Game Grumps - Best of TEARS OF THE KINGDOM Vol. 1

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[Music] da da da da da da da everyone already played this six weeks ago did the logo get smaller in general wait did it get smaller no why is it so small on the screen I don't know because they need more room for the green squiggles I don't know just Gaslight me right away take it easy was huge on the screen it's so small it's fine it's fine everything's fine [Laughter] wow I never knew she had an accent are we in the yeah she was always a little British girl okay and then last one and you were all like you're all like she was always British since 2021 no that's what I mean this is the same game series this happens right after the boy if you are really going where are we going you were really respecting the uh the moment over here [Laughter] this is similar to the statues we saw earlier a zonai I mean being awfully presumptuous look like hylians hylians that's how you say it yeah Hyrule certainly suggests [Laughter] this is the imprisoning war and the events that led up to it wow you have a lot of hearts for someone who's been playing this game for 10 seconds oh man oh [ __ ] oh well that's just great how convenient oh no the Mad matric doors help dude oh [ __ ] that's better is it really yeah oh my God that's awesome yeah good job Matt ers nap time which arm is it [Laughter] oh no whoa thank you link finally you wake Jesus it's been years yes I've got your pants shout out to our Italian fans because man you have a beautiful wonderful country did you just kill yourself no I oh this is this is good this is supposed to be okay if I land in water it's fine I just gotta aim for water perfect I'm sure there's some down there somewhere yeah the ocean's big right ha ha ha ha ha ha oh yeah those are the warning strings oh awesome well it was bigger here than it was on the title screen we were Soldier constructs as you travel this way so I'll keep an eye out Aaron find out be ers our creators gave them specific orders to eliminate trespassers be careful around them my concern may be excessive but I have one piece of advice to offer you oh since you seem to know so [ __ ] much about this world I'll see you later then good luck my one piece of advice is put on a [ __ ] shirt it is crucial to maintain a proper distance and Target your opponents swinging haphazardly will not yield results Aaron Hanson some Game Grumps you may practice targeting on me if you want just don't hit me yeah oh but please do not actually attack please unless yeah that definitely don't Clump me I'm sorry I did not intend to startle you I'm Randall Johnson Jackson III yeah that arm originally belonged to me oh so [ __ ] I am wrong Aaron what are you me he's so hot did you they showed his midriff first that was the first thing that they showed and look at his [ __ ] shoulders and traps I pronounce it the closed door what's the objective leave it it will remain closed forever the end creatures oops the kingdom is doomed dude check it out it's like goatzi what does that mean it's like a guy spreading his butthole what is what does goatsi mean you don't know about that no it's a picture of a guy spreading his butthole anyway that's what it looks like boy you and I had very different upbringings doesn't look like a guy bending over and him with his hands behind his back like pulling open his butthole man just looks like a potato with like two forks around it God you're such a [ __ ] little wiener why don't you see what I see see what I see Ultra hand that's what it's called yeah of course [ __ ] ultra hair not goofy do you have any idea how difficult it is to unpeel Banana yeah oh sorry I forgot I was doing this it allows you to move objects freely and attach them to other objects like the way you could attach those lips freely to my lips you'll be able to build a great number of things really anything you can imagine foreign oops now it's in your hand no it's hot that's good right oh I didn't realize it would give you hot hands players blessing you can now make chili out of your hand just stick your hand in the chili bowls if one of the strengths is to make chili very hot you're in luck you can now warm up any appetizer you want May the light of the nehru guide your path can I make it up I don't know if I can make it up dude I might not have enough unless I chop down these wood trees and then make bridges to each one like a bounce hey Dan remember like a bounce do I even need to be here right now like you seem like you've got this episode pretty well under control I'm just gonna say all the parts of the conversation I mean this is really really cool when does Indiana Jones come out it comes out June 30th at a nearby theater near you by here and you're near nearby with her where money is sold you know be nearer if we had walkable cities Aaron I don't know what you want me to do about it we live in L.A I'm not I'm not I'm not expecting you to do anything about it I'm just like I'm the only other one here and you keep saying it like if we had walkable cities I'm like I know I want that what you want me to [ __ ] what do you think I'm oh you should go to Congress right now Dan yeah you're my friend I'm just I'm just talking about what I feel in my life it just feels very similar to like boy I sure could go for a kiss right now you know like what are those well no you mentioned it and it rotate it whoops my cyborg penis is too big oh my God what the [ __ ] though I didn't know that would happen oh I feel like an idiot why'd I just move the block slower oh [ __ ] whoops I think Michelangelo was homosexual so whoa really yeah yeah [ __ ] yeah dude um so was Donatello so that's half the Ninja Turtles right there um but yeah it's he he definitely