George Harrison & Ravi Shankar - The Dick Cavett Show (1971)

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[Music] I guess everyone knows by now that you're Gary right right where do you know Gary right in his group from from England he used to be in a band called spooky tooth I met him during my album all things must pass he came played piano on the whole album so I returned the favor tonight very nice how many in the audience knew that George is in the group up there who how many didn't I meant that they recognized you they're not in that subtle way we had your camouflage bending in at the background like that you know I haven't you only the second member of your former organization that I've ever met oh yeah I know John you didn't meet the other eight know were there that many yeah I only I know 98 of the 18th Beatle either there were rumours that the Beatles were not always the same person in fact there was once you remember that it wasn't even the real four of you who came over here on one trip that they just sent four we just sent sueldo Mays outta that and what was the other one oh that you actually were all bald and that had no hair and that you would that wasn't so you could go out in the street metal Rex truth what it is oh well then they are true let's take a little March through time it's birds I'm frozen orange plus well he's he's right now you weren't supposed to see that let's do take a little more time really three places with Birdseye frozen orange plus it's like no now we're here is this confusing your little bit for all these cameras don't know which one I'm supposed to be looking at must be exciting for you to be next to famous first it is yeah I don't do this every night you know no I do unfortunately no ice you probably know what we were looking at George saw the lights go on over the cameras which give me the lead into the commercial actually I don't think the audience at home cares what we're looking at I mean they're more interested in and what will I want to know who what's looking at me really you know you like to check it out where there is you don't have to they always say you don't have to worry about what cameras on that they'll find you yes that's how I big brother is watching whatever Yoko said in that very clear [Applause] well I bet many people have sat in a lot of people have said in it but I saw the show is very nice who did you see that yeah it was one thing they forgot to plug so I thought so I thought that plug it for them and that's the new Christmas record we wish you Merry Christmas war is over get yours now thank you is there such a record yes he made it after he was on the show so he didn't get a chance to talk about it is there a slight undercurrent of hostility between you and err no no the members really yummy you know I'm not gonna tell anywhere all right I just thought I'd take the opportunity and promote his record for him war is over if you wanted happy Christmas yeah an apple record well are you in any sense in contact with each other I mean yeah I saw him last night actually at the premiere of ragga which is what we should talk about maybe okay but I mean what did you say I said hi hello do you have writers who think of these things or do you just have them ready and you can snap them right out we have rights as home and it was full of them what did he come back with right away with hi gee this oughta be was there more or did that geeky one it's pretty you don't rebar in people you know to talk to on your show I'm probably the biggest boy you've ever had on the show really mm-hmm you think yeah oh I'll be the judges oh listen I'll tell you well I don't really you know they asked me do you want to come on the Dick Cavett show and I said yeah I got nothing to talk about really yeah I said I'll think of something you know anything so I thought okay we're going to talk about ragga which is film mm-hmm you mean that's it when we're done talking about that then then I go you don't like to talk then well not really sometimes if there's something to say but there's really nothing to say these days you know I have that feeling too people think that I must love to talk and that I would love to go to parties and yack my head off and I could go for months without talking well you told every not to mean I know and I I've never liked it I mean I've never I don't crave conversation I could sit in an empty room for days and days I'd have to leave occasionally but not to talk I mean I don't have to fill in this hour you just talk and I'll watch okay well we will let this do talk about the film and then what before we get to that there since we may run out let's get to something else when you if you and you and John and Yoko do meet though you're not really no no living your team no we're good friends well all of that about her being the problem with the group is X it's slightly silly that that one woman could be so much of a problem no the group had problems long before Yoko came along many problems those can you remember who was the first to say you know I bet we'll break up one day that this won't go on that this is sort of a dream that we can't also you know I don't really remember anything about the Beatle days it seems like this sort of you know previous incarnation when I think about it and a long time ago another life yeah yeah do you regret any of it no no don't regret really anything you know mm-hmm I mean that's what happened and it was good you know it was good but it was also good to carry on do something else in fact it was a relief sometimes they say you mean some people can't understand like you know because Beatles was such a big deal they can't understand why we should actually enjoy splitting up but there's a time you know there's a time when people grow up and they leave home or whatever they do and they go for a change you know and it was really time for change yeah I think a lot of people just indeed the idea of being world celebrities though and you know some people you know would go on and on forever singing the same tune and playing the same gig if they were making some money you know yeah but I think we'd all rather give that up and try going on our own and tried to instantly we really want