Beccy Stables MasterChef Journey | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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becky it's really sophisticated a lot of layers of flavor going through there it shows a tremendous amount of skill becky i'm so happy my name just got called i'm in the finale this is the best thing that's ever happened to me this is one of the most original desserts i've had anywhere there's a lot going on but you can sense what is going on so nothing is overpowering i like the journey you have taken us on with the apple but you can see the focus on becky's face she's only 19 and that makes her the youngest home cook we've ever had in this kitchen my key ingredients beetroot my family really loves it it's a fall type of thing my sister eats it like candy i'm not your typical 19 year old cook people totally underestimate me i'm not stuck in my ways at all like i don't really have ways yet because i'm only 19. [Music] remind me of your signature ingredient becky a beetroot it has a monochromatic look that feels modern and how did you wish to cook the tenderloin a gym around hopefully very nice the beets you have respected and elevated their flavors seasoned well but we have a problem here the problem is that there's one less apron to fight for [Music] this is your express pass to the top 12. [Applause] i'm so excited to get away i'm the youngest person ever to get a white apron it's crazy my parents are going to be so proud [Applause] becky do you want to change your life yeah how by not being in construction anymore you think you have what it takes to do that yeah are you ready to find out what's under your first mystery box chef on a count of three lift those boxes one two three lift [Music] oh my god oh my god i've never cooked with coffee before all right with a small infant daughter i have a very intimate relationship with coffee my mind is racing to figure out what am i gonna do for this first mystery box you're gonna have to think outside the mug i want you to look under that hill of beans to find out how you have to prepare your dish oh my god [Music] it says savory and my heart sinks and drops the recipes that were going through my mind were only dessert recipes i'm so happy i don't see the word savory personally i wouldn't want coffee and savory food it would be pretty cool to get the advantage just when the first mystery box hi there becky so you got uh sweet so what are you cooking i'm gonna do a dark chocolate and coffee eclair and you're gonna be making a choux pastry yeah that's a tricky one to make yeah i didn't use a recipe so it might not work you didn't use a recipe i know what it looks like so hopefully it won't work fingers crossed it all goes smoothly keep an eye on the clock i make super street quite a lot at home i mean i find it pretty easy but some people have a really hard time i know what i'm doing i'm not stressed so 10 minutes 10 more minutes left 10 more minutes great coffee dish oh god i don't know if i'm gonna make it now it's just a matter of putting it all together becky it looks like she's done finished she is unflappable it seems like nothing rattles becky she's always in the zone becky might have enough time to actually make herself a cup of coffee not quite that ice cream is still not set this ice cream needs to speed up oh man he's cutting it close becky [Music] [Applause] don't really get excited about things but i'm shaking on the inside it's coffee and dark chocolate eclairs the recipe you used was right off the top of your head yeah for a classic choux pastry something that pastry chefs work relentlessly at to perfect for years yeah i just did it by eye that's pretty impressive i would say let's take one of these open it up and see how it looks from the inside look at that pretty full in there [Music] the pastry cream is incredibly soft and you have a good balance of coffee in there and that dark bitter chocolate works really really well with it i think you could have cooked the shoe pastry buns a little longer yeah but it is very good which is why i had to have a second bite [Music] let's taste watch out behind you incredible the coffee flavor just pops the pastry cream is beautiful smooth and velvety it really is incredible thank you kagan who's it gonna be uh i'm going to save my fellow savory cooks i see a stronger group over here you know this is a competition and i want to send one of you home which one i would like to send becky home becky is an incredible cook and i think she's my biggest competition right now becky how does it feel to be targeted just pick on the teenager then did he just start the fire in you kagan let this power go to his head i would never be intimidated like that by someone [Music] kagan for your next advantage you get to hand out the wallets [Music] melissa mm-hmm and i've seen you cook some very elegant high-end food let's see if you can do with less money michael v you cook in a firehouse i imagine you don't have a big budget there not at all let's see we can do some more money becky so i'm pretty confident that you can make good dishes with less money let's see what happens we got a little more becky's young and i don't think she's gone out for a lot of fancy meals and eaten a lot of this sort of high-end food i'm hoping to get in her head a little bit make sure your money and your time are well spent are you ready yes yeah your time starts i feel like i've just walked into heaven it's unbelievable pretty swanky what's on sale what's on sale it's gonna be difficult to do all my shopping in under ten dollars oh my goodness this is awesome except i can't afford it i never feel right spending this kind of money on a dish but i'm not complaining because i think i'd rather have this basket than than what the others have all right i need some scallops just seeing if i have everything i don't buy groceries for my parents 30 minutes you have 30 minutes left becky the high roller wallet so let me ask you what exactly are you making i see a lot of onion yeah making steak and onions i'm gonna do sweet onion puree caramelized onion puree and caramelized onions i'm i'm surprised that you would do something so simple well you can elevate it you can yeah kagan obviously wants you out right why do you think he wants you out i've got pigs for the mystery box and the first person's got an apron he didn't do that i want you to give this everything you've got you don't want to go back into construction do you no i work for my dad he's in construction but cooking is the first thing i've really cared about and now i actually get to do it in the master panda kitchen this is one of the coolest things i've ever done looking good back there becky [Music] [Applause] as soon as i take this steak out of the pan i know that it's overcooked this is the worst thing that could happen to me right now i made steak and onions i have caramelized onions sweet onion puree and then fried shallots can you remind me did you get the budget wallet