BEST of SpongeBob Season 11! (Part 5) ๐Ÿฅ‡ | 50 Minute Compilation | SpongeBob SquarePants

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[groaning] What are you doing? You have a loose thread. Huh? So? I want to pull it! [sighing] If I let you pull it, will you please let me read my book in peace? Mm hmm! Fine, get it over with. [giggling] [screaming] Nobody look down. [chattering] [humming] Seat yourself sir, be with you in a minute. [smooching] My most valuable possession, except, of course, for you, my love. [sighing] [screaming] My appreciation is depreciating. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! One dollar! [crying] <i> I demand a refund!</i> Huh? Uh, what's the problem here sir? There is a hair in my soup, and I demand a refund. Uh... oh. Um, well, that's not just any hair, sir. It's from the elusive Peruvian jelly lope, for flavor. And it's only an extra hundred million dollar charge? That seems slightly exorbitant, but really what's a measly hundred million to someone like me? Oh, just as well. I wasn't that hungry anyway. [screaming] [groaning] Someone order a rusty cab? -I like string. -Congratulations. [whistling] Ow! Ah! There's nothing quite like a brand new shirt. Whoops, forgot the tag. I got it! [growling] SpongeBob! Sorry Sandy. [gargling] Ah, nothing beats cashmere. Well, it's warm for a sweater today though. I can help! No no no no! [yelling] [groaning] Huh? Oh come on! [monkey noises] [growling] [screaming] Da da da da da da! Let's see the twine twirling twit try to unravel this! Huh? Really? [screaming] Whoa, whoa! Whoa! Ah! [grunting] -Patrick, hi! -You have a thing on your thing. [laughing] <i> Intruder detected.</i> [chuckling] [grunting] [grunting] [grunting] -Plankton? -That's my name. Actually, I'm Karen's version of Plankton. You know, how she'd like to see me? [chuckling] Oh, you have beautiful eye. We better get moving. [grunting] [swooning] [panting] <i> Anger control center abolished.</i> <i> Love center destroyed.</i> [grunting] [grunting] Money money money money money money money! Mr Krabs, is that you? It's Karen's version of Krabs. Hey, looking good Mr. K. I hate everything. That's how Karen sees Squidward. Huh? Uh, nothing a little makeup couldn't fix. Hey, I wonder if Karen has a version of me down here. Whoop whoop zing zing! Whoop whoop zing zing! Oh, now that guy's a hunk! [alarm sounding] <i> Intruder in section B, eliminate!</i> [grunting] Whoa! Ow! Ouch! [grunting] Owie owie owie! What a drip. [screaming] [gibberish] Neptune's network, which one of you is the real SpongeBob? [gibberish] I'll have to use all the computation power I have to figure this out. Eeny meeny miny moe-- [gibberish] Oh no, I think I destroyed the wrong SpongeBob [gibberish] -How do I look? -Stunning. Whoa! [roaring] Eww, huh. Voracious virus! There's still time to save Karen! [grunting] You first. [screaming] Did I do good? Hey, you did great! But I think you could use a little push! [yelling] Okay, your turn! Whoa! It's up to you SpongeBob! You must save Karen! Nooo! What do you mean nooo? I mean yessss! [laughing] Uh sweetie, maybe we should slow down and pull over, honey? -Precious? -No way Plankey, it's me and you amigo, woo hoo! [screaming] Oh my gosh, let's go dancing, woo hoo! [panting] Plankton, I'm at the edge of Karen's memory! She has to create more memories! I need space to run! Yee haw! Woo hoo hoo! Is my running after her enough of a memory? Oh, I'm afraid not. [roaring] [yelling] I always wind up with one extra piece. [chomping] Oh, you must be hungry! That's why you're eating through Karen! Germ always hungry! You poor ugly disgusting little virus. I know what you need. [groaning] SpongeBob, I've decided to pull you out. We're abandoning Operation Save Karen. I got the virus! Look! [squeaking] Here you go little fella, it'll take the virus 300 years to chew its way through this sandwich. [squeaking] -Huh? -Baby, you're all right! Nope, I'm still delirious. But I like it! [laughing] All right chimney, prepare to be swept! [laughing] [grumbling] There you are. [groaning] [gasps] Good as new! [humming] Oh whoa! [screaming] [gasps] Hold on patty, I got you! [whimpering] Nooo! [screaming] [groaning] Okay SpongeBob, time to come back down and get to work so I can garnish your wages for wasting that patty! [whimpering] Oh. [groaning] [screaming] SpongeBob? You know what I think I'll just stay up here a while, it's such a nice day and all. Nonsense boyo! Just climb on down! [whimpering] No I'm good! [screaming] SpongeBob! I order you to come down here immediately! Don't