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all these clothes they're they're like distracting me some people are just trying to keep everything to themselves well not today today we are going to hack the world's best barbecue sauce [Music] yes i said it we're going to be hacking world's best barbecue sauce and why is this world bath barbecue sauce because it's rodney scott's barbecue sauce and he got the james beard award and that's a big deal if you're in the culinary world and you get the james beard award you know i would like to get an award sometimes if you've never heard of rodney scott before then where have you been it's like he is the guy that's like booming in barbecues like barbecue friendling is yesterday's news it's all rodney scott but we need to talk about rodney because there's something i don't want to say something wrong with rodney rodney is not really sharing this is the the secret to the sauce some sugar and some other stuff a couple of liters between custom blend sauce little family trait with a small tweak to it then we add the secret spices and i think ronnie just between you me man you could be sharing just just just a little bit more i'm talking about the barbecue sauce the rodney scott bbq sauce we don't know what it consists of and i've been going crazy on the internet because i can't go to rodney scott's place and just taste the damn thing and just work it out it i have to figure it out online but there's nothing there you see every interview he does well he doesn't explain what's in his sauce he doesn't explain what's in his rub yeah a little bit of pepika powder and a little bit of vinegar that's it what's in that rub we got some paprika uh-huh and then we got some paprika and then we put a little bit more paprika in there so paprika i already talked about this uh paprika rub is this paprika sauce we got some cayenne in there black pepper and then we had a couple other things that we put in there we need to know and this is what i find out of course rodney is all about pork being from south carolina he does whole hog it's like his heritage thing we're not gonna do a whole hog don't worry you don't have to do this at all i'm gonna give you the version that we can actually do in our backyard so i got some beautiful iberico baby bags all we need to do to get these poor grips ready is take the membrane off of the back now i like to use a knife for that with belly ribs usually i just use a paper towel and start at one end and rip it off but with baby bags i like starting in the middle now we're going to make our rodney rub i have no idea what that consists of other than paprika but here we go this is my version of the rottney rub it consists of half a part table salt half a part of pepper one part of paprika powder one part onion powder and a quarter part garlic powder i want to keep it as simple as possible now i've got this off of the internet this is not first hand and i'm going to put some links down below so you can do your own research and find the stuff that where i got this from so big shout out to all the websites that already dove into it for us but here's what i took away from it it definitely has distilled vinegar and i heard rodney say it himself so he has distilled vinegar not apple cider vinegar normally i personally would use apple cider vinegar because i love it so much but hey we gotta keep it real rotteny rightly real there we go two cups or half a liter then i note down that he put in lemons this is where it gets kind of cool because we're getting fresh ingredients into our barbecue sauce and i always love when that happens gotta get the knife don't have a knife so i saw a picture of rodney's pan and i clearly could see he was boiling the lemon with the sauce so i'm just gonna put them right in here a whole lemon next step we gotta get some heat in this so we're gonna put cayenne pepper in it i do like my heat and i do like a little bit of color here is where it gets tricky if you put too much cayenne pepper in it's going to be crazy hot but we do want a little bit of spices so i'm going to i already got a whiff of the cayenne pepper cayenne pepper is like the the nasty type of heat that reminds you of kentucky fried chicken heat oh yeah see morrison knows what i mean if you know what i mean comment down below and of course we gotta have a black pepper because cayenne pepper it just grabs you by the throat but the black pepper it punches you in the mouth so definitely gotta have that and i'm gonna put in like two tablespoons no two teaspoons sorry and then rodney says he uses chili flakes he told us that these chili flakes are mainly here for aesthetical reasons so they won't do wonders for the heat but we got to have them in just to make it look good where it gets weird is that there's a lot of sugar in this barbecue sauce no ketchup no weird things this is basically it but we gotta have like a cup of sugar in it a whole lot of sugar basically we made sugar vinegar turn on the heat crank it all the way up and let this boil and let the flavors come together and then we're going to do a taste test and see if we need to fine tune it because we don't have any salt in this yet so bear with me here we'll wait for the what's the