or the high-end wallet a high-end wallet because to be honest it doesn't look that way to me [Music] the onion purees are quite good i like the sweetness of them i think the steak that's on the medium medium well side you were hoping for medium rare you know the mistake you made and you're going to learn from that do you think kagan achieved what he wanted to do in terms of throwing you off he probably thinks he does i think he did throw you off i like the concept utilizing something like an onion and expanding on it being innovative but that's the only thing i like about what's wrong that's not funny time you're serious because this steak is overcooked [Music] as i walk away i can feel how important this is and i just don't want to go unfortunately there were two home cooks that failed to achieve the standards that we're looking for melissa and becky please come up to the front i could be going home right now it's definitely humbling i'm not ready to go because i know that i'm better than this i'm capable of so much more melissa you came here brimming with talent and enthusiasm and becky you wowed everyone right out of the gate but sadly in this kitchen you're only as good as your last dish the home cook whose last dish showed just enough technique to keep them in this competition is becky [Music] becky please head back to your station it's been a roller coaster of emotions i can't believe that i'm still here becky i'm quite surprised that you're the last pick how do you feel i don't really care i had a bad cook last time so it just makes sense so becky being the last home-cooked standing comes with a huge advantage you get to choose which team you want to be on i'll go with red why there's some strong people on there that i like kagan's not on the red team does that have anything to do with it yeah he's really messy i don't want to deal with that fair fair so we're gonna make it juicy what we're thinking is a stuffed chicken breast stuffed yeah okay i know that chicken breast can get dry so we need to add moisture and the best way to do that is by stuffing it what are we stuffing our chicken with okay so let's put like a cottage cheese because that again adds moisture and keeps it not be too wet though uh we'll mix it with something like i'm thinking maybe mushroom and who could do a duck cellar in the middle what's a duck cell becky speaks up and she says why don't we make a duck sal and i said that sounds amazing what is that it's chocolate mushrooms really fine garlic thyme salt pepper i love that you guys want to do a sweet potato and a white potato 50 50 yeah sweet and white like a collard green or like uh the swiss soy shark swiss chard could be kind of interesting with like garlic and yeah yeah we want to give the volunteers something homey stick to their ribs so we're going a little bit more southern style swiss chard with a really nice gravy let's do it let's go let's go all right team blue how are we doing great we're going onions we got the stock heating up all right now he's on the cauliflower there is a definite contrast in the leadership between the blue team and the red team good mike v is very vocal the way he's leading his team he's encouraging them you're rinsing it you're rinsing it okay you're getting the stock going good good good jonathan on the other hand i don't think that he is actually really showing them who's in charge becky what's the ratio what are you thinking for ratio for the duck salad yeah you need to put the garlic in with the mushrooms yeah i'm gonna throw it in we're gonna put this in there too no no that's too much moisture it'll be too oniony okay oh yeah but how many do you need do we need any onions no onions no onions in this one to be quite honest her contribution on the whole dish she's almost a team captain this needs a lot more cornstarch cornstarch yeah okay let's uh let's get another slurry going i got the muscle to pound out 120 chickens so do i you guys need some help pounding process with this chicken is one flattening it out getting it nice and thin we need to stuff it with the dixel roll it up bread it and fry it then get it in the oven it's time consuming i'm stressing about us not finishing in time 101 habitat for humanity volunteers and their families are being served lunch i feel privileged to be cooking for these guys the most rewarding thing i've ever done where's the greens where the greens greens greens i know i'm trying i'm trying okay guys hurry up the servers are waiting the summers are waiting but the red team has fallen badly behind in their plating we're running out of swiss chard and there isn't any more in the kitchen we're gonna have to improvise here i'm gonna have to go kale try not to be too messy guys service is up thank you take a deep breath we're doing all right there's no rice no nuts finish hard here guys i know it's not perfect but let's finish hard thank you we're done done was that ever fun perfect donuts require perfect dough but one team is having trouble rising to the occasion becky how's it going with the dough here pretty good i'm just waiting for it to bloom so i look in the mixers expecting to see nice bubbles to show me that the yeast is activated and i see nothing how much longer do you need well i guess just once it starts bubbling right yeah perfect was our water too hot a little bit hot water is the worst thing for use because it literally kills it are you worried that it's not going to bloom because too hot a little bit yeah should we start again hey i'm not the baker this is why i picked becky it's super annoying to screw up right out of the starting blocks and i know right now that i killed the east this is a critical mistake too early on in the game and i'm not happy about it so becky i understand you are in charge of making the donut batter yeah how's it going i just had to restart because the water was too hot and the yeast died so how did you adjust i did like half cool water half warm water to make it warm bring the temperature down to activate the east yeah wonderful how do you think marissa is doing so far as a leader she's doing really well she's really vocal and wherever we need her she's there becky quit chatting back to work see the boss you gotta push really hard now as each team scrambles to make 200 donuts a crowd of hungry dog owners has assembled keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing the home cooks only have 15 minutes left to fill glaze okay and decorate their donuts [Music] are you ready for a donut [Applause] i am so proud of my team right now becky recovered from that early mistake with the dough and she's pounding out those donuts can you run these up please okay you're gonna need that big bowl here eugene we need tops all right bugs tell your owners defense now who wants vegan come on everybody over there [Music] come on over to blue we got bloody ready for you who wants some apple pie come and get it it's hot and ready can i get you one one two ten the dog lovers will now