to do and if we don't make it then I'd look like as it happens we've all got such a lot of like goodwill hanging over from being Beatles yeah I mean you probably wouldn't have me on the show if I hadn't have been one let's face it now you wouldn't get here and looks alone do you ready we'll return after the smell station just cuz that comes on doesn't mean you have to do it right away huh if you like doing it now I just did it oh oh I say four or five minutes we would he's right folks we will return after this message for my local station see when you say it banana talking with George Harrison who wants to know if it's over yet they do you think you might have been the most anxious of the four to get out I get that impression from reading about maybe it maybe yeah and when he was very well because over the years you know I had such a lot of songs mounting up that I really wanted to do but I only got my quota of walnut two Tunes per album and that way I would have had to record it about a hundred beat Louden's just to get out the tunes I had in 1965 were you held down by the other fellas uh well very subtly yes yeah I would know they didn't strap me down or anything by that yeah but uh oh it was just the way things happened you know they it started off I didn't write they wrote then I started to write and it was sort of trying to push in a bit you know you don't actually read or write music do you know well then huh when you say write well alright if you have a tune it hits you how do you get it down just keep it in your head you know just work it out on the piano on the guitar with into your Tapert or what preserves arms sometimes putting on tape but usually you can remember it in your head if you don't sorry I write the words down and remember the tune in my head do you wish you'd stayed in composition and know all that don't need it well I maybe maybe would help somewhere I probably wouldn't have to pay a copyist yeah but you don't miss it I mean you can no no it's we just helped make this a really sort of music you know yeah it's like I mean there's a difference between people who write music and classical things and big arrangements to the sort of thing I do it's just really it's very simple and the other the other guys most of the melodies were were John's or Paul's that were done yeah done on the album that was funny when John was on every time we had a commercial break and then came back part 20 and they keep playing Paul's songs just put our guests at ease that yes what we do but they always talk about you as the real musician of the group and if you haven't studied music what do they mean by that did that you're more serious you've seen no because I didn't smile so much be a real musician you have to be sour yeah there was also the theory that you attracted more girls by being the quiet one in the same sense that a guy at a party who sits in the corner will have the girl chorus at all what's the matter it's just this was not a calculator tearoom philosophy on your planet was it just a rumor yeah yeah I think Paul used to get them all over this that do nerves hit you badly out of them and I sometimes I sit down like before the show and try and figure out what it is inside that starts all this attention where's it coming from I don't know no idea otherwise I could control it they used to say that's a way to get rid of tension is if you can traders cynics think exactly where it is is it in your stomach or what gives you that wave Vince comes from everyone at the same time that's the problem you can't sit it's sort of abstract someone knows the world and the way nerves act upon you there's any kind of meditation help before yes but that's a sort of different thing you know to this I mean you can't you could meditate and get peaceful but then the moment they say Cavett show and then the so this happened when you're watching the show or just when you're yeah it's yes it does just thinking about it you know I didn't know I've probably given you the beginnings of an ulcer yes so you wouldn't use meditation as a tool to calming it down if it was the most important thing I think that's why some people go into it though yes I've tried everything I take tablets I I mean maybe I'm more calm now than I would have been a few years ago I don't know but it's still love there's still something about the idea of this you know Big Brother and all them people tuned in okay what's he gonna say and so you know you don't are we have to take a station break and what and what else Unseld some more oranges no you can read the whole thing and we will be back that's the important part tomorrow night my guests will be Danny Kaye that was Jack Benny could you tell it could you tell that I was doing Jack Benny no but in England you're kidding when Jack Benny goes to the they throw themselves at Jack Benny England oh yeah he goes to the Palladium and people just tear the place apart really oh yeah Jack Benny yep you learn a lot here with me we have a piece of film here and I'm anxious to see it because I didn't get to go to that concert but I heard all about and they're really ahead of this thing it's supposed to be one of the best things ever done of this kind and one of the most successful charity things of this kind anybody ever put together and did you get the idea just sitting alone one day or how did it come to you it came really it was Ravi Shankar's idea I mean he wanted to do something on this and he was talking to me and telling me about his concern for the thing and asking me if I had any suggestions then after half now he talked me into being on the show and so I once I decided I was gonna go on on to the show then that was it you know I just had to try and get a band together and set up I organized the things with a little help from my friends for Madison Square Garden and that's it it just snowballed and the whole thing was thought of and planned and executed all within about four weeks yeah they raised enormous amount of money and now what the thing that always bother me is how do you know that the victims of the problems in India and in Pakistan will you get the money that you raise it a thing like that where does it go once it goes into the Madison Square Garden box