Engine, Transmission, rear suspension REMOVAL (IT'S SO BAD) - Plus 9" Rear! | 1935 Ford Hotrod Build

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this time in Vice GP garage it is absolute total chaos with the Chop top 35 Ford we've got engine fitment and Dave's here to do RAR things we don't really know and we got it's going to be fun we got 3 days to do just ridiculous amounts of stuff thanks for having me out [Music] the 35 Ford truck build begins I'm going to start by well we got to repower this thing and as I mentioned last time we're going to use this Ford 302 out of that 1978 Lincoln verses and the transmission and hopefully that 9-in rear end that came with disc dinner plate brakes now while I'm working on the front of the rig here we got to get this Mopar out do a bunch of work I've got a special guest here today the one and only Dave Chappelle from the dirt Head Shed he's actually carrying in parts right now that he's going to need hi Derek for the rear end so your plans to for link this thing yeah I am like the mobile fabricator guy and apparently FRG and Derek have been like bad battling it out in the Battle of traveling for link guy so this week I am here helping out on the 35 Ford and it seems like it's pretty stock right now and it needs to like be able to handle a whole bunch of horsepower yes hopefully D do donuts and burnouts and lay patch as you hot rod guys say yes and he's going to bag it so it's also going to lay fenders yeah now it should be good I'm going to get back there and start figuring out what a mess I'm into and I also you also created a mess yes it's going to be great sweet yeah so as he just said he was out west helping frb 4link his truck which I got to see and I was like huh okay Dave don't forget about me I would like a for link too and somehow convinced me to come out and help which is rat he's also put bags on my duy and it looks awesome so um we'll go back there check out what he's doing I'm going to be kind of just helicoptering that cuz I've got to focus on that if you want to see more why he's doing what he's doing and why it is what it is is you can go over to his channel and check that out and I'll put a link down in the description for you and he'll do more words and stuff cuz I don't understand anything that he's doing all right Dave give me a high level overview of what's going to happen back here cuz right now we've got what kind of setup is this like a oh dang like a this is a transverse leaf with the wishbone setup which it's actually not a split Wishbone it's all just kind of stock stuff I think yeah yeah um so there's a leaf back here yeah You' got a transverse like buggy spring yeah which is cool there's there's ways to make all this stuff work really well but I think if we're going to throw any horsepower at it like we will just sort of ditch this whole Factory uh Wishbone set up ditch the transverse leaf and I will build a triangulated for link of some sort and put some airbags in there and this thing will go low it'll lift up and not drag on the ground and you should be able to do wick had burnouts and donuts and all that stuff without having to worry about a thing that's awesome so I asked da is there a kit or something for this that would just like bolt in and he said no I'm just going to get a universal jobber thing for like it's like off-road is or whatever we'll dig into that it's pretty wild I'm going to drag out all the parts and see what I got basically I just called the guys at Barnes four-wheel drive and I was like send me the kit that we did for FR Burgers rig so that um I can kind of make whatever happen happen so this one's actually really neat frg's uh truck the square body Chevy frame rails are super narrow on it and it made for a real challenge to get a triangulated four link in there this one's totally opposite the frame rails like go all the way out to the back they're really wide so we've got room for days to make cool stuff happen and they're kind of already really swept up too this thing's going to be good nice do we want to take the bed off is that going to make things a lot easier yeah oh I would would like to get the bed off and then I think before we do that we make sure the wheels are centered where you want them okay and then uh take a couple measurements then I'll pull the bed off and then it's go time nice sick it's going to be fun so I'm going to come back to this here in a minute and kind of the plan and idea and stuff for this but first I want to help Dave get rocking back here get this thing on jack stands and he wants to do something called measuring I'm not very familiar with that I was going to have to go to the store and buy a tape measure I'm sure yeah I don't even know if I have one actually I got a yard stick somewhere that should work and then get this bed off which is actually going to be really easy because I discovered wilst trying to get this truck over here it's not actually attached anywhere other than I believe the running boards that's what's holding the bed on and a fuel line so that should be pretty easy uh Dave's unboxing miscellaneous Parts he said he wanted to build this Derek proof and uh he wasn't joking these joints are massive which is great cuz we can just use this truck for whatever and not have to worry about the rear yeah those are s widgets that go to the where the connects obviously they even come with the hardware wow it's cool pretty cool stuff all right I'm going to unbox whatnot this and