Best Desserts from MasterChef Canada Season 2 🍰 | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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a delicious French fruit tart a French fruit tart I have very little experience with any type of pastry and especially one that looks like that the secret to this beautiful dessert is finding the perfect balance between several stunning components first The Buttery pastry which must be baked to a crisp and flaky golden brown secondly a silky smooth layer of vanilla bean pastry cream stirred to the perfect consistency and to top it all off a stunning arrangement of fresh fruit all coated in a deliciously Light apple glaze the slightest misstep could end your MasterChef Canada Journey please come up and have a taste I'm from New Brunswick I've never seen a French fruit tart at any of the bakeries that I go to this is way out of my expertise be hard this is going to be really difficult to replicate I'm not really as strong with dessert as I am with Savory stuff but you know what I'm gonna bring it I'm gonna make a perfect pastry it's gonna be art in apartment making perfect pastry under a 45 minute time clock is never ever easy this is the first time two cooks are going home in a pressure test you can cut the tension here with a knife the pressure is huge you know this is a replication challenge that there are three major components to making this French fructose the pastry the pastry cream and fruit today has to be a Shining Moment For Me strategy here is to not make any mistakes the it's got to be perfect refined pastry crust is key you've got to delicately work the pastry they have to cook that pastry to Perfection if it's too thin it'll break it's too thick it'll be raw in the middle a pastry cream you have to whip up your egg yolks with a sugar skull your milk and cream and slowly cook it out then you can flavor it with your vanilla you can't improvise with pastry you either do it well or it's a disaster there's nowhere to hide worried about David here dough is sticking I'm looking at a mess keep on trying to pull it off it's not working this is horrible [Music] I'm starting again you gotta make it beautiful it's gonna taste good it's gonna look good a lot of things could go wrong John how you feeling sir feeling great chef I'm used to working under pressure I love it who do you think's going home probably Andrew's going home his nerves are getting to him who's the other one I don't know so it's not going to be you eh oh don't definitely not I'm not going home well if you did good luck Andrew hello Chef how are you feeling I'm not feeling super confident but you know what I'm not going up with a fight so a lot of your fellow home Cooks after the Team Challenge seem very frustrating with you yeah I feel guilty about that so who do you think's going on I think it's a possibility John might go home today John really yeah I don't think he's gonna pull it out I haven't looked back it I'm running my own race right now Chef it's not my concern what he's doing I'm just want to be better all right we'll keep your eye on the clock thank you all right good luck thank you [Music] when I get stressed at home I bake which is very befitting in this situation Lynn has this Focus that I have not seen her yet well Andrew seems to be very nervous he is running all over the place super fast like a jackrabbit I need to fight the wind Cody is lagging behind right now he doesn't have good time management I'm trying to plan three steps ahead here David yeah Chef how are you feeling right now is this in your comfort zone it certainly isn't I'm more of a bourbon milkshake kind of guy is there any component you might find particularly difficult the presentation just is not my wheelhouse how did it make you feel when you have two people going home on this challenge it's certainly up the stakes well I think you've surprised yourself before in this competition yeah Chef carry on good luck with it come on let's get going car should be out and your cream should be in I pull the turret out and it's looking good I'm gonna keep on pushing do my best to make it look beautiful and taste delicious [Music] for these big hands are soft so I'll be all right I'm gonna start cutting my fruits this tart has to be very exact if it's not perfect I'll be going home look at Lynn look at the way she handles a knife Precision fruits have to be cut exactly the same it has to be cut perfectly [Music] 10 minutes you have 10 minutes left holy Hannah Cody's in the most trouble right now Cody can't seem to get his pastry off of the pan look at Cody he's losing valuable time it's not cooperating very nicely God she is so far behind right now I'm nervous at this point there he goes he's got it yes thank you I need to hurry up I need every single second that I have Cody's in serious trouble he's supposed to put all the fruit down plus he has to glaze I don't think Goldie's gonna make it I have to move I really really really have to move fine really freaking intense man feel me now hands you're growing home today oh John is the first one to actually start glazing you glaze the top of the fruit it's got to be clean Sheen so it looks like glass good this is cutting it really close [Music] Cody's not gonna make it ten nine eight seven six five four three two one and up relief I think okay I'm gonna be okay now looking over at the other people's yeah I'm going I got this it's time to taste your French fruit tarts David first thing that I notice is how high the fruit sits it's as if the food it just wants to sort of jump out it looks great let's see how it cuts [Music] looks