choose between the red team's play on a breakfast bagel with orange whipped cream and candied bacon hi how are you you're so welcome the blue team's caramelized banana donut with chocolate glaze and banana cream filling there you go sir and joy and the green team's apple pie doughnut with candied bacon and crunchy cinnamon topping come back for more there's plenty all you can hear is whisking butter melting and people just working hard i have it on high heat i throw the eggs in and i know as soon as i do i better start stirring one of the mistakes that can happen here is that the heat in the pan is too high if it's too high it will scorch and actually start to caramelize those delicate eggs come on sweethearts cook if you work it too much with a fork or spatula you'll end up with scrambled egg undercook it and it will be non-edible come on babies cookies thanks four minutes feel like it's only 10 seconds it's going by really quickly let's go eggs cook eggs cook i got the first fold done no cracks the hardest part is getting it out the pan like over the lip into the plate wow becky was the first out of the pan [Music] becky are you pleased with your omelet yeah there's no cracks or anything in it what happened here what see some of the whites here then whip your eggs properly this should look very uniform the edges here should be sealed why didn't you take advantage of that last minute i just wasn't really watching the clock i was just getting it done okay well let's see so is this going to be runny it's not going to be running you want a bet not really you should have wagered because you would have won this proves to me why you're here it's almost textbook few little issues but it shows a lot of promise i'm learning a lot from chef claudio just the tiniest little tips are really helpful four minutes two ingredients nowhere to hide one home cook delivered a nearly flawless omelet congratulations eugene [Applause] becky your omelet wasn't quite as attractive but its velvety interior tasted just as good congratulations [Applause] you and eugene are safe tonight and you'll also be captains in the next team challenge i'll play please head on up to the gallery thank you chefs i'm extremely happy that i'm heading up to the balcony it's kind of a relief knowing that even though i strive to be better it's it's good enough i feel like super proud because this is the first time i made a french omelet i'm the youngest captain ever i'm pretty excited to be a team captain my strategy is to get people who i know i've worked with before eugene because you made the best dish you get first pick i think eugene is probably gonna go with his boys they usually do the person that i'm gonna pick first has worked extremely well with me in the past he's a ninja in the kitchen uh andy i'm super pumped to be on eugene's team i just can't wait to get started becky i'm choosing this person because we work really well together and we've won two team challenges together so marisa i'm gideon excited to be on becky's team because we've won two challenges together let's make it a three-peat eugene your turn uh the next person i choose is the fastest in the kitchen that anybody's ever seen i choose mike g choosing jen [Music] nadia if you were to get your choice of a team which one would it be the blue team because i see three very strong women and becky is a force to be reckoned with nadia sorry to disappoint you today but it's not gonna be your choice could you please join eugene's red team i didn't get what i wanted but i'm looking at our team and we have four people and the other team only has three so becky you have a huge job ahead of you and one less team member so tell you what we brought one more home cook with us to add to your team oh my god who is here since the last time we saw you we invited three home cooks back to compete in a redemption challenge and one of those home cooks cooked their way back to earn a white apron that's amazing someone's coming back expect the unexpected please help us welcome back the final member of the blue team [Music] kagan i'm back bye guys kagan's back congrats thank you it's pretty annoying but we'll be over there it's good to be here yeah so maurice ellison can do venison then kagan you do duck is that okay okay becky is a woman of few words but when it comes to food she is not afraid to speak up put her ideas on the table and say this is what i want to go with well her cooking is beyond her years i would not underestimate her so what do you say french do you mean wine yeah wine cream garlic you know yes yes this is their first tasting menu in season five this is their opportunity to really show us who they are let's go i don't know what that was but we're not doing it do you want to start crackering the venison now yes i will start on the venison right away the first course is a pan-seared venison with a roasted celeria puree romanesco and as you for the first course i put marissa on the meat because she's quite strong with red meat pagan and jen are doing the veg prep prep tons of prep and then i'm gonna start the juice what do you think about that mix because i'm a little nervous about becky and kagan working together when kagan left the masterchef canada kitchen he threw some shots directly at becky i'm going to salt them first and then crush them just because i need a ton of salt i have no pepper in here but there's some pepper in there so i'm hoping that kegan's time off he ate a little bit of humble pie during that time my role is doing what i'm told i'm not forcing my ideas on becky because my strategy is to help her achieve her vision he seems like he's changed he's not like as full of himself totally on good behavior right now absolutely ready both teams must now start plating their first course start rolling start rolling becky i think these are still a little under the servers will be here in five minutes how are we doing up there guys good i think we're good four minutes out guys four minutes from service i wish we could rest the venice some more but we have no time gotta get rid of all the blood that's not great our venison is bleeding and i have no choice but to start sopping up that blood because we are not serving our prestigious guests bloody meat the home cooks are making an artistic tasting menu inspired by tom thompson and the group of seven gotta get rid of all the blood is not great we are not serving our prestigious guests bloody meat okay somebody garnish i'll keep cleaning you just need two more eugene let's go let's go they're about to come with the judges and vip guests eagerly waiting the teams put their final touches on their first courses surf is up way to go guys round one's done great teamwork guys great job how's everyone doing guys doing good becky awesome back in the kitchen the teams are hard at work on the second course inspired by the seed let's keep it up for round two our sea course is mussels and a white wine cream garlic sauce mussel's going in you okay kagan