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[Music] [Music] what you know guys let's go throw hot dogs and other people I'm gonna throw it out that car hey excuse me um do you know who wrote gullible on the roof you don't know that you don't have to work in an elementary school for nine years I don't fall for things like that okay it's just writing either okay yeah [Music] gullible on the ceiling you know who wrote gullible on the ceiling all right follow me over here all right stomping [Music] oh snap I got I'm so good oh excuse me sorry I left my wallet on your head I just grabbed this thank you sir look at the grapes alright just look at the grapes look at the grape jet leave me if you want grapes just look at them and then take them what do you mean just like if you if you want like this value grapes just look at it and then pick it up and then take it with you what as opposed to doing what something that you don't want to do you don't understand what I'm saying yeah like if you want these oranges then look at them look at them and then pick them up and then take them with you yeah but if you want these grapes look at them and then pick them up and take those with you hey I mean oh all right yeah like you have these wipes and you know just hold them in your hand and then just take them with you to the checkout and then leave the store you know yeah [Music] dude while he was looking at freakin pickles he was putting pickles I know I don't want this mic yes you do yes he does I need money and I do need money yes yes you can like you're a working man grab some on it Thank You Man okay do what we can I don't do it I can [Music] that's awesome stuff the blind kid you guys see were down by Masson they know what kind of roxies are good the only thing about rocks I just found these oh yeah sket that's poop that looks like somebody's turd [Applause] started did you just do this no I find my pocket and lob back my pocket yeah I just want to you didn't just put that in there no little privacy please secret handshake with random people hook [Music] I'll take a half say bro yes oh my god Mauck pat-pat see you bud yeah I was hoping your puppy didn't poop in his his box like as a tip you have your dog poop in his box and his guitar box oh you didn't yeah while he's fine if you had your dog come up and poop in his box instead of giving a tip the harder side ever laughs is when people feel really weirded out by something that I'm saying [Music] I got it for you [Music] hey are you a faker a faker are you actually Chanukah they were exploiting my kids with disabilities there once was a pretty princess she went out and drank a lot she partied hard with her friends she fell asleep on the corner she got all rested up till she woke up the next day and that pretty princess was the prettiest of them all mm-hmm you're my little princess you're my little princess yeah you are I'm proud of you I'll see you later okay all right here loosen this up shun make make him look out I already called the cops don't worry about falling okay thank you bonito brought a moustache to put on her tooth that is so funny she's gonna fit [Music] lotta Gators and me responds to they always have signs over the pond oh snap there's one spot something here - yeah there's on you see it you probably should go closer so you can get them hey get out here get out here go get if you want to make sure you don't feed the Gators you probably thought there was food up here I got to get him out of here I don't want to eat your kids or anything he lives in there yeah he's bad get go on they're not mucky bushes and stuff that's right of those but no he well he did go to school but he dropped out and now he lives in those bushes in the water he's scary huh look he he ate all the other alligators that's how mean he is but if you stay in school then you'll never be like him and you can you can have a good life I want to go back to the car hey buddy you're adopted hey you're adopted yeah I'll let you guys cut my hair not you guys this Saturday at 12 p.m. August 11th [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't think so have you always had that tumor under your hair good do you have the key to the fitting room I'm what's that oh if or just one of your co-workers if I can just give key what's it's locked oh oh yeah it's just that the door's locked you don't have a key for it or if you could get your manager maybe I don't know I don't work here good work here oh did you get your manager though what manager my managers back in Canada I work here oh you working the one in Canada they just transferred you here Oh in Canada you do but you transferred here I don't work at Vail superior oh okay you're just a retired oh so you're just a contractor for the day like they contracted the work to you so you're just like a town putana I'm not working I'm shopping Oh just for a customer service then or are you trying to kid me no I'm just looking for the key I need to try something on so oh my god how is that possible how on earth is a freaking possible I want to know how that is I was just gonna see if I can get a sample one of those with the powder on it can I try a cheese stick and now the perfect cartwheel excuse me will you strum for me I can you strum for me the other way dude a couple times like three thank thank you thanks for supporting my dream what you just think you're you're better than me because you have two arms you just walk around on the beach with two arms you have two arms it's messed up [Music] she goes up to a really really pretty girl oh you think you're so pretty with your to our look to you yeah I have a coupon should be five one stick of deodorant get a bite free okay hey what's that face it's like newspaper paper and then we printed stuff on the back too and we ripped it out so it looks like an actual coupon to monsters and I have this coupon to go with it well I'd rather I'd rather pay the time oh there's no way - okay I won't get it done all right so you rather take $10 right yeah I just wanted to be able to use the coupon but if it's okay if I can't use it so yes hi uh it wasn't me who knocked it wasn't me oh oh no that's okay it just it wasn't me okay what's up nothing wasn't it wasn't me so sorry bye I was so uncomfortable still out of my comfort zone right now I'll see if I can take this guy's bike and replace it with my unicycle and then ride it ride his bike in front of all I picked it up at the store the other day oh no it's you got your own over there no that's yours this is mine here try it you know how my shoulder sorta all in the dark table yeah why is that so funny problem [Music] [Music] [Music] haha what do you what do you have to I should be out of this thing within I think six months but man six months facing west dude that's a long time why yes because that was the direction that my neck was in whenever I got hurt so the doctor said I can't change the position of my neck so my looki well that wasn't what the doctor said he said because of whatever position I was in when I hurt my neck yeah at the face east or west I mean I'm pretty sure that's what you're saying so well thankfully I can watch sunsets I can't see a sunrise though you can't imagine even already the difficulty like when I cross the street I just you know wait at first I thought he meant just I can't look left or right but then I just figured to be extra safe you know I'll just stay facing the direction I was cardinally I guess yeah hey thank you hey could you get that deodorant for me yeah I was just saying if you could pick some some up from the store for me what's your name Tony yeah Tony I've seen if you could pick up some deodorant for me oh you're at Walmart there I just can't go the store at notice I'm on house arrest got an ankle monitor on mom said do I have the wrong number or something [Music] where'd you find it yeah yeah yeah I'm in I'm not in Bradenton wait Tony where'd you go you there Tony Tony hello Tony what's your name hi I'm I'm Ross are you Tony so I was saying if you could pick up the deodorant for me that's not me that's not you okay did you find that phone you did I was looking for it okay [Music] [Music] [Music] this taped up black-and-white on our belt another two for than three I can't take that that's not real oh you guys don't take cash only card they say cash this is printed money it's not real money I just got it from the bank it's not real oh really yeah hey wrong color for one thing it's what Oh wrong color now I don't know how I got it right out of the ATM so are you sure it's the we want to check with your marker I could tell it's curtsies green huh well color well just shut you didn't even check with your marker how do you know what it's taped together there's two different pages isn't that what most far as I know that is fake it's plastic you only take credit or you take cash in oh you do take cash that's not cash I think it's a new 20:19 bill that's why it feels weird yeah feed that all the way down there please that wire in there hey Jerri you then tell him tell him that he doesn't have to listen to us [Music] [Music] you're not that feels so good feels like a weight has been lifted forcing people to pan how you doing wonderful great no it's just like a public service is it you're hot Oh hood this is my dog rig see ya he's so adorable oh my goodness wait I have another one right here look [Music] look how cute he is maybe this one I got it for you how's that for you hmm I'll have Caucasian bread yeah lettuce mayo inch puller african-american olives tomatoes that's all so is gonna be another purchase always searching for change that's loose never gonna have enough in this satchel sometimes I'm gonna have to choose because I'm out of cash when I get here doesn't matter if I insert or a slide [Applause] it's decline [Applause] sorry strawberry started excuse me ma'am something wrong with the computers over here yours is do not to Florida tell you don't eat you're being sketch oh you're open hey you're open oh there you go Ross you start with throwing hot dogs of people and you're throwing footballs at people next thing you know you're gonna be throwing Chinese stars of people it's a slippery slope throwing hot dogs that's a gateway throw yeah I'm gonna sign the petition to legalize hot dog throw say we pick talk to the same guy twice oh oh you light now to fart he's like I call this one the fart okay big cross like more than friends this that's one is my juice and this this one is this is my other juice and and this one is my water and I like this one I don't like this one and I like this one though and you know I did and this is a picture of my girlfriend and this is my girlfriend and this is my juices oh now I can help try my juices and but she doesn't know that she's my girlfriend though but she has a boyfriend but that isn't it there's no me but I will be her boyfriend yeah Victor used to look at that but how could I go ride that bike [Music] hey this is just how I can secretly watch people shower without