Rare - Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier appear on same talk show - Part 1

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/loduca16 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
now for the moment some of us have been waiting for will you welcome to gentleman named Joe Frazier and Mohammed Ali well what can we talk about certainly nice to see you both and I think it we might as well reveal right now that beneath the mask of unfriendliness that we saw in it in the film to Dundee if you really hate each other is this or is this not a true I don't hate Joe Frazier Joe Frazier don't hate me Joe Frazier's got to take care of itself and I got to take our mind when the bell rang and I will admit there's not a no-nail we are really own intimates when the bell rang and after the fight I have nothing wrong against him or one day I like for my little children to play with his little children don't mean to say that I want to think about that but in the bell ring he will be in trouble here on this film I'd swear you said I don't like him at all in that film we did earlier is that was that just rejecting then or now well I mean what are you doing agitating I wouldn't do a thing like this it's been the history of America you just love to see two colorful vida here at the core time together we all fight you don't have to agitate the rumble zone we don't get along so we gonna get it on no thanks he's the best so he's long jump in my chest so you don't have to try to agitate and push it on no father unless you want us to start now and you might get hit in the middle are you reading that off something with that was pretty good just look about the last but you you think that you stood still one that but live the last fight look I don't like the bill but what they call the soul lose and Comp drag and talk about losing you know it's up to the people i think i want i think i landed more punches i think he was in worst physical shape I got knocked down Henry Cooper dr. down son at banks knocking down Doug Jones almond agra Alan husson Olympics knocking down Joe Louis got knocked down max melon Sugar Ray sorry they're not God are you saying that you think he won the fight yeah I I believe I won the fight I'm really won the fight oh my god you look at the fight about fast oh my god it's sunday will soon here I'll we forget to fight Joe we gonna meet again will be again Alan stay just bought a big ol hurting mean coat it was all the newspapers you had a 10,000 I got our X late or take my son goodbye to the big old Ivan regular and I want you to get you a new trade after this game and learn to play cuz you're gonna need look at what I want you to take that big booty that continental and then printed diamonds and get on out and do a little plan you will need a rain a sad sight I'll save something player you know what is all dude get away you started all over it all right please will be that I would have it comes out world mad I'll take care you make sure though i got i won't give joe credit on this all set a certain something i never said i got too modest man to be where he is the day to have went as long as he did as good as it did plus knocking me down to get his rankin with no style nah me nah come on Joey Miss Trainor I mean you gotta give me you got you i mean the boxing style like Joe Frazier you'll never see Joe Frazier javan and faking him backing up moving old man you guys all right you guys all rise coming you got a surprise coming you wait till the 28 I gonna teach all these dicks how you gonna learn some new trick off in there we are well it no you guys go magic age how do you see the hell he called it I heard they said would you have felt unico be adults they can't teach an old dog new tricks you know you bear after that I'm a white now tell me at the camper you sleep with a teddy bear in your bed yeah I don't make these things up you know that's what he said this guy tells me this and let's be friend for one minute just to give you Oh what song what kind all the photos always the brothers I've been watching television yeah hi meri jaan each other when it's come to one of these fellows trying to divide us we must unite now without him to take my pulse that was my deal I saw that up on the screen it looked like a giant oreo cookie I don't believe the things when Paul George forward for the heavyweight championship of the world in or what if I in or whenever it was I hate Tomatoes you make her Kingston yeah I'm place well that's listen you talk about not having any class were about that left hook I will they put the left of the left foot he was listen he hit me so I'm gonna give him credit he get me so hard at John my kinfolks in Africa but I gotta but look that hook means nothing if he can't find nothing to him so this time I'll be dancing you will be there I will be dancing Joe can ask you a question for you the people want to see him fight not a dance money on hand all that money to come and see you not fight right there you want it dancing and whooping you and dance with me there just like i did in a sack and Ken Norton I guess abused like that girl you had up there right in the heavy bag how about how you hit the heavy bag get the kitchen pal in that pool bag and have no hands everybody knows everybody know the bag didn't have no hands oh well you throw like you're talking like you have a point the bag didn't have no it's like how old coal sale you Mohammed they're not the same way ok it you back just like you trying to show a dick about the bag mangaka phytanic Hollywood a bank i think i would too but the