yeah doing great right now i'm feeling really confident in my team's abilities you want to try some i think i have during the course of this cook started to regain becky's trust me yeah we're like a happy family i love you love you thanks for coming back no worries thanks for having me those look beautiful guys you're doing good kagan thank you kagan and becky on plating who'da thunk it looks like the ocean beautiful guys this is gorgeous down on the wharf down on the wharf oh bon appetit we've got the carrots on they're starting to braise bee roots only had to be fried off the final course is a panzer duck breast roasted beetroot and blood orange and maple carrots okay what's the temperature at 133. becky puts me in charge of the dark breast i came here to redeem myself i need to prove to myself that i can handle the pressure stop touching i messed up once and i don't want to mess up again we got this guys strong finish strong finish blue team five minutes out let's get the plating going oh those look nice honestly the duck is probably the best i've ever done beautiful kagan i'm gonna get a duck tattoo i think when i go home perfect great job everybody okay send them out bring it in bring it in for you guys team red all the way that was a sprint that was more intense than it needed to be because today's challenge was inspired by art the winner will be revealed on the canvas underneath this cloth are you ready to find out which team's vision won the day and which team will face the dreaded pressure test that will send at least one of you home yes and the winner is [Music] this is the moment i've been waiting for i've never been more proud congratulations red team you will automatically advance to the top seven in this competition top seven again [Music] it sucks it never feels good to lose i cook my ass off to come back i'm not gonna waste this second chance blue team get ready to face an even tougher task back in the masterchef canada kitchen blue team it was a close call becky why do you think your team wasn't able to win the day i think they just had like a better concept than waited they interpreted the art better than we did kagan if you had the choice would you have introduced a more complex and elevated menu i like to go high-end so i probably would have done that but i was committed to helping bring becky's vision to life marissa was becky a good leader becky was a great leader she knew how to command a team it was a sight to behold at such a young age well all of you must now face a pressure test that will send at least one of you home tonight you must replicate the following dish coldville bay oysters prepared three ways [Music] first we have a japanese inspired preparation a sake poached oyster with asian pear slaw with a perfectly shelled lobster claw i have absolutely no experience with oysters it's very out of my comfort zone hi becky hi how are you doing all right first pressure test nervous uh not really not really so you're confident yes have you ever cooked an oyster before uh no no and you're not nervous at all no cold is ice i tell you don't be nervous but you should always care remember that yeah all right you're a savage you're a savage becky i want the judges to know that i can handle depression i do have emotions i just don't show them [Music] the unshakable becky looks like you carbon copied the plate that we showed you well let's see how your raw oyster tastes the mignonette is expertly done good heat the peppercorns are finely ground it complements that oyster beautifully [Music] sauce good flavor well seasoned great combinations of the cheese the breadcrumb and finally that mushroom this oyster rockefeller it's one of the best i've ever had [Applause] very well done thank you [Music] [Applause] becky you were the only one that had that oyster in the grasp of the pincers of the lobster as was shown [Music] fresh crisp and crunchy the way it should be nice seasoning on the lobster claw but it is in my opinion slightly underdone you're not making it easy three oysters three different ways three incredibly talented home cooks but one emerged as a front runner becky congratulations thank you i feel like it deserves to be in the top seven i have that fight in me i showed today most of the home cooks came out with baskets full of food but becky she had nearly a handful of ingredients in her glass i think four grapefruits and half a dozen eggs she's obviously going sweet i don't want to see an apple pie i don't want to see plain burger and fries this is not the time to be safe i'm gonna elevate pie by not just making the traditional mold it's pretty much a deconstructed pie i'm gonna make like a great fruit pie with basil jelly and meringue it is quiet it's coarse just completely elevated i've never had grapefruit basil before but i think it will work basil goes the most fruit hi becky hi how are you good thing sorry good no what are you making hey hi hi could you settle down the excitement is overwhelming what kind of a pie are you making i'm gonna make a grapefruit curd with grapefruit and basil jelly and a meringue that's not your average diner pie the baked pie in one hour do you think it may be a risk instead of a crust i'm gonna do a crumble instead i baked a pie years ago and it took less than an hour album so show a little face yeah go get em sister thank you becky i want that pie to jump don't listen to a thing he just said just ignore it the next cook chose a dish often described as humble and the home cook who made it is becky it's really good to hear my name i'm just hoping that they like it [Music] i made grapefruit and basil pie with italian meringue and a crumble this is no humble pie the presentation is beautiful an italian meringue why not french meringue italian rhine goes like marshmallowy and it's a different texture [Music] i like that marshmallow and that beautiful candy grapefruit jelly it balances out the tart from that grapefruit are you sure you're 19. yeah you're making me proud [Music] where did you learn how to plate like this well i'm pretty much self-taught it's really sophisticated a lot of layers of flavor going through there it shows a tremendous amount of skill you have a lot of talent thank you i'm so proud of myself who are you going to pair with eugene this individual has a very different style of communication and cooking than eugene i think this could cause them both to stumble i'm gonna have becky join eugene i'm putting all my faith in eugene's palette right now the only reference i have to asian street food is cookbooks and things on eugenie no it's not happening what did you do that for out of the gate becky and eugene seem to be really slow they're just not getting into the room it just has to be around the 50 number okay okay eugene i need to use your nun track because you could be doing so much more run when to where to the bridge i've never seen becky be quite so vocal as this eugene doesn't seem to be moving fast enough get the weight scales boy scales