I bought an UNUSED 70-year old ROLLS-ROYCE crate engine! How bad could it be?

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all right well I just bought this brand new crate engine just got it back from the auction this is the first time I've seen it so uh I guess let's get it off and and take a look at it I don't know if my tractor is going to be able to lift this thing it's pretty heavy the uh box is kind of deteriorating here I'm beginning to suspect they didn't store this inside for the last 150 [Music] [Music] years oh [Music] all right a quick explanation in order here you're probably wondering why I'm not working on the excavator but I was at the uh local auction site looking for actually Excavator Parts and I came across this it was advertised only as a 4-cylinder crate engine but clearly from this crate it's something old and and probably unique so there was one grainy picture of the engine and I like a mystery so I spent some time to figure out what it was and it's a Rolls-Royce B series 4cylinder uh b40 engine I know nothing about that I know nothing about British cars in general or or British engines figured this would be kind of an interesting thing to check out it basically sold for scrap value so I'm really not out much and I'll give you kind of what's on Wikipedia which maybe or maybe not this is accurate but uh start development or building in 1947 and then in 1951 to 56 the four-cylinder version there's an 8 cylinder and a six-cylinder version of this um looks like they were 15,000 built for the Austin champ all right we got a champ here uh what can you tell us about it it's a 1955 Austin champ it has a 4-cylinder Rolls-Royce motor five forward and five reverse speeds uh this was the uh British answer to the World War II Jeep is that hood insulated or is this this just a quiet that is just the smoothest running engine God beautiful you can't even tell it's running no I mean you can see the belts moving right Austin took over the building of these cuz Rolls-Royce couldn't catch up so it seems like they stopped production in 56 it looks like the older versions of this are a British standard thread which is a problem cuz I don't have any witw worth tools here but the later ones were UNF so hopefully that's what I have here but um that's about it so let's open this thing up and see what we got all right just take a quick look at this thing it's clearly been out in the elements for a while uh you know it's the bottom part of the crates rotted out so uh that's not a good sign cuz it's probably gotten water all over it this is not an airtight thing all this kind of stuff's been scratched off or it's it's probably just you know fallen off over the years yeah there she is it would be nice to get like a year pulled off of here but anyway what do we got here so oh UNF all right so we got tools for that okay probably some mice have been in here for sure tag fell off that for the wind's not too bad out here nope clutch plate quantity one I don't see it oh we got a box with some nuts on it where does this go to this this is H taped off pipes to carburetor wonder what that uh went to by the way full disclosure I didn't I haven't been in this at all except when I first set it down I lifted up the lid just peaked in here and the first thing I saw there there was water sitting in where the spark plugs go uh which clearly this thing has been sitting outside for a while not just at the auction house so that's not good that might kill it right there uh this thing could be well in fact here's the fan yeah it's it's locked up pretty good so uh we'll get we'll get a bore scope in there eventually dipstick and adapter oh that must be what this is we got a dipstick that's good spider webs oh we got motor mounts sure those are still good oil lines or fuel lines is there a carburetor or something oh I see some more stuff now is there any way to get this crate off without that like all right well the wife wants this crate for her antique stuff so I got to try to get it off in as few pieces as possible [Music] [Music] oh yeah this my work oh there is there's smoke coming out of here that old rottenwood catches easy anything over here there we go all right there we go still good mostly be nice to have that what's this this feels like a py or something it's a really old auction tags not from where I got it any mice in here oh what's this Austin Motor Company it's covered in grease you see that Austin motor package October 52 that's pretty cool so this thing's been sitting a while what is what is this pin shaft H BR quantity 4 okay we'll have to open these up somewhere else there's a lot lot of stuff down here little packages like this okay well no carburetor someone must have stolen that out this looks like a bearing or a seal or something there's just a bunch of the same stuff in here actually I just found this tag it says uh April 54 so some of this stuff this is this must be when this small stuff was packaged but I think we're looking at early 50s here I still hope maybe there might the carburetor might be like under here hopefully okay dog what's this oo look this is so much cleaner in there look at this this is what the whole engine looked like originally that color what is this the fuel pump this must be a fuel pump huh oh yeah hey is it still pump doesn't seem like it there is a that might be a Rat's Nest under here it's it's a giant Nest but uh there is I guess there's not much hope for the car being in there cuz it there's probably no space underneath there shoot how is this covered up all right there you go so the uh the b40 number one Mark 5A engine number is 57080 oh jeez blowing the paint off down down there all right so I should probably uh pull these plug covers off here see what we're dealing with as far as uh how rusted this stuff is looks like they're threaded in that's a good that's good hopefully they put seiling on there I just seriously doubt that these are uh watertight oh there is a gasket on there it's not rusted there it must be brass all right how bad could it be right oh look at that it's not rusted out not sure what all that junk is in there wow I'm impressed I was for sure this was going to be