office then yeah how does it get to the people that you see starving was because this concert was done with such short time for preparation also because so many of these concerts were ripoffs we wanted to ensure that we could do the concert and nobody would think that we were keeping the money ourselves so it was such a short time there was only like three weeks by the time we more or less decided the concert was going on and then we had the date set for Madison Square Garden which was like the only available day that we had so we decided the best thing would be to give the money and say out front that this money is going to such-and-such a charity and then we checked different things out we're going to give it to the Red Cross this was the first idea they would give the money to the American Red Cross who in turn could give it to the Indian Red Cross but then we heard so many different stories about the Red Cross and then houses you know hurricanes hit some place in America and they just take care of the whites and all the blacks of there and they're not taking care of them so you hear so many different stories about they hadn't heard that well we heard so many stories about all different organizations in the end we had to really say what we're gonna give the money to so we said we'll give the money to UNICEF and they'd have to say to us exactly what they need and they can come to us and say we need this and this on this and then we'll sign the cheque and let them buy the things they need so the concert made two hundred and fifty thousand dollars which actually is really very small in terms of the amount of money we're gonna make from the record the record and probably the film but the record for the record I'm hoping when we've realized some of the money which should be around January if the record comes out that's all this year that's another problem we're having a slight problem with a record company but if the record does come out early December by mid January we should have realized quite a lot of money a few million dollars at that time Rafi was going to be in India so I was gonna go out there get the money into India and then I'll take it there myself because I don't the money to get lost it's taken you know three or four months work to do it and I don't the money to end up in somebody's pocket I guess ready I haven't seen this bit of film but I know this is the concept that people who saw pictures of magazines Bob Dylan showed up as a surprise at least to the audience and you know uh well let's just say surprise to me it was it really as Minister let's take a look at this from that night at Madison Square Garden well it was the only where you went then you sort of went off very fair I was going back to the hotel yeah well you do that kind of thing again do you think it seems like a very good idea yeah it may be yeah maybe I thought that you see it's difficult for not all musicians are rich enough to record sales or such like to be able to donate the services all the time so I figured a good way to do it would be maybe two concerts in each town like similar to Madison Square but first show we keep the money and the second show we give the money to the charity that way we can feed the starving musicians and the second we can feed the people yeah I think that's a rock groups for being over commercialized in the one hand and yet they're members of them are supposedly socially conscious on the other hand so it seems like this is a wonderful way of combining those two things if you can draw a lot of money ridiculous sums by the average person's reckoning then when it do it this way there must be loophole or must be other problems are there is the government suspicious of anything that is passed off I don't mean to say they've been ripoff concert yeah I think if you take sort of precautions which is really though when we said we'd give the money to UNICEF for the concert that was really a precaution you know because too many things could have gone wrong and it would have been terrible to have done the concert and for it to turn out really bad you know so many concerts turn out bad i think the stones did you know on people getting killed and you know it's really bad you know so it's very important i think for something to come out really good that feels good and you know the people that actually does something you know yeah glad it turned out so well another one of those little messages will be back right after this one the straddle owns your low back the living room chair that's got everything looks superb styling marvelous comfort well this isn't one anyway don't try to go back in this one this is nothing not a straddle lounger we were talking during the break and george said that he had also the Red Cross shouldn't get too upset he had said that you bad things about all organizations and good things and it just became very hard to know which is which and yeah and that that's one of the things that makes it hard to do this so what the Red Cross should not feel particularly singled out right right okay how many knots of just what I heard you know I mean I've heard things about everybody about you know well it's only a 90-minute show we won't have time to go into that what have you heard know whatever you whatever you try to do you know somebody would say don't give it to the Red Cross give it to them so you could say okay well give it to them and that's somebody writes it don't give it to them you know they're terrible yeah every move you make in the end you know I just think well maybe we shouldn't do anything no really I mean that's the easiest thing would just to be to sit at home and not try and do anything for anybody yeah you know I mean it's funny because that's the situation you know you can create some money then you got the problem of who to give it to if you can give it to somebody then you have to worry about if they're going to get it and liked it's the same if the record you know all these musicians came some of them flew thousand miles didn't get paid for anything they came and did the show all out of the kindness of their hearts then I spent a month with Phil Spector produced the record you know in a studio to like 7:00 in the morning making