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my name is andrew camarata and i am running a property maintenance business you know using heavy equipment excavators bulldozers dump trucks and early on in it i started filming the projects as time lapses and it grew pretty big audience from the filming one of my buddies described this building pretty funny one day he's like you do stuff that people talk about doing but don't actually do but you actually do it and it was and i don't know it was a funny compliment [Music] i mean this has always been one of my favorite toys too i guess i must have been three or four years old to the point where i was able to sit right there drive the thing around and then use these loader controls you know you could pick it up it could get good scoops out of a pile of gravel it can load the little tonka trucks it's probably four years old or so in that video there's electric cars are neat it's probably good to start early like that can you tell us where the name kamarata comes from i think it's italian my grandparents are from sicily and germany this rock here when i was about seven or eight years old i used to have a tree fort and i would use this come along and i used to put the come along up in a tree and and winch this rock up into the air all the time and then drop it on stuff and i always thought that was so much fun you know that rock probably weighs at least three or four hundred pounds and being like i remember being like a seven-year-old kid and having this rock like hanging 10 feet in the air and my friends thinking i was crazy or something but that was always so much fun and then you could then i would tie ropes around this rock and then put the come along down on the lower end so i could ride the rock and winch myself up in the air it was always so much fun so when i was 13 or 14 years old before i had my driver's license i always had three wheelers and four-wheelers but you really weren't supposed to ride them on the road i got one of these scooters and i rode that thing everywhere it was this red one here and then a few of my friends bought them and it was just i had the most fun on those scooters because it was like having a vehicle that you could actually get places on before having a car and that one i had put like that extra exhaust on it and stuff to make it faster was that a kind of of freedom which he reads yes yeah oh yeah yeah it's nice being able to get places [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh on videos [Music] yeah you're definitely stuck i was in the fire department for a while and they're always looking for cars you know the practice cutting them up for for training so i'm like i'll bring i'll bring a car in let me simulate an accident first though so i take this it was like a toyota and i i take the thing i flip it on its side and crash into the roof a bunch of times i put some mannequins in it and and then i brought it to the firehouse like that and it was just so crumpled up it was it was pretty funny but then in 2007 scrap metal the value of it went up quite a bit because of economics or the gas prices or something and there was a lot of scrap metal around so that was in my friend's backyard at his grandma's house and she was happy to have that cleaned up and that's how it ended up on the trailer you know i didn't have an excavator or anything at the time that would have made loading this up a lot easier i used the winch here and then would put pulleys up in trees or pulleys and just pull things all different directions and a lot of the stuff i'd go after it was the hard stuff that a lot of guys wouldn't even attempt to bring like a rollback truck to you know you'd go bring a load of scrap metal to the place and sometimes they'd be handing you you know a few hundred bucks and like oh that was that was fun [Music] then i got a job at the post office you know my dad set me up with that because he worked there i became a roll carrier and i did that for eight years which probably worked out great because i had some income but i wasn't using all my time at a job so i was able to do other jobs i remember one day too like my friend brought a sawmill over after hurricane irene had all these trees fall over and then i just kind of saw how i was able to take these logs and turn them into lumber and i remember saying that day like you know i want to quit the post office [Music] i guess snow plow when i start like i had the jeep i was using for off-road but then i'm like let me let me put a snow plow on [Music] all right so i've been out plowing you know i was at 14 hours yesterday it's a bit much i kind of have too many people and now i'm out just taking care of a few random ones this morning the next day [Music] i like the winter the water line to the house broke and it needed to be dug up and replaced so my dad had hired these guys they rented this volvo excavator the guy who rented it he had no idea how to run the thing and then i ended up running it in the first 45 minutes i was loving that machine i was like i gotta own this machine [Music] [Music] here's my yanmar this machine had actually been local for me it was only right up the road and i used to see it all the time sitting in this guy's yard and then the one day i drove by and i had a for sale sign on it i was like i'm buying i knew i didn't even know what the price was i just knew i was buying it this machine has been absolutely great the thing is almost never broken i mean only a handful of times have ever had to repair it so it's been super reliable and i've just gotten tons of work done with it i probably could have bought a truck like this clean for in the seven thousand dollar range you know you're paying about that much either way like for example the air filter was missing dude what about this air filter not being here he's like oh i don't know and then someone took a piece of cardboard stuck it in the air filter spot and just poked a bunch of holes in it like that was an air filter or something and i showed that to the guy he's like oh i don't know maybe one of my employees did this i mean what kind of operation you running you know i bought it anyway even though it was a piece of junk and everything else in the guy's yard was a piece of junk but this has been a very good truck and i've even used it for like so many oddball things like this too like here's putting my electric in at my house where i use the thing to carry the spools and unwind the spools and move them around and here's this uh bridge i built and this truck carried you know all the gravel in there to do the to build that road [Music] i didn't have any plans at all when i started uploading to youtube i don't even know why i did it i just started just doing it probably not all of your subscribers work in the maintenance business do you sometimes wonder what those who don't do for a living no i mean it's the videos or if it's something they like watching like when bob ross used to make those painting videos you know most of the people who watched him weren't painters are you aware of your subscribers while working well i'm setting up the camera and stuff so yeah i know people were gonna watch