I mean it's stuck but look at that there is some dirt in there and let's do the side camera here all right back in is that that am I hitting the Piston wow okay well this looks great I see like I mean is that just is that pitting right there I mean a little I don't know that's so minor who cares can I see I believe this is a flathead isn't it I have no idea see can I see anything else in here I am actually shocked that this I mean some of one of these has to be locked up cuz the I can't turn the fan so I I mean maybe we just got lucky on number four there is that number four maybe it's number one this is British drive on the wrong side of the road okay that one's spinning all right let's get this dog out of here okay so number three lot of goop around the outside that's for sure oh look at that can't get this in there we go beautiful what's all that dirt in there I don't know what that's about but uh I don't think that's rust get in there a little closer yeah it looks like dirt to me a little bit of a rust spot right there that's fine okay it's number three so number two what that right there that's nothing one of these got to be rusty I me why is this engine locked up that one looks that piston looks a little bit oh look at that that corner let me get over there that that doesn't look that great that piston check number one o what in the devil is that is that movable yikes is that R I can't tell what that is looks like like a sea creatures or something looks like a coral reef just on the Piston nothing on the cylinder did a mouse get into here or something oh that valve's open I wonder if wonder if junk just came in through there like dust or something see here can I scrape some of this with the camera yeah I scraped that away okay let me turn this off and look at it all right I got it off it's just grease it ain't rust it's something else I mean this thing has been sitting 70 years probably so maybe I'll just pour some acetone ATF down into the cylinders let it sit for a few days and maybe just the Rings have kind of uh stuck to the cylinder wall so we'll give that a shot because it's it's stuck pretty good so I thought by this point I'd be breaking this thing apart selling it for parts but uh maybe there's some hope probably not I mean every seal has got to be bad on this thing by now right every gasket all right well I found a manual online last night so I kind of read through that I got some more information so this is a uh 3 and 1 half inch bore 4 and 1 12 in stroke produces 80 horsepower at 30 750 RPM 138 ft-lbs of torque this thing weighs 650 lbs which makes a lot of sense cuz it was killing my tractor to unload this thing I thought it was about closer to 400 but I was very wrong oh that's nice little lid the thing that was throwing me off was all like this alien looking technology on top uh but this is actually a water it's this engine's completely waterproof it's supposed to be so this is like just an electrical junction box this is the ignition coil this is the distributor which I already kind of knew it says distributor on the top and it's also shielded all the ignition lines are shielded so all this stuff you can see it's got this just a shielding over it this metal braiding over it and that's I I believe that's toh prevent it interfering with radio system in the car but pretty cool it's all uh waterproof and it's it's actually a 24volt system too which is another thing I was not expecting one other thing I read is that the uh I think it has liners for the cylinders and they it said they were Chrome so that could be why there's not a lot of rust in there um so there there's a possibility that in the crank case or you know everything down below is is going to be rusted like all the water may have drained into there uh that's kind of the concern so I think before I go any further I'm just going to kind of inspect I'll look in here through here and then I'll find a way to inspect the crank case okay let's take a look in here I wouldn't s expect this to be rust oh yeah this looks pretty good well looks way better than that caterpillar did when I took that apart well I mean I don't see any rusts what's that that could be I don't know okay looks okay in there for now at least see if we can get into the crank case through whatever this is okay water didn't come pouring out that's good oo that is really old oil I'm going to guess this is the drain plug if you have it set up with a dry sump oh that looks good but what what are we looking at in here okay looks like there's some fluid in here I guess we won't know till we get to the drain plug but uh mean this doesn't look bad looks good crankshaft if you watch when I rebuilt that caterpillar and the first time I looked in the engine that's kind of what I was expecting to see in here that looks like some ATF dripping down from when I put that in yesterday okay we got a big thing of goop that looks like sludge and I see a rust ring so there could be some water but it's all sitting way in the sump uh possibly messed up the oil pump there the pickup so I think worst cases we're going to have to pull a pan off to uh clean that out get that goop out of there whatever that is all right well this seems like a good engine to me so let's go ahead and uh get it off here and get it into the shop well unfortunately I just today took the rear Implement off my tractor so there's no way I'm going to be able to pull this off without a tipping forward we're going to have to get stupid instead I guess there we go there we go this is a little bit close to this piping but I think that should be fine that is a big Rat's Nest underneath there I was hoping the uh rats had taken the carburetor down there but don't think that's going to happen this whole bottom area I guess just the planks that's rotten still strong enough to hold it I guess put this on the burn pile to oh okay so that must be the dipstick hole there was just a piece of paper over that nothing else so that could be how water got in if there was water in there look how small the sump is all right please don't fall on me no okay that's water all right that's kind of what I was expecting some water in there that's what we saw