looking weird you know okay huh yeah bout a beer no wanna try you want one no I'm good everybody take it you're not allowed to drink out here I'll be fine Matt nobody'll notice I'll end up getting in trouble oh yeah I bought a cigarette I'm good but you listen here will chew and smoke I'm good all right all right good boy you're a boy pull run cold you know that this is the side that you put it back you're supposed to take from this side but it's so annoying you have to push all these parts and lift this freaking thing over the rail [Music] well how's it feel wonderful man I feel better that's great I envy you here's looks nice stuff Thanks so why did it take so long to decide to cut it [Music] can decide no ill I thought I thought someone tasted funny alive [Applause] I did I do the same thing I can't decide what I want you know I'm not switch it up something wrong no I just always changed my mind I thought that's what you're doing right here Rock State Park law Gators out here I hit a couple with my paddle over there oh there's one we don't bother them they don't bother us jeez I wish I had someone that could block the bright Sun from entering my eyes thanks God you lady to see that oh you missed the smoothness stoop no disorderly conduct no throwing missiles sorry cool I guess we'll have to put our missile launchers back in them go throw he missiles what does that even mean and no murdering either no kidnapping on this Beach everyone we had an announcement to make no throwing missiles Oh big ol thing a tub of popcorn and a large drink it's a new release I think it's Robert Downey jr. [Music] yeah hey man you got you got a chip on your shoulder Oh your other one too the toxic algae bloom has prompted a state of emergency in Florida it has never lasted this long [Music] hello this is Ross all right what's up Jake yeah I'm not doing much Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and we're going back alright you want to hit that big jump back there careful guys this is out there today this is out there today yeah just be careful it's in the water Lake Okeechobee you know it's overflowing and cutting they're dumping it all out here it's it's coming all the way from the South all the way up to here I just wanted to warn you so you don't go you know go to the beach I'm pretty sure it's still out there I just found some yeah [Music] look this is the adult fountain and this is a fountain for you so you so only use this one if you drink from that you will get younger all right you just stay the same age imagine having a more like immortality but you you got it when you're old so you're like sixteen you just always say stick say you're like 19 you can barely walk for it you're immortal have an eternity of like slow walking and not being out here looks like we're in the frickin windows background heard it looks like the default desktop background the start buttons over there [Music] a couple years ago I was out here cutting down trees with olive branch and it was really cool just that to see the development of it all and I'm like wow I actually had a part to play in this feels like I actually did something that contributed to life the benefit of human conference it's a weird feeling I don't know if I like it or not Morgan cut the part out of me picking it up do you want some amorphous Cody suppose I have enough to share well it doesn't work anymore it's so good like this slice hammers are just a sample of some question what's this hello and let it go for $10 I want it real bad I'll do anything 10 bucks it's harder than you think to sell your soul if you throw your trash as far as you can then you can't see it anymore then it's all gone well like falling really grass is that dangerous to have to put it right a rail here what was I gonna say excuse me do you remember what I was gonna say to the camera that sounds like you and he gets in my face I'm like I'm not the right guy to mess with so you need to leave so this is almond plot all right and then I crank his arm up I started him in his face and it's just funny the contrast between us because you you guard lives but I take lives when people try to fight me you're good I'm a fighter you know yeah hi my name is Ross the tool will you call the fire compartment to help get me down all wait till you pass before I fall ask her how many pushups her sister can do oh my god I just got it honest yeah did the other day I was out here and I took the right on a two to three and I got totally shocked dude and so I reach down and grab my tail fin and spun out when you fist bump do you do it like that that's surface all yes I don't think great white sharks ever are babies they just come out like full of your home there's a mediocre white shark there's an average white shark when they're babies shooting fellas hey proposal Oh as long as the animals get the ticket beside that dogs get the ticket or the human dogs back well well I mean also for requests please make sure you pick up after your animals thank you Dave y'all everybody we don't want Duane picking up any more rocks those who falls around somewhere Hogan law he's got to be somewhere what's some of the outside break instead of plates I'd be funny but alright what's up guys I'm not gonna be able to do with you anymore guys I know we connected a little bit but I don't really want to see you anymore welcome to vlog today we're gonna [Music] hey do you ever look for your hairband and then realize it's on your wrist I just you do feel like such an idiot I just did that