you can see it in in his art he preferred you know painting men to women and oh hell yeah there's there's definitely like like a a sexual Beauty to the way he presents um the male form it's like show me that big dick dog I mean it's big because the statue is big but you know compared like within comparison to the rest of the body it's pretty normal you don't need much dude what that was an oddly defensive answer is that the size that matters yo check this [ __ ] out watch this dog yo check this [ __ ] out I'm gonna blow your [ __ ] mind ah my mind it burns my brain is on fire go hand juice we've just sucked five years off your life light of blessing so cool a zip a gift an energy cell okay it can power zonai devices what I have just given you is an energy cell it has sucked three years off your life stop stop hello looks like an Alice in Wonderland character I'm gonna enjoy my tiny bubbles they've been suck three years off your life damn it this is awful where's my friend huh you could see me I'm a Croc what are the children of the forest I was traveling with my friend but we got separated this korok has such a this [ __ ] guy kind of face my friend is setting up a smoke signal I can't wait to catch up okay so mustard I'm so tired though I can't move oh nice Aaron he's okay Oh Aaron you're a [ __ ] genius bro now I've got this I've done it you like come out with like a victrola fused to a watermelon I wish you hadn't said that that's what it looks like you right I mean now that you said it it looks like somebody bending over spreading their [ __ ] opening there's no way that that was their intention come on dude they totally look like a hands oh yeah maybe it's like more of a Hovercraft an HP lovercraft [Laughter] how funny is my head what the lover crap yeah the HP lover crap yeah man it was a little classic if I ever get a Hovercraft that you better believe that's what I'm naming it oh oh it didn't work oh aim for water falling death huh I wonder why they'd bring that up now Zelda hello is this good your hand is filled with piss I had to put it somewhere I'm sorry I've given you the gift of Peace hand oh did I dream that piss no it's right here no thank God reverse an object's movement until it goes back to where it was you can stop the reverse movement at any time cool oh hey she piss on your hand I appear to be a [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm just gonna lay that out there for everyone that's crazy what are you even talking about [ __ ] sorry oh a hard container looks like I have four Hearts now instead of three hops I'm gonna go push the door open now because I have enough Vitality to push the door open with my four Hearts too far God everything's [ __ ] lighting up just I know stop glowing everything it loses its meaning [Music] if everything glows then we're just in a trance video I was like go do it it's stop like just this game is like those channels for dogs like just shiny colors that like they can stare at for a while rewind oh [ __ ] this thing's [ __ ] up oh I like brought it through time thanks for your garbage link yeah oh no I guess I'll throw this away this must be back when I was alive all right oh deep throat just as far as well Aaron please [ __ ] like right up to her mouth here we go all right all right check this [ __ ] out nice I made a car that's good that looks good yeah yeah yeah how'd you come up with that you ready for this see a world nice see a world yeah peace out [ __ ] what is this it's a bush man this is some top-notch commentary Pro what the [ __ ] it's a tree that oh man that does change things [ __ ] that's that's new captain Haws right he's below Hyrule Castle got it she's pretty cute right she's like [ __ ] Pinnacle cuteness I'm not not really my Pinnacle type whatever bro maybe she was talking raccoon or something just crazy enough to work I mean it looks air worthy all right [ __ ] ready yeah what's that gonna do oh here we go we go oh my God it's working whoa oh my God you genius looking around every turn trust your feelings got to live in oh [ __ ] out of batteries oh we're gliding we're gliding I forgot that before we can look at your overall map of Hyrule we have to close all of your PornHub tabs there are a lot click click click click to the point where the number of tabs where it says it's just a smiley face at this point map data from right around look how I'm landing and for that we need our Sky View Tower you got one of those right wow you're into some weird [ __ ] man it started out pretty vanilla but it seems like you just kind of like went down a rabbit hole Joshua what's the status of the Skyview Tower right now they can't all be stuck in the washing machine [Laughter] completely unbelievable scenario Oh Come how many times has it happened anyway I gotta do laundry real quick you must be pretty tired the emergency shelter is just a spot for you that washer dryer looks pretty comfortable you should stick your head in and just lay it down and maybe I'll get stuck in there for a second if you need clothing for your travels you're [ __ ] just kidding there's a lot of fresh laundry you've been watching oh my God what this androgynous king queen who is this person that's bermano I want to say something like for today's menu we have a fruit and measure mix that'll rev you right up yeah I was really looking forward to seeing that but uh I'm Plum out of apples go give you some apples if you want some [ __ ] apples wait did I eat them all oh my bad yo my bad Romano I think there might be some apples in that washing machine washing machine man I don't there's nothing [ __ ] down here for me oh look they're way in the back we're observing for the research that I've got those heels Aaron yeah yeah when a test scan is over we'll