Best INEXPENSIVE AR-15s with IV8888

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shrim well John Lovell Wow all right now welcome back this week's episode brought to you by gummy worms sour patch coming rotten teeth oh yeah my Pepsi wait a minute we're in the south coca-cola a pop oh wait no that's of Northern day what you guys don't realize is that's the video intro surge lowering your sperm count that since 1993 I'd hate folks we're doing a video on inexpensive ARS that are going to last and they're going to be tough enough to get the job done with me as Iraq veteran 8888 one of these guys is Chad and Eric do you guys know chad eric and they have done a whole bunch of cool stuff on their youtube channel if you're not already following them i'll have a link below in the description make sure you check them out they got a whole bunch of stuff offered to you guys anyway they're doing all kinds of meltdowns of ARS where they're testing these different weapon systems and yeah they are here today to give you guys some good information in case you're saying hey what's the most inexpensive way to get into an AR that'll still last now some of you guys internet commanders out there that was a little harsh I don't mean it like that but some of you guys just really shopped and found the way to build the world's greatest AR for $55 and you're really proud you'll let everyone know in the description be like what these guys are morons and I figured out how to and good job pinned the rose on your chest way to go buddy no I'm excited that you found a good deal but we won't be the world's best here we're just gonna go for good so here we go guys what are you gonna put in front of me hmm well we're to begin yeah you know the thing is it that's a great point you talkin to like build or buy I know that there there's always the build aspect that people want to go the build route some people want to go the by route I think what we're gonna really focus on to this particular video is more of the hey I want to just buy an entry-level gun right out the gate now we do our series called the meltdown that John alluded to basically we'll take various uppers off of different guns and we'll run them on machine gun lover and we'll really cook them and see what kind of damage that can take how hot they can get and really he is what kills a firearm that rapid growth of heat within the weapons system and everything and that heat will just cause this usual gas tubes you'll your gas port will begin to erode the barrel will begin to erode and that he really speeds that process up quite a bit and what we found in our testing is a lot of these lesser expensive options that are out there are actually quite good and the average shooter is not gonna really be able to get any of these lesser expensive ARS hot enough to really hurt him in average shooting so that's one thing that our consistent testing has found is something like this MMP 15 now this is an image feed 15 sport-tuned obviously this one's been melted we could what is this retail for like 600 bucks it's a complete rifle right lesson six that's a whole game that's amazing yeah so like you're talking to oftentimes depending if you catch them on sale sub 600 our gun and you know it's a good solid setup now branded this one's been melted of course but this is a good option for somebody that wants a great gun right out the gate that's ready to go you may not have all the bells and whistles but it is a good workhorse gun that will hold up quite well I would say if I was gonna buy a cheap a or cheaper a or let's just say entry-level a are really hard to beat an M&P and we're not advocating the sale of firearms which is of the devil so if YouTube you're watching we're good so yeah the thing to with these guns is that a good cover your but yeah yeah don't talk about guns I'm trying to not get cancelled here so think of these rifles is that a lot of people get on this whole barrel kick you know like oh you gotta have a cold hammer-forged barrel otherwise you're nothing well these MMP barrel how they talk yeah you kind of know the answer you gotta have a cold here enforce barrel otherwise you so but these barrels are actually Smith there was at least four mil knotted inside now it's very very hard like carbide light finish almost I mean comparable to it gives it a very good hard surface finish on the outside and the inside of the bore and like here extent heat does is for these guns you're gonna get throat erosion and muslin as the barrel heats up in the middle just can't handle it and just starts to erode I mean we've shot the rifling out of guns like this but the thing is like the gas tube on the M&P didn't melt I mean nothing really against the whole meadow but the gas tube kind of with a little droopy there I mean it's just the quality the metals you know a few minor upgrades to it's cheap gun like this a good saw red dot on there a good 0 an inconel gas tube you will never shoot that thing out you're talking it'll last ten thousand-plus rounds now cold hammer-forged barrel yeah you can get twenty thirty thousand rounds if not more than that out of it before it really starts to degrade accurately so much where it won't work out to like 250 or 300 yards but you're talking guns that are well over the thousand dollar price point most of the time but for a cheap gun I mean this