like some real craftsmanship there David thank you thin crust and to get the pastry that even all the way it's a little finesse let's see how it tastes a nice Christmas to the pastry the pastry cream could have been just a tad softer the fruit if you're gonna cut thick have them all thick that's the consistency and yours has that consistency all in all quite impressive Lynn how are you good how are you Chef oh look how exact that is it's beautiful did not skimp on the pastry cream did you no sir cause it tastes yummy I don't I don't find any faults in this tart thank you Chef you just keep getting better Lynn Inc trust is I mean it's like it's like a machine did it the cream is light thin crust and again 45 minutes I've never made one of these before ever so I'm actually surprising myself every day that I'm here keep doing that and you might land the biggest surprise thank you chef I just want a little salt next up is Jennifer a self-described chatterbox from Vernon BC my strategy to get away at apron I am going to talk my way into those judges hearts and help them to realize that I am going to be Canada's next Master Chef they are going to love this pie my cooking style and my personality are pretty much one in the same oh snap just like me being loud and bold and sometimes a bit obnoxious so is my food it's go time hi there hi gentlemen I'm Jennifer so what is the dish you're preparing for us blueberry basil and goat cheese pie not your grandmother's blueberry pie I make the best pie crust recipe hands down because I think that if I served you anything less than that it would be an absolute disrespectful move on my part you've got five minutes to present this with your dish okay I talk a lot when I'm nervous can you tell I have waited my whole life for this moment you get one crack this is a turning point in my life I'm kicked last in sports I was a terrible athlete oh my gosh we won't even go there you're running out of time you gotta go I was never the popular kid in school in fact I got picked on a lot so if anybody is watching this right now from where I grew up that's changed so going home I have to tell you is not an option and I will fight till the death to make sure that I'm walking out of there with that white apron Jennifer Jennifer are you finished it's ready for your tasting what I have for you is a blueberry basil and goat cheese high top it's kind of like the top of the muffin it's always the best part what's your food dream Jennifer I would love to have a food truck and you think this pie will get you there that pie absolutely gonna get me there because you want to know something about this pie I've had people say they don't like blueberries people that don't like pie in general tell me wow I would eat this pie again thanks Jenna tell me Jennifer I mean this is not my grandmother's pie right it's nobody's grandmother's pie I don't want to stereotype myself as the pie girl well I realized that people look at what I've made and that said oh you're the pie girl huh just listen listen I know I don't ever shut up there's definitely a lot going on there I'm speechless I want to ask you what you think about this pie because you think it's delicious right so does everybody back there [Music] see how it tastes [Music] [Music] so Jennifer you know for me the pie had some great layers great complexity the crust was light The Filling had some very fresh bright flavors I'm a yes Jennifer not your grandmother's pie is not for me that pie was lacking in texture I wanted something that was a nice contrast to the rich sort of bright flavors it's a no Jennifer the crust nice and crispy and I can taste that blueberry going up in Scarborough I love blueberry I had some blowing my backyard I'm just concerned about your listening skill sweet just one thing can you just keep quiet for five seconds so I can put an apron around your neck oh I'm looking well with that too [Music] [Applause] I've gotta prove that I am willing to listen and become Canada's next Master Chef that pork chop is calling my name but I cook meat twice so I gotta show them that I can do something besides meat so I'm going to make cream cheese Tarts it's out of my comfort zone [Music] finally in the kitchen I finally get to rock my skills I'm excited to be able to do a cheesecake [Music] the hardest part in this challenge for you uh in the mystery box there's ingredients that I'm not comfortable with like what the kale I've never cooked with kale I'm sure in the army that you ate tons of kale there wasn't any of this in the military what are you making I am making Maple fudge pie with uh cream cheese whipped cream and a berry coolief good luck thank you so much perfect I'm liking it John how are you oh good what's Happening Here what I'm making is three different Philly cream cheese Tarts what's the toughest part of this dish for you um just kind of making it look pretty you think it's a smart idea I gotta really go for it show you guys what I can do good luck fired up [Music] oh my god oh dear God in heaven Debbie's really struggling with that cheese tea is trying to take the cheesecake out of a mold but it's gonna be stuck she didn't line it with anything I was blown away by John he's baking I didn't think he would have pastry chef hands he's a bit of a dark horse the dish is amazing meat with whipped cream cheese and while Berry Cooley [Music] the flavor of the Meatballs is wonderful the smooth Rich velvety textures perfect pastry dough I think is a nice thickness even the tastes spot on Lynn mentioned that you get doubted a lot and you have to work harder than everyone else yes that's why I