Basic AR-15 Practical Accuracy

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alright guys welcome back this is Eric here with Iraq veteran 8088 if you're anything like me you've probably always wondered what just a basic ar-15 shoots like we're talking out-of-the-box basic build you know a two front sight post back up side or maybe a you know carry handle or something like that what kind of accuracy can you reasonably expect out of just an out-of-the-box type gun so recently we did a CMM G mark 4 le build from scratch we actually have a video on that showing you how to build your own AR from scratch and it goes into a lot of details on how to accomplish that task and we promised that we would do a range video on that particular gun so this is the gun from the build video we've gotten the Magpul backup sight it's the mbus standard in buss they do make a pro version of this sight that's metal this is the polymer version so we've got two in buses zeroed we're pretty much good battle sided out to about 300 yards so we're going to take some shots and we're going to try to showcase as best we can the practical accuracy potential of this particular rifle just from a standpoint of zero it take it out can you hit stuff with it and what this video is kind of segwaying into is we're going to go over some upgrades we're actually going to take this very rifle and we're going to slowly over time kind of upgrade things on it and kind of discuss what we're doing along the way in terms of upgrading this rifle and then kind of showcase what those upgrades do to enhance the accuracy of the firearm obviously sighting systems are going to be a pretty big deal I mean obviously if you run something like an ACOG or you know a nice optic you're going to get a very consistent point of aim you're going to get a better image of the target you're going to be able to see what's going on downrange a lot better spot your shots better iron's kind of can be difficult to get them to shoot super consistent when you're talking about something like a backup sight carry handle you know that's something we'll go to it at later time iron sights obviously can be extremely accurate but practical accuracy how well is this little gun going to shoot well let's find out so it's just a basically m4 style upper 16 and 1/2 inch barrel with m4 cut a two flash hider a to front sight handguard standard hand guards standard milspec furniture standard milspec trigger pretty much a m4 more or less so let's go for it we're going to take a few shots here with iron sights and just see what our little comm G mark for Ellie can do here I'm running the small aperture iron sights like these generally you're going to have two different apertures a larger one for kind of close-range work where you really want that extra light transmission be able to see targets up close and then a smaller one for longer range work we're going to be shooting targets between 100 and 300 yards these are all shoot steel comm targets chatez going to spot and let's go for it a couple at 100 here just to see where we're at Chad yeah go ahead and Center mm-hmm alright oh yeah - where were those that dead center stacking them in about five inches give or take that's not bad and remember guys backup sights yeah I mean these guys are designed to flip down out of the way and you run your primary optic all right 250 go for yes sir all three of those on there all three on the plate first two were pretty much dead center where the black is okay within about four or five inches and then you had one that kind of strung a little bit low okay so not bad I tell you what for fun let's see if we shoot that gopher go for it I'm gonna go for it I see what you did there you trickster let's see if we hit a gopher at 250 yards with Magpul backup sites he's tiny I like building air castles yes we do all right past his belly Jerris passes back elevations perfect oh you got him right there at the toe i blew his foot off all right we'll we'll call that good 250 yards and a toad on a gopher alright we're going up to three we've got two different targets down at three guys one of them is a big old round gong how big is that particular dog that one is a 22 inch that's like that's kind of a big round but we've also got a half size d28 down at three as well and that that's basically in terms of a military rifle qual target half the size of a normal military rifle qual target at 300 yards I think 12 by 24 - Tareq that's kind of a small target it is all right basically simulating double the distances oh yeah three rounds they're starting to open up a little bit I mean you know all three are on the gong they're spread out about a foot though so basically so far with accuracy we're talking minute of man at three I mean this idea is a battle sight zero yeah all right go into the half size d-28 senate now to give you guys an idea in terms of size takes up about a third of the front sight post so this is getting more into the long lines of precision long range work with irons you start getting three to five hundred yards out those targets are going to appear pretty dang tiny you got to really do your part and we're just running 55 grain freedom ammo too so got you all right ready