have a final briefing on the search for Princess Zelda just bent over the chair like keeps [Laughter] dripping sweat [Music] oh my God Is it supposed to happen we're the washing machine it was sitting at the counter then there's a guy who's at the counter and he said he's at the counter and the cat whoops one's at the counter yeah I lost this balloon [Music] I am flying to the ladder cause I [ __ ] up the whole sequence and it's taking way more time than I had planned to use on this entire puzzle feel like a douchebag and I hope Dan isn't mad [Laughter] okay I am slowly growing angry I hope Aaron doesn't notice I've said I'm pineapple yeah it's like it's like what swingers do if you keep a pineapple upside down it's like letting other swingers know that you're swinging is that right yeah I'll keep an eye out for that in my local produce section it's just like it's like whoa pineapples you're like hello Looks Like the Wolf is away and the hen will play stop farting foreign oh my God I love her oh it's his wife oh then all the statues ditch that goat zero and get with a man hero were you just like on a walk yup you're dead as [ __ ] nice [Music] [ __ ] nice [ __ ] nice good stuff Aaron [ __ ] very inspiring oh it didn't blow up these guys are way too strong The Fortress isn't printed virtual amen he's too strong I'm out of here no Aaron what do you mean no you were just starting to get the hang of it when you get a lot of stuff for killing this guy I mean maybe oh God damn wow he erased you from the game some nice uh fan on tour I don't know who it was um left a uh Little Packet like a little Lego packet of a it's like a Lego Stegosaurus a legosaurus um uh and I was like well I don't do Legos but this is cool and I just carried it around all over Europe with me and finally put it together uh this morning um it was really fun damn like I really I get why people like Legos now yeah dude awesome it's like a little puzzle yeah I remember when we got those I was like hell yeah dog oh you got one too there were two bags I don't remember what the other one was cool so I guess you put it together and loved it [Laughter] I'm sure that person would be thrilled to hear that yeah it was awesome yeah whatever I put together you you just dropped it should be like yeah man it was awesome you literally said yeah it was another bag must have been for me I don't know what it was I thought I thought I got lost on the bus did you take the other bag the second one I didn't even know there was a second one I I only take pretty convenient huh well I mean I assumed the one that was a Stegosaurus was for me like my favorite thing I'm pretty sure it was another dinosaur if yours was like a Lego copy of gay brothers [Laughter] holy [ __ ] I would [ __ ] kill for them of course he would oh like a copy oh man awesome my favorite homosexual pornographic film oh and this is Anthony and these are his pits okay all right I better come over there and work on those tits you want me to build you full service just like the manuals I don't know [Laughter] this is such a deep cut for anyone who does not watch this show regularly people think that it's a snobbish opinion to say I don't like superhero movies why is that snobbish you just don't like them yeah well it's not even insane okay you're like I don't want to talk about it hold on I want to talk about it it's not even worth going into we're just gonna upset a bunch of people for no reason it is worth going into because they [ __ ] boring as [ __ ] I don't care clearly so like the flash is about to come out and like who gives a [ __ ] oh my God Aaron but like it's it's like the flash was supposed to send up like Flashpoint and like oh these little universes are converging or whatever and and people are like why should I see it now that I know it's not gonna matter in the Multiverse and it's like who gives a [ __ ] you go and you with your girlfriend afterwards who [ __ ] cares I think that's very presumptuous on a lot of levels Jesus Christ I feel like I know less about your opinion on Marvel movies now than I did before this episode started I don't know there's lots alike I love them this is the slowest anyone's ever gone in this game [Laughter] here we are dude you're [ __ ] complaining about movies that like the plot sucks and it doesn't go anywhere Meanwhile we're playing a game that's not going anywhere I've seen the same [ __ ] three wolves eight times I didn't spend 20 million dollars producing this episode of Game Grumps that is true to come back to me dear Liza man that is whoops it fell off hey cause it's [ __ ] epic I don't know why would you I don't care [ __ ] I think that's good yeah you're good damn it damn this is the bounciest metal Treasure Chest [ __ ] it fell off again but now I'm on a [ __ ] I Gotta Throw a sword at it now gosh and now I need a new sword all right this time don't miss oh man this one's really big so don't miss I love that you're just carrying around like oh my God Aaron trying to throw a two-handed broadsword oh my God what is my life oh my God I'm in agony oh let's see let's see let's see you know what I can uh here this is what I'll do this we'll do we're having a real monkey pissing into its own face moment [Laughter] hey and then I will throw do it [ __ ] oh my God please gonna make the shot you know should I wait I might do that to my own head all right there we go yes grab it thank you key [Music] [Laughter] it's like a rusty Claymore inside the chest no oh halfway through there's another part of course there's another part I need arrows you've accomplished almost nothing yeah good job I mean God it's so inspiring Triumph of the human spirit this has been throw it now good yes [ __ ] yeah dude Ah that's what I was planning the whole time