SAAB JAS 39 Gripen G-Force Video *BREAKDOWN*

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hello everybody today we're going to take a look at a video of a saab js39 at an air show that saab put out like a couple years ago and you guys have sent this to me a bunch of times so you've probably already seen this video but we'll just take a look at it make a few observations as always if you want to watch the full video the link will be in the description i'm going to stop and talk about stuff as we go [Music] all right so the video is called uh grippin and g-force so sounds like it's gonna be fun and spacebar play good work spacebar mouseplay okay so starting out uh we've got gs on the right um a little uh external view internal view uh looks like there's his little helmet cam looks like he's an old contour room he's got the mirrors on so that's gonna obviously affect his frame rate um see here all this is blurred it looks like a really nice uh cockpit so to speak all color large mfds looks like a moving map there probably a weapons display system right there and um yeah center stick set up got the big canopy bow uh but that's because it's a hinge canopy opening off to the side so this is their gen 4.5 fighter i think it's got an esa radar erst uh delta wing design with the canard so uh high maneuverability not a lot of thrust i think it was something like 18 or 19 000 pounds of thrust so not like f-16 territory which is pushing about 30 000 pounds but because of the delta wing and the canards you should have a high g onset a lot of alpha available maybe not being able to sustain it for a really long time the thing to note they don't put the air speed and i think that's for secure i'm pretty sure that's for security reasons because you know everybody that gets in these m diagrams it's really a simple calculation your your turn rate is a function of g and air speed so the lower the air speed and the higher the g the better your turn rate is so and the smaller your radius is so that's probably why they're not showing that all right here we go let's take a look at the gripen and the g-forces how will this work play and he's on takeoff roll this is a clean jet he's got the smoke on the wingtips there not doing any kind of low transition or anything like that little aileron roll and into the g's looks like he's just setting himself up for the next thing three g's not too bad do a little g warm up sort of although typically we do a level but this might be how the air show guys get ready we're going to have rain waters on the channel here soon so we'll get to talk to him about doing these demo profiles all right so coming for the high speed pass g's are going to build up because he's got more speed negative 1g that sucks he's hanging in the straps negative 1g it's just uncomfortable oh boy nine down to seven so right here it's probably one of the most dangerous things you can do and kudos to him for being able to do it in fact uh the mishap uh with cajun the thunderbird that was killed during practice they attributed it part to this uh it's the push-pull effect so when you pull g's your body gets a tolerance right so blood vessels uh start to constrict you're trying to keep all the blood from pooling in your feet well when you do negative g's the process is reversed right because all the bloods go into your your brain so your your uh you start to dilate and you know because now you don't want it pooling up so it's it's reverse in the direction so when you push pull and go from negative g where your body's getting used to being at uh having the blood try to rush to your face and you start to pull g's now this guy went to nine you've got a higher risk of g-loc g induced loss of consciousness because your body's your body's already prepped for negative g and then you suddenly go to positive g that's a huge i mean that's a 10g swap right because you went from nine to negative one so really tough on the body really tough to stay awake i don't know what g suit these guys are wearing i don't know if it's the a tags or f cags uh which is the new full coverage uh anti-g suit or if it's the older uh one like i i fly with and i used to fly with but very impressive either way i mean just to be able to do that now you see he didn't hold nine g's for a really long time uh he went down to seven probably part of the profile but could be hey you know a little bit of light loss or whatever but uh still i mean that's that's pretty tough to do so he's holding seven g's which still is not i mean it still sucks there goes back to nine so it's just like an ease and then a titan so maybe he had a little bit of light loss it was like okay i'm back on it or maybe that's just you know for the profile to make the turn happen but what's impressive to me is how long this thing is holding 9gs i mean it's obviously we're at low altitude i don't know what the field elevation is but still and then we go nine g's in the vertical uh over the top so this thing's got a lot of maneuverability and despite you know maybe not having the thrust that an f16 has it's still able to hold its own there he goes again negative g into five g's that's tough i mean that is hard to do this this dude is definitely in some really good shape i think it's a dude i didn't sound like a chick so seven g's right there down to five he's really really working here i mean even five once you pulled nine g's i mean now you're starting to get tired you can hear his breathing you don't hear him g-straining all that much he's just breathing so it must just be you know with the energy straining maneuver it's a it's a three-second air exchange um and you tighten your core your glutes your quads stuff like that it's like another high speed they love their aileron rolls holy crap there go into nine oh boy nice thing about going nine over the top is you know if you do lose consciousness it's not as deadly but there you went back to negative one so a lot of push pull on this very tough on your body i mean very fatiguing very tiring and here you see slow speed high aoa uh those canards are working just a uh really maneuverable aircraft just going to be a slow speed pass yeah it looks like a slow speed high alpha pass so he's punching off probably a gear warning low speed gear warning horn that's high aoa warning because the airplane thinks if you're low to the ground you're slow you should have your landing gear down there you go there's the high alpha pass and i would expect that i would expect the delta wing with the canards to be a very maneuverable high angle of attack aircraft i actually expect it to be a little bit more than that it doesn't look like it's all that high at least compared to like what the hornet demo does there he's in burner see how quickly he gets back his air speed it'd be nice to see the air speed to see just kind of how quickly it gets its energy back because he's just i mean he's got his left hand parked there and in full afterburner negative three oh oh that's red out territory right there oh and then the nine g's oh no god that's terrible i mean good flying but oh i can't even imagine again you're pushing all the blood up and then you're reversing the direction you can hear him he's oh this is rough this dude's gonna sleep like a baby tonight just hope he doesn't sleep during the show which he wasn't because obviously this video has been pre-recorded but dang another high-speed pass and nine g's oh oh that hurts there's his g strand you hear him that time duck sounds like there's a beeper gives him the uh the limit of max performing the jet really maneuverable aircraft oh dude look at that that's impressive high alpha slow speed would be good jank i mean that would be fairly effective in some kind of dog fight so we're back to slow speed and he's got to get holy crap he went so he slowed the jet down to get into the right base for a gear down full stop or is he gonna touch and go nope that's it he's gonna full stop that is amazing lands like a hornet not much of a flare it's got beefy gear though these things are made to land on like streets really cool he's a good-looking airplane too all right so what'd you think i thought it was pretty awesome actually um you know we talked about the physiological stuff the push-pull i mean that's a tough profile i'd have to we're gonna have rain waters on the channel uh monday uh for a live interview i'm gonna ask him about this because to me as a fighter guy that just does tactical stuff i don't ever pull negative g's or push negative g's zero is about as far as you go because usually bombs and stores uh you can't and why would you want to it's just uncomfortable nobody wants to do it so even in bfm it's very rare that you actually go negative now you'll punch the mpcd or something like in a hornet but you don't go negative g you don't get fully unloaded so uh that's not something we do a lot but it shows how maneuverable this aircraft is i mean it would be good for a i mean out of plane like that would be pretty cool but uh highly maneuverable aircraft good looking plane uh i think only a couple countries actually fly it but um really it'd be fun to fly it'd be a fun little jet to fly uh and even you know despite the lower thrust i mean it's still fairly high but lower than like an f-16 it's still able to hold sustained 9 g's now i don't know what the weight was you know if they've put a combat load out with missiles and stuff is it still going to be able to do that i don't know but i mean neither is an f-16 i mean f-16 you know with missiles can do it but not with tanks and pylons and all that stuff so anyway hope you guys enjoyed this episode thank you for watching we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: C.W. Lemoine
Views: 433,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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