yeah I've send it just over his left shoulder there elevation is good just a little bit right same thing just a little bit right same thing just a little right Wow just low right under same place that's a very difficult target to hit it is he's hard to see out there but the thing is I think we're what we're starting to kind of see here at least from the perspective of practical accuracy if we had an ACOG or something you could just about dome him at this distance with good ammo well I got something to say real quick I was out zero in my 18 inch gun the other day and I just happened to try some of this particular ammo and I was hitting that gopher just consistently for like an entire magazine just right there in the face so you're talking less than two inches at 250 or so yards with a good you know 18 inch barrel with a good mote variable power optics yeah it definitely makes a difference but it's practical accuracy let's go back to the other gong and let's just see if we can wring a few in on that other gun going for three again yeah send it just low air yeah those shots were favored a little bit low you might want to bring your hold up just a tiny bit good you're in there yes sir all right for this second mag I'm going to pick up the pace now that I kind of know where we're aiming I'm just going to try to go for it here starting to strain you around a little bit all right that was 253 yep tell you one thing just in rapid-fire and kind of keeping it practical you can really get some lead on target pretty easy out to like to 250 yards even with these backup sights which is pretty impressive getting out to 3 you definitely have to kind of take your time a little more it's it's definitely not as easy as just wrapping them out especially with this trigger is kind of staging and heavy I mean it is a military trigger I'll tell you what we've gotten the barrel pretty hot here yet stringing them around quite a bit is string and I can see that from here cuz they're stringing a bit let's try that a half-sized e28 again yeah go for it whoa whoa that went high and right just under him right over his head yeah they're stringing all over the place down there past the coyote snout got it hit way left way left two feet off target just low and right loitering they're stringing all around now so yeah exactly you know that barrel starts to heat up and those rounds will definitely kind of start stringing there especially with this type of handguard design so that's something that we're going to get into in the future videos that we're talking about hopefully that gives you a bit of an idea chad is also going to shoot so don't leave yet you know you start to get into the floating of the barrel okay and that starts to you know relieve a little bit of that stringing that can come with like extended uh you know periods of firing the gun and everything like that obviously the sighting system is something that can be improved okay so that's something we're going to look at trigger you know the trigger in terms of accuracy is kind of the the link between you and the performance of this gun the trigger isn't physically going to make the gun shoot better but it will allow you to shoot the gun better so in terms of accuracy there's a lot of stipulations about trigger where people go well you know this trigger is going to make the gun shoot better well no it's not going to make the gun shoot better it's going to make you shoot the gun better accuracy really is a combination of a measure between what the rifle is capable of and what you as a shooter are capable of you know you can take a Marine Corps veteran or Army veteran or guy that's that's got a lot of experience with iron sights like with an a2 I generally can shoot an a2 quite well but that's because I'm used to that particular rifle now you get a guy that you know the entire period in his career that he owned an AR let's say as a gun his gun on in career you know he owned an AR the entire time and the guy built it out with fancy optics and a nice barrel and really spared no expense well his idea of accuracy and repeatability and that accuracy is going to be much different than what an average person might consider who kind of started from this point and worked his way up first is a guy who just ran right out the gate with the race car basically and smoked everybody on every lap so you if you take a given sighting system and treat it like the tool it is and zero properly you can see that with a little bit of work it'll definitely deliver the goods if you can deliver the goods so I'm going to swap places with Chad he's going to take a few shots here and uh yeah I mean I think that this definitely shows some promise for accuracy potential and that's a journey that we're going to continue along as we go here all right guys I'm gonna take a few shots with the Mart foreli build here you know it's only fitting that since I put the gun together I get to actually take a few shots with it before we start upgrading it and we like to upgrade things but like Eric mentioned this video is just all about practical accuracy and to be honest with you the Magpul emboss i'ts they're they're okay but I would much prefer to have a carry handle with a standard a2 