Jerry Seinfeld Talks Netflix’s ‘Unfrosted,’ ‘Curb,’ ‘Seinfeld’ & More w/ Rich Eisen | Full Interview

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back here on the Rich Eisen show we're thrilled to have here our radio audience is gone it's it's the Roku Channel feed where we normally just show a clip which we'll do right here with Jerry Seinfeld good to see you sir how are you good to see you rich great to be I was just thank you I love when uh off camera people respond um and that that's that's what they do here is they respond bit yes they do so I mean um I I got to start with the set what you don't want to start with a clip no okay no okay fine um okay so I'm trying to reach my coffee here yes no one ever thought how why don't we make that work better sort of but the big thing rich and you got to tell me yes sure are you aware of the difference in our how we're sitting as we are relating do you feel cuz when I watch the show this is what I go why why is he doing this why have you set yourself up yes uh like King toon C and your guess why am i l not it's not that much of a discrep have thing in show is it's called a riser it's called a riser yeah yeah put the chairs on a riser well remember how Letterman would do it which is right next to you right isn't it no but he would always have a height Advantage it it was weird this is what I was told when I was actually when I started doing the show and I and I swear to God it was from uh somebody put me in touch with him who's a uh and you probably know Steve mosow from back of course I know Steve for years close buddy he put me in touch with Gary Shandling yeah who told me to do this literally get higher and get closer okay is what he said yeah let's let's just something you want to switch no no no you where you are all right yeah I can't stand there yeah we're back on the rich house and show radio network feel huh how you feel I feel intimidated I'm not going to lie why cuz you're standing over me yeah yeah but but I'm not I'm a nice guy I mean no harm but it's a little weird and we want to what we want on this show is to get a comfortable uh casual yeah back and forth someone who we're happy to have on the show yes right that's what we want I think we're we we're achieving that slowly but surely I feel like we're achieving that here yeah right but no I I'm such a fan of the show that uh I can't not try and fix things I can't well I appreciate that so is it really am I that appreciably higher right now would you say I'm just saying if it was my show if I was if I had your gig yes uh what I would be wanting to do is I want to get as much as I can get yes from whoever comes on yes right that's what I would be thinking that's exactly what I think okay and this is counterproductive you'd say spatially I I really made as good a case as I could there hold on a minute let me see if I could just all right this better if I'm a little bit lower the desk is too bigk are you working here what do you need this gigantic glass desk what are you doing I do have sometimes I have notes I've cleared the desk because I only have notes for you like I've got these cards okay you know so spatially how much room do we need for those CS I'm just talking talk show I did a I did my own talk show when did you do your own talk show a few years ago I in I invented the talk show as I wanted it to be yes which is no set no fruit basket in the dressing room no makeup uhhuh just go out and get a cup of coffee with somebody Comedians in Cars Cars Getting Coffee so that is that's your talk show that was my answer to what I hate about talk shows which is what which is setup um stiffness let's break it down CU if you're a if you're on a talk show you should be able to talk right you should be a talker yes yes so if you're a talker let's just make it a comfortable environment and the most comfortable environment is two people across a coffee table I did a TV series half of the scenes were in a coffee shop why it's a comfortable place to watch people talk this is the hudsucker proxy I'm doing here where I'm sending you're Paul Newman in the HS like sending a note through a pneumatic tube to land on your lap you open it and you answer the question yeah interesting I like it anyway that's what comedians do we we we criticize everything when are you going to do more of those I haven't got any plans I uh I did 80 something of them 80 that's a lot it was a lot I love doing it uh I didn't think people uh were really I wasn't sure if people were connecting with it I thought it was it was fun to do right it was kind of it was just an experiment you know and now I'm finding people watching it more than when I was doing it a million perc yeah maybe I don't know maybe I mean you must have enough cars right I it's those aren't my cars those are not your cars no I couldn't get that across to people every episode I would say thank you to so and so for Lending us the Corvette but nobody seemed to get that everybody thought they were your actual cars that's fine who did you have on it that you were particularly excited to well they were I did some amazing Eddie Murphy Barack Obama Larry David I love everybody on the show someone I love you know it was who was really fun Kristoff Waltz who played uh Colonel Hans Landa right in in glor