on the scope that wasn't that much wasn't full all the way to the top oh that smell that smell really old oil it's getting a little bit dark out here sorry okay so it's safe to assume water kind of drizzle down the cylinders probably really slowly and uh found its way into the pan so it might not be that big of a deal I'm sure that's why the engine's stuck but that might be recoverable just be really gentle about it so we don't mess the Rings up okay this is probably the first time it's been inside for a long time right next to the suzu over there so I'll just let this soak for a few days keep dumping some PB Blaster in or other stuff to the cylinders and hopefully we'll check back in a few days and see if it gets unstuck it's actually been hanging here for a few days I guess in a way I was hoping it would just fall off the Hoist here and I wouldn't have to deal with it anymore that's a great place to drop that come off it's just no rust Charlie you can't drop it in there no looks like they installed the pressure plates and all that but uh left the clutch out I guess maybe they stick over time or something anyway there's no place to bar this over so I'm going to try to do it through the top here this is probably just a condensation from it uh sitting this was not an airtight area this back plate didn't have a gasket on it so that's why there's also a ton of dust in here too not going to put a ton of force on here I don't want to break anything we'll just see if she's ready to to break free here might not be oh I can see it moving oh it's moving what happened I guess it was I guess I have a little bit more leverage with this side can I get it on the fan that's still really can't turn the fan by hand is the fan turning when I do this yeah it's really tight this isn't the best place to do this but I can't find another spot to get leverage I think I'm also turning it the wrong way all right making some progress here kind of add a little bit more Blaster to this keep things lubricated it's getting a little easier to turn kind of or maybe just getting better at it but we're spraying that acetone is probably all evaporated by now but oh no it's not nope still in there is this loose enough to go this way now see it's still so tight I can't even do that by hand getting easier oh I can move it by hand now barely oh got got me right in the face all right hold on oh my gosh what a mess oh turning better now let me clean this up real quick oh nothing through three and four though nothing came out of there okay cylinder number one so I think the exhaust valves are on the deck and the intake valves are up top this must be at like top dead center here there's a valve there we go so is that the is that the ridge wow oh no that's just a reflection okay looks pretty good all the way down huh yeah yeah so it's it's got to be these uh Chrome liners obviously aren don't rust so any damage is probably on the uh piston and uh Rings which we can't won't be able to see without taking the engine apart I do see a line a vertical line right there okay so let's check number four since we're already down on one okay looks really good there's number two still some fluid on the Piston there looks like number three okay well I don't know what to say see if we got any compression here oh yeah good compression on one well finger compression okay we got four okay three oh yeah we got two all right we got compression you know some kind of compression on all four all right well now that I've gotten all the water out of the oil pan I want to take another look with the scope here to see kind of what we're dealing with I have a feeling it's going be quite Rusty in here yep let's see I get a better view that better okay yeah so that uh that doesn't look good it's actually good news though cuz you see where that line is of rust that's where the water was and it's definitely below the level of the oil pump which is probably that thing right there so it's just in the pickup there's also that black goop right there I'm not sure what that is but uh anyway that's that's the pan needs to come off this needs to be cleaned out I don't want to suck up any of that stuff I'm getting oh it smells still viscous it's just uh it's really kind of there's not much left as far as oil goes isn't that there we go I thought this just comes off but maybe not seems like it should there we go you know this rubber isn't terrible I uh I guess I'll have to try to find a canister that'll fit that by the way if you're curious what this stuff is so this is the uh pressure bypass for the oil system and it runs this is low pressure that goes to the uh front gearing and the lifters up here so it's high pressure through the block this is the intake for o filter this is the output into the oil Galley this right here is the oil pressure switch this is for like the generator which did not come with that's fine this is a fuel line for the carburetor this right here is a filter for the ignition this is the ignition coil I think that's yeah I think that's pretty much everything on this side pretty simple start pulling some of this off days before plastic wonder what the chances are that this wiring is all still good I did find some spark plugs for this there there's like no Market anywhere in America for this stuff so I had to order it from England but they weren't they weren't actually that expensive I think they were like five bucks each including shipping the special screen spark plugs they fit in and it's like a reverse thread of normal I'm not sure what these this is for oh this has got to be uh vacuum right cuz this is going to the distributor it's coming off the intake manifold so this has got to be a vacuum line I think I think this one is two then we got this must be yeah then we got two hoses here don't know where those go yet those must be vacuum though too right got a few extra lines that came with it so there's this one this looks like a fuel end and oh is this is this just an extra one of these this is the fuel line that goes this is the fuel pump to the carburetor okay yeah that's totally a spare for that and I got these two and something goes here so no I'm not sure what this someone