Working on a log skidder

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] so do a little maintenance to this it is not charging [Music] making any connection there there that is now that might be charging you know what i think it was just this bug not making a connection if you do it like that all right let's see if it go up or down oh no it's dropping down 12.7 i'm gonna call that fixed i mean this falls under the category of don't fix it if it's not broken but the fuel tank on this got dirty not a huge deal someone did that like [Music] that's supposed to be [Applause] so [Music] [Music] that looks like good diesel right there [Music] sometimes like if you scrape these around start picking stuff up i haven't seen anything coming out of this tank yet [Music] [Music] so uh there's a good thing to use this diesel and jiggle pumps are pretty cool let's jiggle it yeah siphoning look at that [Music] what's it look like in this tank oh it's really not that bad geez oh it's got all these baffles in it [Applause] so this section of the tank is clean um problem is there's a wall right there which you know you can't tell what's going on in that half of the tank so it's gonna dump some clean fuel in it and see what comes out the bottom and water that's what came out of the tank no i don't see any water or rust so it's clean that's as clean as it's getting without cutting it all apart that's nasty [Music] all right you know what i like that i pressurized the tank and then i flushed out the line oh come on okay probably good all right do the same when we turn line that's over here does this reach all right so i'm gonna make sure i hook up okay so do not hook that up just leave these here just in case let's hook this one up what do you think [Applause] [Applause] [Music] um questioning this bump right here no that why does it have this bump was that if it didn't have this bump right here well now it doesn't have that bump this is actually there it goes [Music] gave him this number and this was supposed to cross to a 337 and they said they couldn't get the 3370 at all all right this fuel pump has a primer on it i mean it's not leaking it's letting fuel through it so um four gallons we got is that a frisbee can i see it you're just gonna show it to me i can throw it you gotta give it to me oh i got it oh cody it's up there look look up uh uh wow all right that's right between the two lines look how this blade has been like welded like dozens of times that's something for that i guess i didn't clean this enough i guess i should fix that says any shot of that block heater working you know clicked like it was drawn on amperage that is so hot i can't touch it it feels like antifreeze is going through it yeah that's using power you see the spark i'm plugging it different starting this thing in the winter all right those are on there pretty tight yeah hear the click hear the stuff going through this and feel it just fix this i got that on that's tight where it should be holding me in the seat this had like three more feet on it i cut that off the reason that was dangerous pay attention to stuff like this because that was hanging way down look there is a drive shaft right there that spins the whole time this could have wrapped around that drive shaft while wearing the seat belt and gotten way too tight quickly so notice stuff like that this tree with the uh roots like that that's no good let me cut that down [Music] what's up chloe how'd that tree go look at you mr mountain climber [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] that's good right there so how was it driving at awesome sweet things man yeah all right weeks later here let's see if this will start [Music] all right i got the block heater going and the battery charger so [Music] all right so the goal with this thing is to use this drive around so there's a few spots where there's trees laying on the sides and stuff like that that looks bad it's on the small side but just just go around all these roads and gather up all the trees i had pushed off to the side and drag them all to one spot where i can cut them up for firewood this is a twig but let's go for it [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] it uh it doesn't steer anymore i'm trying to get it at least it's not blocking the road but this does not steer or work oh i guess that i'll explain it there's a leak right there well let's see what's going on [Music] so you see that you like when i saw it but you won't give it to me let me just see the physique it's this cylinder here i mean usually when the seals are blown up like that it's but it's leaking right out of the side of the cylinder ah um [Music] so i mean a real torch would be nice i'd almost just blast that right apart [Music] so [Music] oh all right all right so it's got a line right there hmm you're just so interested oh you're gonna get your back covered in grease come on come lay down and you get lab licks buddy you know what i'm noticing right here this this needs tracks that one's busted what are you doing pipe right there the what's that that's good where's it going towards the tire i don't know if there's a nut on top of this i mean something's happening with the dirt yeah it's probably not turning in that dirt [Music] right there so you grab that yep all right all right i got the bottom all right to some degree very good is it locked i don't have any strength [Music] is it gone no it's not even moving no it's turning is it yeah were you on it yeah it was gone okay just keep doing it's coming right up you got it you can push it with something let me see here i got it is there something else holding it [Music] replaced i just pulled this out of here too because i mean every line on the machine looks like that but it's like i don't know if i'm going to have one side off let's change it and this was hard to get out of here too so you want the stick is it a stick no it's not so so [Music] all right that looks a lot cleaner so you needs these bushings are broken here [Music] was caked mud all around yeah and it has to move back and forth a little bit but then when that mud froze it wasn't gonna move so just blowing right out of here all right fancy uh material there to keep them in guy is is pretty much brand new this is original and this is original and the rod eye but it needed everything else the rod had like a big it's really like just like a wear section on it yeah you know what i mean would have worn through the chrome so okay you got her here now brand new thankfully we were able to save this he basically re-cut the thread on the same pitch yeah but it's maybe 10 15 thou under what it was originally so he just undersized the barrel thread a little bit to accommodate that to keep it tight all right that was not a cheap repair right there that's a list of stuff they did to it i added a little more stuff on there but [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can't get this wow [Music] all right let's uh revisit this buddy we cannot get in there right now i mean we could but are you helping weeks later here let's get this back together so so so there you go okay let me see if yet [Music] yep you're right there yeah can you rotate it yeah is shut up [Applause] [Music] got a lot of stuff to bring up there huh cody what do you think [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh oh so yes brand new honda whisper quiet that's nice okay that's what we're missing it uh yeah that's easy now [Music] all right then that's gotta fish through all right that's tight what do you need there got the washer right there slip in there sorry all right now how does it feel like though oh that's fine it's not touching that corner we are fixed let's top off the uh there yep [Music] there we go oh [Applause] it's okay buddy okay we always start things like that [Music] batteries are falling in [Music] [Music] [Applause] is looks like uh so there's our line so how rotted this is it just wants to break uh what happened yeah still over full okay that's good because it hasn't actually stared yet so [Music] [Applause] are coming up [Music] [Music] it's there nice now check the oil i think that's right on the s perfect check out this water look at this i think we got it we had a pretty cool reverse icicle right there [Applause] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right so tea out of snow i'll be looking here buddy look at that look at that burger right there [Music] i think our new generator right whisper quiet
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 3,292,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mL3b_hpKSqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 16sec (3616 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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