bastards right uhhuh sure I I thought what is more fun than the worst Nazi and the most beloved Jew doing a show together this is this is how we move forward as a people yeah let's move forward that that's what that show was about oh my gosh but he's not really a comedian right he doesn't no no but he he was a funny Nazi uh uh uh L remember that scene he was funny he was F he did have a certain comedy the the the fountain pen bit in the first scene right one of those gut-wrenching scenes in all of Cinema history correct but the fountain pen bit the handling of the refilling of the fountain pen as he's doing the speech that and and acting which I've done a little bit of acting right uh that's the hardest thing and that ear him a spot with you in a car yeah I love the guy and we've been friends ever since me and Kristoff no kidding yeah I'm going to visit him in Austria uh for dessert and coffee yeah they have great coffee in uh Vienna I asked uh Kristoff mhm what is the difference anyway between the austrians and the Germans he said what is the difference between the Walts and Goose stepping I mean come on Rich that's a good line oh my gosh that is funny Jerry Seinfeld here on the Rich Eisen show what made you uh last chance to watch this set it'll be different on the next episode it'll be great yeah great what made you create a movie about the race to create the Pop-Tart well Jerry the in your nice promo you did for us in last night's show yes or whenever this is on yes um you talked about you were wondering if it really happened if there really was a a a race between Po and c and there was the one true element there's a couple true elements in the show one is post really did invent it first yes Kelloggs did hear about it right before it was about to hit the shelves and race to come out with the same thing or a better thing uh at the same time so that really did happen and post really did the the box in the movie is the real box that post came up with the country square with this lame granny doily look and Kelloggs came up with the pop tart and which they stole from Andy Warhol who just invented pop art that's that's really it that is true there was no uh Gunplay like we have so we we we take we we we take comedic Liberty from there right but those are the two elements that are true that are absolutely in fact happen and then you just extrapolate from we just found it so funny gigantic cereal companies in a little town in Michigan yes Battle Creek that's you could just see comedically that's that's a good place to start right and then you and you put Hugh Granton a Tony the Tiger outfit and let it all roll pretty much after that you're after to the race that is that that's particularly funny in this and just the number of comedians that you have and the number of cameos that there are in this just was one after another after another amazing it was fun for a long time we didn't have anybody what do you mean for a long time it was me and gaffan and we had a room where we were casting the the the project yeah and on every and it was a 3x5 card which which with each character's name it was like 30 characters and there was nothing under any of them it was just me and Gaffigan and the time is clicking down six weeks to shooting four weeks to shooting and I didn't have anybody and I don't know then then Hugh Grant said I want to be Tony the and the next thing I knew uh everybody else wanted to be in the movie he was the he was the dam breaking pretty much I think he was yeah yeah he he plays um a a British actor who's looking for um his Shakespearean breakout moment from inside of old ravensoft oh my gosh I also noticed the name Rick lwin in there he was the guy who helped create Seinfeld did he where he put green he green lit it for and Rick was the only person at NBC that saw the pilot and thought the show wasn't bad everybody else did not like it what do you mean seriously you walked in there and you was it truly a pitch about a show about nothing when you actually pitched it no no never what was the original pitch like the original pitch was how a comedian gets his material which Larry and I knew we were lying when we said it because nobody wants to see that it's not interesting but it sounds good to a network executive right so they gave us a pilot they didn't like the pilot uh and then Rick lwin said you know what I think this show isn't that everyone disliked it and Rick lwin said I'm going to take some money from Saturday night wrestling in those days professional wrestling replace Saturday Night Live once a month and he took the money from one of those and it was enough money for us to make four episodes we made four episodes they still didn't like it and then fox said we want the show and then NBC said okay we'll make a few more they still wouldn't order it they just didn't like it so which episode turn the tide was there one in particular that turned the tide do you think no no but when they put it after cheers we got ratings and then they put us on Wednesday night we and again we went in the toilet again we we we had a long it was four years of struggle which you know we didn't really care we were just having fun doing the show when did you meet Larry David for the first time I met Larry David probably 1975 uh he was a comic I was just