thing the M&P is the one that's impressed me the most so far I mean the meltdowns are just what they are mean we just burn the gun down it's fun and it's just cool to see how they how they you know just kill themselves but it's just such a good gun for the money they are that's what is the money for this Palmetto this was the Palmetto uppers are less than P 15 David yeah the MP 15 the tote the complete gun I think when we got this from I think I got it from also it was like 550 or something like that it was not expensive pretty reason the Palmetto upper was like 350 don't come at the thing but the palmettos and one thing I want to mention so it'd be about 500 something the palmettos are generally more geared towards somebody who wants to build but a lot of folks do run the palmettos because they'll buy the upper and lower kit add themselves a receiver put the gun together and they've got a very very reasonably priced AR for some time south of 400 bucks if you catch them on sale you can build an AR for less than four bills and the thing is to their premium series they hold up quite well to actually use like FN barrels yeah they're they're basically surplus like not use just surplus fnh coal here before it's barrels and hence the ink recent price but we did do a meltdown on one of those uppers a little while back didn't we that one had Lincoln elegance - is that right and that sucker lasted still had real strong rifling but the gas tube failed before the barrel moon it is what you want buzzer so usually I'm coming from place and those who follow the channel already know like yeah John's kind of a gun snob of like I get the nice stuff and that's all I really use and so like you know I've been yeah Daniel defense or something like that something I really like and but then there's all kinds of folks that are wanting to build and tinker and there's ways to get really good guns without going up to the top level rifles em so I love that you guys have done this testing this data because I don't have it I want to provide that service then so thank you for what you the service you're providing for all these guys out here know I've had a I have like five Palmetto lowers because I just want them but I don't have one actually complete Palmetto it's not one of their premium builds and though I'm like alright this guns probably great it will get the job done it'll last unless it won't fall to ashes there's a weird recoil impulse that through my timing off that I despise no no my other rifle isn't like that so I I didn't like it uh and not that it wasn't a bad gun the timing was off the recoil impulse was off don't like it so uh anyway I just shot it now it just lives somewhere you know what I mean a lot of that has to do just with gas port sighs sure carry your weight everything's green tension spring way buffer weight all that stuff is usually pretty cheap right the big thing is this I don't I'm not a mechanic I'm the driver yeah yeah I you figure it out and give it to me I don't like tinkering I don't want to build I don't want to work my god I want to you want to have a gun around structures I want to shoot it well I want it to be an extension I mean I would be really good with a rifle but I don't care about them at all time to build I don't it's not interesting to me but I found something in the process that Palmetto State people Pro Palmetto they're like diehard all about Padma dose as soon as I didn't bow down to the altar of Palmetto State is the end-all be-all man I got some hate and so Palmetto guys you guys it's okay I didn't get the premium barrel and I'm an idiot and you know your rifle is the best in the world so there's the shout out for you that's fine Pramod oh it's a good gun isn't it they are and you know what there's something to be said a comment you made just a few minutes ago here that I want to mention real quickly here I want to hit on the fact some people you know like the whole Daniel defense are out like buying a gun that's kind of ready to go you can go to different ends of the spectrum you can either go with something entry-level it has a relatively low cost of entry and then upgrade it as you see fit some folks like John it's okay for them to go hey I want a gun that's already got the real system I want it's already got the grip I want it's already got the type of bolt carrier the barrel length you can basically just tailor the gun specs to what you want and have an out of the box ready to go option that has all the features you want it's okay to not be a tinkerer and it's okay to not want to mess around with these things and upgrade them if you don't want to upgrade it's okay to buy a nicer gun but just bear in mind that those price point differences between like DB or some of the upper end LMT or whatever else down to the entry level human piece of the PSA that price difference is a real price difference that has a reason to be there it's not just more expensive because why should they pay because it can be it's more expensive because you know yeah the the Daniel defense is gonna have a rail system that's kind of a nice boat carrier group it's gonna have you know all Magpul Hardware everything ready to go you pull it out a box drop optic on it and off you go so I just want to make that distinction some people may not realize that those price differences are there for a reason