CNN's Mistreatment of Bernie Sanders | PKA

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did you guys I wanna talk politics but I do want to talk CNN did you see with okay Bernice I so I get like I again I stay away from politics but I want even watch this specific one because I read you stay awake and talking about it or following it talking about I follow it very deeply I just you know I I just realized that stirring up the pot is half your audience yeah it's half yeah it's just stupid so people are you can pretty pretty much surmise what my views are because that's just who I am but regardless the the whole idea of the like Bernie can't doesn't think that women can get elected talking point and then the clips that came afterward that's some spicy TV I'm living for it like the popcorn like did you see him not shake Elizabeth Warren's hand and like I saw the office [ __ ] shake it feel like you described that backwards oh really maybe maybe with because and she goes like yeah she's like you know see CNN is not a good news source it is like and it is even when the clocks news level CNN which I mean they're dead now that was pretty much what they did even the Fox Fox News treated Bernie Sanders Town Hall better than CNN treated the Democratic debates with Bernie Sanders which makes like I agree but I'm not sure it's bad and here's my take on you saw the question right yeah I know the part you're talking about I think what Kyle's referring to is this they said birdie did you say that woman could never be President and he said no I didn't say that all right Elizabeth Warren how did you feel when he said that women could never be President but a lot of people were like they're doing Fox News I meant to say Republican talking points right they're asking these these questions that Republicans and how do you respond to that and you know they would be like how are you going to keep us in the middle east and win all these wars no questions about how to pay for it but your health care plan where you're gonna find the money for that right so they're doing this but I don't mind hard questions right I don't mind like in talking points to me doesn't disqualify a question from being a good one I wanted to hear the answers to it there look when he runs against Trump or she runs against Trump or whoever it becomes they're going to have to face plenty of hard questions so I would like to see them deal with it here in the primaries to help inform my decision of who I prefer to get to the general that's a weird statement yes the issue at hand is is the is that it's not for it's not tit for tat she's not being asked the same the questions are all or all they named him they named him on the screen like they put Bernie Sanders said or Bernie Sanders feels and nobody else they did it like four times with his name so that's a problem they're trying to rig the game against Bernie Sanders again like that's all this is there they have no that they do not like him they do not want him to be the candidate and and they're literally like skewing things against him in an incredibly unfair way there it's absurd when they're asking him versus the questions they're asking her they should ask tough questions of everyone but everyone should get the same question right war didn't be what do about this all right what do you think we should do about this it shouldn't be it wasn't clear that's what I was advocating for just you ask them tough questions and they they did they asked a lot of the Democrats how they were gonna pay for the health care plan not charity so I don't mind you don't mind the same questions either yeah it's yeah it's - it's two sides of the coin like you're talking about the the Republican I questions which you're right are guaranteed to be asked during presidential debates so it's not a bad idea but the problem with the debates were specifically the name and shame or like the X said why everybody pile on because then it's like one guy saying well I didn't say that and everybody's saying well he said that and here's how I'd respond so I'm coming to agree with you if you were to talk to me even a week ago or two weeks ago I looked into the Bernie Sanders media bias and it didn't seem like it was really there like 80% of the coverage of him was positive is over it you can look it up there's a Wikipedia article about it and it kind of influenced me in a pretty big way and I was like me and also my thing about the conspiracies a lot of whether or not I buy and them has to do with how many people have to keep this secret you know if it's six people or twelve people who did a thing in his dark room okay I'm listening if it's twenty five hundred people all working together to hold down someone I'm like I don't know I feel like that would lead life but no but right but on this really quick I'm coming around on the same side as you like I can't look at that the lower third that they put on there there's a name for it that says Bernie Sanders said this and not see the same bias that everyone else does I it was okay so well there's one where Bernie Sanders went up four percent in the polls and they said he went down I could write that off to an accident right you know they just said it the backwards but if there's getting to be too many of these and this last debate in particular really seem to have a slant against Bernie