decided to make my own pie crust chef well the crust could was five more minutes but the topping is so delicious almost doesn't matter it's a very good dish thank you well what I got here is fabulous Philadelphia Cream Cheese starts one is a cherry and vanilla in the middle we have a nice lemon and a walnut Maple Blackberry we're very surprised we would never think that you can come up with something so delicate and pretty I like the sound of that crispy cracking of that filo thank you chef [Music] you know John they're beautiful I like it for two reasons first everything comes together and that's very important secondly you know I'm not a sweet guy but the sweetness is perfect beautiful dish thank you beautiful [Music] three great flavors each one rich full bright and you've proven you can cook a great dessert [Music] [Music] balloons really balloons a fixture at every birthday party and no birthday party would be complete without a cake I can't believe it it's my son JJ's birthday today your challenge today is to create the most imaginative and delicious birthday cake you've ever had Christopher he's going to come out swinging and Swinging hard and birthdays aren't just about cake and balloons they're also about gifts and here's one for all of you in tonight's Mystery Box we're choosing two winners [Music] both will receive a huge advantage in the upcoming elimination challenge one one challenge out right I'm ready to knock everything out of the park JJ's birthday I'm putting it everything into it you will have one hour and 30 minutes to plan bake and decorate a stunning four layer birthday cake I think I made a two layer cake before and now I was pushing it so four layers pretty challenging you'll also have access to a beautiful specialty Pantry full of the finest fruits nuts and sweet decorations everything you need to make a perfect birthday cake that tells us something about you yeah your time starts [Music] chocolate so the challenge today is they have to make a birthday cake that represents who they are after seeing what's in the specialty Pantry there is no excuses for a foreign cake here ah I've never made a cake baking it's just so far out of my comfort zone anyone see gold powder birthday cakes are what inspired me to start baking I know with this dish I'm going to wow the judges [Music] making a layer cake it's more difficult than it sounds there's a lot that can go wrong if you don't cream your eggs and your butter properly you're gonna have raw patches of flour everything has to be incorporated so you have a nice light and Airy cake John can I have one of your bananas I don't enjoy cake favorite desserts as a child was going for Banana Splits so I'm actually gonna make a banana split cake gotta get this moisture out of here the First cake I ever loved was a red velvet cake but I love Blue Suede Shoes more than I love red velvet cake so I'll make it a blue shoe velvet cake and then my girlfriend wearing blue suede shoes for the first couple months you'd only call me Blue Suede Shoes I'm making chocolate cake for my dad I think it's gonna be the most beautiful cake of the bunch but there's a lot of inspiration here being drawn by family I'm gonna make banana nut cakes it's for my sister she makes the best banana bread in the world and I never get to make her a birthday cake I've always been gone playing football so it's for her I'm making a mint chocolate birthday cake my husband's favorite I'm not the strong cake guy but I'm gonna make a chocolate cake with peanut butter my son's JJ's favorite two ingredients my birthday is Christmas day I usually read for a generous slice of apple pie with ice cream on top so I'm basically making this cake is a play on the apple pie and hopefully they like what I present today [Music] what do you think has the advantage in this competition I'm gonna say Tammy number one because she has six kids in baking birthday cakes sounds like it's almost a full-time job in that house [Music] I am making a white cake and it is my daughter's birthday my daughter loves strawberries and I'm going to decorate it with a lot of flowers she loves flowers it's kind of heart-wrenching for me because it's the first birthday I've missed in 17 years what about Christopher though he seemed to be really confident very confident Christopher you know the pastry man I'm making my variation on an opera cake it is a mixture of chocolate and coffee it's a cake that I started in high school and has slowly being built up over the years by techniques that I've learned I have five minutes to get this cake in I'm gonna get this in the oven they gotta get it baked in cool down ready to start building their cake while it says cooking you need to watch it because you may need to turn that cake so that it rises evenly and has an even color to it Chris would you have any semi-sweet chocolate left yeah thank you Kristen hi chef how are you good what are you doing split tape something that the children at daycare would really enjoy but you know your next door neighbor Angel over there is also doing a banana splitter I heard what's going to give you the edge I think the way I'm going to decorate my cake will make me come out on top you're confident I love it good luck thank you hey Andrew May the best cake win I have no idea if I can pull it off I'm not confident let's start this again it's not done yeah 15 minutes left your cake needs to be out of the oven come on man oh take a look at Michael's cake Michael's cake is Bluer Than your hair nothing is Bluer Than My Hair oh I'm gooey in the middle you gotta remember you gotta cut that cake into a perfect four