you know that's cool thank you I won't judge the tinkers and the bill Burson you guys don't judge me back let's just 15 that was off the show every single AR but I built this is the only like actual golf the show AR that we have in here is this is a savage MSR and you know Savage is probably a little bit late into the game because you know what's the AR thing really just the bottom broke out and everybody that had a manufacturing company one you know you are but their name on it right in charge $3,000 per set exactly there are others by ex-special forces you know whoever right so and they are savage is no different you know they have their version of AR but you notice you know it's got a collapsible stock it's got a you know very ergonomic grip that is their own little take you know so Blackhawk furniture set it's got an M lot rail ready to go it's got flip up sights so this is an option for somebody that may not want to go like super high end on the expense route but maybe maybe they just want something that's not super expensive but still not quite entry-level mini on does that fit your hand will shut up man so we did a gun crack video oh fitting my head well very cool I want to say a gun like that probably you're getting more than about a thousand bucks territory there you know but you've also got a rail now it's not Daniel thins you know Daniel fence makes some great stuff what's this girl run a degree okay give it a go I will say that one of one of my go-to rifles actually like the main go-to rifle what I have them safe is actually based off the Bourne series this is one of the more for LV kids and this is basically just a standard 450 more or less there's really nothing special about it but I took the gas block and cut it down put a piece a memory I want it and then I put in like a spring cove red spring in there h2 buffer the thing runs beautifully you've got a three half hour ACOG on it and should make shots out six hundred with it which is the extent of that particular object very similar to this moment we still have not finished the videos on yet so guys don't don't crucify us but we still have not finished the basic a or series so this this is the mark 4 le this that's a few upgrades just just a rail system trigger optic obviously this is all one that we've been actually testing the accuracy improvements on with a few component changes over the past years yeah well I still got the basic safety gear I've got a CMM D rifle just out of the box they are pistol the thing is awesome it's ran really really well and that's a more inexpensive option that's really good and got good warranties all the profits american-made and yeah anyway it gets the job done so that that's become my wife's home defense rifle this is a short unit just we like it pretty good job CMM G one thing on the other end of the spectrum that I want to mention is a buddy of mine actually owns one of the S or 15s and I'm not really too much of a snob when it comes to life you know higher end guns and all about guns really like that I don't own like an L Mt I don't own a Lou or what's the other company like flower who is it so I can't think of all they are manufacturers or kind of top in their last bear bear it yeah whatever any of those guys but that is for 15 I will say that is one of the smoothest ARS and I've ever shot in my life and the way the gas system and everything threads over the barrel has a Castleman systems locks it in place there's no way that things going anywhere just smooth as butter recoil impulse is perfect super accurate told hem force barrels the whole nine yards but they're pricey I mean nice stuff is pricey well yeah if you want an end all do all they are you know it's but it's hard to compare something like that which is like a two thousand dollar AR plus to $600 rifle you know but there's really different ends of the spectrum for the people watching this video I would say that the best wheelhouse to steer you towards really that the mep 15s for the money are very very really hard to beat okay they hold up great they're not expensive they offer themselves to any type of modifications you might want or not if you just want to shoot at standard you can throw an optic on and it's pretty hard to be very hard to beat cool hi guys well hey I'll provide links below in the description make sure you check that out for some relevant links and there was a little redundant anyway I rock you veteran 8888 so I really appreciate your time and your knowledge with all this stuff and yeah I benefited from another these guys did too so thanks a lot guys hey I'm John Coltrane holler trained smart and we'll see you next time have a good one guys I could I mean the look to you here if your prize I don't use Erica products he just watched up in his hairs like [Laughter]
Channel: Warrior Poet Society
Views: 1,762,875
Rating: 4.7797437 out of 5
Keywords: IV8888, Iraqveteran8888, iraq veteran, GWOT, ar-15, ar15, inexpensive AR-15, palmetto state, savage AR, m4 carbine, m&p sport 2, smith & wesson, ruger, m&p, warrior poet, john lovell, which gun, best gun, top guns, CMMG, Daniel Defense, Knights Armament, build or buy, BCM rifle, best gun for home defense, war veteran, torture test, meltdown, AR-15 meltdown
Id: 2cG2uYTuVrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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