Best of Muhammad Ali on Dick Cavett | The Dick Cavett Show

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now for the moment some of us have been waiting for will you welcome two gentlemen named joe fraser and muhammad ali [Music] right oh well what should we talk about certainly nice to see you both and i i think we might as well reveal right now that beneath the mask of unfriendliness that we saw in the in the film down deep you really hate each other um is this or is this not uh a true i don't hate joe frazier joe frazier don't hate me joe frazier's got to take care of himself and i got to take care of mine when the bell rang and i will admit just like it's on now we are really stone enemies when the bell rang and after the fight i have nothing wrong against him one day i like for my little children to play with his little children isn't that adorable but i don't mean to say that i'm going to think about that when the bell rang he will be in trouble gee on this film i'd swear you said i don't like him at all on that film we did earlier i said was that just were you joking then or no well i mean what are you doing agitating i wouldn't do a thing like this has been the history of america you just love to see two color folks beat up each other here at the club trying to get us right we're gonna fight you don't have to agitate the rumble is on uh we don't get alone so we're gonna get it on he thinks he's the best so he's gonna jump in my chest so you don't have to try to agitate and push it on no father unless you want us to start now and you might get hit in the middle are you reading that off something that was pretty good do you i miss your poems i wrote one for your show i'm back here they uh you did [Music] this is something i know it's unusual but this is a check that they gave me for coming on tonight i don't know if you can put that check on close up there but it's uh it's embarrassing the price on it yes it is particularly the 92 cents see i wanted to say i won't even say how much it is but i wrote a poem i love your show and i like your style but your pay is so cheap i won't be back for a while all right i'll challenge you to something not not boxing necessarily but are you really do you really can you really write that stuff can you come up with those rhymes like that or are you a phony no i i'm right oh are you a phony what am i saying i just had to hear it again to believe it okay how will cosell gets paid for being the idiot what's your excuse [Applause] [Music] all right all right all right all right all right all right finish up finish a poem for me i'll start a poem and you finish it if you're so good i don't know uh fraser's slow and has no class in five i'll knock him you shouldn't be so volatile in there i don't know how to slow and have no class in five i'll knock him out so fast there you see that or he'll be a thing of the past that's right i don't know what you were thinking for years it's been a cliche stop no no no no no no no no joe you're second it's me i mean that's right i don't have your answer to this has been a cliche that a black man in this country had either athletics or show business and that was about all he could make it big in and you know for years that's not true anymore with that in mind would you still tell a 12 year old kid of your own to go into yeah ask number one i said kid your chances of being a great fighter are good enough to make a good living is about a hundred thousand to one and if you spend the most of your life trying to be a fighter and you get hurt or you don't make it your whole life is ruined it's too late to get education it's too late to look for trade or something to fall back on i say no take your educate take your mind while you quick for developing go to school learn to read learn to write be a mechanic be a doctor be a lawyer go now learn get your mind conditioned spend one day same with basketball same with football same with baseball you can't be like muhammad ali or joe frazier we are two little black boys who came up to be the biggest draws in the whole world and don't think because i made it i'm going to tell you to go box no get your brains together box exercises but get your brains together get educated and get a trade because you might not make it there's too much risk involved no go to school that's the best thing that's the best thing to tell them they come to me all the time should i want to be a boxer can i change i said no can you read he can't hardly read can you write no i'm lucky you know a lot of kids will be influenced by hearing you say this tonight i'm telling the truth you know i had uh sugar ray on the show the other night and he told a really sort of hair-raising story about a time when he i didn't know the story that one night before a fight he had a vision that he was going to kill that he punched the man and that he died and uh he sought a lot of advice and um did not want to go into the fight and everyone told him to go ahead and this happens to every boxer and in fact he did hit the man and he went down and he did die did you ever have any kind of premonitions about a fight like that or any fears of that kind no i always had a good feeling that i would win but i never thought about killing no one as a matter of fact i had floyd patterson in a critical condition ernie terrell and george chavalo and henry cooper of england and i deliberately lightened up because the box people are so phony and hypocritical like if if fellas comes out with a brain caution or something then you have all type people saying they should make some kind of precautions to uh safety precautions make the gloves big or put head guards on and then if you have a fella where you can give him brain brain concussion where he can't defend himself and you're constantly pounding him in his skull his brains and if you lighten up uh because you're merciful to this fellow then they'll say the fight was fixed or you carried him so i think the best safety precaution that could be used if a fighter is great enough if he is good enough if he sees got the fella beat he's winning and just just to please a few bloodthirsty people and for a few dollars going on to hurt the man just to make them hollow oh boy he's good i think if they could just lighten up a little if he's really that good he's got to fight he's winning on points i think that'll be the best safety precaution and i did this and i'll tell it i was actually saying that i was actually that uh skillful where i could actually predict the rounds that if the fella looked too hurt i lightened up on it but i think this is one reason mainly i'm not fighting today i was a little too good for my time [Music] isn't that a coincidence that's why i'm not fighting today too remember that please remember that whatever you come down well man i'll take care of you make sure no but i got i want to give joe credit honest all sincerity something i never said i got to modest man to be where he is today to have went as long as he did and as good as he did plus knocking me down yeah to get his ranking with no style how are you like that no i mean no sister joey miss trainer i mean you gotta i mean you got i mean the boxing style like joe frazier you'll never see joe frazier jabbing and faking and backing up and moving on man you guys always you got surprise coming you got a surprise coming you wake up the 28th how are you going to teach you all those series tricks how are you going