switch yes go you gene nice beautiful eugene you're doing lucky onions for the pate they're in there they're in there okay perfect how's she doing she's doing great um she's pushing faster than i've seen her move in the past i think she actually moves faster than you yeah she does she doesn't waste any movements good luck thank you steph the jellyfish okay move quickly eugene she's making me move fast come on eugene quickly quiet becky is gone get the other pieces and slice it in half you can hear her just screaming at eugene to pick it up to push it and it's fantastic you only need two you need two oh my god moment of truth about to happen here michael's gonna check his pork come on man oh his hands are shaking looks like michael g has taken his own advice he's burning his fingers now got it got it yeah mike switch i have so many dishes to prepare in so little time oh my god marissa is very slow i don't know if we're gonna get all the components on i think marissa and nadia are too far behind right now really coming down to the wire this is it this is all you becky you got this right now i feel like i don't have any time to do a bananas like you broke one in half so that we have two pieces versus just one it's kind of ingenious beautiful becky and eugene please bring up your asian street market sampler we missed a couple of small details hopefully it's good enough andy you consider eugene your biggest threat were you surprised at becky to hear her yelling in the kitchen i haven't seen that yet and it just proves that she's an even bigger threat than i already thought she was let's start with the bombing chicken cooked perfectly nice season who did the pate i did okay maybe a little bit too much onion let's look at these jelly fish salad becky do you eat a lot of jellyfish no nebraska eugene i eat it almost at every family dinner did you try the jellyfish no did you taste this i don't remember but i don't believe i do you were lucky because the taste it's all right it could have used a bit more sugar a bit more kick a bit more spice now bow that pork belly perfect now who's responsible for that eugene so he did one thing right right okay who's responsible for this both of us have you ever made takoyaki before um i've made it once before made it once it looks good i mean you got the color you got the caramelization you know something what you got this right it is crispy on the outside it's tender it's well cooked you did a good job finally what is this we had a shortcut how many bananas did you fry up one [Music] you hit the spot unfortunately there's not enough of it please go back to your station thank you thank you chef we were missing a couple components this is an elimination challenge there could be more than one of us going home becky are you as shocked as i am that you're the last one standing here no they're probably scared that i'm gonna yell at them becky please join the blue team happy to have you i'm thrilled to have becky on my team i think the kitchen is where becky was just born to be she's just got this fire so blue team the red team is already pushing apps out they're on their second table already you have not given me one table yet eugene where those octopus they're coming two minutes octopus perfect plate them put them down octopus down this is our first plating and kagan's already asked me to do the plating instead now 20 minutes on your first table kagan we're gonna pick it up from here things are feeling a little bit chaotic becky how we doing two more plates nearly uh blue team you gotta hustle you still owe me four octopus kagan you're getting absolutely crushed right now by the red sea i need my team to move a lot faster they're just yelling frantically moving okay careful and it seems like they're not actually doing anything you owe me four more octo right now four more octo there's no clear option for what to do next like i don't know how to fix this you need help with the occupant yes kagan is this finished greens the greens pig and the greens kagan kagan they're making me wait for plates and then they come up and they're not even that great the pressure is getting to me all right blue team listen up ordering two lamb two sea breeze two lamb two sebring two more and that's nine in total eugene that's nine total this is the first time i've ever cooked sea bream this is crazy let me see that fish [Music] eugene you just wasted five pieces of fish i'm sorry chef right now all we have is one out of the five orders for the first table it feels like we're starting the challenge over again now [Music] when are you gonna give me five bream and one lamp as soon as we can get the the bream from over there eugene how many clowns are in there no eugene this is what i'm saying before you answer how many is in this pan how many orders it's for five okay becky are you in charge now seems like it seems like it right looks like it i'm having a hard time balancing all of these different things i can't pay attention to chef claudio and i can't pay attention to the rest of my team eugene we don't have two orders of club and only one fish okay four fish are about to come eugene you got that take control do you want to take charge do you need me to eugene listens to you and you're more composed eugene i'm in charge now i'm excited to be team captain i'm gonna whip these boys into shape thank you becky the best chance we have of winning is with becky at the helm tegan where's the lama two minutes on the lamp get the plate ready are the lentils done yes cheers right here and then i'm gonna do this more the key to running a professional kitchen is yelling nice looking lambs becky thank you how long in the breeze the brain is about two minutes away becky's team captain and it's going much smoother i need those two breams fast yep enjoy this finally right becca you're doing a great job your team is catching up now that was a smart move by relinquishing control of your team and giving it to that team who's the right thing to do i'm like team becky right now just like yes you go girl yes too lamb becky and you are clear no eugene tops up it feels amazing to be in a professional environment beautiful guys it feels really natural i'm beyond proud right now that's amazing thank you zach all right that's it service is over bring it in guys stop blue team all three of you are gonna be competing in this next pressure test please come up and get your black aprons [Music] there's only three of us left and becky's won multiple times for a good reason kagan fought his way back so this is going to be a tough challenge [Music] hi there becky what flavors are you doing for us today i'm going to do okay hazelnut praline and a bakehall flavoured one ah the bakewell tart is that an old favorite of yours when you uh live back in england yeah everyone loves vapor pads so just describe to me those flavors in your macaron that's going to resemble the baked wool tart because there's a lot of canadians out there who will have no idea