worry! I'll get him down with my newest invention, extendo-boots! I just press this button and-- Whoa! Sorry, I haven't worked out all the kinks yet. Whoa whoa whoa whoa! [screaming] Whoa! [screaming] You know boyo, at first I thought you were just being a lily-livered spineless crybaby. scaredy-pants invertebrate loser. But this rooftop restaurant of yours really has my business booming! I wish you could have talked Squidward into joining us up here. Finally, this place has some class. I might actually enjoy working here now. [sighing] [snoring] Ten more patties SpongeBob! You got it Mr. K! [screaming] Oh, my money, whoa! [screaming] [wind howling] Rain? But we're under wa-- [screaming] Please, wait, don't go! A little wind never hurt anyone! [whimpering] Whoa, whoa! [screaming] Ow! SpongeBob, we're losing them! -Do something! -Aye aye, sir! [chattering] It's beautiful boyo! Yeah it's pretty nice, but now that we're not outside, I'm starting to get bored. [chattering] Wait! You can't be bored when there's dancing! [laughing] [music playing] [music playing] [music playing] [yawning] Hooray, I'm not on the roof anymore! You know, after all that dancing and partying today. tomorrow is gonna feel like starting a new business. And I'm looking forward to getting in on the ground floor with you. [laughing] [yawning] Time to go home already? [humming] [yelling] Ow! [laughing] [laughing] He's in mine now! [laughing] Now he's in mine! [buzzing] [laughing] [buzzing] [buzzing] [laughing] Whoopee. Ugh. [grunting] Woo hoo! You're gonna look good mounted on my wall! Nuh huh, catch and release Sandy. Well, this is lamer than a paper sandwich. [buzzing] [grunting] Oh, this one's mad as a tick. Ha ha, gotcha! Huh, the jelly thingies were here a minute ago. It isn't like them to be so... coy. [laughing] I guess they must have got sick of the boring game. [groaning] [humming] Get in here you slimy varmint! SpongeBob look! How's it going little guy? [growling] So that's how you want to play it? [buzzing] [buzzing] Hiya! I'm catching and releasing! Releasing them from their freedom! Hey wittle jelly belly, would you mind? Mine, ha ha! [air horn blowing] [laughing] Ugh. Yeah! Heh heh. Easier than slipping down a mudslide! Okay okay, I know, catch and release. Isn't there anything more to this game? What more can anyone want? Yeah, it's perfect. I have an idea how we can turn things up a notch! Hey Sandy, I don't think we need to kick anything up any notches. Ha! Frankenstein Fish Food! Oh, this should be fun! Ha ha, that's what I'm talking about! They're no longer jellyfish, now they're jelly buzz saws! [screaming] Oh, hey! You're supposed to fly into this! [screaming] [panting] I'm a walking glow stick. [screaming] Hang on jelly! [screaming] Ow. Such a soothing pastime. [screaming] Thank you Super Sandy! Welcome to the jellyfish rodeo! Gotcha varmint! [screaming] [grunting] Hey! That is not how we do it [screaming] Never mind. Hands off that jellyfish SpongeBob, he's mine! Oh you are so mine! No... problem. Whoa! You're out! Hit the showers! Time for spring cleaning! Yee haw! Into the dustbin of history! [chewing] [gagging] [gagging] [gagging] [gagging] What in the devilfish did you make? Well Krabby Patties of course! You trying to poison us? [gagging] Quit fooling around and cook up something edible! That's impossible. Everyone loves Krabby Patties. What kind of weird upside down place is this? And no more of that daytime slop! Krabby Patties aren't slop. Gotta be something they like in here. No, no, nope. No. Nope. [sniffing] [gasps] Oh no! [screaming] Woo, oh now lookie here. Night Patties, now you're getting the swing of it! Night patties? -Order up people! -All right, Night Patties! Tasty! Smooth! Smokey. [cheering] [screaming] Everybody down on the floor! It's the fisherman! [screaming] No, not the fisherman! Now hand over the moola! [whimpering] [whimpering] Well good evening, sir. Welcome to the Krusty Krab. Give me all your money! Always glad to help a fellow out with a loan. Loan? I don't want a loan, I'm the fisherman, I'm robbing the place! Well, that is downright unfriendly. I'm putting you under fry cook's arrest. Oh, really? [laughing] [screaming] [screaming] [grunting] That's enough. [grunting] Not so fast. [grunting] Hiya! [grunting] Well, looks like the hook is on the other fin now, huh? Don't worry my friends, I have captured the evil doer. Hey, leave him alone! Just what do you think you're doing? Uh, catching a criminal. He's no criminal, he works here! [groaning] He robs us every night. It's a night shift