starting and you were doing a set together is that what it was or sure comedians do shows yeah we go to we go to clubs and do shows on stage see you threw me off by making me lower my seat Jerry it's not the seat the whole thing has to go the whole thing the whole thing the desk has to go you can't really here's the other thing you can't do uh and we we know this from Shark Tank when you have a hit as you have and deserve yes and it will be a long running staple you're going to have a great line CU you're great on TV you're great at everything Sports uh you're you're Sports you're the sports comforter was that on the air when I was saying that it was not okay you're the sports comforter you make us feel good just being with you feels good okay thank you and I watch the show but once you have a hit in Show Business here's what we do okay nothing we do nothing Shark Tank you ever see them change that set not at all never touch it don't touch it cuz in Show Business we don't really know why people like anything so when they do like something don't touch it don't touch it I have jokes in my set I have no idea what they're laughing at I don't touch them because whatever they like if you like it that's why I'm going to do it sure okay I do a line in my set it's one of the most interesting lines to me you want to get into some comedy stuff here please always so I you know you know I have like all my regular stuff and then I a a big part of my set now is the wife and kids as every comedian must do mhm and and I talk about having kids I go uh I was there at the birth of all three of my kids obviously one of the most dramatic moments it always gets that it's just I'm standing in front of 3,000 people four of them will react every night that's it 2,9 96 do not but that laugh which is the exact percentage so what do we got here about about seven people um like 10 like there was one out of 10 okay so I got a C minus laugh from one guy it's the exact same percentage congratulations T TJ you're the guy now that to me as a comedy scientist I am fascinating so you don't touch it or you why would I touch that it's I just do it mhm first of all it's getting me to where I want to go I want to talk about having kids yes but that's my first line I was there for the birth of all three of my kids obviously one of the most traumatic moments and it gets that tiny little Ripple it's the person who doesn't have a kid who's laughing he doesn't have a kid it doesn't matter I don't know what it is but we don't touch lines that work we don't change sets that work I would put a riser under these two chairs put the Riser under the the chairs that that's it but don't touch anything the Des smaller make the desk smaller you can't you can't okay you got to hit show here Rich you got to hit show just leave it you got to leave it unfortunately everything I have said you have to disregard except for the Riser these These are club chair this is for you and me to have a cigar later okay do you smoke cigars I don't ah let's start okay we have a few minutes be a great guy wouldn't he be a great guy to have a cigar with oh the Great but but uh you know when you just start though you can get you know sick from it right don't you have a problem with it think I mean last thing I want to do is like just do the wrong thing inhale and then dry he in front of you Jerry I you like I don't want to do that sort of thing no you'd have to give me a quick primer on it I I can okay very good Jerry Seinfeld here on the Rich Eisen show Rich Eisen show all right God would you ever have thought no when you first sat down on ESPN Sports Center M sitting there who were you across from Overman no uh steuart Scott mostly oh steuart Scott what are you guys are great we had a blast man the greatest the greatest we had a blast and it was on after Dan and Keith that's so Dan and Keith would do the 11:00 and then we would do the 2 a.m. in the middle of the night and I was having the time yeah and you had the little wisp oh don't don't we miss miss the whis we miss the whis we missed the whis Jerry our Eisen fans Eisen Nation Oh God misses the whisp we missed the Wisp you're not you're not lying about that no there are times when I look at my kids and I'm like let's let's hang on for that or I'm having a haircut and somebody's goes speaking of don't touch it yeah they're like let me get that one in the front I'm like no we do not that's the front lines we don't we don't purposefully attack our own in the front lines no leave it you know so and when Larry David is on this show my God it's the Great show I said to Larry when he I think he did you you when he was doing the Run for the last curb right yes and I said to Larry and isn't it so obvious these TV people these Executives these television executives are so stupid that is a show Larry just he doesn't need anything no he doesn't need anything just Larry talking about what is bothering him is the greatest TV show right yes and his the sports thing he's phenomenal at sports he doesn't want to talk about curb when he comes on he wants to he wants to talk about what upsets him what he wants to get off his chest about something in sports yes and then to be sit back sit back and play judge and jury about I what's right or wrong nobody's better at it nobody and