what you're talking about i'm going to put almond extract in the buttercream i'm going to put a cherry in the middle and maybe some like flaked almonds becky i'll let you focus on those macarons and i can't wait to try the bakewell tart thanks carry on growing up in england big ol tarts like a staple in your cupboards like you just have them all time come on guys let's go guys boys let's go let's go becky's having some trouble though her piping isn't working the buttercream is too chunky to fit through the piping tip so i have to use this food i'm really worried about kagan right now i don't think he's gonna have enough time to finish his challenge he's looking at the clock intensely i tell you he is really worried they're coming all ten have to fit snugly into that box eugene's macarons look very big very it's the filling they're very thick yeah very very tight i'm not sure he's gonna get 10 in the box oh my gosh she's trying to squeeze one more in her box oh let's go [Applause] one minute one more minute left come on one minute get him in the box one minute [Applause] good job guys very close how many are in the box becky ten well let's see what they look like shall we [Music] [Applause] [Music] at first glance i see one that is definitely crushed and the one adjacent to it i have to try the bacon tart it would be rude not to that very gentle crust on the outside is there that soft moist center of the macaron itself beautiful and then it's that almond flavor that comes through that is bacolotart ala macaron thank you becky [Music] what is the second flavor that you made can you remind me hazelnut praline [Music] are you happy with this filling no what happened i wanted the praline crunchy and it was just like too crunchy i couldn't pipe it and then i was just spinning it on [Music] you missed the mark the filling kind of gets lost there's not enough of it [Music] perfect macarons rely upon skill and a little bit of magic and sadly some of yours like both but there was one standout becky you nailed your meringue it was glossy perfectly domed and overshadowed the problems with your filling please take off your apron and head on up to the gallery thank you i'm super excited for this it's pretty cool to be top five it honestly doesn't feel real we scour the country in order to pair each of you with someone who knows your cooking style inside and out please help us welcome your families and loved ones oh my gosh it's amazing seeing my dad in the mushroom county kitchen it doesn't feel real so chris becky works with you in your tiling business is that right yeah she's my helper if becky wanted to pursue cooking would you support that absolutely this is what she wants to do she was always going to do this do you want these yeah grab them what kind of vegetables zucchini yes sir do you know what the asparagus looks like the what see asparagus you probably don't know what it looks like that's okay my parents when they watch this i think they're gonna laugh really hard flour salt eggs my sister doesn't really cut but um she's a foodie she knows her flavors how about mushrooms uh yeah dried mushrooms anything else i need something green something green i've got some uh chives no no i work for my dad on job sites he tells me what to do do we have butter over there no today i'm in charge you know it's one thing to cook for your family but it's a whole different thing to cook with your family i can't believe you're here i can't believe i'm here either they're working with the same ingredients that they use the first day in this kitchen i'm really excited to see the evolution of these home cooks i want to show jess how my knife skills have improved andy those look beautiful you only have 40 minutes to reduce that [Music] i supreme grapefruits that's a new thing i do these days ooh it's either me or my dad who does all the cooking at home i'm gonna do a chicken roulade beavers two ways roasted butternut squash puree i'm gonna do the chicken he's gonna do kind of the vegetables and the juice look at that where's it go she moves like a chef these days she's just a little baby but she's all doing all this stuff it's amazing unbelievably proud don't stop i'm sorry don't believe me for a heart do you want to taste this puree hmm is it tasting i like it you know what jess i think this is done i think so too she nailed it spit blend more salt yeah it's nice to get a second opinion on your seasoning salt or anything do you think i don't think so it's coming together really well like i knew he was gonna do good maybe put some chives in there too no becky and chris please bring up your dish tomato chicken roulade beetroot 2 ways roasted butternut squash puree wow this is beautiful i see real artistry but you know what is king says [Music] this works beautifully the crispy kale with beetroot the mushroom beautiful combination beautiful texture outstanding dish great teamwork thank you not only does it taste great that you have used the beet in different ways to showcase your key ingredient who made the jew he did you did that's wonderful it is rounded flavorful has a little sweetness to it it is the kind of classic chicken juice that you'd expect from a fine french bistro well thank you putting out a dish like this it's pretty impressive is she this good as a tile setter's assistant no she's not going to make it as a towel guy that's for sure do you want her back helping you or in the kitchen which one is more important to you more importantly she keeps cooking definitely well done thank seeing the you becky is in the masterchef kitchen she seems at home here she's found her people there was one dish and one team that stood out from the rest this duo created a truly restaurant quality dish and they looked perfectly at home the whole time congratulations [Music] becky and chris this is my first win in a mystery box i'm sharing the victory on my dad and it feels pretty cool that he gets to experience it too good sweet becky i'm glad you're using the tofu out of the past winners when they identify with mary the most rare likes to bake and i like to bake see motivates me to think that this is actually possible she's the only girl champ uh i'm gonna do a pin peppercorn with tofu some poached pears and buttermilk cranberry curd and like chocolate with some bourbon in there i'm loving watching this i feel pretty confident in this dish i'm really happy with the presentation like it looks really nice there's poached pears and buttermilk pears soaked in cider pink peppercorn tofu and cranberry curd with cocoa and bourbon you know becky you really have an incredible instinct when it comes to plating food it's very sophisticated are you happy with the way this dessert turned out yeah i'm pretty happy with it so chocolates with bourbon right yeah did you cook the bourbon out no why not oh i just wanted the full bourbon flavor of it [Music] did you try all the ingredients together yeah did you like it because i don't i hate to break this to you the flavors