layers Rebecca David you're sweating I swear I put this pressure on myself my son's birthday today wow so there's two of you with uh with birthdays today it's amazing excellent so you're making a peanut butter cake peanut butter and chocolate standard vanilla icing cover the whole thing with pretzels my favorite part is dipping in the batter yeah it's the best part of the cake isn't it that tastes good already thank you good luck thank you chef 10 minutes we are low on time I'm putting so much pressure on myself my internal temperature is just roaring trying to concentrate oh my God I've burned the peanuts failing on this challenge for JJ I work there's the piping bags I love a great cake nice and moist tasty but it's the icing I look forward to the beauty of having icing is that you can actually cover a lot of your mistakes it's a Baker's trick where they don't know never happened Michael hello Chef Alvin are you doing that blue suede blue velvet honestly it looks like blue carpet definitely will not taste like Harper what are you doing so I'm gonna alternate between cream and blueberry filling so that the blueberry filling isn't too rich so you're gonna do four layers in this thing I'm gonna try is that all the cream you're gonna put in well I can put more if you like you know when you cut it up you want to see the layer I want to see nice thick layers because it makes the cake rich and delicious you got it Chef well good luck thank you so much [Music] you know David's cake looks absolutely amazing he handles that spatula like a pro oh it's very similar to Concrete it is like traveling my secret weapon is the fact that I am a talented concrete guy hi there Christopher hello Chef that's a beautiful technique there where did you learn that years and years of experience what else are you going to do now to finish the decoration on this cake chocolate curls and you're tempering the chocolate to get the curls that's right because otherwise they won't have big nice curls wow that's amazing I'll let you carry on thank you one minute oh no they don't have much time actually at all I'm gonna make this work no matter what ten nine eight seven six five four three two one hands off your cakes [Applause] tonight the judges are choosing two Mystery Box winners this is the best cake that I've ever made I think I nailed it both will receive a huge advantage in the upcoming elimination challenge what I'm most proud of is I was able to channel being a dad on his cake today we've been so impressed with your Creations we're going to be calling up four of you I'm at least one of the four going up I have to be the first cake that we want to call up was made by a home cook who honored this challenge with Innovation and color this cake looks like a soccer field I just wish the judges would try it please come up to the front [Music] Michael whoa whoa case this is a blue suede cake with blueberry filling a little bit of lemon zest some graham crackers on the side to give a little bit texture and taste and I topped it off with some very fine Sugar Sprinkles so when I cut through a cake what I want to see is all the layers all connected I don't want to see any air pockets in between the icing and the cake is that what I'm going to see here I think so wow that's pretty incredible thank you Chef let's try this it's a very good cake it's so moist I love the blueberry that's running through here it looks like the kind of cake you would buy in a bake shop great job just go to the front the second cake we'd like to see was made with a level of technique and confidence that was nothing short of breathtaking and that cake belongs to [Music] Christopher please bring up your cake this cake really shows off who I was and who I am now today I've done an opera cake coffee praline buttercream ganache between the layers and it's laid it all on top of a chocolate sponge [Music] wow this is a league of its own my mouth is watering right now it all oozes out between the layers [Music] it tells me that it is such a soft and delicate pastry cream [Music] beautifully balanced big head of chocolate up front a touch of that coffee comes in and then just a slight crunch from the praline that you pureed up for me it's Best in Class thank you chef chocolate hits you and then the coffee comes and after that textures of the hazelnuts definitely one of the best cakes I've ever had we'll be happy for you to do my birthday cake please stand down the front the third cake we like to say was inspired by a loved one please come up David [Music] a chocolate birthday cake Philadelphia Cream Cheese peanut butter layers and then I covered the whole thing with pretzels and the roasted peanuts it's my little boy's birthday today so I put everything into it [Music] I'm gonna cake that perfect rigid smooth Construction you got the peanut butter you got the cream cheese all this Comfort things that your son loves this cake is about love thank you [Music] beautifully cooked sponge enough sweetness a little saltiness from the peanut and pretzels the fact that flavors is quite sophisticated you can't go wrong with peanut butter top marks all around for a stunning cake but when it comes to spelling yeah I'm not known for my spelling I think that says hap it made us all very happy [Music] the fourth home cook we're calling up is Andrew my cake actually looks pretty great but this is all an unknown inside this thing banana split cake I made just a simple white cake buttercream I flavored it with strawberries chocolate and bananas it looks incredible from the outside but on the inside I want to see a cake that stays together yes yeah so