef i look up at kayla [Music] her bomb did not land a day [Music] walk me through your dish please apple and beer glazed pork and then it's served with a crisp apple and pancetta salad i must say the presentation is very clean there's a few out there that could learn from that thank you [Music] pork looks like it's cooked rather nicely a little touch of pink there [Music] very good flavors can you deglaze the pan to make a little jew here absolutely well there you got the flavor of the hops coming through and the pork i'm impressed danielle thank you well done i'm thrilled that my pork dish is standing out from the rest [Music] truffles damn it truffles damn it i've never seen one i've never tasted one i've never cooked with one olive oil olive oil i'm making pants then keeping it simple truffle's got to be the star your dq is a good idea everyone's gonna do pasta so i reach for a few ingredients that don't maybe traditionally go with truffles i can pull this off the pantry is completely chaotic the fridge is blocked and i can't weasel my way in with my basket it's a nightmare truffle is it's a fungus it's it's a spore it's an underground tuber that is foraged but tuba is one of those instruments you blow and it's got bombed the first person that tried eating these was a very adventurous guy they seem like they're just overpriced little turds you know there are some major pitfalls though when you're dealing with a truffle they seem to have a lot of ingredients and that may not be good ideas because you know you want that dish to be simple not too confusing and you want that black chocolate to come through if i was in this challenge i'd be looking at using some of that beautiful white asparagus wonderful fingerling potatoes smoky bacon i do a light vinaigrette for that i do a scrambled egg finish it off with some shaved truffle are you reading my mind no word of a lie that's exactly what i'm thinking i think that's what kevin is doing right now eggs go well with truffles hopefully it'll work out for me in the end first glance truffles are mystifying i think they can be intimidating you have to understand how powerful and pungent they can be very tricky ingredient to work with i have no clue about truffles they could have said lynn you're cooking with the moon same difference lynn i mean she seems like she's in trouble her nerves are fraying big time hey lynn what's wrong i've never had truffles before so right now i'm just i don't know if i'm going in the right direction or not but i'm going by the taste that i like you smelled it smells like like the woods earthy yes think of it just as a really big flavorful mushroom and think of the kind of ingredients it would go with okay thank you i think you i think you can get back on track with that thank you [Music] it's time to get down and dirty i'm going to try to bring out the essence of the truffles so i'm making a simple macaroni and cheese i know it's a decadent ingredient and i'm gonna try to treat it with the respect to the dessert [Music] hi david hello chef i've been cooked with truffles that i've never done what are you making truffled ricotta any latte who do you think is his week in this group here anybody from a small town anybody that doesn't have these types of products readily available is going to be a tough ingredient for them including myself there's not too many troubles in surrey only time i've ever had a truffle was in an omelette with nothing but beautiful shavings of black truffles hi sabrina hi chef so what are you doing steamed asparagus i'm gonna saute in some butter and i'm going to crust and panko and deep fried egg with some beautiful black truffle shavings and some toasted walnut garnish wow you got to be very careful when you deep fried something like egg because it can explode right in your face [Music] what is this a pancreal crusted poached egg laying on a bed of asparagus and black truffle shape when i cut sue to say what should i see you should see the yolk running out and making a glorious sauce with that truffle well let's give it a try [Music] oh yeah look at that that's like me yellow magic [Music] wow you know eggs asparagus truffle matching heaven and you slice the truffles nice and thick so you get the full punch of faux flavor i want to devour that whole dish fantastic thanks jeff [Music] some high praise [Music] something very special happening here you have the richness of the egg the acidity and the asparagus the earthiness and the truffle and it's all balanced you've captured the essence of a truffle filet mignon with a truffle goat cheese compound butter [Music] the puree on the bottom is beautiful and smooth that celery root really comes through well and the amount of truffle that you put in i think was just the right amount thank you chef it was enough to stand up to the heft of the beef it's quite impressive thank you [Music] so before i tuck in tell me about your dish it's a truffled ricotta annulati the shave truffles on top well looks alone it certainly is a restaurant quality dish [Music] pasta is delicate light fluffy dances on your tongue and then that rich creaminess of the ricotta cheese with that secondary flavor of the truffle and then a sauce that is big and rich it's definitely