Miles Davis on Getting Stopped By The Police | The Dick Cavett Show

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speaking with Carol Kane this cage Miles Davis you just spotted something what do you make it that we're on now yep we can do anything you want say anything we want and have a splendid town I've never seen anything quite like it today there was a pilgrimage to the studio Paul Shaffer I don't know you name the person I saw people who have to say hello to the master does that happen wherever you go embarrass you you know like being an idol I'd be I'd be nervous if I were playing my clarinet somewhere and I knew you were coming in that could be more than it's more than what would it take seriously for a musician to be good enough to play in the Miles Davis band suppose you need a new a new guy my first thing he has to do is women let's have a good carriage I mean it meaning that they have to look like what they going to play instance that looked like they just bought it not like this good carriage how how am I gonna know if he's putting me on no Jenna please have a certain where they stand Bob take job oh yeah there's a lot of macho in that stance you can tell by the way the guy holds it before he even puts it to his mouth whether he's a musician and real musician somebody said about you years ago that you were whereas everybody was emulating Dizzy Gillespie every young trumpet player that you at the beginning had the courage to be original they said miles played sideways that mean anything and this would be considered unorthodox when your sentence ended if trumpet fell over it this man has power I just got it I just got I was hoping you'd show me how to hold it I just did well I do respect it it's a friend you don't even like will see no I mean I got it because I was you know I wanted a friend I thought what it's not gonna happen first thing on the second valve this is how the guide that the shop told me to hold it like this here he's an innovator like yourself well I was hoping you alright I was hoping you'd show me I mean was it just like I couldn't even keep yelling I'm not going to try and blow through this I just what wrap it around here like that all right hair away I got this through here like that oh this way yeah well I don't know how I'm not doing too good at this yeah that's the math pieces a little and the valves probably aren't adjusted here we go way we'll see it's just it's not gonna work you know you realized what this left you well don't know I think it looks good though with the suit [Applause] and they gave a great school and let us each hold a note once a week but my instructor is about Anika same I learned that just to wave the door oh just the styler there's a line of the instrument no the way you hold it like check out my knee yeah but not like the Ovilus yeah but I love the way yell of trouble son but they don't but there's more to it than that I mean surely somebody could learn how to handle a trumpet and still not be you or endless acts and not be Parker you know I was assumed about you mr. Davis is that you struggle Oh would you a big bless this is an honor well that's gonna cost us extra I know your teacher said to you to play light and fast and not to play whatever the opposite of that would be that everybody was playing leave out the vibrato because you'll get old someday and shake anyway was that wasn't that the quote so can you show the tone without vibrato and with vibrato for what the difference is slight waver yeah and without it's a world of difference I I could see that I can see that the point what about the fact that you have changed so many times over the years and still remain Bieber and still remained a legend and popular and all is that a night because you want to top yourself or you just get bored with what you're doing and have to move on I don't try to change music you know just happening it moves and you follow the musicians I hate what I get they changed the music like a combination like I had alone Herbie Hancock Wayne and Tony Williams yeah and Bill Evans it changed because this particular time this was enough well we make kind of blue so much with music the reason was like that because I want to see am i you got enough time we never have enough time we probably two more minutes but go on wait why what does he have to compel a yeah that sort of thing up the honor you saw once once I dead little London sound at the finger piano come from Africa I wanted to play something like you know kind of blue the concept was like that Africa African belly but it didn't come out that way you know when you have them and somebody give you a concept sometimes it isn't like what you wanted to do and it comes out another way so so you can be surprised by what you do what I couldn't do it I couldn't do it like they did am I in any danger by asking you a question about race are you still harassed when you drive an expensive sports car and the police to stop you and say yeah whose car you got there that still happen yeah kinda Yellin I have a yellow Ferrari any stop so I'm I said why do you want me to tell you where I got to my farm to buy this car and how much the cost I mean anyway I had my lawyer soon one god ago the lady said we had two to three Elvan I was on my way to Terry college and he stopped in what are you policemen staff to write on our freeway and it was in my face so I had my lawyer said oh [ __ ] you know I could tell if I said anything else you wanna he didn't hear been stalling let's say well why don't you ever tell Weiss I said you know I'm too lazy what should I get too late Wow you don't answer - Salma we go coming at you putting it out was like once a week once a week that annoying the idea that you're delivering the car somewhere or that you stole it which is the assumption they most likely make when I can see the way I dress and I wouldn't see you like that unless you rolled Liberace forgive me forgive me I did not say that I didn't say that I have something for you miles I hope you're gonna like it I knew that a man who has everything you don't know what to get for him it's a license plate no it's a license plate and I hope I hope you like it [Music] like ever unless I admire so many things about you in fact that you're probably one of three people in the world who cold-turkey heroin which is only apparently done in the movies and and the fact that you're an artist comparable to Picasso and on a level with people all the best filled Brando in acting and it's a real treat to have you here yes it is and when we come back you might even play some more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Dick Cavett Show
Views: 959,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Black Excellence Celebration, Celebrities, Celebrity Conversations, Civil Rights Movement, Cultural Icons Analysis, Dick Cavett, Famous Talk Show Guests, Interview, Jazz Innovator, Miles Davis, Miles Davis Documentary, Music History, Nicolas Cage Trumpet Lesson, Police, Police Discrimination, Pop Culture Figures, Race Relations Discussion, Racism in Law Enforcement, The Dick Cavett Show, The Dick Cavett Show Moments
Id: 1ljQW5bWNtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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