you kind of get a bit of a challenge here you're missing some Sponge here well let's try this all these flavors and textures that you have going on in here work really well it's a very good cake Lynn who did you choose to give the ice cream maker to [Music] David David is a Savory cook this might not be in Dave's comfort zone I'm scared about this ice cream maker I don't know what I'm gonna do this could send me home I made ice cream before but not in an hour I want to make sure I solidify myself in the top four ice cream is the most difficult thing in this challenge because of the time you have 60 Minutes you have to make your ice cream base eggs sugar scalding your cream infusing the flavors cooling it down and then churning it in the ice cream truck it is a tricky process yeah David what flavor of ice cream are you making I'm doing a vanilla bean Thyme and lemon I'm gonna do it over top of a blueberry cake and that sounds very interesting who do you think presents the biggest threat for Lynn right now the guy doing the ice cream I'm not gonna go out without a fight good luck thank you chef you only have 30 minutes David he's behind at this point the ice cream has to be churning but he's running back and forth David is my biggest competition so it's nice to see him on the edge I'm so frantic this is definitely not how I rock it I am truly freaking five minutes it's taking his ice cream out it's still a little bit soft wow it looks a bit loose it looks a little thin I have to start freezing this darn ice cream got to get into the freezer it's gonna work looking pretty good look at Sabrina she's still at the pasta we are either about the taste the freshest pasta we've ever had oh no pasta or no pasta come on now [Music] David he's got everything on his plate except the ice cream but he's leaving it down to the wire ten nine seven six five four three two one hands up what you call this dish this is a vanilla bean lemon thyme ice cream on a blueberry cake with a candy Thyme and a blueberry that's a lot to pull off in 60 minutes is this the toughest challenge you've had yet or without a doubt David that is spectacular the richness of that perfectly formed scoop of ice cream beautiful silky smooth the time does come through there are little time leaves in there genius the sponge cake warm it's absolutely a heart warming dish and these little blueberries what did you do to these blueberries I made a simple syrup and coated them to give them a nice little glaze but your lens dying to taste this yes I am actually one word Sublime it's extraordinary I wish your family was here to watch what you've done me too incredible please go back to your station one thing's for sure I'm not afraid of an ice cream maker anymore chocolate this next pressure test features our favorite chocolate desserts my idea of the perfect chocolate experience is the dark chocolate brownie with handmade vanilla bean ice cream it is pure decadence when I think of my favorite chocolate dessert I think of this creamy white chocolate creme brulee when you break into it it's very important to get the right combination of sweet crispy and smooth I'm a fan of milk chocolate and it's the star of this mouth-watering classic with a complicated twist a silky smooth milk chocolate mousse with the fresh passion fruit Center you have to make it correctly for this beautiful filling to flow out perfect first thing I do I get my brownies going those things have to bake and cool down fast both of them are doing the brownie first I am expecting that chocolate brownie to be soft moist and mouth-watering [Music] creme brulee may seem like a very simple dessert of egg cream sugar and white chocolate but to get it perfect this is very difficult first of all when you're doing the water bath you want to bring the temperature up gently because if the water is too hot it's going to become scrambled egg a little more black Sabrina you were sounding pretty confident at the top of this cook is that confidence level still there didn't come here to finish third I came here to finish first is there any one of these three desserts that is going to be the most challenging for you [Music] because I can see you're under the pressure of this cook I'm in the zone chef [Music] the chocolate mousse is a very technical dessert to get going it certainly is you have to take the passion fruit you'll have to freeze it into a half sphere and then you're going to put your wonderful light chocolate mousse and then your passion fruit inside of the chocolate mousse that goes into the freezer the whole thing sets it's actually one of the most complicated that there to do it's very tricky oh time is it ticking I'm feeling the burn I want this so bad I'm whipping my cream my mousse cream is currently oh my God my whipped cream is over whipped and it curls this could be my last cook in the master chef kitchen I'm scared to death so Lynn how are you good no he's doing well then my cream started to curdle what happened there it was room temperature usually I put my cream in a metal bowl and I refrigerate it I'll start fresh I'm just gonna chill it no biggie I'm saying those words but I'm freaking out so you think you're going to be going up against David absolutely people have not seen me coming this whole competition you think you've been silently waiting for this opportunity yes sir silent but deadly good luck thank you 15 minutes 15 minutes left you better be thinking about plating soon I haven't put the moves in the mold for that chocolate round thing I'm very worried about Lynn's chocolate mousse looks a little thin it's not going to set properly the