the kind of dish i'd like to put on my restaurant menu thanks wonderful and all done in an hour it was close [Music] what do you do again for a living i'm a concrete guy it's like a trained chef did this it's one of the best dishes i've i've had so far thank you it's incredible david knocked it right out of the park he knows his stuff and i respect that my plate looks the way i wanted to my flavors are there i'm leaving it in the judge's hands this is called uptown ting mac and cheese truffle swing they come together i like comfort and i like simplicity macaroni cheese cream cheese truffles was it a fluke or did you know it i knew it i tried to honor the ingredient but you certainly impressed me [Music] i lost my truffle virginity today and i'm never gonna be afraid about using that ingredient again salmon [Applause] i grew up on the west coast i am through the roof i'm so stoked anybody from that part of the country definitely knows what i'm talking about those are huge i don't cook salmon i've only tasted it a couple times i didn't even know salmon could get that big canada is famous for this remarkable fish it can be prepared in many different ways tonight we're going to show you three of our favorites glazed encrusted and poached we're getting schooled today love it i've been waiting for a fish challenge [Music] my personal favorite is glazed salmon first of all the glaze it should be nice and thick and make sure it's sweet for caramelization watching chef alvin in action is amazing i'm trying to capture it all in my brain so i can use it later it should come out looking like this and you notice these beautiful bits of caramelization now that's from sugar you want a bit more caramelization you can always choose this all right be very careful especially you have long hair you don't want a haircut alvin's a comedian but the blowtorch trick is awesome how you doing salmon is the ideal fish for crusting this fish here has been breaded with almonds lemon and some herbs this is gonna take four minutes then you're gonna flip it over don't move this fish a lot if the heat is on too high you're gonna char the outside you're gonna burn it when you're done this is what it should look like it's beautiful chef you should have a perfect medium rare center chef claudio has like this suave feel to him it's almost like he can do it with his eyes closed okay home cooks i'm gonna show you how to perfectly poach this beautiful fillet of salmon what i have in my pot here is a coat bouillon the liquid that is seasoned with aromatic herbs and spices now you can use any number of ingredients in seasoning your cocoa and bringing on flavors i just gently slide it in and let it poach gently i do not want to see a roaring boil when you're poaching salmon i like the poaching method the best because you're not really hiding the taste of salmon you're just enhancing it pink on the inside beautiful medium rare it's wonderful to watch the pros do it they make it look very easy i hate them [Laughter] i love salmon i eat a lot of it i'm gonna respect it and i'm very pumped on this challenge look at barry and trevor they already started filleting their fish barry started to make his first cut right under the gills exactly like you should turning the knife back onto itself and then cutting right down the backbone of that salmon i got a sense he's done that before my wife and i live right on the water in vancouver i have friends that are fishermen so i had better do this salmon proud i was a waitress at a japanese restaurant for three years so i got to constantly observe sushi chefs break down whole fish you cannot have any hesitation you need to do that one fluid motion and you need to commit to it right down to the bone geez louise this is a huge fish ah you're the teeth they're chomping me i've never felt a fish in my life let alone a gargantuan fish just come on out i want to wreck you miranda is just butchering that fish it looks like she's been using a chainsaw on that salmon i don't even know where the bones are in these things i don't do fishies i completely butchered the first cut but i still got a big honking slab of fish that i can pick something from i like this piece i'm back on track 20 minutes just 20 minutes left trevor you can have my head thanks miranda i appreciate it even when the chips are stacked against me i take the time to help out others so if trevor wants my salmon head go ahead you're the best i'm gonna be using strong asian flavors and techniques to impress alvin today this is definitely going to set me apart trevor trey has two fish heads did your salmon have two heads i borrowed a fish head from miranda why because i am gonna be doing some crispy fish eyes and i wanted more than two coming from a chinese family the ice is a very special thing i'm doing okay i'm so tired because you know i never get the fish high because my mother always takes it okay what kind of glaze are you gonna do for the salmon i'm gonna be doing an asian inspired glaze i have oyster sauce some honey for that sugar get it really nice and caramelized you have only 45 minutes remember okay yes chef i think the trickiest technique out of all of them is the poached because you don't know quite what's happening in the middle