No One In California Would Rescue This Jeep!

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oh so we got a call for a jeep that is in some kind of trouble down here near Los Angeles California so we're heading down here to see if we can get it out of the situation that's in and back on the trail we got Greg here with the weather the weather's great it's like 75° out although should be nice in the mountains before a recovery so this Trip's already been eventful we were driving down the road without a care in the world and then suddenly without any warning we had some Tire Tru on the trailer gross so we invited Rory down to help us we want to make sure that we can get this out I'm thinking that we've got the right crew what do you think without a doubt so the customer tried to find somebody that can help him recover this vehicle and it's been there for a couple of days now and hasn't found anybody that's willing to go up there and do it so they reached out to us I said yes we can do it we've got a stop here in Barstow and meet Caitlyn's dad because he's been down here to Johnson Valley wheeling and they've broke a couple of rigs so we're bringing them some parts it's kind of funny cuz he called me yesterday and he's like there's no chance that you could come down and help us and I said actually there is a chance we are we're headed down to LA [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are the chances that you're coming down so here's the two Knuckles that she brought later oh that's perfect you have any idea delivery it really man thank you how we do it well that's done and we are back on the road we got about an hour and a half of driving before we meet the customer let's do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this all right we have made it to lever so we're going to be meeting the customer up here he said something about a gated community and we've got to get up into those mountains to do our thing uh-oh how do I get through was that maybe not him I don't know it seemed to me like it was him but uh let's call him hey hey we're here at the gate okay cool I'm about two minutes away I'm coming up the street right now okay we are blocking everything all right so we're going to be meeting the customer here in a few minutes I forget how nice the weather is in Southern California it's just amazing hang on there we go the gate shut on me he was hollering get me through there and there was no getting me through there all right this is the customer in the Subaru hey Matt awesome hey guys so we're going to keep going up straight it's going to be a culdesac at the top of the hill that's where the fence is I'll open it up we'll be able to unload okay okay sounds good it's all speculation on how this job's going to go at this point we've seen some pictures we've talked to the customer we are way outside of our area luckily we're still in our area of expertise and that's recovery usually when we're this far out I try to find an area expert Rory that's you okay having having been my first time in California well he says he's been playing Grand Theft Auto so this all looks familiar it all does really look familiar so Tyler's saying that the first 8 miles of this road is pretty basic and then it gets really bad so we're going to burn up this first part and then we'll figure out the next part [Music] this is absolutely beautiful drive and then the lavender well lavender and whatever else we're running over smells amazing just this drive in here is making this trip worth it man we Are Climbing holy smokees so we're right here on the side of this mountain we can just look straight down there ATC California right there so I got to be honest with you when I think of La I do not think of this like this is not anything I've associated with Southern California but man I'm glad I found out different this is amazing there she is Rory's saying it's going to take 10 minutes okay as as you can here wer to the side right there this thing out of there you snatch block to the front all turn around park right here boom to the back You Pull It Forward I pull it sideways think of the most fun way to do this not the fastest okay this is Hollywood after all so Rory wants to teach a rigging class so once again we're not looking for the best or the fastest we're looking for the most fun and Rory thinks rigging is going to be fun I tend to agree with him but I'm going to do is I'm going to secure his buggy I right there stabilize temperature when you're pulling kind of hard and at a slow speed you always let your engine sit and stabilize before you before you shut it off I mean I don't always but I'm supposed to this is never going to work that's one of them what's the other one oh this is totally going to work around that tree all right right back through itself like this so that this is the branch it's like that cool that one and that one using both trees when do we start that 10-minute clock I started at 5 minutes ago perfect so now this one's going to come through here I'm going to get out of the triangle of death so it is in par yeah be very careful around a loaded winch line all right doesn't look like I'll I'll die if this goes over you got key I turned the headlights off that's all I did well see it was a headlight ready yes can you go passenger at all can you go more p [Music] you I'm not a strong man is that wiline tight no no okay can you disengage it just spin the the the thing out I was counting on that thing you ready yeah you holding the brake well I don't think it matters oh [Music] yeah you're about straight come this way a little more there you go that's looking good the back tire is starting to crawl up now okay hold there that a little sketchy in there that did it I told you I knew it would do it just be careful not to put it on 24 or it's going to make yeah it says 12 24 yeah put it on 12 or it could make our day limiter okay 12 hey we got [Music] power good Ro pressure hi okay I'm going to pull for go [Music] ahead good up it's such a good feeling a very good feeling [Music] okay that's far enough go Solid Ground all right how violent was that when you went over it was not violent at all it was almost a dead stop to a complete roll almost and then I pulled the eat braake slammed it in park had my passengers safely exit the vehicle once that happened then I got out and I tried to self- recover obviously I failed I chose the wrong mounting point now if I would have chose the one over here on the right hand side that Matt pointed out I might have been able to successfully recover myself possibly this train is very sketchy that's awesome huh thank you guys so much my gosh so you guys might have heard that I picked a fight with Robbie but what I should have done was picked a fight with Rory so I invited Rory all the way down here and he stole my thunder thunder stolen give me my thunder back not