to learn some new tricks called him an old dog well that no you guys still agitating i didn't say that no he called you i heard it didn't he say it would you mean a dog you didn't call me a dog because they can't teach you don't get an old dog new tricks he calls you a bear half the time one day he told me at the camp that you sleep with a teddy bear in your bed now i don't make these things up you know that's what he said this guy tells me this let's be friends for one minute just to get him no [Applause] come on oh no [Applause] what time is it oh no jason i'm all the brothers all of the brothers out there watching television yeah i don't care how marriage are to each other when it's come to one of these fellas trying to divide us we must unite wait a minute [Music] this is the slow bag what do you call it oh this is the heavy bag the heavy bag this is where i build up my hidden power can't you hurt you this is for stamina it's not for speed it's a power this bag weighs about it's twice as much as you dick oh it's hard 60 pounds it's a good bag this bag is real let me show you dixie who you got inside there nothing but i'm imagining this is joe frazier yeah they build a lot of see and when i hit this bag i hit it with but these aren't the gloves you use in the room that's for power no these are not the gloves the gloves are much larger what good would it do me to hit this thing i mean whatever it doesn't move as much i don't know for this is built for a heavy weight and a great fighter dick with your bones and your body mm-hmm it might hurt you to hit this bag hard you you're you've got my body on your mind i know you can't wait to see it no let them watch your language yeah let's go in the ring and i want to see what it feels like just to be in there where you were you want to go on the right yeah that's right we'll cover this in the mirror with me you in the ring with me just as that in position are you serious all right i got to tell you something first the last thing everybody said to me before i came up here was don't be dumb enough to get in the ring with him because a fighter is sometimes a little punchy and can't control himself and he could start saying that would be right if he was with joe frazier right but since you're with me no see you're lucky because you got in without your weapons so since you don't like a man gloves on why are we dressed like this why are you wearing a rubber suit i wore this because it makes me perspire i have abilene cream which is grease under here yeah and i'm just really doing a lot of sweat oh can we get a nice tight close-up on that sweat [Music] that's really incredible can i do some finger painting or howard cosell gets paid for being in it what's your excuse yeah but my hair is real uh listen can i you made me put albolino on but i'm not sweating yes you are sweaty you're sweating that isn't sweat that's fear coming out can i take my jacket off you sweat but you just can't see it because of the complexion surprised i'm surprised that you're in such good shape don't see a bit of fat nothing but bone you just you didn't even you didn't even blink no because i know you're not that crazy do you do anything do you do any of this kind of warming up stuff no i don't do that they do that they're doing workshops and olympics the only exercise i do in the ring dick is punched that's the only exercise i do in here listen the danger is is of my hurting i've been wanting to do this ever since i come on your shoulder you want to see a guy take the fall no right now you know how they're doing the wrestling matches right can you cover this yeah okay let's just pretend dude pretend that you hit me [Applause] i used to be a wrestler at nebraska just by myself no one would wrestle with me last move i saw like that was at the zoo yeah when you're sparring with a guy i know i know this much you try to match as nearly as you can the guy you're going to fight in the ring in other words if you've got a tall guy you try to get a tall scoring partner or approximately the same but what do you go for and a guy like fraser i mean can it's not well man like yeah they're talking to him yeah he's got a certain rough looking look and a vicious look he's rough and you have to meet a man who's vicious so i have a spawn partner who reminds me of joe frazier flew him all the way here what are you looking for ten thousand miles away i think he's like yay reminds me of frasier so anybody else well gorilla jones can we meet him girl jones girl jones i got a spawn partner let him out let him out he's going around too take his time gorilla we're not ready are you ready this gets me ready for joe frazier he resembles your phrase yo i hate to come all this way and ask a question um what about what happens if you lose to all that all that stuff you've got next question what happens if i lose a good question yeah if i lose yes that's a good question but look here's why it's a good question because if after all you've said about him if you lose the business get the next debt for the next the closest common this country i can find what catch the next jet for the closest communist country to america what does that mean communist get out of here really what to lose the joe frazier after all of this talking and acting and then what i'd do oh you mean you'd have to go behind the iron cover you're gonna lose i'm down to 210 i'm moving like i should move i'm no longer playing i'm boxing this man comes in anybody can hit him all his farm parlors are ramming him every day and they are nothing to me no class no footwork no speed when i get those little bitty gloves on and be real serious and no playing noise they're gonna put on me they're sticking and moving all he's got some hooks in there what kind of gloves i'm going to do he can't stop what kind of gloves you answer that man's actually what kind of glove i'm going to have on the side what are they going to put on the same thing or something that sounds good another crazy question everybody know he's going on gloves like all right you look like that's like a point what am i going to have okay you do have one gloves like me we always have all the same all right [Applause] [Applause] [Music] get in there michael yeah [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh i just can't wait i can't wait because what i'm gonna do to you might be against the law they might put me in jail after this fight they gonna come to get me out for the victory party they're gonna put you in jail i better believe it i think they're gonna get mad say fellas uh let's listen we do have a commercial i'd love to see you fight but uh but the audience no your trainer just fainted because he knows you can hurt a finger this way or something and the fight would be over what's behind me [Applause] [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Dick Cavett Show
Views: 77,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Muhammad Ali clips, Muhammad Ali highlights, Muhammad Ali show appearances, TV interview classics, TV nostalgia, The Dick Cavett Show, boxing icons, boxing legends interviews, boxing talk show appearance, classic TV show, classic talk show, heavyweight champions, iconic boxers, iconic moments, memorable interviews, sports interviews, sports legends, sports talk show, talk show, talk show legends, vintage talk show
Id: kGuNWh3yTSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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