my God it was Flawless oh I did it no we did it yeah it's absolute team effort you be everyone at home all the people writing pissed off comments about the MCU from like 30 minutes it was that episode now that I have arrows I'm gonna attach a little something called a bomb to the end of it nice come here bud come here come here show your little face yummy nums Aaron I mean like [Music] that strong what is this a social experiment to see if I can bang my head against the wall until I pass out listen man wait there's probably a rock in here right no it's a whole country they can't fit it in there thank you shut up shut up shut up it's like there's gonna be one day where I just make a joke on the show and like then just cut to like you strangling me with your bare hands like please [Laughter] they can't all be winners I wish sometimes you would just [ __ ] like let me do my art and [ __ ] dick through my rock hammer is that your art [ __ ] no this is my heart all right let's [ __ ] go [Laughter] why does it always do that I don't know probably because your design was too good it doesn't [ __ ] what if you put a fourth fan on the tail I don't have any more fans oh geez I ran out of fans things that we're about to all right man he's busy he's a pig that's a big hunk of that here we go [ __ ] only took me what 27 27 minutes 27. can I make it I can't make that you can make it oh I can't make that you're gonna make it then I can't make Aaron with the power of positive thinking you can accomplish anything oh God true [ __ ] I knew it is that you what's up Ted [Music] I'm sorry should I know you're too Lynn not ringing any bells that rotten monster took my good bow now I can only use my great bow see that's the bow napper there it is yeah and [ __ ] loves it can't get enough maybe I should let him keep it he seems to be really enjoying it I've got to get it back help me out link no it's a [ __ ] Dragon really thanks he just doesn't get it did you know I can blow a strong gust of wind anywhere I feel like yeah me too tulip I mean like that he would bring that up you know all right anytime who the [ __ ] is it uh Turin excuse me really not a great time oh all right take it easy take it easy oh there you go I guess I just needed to whack and move on oh my God what a weak little little baby yeah well I'm traumatized for watching that creature explode there we go I owe you big time link without you my bow might have been lost for good oh you don't know me money will suffice there's more of them when they're horny I gotta go oh he's got horn head he sure does it's Henry hornhead all right they're not gonna make a fool out of me twice get him link yeah exactly I won't be around yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] Aaron what Princess Zelda flew above the cloud how can that be hmm seems like a stretch but we're not going to get to the bottom of it sitting around here we have to beat you until you stop lying toolin link came out here looking for Princess Zelda you should go with him and investigate the cloud you say the princess sword is I don't want to hang out with [ __ ] tooling sometimes people will say to me like I can't believe you get paid to play video games and I tell them I don't get paid to play video games I'd play video games for free I get paid to sit in a cloud of Aaron's farts for 10 years all right dude 10 long years all right calm down check this [ __ ] out I'm about to [ __ ] Ascend oh no my Bramble stick did you just throw it away cool ah the wind Temple awesome the legendary stormy dark that sound there it is again the voice in my head telling me to do things it's just like do you not hear that it's got like big bags under his eyes come on Aaron I can't stop I know you can't I can't stop although you can though no yeah you're a girl what is wrong with you I I nothing's wrong with me what's wrong with you that you're a grown man who can't control his own sphincter like a baby it's unhealthy to hold in a fart it's not unhealthy yes it is what do you think the consequences are it hurts yeah very mild discomfort it's not mild let's go 70s experts found that a habit of holding in farts could be associated with the development of diverticulitis this is the inflammation or swelling of pouches that form along the digestive tract diverticulitis can be severe and cause infection if left untreated yes it also runs in my family that is not a joke so I have every reason to fart as much as I can also in a much more recent article it is not likely to cause any actual damage but is a little uncomfortable um I choose to believe the one that suits my needs yeah well that is the internet way there seems to be an enormous amount of evidence to the contrary but I'm going to ignore that and go with Aaron huh you know I was in the middle of saying something else so there was one second where my brain was like no way your eyes just registered with that actually looked like would he be in a position where I have to be the defender of capitalism I didn't say that no it just it's just how it feels you can be like okay and roll your eyes at me you can just do that I don't want to do that either but that's funny Oh Aaron you did it I opened up the gears came just in time whoa wow that's what we were trying to do this whole time like yeah I guess get [ __ ] Master blasted good thing one of us can fly right oh my god oh hey guys uh friendly what are you guys up to kulgera I love your toothpaste no I read a comment that was like I can't wait for Danny to see colguero so he can make a stupid [ __ ] toothpaste joke and I was like you got it huh and then what am I just like I don't know oh yeah whoa did you just go through him yeah just [ __ ] blasted right through his body wow cool I guess you have to do that