Best Device - MSFS 2020 - Stream Deck MFD

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I got a stream deck yesterday and hooked it up to the Spad.Next beta. With you can actually receive data from the flight sim so it can be a status board and a control board. It's in beta right now so it needs some fine tuning (e.g. it can't display text data just yet) but I think it has a ton of potential.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

for those that don't want to watch a 6:41 promotional video.

here is the link:

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/ddrake1984 📅︎︎ Sep 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

Yet another post you never bothered to even try to discuss anything in.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LoricEternus 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello youtubers this is the nubifire today i wanted to talk about how to leverage the most underrated piece of tech an elgato stream deck to help with very complicated lists of in-game features i had done a video in the past on this subject but it was a more shallow dive and i have that linked up for you right now how you use this is personal and you should adjust yours to your needs both in where the hardware is and what the buttons do in what sequence you should invest hours into perfecting your own icons and creative bindings this is a very powerful and flexible device that'll even let you display toggle states and animated icons i enjoy tinkering with icons and functions you might find this fun as well i have prepared my very basic profile for upload however my aim today in general is an overview to demonstrate how i've used it so far my profile is incomplete but it's evolving and ideally you should work on what makes the most sense for you let's begin the main benefit of using this as an mfd or multi-function display is to augment your ease of managing many bindable functions games such as flight sims often have hundreds of bindings and let's be honest there are some functions that you'll never use because you can't remember or couldn't be bothered to look them up this can actually hurt your in-game experience these key bindings would normally be bound to buttons on your game controller or hotas however what i want to demonstrate today is how effective it is to have them also bound to an mfd a stream deck may seem like not much more than a programmable button box these are expensive compared to other options and available in three sizes of 6 15 and 32 buttons ranging just below 100 to nearly 300 you aren't limited to using only one so be creative you can actually build out a full cockpit using several during this video all of the sim gear including the sim pit and the mounting options are from monster tech if you're a regular here you're likely already aware of their quality and i would remind you of a five percent discount code that they've offered to this channel support companies that support us so in reality there are three things that i leverage from a stream deck for this purpose first the illuminated buttons can display custom icons which makes it very easy to identify the correct function two the buttons can be grouped into folders this lets you navigate very large complex pages of functions ensuring that you can group them as you see fit this allows even the smallest six button deck to offer as many functions as the larger one however with many more steps and three the software lets you create macros which can automate full startup sequences into a single button to program a button you're to need a target action target actions for a gamer sim are the keybinds found in the option menus the stream deck software also has default functions to change volume launch programs open web links and even adjust the lights in your room there are many functions once you know the keybind you choose the button define the action and set the icon it's really that easy i've spent time creating icons for the majority of the bindings used in microsoft flight but i have profiles for most games that i play plus i use this heavily for content creation with hotkeys for adobe the icons for microsoft lite are coded and grouped making them easier to understand and easy to read the extra large 32 button stream deck offers the most features at once however by using custom folders its function and power is expanded even more i have made folders on the main page for basic commands systems trim fuel autopilot camera controls lights and navcom this list is limitless and the combinations are limitless best of all this device does not change the default function of any of the keybinds or interfere with your joysticks once you're done programming you can save that set and quickly change entire profiles specific to the needs of the game that you're playing thus saving time for the new player i believe that the ease of use through the picture-based pages of functions will be very helpful your features and folders can be quickly rearranged in the stream deck software exported profiles can also be shared over many devices plugged into the pc at once or even sent to a friend i'll quickly take you through my pages on the xl and then show you the same layout on the 15 and the six button on the systems page i have park wheel and wing spoilers all of the red buttons are having to do with engines such as magnetos and alternator control landing gear flap control is also here plus i have the de-icer randomly here once the binding is set you can click and drag it to a new place as you see fit the back arrow moves you back to the main page within trim there are rudder aileron and elevators with lots of space to expand within fuel you can mess with the pumps the dump and the mixture autopilot is being worked on right now but the basics are here the camera controls are beefy in the game and most of them are here with load set and fixed lighting controls have their own page and navcom is another work in progress page looking at the list of keybinds for this game i plan to add interior view hotkeys some mapping binds and others the 15 button deck offers the majority of the core features but as you can see you can see fewer of them at the same time you can see that system is incomplete but as i said you can click and drag the functions around as you see fit trim make sure and autopilot look fine camera features are cut down lights are complete and so are the basic navcom functions dropping down to the six button stream deck is especially limiting however i really do like that it can be shoved anywhere i plan to reserve this six button for core functions such as volume control reset view for vr and start stop recording i'm planning on playing star wars squadron in vr and having the small six button will make using it when blinded by the headset even easier i'm going to end by saying that you can run as many stream decks as you like at the same time meaning that you can group types of functions onto individual stream decks creating the perfect cockpit as you've come to expect from this channel i believe that that's all i want to say about this subject short and sweet i can make the icon pack available and i will include some of the basic profiles that are evolving please don't be shy email me if you're interested in using it as a starting point thank you very much for spending your time with me fly safe and i'll see you in the verse [Music] [Music] you
Channel: TheNOOBIFIER1337
Views: 29,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft, flight, simulator, 2020, world, gameplay, footage, alpha, tutorial, xbox, pc, takeoff, landing, cockpit, noobifier, mfd, elgato, stream deck, stream deck mini, stream deck xl, MSFS2020, Guide
Id: q8F4XZPhVsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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