of that fish if it is overcooked that fish will fall apart i'm a little worried i know that it doesn't take long to cook i'm guessing it's probably going to be about four to five minutes i went to see trevor he's doing four-eye salmon it's just for me and don't be jealous there's four of them you can have my fish eye don't worry and also he's got some pickled carrots and also some crispy potatoes a lot of complicated techniques there in my opinion it sounds like a tall order that's ambitious 15 minutes you're 15 minutes left you need to be cooking your salmon soon if you haven't done so miranda have i cooked sandwich before i haven't checked how are you gonna win this challenge by doing what i always do and cooking with the flavors that i think will work well together what is in your glaze i did some rhubarb honey chili oil mustard fish sauce it's right here if you wanted to give it a little taste it's very very interesting you know i love brew part and i've never used that in the glaze okay so this will be the first for me you got a lot to do i'm gonna let you do it thank you chef good luck trevor seems to be the only home cook that is using that beautiful salmon skin when you cook that crispy it is delicious it almost upstages the salmon itself whoa miranda she is using the torch i am the fire queen it's a good technique but she is doing it on a wooden chopping board now never try that at home never torch on anything that's good i did a chili honey and rhubarb glazed salmon over a spinach and mushroom salad with toasted salted pine nuts plating i think you've done a great job what i like about it is it is clean tight compact so i can't wait to taste let's see what we've got the fish is tender moist this rhubarb works overall the flavors are really solid seasoning i think has a great balance to it the glaze i think you could have been just a tad more generous with it a little advice this dish requires a little bit of crunchy texture a little crispy piece of rhubarb just a light oil pop it in the oven let it crispen up use it as a garnish but it's a great dish thank you thank you it's an asian inspired glazed salmon with crispy skin crispy eyeballs and enoki mushrooms visually is stunning thank you chef these eyeballs i mean they're staring at me right now there it is [Music] you can see that nice piece of really soft gelatinous you guys just perfect thank you chef perfect now i'm gonna cut into this what am i gonna see hopefully a medium rare piece of fish look at that you know this one is perfect cooked on this salmon that's nice a fantastic glaze it's got that sweetness thank you chef i would prefer a little bit more glaze and i told you okay to get it nice and thick because that would give it a bit more flavor now what's that uh that is a potato puree did you taste it i did not chef it's grainy this bits of raw potato this is a beautiful dish but you ran out of time and unfortunately it shows a night puree i tasted every component to my dish except for this puree that cuts my chances of winning this big time i prepared a pine nut panko crusted salmon and a mustard lemon lime cream sauce your presentation's improving thank you you nailed the cook on the salmon it does not get much better than that let's eat that crust wow it's super light i think the dish is very impressive there are a few flaws you had a little bit of a hot spot in your pan the way to mitigate that rotate that fish so take a little peek underneath and see what's happening get into your food right i'm not a big fan of cream sauces with fish if i were you lighten it up use a vinaigrette start to cook outside of your comfort zone because i sense that you still haven't hit your stride yet getting there what's it gonna take for the the bear to come out you're the first person that's called me that here really has someone else called you that before uh nobody ever calls me barry it's bear you have to start bringing it i will chef please head to the front thank you chef well done you guys and then bam oh yes yes i love lobster i cook it like once a week i used to eat a lot of lobster when i lived in new brunswick that's something i'm familiar with for sure i'm thinking i'm going to crush it and the beautiful thing about a lobster is you can use seasonal ingredients it's an amazing blank slate you can add anything to it and it'll work should anybody see spinach when i run into that pantry i think of two dishes not one and i get the ingredients for both [Music] i am ecstatic this is my favorite ingredient in the world and i just love lobster i'm doing just a simple deconstructed lobster roll i really gotta impress the judges today so i'm putting everything i got in this one here it's gonna be a friggin delicious winning dish [Music] 45 minutes that's not a lot of time i'd be working on a lobster salad a bright fresh zingy dressing for me stir-fry cut the lobster up stir-fry with green onion ginger black bean beautiful dish i'm making a lobster ravioli with a burr blanc and a nice lobster claw on top catch thank you [Music] i'm doing a poached lobster tail i'm going to do it with a corn and bacon salsa feel good about officer not feeling good about time it's very easy to overcook i want to make sure i don't do that today i'm