girl is head on right Huh What did he done just remind me you that's all listen can't you fellas just let's be nice call a whole fight off make up here and that'll be uh can I ask him a question for you if he is as pathetic as you say he is isn't it inhumane to fight him would you do some luck I say if he's so pitiful as you say should women i use the word pimp in here with her say he was pitiful well I thought you said he's an old dog he's not he's a doll he's always calling me with all stay here one more time that people calling me doll no it bears and go room I didn't call you know dog and I didn't car enjoy our promise you I didn't call you no dog no gorilla know back when he's just agitate you did call me a couple things and you made fun of the color of my skin and now you not to make fun to color your skin well you know what I told you you can't color you all have to I just told you you have the complexion and the connection to get the protection yeah I'm sure that you're Joe Frazier show all the people he the whooping all the people out of whoop who you ever whoop you little skinny man got this big somehow I should get on you sometime you like me up at the can I'm a good fighter and I'm as good as your ride or bad after an action plan not to you would do well so he's old man now never are you about the five you were three years ago yeah good I you look fighter that you were three years ago i think i'm going back to got something to say please already three years younger then I'll probably turn your life and what you would be but I feel like I can go back to things I've been doing and for last eight weeks nine weeks I've been doing and I feel good i got my weight under control I don't using a rubber jacket our pants one thing I do now just run with some weights and heavy boots yeah my brother shirt you know I don't need that anymore because I got it now white controller between 2-10 and 28 and that should be no problem I'm only working now my own strength I don't need nothing there is one to William there's one big difference though and that that is age I mean you're the same size neck had the same size biceps for you're how old I'm 30 and your heater 32 yep we use old dirty old man he's older than me the way he fights and Lou and the liq see taking his style mask them all over me oh man now tell me what can you do go ahead I'm waiting on you what can I do you can't do i tell you something we haven't mentioned here during that film you distinctly uh well there was referenced here calling him clay and you know we all said that your take a nice but he's nice man he say that because they used to make me mad but it don't know more oh they see the press now everybody calls me only the press called me ollie you called me ollie the Ku Klux Klan even called me ugly so then you know our brothers still calling me clay he really ain't no Uncle Tom he's just doing that to make me mad and I don't pay no attention to it no more like things that I used to do to make him man he is MIT and don't get to him no more at things that make other people he's catching on a few things I gotta come from another angle so he'll make me mad calling me click yes he knows what it is he just don't want to see them ok oh the sound good ok my TV can make me mad I don't call don't get mad at you for that what's the point of insulting each other Lou I mean people you insult everybody everybody of fudge what was the part of insulting each other that's right the garden is sold out that's why I thought you had more intelligent how is this this is a big man in London you all don't know him like Johnny Carson ain't no big thing in London dick have it ain't nothing in London look in London this is the Johnny Carson every night Mac parson everybody know him I was on the show once know how many time did you run it sure was so good I 45 times they run the same sure our debate on religion race drought boxing on everything they'd rather show four or five times Randy had you tell people could understand don't you me and you see help me listen you seem so intelligent that about 28 why don't you ask the question like that over here in this gun I'm gonna sue you for crack about Johnny Carson well play about me being bother you're the doctor I'm wrong meaning is not that you look like Emma yet but you're the man over there that everybody know right that's wrong vinegar of the call the dick cavett the D captain or will you be the castle there's another attitude toward this fight and that is that it's really two old guys who are just over the hill and the only thing about you do it still in your Prime is your nose yo dude over women let me finish and it's just gonna be palookas ville at the garden that night what would you say to a person who said that I'd say this that Joel showed Archie Moore wouldn't consider great until he was around 35 and Sugar Ray Robinson wouldn't really looked at as a great legend he's thought we pushing his last two good fights at 34 35 37 one aren't you more for them to do the wolcott won the title we was 37 I'm 32 now people expect me to do good or when I was young Olympics golden glow sign unless the floor Patterson now I'm consider getting kind of old then finance been 10 years since Sonny Liston and it's been 21 so I boxing 20 long years so now you should naturally are human should start withering away as time as you get off he should get slow but when you see me get into that ring but Joe Frazier at 210 pounds which is two pounds lighter than was ten years ago when you see me my feet dancing faster and better than ideal weekend Naughton which was