tension in this kitchen is incredible it's like truly like a horse race these two ladies are tough either one is going to be scary in the finale [Music] doing the top of my creme brulee for me is a sage getting a proper coat on takes multiple applications of sugar you have to fill in those gaps I don't like you know what Sabrina's doing you know she's adding sugar to it which means she didn't get a even consistent layer to begin with and you're now patching it up if you burn it it becomes very bitter five minutes you have five minutes left and remember it's a replication a taste is King my brownie is coming out really well it's nice and dense it's also cutting really clean edges well looks about right two minutes two minutes two minutes left that doesn't work you know desserts need to look absolutely beautiful one shake of the hand one misstep with piping out that chocolate and you've got to start that plate again ten nine eight seven six five four three two one hands up then it looks pretty perfect to me [Music] I like that crack because it's kind of like thin ice sugar Coke felt very very even and that's what I was looking for inside you have a nice combination nice mixture of the white chocolate with the egg mix that is close to Perfection great dish thank you chef well certainly at first glance it looks like a very very good replication the cut on your chocolate brownie looks very precise and clean let's try it [Music] the ice cream I think is wonderful beautiful consistency has that hint of vanilla the brownie I get that dark chocolate richness I just find this a touch on the dense side and I I'm concerned that it may have needed just a little bit more moisture but a very very good replication well done Splash on the top Lin looks a little messy yeah sure if the center of this Dome does not have that liquid passion fruit it's not going to be good for you to be honest I don't know what the inside is going to look like [Music] oh wow let's see how it tastes [Music] you did it you've just made our job a lot more difficult than picking who will be in the finale foreign is to work on The Suite gonna start with the profiteroles it looks like everyone is starting with the baked elements the first thing that I would do for my pastry is the tart has to be light flaky dainty you have to form them you have to let them set everything here lies in the details let's show Sabrina we got this the girl bakes I have to put all my faith in Jennifer yeah beautiful we're the Dream Team Sugar's right there in the jar I got it in my hand Coney and Lynn they're both very strong home cooked they also have very strong personalities and they tend to clash I would agree that you're getting your station so you don't have to go back and forth I'm working on all the pastries at the same time so I know it's up to me to get all the pastries done Christopher Has the strength when it comes to the pastries so he's taking the lead but Michael what is he going to bring to this challenge Christopher has The Knack of being able to do things in his mind I got to be able to take it out of his mind and put it down on the stove don't forget we can be switched at any time thank you Michael switch coaching through this okay okay what do you want me to do go those are gonna have to get in the oven here too sweet that yes I see there's no love lost between Cody and myself there's an age difference there's a cultural difference there's different cooking Styles and we don't want to overwork this yeah no not my first heart though sweetie I'm just talking Sabrina wants us to fall flat on our faces tell me to shut up if you need me to shut up yep plan is to listen to Jennifer because this is her strong suit what are you working on now doing the uh tart your egg and your milk together let's whip it together in there pastry cut it mix it up okay I don't think David has much baking experience his strength is Savory just slapped in there because you're gonna mix it with the mixer you got it you're being amazing thank you start on the sandwiches are you sure actually no right now I honestly think they're at a critical stage it's really important to understand that your fellow home cook can finish off the task at hand you're right finish this check it feel it it's sticky as hell of course it's supposed to be sticky is it like mayonnaise with flour added to it Christopher thinks I know what pastry should feel like I don't come on Michael you're doing them really slow sorry I think Christopher might actually have a meltdown 325 don't worry go go it's Saturday no not yet you're not done patchy just told me to sword in the oven I said patch it up and throw it in the oven can't read what's going on in your mind bro starting pastry cream so you're looking for milk look at about two cups no it's one in one I've made pastry cream a thousand times I'll just then then listen to me should be 3x for this Cody don't worry because I always put sugar in here and I always put sugar in there Cody don't worry Lynn please it just goes quicker like this listen to me Woman This Is My Jam I know pastry cream you have to trust me on that one the pastry cream you have to whip up your egg yolks with a sugar skull your milk and cream and slowly cook it out a lot of things that can go wrong looks like Michael's scrambling eggs I didn't have time to measure out my pastry cream ingredients and I just threw it together more free I'm not worried because I know exactly how to fix it keep stirring don't Christopher is the mad scientist he knows what he's doing put in the strainer straight through what are you measuring out I need the the milk for