I and I want him to do that as his next show we don't need the actors we don't need stories so it's just him sitting like Howard Beal at a desk or something like that with you I really like him with you he's great with you all right I'll I'll I'll pilot that thing it's what I'll do it yeah I'd love to yeah he he doesn't want to do anything though he does he doesn't want to drive anywhere he said once I brought up I brought sorry I brought up destination weddings to him one time and and um because the thing argument I have with my wife every now and then is when we go to a destination wedding and she's let's get a gift right and I said no no no no like what do you mean let's get a gift we're going like my presence is my present of going and no no we've got to get one on top of it and his his response was he would just don't even go when you're getting that's a beach ball on a tea Del Larry D yeah for it especially when they asked him what's the distance from his house that he would consider a destination when he said an hour and a half by car don't even go yeah don't even go AR but aren't you the same way of course right um people think Larry and I are like ying and yang we're identical I just seem different we seem like we're different types but we are not but you so are you the same way about reclining in a chair in an airplane we the same about everything well do you have a problem with somebody reclining a chair in in an airplane oh yeah okay you do all right uh let me see if I can run through some of these things I have a problem with this thing being here that my hand when I go to the cup I have to negotiate so it would it would be better if it comes Johnny Carson never had this on The Tonight Show what the hell is this well we're we're we're uh simoc cast on the radio so this is a radio mic we we don't we can't we can't just love you it doesn't sound great I'm I mean if you want to know this off every other of the 60 shows I have done this week that all love me and it was sounded perfect did it really of course but this is but this is a radio show though how many of them were s cast on the radio I don't even know what that means and I'm exhausted oh my gosh Jerry Seinfeld here on the program all right I got I have a couple questions for you from uh from your back in your day with Seinfeld if you don't mind sure um the Keith Hernandez episode oh yeah how was that born how did that get born well the idea was who would be the ultimate catch for me that we could do this story of Jerry trying to uh seduce for lack of a better word or uh inculcate yes uh maybe that's not a good word for a sports simal cast show please drop it go for Kate uh what word would you pick I I me wanting to be with a someone I idolize or heroize or something and for me you know being a Met fan as you are Keith in 1990 we were only a few years removed from 886 and Keith was my idol he was my hero and so you know I love the way he would uh uh Captain the infield you know he was such a great team captain wasn't he wasn't the captain supposed to be yeah I mean you had Gary Carter behind home plate and then you of course you had the pitching staff but Keith hernandz coming from the Cardinals has really helped along with Carter from the Expo kind of put it all together beautiful yeah put it exactly so you reached out to him and you pitched him and he was fine with it I don't remember I remember we suggested him always handsome and I you know we sent him the script and he said yes I he of course had no idea what he was saying yes to none and uh that was the only day on the series that I worked on the series that before I drove in in my closet I changed my shirt twice wow thinking no pink not pink no blue no just to make it like a big date I was so excited to meet him so it was true to form the the the script and the pl was true form he would have helped him move if if he had asked yes yes okay yeah he was my man crush that's that's what they call it right yes yeah that's what they call it for sure and so uh and I still love the guy by the way absolutely love that well he's amazing on the broadcast that's one of the best local broadcasts if for the lack of better phrase with Gary con and him and Ron Darling are just they're they're fantastic yeah I had a here's a question for you that a Mets fan said to me the other day would you trade that booth for a World Series and he said absolutely not absolutely not because that's three hours of entertainment nightly for me yes would Rich Eisen I put it would you trade the booth for a World Series when you're asking somebody who puts a roof over their head to talk because I would never trade no of course not I you value the boo you value the announcer the broadcasters are are worth are worth gold medals that's a Olympic gold medal what we have there be me like asking you if comedians are valuable you know oh do you see what I'm saying no I don't but that's my livelihood I will always I will always uh back up the play of the the announcer I will always do that yeah sure I was saying to somebody the three people that uh I've seen that really yeah have it made yes sports announcers uh the Wine Guys in restaurants that are out of their minds yeah and pilots pilots are the happiest people they the there there's a few people in life