Chicken Megamix | Jamie Oliver

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we're gonna do something you guys search for a lot that's a chicken kebab a beautiful simple spiced kebab kind of a play on a chicken tikka sort of tandoori flavor it's lovely delicious i'm gonna pimp it up with some beautiful slawy vegetables it's gonna be really really nice first up it's all about flavor so down here we've got our spices and that's gonna be the marinade for the chicken you want two cloves of garlic just peel them ginger you just want a three centimeter chunk i'm using a box grater to grate the garlic and the ginger by doing it on the box grater you get juice coming out as well it's quite nice to do for marinades half a teaspoon of smoked paprika just to give it that nice smoky flavor then i'm gonna go in with half a teaspoon of turmeric it's really high in iron one teaspoon of garam masala you want to add about 140 mls of yogurt really good for kind of you know helping tenderize meat getting the flavors in there and then just 60 mils of passata and then let's season that with a little salt and pepper give it a nice little mix so i've got four lovely chicken breasts here now this is going to make 12 skewers 12 portions for smaller people or six portions for very large people skinless so it's nice and lean lovely healthy chickens are wonderful carrier flavors i'm going to slice it up to two and a half centimeter one inch chunks you could use fish beautiful veggies this marinade is going to work beautifully for all of them so give it a really good mix-up a two-hour marinade in the fridge will be wicked but overnight unbelievable you get that flavor right through it wash hands washboard okay so the chicken's marinated let's get some peppers going in this story remove the seeds and any of the white pith slice this up into chicken sized chunks i'm just going to show you one of these skewers get your chicken slide on the pepper don't pack the chicken on too tight it just doesn't help the chicken cook quickly and evenly so let it kind of breathe a little bit like that very very nice i'm just going to do four of these little bad boys i've got my griddle pan on here i just want to put the chicken straight on to the griddle pan a little bit of salt and pepper but these are going to take four to five minutes so while that's cooking wash my hands okay these kebabs are looking pretty good let's turn it over it looks like it's kind of burnt but that's the yoghurt and the spices and that char is kind of quite nice it's going to give you that kind of semi-authentic sort of char you get from charcoal or wood so we'll keep looking after that and turning it time for our beautiful slaw so get the finest slicer on have a little look at this this is like a little world of veggies this has all been washed i'm just going to let the processor do all the work machine on carrots radishes even with the nice green bits as well cabbage white and red onion beautiful beets [Applause] oh fennel so look it's a pack of edible cards you know i mean look at those beautiful beetroots lots of different color and that's exactly what we want so i'm gonna just dress that up gonna go into a bowl two nice big heaped tablespoons of yogurt it's 90 less calories than if i was using mayonnaise and then just hit it up with a lemon so let's just squeeze that lemon juice into there salt and pepper i'm gonna grab some herbs parsley mint dill any blend of just a handful that's what you need i'm going to finely chop the herbs here really really tasty now's the excitement get your hands in there i i want to mix it up thoroughly to get every little bit of shredded veg covered in that lemon juice gorgeous look at that now we need to taste it really nice we've got akababs they're looking lovely they're kind of gnarly you can finish this with bread with your carbohydrate or rice nice brown rice cooked to the packet instructions 60 or 80 grams per person you don't have to try too hard to do anything flash with it gorgeous little slaw then we've got a kebabs here now don't be in a rush to serve it straight away it will kind of like just relax and rest in to all those beautiful things just a little bit of those chopped herbs on the top like that nice really simple beautiful indian spice chicken kebab with rainbow slaw i just serve that with a little bit of lemon now so there you go guys thanks ever so much until next time bye we're going to do real chicken nuggets i think this is a nice opportunity to take something that maybe is famous for not being quite so good and turning into something that looks really good and it's good for you my kids love these and i love them too we're going to serve that with sweet potato fries an amazing swap out that you guys can do in health and deliciousness most importantly is swap a potato dish out for a sweet potato dish once a week and if you're a little bit feisty twice a week so we've hacked these up and the lovely amber is she's gonna season these with some salt and pepper that was my impression of who someone american but i'm not very good a thimble of extra virgin olive oil and then we have the secret ingredient sweet paprika have a sniff it's good just a little pinch makes all the difference doesn't it [Music] by the way i've left the skin on that's the most nutritious part and also it goes really candy-like and gorgeous and crispy this goes in the oven at 180 degrees celsius chicken no gristle no bones no mechanically reclaimed meat so i'm going to slice sort of like two finger size pieces of chicken kind of like this let me just wash my hands i'm going to show you how to make the crust the crust is using cornflakes we're going to put some corn flakes in here they've got no added sugar we don't want that we can lightly season them with salt and pepper you can even put herbs like rosemary in you can fry these nuggets in a little pan but if you want to bake them so they're a little bit healthier all you have to do is put a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil in here and they'll go lovely and golden and crisp which is what we want so let's wax this up so there you go all crushed up tell me what is the favorite thing that you love most about um running your channel and cooking all these beautiful things um well filming is really fun but just getting the comments i've gotten comments saying oh i showed this to