it i mean there's no there's no stage fright at least i guess if i was standing in front of a crowd of a million people that would be very different if there was a thousand people standing right there looking at me you would become nervous i probably wouldn't do well people are finding me from the videos and the pitch like oh i got a job come film it you know this would be great for your channel so it's they say that yeah oh yeah your first videos uh weren't without an eraser yeah some of the scripted ones are a little uh my script reading skills aren't aren't the smoothest there i can cover up to 500 feet 1 9 mode it is important to plan your group first check for overhead obstacles like power lines i mean as far as changing the channel i don't i don't want to change the channel because i'm doing exactly what i want to do with it all right well we are um we're on my property here i bought this property a little over 10 years ago i was 26 when i bought it and or 25 and in the last 10 years i've done this with it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the idea was to build something that lasts for hopefully hundreds of years [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this thing's pretty cool it's like driving a little house the guy paid 500 bucks for this thing because it wouldn't run but that's all i apparently took right there [Music] [Music] all right what do we got that's something oh that does it that does it check this idea out i got watch this would be awesome piece of conduit this is gonna be the uh upgrade for these dashes cut a notch out of it [Music] there look at this i'll show you what we're doing look at that [Applause] [Music] check this is some professional work right there check it out so right there we got defrost then check it out when we put it on vent nothing anytime you can take some electronics out of a vehicle and make it manual where that will last forever and this broke for no reason that's a big upgrade right there all right so now with that fog light in there when i turn on the headlights the light lights up now the goal is to make that light go out all right let's unplug this thing it just oh look at that white one out awesome i think that was it so let's uh let's take this apart and see what actually happened to it i'm not going to reuse this i just want to see why it's shorted out all right let's have some fun with this thing all right so this charger is capable of making 50 amps all right there's a short right there so you can see this is pegging out and we're getting smoke right there there's our smoke and fire right there there's our short even more amps all right now you see how that caught on fire when i had a direct short that's the purpose of that fuse is to protect that from happening all right one time i was driving this jeep cherokee same exact thing happened to it i'm at my friend's house he had this mig welder there i weld it real quick just kind of weld it up all these cracks jump in the car driving it all of a sudden the car starts filling up with smoke the whole inside of the door catches on fire and then this stupid thing this was all burning so i'm driving i'm in a village mind you and i'm driving this car so i open the door i'm holding it open with my foot driving down the street with the whole door panel on fire and then i drove the thing to the car wash and put the quarters in the in the thing and use the car wash to put my burning door out that works spend a lot of time doing this yeah shut very shy all right that's how you got it but look how nice this tailgate works look at that that's a nice tailgate [Music] this thing feels higher especially with the seat being higher too oh that looks pretty level i'm good with it yeah that's a lot stiffer too all right cool let's take it for a drive hang on i want to see something first look at that thing the thing's still like level that's cool for a while after i'd be at work i'd just come home and probably try to fix at least one thing a night you know as far as push mowers or something because they're it's so easy to get them people throw them out all the time i mean even a lawn tractor like this something little will happen to it and someone will just throw it out so it's usually easy to get these free or cheap when they're broken the other thing that's nice about fixing something that's really broken is that now i have like a really good understanding of how this thing works and how it's put together so i feel like if there was ever future issues with it you know it'd be easy to fix and um you know anyone can just go buy a wave runner it's kind of fun to bring one back from from the garbage doing a project like that is is certainly a nice feeling to get something that was garbage that someone gave up on and then to spend the time get it operating again and start using it and then store it properly and keep the thing in a running condition see this radio fits the truck screws right in here it's the right size this one can fit the truck that's all right i'll make it work you know what i hate working on dashboards they're just made out of garbage plastic so whenever i do it i'm just kind of smashing everything apart and back together again and i just feel that's just so much more fun so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right safety tip here whenever cutting or welding on a tank always be careful what was in it because a little bit of fumes will make these tanks explode like gasoline now this had home heating oil in it which is like the same as diesel which is fine but just to test it see if there was gas in there that would have been bad but it's that's fine you know i feel that's an outside thing i mean i want it to burn i just don't want to burn here all right that may have been more of an outside project all right so it's dangerous all right so this is like my first time driving it was actual weight in this thing this was 18 tons of stone double what my other truck could carry and uh you know it's real fine like that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] i got it but you can see how light this is [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah it breaks brakes work good in this thing now it's like that one simpsons mean where the i think ralph was sitting in the bus like am i in danger i want to jump right into it let's let's test this i'm usually generally hard on trucks i may be spending you know whatever that truck costs on a truck and i may ruin the thing just to demonstrate to the world i feel like it's going to be a public service i mean i know whistle and diesel is going to do hit you know he's probably got one and just breaking in five minutes let me let me try to make mine last longer than five minutes all right let's get to work [Music] [Music] [Music] that's crazy it's so cool look at it but look i mean look at this that's what the ground is it's an inch of dirt over it to deceive you now here's a good one what do you like more digging or backfilling all right back just backfilling i like whatever's going easy but what i was able to do was i was able to dig right through there so that's pretty cool i kind of got like a tunnel