two more times yeah all right that's fun if there's one thing I know you love Aaron it's blasting through men's bodies you don't know the gender of this creature this creature could be well you said his okay fair enough don't put that [ __ ] on me you're about to not have cold resistance Aaron okay put in your cold pants I'm out of cold stuff no you Aaron put in your big boy cool pants I have cold pants on it's not enough for this level of cold oh shad eat something stop doing this well I don't want to say you blew it controlling in the air is not easy oh man [ __ ] I'm screwed oh how do you prevent that uh you just gonna move out of the way I just wasn't doing that yeah well if you win some you lose so much yeah I guess do that so stay clear of the tornado got it oh geez just eat ingredients till you're full all the time oh my God yeah dude I mean like that's so many that's so wasteful who cares you're gonna [ __ ] die I have stuff though still okay eat the stuff too I'm doing that why are we yelling because you were getting up on my case about any ingredients I need for what I didn't need ingredients 27 of those things they roll down Hills randomly yeah in the area they grow which I'm not going to be at anymore when I kill kogera King of The Whispers or whatever king of gingivitis ah yeah I'm free I think you might have done it yes Aaron great work kogera protector of the innocent oh ah oh man it's like one of those one of those house centipedes dies it's like all [ __ ] crumbly in your basement you're like Ugh get a napkin you're the one who's been guiding us yeah um secret stoves objects that Amplified are formidable abilities I carried ones bill got a magical sword that shoots fire I got an ankle bracelet the Demon King's overwhelming Power King raru sacrificed himself and sealed The Demon King away what a badass so they could [ __ ] in secret and you could draw a fan art on it and sell it at conventions maybe patreon maybe definitely patreon and I would soon receive a visitor with a request that would define the future of burrito can I borrow your shovel I need it for my flowers no Fight The Demon King hide with the swordsmith who's link how do I click on it I'll do this I'll happily take this secret Stone and eat it [Laughter] [Music] eating Stones helps my digestion put in my gizzard [Music] it keeps hitting against my funny bone check out what I can do now [Music] wrong bracelets what oh God no no no our fresh water supply is scooping it up frantically no stop melting we did it Dad you've killed us [Applause] oh it's a heart cute thanks to us there's no more polar ice caps good job tooling yeah global warming can begin that was the real princess yeah it was her I mean it seemed like a long long time ago it's a long time ago there's still a bunch of unanswered questions she got stuck back in time a long time ago I gotta know more about the figure we saw in the storm window it was her so I'm gonna go look into it personally it was her Aaron we really accomplished something we did we did a whole [ __ ] thing I'm proud of you yeah I'm proud of you okay all right we did so much there I fell to my death off the side of a town yeah it's great it's great oh sorry sorry sorry oh my God I guess I'll just kill myself see ya Aaron Spike iron ball hammer it can't decide what it wants to be I'll drop this keep pressing the wrong button it's fine you just keep using different buttons for everything I think that's dope foreign [Laughter] [Music] I came all the way back here to get something from you and I didn't [ __ ] get anything Aaron I'm not never expect a reward for a good deed that's [ __ ] oh my God the Doctor Octopus one was really good that's the best one yeah that was great that's the Sam Raimi Spider-Man yeah that's like unanimously everyone's like oh yeah that one's a [ __ ] best Scott it's like a theme and like a story and like characters grow and there's like things that happen I like it when that happens in a movie I know right it's like we were watching a movie that's like a story that was made by like an artist isn't that crazy um are we having the same conversation again what does it do what is wrong with us oh I should go to the the [ __ ] gashapon machine and get some more like parts that could be fun where's that uh I don't know I have a really shitty grasp on this map dude it's the same for me in breath of the wild man that's part of why I didn't like uh like the traversing the map because I never felt like I had like a relationship with it take it out to dinner I know I could be nicer show it a good time um I'm so busy all the time it's like the map's like are we drifting apart I mean they know what they got into [ __ ] met me through work this is such a weird conversation it was like just a stupid joke that like only needed like one extra comment but we gave it like nine hey man welcome to Game Grumps yeah I'm putting president Hudson here too I'll give him my full support as always no window rain will get in my way no window rain I can't stand here first I am a surgeon I've got so many more signs to spread around I don't know what to do let go are you gonna support him all right I'll let go this seems like the most logical well why I just slipping underneath oh [ __ ] it's so tall um just entomb him it's stuff that's good but I'm out of sticks now well just use planks that works right I guess maybe unless it falls straight forward ah yeah try letting go if it falls straight forward I'm gonna [ __ ] laugh yes what do you think yeah yeah moving better not yeah that's signing [ __ ] moving at all does that count uncountable no that counts he's not falling talk to him more yes yeah I did it I created the apparatus great job Aaron we're gonna roll this thing away yeah it's gonna be