yes that are not looking like how do you get that job I'm okay doing this but i' really love to do that right you've got one of those jobs you're not looking around going boy I wish I was right dot dot right correct same with now I can't can't put him I can't put standup comedians in that category stand up comedians no they're always going sitcom movie part it's always something else always something else gotcha what pilot though okay Pilots do you ever talk to Pilots not particularly but yeah I talk to them all the time and they just let me fly this that's all I want to do that's all I want to do would you want to but you don't talk to them while they're flying right you leave no not fing but I've met them okay um you're talking to one of the very few stand-up comedians that never wanted ever to do anything else everything else I've done including this movie which was a lot of fun to do I didn't want to do it not even your sitcom one of the greatest sitcoms of all time oh thank you Rich it's the truth Jer that's nice didn't want to do it Larry didn't either you could have come on I'm telling you come on I mean people walk Jerry you know that people walk around and use lines um even want to have a pretzel and they're making me thirsty I mean I made my life a dream but it's I I didn't want to do it I don't know why I work so hard to do it pushing yeah pushing NBC to please give us a chance I don't know it seemed like the right thing to do but being a stand-up comic is really fun I would find that tougher I did standup comedy in college really yes for for four years I did it and it's years yes I did you know once a month with the whisp with the Wisp the Wisp was funny I was funnier with the Wisp and and tell me what happened I just I don't know it was just it's the toughest thing I've ever had to do I did it in student in the Student Union so I I you know I would pack the house so I knew that the crowd was friendly couple times I actually went on the road to see what it would be like it was the toughest thing I ever had to do was in front of 20 people I was paid a hamburger and most of the comedians afterwards were like are you going to use that meaning the joke that I just used if I'm not going to use it anymore yeah and it was it just struck me as kind of a Cutthroat and I don't know if I was cut out for it to be straight Cutthroat isn't the right word I I would call it animalistic it is an animalistic existence what's the difference Cutthroat is someone else sabotaging you okay animalistic means you have to be cretinous you have to be a ground dweller you have to be a um uh you know that thing they do in the army with the wires and you crawl under it sure yeah if you're doing that and going this is kind of fun you could do standup comedy if you thinking this is kind of fun crawling under these wires right that you have to have that gear of I kind I like I still like the I I did a Show recently in a town I'm not going to name and I I wasn't good I was struggling right uh I just knew this is not the kind of this is not working tonight it's just okay I'm getting I'm getting like decent laughs and they're paying a lot of money and I'm not destroying them and I'm I was sweating you know and I feel that bead going down the middle of my spine you don't feel that when you do a sitcom or a talk show you feel that when you're doing an hour and 20 minutes a standup in a small town and you like that I like that huh I like that and I turn around and I take a sip of water do you did you ever see Lenny with Lenny Bruce um no but I know you're talking about obvious yeah uh it's a Dustin Hoffman movie from the early 70s and um the top the top of the movie is he's playing a strip club M and uh he's got the tuck on and he's bombing and he turns around to the band uh he's getting a sip of water and he just says to the Ben it's Granite out there that's it and when I saw that when I was 18 that's I said that's the life I want damn Jerry yeah okay so that's how you got to be built to survive the early years of standup you have to be armadillo is I have a couple curve questions for you you mind first how great was that by the way but the finale yeah okay that's definitely one of the things I want to talk with you about but before you get to that and in the Seinfeld reunion season there's a scene where you know where you the season of curb where you come back where everybody's come back oh that season ago right yeah while ago yeah there's a scene and we can't tell the joke again no but Einstein comes up to you your question is what did you know was that a real laugh was I really hearing that joke for the first time that is my question yes it was yes amazing you had no idea when you did you know he was going to approach you is that at least in the script that that yes Bob is going to come up to you and tell a joke did Larry know what the joke was that was coming up I think so cuz you could see how unhappy he is he doesn't like that joke in real life in real life no he doesn't like it he didn't want Bob to do it in real life in real life so he's playing something in real life Larry and I do not act as a fresh reminder yes you know why there's no money in it for us we're not good at it that said that's so he comes up to you and he starts telling this joke and you