that knows about this is probably screaming at me right now this could go to something up front like I don't think it would go to the generator I think this is the dipstick also a few other things where the label came off of this is the stuff that was kind of floating around in the Box by itself what in the it's like some some kind of linkage this is some kind of oil seal looks like it's no good can't read it [Music] the castle nut some more stuff here I think this is yeah there's some lettering on here now it's gone can see my finger through it okay this says a gear reverse intermediate shaft okay well it's definitely a gear oh this must be is this for the clutch man this whole gear is just covered in cosmoline screen quadrant okay there's some screws these are more screws oh these are some kind of roller bearings okay now these these didn't make it h brake oh hand brake okay I think that's it [Music] I'm going to lay it on its back here eventually if I need these studs out of the way all right it's still dangling here but I want to take the oil pan off before I set it on its back because any junk that's in here is going to slide in bad timing Charlie oh my gosh it smells oh H gross that horrible old oil smell mixed with acetone so it's even more uh pungent now no more water in there that's good does appear to be some sludge on the what is this is this this feels like a piece of paper or something this is cardboard or something yeah that that I don't know why that's in there shouldn't be then there's sludge and rust on the bottom it's not too bad actually it looked worse on the camera we should clean up pretty nice all right I'm going to take the pressure plate off it sticks out a little bit past the uh the bell housing here also would have to come off because there's no clutch in it [Music] so there we go oh this do looks uh good is this just covered in grease what is this oh yeah this has some kind of coating on it you definitely would want to clean that off before you put the clutch on this uh this is in good shape okay change of plans it was going to be too hard and too dangerous to flip it up on its back so I can work on it like this I got some jack stands holding it up on this the engine mount in the back and then the engine hoist is also got some tension on it so it's mostly safe to work on and there's really not much to do underneath there's just this pickup screen it's got just whatever that cardboard was in that oil pan it's just there's just it's like that waxy cardboard that was wrapped around everything somehow got inside the engine so I think I just take this off I'm sure there's a little pin holding it in and make sure the screen on the Bottom's cleaned out let's take a look underneath it looks dark you got to get that thing out of here uh in my opinion it looks pretty good underneath so get the light in here better I mean no rust I that I see I can't really see too great you probably see better than I can right now and yeah she's good all the way let's get some better light here hold on got a better light for you guys you guys deserve the best so let me uh over here so can we see the cam shaft in here I can't see a thing hopefully you can we just kind of slowly pan around here let me know if you see anything wrong I can't see a thing under there she's clean you know when something sits this long every little bit of oil comes off off so yeah she's looks I mean it is brand new right it's just been sitting for a while but looks really good no rust forming no condensation in here anyway that's enough of that look at those lock lock washers they used there interesting haven't seen those before oh there's the cam chef jeez yep y it's there not missing okay got the oil pan pretty cleaned out so that's ready to go it's got a uh brass drain plug a lot of brass stuff on this this engine it's pretty cool this was back in the day when they were sparing no expense this is the uh the pickup so I cleaned this out really well I got some wire brushes through here cleaned it out as best as I could it's a lot cleaner um there is a pipe that goes into here and there was an O-ring that goes let's see if you can spot it right in there you can see the groove for it so I pulled that out and cleaned that all up and uh we'll put a new o-ring in there just need to make a new gasket for this thing uh I think it's galvanized I think that this is like some kind of galvanization or something cuz that's why it didn't rust it stayed pretty clean but check this out this mistake in the casting here or it never got cleaned up this giant Burr and this is metal right there so probably wouldn't have leaked because there's still a path around here but let's clean that [Music] up of course if I was really lazy I could use RTV but I just can't bring myself to do it almost the same color okay I also made this gasket this this just terminates onto a flat block so I didn't punch a hole for that it goes there and then I also I got the O-ring placed in here you can see it in there extremely hard to get in there uh I think it was what size was it 210 remember nothing on here is metric it's all uh Imperial just kind of Lo lubricate this o-ring up now the engine blocks actually all one piece all the way around so you don't need any RTV in the corners like on a modern oil pan right well hopefully you can see here kind of let's see this just kind of slides in that O-ring was pretty tight let's put a little bit of grease on here should help come on you I don't want to pull this engine on top of me this may be the wrong size o-ring all right this is one size down going in or is it what's it doing you see that it's just I can just feel it's not it's not tight all right I think I found one that's going to work here if I can get it on here without getting cut there there you go so this one is uh not as thick it it's it's if You' put it around the pipe by itself it snugs on there and we're not going for you know like a hydraulic seal here just needs to slow down any leakage from the suction so I think this should be okay guess we'll find out that's all dirty [Music] now there we go okay normally I'd put some uh gasket maker on but I kind of have a feeling it's