this record getting the package together and we get that ready we could get to the record company this and I'll how much are we gonna make so no you don't make anything you know we make it to pick it's for the refugees you know and they said well you know they don't want to do it for cost we want them to do it for what it costs to manufacture actually we've paid the cost so far our companies paid for all the boxes thousand millions of boxes and things you know books that go with it then we give it to them on a plate and they want more money and it's really not on you know it's really on fur what about arrow I didn't think well Apple that's our committee we've paid that so far we all the costs to make the record to make the Box make the package all the expense involved in the show and Capital whose Apple has a contract with to to distribute they just have this distribution deal so you were giving it to them saying aren't you lucky you know you're the companies who's gonna distribute this wonderful record no no we want this money that's not enough about that and because they've lost so much bread you know they just really lost and they kicked all the staff out fired everybody brought in a new guy from who was working in England is really from India good old bascomb Annan and Baskar happens to be from India and I thought really at first he was really into the whole idea of it but you know it's just been held up this record should have been out a month ago really but now we still haven't solved the problem you're welcome here but we've got Dylan you know Dylan is CBS and you know they're cool about it and we got shelter and Elektra and all different record companies of all you know said okay right you know put it out and the problem is with our distributor you'll get it out we'll get it out I mean I just put it out you know put it out with CBS and let you know bass girl have to sue me we're gonna play the Sunnis right let's pursue him Sumi Bosco tremendous lead George television in America isn't as mature as it is in England in England yeah I uh watch TV in America to tell you the truth it's such a load of rubbish not the Dick Cavett show oh I wondered just drives you crazy you know that the commercials you just get into something I'm late sorry now earlier another word from and another word from and in the end you know they just put commercials on all the time there you have commercials too over and you're saying yeah but it's really done good you know it's really done good they show maybe if it's a 30 minute show they'll have the commercial at the beginning then the shells start and after 15 minutes or so they'll it'll land and they say end of part one thing and then it goes into the kershaw and then the commercials end and he says part two here it just goes ching ching Tim from wanting to the next you don't know if it's a commercial or if it's the show it is similar let's say there are a lot of commercials I'll give you I have a serious question I would ask you and have a feeling we're gonna get R interrupted before I get to but I meant to get into this with John and with you have you ever seen Monty Python's Flying Circus yes yes good you want to get done on in America it's really I thought of trying to get some of that into and showing it showing get some there wasn't done it's really good yeah let me can I get to my serious question you have this tremendous influence and you oh you had when you were together you had this gigantic influence on the young people right and everybody knows that the Beatles went through a drug phase did it ever occur to you or to give something think of it this way that the fact that this was known and the fact that you were the Beatles might have caused thousands of kids to go into drug problems that might not have otherwise well no no first of all when we took the notorious wonder drug LSD yeah it was we didn't know we were having it John and I had they had this drug and it was given we were having dinner with our dentist and he put it in our coffee and never told us no we'd never have we never heard of it I mean it's a good job we hadn't heard of it because there's been so much paranoia created around the drug the people now if they take it they're already on a bad trip before they start whereas for us we didn't know anything we were so naive and so we had it and we went out to a club and it was incredible it was really incredible so a couple of years later Paul had the drug too and the TV people in England came and they said so you've had this one too drug LSD and he was saying oh look it's you know the question you asked me about the responsibility for everybody else Paul said to the TV people look I'm not saying if I had the drug it's it's you if you're gonna ask me if I've had it I'm gonna say yes because I've had it I'm gonna I'm not gonna lie so he said they said well have you add LSD and before they asked he said it's your responsibility because if you're gonna ask me and I'm gonna say yes and you're gonna put it on the TV saying yes we've had LSD so really it was thought that was their fault so they asked the question Paul said yes and then they put it on and said oh they've had LSD and then the world goes crazy yeah I just wondered if here you know if you have to stop and think about you can use the word responsibility which is soy sense so hokey when your school teacher says you have a tremendous responsibility you know but did you I said did you ever take that kind of thing seriously and think you know we got to watch ourselves because if we do this other people will be there yeah we always have to watch ourselves because if we weren't watching ourselves there was somebody else out there who was and there was always reporters who would follow us around on tour and always try and breaking into our room catching us doing something you know something maybe that we shouldn't have been doing and the whole thing is that people want of the people to do nasty things because they feed of it and then they write how they're doing nasty things it's like in a newspaper in England I met David Frost the other day can I say David Frost or do you bleep it out what okay I bumped into him in the hotel and he said here are two really