that sweet I'm going to throw some air in these tires real quick just so we can more easily get stands underneath of it start taking off some Hardware figure out what's holding the front of the Box yeah I believe it is just the running board that's nice drove it 650 Mi like that and then we'll come back around to this nightmare situation that is currently unfolding by the way it's worth mentioning I'm going to have this truck the 35 Ford the cat Farm crew cab and my begged square body duly at Hot Rod Power Tour at Nashville Super Speedway June 11th tomorrow for just that one leg of the Hot Rod Power Tour we'll be in the Midway with all the other vendors we're going to have a tent merchandise the trucks on display Jessica will be there the kids uh from 12:00 to 6:00 if you're in the area or you can make it come on down there's thousands of hot rods plenty to do and see there's Feud there's music there's dabs people are handing out meets and stickers and cup holders and pens lots of free stuff we'll be there coming out see the truck give me some ideas I don't know bed's full of junk water bottles I don't drink that stuff so I know it's not me chunks of wood tin probably from the barn build some rope oo good can of PB Blaster they sent me the small the low the high the low clearance trust what is that for that's if we want to put this over the axle and triangulate the four link oh sweet okay I don't know that we'll use it cuz it's pretty tall but just in case oh w wow 4 oil put that in inventory that's good oh let's go [Music] air whoever put the hub caps on self tapped them right into the wheels so the wheels have holes in them that's for traction yeah you can run lower pressures practically beadlocks oh yeah that's right well Fellers and fellas try to give you an overarching plan or idea here Dave's obviously taking a lot of time out of his busy schedule which I appreciate so I'm going try to learn as much as I can on the four link and I just want to support him getting this four link done but also stay out of the way at the same time so I would like to start mocking in engine transmission stuff as well but I'm just going to take you guys along for the ride pretty much day by day and uh hopefully in 3 or 4 days we have engine transmission mocked rear end done piece of cake and then uh we can get into engine build we can rebuild that thing and start working on wiring and try to make this an actual legit truck we can drive around and do cool stuff with like when friends visit they could just take this instead of around yes run this thing down to Burger King yeah do you know what these are off of those are Lancer hub caps 55 nice they're pops so oh shelf worthy yeah definitely wall art we got wind in the tires we're going to get this thing up on jack stands I guess all right we decided to put this on 12 tons so the roof should be just below the fans up there I'm starting to remember a lot of you're starting to remember why you never d yeah it's wow so here's all the wiring Fiasco the brake lines are just tasty um boy this is broken split we're going to hopefully get a lot of sketchiness out of this but at this juncture it basically just needs a full rebuild everything just needs to be redone so this is going to get here we are we're there oh lots of crunching noises yeah uh can you go up again this is somehow oh the Bolt's 5 ft long that's why okay now go down is my side on there pretty good I can't see it because of the excellent exhaust work coming down there we go still crunchy well that's what you get when you're onun self tappers into the cab it's pretty good oh DK I know you about a be she's be oh help me help me that sketchiness is coming out I don't know what that big welded patch is down there on the frame if that's a frame there it looks like that whole pivot point was like scavenged off of the swing set yeah that thing yeah there's a nylon locking nut on this side from like a kitchen drawer or something oh boy okay we have determined that the entire bed is held on by this bolt and one similar to and one similar over there that is it that is the only thing holding this on let's do a test let's see if we can actually just remove the whole bed with Le okay deal I will go and start on this side okay it's a Leatherman off oh we might have to work as a team I might need to borrow yours for a second to hold the other side oh it's got a knot on it oh it does here you go I've never actually You' never dual wielded yeah this is actually leather mint this uh that was good yeah you want those shorting so that was a pot that was just resting straight under the gas tank Mount it's fine Dave what do you mean it doesn't even like it didn't even go to something it just went to the battery that's the auto short taking the tires off so we can get the bed off easier and looks like we got some wiring to cut for the tail lights Dave's messing with the wiring all the shorts on the battery we should be able to pull this thing off there's only two bolts holding this on two bolts and some hot and some hot wires yeah I think we're going to rip the fender off I think the key is to lift from the front and then look at that articulation in the bed it's pretty heavy oh wait we got to cut the wiring for the tail lights did you cut your wiring no I haven't I lost I lost my leather person there it is all right hey Benjamin Button can you help buddy got a little grip garage modifying his mower over there he's going to come help lift the bat too