where I'm like [ __ ] they ought to get this guy it seems unfair did you did you alright so I totally agree with you on the conspiracy theory thing it's like how many people need to keep this quiet however when you're dealing with something like a top-down media corporation it's way easier because these people are just doing their job and they're not being told anything outside of the norm of just do your job so did you see that Sinclair broadcasting video from a what like a couple years ago yes where it's like where it's like 300 new stations reading the exact same scripts saying like the media is out to tell you exactly what to think because they're all right none of those people were like I'm gonna partake in this like brainwashing scheme they were like oh today's script here we go right so it's it's a little bit different when you're dealing with media versus like black ops or like trying to you know keep a covert piece of information locked down yeah and then I agree with you that also I was on the same side of like media bias especially the media that I consume very Pro Bernie very Pro Liberal Democrat and I was kind of struggling to feel as if there was any real bias here but one thing that helped me kind of understand why somebody or why a group of people would be pushing this media bias was that my dad is very very very he's getting more racist as he gets older like for real you know you're just sitting at the dinner table and over dammit you know he was watching like an Arkansas Trump rally live in his home in North Carolina over Thanksgiving I was like dad why are you watching this he goes what I like the guy I just want to hear after what he has to say I'm like okay fine we somehow got on the topic of politics and he goes well you know who I would vote for over Trump Bernie Sanders and I was like what the [ __ ] he goes that guy he what he says is what he believes every single thing he's ever done he stood for I like him at least I know what I'm getting with them and I'm like if you can convince that type of person to flip from a Trump to a Bernie that makes a lot more sense to me why you would be afraid of having Bernie be the one who can be like hey we need to break up these corporations cuz that's what CNN's relying on one thing I've started looking at is who's Teflon right so Donald Trump is Teflon I don't know how it happens but he seems to be able to say anything and [ __ ] anyone and it doesn't stick to him okay cool Kamala Harris had her bump after she attacked Joe Biden and then whatever something's sunk her and she's out of the race Buddha judge had his bump after he attacked Elizabeth Warren's the cost of her health care plan it's weird and then he got then they you know he's and met with wine cellars or something and now he's [ __ ] and he's done and then Elizabeth Warren can't pay for her plan and she tanks or whatever where's Bernie falling I want to see if he had Joe Biden right Joe Biden is [ __ ] talking with this cliff not seemingly in place about children rubbing peanut butter and his leg hairs and sitting on his lap or whatever the hell Joe Biden says and somehow it doesn't hurt his poll numbers at all he's leading nationally I think when he calls it is they're very easy to skew leading nationally means nothing it means absolutely no there are buddies of primaries yeah and Bernie is leading in most of them and and I think the more he wins the more they'll just have to say his name like remember when Donald Trump and and speaking his name it was like they were vomiting out the words Donald Trump you know they were like and it's now it's it yeah it's for sure Donald Trump has won the state of Florida they couldn't do they could it hurt them you could tell and I feel like it's the same way when Bernie wins each of these primaries and as he wins them those are going to get his name out there more and more and the more people who are more more centrist listen to Bernie Sanders the more I think they'll be on board but some of the stuff he does because the truth is my biggest knock against him has always been why you gonna pay for all that [ __ ] it all sounds great I love it but how I'm gonna pay for all that [ __ ] but this time around every single candidate has an idea that costs 40 trillion [ __ ] Rock well yeah yeah everybody there all Trump might have the cheapest plan and he not a tea that much concrete ah [ __ ] off Mexico's gonna make it Mexicans will make stop it with their feet you know what I want the Democratic candidates to do more and this is something I applaud Trump for go on the news well the Trump woke up every morning and was on seemingly every business program they talked to him he did a few hours a day to talking on the news where is I don't know what it is about I'll just pick a guy boo to judge it's keeping him off the news but show up go on talk to him I guarantee you that whatever CNN or ABC or pick one will be happy to have Elizabeth Warren on their show instead of you know scaramouche efore them say what it is like Trump is a gunslinger when it comes to public speaking he's just shooting from the hip just oh you can ask him any question and it doesn't matter that he hasn't been briefed on this that he hasn't that he hasn't ran through this a dozen times with like a mock debate audience out there lately that's what Biden you know like like the