really interested in seeing how tamara pulls her dish together so far in her basket i saw white asparagus green asparagus fennel i saw mangoes blooney hell i don't know what she's doing [Music] tamara hi chef so you've picked out lots of ingredients from the pantry keeping your options open yes sure so what are you preparing i am doing a caribbean asian fusion with a little bit of curry and butter poached lobster any concerns with the delicate flavors of the lobster using curry how big and robust it can be yeah chef i'm just using curry as an accent i'm not actually currying anything so a subtle background you got it chef thank you i'm making a very simple lobster risotto so i really want to showcase the flavor of the lobster and make sure the judges love it [Music] eric hello chef what are you doing poaching the lobster and butter i'm cooking a lofts risotto anything in there in terms of aromatics i'm going to put most aromatics in my stock so you're going to make a quick stock you think you'll have enough time uh because that flavor of that lobster is key to success it better be good yes chef mike how are you doing doing all right chef okay how long have you cooked that for that was uh just 10 minutes right on the diet what do you think is it going to be just right i think it's gonna be just right i hope so what are you doing anyway just kind of like a little deconstructed lobster roll deconstructed i like that uh yeah yeah so i'm just making the garlicky croutons over here i'm doing a little smoked paprika corn and then i've just made my own aioli are you gonna do anything with that lovely tamale you know yeah that's gonna go in my aioli oh fantastic yeah yeah well i tell you this sounds great let's hope it tastes good eh yeah thank you ten minutes left what ten minutes remaining in the cook i am worried my saving grace is that it only takes a couple minutes to cook i hope it pays off i'm getting a little worried i still have to cook it for a while it's got a ways to go i'm shocked three risottos i think pinot's in trouble he's cooking risotto with a vegetable stock you should fully utilize all the lobster all the flavors that's what eric has done he's got all the shells the innards from the head which are your favorite and i think he's going to do quite well in it well mike is being more innovative he's doing the construction something that's not so boring maybe he can pull it off i can't think of a better time than being in the top seven to step it up it's just a little take on a lobster roll garlicky crostini underneath the lobster was simply boiled into salty water i've got some smoked paprika corn and just a bit of sauteed capers and then there's an aioli made with the tamale [Music] i like the balance between corn and the capers and the lobster is not disguised i love lobster rolls because they're soft and tender and the bread here is very crispy but i do appreciate the fact that you were creative with a very common luxury ingredient so good job thank you chef i don't get much lobster roll where i come from i don't know the difference between a soft bun and a hard bun but i sit on a hard bun every day so that was a good one chef fantastic very nice the lobster that's done to perfection and of course the tamale gives it that extra crustacean that extra flavor very very tasty one all right thank you chef top seven and they're loving this dish i feel pretty good tell me about your dish a butter poached lobster with thai mango slaw with fresh peas and some red onion and some celery leaf if you overcook a lobster it is tough it is rubbery this should be moist succulent tender if cooked just to the point do you think it's cooked to the point yes sir it doesn't disappointing thank you chef the mango the pink grapefruit the shredded sugar snap peas crisp citrus refreshing simple but very tasty thank you chef every time you go in the pantry you have two baskets with you i like to see you have one basket and plan it out and focus a little bit more [Music] the lobster is perfect you could have just had this on a plate to basically show us how well you cook lobster thank you chef [Music] i use the body in the shells to make my stock and i only use the tail claw and knuckle meat in my risotto there's some green mushrooms parmesan cheese the rice i think has all the characteristics of an outstanding risotto you used the shells and increased the flavors by various aromatics you can taste lobster in it and that's the key with risotto very good [Music] how does that look to you overcooked i would say slightly overcooked i tried butter poaching it for the first time chef okay it's a bad mistake but i must say the risotto is perfect and it's delicious very nice thank you chef it looks like we just stepped into a forest yes yes yes yes mushrooms i knew it i knew it i knew it i see all types of fresh mushrooms there's king oysters cremini there's some beautiful shiitakes there's everything i haven't even seen these before canned mushroom okay nothing creative is coming to my mind listen pro's working with dried mushrooms because you can add a lot of flavor to things but it takes a bit of time to hydrate i am grabbing every mushroom in here pantry was an absolute treasure trove of mushrooms so many