my kid and now they like carrots or something and it's really cool to know that you're like changing and making a difference can you whisk the eggs two eggs beautiful job on the whipping from the eggs yeah so amber feel free to dab in the flour i'm using whole wheat flour because it's better for you and it does the same job and then we can go into the egg and from the egg i'm going to go into the corn the flour makes the egg stick which makes the corn stick so you're making the delicious crust my lovely wife does this for the kids she she'll do like a batch right she'll make it for that day and then she'll freeze up like you know six seven other portions put them in little bags ready for a rainy day when the kids want something sort of you know you fast you can cook them from frozen you can eat good chicken nuggets that are frozen yeah absolutely even frozen absolutely okay so we're going to whack these in the oven with the sweet potatoes we're going to cook them for around about 25 minutes 30 minutes they're going to go golden and crisp and lovely so check out those bad boys and then we have the nuggets boom what a lovely color these are so you see they're crispy and golden so i'm just going to rack it up like that we got our nuggets we got our sweet potato we got our slaw we made these slaws on my channel they're healthy rainbow slaw so if you want to get the recipe click here okay copper chicken nice and juicy my skin is really good kind of crispy so there you go guys very simple and delicious made by yours truly and the lovely amber hi guys hope you're well okay i'm gonna do a nice little dish this is a classic oliver household mid-week dinner or lunch chicken lollipops with charred asparagus mint and pea couscous and a beautiful sun-dried tomato sauce it's really quick it's really nutritious it's from my brand new book superfood family classics and it's a really lovely dish i think you're gonna love it i'm gonna do it all in one pan a quality non-stick large pan put that on a high heat with the asparagus let it naturally snap there's nothing wrong with this it's just a bit stringy and chewy okay there's no fat there's no olive oil with asparagus if you dry grill it or dry toast it in a non-stick frying pan like this you get really amazing nutty asparagus flavors that you would never get through steaming or boiling so couscous this is whole wheat couscous so you're absolutely having loads more fiber these are fresh peas you could use frozen as well a pinch of salt goes in you can put some pepper in as well i'm also going to use lemon get yourself a nice little fine grater like this okay it's just the yellow part of the zest going in and that's the oily fragrant delicious part so we've got very simple but lovely flavors happening there i've boiled a kettle and i'm simply going to cover that couscous is already cooked you just need to rehydrate it and it takes like five six minutes i'm going to put my plates on top peas and couscous essentially are done we're using lovely free-range chicken breasts you'll notice there's a thin side and a thick side we're just equaling out the thickness as well as tenderizing it and it means that it's all going to cook at an even rate so just three or four skewers you want them to be cut down so they fit inside your pan okay i want to create little lollipops i'm just going to wash my hands these asparagus are pretty much done they're still kind of they've got life in them but we've sort of made them a little bit softer i'm going to start to cook the chicken now i'm going to season that with a little salt and pepper and a drizzle of oil so the asparagus here goes onto the plate right so you can tell they're hot and steamy and gorgeous the chicken is in the pan what we get in there is a really nice crisp finish i'll turn this other chicken over if you apply something flat like this in let's say like a little pestle and mortar it's quite a nice little tip and i'll tell you why it really compresses the meat so you have perfect contact with surface area and it helps to cook it quicker and it gives you a crispier crust i'm going to pick through some mint to chop right so this is to chop through my couscous so the tips i'm putting to one side i'm just going to sprinkle those on top chive flowers look how beautiful they are and they have the most beautiful subtle onion flavors whatever herbs you got available you can kind of run with it i'll chop through that there's our chicken lollipops notice that you've got the kind of seared color on the outside i'm going to put that on top of the asparagus why because it's going to rest now right chuff up all of this look hot and steamy we're going to lift all those flavors with these wonderful wonderful herbs okay mix that up i want a little bit of tartness happening here squeeze the juice in this bad boy um that's about quarter of the lemon put that through the couscous just to give it an edge i want to show you how to make a quick sauce a couple of tablespoons beautiful organic yogurt i'm going to use some sun dried tomato paste one teaspoon give or take i'm gonna put some lemon juice in here guys let's call it a quarter and just a little pinch of salt for seasoning and you've got a really simple delicious sauce let's plate up so we're going with the couscous first i'm then going to go in with the asparagus here and then let's go and have a little look at our chicken over here this is a nice clean board and what i'm going to do is get my chopper and just put it in between the skewers the kids just love that look let's have another little look right juiciness not overcooked right loads of character we've got a little wedge of lemon sun dried tomato sauce herbs and the only thing i forgot was my nuts i'm always forgetting my nuts so you have to use your imagination in this one they are much nicer when they're toasted but i'm going to sprinkle these over my lovely dish really really delicious cooking hi guys hope you're well okay we're gonna make a really delicious nutritious super quick chicken meal this is marinated chicken with lemon and spices grilled on the char grill and served with smashed sweet potato and beautiful sprouting broccoli with a little olives let's get into the spirit and the idea behind the marinade down here we have got spices black pepper here paprika km we've got the turmeric and a little seasoning of salt take this as