traditional candidate their hat they have mock debates you know they they have a person standing in and like throwing them questions so they're prepared drums not doing that he's just make off the top of his head telling you what he thinks of Iraq or Iran or Russia or anybody when it sucks it doesn't stick to him right like I watched I watched his from the hip and the guy say he was asking him I'm gonna screw up the guys name but solemn Ani the one who we just killed salami yeah so they were asking him what he thought of him before he was elected and he's in it I'm gonna paraphrase but it was pretty much I don't know who the [ __ ] that is that's a gotcha question you shouldn't be asking me got your questions like that and like he didn't know what country he was from he didn't know I didn't hurt him didn't hurt him in it just people except the Trump would get on-the-job training yeah I don't think people cared that much I do think that the the funny thing is since we've already gone through the whole like alright you know what's what's the scary bad part about burning they're like socialism and everybody at this point now a lot of people are just like well it's not it's not like Red Scare socialism it's just like he's just been that way for 65 [ __ ] years like he's got a he's got a roadmap nobody's surprised when he says the same thing and I feel like I've now heard the same thing come out of his mouth for eight years I don't like its rhetoric right you hear the same thing I pretty sure everyone even if you don't like the guy know exactly where he stands on every single topic so now it's like I don't care where he stands on any topics if one I am a single issue non able to voter I sent him 27 dollars yesterday you know CNN [ __ ] yeah I was like that's horseshit that's in like Bernie's gonna legalize he posted on reddit he was like I'm I'm Bernie Sanders and I need your money it was real easy to do on your the single issue is marijuana legal expunging old records why would you care about that that's so shocking why would I care about anything else [Laughter] that's like if you've got cancer and Donald Trump like I'm gonna make cancer illegal outlawed entirely I just need my common sense cancer regulation come on Bernie let's go this is without a doubt going to be the more entertaining of the two like election cycles right I know the Hillary versus Trump won I think was was shockingly entertaining because of the things I'm going to be more entertaining because I feel like if Bernie does when the the candidacy and I'm pretty sure that Trump has said nobody's allowed to run against him on the Republican side of things you're gonna have the two polar opposites like so far away from each other that it's gonna be some weird debates they're gonna be weird but I tell you nothing is ever gonna top 2016 when when Donald Trump brought the Bill Clinton rape accusers oh my god I forgot about that that was that was such a move that was so sick about that and then they [ __ ] put the camera on him too it's like there they are there they are right there and oh oh and that here's Bill I hope Bernie pulls the opposite right there are children there's a fourteen-year-old that is bigger up every finger yeah yeah let's see Oh like and the Miss Teen USA pageant yeah can participate snowy winters talking about how he viewed their their young bodies behind stage and stuff like it go ahead lie in the stands with that [ __ ] Trump's got dirty fine with that he'd be like look at her she's a beautiful woman wouldn't you want to look in those yeah god damn when I was in your dressing room he might be my nothing to him what's gonna happen we're gonna some somebody is gonna pull out that apprentice tape where he dropped CM bomb and they're gonna and they're gonna just play it at the final debate they're just gonna put it on like what do you say about that he big so what I said it That's not me that would be easy if that's those videos are incredible they're getting real scary good the cadence that they've managed to like grab from Trump throughout all of it because he has so much publicly televised just speeches they have so much content so these channels this specific channel I can't it's called like stable genius on YouTube yes they upload one oh yeah it's like it's like oh man we're getting there like next election cycle we're gonna Bernie Sanders Heil and Hitler from them that would be my move if I were Trump like I would already have that made someday there's a well there's a couple of tapes of me singing some things that might come out you know would be great is if they played that and then I immediately played like a tape of Bill Clinton saying the most horrific things ever and I was like you see what the technology can make you do Bill Clinton is not a space Nazi he's a terrible man a rapist indeed that's a space got misinformation campaign around that yeah absolutely and that's have that in the bank have it ready that's probably enough politics I just wanted to say I really just want to say like it was really frustrating to see that from CNN I it's disgusting honestly because because I does not have to piss in a cup every two weeks for the next two years I have you probably right it's enough poverty but maybe we'll do this super quick they're talking about the impeachment things go into the Senate I think it might