varieties [Music] even with the canned mushrooms they had a good selection to choose from a lot of people think the canned one would be the biggest surprise but to me it's not it retains its texture you know what i grew up in a newfie household and uh we had a lot of canned vegetables there's ways to elevate the flavor you gotta be creative but that's how i like to be in the kitchen all three versions have their own advantages and disadvantages fresh sometimes it's difficult to get the flavors out and also the freshest danger of overcooking or undercooking it i think dried mushrooms here would give you a bit of an advantage because they pack an incredible earthy flavor the sauce is all gonna be in the sauce i just want the mushrooms to shine eugene's got all sorts of equipment happening i'm sure he's doing this convoluted dish i'm making a vegetarian mushroom bone marrow canned mushrooms are a little bit slimy and a little bit wet similar to bone marrow whereas fatty and gelatinous i'm shaping comfy potatoes similar to bones my idea is pretty creative i know that i've got this in the bag 30 minutes you have 30 minutes left so much work to do i'm doing a cream sauce with beautiful canned mushrooms in them on a bed of charred up cauliflower and then a poached egg as well with that andy is using a variety of techniques he is grilling he is smoking he is making purees interesting for me to know that he does have this in his repertoire hey there andy how are you feeling i'm feeling good about it i've never done any of these techniques really before but that's what the masterchef kitchen's about is getting a little bit outside of your comfort zone do people from out east uh like to cook with a smoking gun no not necessarily but i feel like i've only cooked about one meal in this kitchen that i've been proud of and i think this one's gonna be one that i'm absolutely proud of because i don't think we've seen your full potential yet i don't think you have either chef carry on thank you chef 15 minutes 15 minutes left to present us with your mushroom dish look at eugene he seems to be taking a long time with those potatoes i need to get the potato shaped like bones as soon as possible we've seen him do complicated before and it just doesn't work out for him it's taking too long i won't have time to redo these potatoes if i don't get the proper structure i'm screwed this might end up being his ultimate destruction eugene hi chef alvin you got the canned mushroom is that bummer no i'm very used to canned mushrooms you know chinese cuisine with no chinese cooking well okay and i've used a lot of canned mushroom in my life what are you doing with it so canned mushrooms are a bit wet they're slimy so i'm doing the replica bone marrow it's a very similar texture you are doing bone marrow with mushrooms yes chef you can't can you hopefully when you taste it it'll blow your mind i don't know which way it's gonna blow that's a problem i understand that chef don't disappoint me yes chef i was given a tricky ingredient to cook with and i stood up and delivered i'm super proud of this dish what kind of mushrooms were you assigned i was assigned graciously the canned mushrooms i decided not to go with any protein and just focus on the mushrooms so on bottom i've got a roasted purple cauliflower on top of that i smoked an oyster mushroom and then on top a roasted creamy sauce using some of the mushrooms and then poached and smoked an egg the cauliflower is acting like a protein would act on a plate like this exactly i like that wow looks nice [Music] incredible flavor bold great texture honestly i couldn't tell that it was a canned mushroom by the way you treated it it's an original dish you are one to watch keep it up thank you chef we'll do and i wanted the dish to look kind of like a forest in fall the bones i made from a potato comfy the marrow is the star of the dish actually very disappointed when i look at this this eugene [Music] because i wish i would have thought of it thank you chef wow it really is incredibly creative innovative thank you chef to take a canned mushroom and come up with potatoes and mushrooms pretending to be bone marrow it's pure genius thank you i know you know it too because i can see you're filled with emotion right now the way it looks it's a triumph thank you chef let's cut through i'm very intrigued [Music] wow look at that you mimicked a bone marrow it's incredible the mushroom is smooth incredibly rich very intense in flavor the whole dish just has complete harmony i love the fact that you've got these chips here that mimic dried leaves you're definitely onto something [Music] i am so relieved right now i'm not really thinking of michael g but i guess i could thank him because probably i wouldn't have used that idea if it wasn't for the canned mushrooms it looks pretty it tastes pretty but that's my opinion i prepared for you a mushroom and pistachio crusted pork tenderloin with a mushroom and parsnip puree alongside a mushroom frise salad and a morel mushroom red wine sauce so you say you crusted the pork tenderloin with the black trumpets black trumpets and pistachios and the red wine and morel mushrooms pork is terrific nicely cooked the morels are one of my favorite mushrooms