the pastry cream don't worry about the pastry cream David I'll do it you sure yeah I've taken a few Peaks at other teams I see Christopher with three different things on the go three raspberries on top feel like we're behind I gotta try to catch up how many of these we need we need three so make six I'm not gonna make six we've got that freaking time okay 350. Lynn clear if there's one time in your life that I really need you to listen to me please pass the cream we'll be fine I always strain my pastry cream before I put my eggs in and Cody always does it after please please we're cooking our eggs right now we have to pass it again but for the sake of teamwork I do it Cody's way thank you the biggest surprise with Lynn is that she's actually listening to what I'm saying thank you thank you switch yeah we gotta start moving fast what do you want me to do place your cream get two cups of sugar oh yeah the yolks mix them up in a bowl don't move it keep on moving she seems to be getting flustered let's go Jennifer go all right things are getting very tense they're all doing different jobs it's hard to tell which one is ahead I mean Cody's just spinning out of control right now look at him he's going back and forth all right you don't need any more don't worry about it don't worry about it I know but you don't need that much worry about it two cups of sugar right yes two cups of sugar yeah I can't quite remember what goes into pastry cream heavy cream right yeah is it four eggs is it five eggs is it egg yolks was it and was it whole eggs I can't remember yolks Jennifer's the baker I'm the Savory guy what is she doing coming to me for pastry advice how much water he is so I think the profitables might be ready Cody take one out just to see what happens yeah looking good darling check your whipped cream whipped cream's not doing anything soup there's nothing happening with it do you know what if we have to forget that we'll forget that something is not right with this whipping cream it is not whipping and we have no more cream we gotta get stuff on that plate humming as fast as I can David so you managed to get everything on the plate with varying degrees of success raspberry tart pastry is a little thick but cooked beautifully great sweet pastry nice balance to it and that is what gives it the wonderful Christmas to it and I'm very surprised at how you salvaged the pastry cream it looked awful those tricks in terms of bringing things back are sometimes as important as mastering a recipe well done that was very good [Music] a profiterole needs to have cream inside of it and a beautiful thin exterior that holds everything together who made these profiter rolls I made the Patty shoe and Michael piped them [Music] teamwork [Music] that's a beautiful thing [Music] overall great presentation yes chef you literally limped to the Finish Line what happened I injured my knee during my service in the military I've had 11 surgeries two knee replacement surgeries and I fell and I hit my leg pretty hard well you're really a trooper to pull through I don't give up [Music] the accident affected lens performance at all there's no way that I could have possibly asked more from my partner well let me try a profiter roll when I cut into this I want to see it full of that delicious whipped cream [Music] pretty spectacular not bad for a guy with shaking hands [Music] the Choux pastry beautiful takes a little Christmas to it light fluffy whipped cream likewise a little bit of a vanilla hit really well done on the profit of rolls thank you chef I'm gonna try the tart [Music] you got a good balance of sweet and acidity there this cream is nice and smooth hint of vanilla balancer raspberry it's very very good this is a tough Mystery Box challenge because we've upped the ante by asking them to do two dishes one Savory one sweet so I'm starting with dessert peanut butter and chocolate truffle this is looking good already I'm gonna make a fireless chocolate cake and I'm making steamed chicken buns my dad really likes steamed buns up it's one of his favorite foods so that's my inspiration the dish I would do with chicken is a dish that I often do at home cold noodle dish shredded chicken and peanut butter sauce [Music] I'm gonna make some peanut butter whoopie buys it's a cake topped and a cake bottom and whipped peanut butter and whipped cream [Music] come on now there we go you like this buddy does this look good it looks great Sabrina is taking her fish now out of the parchment [Music] Cody he's plating his last few truffles Sabrina is deboning her fish [Applause] dessert is a chocolate and peanut butter tart then vanilla bean whipped cream what dish would your kids eat first here oh without a dog be dessert dessert absolutely it's amazing the flavors are all incredible the chocolate really complements the peanut butter just a little pinch of sea salt would help bring everything up but other than that great job please go to the front the sweet dish is a peanut butter chocolate truffle a Ganesh should be rich decadent smooth is that what it's going to be when I taste it I certainly hope so chef [Music] Cody Big Rich chocolate hits you right up front and then the peanut butter sort of creeps in behind and then to finish it off that touch of sea salt delicious well done thank you oh perfect chocolate chunk peanut butter cookies and vanilla milkshake this is one of the best presentation I've seen from you so far it's not overly fancy it's natural you got the Asian hair and then cookies and milk but that elevate it well I can see some of that lovely craft crunchy peanut butter you hit that right on