tradition. Oh, a night shift tradition. [clears throat] Oops, heh sorry about that Mr. Fisherman sir. [chuckling] [groaning] No worries, little yellow thing. You got some mean fishing skills, respect. Oh, heh heh, you're not so bad yourself. [screaming] Attention! Let's welcome our newest member of the night shift. What's your name again? SpongeBob Square Pants. -Square Bob Sponge Pants! -Okay close enough. A round of night patties for everyone! I'm buying! [cheering] [horn blowing] Quitting time! Oh, already? I'm back! Barry! Thanks for helping out SpongeBob. Aww, it was nothing. Aww I'm gonna miss you guys! [laughing] Come and visit us again soon honey. We're here every night. [groaning] Huh? What are you doing here so early, boyo? I was helping out on the night shift. The night shift, huh? We don't have a night shift? Hmm, must have been a bad dream, kiddo. Huh? [grunting] You sure we built this thing right? -It looks a little funky. -What do you mean? We followed my blueprint? Besides, there's nothing to worry about. We just have to make it through one quick race down a teensy weensy little deadly steep utterly terrifying hill! [squawking] [gulping] [laughing] Ha! You call that a racing cart? Looks more like the slow boat to Belucaville! [laughing] It's on you whippersnappers! [grunting] Plankton? What are you doing here? Heh, when I heard your grill was on the line, I had to get in on this race. If there's even one little smudge of patty on there, the formula will be mine! [chuckling] [growling] [screaming] [yelling] [screaming] [groaning] [chuckling] Ha ha, take that! Watch it you hooligan! SpongeBob, look out! [screaming] [screaming] [laughing] Mr. Krabs, the steering's out! They cut our brakes! What do we do? Oh, um, maybe we should call their parents? No Mr. Krabs. you can't win a kid's game by thinking like an adult. -You have to think young. -You're right, boyo. We have to delve deep back into my childhood. [crying] Too far back Mr. Krabs, too far! Oh yeah, yeah yeah yeah. Check this out. I learned it in my old Wormtown skating days. Wow Mr. Krabs, I didn't know you could shrug. I got a plan, hold on! Plug 'em in boyo! [grunting] Come on SpongeBob, what's the hold up? Sorry Mr. Krabs, my hands get clammy when I'm defying death. See? Ta da! [laughing] Enough magic tricks, plug 'em in! [grunting] Yeah! Huh? [screaming] [groaning] Mmm! Yay, the finish line! [groaning] [screaming] [cheering] [screaming] [groaning] We won. And so, after some quick thinking and fancy racing, I won my grill back. I looked those kids in the eye and said I own these streets. Don't come back to my restaurant ever again, until you have money! Hot dogs rule! [laughing] Huh, what's going on? Heh heh, let's see him beat us this time! [whistling] [grunting] Here we go kart again! [laughing] Zip it, boyo. Oh thanks Mr. Krabs. Not everybody will tell you that. Now where am I? Maybe this is the way out. [fiddle music] Are y'all ready to go nuts for some honky hoo ha? [cheering] [screaming] Third time's a charm? [grunting] [screaming] [screaming] [panting] Huh? Well... maybe being on the moon isn't so bad after all. SpongeBob is over 238,000 miles away. Huh? <i> Ow!</i> [gasps] This moon is a no SpongeBob zone! Here I'm the man on the moon! [echoing] Um, did someone say man on the moon? Hello? Intelligent life? How about average smarts? I'd settle for common sense! Hmm, oh, intelligent footprints. [gasps] [horn honking] [horn honking] Wahoo! I found it, I found it! [panting] -What'd you find SpaceBob? -Intelligent life! [horn honking] Um, not so sure about that, if they were intelligent, they would have beaten this Krabby patty. -Oh hmm, speaking of eating-- -You're right! It's lunchtime. Would you mind fetching the lunch I prepared? You bet. Just call me lunch Bob. [panting] Just press the button labeled lunch! No SpongeBob, no SpongeBob, no SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob! No SpongeBob, no-- Whoa, the dark side of the moon! [whimpering] SpongeBob, are you in here? No SpongeBob! I have a strange feeling suddenly coming over me! Could it be... that I'm... happy? Lunch lunch, where's lunch? Oh, there it is! <i> Preparing to launch.