they have an upfront strength and depth of flavor is a lovely little dish thank you chef nicely done i cannot contain a smile on my face [Music] oh my god oh my god i've never cooked with coffee before this is all right with a small infant daughter i have a very intimate relationship with coffee my mind is racing to figure out what am i gonna do coffee is one of the most exciting and diverse ingredients to work with you can actually use it as a flavoring agent almost like a spice i'm doing spiced chicken with bourbon coffee sauce and then i'm gonna do some coffee glazed carrots two pitfalls of coffee one is it can be overpowering two if you use it as a rub or you leave it in the sauce it can be very sandy and gritty and i don't want that i tell you i'm a very simple man for me it's coffee rum and a big fat cigar this is gonna be interesting the judges told me that i'm confident i want to show them that there's some truth to that i'm making a coffee crusted steak with smoked artichokes and a creamy coffee celery act puree this is my first chance to make a huge impression with the judges and the only way i can do that is if they're tasting my food michael g so you got savory i did so what are you working on tell me i'm making a uh smoked coffee vinaigrette and i have a coffee encrusted steak pairing up with a smoked cream any concerns that you might have too much coffee overpowering your dish i'm just trying to show coffee in a variety of ways and elevate this taste as you go hope it all comes together and good luck cheers thank you the judges are for sure going to notice me today they're going to be watching me work in this kitchen like i'm a chef 30 minutes you have 30 minutes left 30 minutes for your coffee dish the kitchen is teeming with energy very intense let's get all of this stuff in there michael b is making ice cream there's less than 30 minutes risky move but we'll see miracles do happen in this kitchen michael g has a few problems not looking good i need to get this thicker my puree is thin and i'm running out of time i have to do something to fix this puree i decide i need a thickener i had a little parm a little bit of goat cheese then i realized coffee is what this challenge is about so i just made a little cheesecloth pouth of some fresh coffee beans and i'm just gonna let it kind of sit inside my puree just to infuse some of its flavors [Music] hi there becky so you got uh sweet so what are you cooking i'm gonna do a dark chocolate and coffee eclair and you're gonna be making a choux pastry yeah that's a tricky one to make yeah i didn't use a recipe so it might not work you didn't use a recipe i know what it looks like so probably more fingers crossed it all goes smoothly keep an eye on the clock i make super street quite a lot at home i mean i find it pretty easy but some people have a really hard time i know what i'm doing i'm not stressed so 10 minutes 10 more minutes left 10 more minutes great coffee dish oh god i don't know i'm gonna make it now it's just a matter of putting it all together becky it looks like she's done finished she is unflappable it seems like nothing rattles becky she's always in the zone becky might have enough time to actually make herself a cup of coffee not quite that ice cream is still not set this ice cream needs to speed up oh man it's cutting it close uh i mean the first challenge and i'm going up and the judges are going to taste my food like what i've got a coffee crusted steak pureed celery act coffee and a little uh condensed milk kagan how do you think you made out i think it's one of the nicer plates i've ever played well so do we that's why you're here what cook were you going for here i was going for a medium rare this is a little closer to medium i think but i believe it's going to be a nice cook let's see if you hit the target [Music] it's beautiful this makes me really happy this makes me really happy more importantly though how does it taste those flavors work so well together the smoked jerusalem artichoke the seasoning on the beef competition has begun vegan the dry rub tell me what's in there you've got coffee we've got star nice and we've got fennel let me try that what i'm seeing here is genius i mean you have quite a invasive spice on the steak but you know something that puree with the condensed milk neutralize it i would be very proud of that being your first mystery box i feel like the happiest person alive jeff alvin called me a genius only my mom does that don't really get excited about things but i'm shaking on the inside it's coffee and dark chocolate eclipse the recipe you used was right off the top of your head yeah for a classic choux pastry something that pastry chefs work relentlessly at to perfect for years yeah i just did it by eye that's pretty impressive i would say let's take one of these open it up and see how it looks from the inside look at that pretty full in there the pastry cream is incredibly soft and you have a good balance of coffee in there and that dark bitter chocolate works really really well with it i think you could have cooked the shoe pastry buns a little longer yeah but it is very good which is why i had to have a second bite let's taste [Music] watch out behind you incredible the