earlier what are you guys up to stop it stop you just hold them by their neck like this Adam hey you're a good human yeah thanks yeah good what's your name what's his name you're a good boy good boy this reminds me of that time that I held my breath underwater for five minutes you have extra sunscreen IQs who do you mind oh thank you went to close the other day and there's a bunch of fleas everywhere now my legs have fleas all over them please not me that please on my dog please am I done mostly will fall in with me please please are my dad please are my dog mostly will crawl in me my little Shih Tzu Chi barely itches my little Shih Tzu she barely is oh my god that's for you no idea you should probably go inside and relax for $20 can you name this US president yeah no no you want to try no president this is no which present is ah it was pouring rain at the party the other day and they left early because they were trying to beat the the clear weather they say they drive better when it's raining so that guy's alright where they don't have to be the Sun there's a channel in between us in the island those who have to swim across it now we have to swim it's too deep follow the island it's so mysterious what is this planchet this I guess there's birds everywhere there's a bird sanctuary never know what kind of bird you're gonna see out here there's on that's a big boy that bird talks slow no my truck a turkey hey it's nice but why are animal so nice because he's almost dead that's why II think he's gonna fight I didn't mean to oh you want to cook him up did shopping running over any seasoning as well did a smoker happen to jump out in front of you the king wanted to make an example of these turds so that all the other robber turds who come into the kingdom say whoo we won't rob from this kingdom we don't want to end up like them look what happened to the last in Florida turns Gras like dang it they're laughing I hate when I prank people and then they laugh at my jokes I wish they would get pissed look it's the cutest couple in the world behind you excuse me sir there's a giant sack of turds behind you this two sucks did I get the spicy crunchy shrimp roll I'm actually at the table in your dining room yeah yeah I'm just the tamper roll as well oh is that you I'm talking to you oh hey [Applause] hey ladies got you something to eat change the does this is too small for me that's my shoe oh yeah I call just cut where your left hand is there you go yeah yeah hold on food on card hog hey squealing - been pretty quiet wasn't it yeah I have enjoyed that my uncle Gary the hog Wrangler hog Wrangler calm we buy the video it's called cut me if you can we're here with the hippies we're gonna see if we can improve some of their hygiene hit a beat for me I never poop a piece and I'm tired of holding it I'm scared of the evil witch that hides in my toilet I came home one day and she was putting boogers on my pillow stirring her pot from the looks was cooking armadillo did you mind if I use your phone to make a call real quick oh thank you sir hello hey yeah I'm just at the beach what you doing I'm at the beach you got did you go out the water yet did you go out of the water yet you're talking at the same time with me I gotta go be totally radical if you can't clip this in your pit sometime run seeing man could you help my singing friend across the street sir just a minute excuse me sir is this your trash you're gonna pick it up before you leave oh it's not trash oh okay just make sure you pick it up before you leave marriage is tough but if you if you bottle things up it's not good you find out more things older you get or you respect people if you if you give the respect that you'll get it back when you get to be my age you start to just realize how you can't react to everything in life you gotta be a little more proactive when we were younger we used to be able to get away with a lot more back when I was young and now now we can't even cross the road without getting arrested can I get your autograph yeah I got this baby online when we cost like $400 but it's not that much to me let's just say that I'm I'm not letting anyone anyone borrow this pen hey hey no you can't borrow my pen I'm leaving though don't even look at my pen all right thanks man thank you very much I stand up to take the water phone thank you I so respect do you have any Gatorade or like an energy drink maybe Oh oh let's not leave out out three left all these laying out come on for supper let's see I can't believe it in like javelins over we got a really good oh my goodness how looks good take a picture of that my Instagram shirt it's tomato all right Cole's fishing over here I'm gonna see ways where it would be caught anything here oh snap here we are dad Florida your favorite spot I'll piss you then got it delve you proud of me are you proud of me [Music] are you proud of me I'm a man now dad Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad - rotten one-horse open sleigh I'm gonna get out of the side Merry Christmas keep merry and merry xmas don't forget the reason for the season it's good and it's so low tide out today like Star Wars laundry detergent
Channel: Vlog Creations
Views: 10,589,547
Rating: 4.8975058 out of 5
Keywords: rosscreations, ross, creations, funny, hilarious, stunt, vlog, comedy, creationsross
Id: B5zJIgYYUek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 0sec (3360 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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