going to going to have to take it off at some point we'll see [Music] we go already getting [Music] heavy easy easy all right well let me uh tighten these up these are 5/16 so I'm guessing the torque is probably in the 20 ftlb range but we will torque it on yeah D okay think we're ready to be a little more safe now set it back on this engine stand I mean it feels safer it's probably not this thing's rotted out this thing is really gets wedged in this crate there we go check this out they have little cutouts for each oil pan stud on this crate so it's probably fine for it to sit on there cuz the uh because this thing's rotted out so it's not really holding it up at all so it's basically just sitting on the oil pan and on the bell housing which should be fine all right so I'm going to be reusing the filter that was on here number one it's almost new it was in pretty clean I did clean it out with brake clean though but the main reason is is that I cannot find another one in the states I'd have to order one from England which is fine uh but the amount of time that takes I mean it's going to take weeks so I think it'll be fine with the original one just for the uh just for a quick run here all the seals looked okay on it all right can I sneak this in this thing's going to be in the way huh oh nice of course it doesn't I did uh take apart this dipstick and kind of clean it up a little bit but I need to I think I'll is this going to come out I need to kind of get the rust off of there the O-ring on here is still good believe it or not that is a wide range for the oil here we go now there is this guy right here I'm like 99% sure this is a crank case vent obviously it went up to some kind of snorkel assembly so um I'm not sure maybe just for an initial run here I'll just kind of leave this off I I'll keep this and then I don't I mean I might be shooting oil out of here we'll see all right got some 30 weight going in that's what it calls for I think that's full this brass cap is really cool too bad they painted it [Music] kind of getting Sidetrack but I just want to check out what's going on in here I just need to know if I need to order any more parts that are going to come from England get that going now cap looks good looks like they have a little something in there between the contacts to protect them let me get this out of the way I'll show you there some kind of protectant between contacts looks like they put a piece of tape in there with that uh goo on it how's this wiring looking hey not crispy it might probably still work things are looking up here set her to the top dead center here this nut right here is not a 38 or a 5/16 doesn't fit either does fit a 9mm kind of so maybe this is a hold over from the British standard on the subject of electrics all the electrical on here is uh Lucas if you've been around long enough you probably heard all the jokes about the the smoke you can put back in your wiring harness they have a bad rep uh but hopefully this was made before those days maybe they started out good interesting on this distributor cap is it's got eight points on it I guess this this they use the same cap for the straight six or the straight eight version of this engine the rubber in there looks pretty good is that rubber no it's just a flare fitting I don't know if this supposed to be vacuum or what I guess maybe this is I don't know what the vacuum we do in here not sure what the point of this is yeah see this one's too big for a 516 just barely so we must this this got to be the British thread stuff which I don't have any tools for few all right and then uhoh it's like a piece of rubber it's going to pull out oh there we go okay still a little bit of softness to it I don't know if marker is the best idea here yeah that was really stupid o this is the kind of stuff I was worried about it's uh it's not that bad I mean it's it's definitely Rusty in there if I I think I can clean that out without dropping a bunch of rust into the engine let's give it a shot here by the way no gasket or overing here so I'm not really sure what their uh plan was to keep water out of here cuz it's basically just this flange that's on here fortunately nothing's locked up it's just surf rest all right I got this thing mostly cleaned up then I noticed that the uh the points in there aren't actually opening so they they must have done that on purpose so to adjust that you got to loosen these two and then this one adjusts it I can see it opening there there we go it's opening there that might be too much all right clean off these contacts this is just a piece of a thousand Grit there's a little bit of crap in there I don't have any electrical contact cleaner I usually have some of that around hopefully the condenser is good I I did uh try to measure the capacitance on it and it didn't show up on my meter but it's not shorted out there's not any stuff that's like leaked out of it so maybe it hopefully it's still okay by the way I looked it up in the manual and this is just a breather there's no vacuum to this it just allows air to flow in and out by the way the reason I took this off is I was hoping there was a cam gear on here so I could when I pull it like a small block where you can go and you can prime the oiling system but unfortunately that is not the case the cam gear is integrated into the oil pump so it's you know not the best for the engine to uh is that where this is pointed and since I can't uh prime it like I wanted to I'm going to go ahead and take that filter canister back out and pre-fill it with oil hopefully this breaks free here I'm going to reuse this gasket oh what a relief it looks good A little bit of rust in here but that's not actually not bad at all I think they got some kind of inhibitor or something in here to some Rust inhibitor this is all just from uh pouring oil there is some junk in here metal pieces I don't know if I mentioned this but these are the uh intake valves and then the exhausts are on the deck like a flathead kind of an interesting Arrangement okay I'm going to leave this off uh just so I can make sure these are moving and that oil gets up here what are the chances that this starter actually works