style sight on here if I was going to be running irons all the time this sight is it's adequate let's just put it that way and like Eric mentioned it is a backup sight but shooting with iron sights is completely doable especially out to long range I mean you look at all the long-range competitions where guys were shooting full-size 20-inch national match rifles out to a thousand yards on basically man-sized silhouettes and you know keeping shots within the ex ring which i think is like 10 inches I mean don't quote me on that I don't know for sure but I mean it's a small area okay and thousand yards with a you know like an 80 grain five five six pill and it's pretty impressive but this barrel one thing that Eric forgot to mention this is a one-in-seven twist barrel and these are a nitride if I'm not mistaken so one-in-seven a lot of people don't think that 55 grand ammo is good for it but 1/7 can be used for everything from 55 all the way up to the heavy like 77 grain pills with ease and keep everything nice and stable and keep the accuracy potential high we're just running some freedom you nisshin's 55 grain newly manufactured ammunition here I found this to be pretty accurate right out of the box like I mentioned I shot it in my eighteen inch gun and just practical accuracy out to 250 yards was spot on the money and just great stuff but enough talking let me take a few shots here I think this thing is probably cooled off enough to give me a fair chance here and I'm just going to do bass like Eric did I'm going to take a few shots at the various targets between 100 and 300 yards take some shots at our small half-size d-28 over there basically that's simulating a full-size target about 600 yards so when you talk tiny I mean that thing is tiny so let's see what we can do here whenever you're ready Chad go for hunt I'm just running a regular GI spec Colt mag - so you know just regular Sandman and I'm back here spotting for Chad so you'll probably hear me talking here and there okay so one thing about ironsights you know is consistency as far as siding goes so a lot of guys will run the nose the charging handle that's kind of a common thing keep your nose on the charging handle and you get a you know your eye kind of lays right in there and you can see exactly what's going on sir alright let's see we can do here what's that look like like about a two inch group that's pretty practical one of the other reasons we run in 55 grand MO is classically 55 grains like X in 193 or whatever 55 gram ball is typically more accurate than your 62-grain variety like the ss109 of the m855 some of the m855 out there is supremely accurate but most of it you're going to get you know two and a half to three minutes whereas 55 grain stuff can cut your group sizes in half so we're talking about a two inch group with iron sights at 100 yards with regular ball ammo with irons I'll take that all day all day long one thing that I've noticed with this particular build and it's just something to consider if you put together a gun or you buy like a kit I'm noticing that this is a little bit over gas and what it's doing is throwing the brass a little bit forward around like one to two o'clock typically you want your brass to eject about four o'clock or so between like three and four and that's kind of the proper gas for your rifle and it's not beating your carrier or your receiver extension or any other components up and that's it's kind of a tuning thing we might get into that in a future video but just so you know this rifle is a little bit over gas so it could use a heavier spring and a heavier buffer but we'll get into that later on but for now we're just going to shoot it all right so 200 yards that's a 18 by 24 inch target down there yeah all right your first three shots Chad landed into about three inches and the the second the last two shots and that five shot group opened it up to about five whereabouts on the plate where they hit in front of us dead center pretty much dead center yeah I'm gonna take a couple of shots just for the fun of it at that half size d-28 on the left that's hanging at 200 down there go ahead about half the size and just want to see real quick see sweet I'll take that yeah so your first three shots landed into about the same and then one shot landed about three inches lower than that and then your fifth shot landed in the same group cool so you're probably just getting a little bit of inconsistency probably just from the fact you're running irons in such a broad point of aim that's all probably not bad but yeah I mean that's a basically equivalent of a man-sized target at 400 yards so double the distance half the size so high let's take shots at 250 there and I might trying to go for two just for fun let's see that was a little bit quicker so yeah your shots were stringing just a little bit but for the most part into about five inches well centered okay all right I'm gonna take a shot of their gopher before him Gulf War him oh that frickin target is small oh boy all right we'll see just across his belly okay I just said yeah I'm spot I did download near the feet one more time let's see if I can I can else Eric does that mean I get more shots no oh no belly that's what