definitely a soft moist cookie [Music] good wow that is Cookie and milk in Dreamland crunchy peanut butter and chocolate they're not overpowering each other and then the milkshake it complements this perfectly thank you Chef well done [Applause] [Music] there are six elements on my plate one of the elements is black olive pistachio dark chocolate bread I have to get that bread made because from start to finish it takes an hour [Applause] this dish is all about layers the first layer is white chocolate graham cracker cake the second layer cream cheese mousse with vanilla bean and on the top are shards of meringue and for a garnish I'm doing lemon curd this is the deal breaker if this dessert isn't perfect everything will be for naught with dessert it is all about the refinement and I think dessert is far less forgiving in pastry there's nowhere to hide the dessert I've been working on in my head is very complicated and I will need an hour and 15 minutes to produce it and I have 60 minutes we'll be through each component of desserts so the crust will be a sponge cake and that's the foundation the base that'll be the base and then the center will be vanilla bean cheese mousse wonderful and that's what you're working on right now exactly so does this then have to go in the freezer yes into the freezer which is going to be the most difficult aspect of this dessert just bringing it all together in the time allotted maybe it's making your wife proud with this new and improved version of The Preserve what do you think I hope so thanks David [Music] thank you hi there Lynn hi chef can you walk me through each component of your dessert please I have a pistachio brittle my mom cooks brittle and she puts it in tent and that's what people want for Christmas wow I also have a marscapone moons this is an olive oil savory bread we all love bread French people love bread right yeah it's true I'm making glazed apricots and that will be served alongside chat with going sounds like you've got a lot to deal with yes chef and if there's anyone who can pull it off I'm gonna guess it's going to be you Lynn thank you chef oh working on lemon curd Every Move I Make needs to be intentional I don't have the time to make mistakes 15 [Music] minutes what did he put in there you just realized you didn't cook it I stuck a raw lemon curd into the freezer I need to cook them I am in full panic mode he is really cutting this close I'm not sure he's gonna make it 10 minutes to 10 minutes left here we go very very key is really cutting this close nothing on the plate but Lynn is almost finished [Applause] five minutes you have five minutes left oh my goodness this is unbelievable [Music] so finally David is now starting to play he's starting to put together his desserts you've got it oh my God he's still running around [Music] [Applause] Glenn is already finished one minute get one minute left [Applause] he's still got to put his meringue on it's gonna be within seconds if he pulses off [Music] ten nine eight seven six five four three two one [Applause] [Music] my dessert is a lemon curd parfait on a graham cracker sponge base with meringue are you as surprised as we are that you pull this off I wasn't going to give up not today no way can't wait to try it [Music] I really adore all the flavors the presentation to me is unique there's so many textures Happening Here you have crunchy from the meringue it's soft from the Moose the cake is sensational flawless you know David I am impressed you really elevated your wife's lemon dessert here to start the show really is this lemon curd because the sharpness and the sweetness that balances perfectly this to me is heaven in a spoon [Music] deep loose is a light and fluffy and delicate the lemon curd if that had not made it to the plate this would not be a successful dessert it's very well done thank you Lynn please bring up your dish [Music] my dessert's a play on a cheese plate it has homemade chocolate olive bread pistachio brittle a marscapone mousse candied apricots and my favorite cheese chateau [Music] well then this is an intelligent dessert chocolate bread with the pistachio and the olive goes very nicely with that salty cheese and the apricot that's delicious this is a plate I would like to share my friends mousse mascarpone can be extremely rich and heavy but you are able to present it in a way that delivered a featheriness to it my only comment would be the brittle because that was the sweetest element I felt it was a little bit of the odd man out but everything else it was really very very good Lynn you've done something very very rare on this cheese board you've mixed two ingredients that work so beautifully together the olives and the chocolate it's actually one of the most memorable things I've had in the entire competition I would serve that in my restaurant any day
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 311,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #masterchef, Alvin Leung, MasterChef Australia, MasterChef Canada, MasterChef challenge, MasterChef pressure test, best dishes on masterchef, best masterchef dishes, cooking competition, cooking show, how to cook, master chef, master chef world, masterchef, masterchef best dishes, masterchef world, recipe, masterchef canada, masterchef canada season 2, alvin leung, desserts, dessert recipes, dessert dishes, claudio aprile, michael bonacini, tart, cake, cookies, pie, parfait, sweets
Id: QJ8ZR6nBhC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 55sec (3595 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2023
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