my car now it's cardboard bird car I'll take bird car ready for this yup more ready than you could possibly imagine oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] come on bird car [ __ ] [ __ ] weird car um [Laughter] all right red car come back come back come back come back come back bring a car bird car no Aaron let's go save the king maybe I'm thinking too hard about it maybe maybe I just need to put wheels on the bird so that the bird becomes the car I don't have to make a car to attach the bird to I just have an actual bird car or yeah you could just save the kingdom yeah but how am I supposed to do that without a burden oh my dad works at Nintendo he told me how to beat this game and that's how I'm good are we losing our minds it's like just occurred to me I think we're losing our minds no oh God oh my God whoa whoa are those gorons yeah wow they're weird in this game they're the same are they I don't remember them being that happy or glowy-eyed the glowy eyes are new okay that changes everything for me personally it's beige I want to be harder better faster stronger oh these guys are eating stuff like nobody's business dog oh they're all getting crazed I'd actually like to be a slower worse I'd like to be softer softer buy an ore for dirt cheap and then turn around and selling at a high price oh hey them's my Bros [Music] Macho Man Randy Savage yeah if it isn't if it ain't link you're so so tiny I barely even noticed you Princess Zelda huh oh yeah and you're wondering about any strange goings on the loveliest Zelda Elizabeth oh yeah I'm a piece of cauliflower as the squad Chef I stayed behind I may not swing a sword but my Ladle prepares meals worthy of this elite team hey butter get your head out of the cloud that's good stuff that's good stuff oh oh knocked your mind you spilled your monster on your pants I didn't spill anything really what are you wiping off right now monsters I gotta learn how to [ __ ] get a map because I'm sick of not having a map that's really pissing me off right now quite sure you can it's one's available to you at all times Well I got no great map yeah I love it I gotta find the map dude it's it's one of these towers isn't it it's like oh Tower around here somewhere it is a tower I gotta find a [ __ ] matter you just learned where you can go get the map right nope really really I thought that was the whole point of what we were gonna do between episodes you said it on the last episode I said I wanted to I didn't say I was gonna find out oh well now you will find out on account of you [ __ ] around all right so if you're not going for the map what is your goal here I don't know I just went to a shrine that was pretty cool it was pretty cool Aaron I mean a larger goal who needs one you're right please direct your comments to Aaron Hansen of Game Grumps Lane wait under around I want you to know what you're like a larger goal I know what I'm doing oh God this thing I hate this I'm doing a couple things what are you doing well first of all I have to I'm gathering stuff so I can sell it so I could buy um some heat stuff okay that's pretty cool that is good also I'm trying to find where to get the map really yeah I looked over here at the biggest grin on your face ah did you come out to see the sky view Tower a big chunk of old ruins fell from the sky and hit the sky view Tower it knocked off the lid that covers the hole at the top of the tower now Daddy's sky cummies can get all the way into the Tower every time he feels like it there you go it's just God man the the control you have over traveling around this world is amazing yeah yeah nice whoops [ __ ] oh nice Aaron real smart another job I went so fast you sure did oh I can make my body go anywhere you can Aaron with your feet no but it's a problem he wants me to go there but that's where it was pointed so why would it give me the option to turn it maybe maybe you'll go to a second place later but for right now settle your little Elven keister right about there [Music] boom solid work man what can I say some Next Level stuff she's just like Katamari everything I see why not what's stopping you like just carry it around with me wherever I go just attach everything to everything here attached there we go go ahead and attach that here we go [Music] attached attach oh no it's kind of lagging is that right I wonder why I figuring it out a little bit there we go that wheel really ties the whole thing together all right that looks perfect what all right my thoughts exactly now I have my beautiful invention I can take with me wherever I go all right um what are you gonna do with it I don't know now that I have put that Brick In Your Face maybe I should give it wheels and I can drive around that is a great idea what are you doing right now I'm trying to make some kind of propulsion device the wheel is rolling away all right all right all right all right okay yeah you're right the wheel is rolling away oh my God where did it go I rolled away but like where though away oh man it is just straight up gone I'm trying to warn you that that chicken [ __ ] jump scared me all right uh I'll this should be fine three wheels is fine right now to watch it go it's always turning a little right definitely listen to the right the right man it's almost as if you have three wheels Aaron what are you doing all right I'm going I don't know pretend like the last five minutes of my life have meant anything what you didn't have fun I did have fun what are you one of those [ __ ] MCU Watchers oh there was no post credit scene what's the point stuff happened in the movie that was heartfelt and things happened and I enjoyed myself but it doesn't matter I know there's another one why would I have a problem with my cupcake underwear or does