</i> No, no not launch, lunch! [grunting] What, what's going on? How should I know? You guys wait here! [panting] [grunting] [panting] [grunting] Phew! SpongeBob? [whimpering] SpongeBob! Oh, Sandy... hey girl. I was just going to run back home. I forgot uh... my reading glasses. [panting] [panting] [grunting] It's okay SpongeBob. It's my fault for putting the launch and lunch buttons so close together. Oh no, the moon's been pulled out of its regular orbit! That could have disastrous effects on the earth's tides! Weather's a little dry today! Come on Sandy, bring it on in. It's all right scouts, we just gotta figure out a way to get back to Earth. But Sandy, we heard strange laughing coming from in there! [chuckling] [gasps] Squidward? You're the man on the moon? SpongeBob? [sighing] Of course, I knew. [screaming] Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow! SpongeBob? Ho ho, I should have known you'd have something to do with this. Santa Claus! Well Santa, you know the saying, -where SpongeBob goes... -I know, trouble follows. I was gonna say laughter follows. [laughing] Mr. Claus, what are you doing on the dark side? The dark side of the moon is the only place dark enough for me to get any sleep. I was sleeping like a baby. Visions of sugar plums, then this bad boy goes and bangs into my sleigh and wakes me up! Well I guess I'm getting nothing for Christmas, again! It's working! Huh? Hmm. [gasps] Isn't that beautiful? What is in a Squidward? A Squidward by any other name? [squawking] Uh, where was I? Ah yes, a Squidward dancing fast, moving like race-- [squawking] Oh that is it! Will you clams clam up! [squawking] Oh, look at what clams are doing to my beautiful home! SpongeBob, will you stop feeding those clams! -Why Squidward? -Because they're making a-- [screaming] I could never feed these clams too much. [gagging] Hey, that's mine! [growling] [screaming] What are you doing? You know it's not nice to steal people's food. [whimpering] Aww, don't worry, I see that we understand each other completely now. [screaming] No, bad clam! Sorry sir. [gagging] What am I gonna do? I can't leave the clams alone. You'll just have to go to work with me. Come on, you clams. [humming] [screaming] No, not again! I just got clean! [screaming] Remember, no stealing food. [squeaking] Perch here and be good clams while I work. [screaming] [screaming] What the barnacle is going on here? How did all these clams get inside? I couldn't leave them outside, they were stealing people's Krabby Patties. Well what do you think they're doing in here? Stealing people's Krabby Patties? And costing me money! Now get them out of here, boy! [squeaking] [spitting] -Ow! -Bad clam! Don't spit pearls at nice Mr. Krabs. Pearls? Ooo! [ooo-ing] Don't worry Mr. Krabs, I'll get all these clams out of here right now. [screeching] Not so fast, SpongeBob, what's your hurry? [chuckling] Didn't you tell me to get the clams out here because they're stealing food from your customers? [screaming] Forget the customers, if these clams keeps spitting pearls at me, we'll be rich! Good clams, good clams! [groaning] Hmm, I mean, bad clams! Stupid clams, smelly clams! [yelling] [chuckling] I gotta get these clams out of here! Follow me clams. Wait! SpongeBob, come back with those crummy clams! Whoa, whoa! I figured if I tire them out, maybe they'll behave better. [laughing] Caw, caw! [laughing] [screeching] [panting] Huh? [screaming] [growling] [screaming] [screeching] [groaning] <i> One season later.</i> [screeching] The life of clam is the best! [laughing] Woo, getting cold out, must be fall. I hate to say it little clams, but it's time for you all to fly home to warmer climates. [whimpering] Don't be sad, we'll see each other next year, I promise. But go on. [squawking] [sighing] The circle of life. Well, I guess I should migrate home too. Well, it took me a whole season, but it's finally clean. The clams, they're back! [screaming] But wait Squidward, it's just me. Drool pool! [screaming] What'd I miss? So let me get this straight, pranking Plankton will make me feel better? You bet your sweet software it will. Now let's get pranking. [groaning] [grunting] -Whoa whoa whoa! -Whoa! Money money money money money money! Ready? <i> Ouch!</i> Krabs? If I wasn't on probation, I'd call the cops! Plankton-erer, my old nemesis-erer! I've got good news-erer! I'm leaving town and going back into the nav-erer-y. So I am giving you the secret formula-erer. What? How do I know this isn't a trap-erer? Ah, you got me doing it. It's a going away gift-erer. Ugh! I'll get my formula-erer out of my safe-erer. And meet you at the Krusty Krab-erer. I'll meet you there Eugene honey. Muah, kiss! [giggling] I think he bought it. Psst, come back. Whoa, whoa! Whoa! [humming] [laughing] I'm here! [humming] [alarm ringing] [grunting] Plankton! You've interrupted me beauty sleep! Hey Eugene. I'll just take the secret formula and be on my way. Over my dead body! Whatever