to me are just clashing it's one big clash try it coco's really bitter very very bitter do you feel this is up to your standard no so thanks for being honest thank you do you work with tofu much never worked for it before did you want to take a risk yeah in a challenge i could either get you into the top three or send you home [Music] the pear cooked in the buttermilk works surprisingly well it adds a different taste note to it do you think you added enough sweetness to this dessert overall probably not i'm telling you absolutely not thank you you all knew you had to bring your a-game tonight and none of you played it safe you took risks you try new things unfortunately some of them did not pay off after taking everything into account we feel the final spot in the top three has to go to becky [Music] becky your dish had a number of missteps but it was beautifully plated and well conceived please go back to your station thank you [Music] as i'm cooking this dish and thinking of my family back in england who i never really get to see i'm gonna do like a northern roast in a squab two ways carrots potatoes brussels sprouts you put in so squab is a beautiful game bird often eaten in northern england it is wild there's a hunting season for it also squad presents a lot of challenges it's very easy to overcook i'm making squab today because it's the last thing that my granddad made me before he died so this dish is completely my flavors and heritage [Music] becky hi how do you feel you know becky's castro pub it's pretty cool most of the time you are as cool as a cucumber but this challenge must make you a little nervous eh yeah it's like the biggest challenge yet pretty much i'm just concentrating on what i have to do not worrying about the boys it's not a bad strategy keep focus thanks when i started this competition i never thought i'd make it this far and now it's getting super close [Music] oh no you know this challenge is a microcosm of the real world they do well today not only are they proving to themselves that they're ready but they're proving to the world that they are ready to take on that next big opportunity of possibly opening up a real restaurant of their own squab is like red meat it has to be like blushing red still all game meats are super lean so you need to make sure that you cook it very gently medium rare but now she's left her squabbing the pan unattended she's ran into the equipment room squab overcooks in seconds home coke the bloggers and pacemakers are arriving holy cow pressure do not stop cooking even though all these people are arriving right now i just need to not pay attention to them and do what i need to do i have a soft spot for your chicken and they look perfect i can't wait to taste it the end goal is to work in a restaurant start at the bottom in the kitchen and work my way up until become the best i have to refocus get organized and start pumping out plates he's pushing himself really hard push it folks push it push it push it 20 seconds in 20 seconds the servers will be picking up michael come on andy come on push push push push service starts now the influencers at becky's uk gastropub are eating her squad two ways with carrot puree shredded brussels sprouts and yorkshire pudding i really admire becky's plating it's elegant i like the fact that the sauce is not too heavy-handed looks like somebody that has a lot of skill played at this let's see the cook on the swab i would like to see a nice medium rare that is perfect incredible perfectly cooked doesn't need much more than just a little bit of salt it still has great flavor look at this she said are your shirt pudding here she has some of the jew inside of it very smart i think it's a great idea but i find the yorkshire pudding a little dense felt like a home-cooked meal which is what we liked about it i think uh so the meat i liked it a lot it had a nice gaminess to it but it wasn't as seasoned as i hoped for it to be your pop-up restaurants gave you a sense of what it's like for a chef to put their reputation on the line overall the reviews were very positive becky the squab was perfectly cooked however a few elements slacked seasoning and your yorkies were a bit dense overall there was one home cook whose technique and plating gave them the edge the finale is within grasp it's there to take and i want to win this the winner of the pop-up challenge who will advance immediately to the masterchef canada finale is becky i'm so happy my name just got called i'm in the finale this is the best thing that's ever happened to me you're one step closer to 100 000 and the life-changing title take off your apron and come on up and get your chef's jacket ready girl i'm so proud it doesn't seem real i've worked so hard to get this chef's coat the title of mass chef canada is super close becky you've got a ton of family support in your corner too your mom lisa [Applause] your dad chris [Applause] your sister lucy and your niece mila [Applause] i haven't seen my niece in like months so she has gone very big [Music] wow he's not that scary so chris are you at all surprised that she's made it this far i am surprised you are just because she's so young but based on the kit skills she deserves to be here [Applause] andy versus becky it doesn't get more exciting than this [Music] my whole menu is apples and kind of naturey things i'm using a lot of rustic flavors and i want to demonstrate how versatile an apple actually is i have a lot of components and techniques to do today so i have to really push myself and work really fast today becky is doing a scotch quails egg which is a british classic every pub every little cafe they will sell a scotch egg tricky business though because that quail egg can overcook by the time the crust on the outside is cooked those are adorable look how small they are i make scotch eggs at home all the time my dad and my sister really enjoy them eggs live in nests so putting it back into nature [Music] becky you're doing amazing those look great becky's family is going to be absolutely shocked when they see how much she has grown as a cook [Applause] becky hi what are you doing now spiralizing no kidding what's that with a nest yeah what's the cook on the quail's egg i'll find out when they come out the deep fryer i don't want to see a dry egg go okay all done yep have you cut into one nope are you gonna do that later later when becky cooks she is laser focused and anything around her is non-existent i get a feeling that you want me to go away well i got things to do you got things to do i get the hint what's that becky frabit i see becky's strategy right now she has made her appetizer easier to prep because her main course is very intricate becky right now is breaking down her rabbit saddle the bones on a rabbit are very small you have to have the hands of a surgeon to be able to do that the first dish is becky's scotch quail egg with pork and apple coating on a nest of potatoes and parsnips i really enjoy the presentation