been sitting for 70 years I was reading a little bit more about this I guess the uh the reason it's all 24 volts since this is a military application they kind of wanted to standardize with the tanks and that kind of stuff which needed 24 volt starters I don't know if the uh the later civilian versions of this engine were still 24 I think the manual has 12 and 24 so I'm guessing probably not it's probably unscreened and and 12vt so that line goes up to the junction box I think like all your electronics are supposed to go to here except for the connections to the starter I that's the only place I see so we got four terminals there all right all right so we got that connector is that guy I think we got ignition starter button uh connection oh it's a b bance bypass and then oil pressure warning l I'm going to have to take this off cuz that diagram does not match to what I'm measuring there with a resistance meter so all right looks pretty clean in here so these are the uh B resistors and we got yellow this is going to this starter starter is that the same as this all right so top left is starter that's the one that was it was telling me that was the ignition and then op what is that oil pressure is op bottom left just going to start with 12 volts here to make sure everything works you don't want to jump right into 24 and have things shorting out Catching Fire not really a clean way to do this without it hitting ground all right so if I turn the ignition on okay good so we got 12 volts so there must be that other lead from the starter must be a ground because that's giving me reference to 12 so this top left was solenoid right oh starter but nothing's happening okay hopefully these are still charged all right 25 volts on the starter I hear a no I hear a knocking noise it's trying to move so maybe it just needs to be freed up a little bit see if we can kind of rattle this free wonder where it's stuck nope hopefully it's just this guy stuck seems to be moving free on there that's totally freed up oh have no idea what I'm doing ooo that smells all right so uh what do we got here I mean it doesn't look that bad does it I don't know that's the coil that's must be what I'm hearing clicking oh that might be the problem right there it's not contacting the uh oh it smells so bad here you know these these braided covered wires I've never actually seen these new I only ever see them when they're like worn out in a house or you an old Appliance or something it's pretty cool actually seeing something like this that's new and never been used okay let me try to explain this what I think's going on so this is your relay coil right here which is your solenoid so that clicking we're hearing is that so there's this contact here and there's one on the other side and this is one plate that's supposed to connect the two I'm guessing I mean it's these are pretty simple and it seems like what's going on is there's this little I don't know if you can see it this guy right here is see how it it's moving so if that folds in then this there we go see now now it's contacting I do see a plunger this guy right here I'm guessing that's kind of what pushes it away is this supposed to move okay HOH okay that's probably supposed to spring back okay so it's saying when you push on here and then you push this in it yeah okay it went by that trigger plate this might just need to be loosened up all right guys bear with me here I've never tried to fix one of these before but I've spent some time with it I think I kind of know what's going on now so like I said that little latch on there that was stopping this plunger or this contact from closing all the way that is actually driven by this which is the this drives this pinion gear forward so and the whole point of it is it doesn't start spinning the starter motor really hard until the plunger is in place so like once it's there then it'll start these contacts will close and the the whole motor will actually start to spin hard so I put this C back on because this does actually keep the plunger a little bit forward otherwise it won't trip but now if I put Power right here which is on the open side of the contact you see the pinion gear pops out and it starts spinning slowly all right so that's that's supposed to happen I think right when you hit here oh do that just clear it up I think it's working all right now I see how it's supposed to work that it's working so when you hit the starter button there's a coil in here that energizes it and pulls this in right well if you see it what it's doing is it's connecting these two uh conductor strips right here right when it when it touches across them so this one's a little bit taller though I don't know if you can tell on camera than this one so what it's supposed to do is it contacts that that gives this power and this drives the coil over here which shoots the pinion gear out and the action of that shaft going out spits the pin out here which lets that latch free and then this thing closes all the way so there's about three or four different things happening at once or really quickly in succession but I think the problem was is that it was getting just hung up and it wasn't contacting this this side over here at all so I'm going to put a little bit of grease on these uh on these posts which is where it kind of rides it's a little bit loose on here I guess it needs to be so worst case there is a lug on the front pulley there where you could I think that's for crank starting it with it by hand but uh I'm glad I don't have to do that so connect it here oh great all right let me do a couple things here quick before we start getting oil okay I cracked open the uh crank case breather just so it's not building any pressure I got this hooked up to the oil pressure switch see if that works see if oil's coming out there see if we can build some oil pressure here H okay so this is the uh oil pressure bypass and it takes high pressure uh out of somewhere and then this is the low pressure line which feeds like the cam and the uh front pulley so let's crack this open and see if we can get some oil seeping out of here when we're cranking it that'll be a good sign that's that's