I get all right 300 yards yep oh yeah getting on out there now oh yeah all right that triangulation chat is about 12 inches that's about what you were doing pretty much yep you know it's just that target when you get out there I mean it's still plenty minute of man but she's one of those things I'm surprised you know that a little 55 gram pill still smacks with some pretty good authority that range - yeah it does it's no slouch for sure taking more shots er yea-ah I think it went well hi maybe it just landed off the right edge of the plate you're still in about a foot group okay mean four irons at that distance not bad not bad at all well I'm gonna take a few shots out of the second mag on the small/small d28 down there the black one that's half size and see how I can fare on that and I might go down to 200 there and take a few shots on some of the smaller plates we have some quarter sized e28 that are like ten inches tall and then we've got some small rounds which I can't even I can't even see those from here down there in the shadow let's see whenever you're ready alright I'm gonna take a shot at the few shots of the black target down there 300 I mean that thing is just about impossible to see holy cow alright just over his head Wow okay yeah and that's crazy yeah it's weird man well lower edge of the Gong okay yeah you just barely nicked the corner on the bottom right corner oh well better go in between the coyote and the gong so a little low certainly hard to get a consistent point of aim at that range yeah especially with that coyote being underneath it kind of throws it off a bit it does right in the face yeah I cut all over the plate but still it is a small target this range like Eric said I mean only takes up about a third of the front sight post yep that's very difficult yeah and when I was shooting at it I was that was after a kind of a hot heavy string there yeah and that those barrels tend to whip around a bit when they get hot they do plus you know the the car handguards the Delta ring the front retaining cap here for the hand guards all that plays into the harmonics of the barrel and after it starts heating up and everything that's why a lot of guys for Acura said they go with a free float barrel and we're going to get into that in the future series with this rifle where we accurized it and such we're going to show you guys how to do all that stuff and see exactly what kind of improvement it makes but take one more shot at that target there go ahead alright so counting the misses Chad probably about a foot foot and a half group overall pretty much consistent compared to the 22 inch round but just yes it's a tough target to hit I mean it's just it's kind of challenged it is alright I'm going to go for some of those quarters sighs I'd do twenty eighths down there to see if I can smack a couple of those things just for fun go for it oh my god those things are tiny yeah they are let's see a little bit easier to see that's not the one I was aiming at I was naming the one on the left I'll take it there let's see well that was fun right in the center there we go we aiming at the one on the right yeah I was getting to moving to the right got you that hit low about a foot oh wow yeah son popped out man that one on the rights probably just going to elude me I guess yeah oh well man those targets for tiny yeah they are alright I'm just going to kind of wrap these things out of here and just see what we can do from a hundred to three low there you go low yep you're on it low oh man Lou you're on it low low ten quite fair as well in rapid succession as you did well guys hope you can see the literal practical accuracy of this platform just as it sits I mean this is a basic build this is something very similar to what you would find in your local gun shop just on the shelf a bare-bones AR and sometimes they don't even come in the backup site they just come to the flat top so you know you have to purchase a site get it zeroed and that's one thing we fail to mention too is the distance that we zero that was 50 yards that gives you a good battle sight zero all the way out to 250 with just basically aiming directly at your target and we're holding a little bit high 3 basically if you consider like a man-sized target hold the head and you hit dead center this rifle is performing exceptionally well very very pleased with the accuracy potential of this platform we are going to be taking this exact rifle dropping a 10 power optic on it doing some grouping work with it and then slowly upgrading it and we're going to take along for the ride but stay tuned for that hope you guys enjoyed the video much more on the way you guys take it easy you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 1,090,423
Rating: 4.9182539 out of 5
Keywords: ar accuracy, practical accuracy, ar-15, ar15, ar, entry level ar, entry level ar-15, entry level ar15, ar-15 accuracy, ar15 accuracy, cmmg, mk4le, mk4 le, ar parts kit, ar build, ar15 build, ar-15 build, iraqveteran8888, iv8888, basic ar-15, bacis ar, basic ar15, MK4LE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 29sec (1589 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2016
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