MCU stand for something I'm not aware of My Chemical underwear [Laughter] flying monster took the terminal ah you [ __ ] guy up I don't know if I'm gonna reach him how do I get up there maybe I should build a device [Laughter] there is some way you know what I mean yeah I do know what you mean oh all my stuff's gone who could have done this who's responsible check this [ __ ] out you ready for this yeah I'm ready um [Applause] hit it with an arrow [ __ ] you're so right all right here we go oh oh oh I'm listening losing it I got something real good for you yeah this but with six wheels what do you think there easy yeah under those non-flying circumstances it works great Dan you're so unpositive I mean there were a word for that all right and we're lifting up all right Aaron please I'm begging you I can just make a bridge to where to the sky this bridge is looking awesome thank you see pretty sick right looks amazing and then I can go up this one are you [ __ ] serious is this what you're really trying to do yeah man smart right check this out [ __ ] all right check this out Aaron people are watching could you shut your [ __ ] mouth and let me cook dude all right hold up here perfect is that good enough an Immaculate design oh it's so high now I know Aaron why does it keep getting higher because he can fly he could may fly now well why but that's rude [Music] I can counterbalance this to get a little get a little gumption going yeah laughs [Music] did too much gumption you loaded up the right side with gumption and failed to counterbalance it with humility why is it so high up maybe I could just maybe just shoot him for the ground that would be really something it would you got one shot left such an idiot what a stupid bastard it's like an elevator in the middle [Music] ah [ __ ] well Aaron look upon your works and despair well if I'm out of arrows there's nothing I can [ __ ] do let's pause the episode for one second you can pause yourself dude it's just just quick pause what what do you want me to do we'll be right back Nothing's Gonna Change we'll be right back there's nothing dude what are you pausing let's pause just gotta go buy arrows all right where am I at right now I'm right here there's a [ __ ] Temple let's go do this Temple over here I would love that so I can walk haha [Music] there's a little tank oh there is a little did you see this little tank guy yeah he's just going after him you can get look at him he's just going after him who is that oh whoa whoa okay you get a tank friend hold on hold on oh neat It's Gonna Hurt Me he's like doing a seance over okay this time she's out this guy's got a little thing on top okay don't [ __ ] don't could you don't look at that fire wow that's so funny it's pretty good [Music] hey [Laughter] oh God this is so funny stop stop just [ __ ] see it boom no I just want to do this I just wanted this one thing just let me do this one thing just kill him and then do whatever [ __ ] takes Shenanigans you want to take it's supposed to kill him the tank helps it sure does just let me do this all right all right just give me a second all right stop yelling it's okay he's pissed go get him get him get him get him get him yeah Godzilla movie well done oh he's running away well he oh it's out of battery it's okay I'll just wait for it to get battery again stay away from me please seems to be gaining ground oh man no it's okay it's not going extremely well but all right you ready for this do it just turn around hell yeah you gotta follow me first oh [ __ ] oh my God [Laughter] [Laughter] oh my God I'm just going to the temple dude it's all good half an hour that's how long that was going on for Maya to dig you didn't even kill him he's just still out there yeah doing stuff on the arrows oh like you [ __ ] fetal on the ground with a tummy engine it's not real oh this has been quite the episode yeah a child could do it I'm turning these on yeah it was a fire breathing one oh if I can he will never do it in time he will never do it oh that's okay they're right there yeah yeah yeah [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] how did you survive that I don't know that's miraculous this is fun yeah yeah it kind of is like a little puzzle that you can't survive all right now get him it's phone [Music] all right all right all right shut the [ __ ] up I got this I can't shut the [ __ ] up despair screams are involuntarily leaving my body oh that's a safe little island there I'm gonna go check that one out really yes you might want to head there now awesome all right I'm safe here now if you were to die here would you have to do the entire thing all over again I don't think so maybe save it just in case why would I die you know like the way you just lost half your health by falling off the plane anything to not do what I suggested literally anything else the easiest [ __ ] in the world amazing marvelous we did it no I ain't gonna go and get your stupid [ __ ] heart that you want me to get you're gonna love it no I'm not I'm gonna be like I wish I had more stamina that's what I'm gonna be like what an intense self burn for no reason for a reason I'm annoying okay so look out where's Lookout corner or whatever the [ __ ] they were talking about ah [ __ ] I need to activate the tower here oh boy well that's good where the hell is it there it is okay great no this is good this is good this will really help this is part of the reason we've been wandering around like idiots I'm not an idiot I'm a cool guy I know sorry this is the reason we've been watering around like one idiot at one cool guy that's me this guy's an idiot this is a very big episode Aaron is it it's our 8 000th episode better get it right I don't know I honestly have no idea um but it it certainly