it's all hands on the decks oh they used a lug nut to hold the rod of the tailgate on um can you lift back here and Uncle Dave and I lift the front all right ready okay perfect now you and I need to like lift straight up to try not not crush the fenders those things been around I mean before it got chopped into a junk machine it was probably junk machine it was probably a working truck for most of its life junk machine volume one this thing cool frames ripped when you're run on that welder around maybe we should accidentally we'll fix a few things fix all the welds we'll fix a few things here and there that is that a GM axle thing yeah this is out of a Firebird third generation Firebird this is the rubber thing thing yeah it's a actually a posy I don't know what to do now I'm just going to stand here while Dave all right I think I think my plan right now move the Jack sance to the frame and then I want to take the leaf spring out and Jack the axle up and let it touch the frame and Tennessee how low this thing's going to go and where it wants to live how low can it go oh yeah do we need to figure out I can we want to look at the other axle yeah maybe we should do the tape measure me measuring okay all right we got a 49 in out of that versal it's a versa I don't think that's what it's called Sil s on the end it's defin vers so we're going to measure I think from the inside of the rotors right is yeah wheel Mount surface to wheel Mount service that's the outside of the rotor and then we'll kind of measure like inside of the brake to inside of the brake to see if we have major issues with the frame I would like to get this all back to forward and un Hodge some of the podging M that's been had on this so like this it gets the more you luck the better it get the worse it gets so we got this dump axle right here this is out of that Lincoln these are kind of the go-to hot rod Varan back in the day cuz they came with the disc brakes and everything and we measured this and it is narrower it's 58 and a/ qu it's quite a bit narrower and the brake stuff is massive on this thing so I'm not really sure what Dave has in mind there he said might not be an issue and then I also stepped on that nail so that was really good so that's an option I'd sure like to use it if we could but I'm going to leave that up today because I have no idea what's happening this I believe I'm going to have to change to a different snout thingy CU I no longer have the drive shaft that mates to that and I think we can just switch it over potentially not really sure well here's a heavy look at before we get into this thing this old frame she was put to work back in the day there's splits everywhere on it and broken broken welded broken welded this is obviously been added but I think we're going to try to patch some of this up as we go along here this has been I don't I don't know what they were doing here I think that's supposed to be a frame repair this uh I think it was stick welded but there must have been something at one point in time on this truck that made this side of the frame weak so they fixed it by doing that but Dave's going to do some uh more measuring by doing some travel work with the axle so we're going to move these jack stands to the frame and he's going to take this leaf spring out and then lift this up with the Jack and uh see how low it goes what it does relationship to the bed and then we can use this device and I guess it tells us numbers figure out if the versalia this is is going to fit in here or what he's doing I don't I don't know I don't understand it so while Dave's going to be digging in back there I'm going to come up here and just start stripping and ripping some of the stuff out of here this thing's basically a boat anchor at this point not sure if I'm going to tear into it and really see what happened if it's worth the time or not but for now we're just going to get it out of here and set it on a pallet similar to this setup right here I'm going to basically get as much room as I can get rid of the ignition stuff strip all the things off the firewall uh pretty much get it ready to pull essentially then I can start taking some measurements and figure out what I need to do with all this stuff here here luckily we've got a manual rack this is a Mustang two front end so see how this steering rod just goes right up in with this horrible angle right there that's how you steer this puppy this pump's not needed this thing went full nuclear on me and exploded if you remember that and we lost a belt and everything AC is coming off this is coming off the smog pump's coming off basically all we have is a charging wheer and the water pump I may keep this stock set up or I might put something snazzy on here I haven't really decided about that and then this needs strip down to you know just the engine's tiny it's it's a really small footprint from here to here and then we can start figuring out if we're going to have any issues with like the oil filter if we have to do a relocation or get something shorter uh because that's going to be sitting in kind of this area right here we're going to have to take a look at the exhaust see how this one's pointed straight down and they' worked it around that this one's going straight back may have to do headers but if we do headers is it even going to clear anything remotely in here this is going to be great I think as far as the wiring goes we're just going to have to absolutely start over on this truck