bring you down as a copy of the news of the world he just come from England he built this paper and this big story on the front saying it's the scam history yeah but the big stories saying about this group called the marmalade how they had orgies with the teenage fans and all this sort of thing but the whole idea of these reports is going out for months and months scraping around you know lifting up the pavement trying to see what rubbish there is to write about and then they write about it as if they're Saints and as if everybody is doing it yeah yeah so I don't know where the responsibility I mean maybe you just should stay at home and never say anything that's definitely the easiest well why do people do things just because female famous people do them there's another question that never been able to figure out exactly anyway well I'll let the show here's a happy thought for the holidays from singer we only have a few minutes here done to me ask you one other thing George because it's a do you have any thoughts on white hard drugs and rock stars I have become synonymous I mean you can see why if you had a life like Bessie Smith had or Billie Holiday or something like that whatever they what they went through if I were them I suppose I would take anything that was available but I mean most of people in rock heaven had that dismal grinding horrible kind of life that is it in any way a way of emulating those other people who who were like those there's a lot of you know a lot of pop people go through a hell of a lot you know just say in one year they go they see so much and they get they go through so so many different things that they either just want to get high I mean basically it starts with people who just want to get high you know like people drink I mean that's a big problem people get have a drink like I suppose after the show maybe you have a drink just to get a little high so musicians you know either drink a little bit or maybe they'd smoke a bit none then they want to get a bit high now and they and the sort of really looking for some link and it's the same with them all those Bessie Smith's and all those people because the world is such a hard place to try and make it in so I mean it's it they're all just like buffers all those drugs and things and I suppose if they get on top of you you know they get next to you and then you can't stop it I don't know the hard things so that's what I wonder like heroin I mean when that certainly hardly anybody's been through anything like those people I mention like Judy holidays Jude a basic hell Billie Holiday's life so that a life like that I can see a that really violent hard drugs I suppose because anything might be better than what they're going through but unless you're to the point where you can say I am just in the fires of hell all day you know they're not what why the the ones who've killed themselves your your colleagues what white heroin that seems to be the big one yeah I don't I'm really unqualified to talk about heroin because I've never taken it and I really don't intend to there's you know I'm sure it's just uh it's probably just the best high you know that's what it's down to it's the one that gets them the highest the quickest but it just happens to kill you faster as well I mean they all sort of kill you in one way or another and there's very few people who seem to be able to experience something like heroin and then get away from it because it just gets in the system and they've become dependent on it I don't know it's sad you know it's really sad because they're all looking for some deep love or something like that and then they miss it you know it's much better to try and not take any drugs you know if you can get straight I really straight then in a way it's much higher I mean I'm not really qualified to talk about that either I'm the answer well I'll put it in the middle you know Indian music and drugs don't mix as I understand it no there's been a favor since yeah there was a problem you know the indie music really got popular during that 66-67 you know all the psychedelic period and think from that most people have started to associate it with drugs because the hippies apart from the classical people who used to go and watch the music anyway like the hippie people at that time were the ones who caught on to it new music and it just happens that most of them were you know I smoking pot or something and since then you know I don't know maybe Ravi will be able to explain how the two got caught up together but it's really a problem it's a problem for Ravi because he's you know trying to do this spend years and years of real discipline life in order to play this music and then people think oh you know he must must have taken don't to play that good you know and it's really it's it's it's a terrible thing you know and somebody's it's completely the opposite the audience are really misunderstanding what the whole things are bad we're going to talk about that yeah if we don't go now we won't have time we have messaged my local stations and we'll have time he'll play and he'll cut I suppose if any of us know anything about Indian music it is right you would have to say that Ravi Shankar has been sort of our guru to American audiences with his frequent concerts and film scores and so on a an amazing musician Ravi Shankar [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] from our local station this is Ravi Shankar this is George Harrison there before you came up George was saying I don't know if you could hear it back there because you were sitting in place that people often think that there must be an intimate connection between Indian music and drugs maybe because of the bizarre sound to play that way it would appreciate it at least there should be a drug connection he said it so you call him basaltic or not I meant be aza AR the other no way there's no way I can get out to Western ears the unusual sound might suggest some sort of chemical intoxication no I don't think it doesn't suggest anything it has been somehow established from the very beginning and I'm not blaming George but you know somehow because of him the jaw and the citta became really popular among the young people and among