here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so he was seeing how much fun i was having in that skid steer so he went out and bought one and i think he's going to take care of the cleanup here and i think his plan with this lot is to get this cleaned up and eventually build here one thing i could say i love about this type of work is a lot of these excavation projects are you've improved someone's piece of property in a lot of cases you improved it forever i mean some of the work you did what will you know with maintenance or whatever like say you install a new driveway or house or clearing um or just do a landscape feature that that will be there forever you know hundreds of years and stuff um doing work where you know like paperwork or office work or whatever work where it's irrelevant it doesn't feel like you comp there's a great feeling of accomplishment with this type of work [Music] this is probably like a um camp for quarrying so this is all check out all right so check out these hand chisel marks here in the 1800s like chiseling out big square pieces of blue stone was a big industry in this area so what people used to do is they go in areas like this and these stones you can see they have like these natural seams in them and if you chisel them just right you can get them out in big square pieces you know these long ones like this that could be a nice mantel and here's a bunch of stuff here all ready to go nice big flat pieces the previous owner of the property was doing the mining techniques from 100 plus years ago where he was chiseling stuff out of the ground gathering up the big sheets and then selling it for patios and and stuff like that i've seen some people do great blue stone work too sometimes these spanish guys will do these blue stone jobs for these rich people and and they lay the stones in a manner where there's no gaps between them whatsoever really looks beautiful i should really do more blue stone stuff i built that blue stone wall right behind my building too as like a retaining wall and people always look at like wow how long did that take oh my that probably didn't take that long 10 seconds fire it all look at my pile of rocks i want to do something cool with these it seems like a lot of work to be done a lot of people would be overwhelmed with that is there a philosophy behind that makes it easier for you to deal with tasks like that just do it that's probably my best answer is just do it i mean i guess that sometimes going into projects you know when you're the first five percent into something sometimes it does feel a little overwhelming but once you it's the feelings change at different percentages through the project and once you're getting closer to done um it's just a better feeling i guess it always feels good to finish something um in my opinion any work that you're doing should not go bad you know for um for from time i figure while i'm up here i'll take the time i'm sure i'm gonna get some comments people freaking out about about us working on this roof look this roof there is really good traction on this thing i mean it's like you know i i know it's way too high to fall but it's we got great grip on this thing so that's why we've been working up here to what we have plus i put like that's there is a safety rope in case i started sliding should i test it i think i should test it i slide a little [Music] this roof is fine i feel fine being up here [Applause] [Music] i guarantee i'm gonna dig up something well that fabric is from this no no i found some deeper fabric see hopefully when you show up on a job you know what you're about to do so you shouldn't be thrown into that situation but as you know as you're doing work you know new ideas will happen or problems could come up unexpected stuff and it's nice to have a line of communication with the person whose job and ultimately you know who's ultimately living with that work to say like hey this you know i think we should go a little different route here with this work you got a six cents there buddy i mean that's the key to having to doing jobs like this is make sure that the customer is happy and kind of always expect to do a little more than you maybe anticipated or just do the extra little bit to make sure everything is perfect all right [Music] you get in here i can't go in the tank because i can't get back out i'm going to go in i'll go in that's so cute okay [Music] the people sometimes ask me why i don't have any employees here's a good reason one time i had someone working on this car for me and he's like yeah i know what i'm doing we're changing the oil and he drains this right here and he's like oh your oil looks pretty red i'm like it looks pretty red huh you think that was engine oil or you think that was maybe something else and it's like like he didn't understand what the problem was that's why i just i do everything myself sometimes this works sometimes it doesn't let me try to get out of here [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] she so foreign [Music] you gotta stay away from this spot has anyone ever seen one of these that actually works every time you see a land rover it looks like this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] come on guys [Music] [Music] [Music] so um [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] a little worried about that one that's good though it's right where i wanted it that's what the area is is trees you know when people get upset about knocking trees over i was like dude million trees here i mean it's and they grow so fast just because you can't stand there and watch a tree grow they're growing [Music] all right i just finished cleaning up this fire check out this gardener all right snake put him safely somewhere these are good snakes they eat a lot of bad things got the water hooked up in the garage and now i have water in my chicken poop i am very excited about that and i'm sure the chickens are too [Music] battery battery charger chainsaw chain another chain all right dog all right let's go [Music] levi get in you don't need me to help you climb up in this thing [Music] okay see that was there mice in it there is mice look what we got a free mouse well hello can i pet you no you're shy all right so running out like that we'll make that overheat look how big that mouse is oh he bailed cody you see that mouse look at cody's over there couldn't care less wait where'd that mouse go are they in here i don't think so so really this was the the first loader i've ever got and uh here is the last loader i just bought but if someone says you are still collecting toys would you agree yeah yeah i would i mean i bought that to do a job and i'm i like it and it's i'm just gonna keep it around and just try to use it occasionally [Music] [Applause] [Music] i did be a mailman so i don't need to be a mailman forever i did it [Music] you
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 965,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lMF04e5v61g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 42sec (3582 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 17 2022
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