coffee flavor just pops the pastry cream is beautiful smooth and velvety it really is incredible thank you [Applause] today i've made for you a coffee encrusted spice sirloin steak with a yam puree we're fellow mathematicians i must say this equates to a very very nice looking plate thank you very much [Music] the steak it's perfectly done thank you the puree very very rich but you cut into that richness with the pomegranate it all enter thank you chef great cook on the steak season well it's so easy to overcook it and you were able to cook it get a good caramelization to it introduce that coffee flavor but still have it moist and tender not easy simple bean salad lovely little vinaigrette maybe just a little sweet having said that a lot of great elements came together on this plate thank you chef i hope it's not beginner's luck thank you this is amazing to hear these judges and what they've said to me that's a huge huge honor [Music] holy garbanzos periwinkles hunks snails and conch david oh my god oh my goodness never made either of them get your snails that's a lot of snails how the heck do you elevate sea snails like at home we just boil them or schema put a bib on and we just start eating anyone see bread i actually eat a lot of conch at home so i know what it tastes like i feel like i've lucked out a little i'm just going through the dish in my head right now i got the garlic got the shallots i have an amazing recipe for both these snails and cotton i'm going to deep fried and make some fritters out of it you're welcome oh i saw smack that grin off his face sea snails you can treat them like clams and mussels they need a good quick fierce heat steam them up a little bit of broth white wine touch of garlic super super light but overcook them they are rubbery like elastic bands come on buddy this is michael's basket i've decided to make a snail paella there's chorizo in it tomatoes and it's seafood just got to trust my intuition make a beautiful dish and not go home today the kash is very tricky it's very difficult to get out of the shell this is freaking crazy so i would suggest that they put it in boiling water for about five minutes that's when you want to pull it out right so it comes out easily there you are little guy sabrina what's up jeff how you doing finding a conch how did you prep this clutch to get it out i parboiled it for about a minute and a half okay shocked it in water why you shocking in water i would pull it out while it's still hot because right now it's all seizing back up on you and if i probably put it back in it might be overcooked though yeah that's what i'm scared of remember this is an elimination challenge there's absolutely zero room for air in here if i can't get this conch out of his shell i'm going home what's happened now is the flesh inside the shell is completely retracted and it's stuck yeah thank god i don't need too much we're only doing one plate the home cooks have just 45 minutes to create a dish with conch and sea snails with the added twist of using another competitor's ingredients it's just another day in the kitchen are you kidding me conch and sea snails are gonna totally mess these guys up michael hello chef how are you i'm will thanks how about you i'm a little frazzled at first i was my trouble was that i was looking at the ingredients as if i was lit and that's impossible tell me what it is that you're gonna cook i'm gonna do a nice fresh conch ceviche now have you worked with conch before well i'll let you carry on thank you so much thank you okay okay i gotta do something different i gotta get out of my comfort zone i have not yet made a pasta in this competition let alone in 45 minutes i'm taking his risk hey john how you feeling i was a little bit rattled at the start but now i pull it together to make it past enough we got a fettuccine and a white wine cream sauce and then we have the periwinkles it looks interesting good luck thank you we have a sea snail and cremini fettuccine with a white wine shallot cream sauce wow your presentation is going up in a division here right here [Music] that pasta matches that sauce perfectly we have the nice soft noodles reacting with this crunchy snail it could use a little bit of salt sea snails is really more about texture yeah you really have to infuse taste into it so a fantastic looking dish just a touch more seasoning well done michael please bring up your dish i am really proud to show this dish it has a novelty aspect to it but it looks cool what you have here is a ceviche and in front of it is deep fried mushrooms when i think of conch i think of me and my mother just walking on the beach when i was a kid looking for shells so what it resembles is a shell that washes ashore let's go up some ceviche and the mushrooms would be the beach as in the sand okay well let's try this i know a lot about ceviche i'm from south america i've made so many different types this i think is genius that you're using the vessel just to keep your ceviche and i think that's interesting it smells fresh smells of the ocean actually and it's tender which is very difficult to achieve great job thank you the ceviche with the little bit of heat a little bit of acid you didn't overpower it which is very important