not never heard it before and you reac never heard the joke before by the way mhm the beauty of the telling mhm at the way Einstein crafts that joke yes everything but the end of that joke even the end it's it's a great Bob Einstein joke because of this is the most filthy uh profane talk about a ground dweller Bob Einstein is just a he is a filthy animal of a person the greatest thing in life and I love Bob and I miss Bob so much cuz we after and I had never never met him before really and I I loved him my whole life officer Judy the Smothers Brothers I don't know if you go back that far 1969 um so I got to meet him and love fell in love with him instantly and um so when the day after any big award show you get on the phone with Bob Einstein and the profanity and viciousness of he would tear apart every person that won or lost or everything on that show the greatest show ever was Bob Einstein the morning after the Oscars Golden Globes Emy any of that and you got after you met and he would I would call him always the next I would we would talk every other day well he had you at hello in that with that joke oh yeah yeah oh my gosh just so your reaction throughout the whole thing where you're reacting to the opening line to use that word yeah okay and then and then the very end yeah you had not heard it before I think we did it another time but they used the first time cuz I I didn't know the the the end of the joke I didn't know the finish of the joke and your reaction so that was real yeah that was real fantastic yeah what did you think of the finale of the curb finale I loved it I drove home that night that scene we sh shot with me and Larry in the jail cell was after 11 pushing midnight that night M uh we were all wiped out and we hit on that idea me Larry and Schaefer who was the director and we hit on why don't we do a bit about uh the Seinfeld finale how this is what we should have done and the three of us looked at each other like we had just uh tripped over a bar gold remember B that's gold Jerry gold that yes that was that was the moment you know and we were talking all day about series finales and we suddenly realized and we knew that people did not love the series finale of Seinfeld we knew that M and we real realized oh my God we're going to change it right now and we did it and I thought it worked I thought it was funny and interesting and clever to connect the two series at the end of Larry David and I's television series Life you know yeah at the end we reconnect the whole thing two shows of two guys who were partners 25 years apart both playing themselves the math of all that MH it comes together in the end and we realize we went from worse to something really great I'm getting that chill's just talking about it it was it was it was a chill it was a chill I thought holy holy you know what yeah we just uh it just landed in our laps and that again cuz it was apparent throughout the entire episode that this what it was looked like it was heading towards with the same with the same courtroom scenes of people from the past pointing out your awful behavior that we've been spending our entire lives laughing at and with you know but that you just came up with that but we didn't have that when when Kramer is hitting golf balls at the beach and George just dating this girl pretending to be a marine biologist and walking on the beach and then saves a whale on the beach we're shooting the episode okay we're shooting it I don't know the schedule that week but let's say we're shooting it on Wednesday it's Tuesday we don't have the golf ball goes into the blo hole of the whale we don't have it you don't no was never in the script it was the night before it was the night before we shot the scene with Jason in the in the coffee shop I said to Larry hey what if what puts the whale in distress is Kramer's golf ball he's hitting golf balls at the beach George is walking on the beach with the girl we haven't connected them we saw no connection the night before we write that speech the night before 2:00 in the morning but the sea was angry the sea was angry that day my friend we show up the next day we hand Jason who's a effing genius we hand Jason that speech how long is that speech it's a page two pages yes it's a you walk up this is TV okay this is why film sucks you walk to up to a TV actor like Jason and you hand him two and a half pages and I go we got to shoot this in a half hour me memorize it he goes no problem that's TV that's TV that line no no preciousness oh and he when I here's here's a I got a nugget for you please so when Jason is doing the speech there's one there's one cut to me with my eyes my eyebrows I'm watching him you think I'm reacting to the story I'm reacting I can't believe he's getting this speech Word Perfect that is what I'm thinking I'm not even in the scene I'm not acting I'm just watching Jason get the speech right in front of a live audience okay it's not in film movies you screw it up and we do it again yeah in TV this live audience is going to hear this speech for the first time once once so you want those juicy laughs of they're hearing these jokes the first time and he's getting it perfect that is why I have that look on my face easy big fella yeah John Wayne like an old man man returning super backa to Deli