feels like 8 000. whoops flew a little too close to the Sun there don't tell me you can put a rocket on a shield whoa Aaron how awesome is that what the hell I love it I could have done that to get the [ __ ] the the dragon flying dragon yes but two episodes on it yes could've just done that [ __ ] well I'm sure everyone and I mean everyone will let it slide a 100 let it slide right yeah [Music] oh boy he's a large Village gentleman Rock boy what's up let's go oh dude let's go hell yeah oops [Music] oh my friend and I got separated he's over there I keep expecting him to flip around and there's like a person on the other side but it's just an enormous backpack I I feel really like I feel really uncool about this no be fine for like what the best attachment is if I only have these things all right here we go well I guess I'll ride with him good luck with your friend oh [ __ ] oh not bad yeah oof whoa whoa why is it listing oh cause I'm listening oh yeah oh [ __ ] look at that all right drop it down Charlie Brown why is this just like Landing in LAX oh we're in a slate holding pattern we'll be Crash Landing in [ __ ] five hours all right and then just go straight down just go straight down just go straight down oh [ __ ] that's not gonna work [Music] [Laughter] Aaron I try not to use the term masterful performance very often but here we are hmm poor [ __ ] korok it's okay that's fine oh no you know what uh-huh yeah if I rotate him towards this then his weight will make him list towards where he needs to be you really think that's gonna work huh let's do this quickly before we realize it's a bad idea how do I get up there now good luck little guy he made it let's go really you have an idea yeah I do I have a [ __ ] brilliant idea okay you're cool like [ __ ] dog no it's great I didn't want to go home well what no no I'm not hungry and tired and I have to go to the bathroom we'll go to the bathroom then I'll [ __ ] do this alone no I'm here for you and plus I need help in the bathroom [Laughter] all right so check this out yeah I have made a dirigible so it's a platform got balloons got this fan I thought it was a type of dessert got a battery it does sound delicious and uh now I can steer it check this [ __ ] out um wow yeah you really put together a beautiful uh uh oh I should have put another battery on I should have put another battery on oh God oh God oh God no it's good it's good it's good it's good it's good [ __ ] uh you didn't break him dude I accidentally bailed out you did I don't know where it went it's like way up in the sky no no where where I don't know where it went Aaron okay stop perfect [Music] whoops we're on fire I don't know we're good okay that's the good fire and drop it and yes oh no we're okay we're good thank you for bringing my friend show something for their twos oh two seeds two seeds bro uh do you need one for the other side you know let's just try it and see what happens okay I mean it's on Rails well yeah perfect wait [Music] wait wait ah my man that's what I'm talking about it's a little thing called perfect execution [Laughter] this is where we wanted to go yes oh my God oh man they were like we'll never stop making rude cartoons and stabbing you geez Louise that was crazy uh oh when was the last save it was probably when I walked out the door I hope so it's pretty good about Auto saving cool fingers crossed I don't have to sit through a [ __ ] right here [Laughter] I'm gonna hate this [ __ ] I hate this [ __ ] so [ __ ] done yeah you got it oh man laughs hand [Applause] [Music] space water slip it up Slurpee girping a very meaningful long-term relationship with you love someone for the rest of your life well I know no Zelda dear oh you don't need to solve your problems all at once why not come back with us to the castle oh my God Aaron please hold it together we'll tell everyone that you're why don't you why don't we go and eat pineapple together that was a nice conversation like most of these are so depressing but yeah yeah hey how's it going it's pretty cool here yeah just just a nice chat I hope you're out okay going to [ __ ] party with them and it sucks I'm here by myself in the freezing cold with a [ __ ] bird Spirit keep seeing it you won't talk to me hi I'm Tustin oh God damn it put on some Spirit pants [Laughter] this is my spirit taint here we go uh yeah but can you imagine going to work and then coming home and then watching a video of you being at work oh it's the strangest life it's um what the [ __ ] is happening you know I think it's only because we're 10 years deep into this plus you know more than that um it's uh it's become we stopped thinking about how weird it is but it is it is a weird life oh dude there's nothing weird when we are it was a lot weirder actually oh yeah I think of crab what I was gonna say crab farming but then just like crab egg for too long yeah I know I mean they are [ __ ] weird like you look at them and you're like get it together it could be weirder crap geez and it's that kind of golden commentary that has uh kept us going for a decade for a decade Plus [Laughter] I've never seen a look on like a friend or loved one's face that was just like kill me hold on before we go um [ __ ] throw bomb at this [ __ ] boy this is a [ __ ] Clinic you're putting on Aaron
Channel: LesmoBestOfs
Views: 202,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game grumps, zelda, totk, tears of the kingdom, comedy, reaction, korok, fail, explodes, blow up, anger, marvel, superhero, argument, washing machine, link, let's play, laughter moments, best moments, legend of zelda
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 49sec (4489 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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