many rock groups and it was because of the association of those rock groups you see the hips took it for granted from the very beginning that you know it's something like rock music yeah and then there happened to be people like Timothy Leary and Allen Ginsberg you know for some somehow also established that Indian music is associated with drugs and things like that so it all connected and that's how it came that's why you see some of these films when they show and is seen with an orgy or or some you know hardcore party you hear this bizarre sound of sitar yes is that because to take them to the western ear yeah but that's really busy because the sound you hear is not the real son of started somehow you know played badly some low string yeah yes but I think you'd have to be a yeah you know you'd have to have an unusually clear my him to be able to do they at seventeen parts of the instrument they have to be you have to be thinking about all that's why I request my listeners to be in a clear mind because I like to put them I know make them high yourselves a yes yeah and I feel rather cheated when they're already high what goes on at these raga classes of yours but you see actually our music is start from person to person like the Guru teaches as desirable it's a very personal thing it's like you show what is the word for the student shisha shisha that's the sensitive there's the guru in the shisha that so you see that's a person but we are trying to also establish these classes and taught as much as possible in the modern manner but it was an actual guru only had one shisha probably at one time you may be can you work with several at once because of the shortage of gurus well it can happen but it's best when it is more personal you know it is very difficult to it depends upon this shisha also how serious is and whether he's learning for just you know not really very seriously but we have a piece of film that has taken it one in two classes and let's take a look at that and then that'll give us a better idea what's what was on there no one's fault one day wouldn't ever judge a girl would ever judge Jerry good ever Jaya Jaya Gurudeva it is in praise of the Guru one day means not to help [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah I got me they got bunny [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's so open and warm with these young people they're so fresh so much energy but so many seem to be turning away from the roofs here they have everything and they want something else they love our music but they're in such a hurry I would like to give them the right approach [Applause] [Music] the second that the second the film came on mr. Shankar said that's wrong what did you mean no this was not actually class this was George was also there in a sling foundation you know aha big sir that was obviously not students how do I say my class but not actually a class of sitar yes I misrepresented that we'll be right back after this message my local state I should have mentioned that that we got that piece of film from a long film called raga which does show you working with students and George said it was really interesting to see the several sitar is trying to play the same piece same passage I suppose over is raga around now or anybody can see it yes it's just conch air goes with the Symphony Orchestra the next one is in Detroit which will be on guitar and one in Kalamazoo Kalamazoo and Friday when performing this Friday in Carnegie Hall that is sitar recital mm-hmm how do we get George to perform again someday [Applause] [Music] the film will be appearing in public or perform the the active music oh well that's easy now yeah wait when you get everything arranged you who would you ever consider yeah I got a minute three I may just do that [Laughter] working yeah really what what's keeping YouTube is all this editing films and you know just since June I had really very little time so we did that concert then we did the mixing of the record and then we did the film edit in the film and that's still going on now like this morning I was down there just stuck in a room looking at bits of footage everybody ends up editing film whatever else they've started out at they all end up editing film yes have you noticed that one of those conversation stoppers no I haven't but every time I call on someone they're busy editing film yeah yeah we didn't have time to see the Indian dance clip which I wish we had seen come back some time and we'll take a look at that and talk about that that's some more does it ever bother you that the Setar which is sort of a in a sense sacred instrument is is carted around and appears and all sorts of commercial concerts it can but sit down mainly is a classical instrument just like it plays a violin in the West few classical music but it can be used for you know displayed in semi classical music as well as pop music in India which is the film music there would be bad taste say to play turkey in the straw and a honestly to I suppose I saw you carrying it down the stairs and you were carrying it so carefully do you'd live constantly in the fear of the terrible sound of a sitar dropping down a flight of stairs yes I have to carry it all the time like a baby I have to buy a ticket all the time on the plane you do you carried in the seat beside you and the plain and obvious for the safety building and autism by the hostess that they always ask what it is so I always to tell them say dead body so they keep of it we have a message we'll be back yeah I know that neither of you likes to hustle things so I'll just point out that the Bangladesh concert is on record and so is your concerto and the record was Andre Previn and raga is also on there is a soundtrack album this time is really a flown oh yeah can you get a good shot of those good shot raga well record stores after what you said about the Lennon's well I'll be a lot of things from the Lennon [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: GeorgeHarrisonTV
Views: 206,027
Rating: 4.9385853 out of 5
Id: 9Z4E8soT1Gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 42sec (2982 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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