up here it's a lot of Clips all right well we're going to turn around and head down down this beautiful Canyon I kind of can't wait for the drive back down I know and you're in your little sports car just and we're like I'm in I'm in this thing well we'll go down to the bottom we'll get you your shirt and then we're going to go to lunch we were headed down the trail and look what we saw a blow snake right here oh come on come on little guy there we go aha we got him are you a snake guy no all right I'm a snake guy anyway he was crossing the road we're going to let him go look at that that is beautiful that's a pretty Fresh coat pretty pretty fresh skin shiny and it bring of tires some truck clear off the ground a little bit of weit on Traer should be all right but quite the Pivot Point that's why we put it in four low the load [Music] incredible so Rory you think your audience is tough mine makes me take these out of the bag are you serious yeah oh so that that you don't look all trashy well no they just like I could take the trash for you there you go oh my God I'll show you why I'll show I'll show you uh a contrast what what size shirt do you want so what watch how cold and impersonal this is there you go now you have the comparison see you see why they wink me on Rait I like that like a good presentation I just got a call from Caitlyn's dad and they're not able to make those parts work so we do need to go out there and get it and drag it back to their Camp so we're going to grab some lunch and then we're headed to Johnson Valley some of you guys may know it as hammertown I'm kind of curious to see what it's like when it's not King of the Hammers I'm imagining it to be pretty deserted what's on the menu today well we got this stuff here we got Wendy's I think I'm going to go for Wendy's all right I got a Dave's double with cheese and I had to pick the pickles off I always do that to win these pickles there's something wrong with them you're going a chicken wrap chicken wrap I got a pretzel Baconator all right and Sean's missing Sean's always missing all right well Sean got some food we just don't know where he is chicken sand sandwich can't go wrong with a chicken sandwich well it's been an hour since we ate lunch and it's dinner time now we are here at laser town head this where weio Road this is where're going to we're going to meet Kevin he's going to show us where the broken buggy is and we're going to go get it we're supposed to turn at the cactuses and they're back by the palm trees we're going to go right down Cactus Lane here I was thinking Cactus alley Cactus Lane Works Cactus Avenue there it is laser town looks like a lot of fun lot of fun to be had here at laser town all right we're going to go pick this rig up and then Rory says he's going to take that buggy up the back door so we are in a hurry and we don't want to loiter too much but that might be worth watching [Music] [Music] turn the rear this way Matt that's well straight in the rear other way now we in the rear all the way the other [Music] way front left tire right here oh yeah she broke I don't see anything wrong yeah yeah all right let's see yeah if that will get over there so what we're talking about doing is we need to cut one of the ears off from the end of the axle get it out of the way and then we're going to weld the whole thing together so one thing about this kind of a welder is we can turn the heat up and use it as a cutting torch which we're literally going to do [Music] okay I can just pick it up uh I just pick it up I don't want to mess with the steering though you should be able yeah right there right there um we're going to want it in park or it's in park right now okay M ball [Applause] [Music] sir give me this off shackle we got a long you go through the rim here top yeah okay hold there [Music] just L try it to Jesus [Music] okay now you good um go ahead and loen the windes so we can turn it and get the other side so I welded half of it and Rory welded half of it and the reason that we did that is so when it breaks we won't know who to blame it we'll both be blameless okay this can drive out we just don't want to put so much pressure on that well that we pop it again the good thing is is the pressure is going the right way so it's under compression instead of under tension but that's still a big wheel and it can do all kinds of tension and compression depending on what's going on so what we're going to do is we're going to hook up high on the boom with a short rope Rory's short Trail rope and we're just going to carefully help this out all right we're going to get we're going to get Rory in this rig and he's going to work his magic and I'm going to get in the wrecker and I'm going to do wrecker things and I'm pretty excited about it [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right are you going to Pilot this one back or you going to turn it loose you should be able to go with it take it slow and easy he should be good there's no reason I agree we just did that yeah so that was a good example of Trail repair versus hauling a rig out of there so with Rory's experience he's got a lot of Trail repair experience and he's right it's easier to have the vehicle drive itself out than to drag it out so Rory went straight to Trail repair I went straight to hauling it out and I was I was I knew it was going to be a battle that first you know that first 40 yards was going to be a real battle the rest of it would have been pretty normal so Rory's idea to fix it and weld that ball joint back to the knuckle um I believe that was the right answer so I learned something today and I'm going to put that in my metaphorical toolbox and my real toolbox and we'll use it to our advantage in the future metaphorical is right up there and you'll keep it forever like you store all your memories all right we're going to head back to laser town and and load up and hit the road [Music] right I'm fine I'm just [Music] embarrassed woo so Todd got a shirt because he broke his rig and we came out and helped him if you don't want to be like Todd you can go to Matts Offroad and get your own shirt there you go Todd thank you thanks for the help guys so we just got a hot tip that the world's best hamburgers are right here local in the town of lucern so we are going to go try them out and see if their claim is valid plus Rory's hangry so it's a potential win-win well it turns out that the place where you get the best hamburgers in the world is closed so we're just going to have to motor on to the next place look at that is that what they make tequila out of I think so I think it's aave if I'm if I know my tequila plants
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 485,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: go1f0TAXu7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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