how Jewish is that joke by the way brilliant and and then but but then the ultimate the ultimate is the cherry on top of Kramer saying is it a titlist as if it could be someone else's golf ball that got put into the blo hole well that's a golfer right yes that's a golfer it it was a golf efficient Auto question like it could be someone else's golf ball could be mine yeah title is two going up to chain at tidalist that morning getting someone at tidalist to let us say tidalist oh wow you have to do that I did not do that in unfrosted by the way there was no call to Kellog no let's go to court I want to be on the stand on poptart charges dude there's a lot of exhibits to be had in this movie that's for sure but you got some good stuff here nobody there's a couple things I've never said a public before fantastic yeah that's good stuff well I appreciate that yeah the tidalist thing we were we're biting our nails is tidalist it has to be tidalist it's the funny golf ball yes it has to be yeah no other brand is fun work yeah right that that's like the sunshine boys like words that with they they're funny with K's in it right like you know I know there's no K in titlist but there's certain words that are funnier titlist is funnier than comes in Titus is cool Titus is cool and Larry and I are just like yes another line as well I mean I could go on for days here uh few minutes we have left with Jerry Sefi here another button line that's his Genius Button line is I've ever heard is you delivering and you want to be my late Tech salesman at the end of the where where the vanderlay industries you don't remember this part well of course I remember it but I'm going to ask you do you like that better than I can't be with someone if I don't respect what they do and I say to the woman you're a cashier does that be you're a cashier um I'm telling you you're a cashier got me that series you think so yeah that line that line the the crush on that laugh was so big and you know by the way speaking of old Jewish stuff what the hell is a cashier even even in '89 that that word was over but we do that's again k sound we're not saying check out we're not saying you you work in sales right cashier you're a cashier one funny word with a K start that's that's that's comedy touch that's that's that goes over the goal line that's like sunshine the sunshine boys which is a movie you have to see Chris I'm sure I haven't seen it but see you you want to be my latex salesman he's got his pants down he's running out for the bathroom sa vlay industry sa vlay Industries because it's his Gambit of of trying to I I don't love the line as much as as much as door opens punch line right door opens punchline is that that's a comedy Heaven every comedian dreams of doing that in their life once right I want to swing a door open and drop a line that's a punch line uh the line is a good line okay it's not my favorite so then what is your favorite do you have one oh clearly you you you thought one wow you got me there what is my favorite line I ever delivered on this TV series or or or what yeah that you ever delivered on the TV series I do think I do think I you're a cashier I felt like I felt like a halfback when you get make the edge mhm and now I'm going upfield okay that that's it and that was one of the first or second episodes and I was very uncomfortable acting we were uncomfortable doing everything we didn't know what we were doing Larry and I learned to write stories dialogue scenes scene uh act breaks the whole racket we didn't know anything so in that moment I felt like we just turned the corner because you know you just that that you you we just barreled up we just barreled that one you know and the last one for you the uh did the double dip happen to you no it did not who did the double dip that's one of my favorite lines uh just dip once and end it that's a great line that's a great line dip once and end it the way you delivered it too is yeah that guy was great um um why is that line funny Rich Eon wants to know it ends a little sooner than you think it will because he just just dip once and don't dip again that's what you think is coming right but it ends sooner than that so that's what that's that's where you get that's how you get a left there so that did not happen to you the double no no no was there anything anything that did happen to you specifically that you put into this show that that stands out the car reservation did that happen to you personally maybe maybe I don't know you know how to you know how to take the reservation but you don't know how to keep and that's the most important part Jer yeah this was a funny I watched that the other day I was like people love this thing why do they like it cuz you're just anybody anybody I think it two it was two pens that that's why it was funny right this is what I like to do why is that funny it CU it's the guy's taking reservation with two pens and pads in different locations so he's really not paying any attention at all fantastic oh my gosh um all right so we're going to show a clip after you leave unless you want to stick around for another couple minutes here I you know what my favorite line to do on the show was well hold on a second hold on to that would you that's by the way that's what we call a break CU