concerning all right I'm a little bit concerned that that O-ring I put and that pipe on the oil pump is not working like it's it's bleeding out and not getting any pressure so I got the uh bore scope up looking at it it's right here and let's give this another shot and see if we see like oil oil just dumping out hopefully the camera doesn't get caught up in the front fan okay okay guess that's a good sign all right let's see if this this might be on the oil Gall all right well let's loosen this and see if this thing's going to be full of oil since I pre-filled it who so this must be the amount that's actually been pumped yeah cuz it it comes out right here maybe it just started working hopefully all right I guess it is working so I just needs to fill up this uh filter it's this going kind of slow I guess with the starter and all oh it's also is dripping this nasty stuff out of here which it does have some viscosity on it let's close this back up now I feel better about spinning this thing am I overthinking it I just don't want to wreck even though this engine was headed for the scrapyard I don't want to wreck it it's like brand new it's like a crime to do something like that so try to be careful a little bit okay well I guess the jurry is still out if we're going to have enough oil pressure when it runs I I think the starter's just kind of spinning it too slow to really get a good buildup of pressure but I do see it in the mains and it's coming in through the low pressure side so I think it'll be okay one thing I forgot to do this the top of this reminded me I got to set the contact Gap on the breakers it says uh 10 to 12 th000 which seems really small actually but that's what they're saying so it's kind of hard to check for spark all the way okay let see here the Gap is set put this back on all right guys well I don't have any spark plugs yet but we'll see if we can we can check for spark real quick see if the coil and all that's good so the end of these I think for the screen spark plugs which I I don't have yet uh I think they screw on and then this looks like an insulator and then I see like a drilled hole in the bottom of this there's like some wire that comes out and it's like soldered into the inside of this uh Flathead screw so this must all be part of the spark plug and then the rest of it well it's got like a uh it's got a male thread that goes on this female thread we we'll figure that when that comes but I'll just clean this off and then I'll hold it up is this ground right here yeah that's ground right there so if we hold it up here and and look closely we should see a spark even without a plug hopefully we can get it my camera see so like there 24 volts I haven't worked on a points ignition system whoa in a long time okay I barely know what I'm doing here okay is that right no that's ground my bad oh look at that all right so we got oil we got spark got some kind of compression think we're about ready to start this thing up what else is there all right there's no carburetor anyway this appears to be a uh single barrel side draft carburetor which is not super common at least in this country I really wish the original one would have been in there I'm sure it was at one point and someone just took it out all right so I got this carb here this is uh originally off of a Ford like inline six or maybe a small V8 but the cubic inches that this served is about the same for this engine I I looked that up and uh this might look like a generic Chinese one that I got off of eBay for $85 but um yeah it's probably a real Ford one anyway it won't work I mean the the bolt pattern is like the same you could you could even could this even mount on here look at that unfortunately it is a carburetor so it has to be up like this so we'll get the old conversion kit to go from side draft to downdraft and then I think this should work don't know which way we want to go here all right sh it's hitting those there you go a factory Rolls-Royce finish right there all right this is a galvanized I'm going to have to kind of grind this down a little bit before I weld it ground this down get the galvanization off it's going to be tight think I'm going to flatten these out so it's easier to get to these nuts much better tons of space in here now bearish this helmet is doing oh that's not straight kind of go Section by section I don't want this plate to to warp so I'll just kind of keep it cool it won't be as pretty but it won't be warped at least all right well it's uh it's definitely a thing under here where I couldn't weld I weld it on the inside so hopefully that helps a little bit probably not [Music] I had to grind down some of the weld there to get the uh nuts to screw on without interfering which way do we want to mount this guess either works this makes more sense to mount it like that wonder how bad this thing is going to have vacuum leaks all right got a carburetor is that a choke I don't really I've never used this carburetor before let's see there's no throttle return on it it's fine all right finally got spark plugs in took two weeks to get these in from England should probably wire wheel all these down these are all rusty but uh this looks like it just goes in here there's a little contact in there hopefully this fits oh thank goodness should probably set the Gap oh it has the Gap right here 15 thou thank goodness this it's the right thread not go too crazy with the torque on that yeah these are Gap nice [Music] all right this one is has a three stamped on it right here this locked up oh don't give you much room here jeez okay they're uh I assume those are done right by the way one thing I didn't show here this I I've plugged up this vacuum line on the carb this is obviously for the uh vacuum advance which we don't have I also plugged up this line I I'm pretty sure this is probably for a brake booster uh this vacuum line right here so it's that's plugged up there's these two lines right here which I'm pretty sure go to the stock carb those were those two uh lines I opened up at the beginning that came out of the the crate but I'll just maybe just plug those for now I'm not actually sure if this is vacuum or not this might be some