I remembered I had the hot wire the headlight I think that that one night underneath the lights of a laundromat we just got to completely start over um these might be supported by I believe it is a little bit nervous about def fenders and stuff I might just take them off I will have to make some reference points or something if I do however for our distances here but let's start [Music] [Applause] [Music] digging that Bolt's loose [Music] no DA's back here cutting the truck in half I've got this pretty well stripped down I've taken some measurements of placement from Poley to where the radiator was the old water heater and then I have a good view now where I can start taking some measurements around the engine and behind the engine because we're going to have to cut all of this out and virtually start over with forward height set back everything it's going to be completely different and uh I hate to say it but we might even get into changing up the steering depending on how those mounts go and these have two bolts up in there kind of the same pedestal potentially the same pedestal style Mount is this so I don't know not really sure I think I'm going to continue stripping stuff off of here these don't come out so when I pull this engine we got to kind of go over these that makes it pretty goofy to say the least so I need some clearance here to be able to pull and then lift so let's get the charging wheer off some of this other bracket try but all the wiring is cleaned up kind of see what we're down to here okay oh so looking this over I think our biggest challenge is going to be the motor mounts we're going to have to weld in some brackets I got some universally is things on the way two of them actually just so we have different flavors to look at and uh that's going to be something else also the oil pan fitting into this Mustang 2 crossmember this 318 actually has an ideal oil pan for this particular setup Dave's got the rear end pretty well cut up he's getting some bolts figured out we had to run the town get some Hardware um I needed something completely forgot lunch you needed lunch lunch and Tums Tums Bentley needs a battery I need air hammer punch and uh some Hardware okay and then I'm going to continue need to work on this junk I probably get this yanked out of here today so that way there's no going back mhm perfect it'll be good I hope to have the rear axle out of here that's pretty soon and the new one mocked up and then start throwing bars at it jeez throwing bars it's wild it should be pretty fun let's go eat all right see you in a bit we came the Tractor Supply to get a couple bolts things got out of hand but you got a new knife I did got my rainbow knife and some peanuts let's roll back from town we got the one thing we needed and about 419 things we did not but all together successful we also had some pretty good Mexican food getting closer on having this doled up to pole Dave's yanking out the drive shaft right now so I can drain the transmission and and uh start disconnecting that kind of working my way forward probably going to have to just the exhaust up here probably going to call Chad not Chad or the other Chad or Chad good or Chad great or even Iowa Chad but muffer Chad and see if I can talk him into coming up and figuring out the exhaust I do have kind of 3/4 length block hugger headers coming but I have no idea how that's going to fit in relationship to this wonky steering angle and frame we may end up just using the manifolds it really comes down to fitment so I'm not quite sure yet a couple of you are going Derek did you get new garage doors yes yes we did we finally finally succumbed to it are some nice garage doors thank you the realization was this a it was too dingy in here there was not enough light after we put those in we knew we needed more light and the heat is a real thing in Tennessee and they would radiate heat like 105 ft off even where I'm standing those non-insulated yes we could have put inserts in them and yada yada but here's the great thing I called my friend and said do you know anybody that would want to buy my old garage doors and he said actually yes I'm putting up a building right now and we need those doors so I hawked my other doors for almost new prices and was able just to throw them on these so everything worked out pretty good got to find my hardware for this pull plate there's [Music] one the exhaust manifold studs are a mess also just rizing they cut the frame in half to put a filter in here instead of doing a $5 relocation kit so we're going to have to look at that any who this side I think I can get the saaz alls in here at the other side I might have to torch the studs off because I can't get this in due to the horribly incorrect steering shaft so let's see what happens yeah yeah yeah that that's was pretty easy that side's done now we got the next see if we could start this engine on fire pretty good oil spell on this side so likely the uh go [Music] stud can't get a saw all in [Music] here the other issue we facing is I took some measurements on the oil pan and by measurements I just stared at it and it became very really obvious that that front sump traditional oil pan is not going to clear this mustang to crossmember in the position that it's in the engine would be up here literally and that's a tremendous amount of firewall work it would get into our seat our drive shaft angle would be all wonky I've ordered one from blueprint doubtful it's going to get