Best of NBA Stars πŸ€ ft. Kobe Bryant, Iman Shumpert & More! | Best of: Ridiculousness

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I'm rob dyrdek with me as always steelo brim chanel west des today [Applause] Anthony tell okay at the center you have the highest percentage of three points in the history of the game right in these first four years did you know that no okay he shot he was like as I said I could see the disbelief just like damn he shot 42% last year in your first four years your you have the highest percentage of any senators shooting the three-pointer I believe it I didn't know that man I impressed myself look look here's the thing about me I make some up sometimes make that one up that one is actual and factual I think I think did you plan on being a three-point shooter your whole career or when did you start shooting it from distance I just always made sure since I was young my father always told me to have like every facet of the game so I started off being a guard then it was a big man so my workouts were always twice as long as any other kid because I have learned both sides okay so it was like no you keep shooting the three but look I'm down in the palm down here now they get out here and shoot it well look other people just like you doing it from distance take a look at from deep from distance [Applause] get a curve did the other five - he's literally like check the wind yeah he's done all of them Wow [Music] [Applause] Spring Break just spring breaker forget the sugar I'm gonna give you a beer here you go Jeff you can't tell me this could ever happen twice okay all right a little show okay now go there's no way better we've heard that when you got drafted to the Bulls in your rookie year that you were just like you want to know what I'm loving this ability to play professional basketball but I also want to work part-time at Circuit City yeah that you started is that the true school I was born I was 90 years old NBA practice had nothing to do it so I decided to work at Circuit City like what type of discount doesn't employee get 50% good money the biggest okay and then how did they stop you how did they find out anything well I haven't let some fan walked in it was like Your Honor I says why are you working at Circuit City and then it was on the news that I just this is another I resigned well look just like you everybody in this next category they were bored and they were obviously just working here for the discount take a look machine machine which one of these would you recommend splitting someone's throwaway we already did this we're out to do it again that's what happens when you're bored at Taco Bell oh this poor woman has simply just gotten a pizza with I'm assuming olives instead of mushrooms okay go ahead in high school how many sports did you play for football baseball basketball track and so when it came time to make that decision I'm going to UCLA how did you end up choosing one sport over another it was gonna be a football or basketball and I just I was better at football but just longevity you know being 6/8 there probably tore my ass up out there yeah so you were receiver favorite yeah okay man what could've been every Sunday man that Sunday tickets on to me and the boys are doing diving catches on the love sack like damn this could have been it well look for sport athlete boiled it down to two took one to professional career all the way to a championship yeah everybody in this next category nothing we're talking about nothing but zero sport athletes take a look [Applause] even if I cheat a little bit beyond uncoordinated just a couple of badminton clown how you trip up me always record my white shoes the black socks you know you're not an athlete anyway here we go Browns could use you Oh No laces out he do the onside kick the richness of the accuracy a little Big Brother's in trouble right here I am Michael Phil everything about me speed it's this one in the cornea and [Music] and look the show must go there you have it 4-0 sport athlete I'll tell you what man I see a backpack on this stage you make me think of Floyd Mayweather man you got a million dollars and now I'm not bringing a million dollars instead let me ask you this man that's a professional basketball player what what are you doing the offseason man I spent a lot of time my kids you know we know they're here in the crowd but so Whitney Drummond you still do work out and stuffing and shooting practice and every day every day yeah I just beat Jimmy Kimmel one on one with the left hand holding an egg I'm pretty talented okay when did you realize like this is it like I'm taking this to the big-time when did you realize you were gonna be a pro player what I was team when you were and what was it was it like every shot just went in it was like this guy's insane I was just faster and I was just stronger and better than like kids my age and always played against guys like 13 14 years old at like nine and ten years old so I knew I was like okay I'm better than these guys there's nobody my age beat me I'm better than these 20 year olds not ten we're going places with this all right our first category dedicated to your skill with the basketball called sharp shooters take a look cooking it up searching for baby head all about watching them abuses 300 everyone he dropped his stick like oh my God look hey can you pick this up you wanna know what he does in his off time oh you should take this away he manages [Applause] this is so incredible just to set the stage this is in fact paper airplane and they are throwing this at the opposing team [Applause] it's a paper airplane what's it doing [Applause] wait a minute here no wait a minute here wait a minute no wait a minute here wait a minute here [Applause] it's so incredible that like you really think there has no possibility and that thing goes in and hits that guy and they erupt and it's just a small group of people way up at the top of the stadium I have any idea what's happening now has a player that likes to play some defense when you put yourself out there to try to take a charge how often do you think the rest give it to you I'm not a charge guy no no end up bad for you I'm not a charge guys so you trying to tell me you will never set up and block one like I'll do it if you like push off out of it but I'm not really you got the right strategy look this category right here is dedicated to people that are getting ran through block or charge you decide take a look [Applause] [Music] gonna be [Applause] yeah just the sleeve he's fine kids love your charge blocker charge all right that's a charge start where is the tornado of trashcans happening and it's just like one shot he's good he's good just a little wet [Music] she said she said I don't know why she did it I mean we're talking bad instincts [Music] [Applause] there's now blog or charges just two different leagues it is a small farmer here that's a suspicious look at this man here and look death right now baby man you know that horse really didn't like it big Daryl it's uh it's already in charge okay you're supposed to be playing this man you are a lineman man let me see anybody coming in the lane anybody [Applause] [Music] that's definitely definitely a charge Mamba mentality book right like the Mamba mentality ends up being this sort of mindset for literally anyone right whether you're in business like whether you're play sport whether you're like whatever you do I mean I sit up here and I believe I have the llama madad like if I was to describe I'm like I'm the best version of myself and I go best version of you so right you wake up in the morning and try to be better today than you were yesterday no that's not everybody in this category right here must have the Mamba mentality take a look let me just tell you right now you don't just step up to a video game machine and be able to do this this is a man that dedicated his life to dancing and twisting look at the foot sweet bandana know if he's at the club doing this there's a literally a circle around him and you want there screaming and I'll never know is it over it's over [Applause] I was just winning we do all the ones who missed it thank God okay [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna look back I'm gonna look about her [Applause] that's too expensive dodge ball it's real and ping-pong ha Oh fine it is old that's that never give up right there you know the mid let's go here the auction [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] Wow [Applause] okay [Applause] he's a superhero yeah look at that that is true mob mentality we'll be right back [Applause]
Channel: MTV's Ridiculousness
Views: 735,097
Rating: 4.9076214 out of 5
Keywords: Kobe Bryant, Iman Shumpert, nba, basketball, sports, sports fails, Ridiculousness sports, Ridiculousness fails, MTV sports, Ridiculousness MTV, embarrassing fails, embarrassing sports fails, Chanel West Coast, Chanel West Coast sports, Rob Dyrdek, Rob Dyrdek MTV, Rob Dyrdek sports, Steelo Brim, Steelo Brim MTV, MTV sports fails, MTV, Ridiculousness, wipeout, fails, epic fail, Karl Anthony Towns, Metta World Peace, Matt Branes, Nate Robinson
Id: kSCxLkX1FTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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