i'm very impressed thank you i decided to do a corn and conch chowder so there's some oven roasted tomatoes inside i use fish stock and i finished it off with my corn simmering inside [Music] you really honor the ingredient that pops out i mean it really pops out the only thing i would do differently next time is it needs a little more stock we need to be a little bit lighter thank you [Music] it is snail paella so there's tomato coriander my diced some bell peppers in there and i just finished it with the diced conchas and the periwinkles at the very end i didn't want to overcook them you had to get inside michael's head to create this particular dish how was that i realized that sometimes you have to rely on your scents and your intuition and just taste your way through it and if you believe it's delicious then you'll make a delicious dish [Music] that is big and bold and flavorful i get a touch of heat there's a twinkle of that seafood the sweetness of it really very very well done thank you chef [Music] this is a pile that i can eat over and over and over again you had michael's box yes yes i mean he lay the blueprint for this dish i think you may have to thank michael by buying him a beer well done thank you chef [Music] smelts [Music] these home cooks are squirming like little smelts smelled where does it smelt it's even got a dumb name shmelt who named that fish smells thick man portuguese fish so i'm pretty happy i am absolutely ecstatic i know what to do with smokes i've never heard of it never seen it never tasted it never cooked with it i'm screwed i'm going home smelts are they're tiny fish you don't want to overdo anything to them i'm gonna batter them in some flour i'm gonna fry them nice and crispy like my mom used to make one thing you gotta be careful smell it doesn't carry a lot of flavor it's a very mild fish yes what would you be making with smelts well i would just simply bread it a bit of flour deep fry get a bit crispy and seasoning i would probably go down the same route i would be definitely deep frying i might even add a little bit of ground corn flour because a nice bit of crunch and texture exactly so what are the pitfalls here it's got to be quick fast direct heat you're limited with the cooking methods exactly they get very soggy and mealy if you stew them in the oven or bake them in the oven today i'm making a fish soup with some noodles topped with some braised smell and some crispy smell i'm gonna try to fry it i'm extremely worried it smells putrid it's slimy it's gross i really don't want to work with it tell me what your dishes i'm doing a take on a vietnamese spring roll i'm marinating some milk in sake and i'm also crisping some up in cornstarch i'm going to try some and see which one turns out better you think that was a wise decision i'm going to try to impress today i'm not playing it safe that's for sure good luck thank you very much what is this smell broth with soba noodles topped with a braised smell and deep fried smell [Music] my favorite is the brace smell because i find it very innovative and even i would not think of something like that thank you chef delicious lemony little bit of heat [Music] took a massive risk here smelts three ways and every way is good [Music] looks like you made choux pastry yes it is are cheese gorgeous stuffed with the smelt that has been pan fried in butter for a few minutes you know you got it right if it's hollow in the middle is this hollow in the middle yes they are chef look at that perfectly hollow that's a sign of somebody who has some great technique [Music] the fish have a very nice texture actually very soft delicate fantastic [Music] well the gouger is cooked impeccably perfect little vessel to put the smelt in the creaminess and the dill actually work i am impressed well done i lightly floured and i deep-fried the smelt i also made a little vegetable soup with a homemade noodle i think it's a very nice presentation the fact that you've used a little kitchen towel to take out some of that extra oil from the frying it's one of the best i've seen today in presentation very nice it's the kind of dish i'd like to go home to at night i'm intrigued by this what is this it's a homemade noodle they're called it's incredible that you manage to do all of this in such a short period of time [Music] i would serve this in my restaurant that is truly an honor for you to say that he did something that i couldn't do in an l.a [Music] he's the one to watch you
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 1,181,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: masterchef, #masterchef, master chef world, best dishes on masterchef, master chef, how to cook, cooking show, cooking competition, masterchef world, masterchef best dishes, best masterchef dishes, Masterchef Canada, Masterchef Canada season 5, masterchef team challenge, masterchef compilation, pumpkin soup, pumpkin recipes, filet mignon, masterchef trevor, Alvin Leung, mystery box challenge, beccy stables masterchef canada, how to cook lobster, masterchef elimination
Id: bnSDgQU0lv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 37sec (3697 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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