you say, welcher! [laughing] You know, you're right, Sandy. I do feel so much better. Gal pals! [screaming] [whistling] [snoring] [snoring] [giggling] Ah! Virtual reality helmet engaged. [snoring] [giggling] Shh! Shh! All right Karen, you're up. [giggling] [doorbell ringing] Huh? [gibberish] [groaning] Hello, can I help you? Hello Mr. SpongeBob. I'm just here to deliver your driver's license. Congratulations! Uh, thanks-- [screaming] My driver's license! -And your new boat. -My new boat! Oh wow! [giggling] Am I dreaming? [squawking] Nope, it's for real. [grunting] [cheering] Look at me everyone, I'm driving! I'm driving! I'm driving driving driving! You're driving, you're driving me crazy! Now let's make the road really bumpy. [laughing] [screaming] [groaning] Hmm, those are some potholes. Whoa girl, easy there. Maybe it's about time you let SpongeBob in on the joke. [yelling] Okay, I'll tell him. SpongeBob, SpongeBob! [laughing] [screaming] [laughing] We gotta stop this cart gal pals! [screaming] Whoa whoa! I'll save you SpongeBob! Whoa whoa! Now I'm flying, wee! Huh, huh, oh... [giggling] Huh? [chuckling] Mrs. Puff? Oh I see, you guys played a prank on me huh? I love pranks! [laughing] They all look the same Patrick, how are we gonna find your rock? Don't worry, buddy. I'll know it when I feel it. Oh, this might be it! Give me a hand. [spitting] [grunting] No, this isn't it. Oh oh, this one might be it! [grunting] [screaming] Ugh, this isn't it either! Ow! No. Doh! No. Ow! No. Ow! No. [grunting] [sighing] This is it! This is my rock! Congratulations. Now there's the little matter of the fee. Oh talk to him. Here you go. Thanks SpongeBob. See you at home for Mermaid Man! [screaming] Why? [groaning] [groaning] [panting] SpongeBob! Oh thank goodness you're here. I could really use your help. Oh hey Sandy, I'm kind of in a rush because Mermaid Man is on and it's the-- Oh it won't take more than a minute! [groaning] My laser acorn experiment blasted a nut-sized hole in my dome. Could you put your finger here while I get my fix it up kit? I don't really have a lot of time-- Thanks, be right back! Gosh, I can't wait to see that long lost Mermaid Man -episode tonight. -Oh for sure. No real fan would miss it. Not through the world! [laughing] [groaning] Alrighty SpongeBob, I'm ready to-- What? [panting] That's it, no more distractions! I am-- Boyo, you got to help me sort my loose change! But Mermaid Man! [groaning] [grunting] There, thanks boyo! [gasps] [whimpering] [panting] Don't want to miss it! Don't want to miss it! Eh? But Mermaid Man! But Mermaid Man! But Mermaid Man! But Mermaid Man! But Mermaid Man! But Mermaid Man! [sighing] Well, I may have missed the live broadcast, but at least I got it all on tape. Here I come Mermaid Man! [groaning] Where'd I put my keys? Did I leave them on the table again? [gasps] No, my tape! My soda! My popcorn! My Mermaid Man! [screaming] [meowing] [meowing] [crying] [crying] [chattering] [crying] Hey there SpongeBob, why all the waterworks? [sobbing] I was so busy helping everyone, and then I missed Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, and my VCR didn't record it and now I'll never see it and my life has no meaning! [crying] All right, listen up! SpongeBob has helped every single one of us dozens of times over. But we have been very helpful to him today. [chattering] Now, we may have taken advantage of his kindness, but I've got a plan to make things right. [whispering] Help me, Barnacle Boy! I'm hanging... from this cliff. And look, I am also hanging from this cliff. Pretty sure I'm in danger. [groaning] You should give up while you can Mermaid Man. [grunting] [screaming] Haven't you heard, Captain Tightwad? I'll never give up fighting... Um, line? [grunting] Evil! Evil! Huh? [screaming] [whistling] Oh, bravo bravo bravo! [cheering] [laughing] Yes!
Channel: SpongeBob SquarePants Official
Views: 1,599,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: krusty krab, krabby patty, spongebob, spongebob squarepants, squidward tentacles, squidward spongebob, patrick spongebob, patrick star, plankton spongebob, sandy cheeks, mr krabs, spongebob episodes, spongebob music, nickelodeon, nick show, animation, cartoon, classic cartoon, nostalgic, funny cartoons, cartoon food, cartoons for kids, weird moments, #youtubekids, throwback thursday, paramount, amazon prime video, amazon, paramount plus, season 11
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 11sec (2891 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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