have gone today we'll see and yeah there's a whole question about whether witnesses come so Ted Cruz floated the idea hey if the Democrats get some witnesses Mulvaney Bolton etc how about we get some witnesses hunter Biden Joe Biden Adam Schiff and the whistleblower yeah but that's just like all of that is just the worst misdirection and not legal and not even remotely I make the trade I make the treat okay here's what you met oh you make that I see what you're saying you make that but the whistleblower is the only one that they really want that's the only one I don't like give no no no they want Biden I mean I think hunter might be their first choice I'm just guessing did the whistleblower no one should want though blow her out it right if you're a trump supporter then outing the whistleblower isn't helping Trump it's helping corruption right the next whistleblowers got to know that his name will get your tweeted by the president's son or whatever they should have kept that whistleblower private because like whatever whoever just on the other Mojang in the body Trump and Hillary is our next president somehow she's not running but whatever you want whistleblowers to feel free to out bad things you want whistleblowers to feel free to do their thing and all they want to do is discredit the whistleblower and sling mud at the whistleblower and that's not good for America Republican or Democrat that shouldn't be the way that we defend ourselves but um the other ones like I have no love for hunter Biden and his sweetheart deals right let's kind of know anything about freaking Ukrainian oil but get the [ __ ] he's totally getting rich off his father's vice president gig for sure drag him out in front he'll do is think Joe Biden you know like don't tell me you knew nothing that you weren't in the loop on this but he's gonna crash and burn so bad I would I would give parts of my soul if I could if I could use that to create some magic that would make Biden say the most [ __ ] things ever honored guy's mouth I like look around at people like okay I get it he was Obama's vice president but that's the only like confused about where he is wanted to be this is what he said I'm gonna get this pretty close my leg hairs are really long I got long hairy legs and they turn blonde in the Sun so I would have the kids come around and they rub my hair and they watch they live around my legs and they'd watch the hair stick back up and that's why I know about roaches what the [ __ ] why would you choose that is but I'm pretty close yeah about children's lives he's last generations Democrat I'm heard of it yeah tired of it he's not he's he's like to generate I feel like he work he's even worse than like he's regressed pre like he's Clinton generation Democrat yeah my wife does it like that they're all so old she doesn't like Buddha judge I don't care really you don't care that I don't care how old they are I don't care how old they are trumpet wing isn't bernie sanders two-year trump age they're all old as [ __ ] I wish there is someone any prime of their productivity years you know 45 55 year-old that's what I want I know productivity though we don't I don't need them working at a mercantile or anything like that you know I didn't buy it is one year younger than Bernie Sanders yeah Joe Biden is 77 Bernie's 78 Bernie they're all more ladies and fight in the fight for 70 years Bernie looks older but like in my observation I feel like mentally he hasn't aged as much yeah he's our little sharper yeah I think it's much sharper I think I don't care how old you are as long as you can serve the term like serve your for years and as long as you get like multiple vetted multiple vetted health you know statements from everyone that says you're not gonna drop then die cool like try again yeah I just feel like crazy like ran any of the candidates over 70 there's a predictable mental decline that we can expect over the next four to eight years and I'm okay with that there's there's a whole safety net behind those people's I want the big picture stuff done the the little decisions II that that's just not the little decisions that things like there's a ran thing I feel that that's best done by committee sometimes at least behind closed doors anyway like I feel like Trump needs to have a powwow middle er what do we do all right we all agree I'm gonna be the one to say it though like that's how that sort of thing should go down you know you don't want this guy you know unilateral yeah none but but but things like what do we do about health care or the economy or the military at large or you know foreign policy that's more the the big brain stuff that I want I want these guys be like look this is the plan for the future you just tell me how to best put that plan into action
Channel: PKA Clips
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Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, clips, highlights, FPS Russia, Woodysgamertag, Taylor Murkah, Dr Chiz, pka podcast, podcast, PKA 474, PKA 474 Clips, PKA 474 w Tucker - Tucker's Car Vandalized, Relationship Advice, Tucker's New Business, CNN, Bernie, Bernie Sanders, DNC, Democratic Debate, warren, biden, trump, donald trump, 2020, 2020 election, msnbc, fox news
Id: RQs1t8ofYsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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