here in time most likely I have to return it we've called O'Reilly and we've got our commercial rep working trying to find something Dave said something out of bronco 60s Bronco Bronco Pan the one that's got the front sum is what or rear sump rear sump yeah so we F into a marquee online at like wish.com or something so I'm hustling to get that in here because even to mock this up I've got to have the right oil pan or I can't get any of my altitude or set back in here the way I need it because again the big big obstacle is going to be the motor mounts it's going to be fine I want I want to torch more stuff you had all the fun I know all right all right you pull that trigger and smash my hand in here between the manifold and the frame all right ready yep okay go again and again okay again ow oh okay as predicted perfect let's do the other side all right yeah Dr my thumb around the bolt okay again perfect that's good thank you buddy y Benjamin's helping me get the motormount bolts out I'm using a pry bar to put pressure on the bolt out while he's uh running the impact here [Music] okay try to try to back it out nothing huh there there there wait wait hold on sh Wait wait wait wait [Music] wait okay ready yep is that it no okay that might be it yeah there we go ni awesome thank you bud yep all right you can get back to your W MERS okay so guy opted to take the exhaust man folds off or at least one because this is going to get this was so tight against the steering shaft Rod components U joints things down here I just thought it'd be easier not to wrestle with this I may go ahead and take the other side off too if it was easy as this side and that's just going to give us more maneuverability I'm also noticing here I may have to take this brake master cylinder off because we really do have to go basically Michael Jordan on this to straight vertical and that's going to be in the way and this is also significantly wrong and needs a bunch of work I'm probably going to ask Dave how to fix that as well cuz he does you got a killer deal on this right you think so you paid for it it was a deal Dave's impressed with my purchase skills he says I got a pretty good deal on this thing okay let's do the other side little grip garage is making a custom Dash panel for his mower over there Dave's ratchet strapping the rear end up he's got the bump stops out which you found were not measured correctly they weren't but I think they were Factory I think Henry Ford put them in personally got a little quick on them maybe it was a Friday four he's uh got the bump stops out he's taking measurements make sure things are square things are [Music] happening yeah late Friday afternoon truck it's when you want your stuff built I was just testing this this is the ergonomical seat incline position damper for the coal heater and sometimes these get welded shut just from corrosion or rust so if you've got an engine that's running poorly especially after it runs for 15 20 seconds it seems like the exhaust is plugged but you've exhausted all of your options see what I did there yeah sorry about that one this dampener in here I'm going to call it for your heating guys might be stuck closed check that I used them all the way into the 80s I believe I think my third gen Camaro had them and all sorts of stuff I'm willing to admit my mistakes all right and I made a big one back here we bought a turbo can a paint because we thought well it's just a bigger can of paint right well in efficiency wise we thought it would be like 7 8 in you could just go frame rail done frame rail done I did paint the axle back here we're great I didn't even shake it the problem is what they don't tell you is the spray wand oh this is the one rustum that dries right away oh great it's 6 feet wide guys from this high to the floor that I painted it's intense it feels like you should have to go through a week of training before using one of those yeah there's not enough warnings on that can try some of this juice oh so now Flor linking has turned into well wow that's getting a lot worse floor polishing there's so much paint on the floor oh but yes if you're curious the turbo canons indeed are turbo I hit everything within 40 square ft including the axle coming yeah there's that deleted he's taking the wishbone tubular strut Houser Rod bottom axle tube holder things off I think he's deleting the whole thing at this juncture he's wrote a couple things on the cab and a few things on his hand pretty sure those might be measurements or I'm not really sure the fact that you drove this thing and it had I mean it had one bolt with a nut on it holding the whole rear end everything else was just like hopes and dreams wow pretty cool one bolt nut holding the rear end in that's pretty good so we're going to go pluck I believe the transmission's dripping all over the floor right now looks like murder sh out it's fine once that's done and the uh blood stain is bigger than the truck I'll crawl through that ruin my last good shirt and then I think we're going to go pluck the 9 in out of the trash pile with the forklift that I round into the ceiling for some reason and bring that in and Dave's going to try to clean that up or see if it's even I don't even know if it's salvageable well yeah he said it's going to work I'm confident and then we've actually we got a lot of work done today we're still not done but we got a lot of work done today actually under the rig reliving some of this here's that clicky