thing complaining about i think the pan is not an induction pen it's not it's not it's aluminum it doesn't work we got the wrong pan now we got the right pan let's bring it to a boil we're going to let this sauce reduce by half just to make sure that we got a real big punch and flavor in our sauce now let's give it a quick try and oh my god this is next level this is some crazy rodney you're crazy now i know why rodney kept this sauce a secret it's absolutely perfect as it is time to bottle it up and prepare our ribs i want to make maximum use of that sauce so i'm going to splash it onto the ribs make sure that i've got all of the part of the ribs wet and then i'm going to put my rodney rub on and look at how beautiful these ribs are turning out to be this is a whole new style of cooking ribs and rottny normally does whole hogs where you get all this pulled pork and the sauce really makes sense on pulled pork but we are going to find out if it's going to do just as well on ribs so let's fire up our burnout smoker [Music] i set the barbecue to a temperature of 120 degrees celsius which is around 240 degrees fahrenheit i'm going to put my ribs on i'm going to let them smoke and every now and then i'm just going to sprinkle on that barbecue sauce so basically we're basting we're mopping our ribs just like rottney does so let's close the lid and now let these ribs smoke for around five hours or so until they're beautifully tender and soft we can just suck them off the bone [Music] i've been brushing the ribs with the rotten sauce off and on and look at the color okay with the risk of burning my hands i'm just gonna pick one up and look at how good they look ow how that's freaking hot they're close to done and that's around 90 degrees celsius so 92 94 and then they're almost full of the bone ready but i just want to get that little bit of rotten sauce on that last bit i want to get as much on it as i possibly can i think the sauce really is going to make the difference with these ribs this is like a whole nother level of ribs i'm going to close the lid and let these finish up i think it's going to take another 20 minutes or so then they'll be done [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the color on these ribs is absolutely amazing it's like i showed you guys before in the close-up but man these ribs look so freaking good and i haven't had rips in two weeks and i'm kind of getting like over excited here these things are the best looking rips i've ever made the best looking definitely definitely the best looking but it's kind of like a bad thing because i didn't make the ribs i made the ribs but it's rodney scott's recipe it's a legend the man is legend all right i think we're hitting a whole new ballpark this is something new this is like the technique that i use by putting on the juice and the barbecue sauce the rotten sauce first and then putting the rub on that might be a whole new thing if not if i'm not like it's not a whole new thing then probably you guys will tell me in the comments but i'm pretty sure it's a whole new thing i think i think we got something morrison they look so i don't have words for this there's a level ready to eat rodney i don't know you but i really really would love to get to know you man it's amazing i feel like rodney's my friend now he he's always been there he makes great ribs i feel like he's my friend all right i need a minute i need a minute all these clothes they're they're like distracting me rodney must be an awesome guy he must be so cool he cannot be like he can be if your rib stays this good he can be this might be the best ribs i've ever had no oh yeah it's like a bromance i don't know the guy i don't know who he is i don't care but we should be cooking together well whoa come on your job is on that side of the table there's no fighting but not sharing there's still something i can't describe i can't i i can't find a word for it these are not the best ribs i ever ate they're like in the top three it's a whole different level of sweetness it's a light sweetness it's a light sweetness it's like a soda like like a lemon soda you feel almost refreshed eating these ribs yeah you feel like a new man hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did then leave us a big thumbs up and comment down below and you know go to rodney's instagram account and give him a big shout out tell them about the video that you saw here if you did enjoy the show leave a big thumbs up comment down below see you guys next time big thanks to our patrons and the youtube members you guys freaking rock hey smuggler keep on grilling how about you make a burger video i will have jim record the video and i don't have to do anything except for eat the burgers i know you can
Channel: Pitmaster X
Views: 276,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pork, rubs, ribs, bbq rub, secret sauce, recret recipe, pork ribs, whole hog, pitmaster x, rodney scott, barbecue, bbq, guga foods, how to bbq right, malcolm reed, gordon ramsay, eater, I HACKED Rodney Scott's WORLD FAMOUS BBQ SAUCE, cooking pork, bbq sauce recipe, how to make bbq sauce
Id: S-7IVthzPOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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