because it's so natural but i don't think youtube got the better deal out of this because there seems to be a color variation some of the potatoes are burnt let's not forget becky had extra time yeah she could have re-spiraled the potatoes refried them maybe a little bit less time in the fryer okay let's try it yes some of the potatoes are a little bit charred but this dish is absolutely delicious you've got the pickled pearl onions you've got the charred leeks the peeled cherry tomatoes those ingredients really help to counteract the fattiness of the other ingredients and that's really intelligent cooking i think it showcases a great deal of technique seasoning on the sausage meat i thought was spot on the flavors are beautiful the scotch egg done to perfection i'm very impressed [Music] for the entree i'm making rabbit two ways with jerusalem artichoke puree i have to raise the rabbit which i already started oh my goodness what is that called again call fat call fat you're putting your rabbit and your apple in there yeah yeah wow it's amazing cole's bud is the fat around a cow's stomach it's just a great way of keeping things together with meat and also add moisture and flavors at home don't have the equipment don't have the access to all these ingredients like three months ago it was impossible to become a chef for me and now it's super close yes yes becky yes becky two minutes servers are coming in two minutes buddy plating is absolutely key everything i put out has to be restaurant quality incredible focus on these two home cooks there's a lot of pressure right now i can feel my hands shaking as i put the cure in the plate yes these last seconds are completely chaotic [Applause] trying to get the micro greens on there just to give it a refining touch nine eight seven six five four three two i'm really happy with the apple flavors in the entree they're infused into the rabbit so you can't really miss them the first entree the judges will taste is becky's rabbit sandal caramelized apple and fennel wrapped in colfan and cider braised rabbit legs on a jerusalem artichoke puree the sauce could be a little bit thicker it lacks a better color but it smells great her composition is actually very chef inspired [Music] the cook on becky's loin of rabbit is spot on perfect and then the leg moist but fall off the bone flaky this is a dish that embodies her thoughtfulness she's put into the dish it's things that grow together go together the archer puree is smooth silky it's not rich but it's got flavor she cooks with so much instinct she nailed it [Music] [Applause] look at the energy in this kitchen i really can't feel how exhausted i am right now we haven't stopped what you make in there becky twigs my dessert is gonna be a fallen apple like one that's freshly fallen off a tree it's an apple pina colada the core is gonna be an apple jelly with totally pineapple seeds and then a twig made out of this dough and a sugar leaf if any one of these steps goes wrong it's gonna ruin the entire dessert it's a lot to do with just one hour i want to show the judges a completely different type of dessert i can never afford culinary school so the only food knowledge that i had was through cookbooks and now this experience has opened have a whole new world for me yeah i don't think becky's future is in construction anymore hello becky so what are you making for pudding as you know pudding that's what we brits call dessert what are you making for dessert i'm gonna do a fallen apple so it's a apple panna cutter with an apple jelly cord with some toasted pine nuts in it nice and then this is gonna be like the ground the soil yeah wonderful is there anything a little extra that you're going to do to this dessert i'm going to do a gel glaze and the glaze is going to be going on to the apple itself yeah sounds like the perfect ending to your apple themed three-course menu smells good becky thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] i chose some pine nuts and put them in the jelly core and they represent the seeds in a natural apple brilliance how ingenious is that [Music] the apple jelly is not set enough so the pine nuts keep floating back up it's like a whack-a-mole [Music] i have no idea if this dessert is gonna work until like the last minute [Music] andy and becky before we taste we'd like to tell you how you've done so far let's start with the appetizers becky we love your playful presentation it's like something that i would do which means it's brilliant unfortunately the three nests that you served us were inconsistent mine was a little burnt let's move on to the entrees starting with becky's i found the plating very intuitive and the cook on the rabbit was spot on frankly it was one of the finest dishes i've had in this competition thank you i'm happy to present this dessert but it's nerve-wracking getting the feedback becky please describe your dessert my dessert is a fallen apple it's a apple panna cotta with an apple jelly a soil a sublight wig and a sugar leaf where's the glaze i just thought it'd be too fake that red color from food coloring so i just wasn't comfortable serving it nothing wrong with that if it doesn't belong there don't put it there let's dig in the flavors are somewhat familiar yet unique and different familiar as far as the panna cotta with the apple jelly within it the soil has a deep rich flavor to it that is such a strong anchor to this dish this is one of the most original desserts i've had anywhere there's a lot going on but you can sense what is going on so nothing is overpowering i like the journey you have taken us on with the apple there's elements of brilliance there's some flaws winning master of canada would be the best thing that's ever happened to me you have to find elements of incredible strength and weigh it up against some of the weaknesses i think one cook told the story that i want to hear over and over again i would agree canada's new master chef is [Music] becky [Applause] [Music] this trophy is gonna change like every aspect of my life i can finally pursue my dream of becoming a chef congratulations i realized that dreams are possible to not be just dreams [Music] i'm not going back to tile studying i just want to cook in a restaurant [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 2,556,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: masterchef, #masterchef, master chef world, best dishes on masterchef, master chef, how to cook, cooking show, cooking competition, masterchef world, masterchef best dishes, best masterchef dishes, masterchef canada, masterchef canada compilation, beccy stables, beccy stables masterchef canada, masterchef canada season 5, beccy stables masterchef journey, beccy stables masterchef, masterchef canada best moments, masterchef canada best dishes
Id: N-PH4nZkaxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 37sec (4417 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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