clacky we had to put in the mechanical fuel pump failed on this I think we were just trying to get it running but anyway just looking over some of the goodness that's that's good and um also the frame is severely hacked and butchered and split and cut in multiple places um I'm going to have to fix that gu's washer collection was impressive they are abundant we're going to fill the bins but anyway I was just looking at the shifter here we're going to have to do something different for the shifter obviously from this Feller here to a C4 is what I'm going to be using and a manual would be cool and a flathead would be even cooler but look Fellers we're trying to use what we have laying around we don't want cars to go to waste the Visalia assist got us home let's try to use what we can out of it we can always change this down the road but let's just stick with what we got this plates got to come out I'm going to drain the transmission here in a minute and um then we'll yank the drive shaft out it's in right now as a plug basically and then I'll probably lower this down on a jackst or something I'm guessing and then most likely get the forklift on and I rolled the cherry picker out here and it's going to be very difficult with where the jack stands are positioned which I kind of need them there to keep this truck nice and level for Dave working in the rear and I didn't want them under the suspension cuz that's pretty sketchy as well but it's not going to we'd have to slide it off to one side and this thing's got to basically go straight vertical so we'll probably just end up hook it up to the forklift for finale tonight and get some uh hands and legs and pinch points you know what I mean so let's go ahead and get this drained and start working towards getting this thing unbolted so Dave just crawled underneath here I just pulled this this is the wishbone Mount which is nuts like this thing has slotted holes in it the crossmember that it was bolted to has slotted holes in it and it had a piece of rubber between the two so like the whole time you're driving this down the road it's able to move forward and backwards and twist like not good not good and it's held together with a bunch of Home Depot butter bolts like you can't do this not good and we also think the frame might have been spread at this point oh yeah this this Frame would have almost been a true X frame in the middle which would have like come to a point in the center where it was only wide enough for a drive shaft to get through right now it's like a foot wide which means they cut it at the front and spread it out they cut it at the back and then like hope for the best as far as like attaching it all back together it's wild that's what those cuts we were seeing and there's a good vantage point from up here look at this frame look at this you could see where it's been I don't know if they used the Jack or what but it's just been racked out I mean truthfully most cars are getting overbuilt these days like the amount of engineering and stuff that goes into some of these people's cars that would build something like this is insane but this is legit this is how cars were built in the 7s 80s '90s and they survived they worked y it's bad but it's like it worked this is this is the definition of hot rotting use what you have just figure it out put it together and so forth by the way Dave's done what Dave does yeah it's missing and uh this is gone and he said don't worry there there's stuff going back pretty soon so um yeah he's he uh test fitted some mounts I I don't know I'm I need to learn how to do this he is an absolute expert at uh he just got to feed him pickles and coffee and he just all this will appear again get her done you're not going to believe this but derck and I are under here talking about t-shirt sales and Merchandising and then at the same time the truck is falling apart around us that's how loose it was it was he didn't touch that and it was wobbling like that you should rename this truck the wobble pop the wobble I like that and it used to drive like a tool it's like riding a wet noodle it kind of just you made a suggestion and it would kind of is go that through it computer spit out an answer so that's the last piece of the puzzle and the engine transmission should be free floating uh and now we're going to I guess get the forklift out and see if we can yank this junk out of here come on it's going to be safe and uh yeah there we go all right that's out of here let's get the engine transmission out okay we're going to try Yak this engine out of here I got Remington in the way no brakes on this machine I think we're going to use a bolt from the crossmember [Music] oh yeah we're good now that doesn't seem right oh yeah it is backage you're going to have to go back master cylinder you're on the master cylinder heart go down just a little bit right there try to go backwards a little there we go oh that's not good it's sket oh Dave it's fine it's good no but we're fine hav't died yet okay let me uh this jack stand isn't on anything anymore but it really didn't yeah let me I could probably just lift this up actually oh I can lift the whole truck okay well all right it up beep beep I'm not an expert but I don't think that's normal all okay so up or uh okay so uh after these messages we'll be right back oh wow you are actually okay shift linkage unhooked and uh step one yeah I missed that step in the instructions are you uh you're still okay drive what happened