a recipe and if you don't like the spice you can pull it back you can try different spices you can make it your own so i'm going to grate some garlic in here take my little lemon cut in half lemon to one side the fragrant skin is unbelievably tasty we'll squeeze the lemon juice in like this i'm just going to finely chop the parsley here and in it goes and then just a little piece of onion there's acidity in the onion and this acidity works in marinade to really help penetrate the flavor in i've got a little bit of tomato puree here just a little heap teaspoon like that and then we'll start bringing it together and normally i'd use an olive oil but i'm using rapeseed oil here look at that right that is flavor right there get your chicken breast cut that chicken breast in half i'm gonna get that marinade rub it all over and of course if you could leave this in the fridge overnight fantastic so i've got a griddle pan on full whack we're going to go in to the char grill like this also i've got the lemon here we're going to char grill that and this is interesting because when you char grill a lemon instead of just getting acidic lemon juice you get sweet and sour so guys let's have a little look this has had about a minute and a half look at the color guys look at the color that is flavour it's caramelizing look at that so i want to kind of pair it up with sprouting broccoli here boiled sweet potato gonna smash it and let's plate up very simple midweek dinner that's tasty and really really healthy that is done look at that guys some nice sprouting broccoli here little olives if you just break over just a couple the flavor is phenomenal got the lemon that's char grilled just finish that off that lovely rapeseed oil squeeze that lemon over the top if you have a little try [Music] yum very very good that's absolutely delicious a lovely quick midweek meal full of flavor take care it's me and general and we're going to cook a beautiful dish chicken and milk we're going to have some fun with it this is going to be a whole bird with lemon sage garlic and we're going to cook it in milk when you put lemon in milk it will split into little curd don't be under the illusion that this chicken is anything like one you've ever had before this is something completely different to the first stage of this little journey you get a whole bird rub it up but with salt and pepper yeah leave it a little bit really season the outside of the chicken get a nice pan that snuggly fits this bird this way it's going to keep moisture in and it's just going to gently beautifully cook it i'm going to take butter as soon as you add the butter it's going to start caramelizing we want to get color on the chicken and when it looks like the butter's burnt we pour it all out of the pan and we put a fresh one in it's gonna be really really good okay so that's coloring up nicely i've got the sage leaves picked here we've got our little friend mr cinnamon a whole bowl of garlic guys some people might think that's a lot absolutely not leave them in the paper and just give them a little spank that just cracks it by keeping it in the skin you get a much sweeter flavor so it's not going to be pongy garlicky it's going to be gentle and sweet and gorgeous and the other thing is the lemons i'm just going to take the zest off like this let's look at that just showing our birds look at that so that's burnt butter right we are going to get rid of that we don't have to clean the pan out because there's actually sticky goodness on the bottom of that pan so then we'll go fresh butter sweetness and that's actually that the key we want that sweetness to really cook into the chicken let's try that see that's karma it's exciting isn't it it does indeed you can see we're getting good color now we're going to take this out again we've got burnt butter again some of you might feel that this is wasteful it's not really wasteful you don't do this process very often but you're getting a unique flavor from doing this so let's just turn that heat down go in with the last knob of butter the cinnamon we're going to go in with the lemon zest then the garlic and that's going to fry and the flavor is going to be phenomenal and then this frumpy old herb called sage the minute that that hits the chicken fat the sticky goodness in the bottom the lemon the garlic the cinnamon the fat it's going to completely transform oh so this is a really incredible flavor combination seasoning goes in pepper goes in then just when we feel that we've got a nice bit of frying action happening then we break it oh yes with milk so there we go then we go back in with the chicken add a squeeze of lemon go go give me a squeeze of lemon and that will split the milk so what you're going to get and observe from this is like little delicate curds of cheese and then the whey splits out and kind of gets all the sticky bits off the bottom of the pan and out the chicken so you get kind of like milky gravy and then curds or cheese and then you're going to get something really really special so in an oven 180 degrees celsius which is 350 degrees fahrenheit and we will cook this for about an hour and a half and i'll turn it a couple of times [Music] so an hour and a half has passed and in that time gennaro has made a little mashed potato we've blanched off and steamed some swiss chard some broccoli spinach and now for the ps the resistance vr oh my my yes there she is look in here guys there's almost like homemade ricotta here and it's just phenomenal serious flavor traditionally you would use um polenta but we're going to use mashed potatoes look at that really special i'm going to put the greens on this is what it's all about i'll just put this over the top and when you get the curds from the milk it's a phenomenal thing something a bit different that little hint of spice from the cinnamon is spectacular put them on top yeah and that's it chicken cooked in milk lemon sage garlic mashed potato something really really special so shall we shall we oh my god that juice is delicious in there and the cinnamon subtle and the garlic with a mashed potato with our juice i like it generic i love it
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 139,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver
Id: Pxr2Gv4PWX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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