that's a good tease right yeah we'll be right back to finish up the show with Jerry Seinfeld don't go anywhere back here on the Roku Channel with Jerry Seinfeld UNF it is available for streaming starting tomorrow only on Netflix you can watch it right here on Roku let's take a look I believe this is Jack mcre uh toasting the first I guess one would say prototype the Prototype we we created a successful poptart prototype okay very right stuff moment you have right there is that the only reason we made the movie is because we thought this would be funny to do it like the right stuff that's it that's the reason and you you had it introduced a team at a press conf like exactly exactly the way it was done in the right stuff we did it and uh the guy Schwin invented with with the bicycle Schwin had nothing to do with the Pop-Tart okay you just decided no one on that panel had anything to do with anything I love it you kind of look at me like I'm crazy I have no idea what it's real or not it you make it seem very real Jerry I'll be honest with you you really think I honestly had no idea I know now you're looking at me less than I understand this is the one of the problems we had with the movie which is what people thought this was real you really thought the guy who invented the Schwin Stingray had something to do with the pop toy it's kind of crazy everyone should go see un frosted available on you don't have to go that's the beauty that's right just you don't have to go see it right just watch it right here on Ru as well just just turn on flip on your Netflix and watch unfrosted great it's like this microphone in my face you can't get away from it Jesus Christ it's 2020 4 we don't need Edward arm Maro microphones in people's faces anymore by the way Bill bur JFK is a genius casting Bill Bill bur John F Kennedy is amazing laugh out loud and he's oh God ask not it's two words means don't ask and um by the way tonight at the Hollywood Bowl you Jim Gaffigan Nate berety and Sebastian Maniscalco who's also in the movie and is Jim Gaffigan yes so yes that'll be a fun night and Netflix is a joke Comedy Festival I think the Tom Brady roast is part of that this coming weekend well that be Sunday night Tom Brady Ross fantastic so need something to do well we'll be there I'm GNA be there I love Rose Jeff Ross is one of my favorite human on the planet so before I let you go you were just about to say the your favorite line that you said on I think my favorite line was uh that's a shame I love that one love it because it was just I don't care when you're eating popcorn better yeah eating popcorn watching some horrible thing happen to a close friend that's a sh that's a shame be honest I send that to people all day all day as a Michigan fan whenever Ohio State loses I will text honestly I I send that Meme to so many people oh that's funny so the fact that you say this and was did you when did the idea of eating the popcorn come in because that that is that adds to the nonchalantness of not caring yeah the uh uh the condescension the the disassociation yeah lack of empathy it's all pop what says lack of empathy more than popcorn that's a shame yeah would did you ever apologize to your wife while eating popcorn no that's not going to work that's not going to work it undercuts it undercuts the sincerity yeah these are the comedy comedy science you're getting it rich like nobody else oh man I I can't get enough of it and yeah it's fun stuff right oh my God it's so much fun to take a joke apart and uh they're all over unfrosted available for streaming tomorrow only on Netflix unfrosted can be seen through Netflix right here on Roku I cannot thank you enough for coming here Jer I love the show rich thank you for having me on any please I I know you you don't get out here often enough I barely scratch the surface next time you come I'll be lower the desk will be smaller and that mic will be history like I never even seen it at your peril young man at your peril don't touch anything on this show because it's great it's working it's a show business rule don't f with Show Business rules right don't do it don't okay no it's funny the the the only other guest that commented on maybe even moving anything Arnold Schwarzenegger came in here yeah saw this chair yeah called it a baby chair and removed it got up removed it took Chris's chair sat in his own chair decided is it taller that chair yes your chair yeah yeah it's it's a p it's a regular office chair that is the problem I mean it's a you can make an adjustment it's a it's a 4in 6 in situation I think you need it okay thank you Jerry uh again everyone check out unfrosted Netflix is a joke Comedy Festival tonight in the beautiful Hollywood Bowl thanks again for coming on thanks catch the rich eyes and show every single day on the Roku Channel 12:00 to 3 Eastern for free
Channel: The Rich Eisen Show
Views: 197,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rich Eisen, Rich Eisen Show, sports, NFL, football, college football, CFP, NBA, basketball, MLB, baseball, pop culture, Roku, NFL Network, Chris Brockman, Super Bowl, NFL Draft
Id: DuGpy_Xs3kA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 58sec (2818 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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