I said you're still okay drive I think so slightly Shi this way a little now okay there we go oh the lower rad is breaking the rad support yeah it's coming out we go okay maybe backage a little bit you're and then up a it is up that sounds fine fine passenger there we go that's good I feel like more there it is it's out it is might be hang on self go back a little bit oh you hit your truck oh I'm glad the truck was there actually it saved me it's [Music] out [Music] huh that was easy this is why everybody should get in cars it's so easy and here's how you change the oil on a 318 Mopar yep mhm okay things and stuff all right got no brakes so you got to use the E bra that looks like a prettyy good Mopar pile boy everyone teased me when I bought this forklift but as the late Toby Keith would say look at me now Look at that one more my heartburns back it must be the pickles yeah like go ahead and set her on down go up a little bit oh there we go Sheck good yeah okay fire in reverse that one inch angle irons that's some strong stuffff it took an a like a beating there oh yeah that in the fire the master cylinder and firewall well the flex in this is like it used every bit of it car building starts now it's so much worse now really which part like yeah yeah no this is opportunity to fix those things I'm going to I'm going to go sit down for a minute well here is the old axle obviously in that associated junk and here is the Ford 9 in I'm hoping we can use it's a great axle it's got disc brakes it's got a highway gear which is not going to play nice with the cam shaft I have in mind for the engine but nonetheless this would be great it is significantly narrower just looking at this look here compared to that oh wow and it's like it's magnetized it's going right to its home how do we level that on the jack so good it already looks better honestly well just insert side in we just need a couple bushings right and it's new break H thing of be oh shocks we're missing shocks that's what it is and then we're done I was worried about how much narrower this one is but it is narrower we're going to when we get to like super low there's going to be some clearance issues we'll figure that out we got a hot wrench and a vice grip so we're fine nice looks much more appropriate with the 49 in I'm in the realization phase that I had a knee-jerk reaction and quickly ordered wheels that would bolt onto here not realizing this was so much more narrow than the uh GM one I think we're going to be good dude if we have wheels that don't hang past the calipers so you have a wheel with less than 5 in of back space we're good to go and they're narrow they're like 6 in or seven in so they if anything they're centered offset this thing's going to look sick tuck tucking and skinny in the back there so as long as that wheel what I'm thinking is cuz the axle is narrower it's just got to you know I'll go look maybe it's here by luck happen stance we will see it looks like that wheel's going to tuck in the spot on yeah cuz we figured earlier the bed is going to be like herish right yeah and then that's a 215 Tire it's going to have to get stretched might have to bead blast it on here or just get like a 235 65 or something I want to get on there just fine it'll look good too but that's the wheel we're going to go with just a basic steel wheel black I got a chrome center cap it's the cheapest wheel I could find I just wanted something ratty and cheap looking and um I got to order some for the front still I just didn't know what I was doing up there but I think that's GM lug on that Mustang 2 front this is a Flaming River rack which is pretty cool that's not the cheapest stuff out there I can tell you that much uh it needs some of these booty do diers whatever they do yeah this is4 yeah it's a GM which I don't know why they did that yeah swap meat purchase or something oh that's right yeah yeah yeah yeah of course so I'll jump on the interwebs and Order up probably some like 15x 5S or 15x sixes for the front cuz I'm going to try to reuse these tires I just bought these tires when we brought the truck up I'd hate to buy new rubber again they've only got 600 some miles on them but man this is going to look sweet that lowered well actually even lower yeah this will be like the way up almost right driving yeah it's going to look great well it's been a really fun day with Dave here we just been well we blew the truck apart let's be honest at least it didn't fall off the jack stands or anything sketchy didn't happen that's pretty good you know you don't want that in a project can't be unsafe Dave safety you know what here's my advice to you safety starts with s but begins with you oh rear suspension out engine transmission out wiring out this thing is ready to just rebuild we're going to have a lot of fun with this day one part one of the Chop top 35 Ford complete we're going to see you very very soon we've got a tremendous amount of work to do Dave and I are going to sit down and scheme plan order fix bbop and do dab see you soon [Music]
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 694,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, ford, fords, truck, trucks, custom, rebuild, truck build, build, restoration, bagged, lowered, 4 link, 4-link, how to, dirt every day
Id: vfa-58BK8Zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 36sec (3216 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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