light at the same time for 12 rounds and when you see the punch if I'm gonna be so fast he's gonna think you surrounded by every business listen when you see what I do know what do you see what I don't phrase your foot we have to could you run outside and see whose names on the marquee at friday i want to see I have to do raise at this time you'll realize that these means nothing in my case okay but wouldn't you see the other this time you believe that that age does matter and nobody's can seeing you all all right I saying you gonna do I'm gonna be out there every second smoking deck oh please you will be smoking and I'm gonna be joking it show my mom like even poke an airborne water you'll smoke it and myself don't ever doubt it's my shot on me but I'm gonna risk our job ratio let me tell you something boy somebody told me you got it Roy be a good place to stop we ever that was we have a message we'll be right back in the limo I just tell the audience to be seated we're back and we thought we dealt the audience ask a couple questions of our guests so it is anybody please ask some intelligent questions and some hard questions one now some good questions yes when are you going into the movie Valley I won't go on the movies brother because the movies that the black people make are belittling they're not good the movies that they allow black people to make us a big trick bag and the rest of them don't see it so uh clock the movies like the title cotton come to harlem Oh a Charley Cleopatra Jones Oh what's this judo pitch out now black judo picture color judo Jones or something Oh movies like all all kind of movies showing prostitution showing doted Negroes in Cadillacs they don't make movies I'm not gonna make a movie until it's like Charlton Heston okay good there's the end of that we're the question from always a question for Joe question for Joe Fraser how long is your training session and how many rounds do you think you'll tell you be able to take Muhammad Ali well right now that's a good question for Joe ferone boxing point maybe if we let him answer it boxing keep him involved I didn't move up already about seven eight pounds a day and all together like 14 rounds that's got 15 rounds I don't think would be no problem for me to track him down he said he gonna be able to dance but oh I don't think you'll be able to dance and float out the way like you'd say it's not that easy up here talking about it it's good but when you get them full square is a different story altogether I think you'll be like five six rounds on track him down maybe you know five or six times you gonna catch me know what that you mean you're gonna be ticked I'm six rounds for you track me down oh you can roll you mean I win the first five or six ah well how in the first place you gotta win the next six pack up boy were you to the German good night wait no you can't get it back here when were we can't leave yet one no we'd walk enough to show sm it's not right to be vacating here boys and girls are done oh yeah there's a question are they why'd you take everything Mohammad Ali dishes out so calmly well I'm the quiet type when I believe out here is to talk to people and do the best answer their question and I was told not to get upset to take it easy I got two weeks ago and the 28th there'll be all the places like in halls we'll all that all an angle right there it'll be all all over right oh all the talk of me over in the ring you can't talk the old bastard forward because a lot of talking during all the master you know it was no talking he fathered is probably your humble with you were you can't don't sell out reach it anyway yeah one time let me tell you there's a level round I remember you calm down actually you want god no yeah you said you was God God you were gonna get you ass whooped tonight Oh God you don't get to but Ali how did they what kind of a punch broke your jaw it was a pretty hard punch but I was clowning my mouth was open i was talking and I got hit my mouth yeah well you thought me the second time hit me on the jaw a lot of times by keeping uncle and then didn't happen again but we have a little surprise for you can we see that first what you just read just follow me everybody was this only take a second come on this one I take a second if we get them it's been both men's birthday we just missed both their birthdays by a couple of days we have cakes for each one and we parkinson they have a bet with each other than either one of you is in good enough shape to blow out the candles in one brat all right if I blow these cows on one where you go okay just just in the take a second one breath you gotta get one breath on three one two three go this will determine who wins again one to welcome all I'm still live this is pathetic haven't done any road work that's terrible this is sad and any child of free could do it I'm absolutely shocked well you better I think you better both get back on the road we'll be back after a message to my local stations think you may have hurt me when you were both holding me up earlier right what no really they had a each of them had one leg I had a terrible feeling you would make a wish and I try to drive you as tight as I can so you nothing would move out of place yeah oh you did next job I met no I get you guys couldn't hurt me kidding you would you we know that we know that you bought a white mink coat and not for a lady
Channel: MuhammadAli_GOAT
Views: 533,618
Rating: 4.8405986 out of 5
Id: mgbFj-z8eG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2016
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