other uh thing with the engine I'm also going to add some uh break-in additive here this is a new engine first of all but uh these old engines like the high zc stuff I believe so all right well we got fuel we got spark hopefully we have compression I added this oil gauge in just because I'm a little bit worried uh that was a little bit slow coming out of here but hopefully that's just the starter speed probably check the oil I'm not even going to attempt to use this fuel pump obviously it's probably I mean we're a little bit low on that I could probably add a little bit of oil okay so we got oil uh I got the Breather open spark plugs in what else is there oh uh I should probably take that off oh my gosh oh that would be uh where the rest of the ATF went was not expecting that that surprised me I'm not going to lie return to Austin Motor Company in Birmingham I'm guessing they don't want it [Music] anymore maybe I should grab a fire extinguisher here oh that just spilled oh I already got it okay oh and there's a hole in this filter what how is that possible it's a brand new filter it came with my $80 carburetor make sure the bowl doesn't overfill oh yeah okay she's got fuel fire extinguisher Charlie's moving got my headgear on in case it actually does start uh oops choke on power all right here we go this isn't going to fall over is it that's pretty solid okay well that started right up but uh there's no oil pressure it's also pretty quiet I don't need that I guess we'll just run it for a second here and see if it uh maybe the oil pressure comes in wow that started right up all right here we go he coming up [Music] not a lot there we go nice all right I forgot there's no coolant in it I'm amazed that started though that started so easily I guess it's the carburetor really so we got oil pressure I saw it go up to like 10 or 15 when we were giving a little bit of gas oh this thing is freezing cold well now what I guess uh maybe we try to sneak some Cooling in it there's no way this water pump's not going to leak okay I got my spare radiator filling up right now and there's actually already a through hole on the bottom there so that goes down to the water pump oh no it's leaking I didn't see that coming anyway uh that comes out of the water pump and dumps back in here this should work okay for a couple minutes maybe what am I for oh I need to put a fan belt on I forgot about that I can just get it to run for more than a couple minutes I'll be happy I'm just curious to see how if the water pump works this should work [Music] great see on the middle that can oh yeah see that are living up to the channel name right now haven't done anything like this for a while all right not really worried about the head gasket I think it's solid copper so uh don't really have to worry about that like all right how did I start this again got air coming out it's actually pumping that's that's impressive got warm water all right let that uh heat up for a little bit I guess that smoke by the way is just the paint burning off there are a few coolant leaks probably want to fix it before we uh Take It On the Road but it seemed like the uh thermostat open because it started coming out pretty good and the water pump doesn't really look like it's leaking out of the Poley at least I'm actually really surprised by that everything yeah everything worked kind of too easily okay well it's the next day there's uh no oil leaks anywhere just some water on the ground and there's no water in the oil so think this engine's good I'm a little bit surprised it it started up and ran that easy but I guess having a brand new carburetor does help a lot I wonder why this engine's even in the US I mean there's really none of them around that I found all the parts are in the UK the only thing I can think of is maybe someone imported one probably a long time ago at Great expense for their project and they never got around to it and you know maybe they uh passed on and and it got just kicked around in estate sales or auction houses till eventually I got stuck with it so to be completely honest when I first started with this video I thought I was just going to be stripping this engine down and selling it for parts figured a 70-year-old engine there's no way it's not going to be rusted out inside but uh turns out it's a pretty strong engine so I guess that was kind of a surprise to me I'm thinking the fact that it's waterproof probably helped a lot in Saving it since it had clearly been sitting out for a long time its time was up though I think that crate was rotting out and it there was only a few more years until it just completely fell out of the crate and would have been destroyed but that brings up the next question what in the heck do I do with this thing uh I had not been expecting to have a running engine at the end of this video so what do I do now I mean there's not really a market for this engine in the United States it's it's all in England so I could strip it down for parts and sell it in England I mean I'm sure they'd be worth a lot of money especially since I basically just paid scrap value for this thing um I could drop it into a Jeep I don't really have much time for that so I don't know let me know what you guys think uh give me some suggestions or or maybe you know better than me anyways that's it for this video I'll be back soon for the hydraulic pump rebuild it's it's right behind me turns out there's a little bit more to rebuilding a hydraulic pump than just throwing new parts in it and uh slapping it back together so I've actually been waiting for parts uh which is why I was doing this the last couple weeks so anyways catch you for the next video thanks for watching guys
Channel: Pacific Northwest Hillbilly
Views: 2,649,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crate engine, crate, engine, rolls royce, austin, surplus, ranwhenparked, ran when parked, diy, restore, restoration, old iron, flat head, B40, B60, B80, british, english, jeep, range rover, willys
Id: 7axnvInN57E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 53sec (5873 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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