ChatAvatar Tutorial Best GenAI App for Characters in Unreal Engine 5

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hey everybody how's it going welcome back to the channel in this video we are going to talk about a great tool that I found recently called chat Avatar it's a great tool to create base meshes and to get you started with working with your own unique characters very easy to use they are also sponsoring this channel so thanks a lot to hyper human and chat avatar for sponsoring today's video there's going to be some coupons down below the first 99 users that do this you're going to get 10 free credits when you signed up so usually you get free credits when you sign up so you can test chat Avatar but you're also going to get 10 free credits on top of that for the first 99 user so the coupon is down in the description below and um let's get started now what is chat Avatar chat Avatar is a gen AI tool that will allow you to create uh faces with bodies and AR kit that are either from pictures that you provided or from prompts you're going to see how everything is so easy to use all right here in the website uh link is in the description down below as you can see I have some credits you have to have an account with this website so you can use this application uh it's going to give you some free credits uh as we talked about in the beginning there's something special for you guys here today now if you look at feature there are several here they already created from people that you can uh click on and take a look at and see what they used like if they use a picture and you can see the results and what they got uh it's pretty neat that you can see what other people are making too uh here is a cartoon one which we're going to talk about cartoon later on this was actually generated with prompts with it's another way of generating your character now let's try with pictures and let's try with something realistic you if I go into my folder I do have my face which is this one right here my face has what they told me was the most optimal thing is to take some pictures with the least U amount of Shadows possible so I just went outside took some pictures of myself I think it got my face pretty spoton actually gave me a little bit of eyebrows here and there and this um Shadow because I forgot to shave that morning however this this is an optimal scenario like you can take the pictures or somebody can get you some pictures let's try with pictures that we found on the internet and for that I'm going to be using uh some pictures of Michael fast Bender as David this is one of my favorite characters in movies I don't care what people say about pritus and alien Covenant I think those movies are great and I like his character a lot in those movies so we're going going to be using his likeness to test this part I'm just going to open them all you can have as many pictures as you want however the more pictures that you have the longer it's going to take to generate and there's a little thing that we're going to take a look at in a second once you get all those pictures in there so right now it's generating here if you took the pictures you can actually select what kind of shot you did there's a custom one I'm not sure what they use for these particular pictures so I'm just going to leave it at medium shot and and apparently it had a little bit of trouble with one of the pictures so it just gave me these three however as you can see it actually narrowed down to where the face is so even if you have a picture like the ones I have here as you can see all the pictures that I have have a little bit of shoulder Etc it actually focus on his face so I'm actually going to go for this one and this is a nice tool that they have here you can actually tell the AI which of the pictures you wanted to focus more on and uh it will I guess it will use the other ones as a bit of reference but it will focus on the picture that you give more weight to so this one's the blue one I think this one is the one where you can see more of definition of his face uh I actually thought thought this one would be good but I think it's way too flat so let's see what it comes out with this one and if not we can always regenerate and we can just change this around so I'm just going to hit generate this might take a bit of time so I'm going to pause it here and I'll be right back all right so these two pictures are kind of similar what I'm going to do is I'm going to regenerate and see if I can uh get the cheekbones a little bit more defined so we go to regenerate you click okay and it's going to bring you back over here to the place where you have your pictures now over here you have a little prompt that you can add or uh subtract if you want I think this one spot on so I'm just not going to uh change that I am however going to tell it to use more of the orange picture and see what comes up okay actually been playing a little bit with some of the settings and I think this one is pretty close to the original one so if you guys want to see I'm just going to regenerate so you can see what happened um I chose detail shot which if you hover over here it says perfect for closeup selfies and near distance photography which not these two but this one in particular it is all right I just wanted to show you that I'm going to hit generate one more time and we'll continue on with the process okay we're back at our generated image and we need to pack it so we click on pack now uh you're going to see that we have 4K and AK of course 4K it's a little bit more credits so I'm just going to continue with 2K but you can choose 4K and in here you have default and metahumans so default it's going to give you a full body and it's also going to rig it for you it also has the blend shapes and all those goodies that you can bring into on real and use the LifeLink phas app or any other type of AR uh kit solution uh like I've shown in the past on my channel and then use it for um facial animation which is pretty cool now if you choose metahuman the thing with meta human is it's not going to be rig however it's going to give you medum topology so those of you who follow my channel and know about metap pipe and how I use it you know how having something with metahuman topology is very important the other thing about having met metahuman topology is that it's going to give you the texture that you see right here which I think is pretty good uh right as a met human youv that means you don't have to do any crazy stuff in Photoshop like you've seen me doing in the past with other tools because it already has a texture for you to use in the metahuman topology so for this one I'm going to keep as a metahuman I'm going to hit pay and if I go here you can see that it says payment successful and I can view it later it says estimated waiting time is 10 minutes uh for me in my experience it has usually been around 5 to 6 minutes it's never reach 10 minutes but it will send you an email the email that you signed up with it will send you an email to your account and tell you when this is ready so you don't have to stay here waiting for the 10 minutes okay this one was surprisingly fast that was actually like 2 minutes and now all I have to do is hit download you can see over here that you have certain icons for plugins which we are going to be using the Onre plugin but you do have some for uh Maya blender and unity there's also Coco's engine if you use that but uh we're just going to focus on unreal if you click on the unreal icon is going to take you to the marketplace uh where you can actually just get the at the plugin and this works like any other plugin that we use on Unreal Engine you click tic card uh get it this this is a free plugin of course and it will show up on your launcher we'll talk about how to activate it later now what I'm going to do is I'm going to download this because you are going to need to download this in order to use it with a plugin all right so as you can see it can generate characters from pictures I think very well let's try to generate from text all right let's uh I think this is uh a little bit of a ridiculous prompt but let's see what it does and they have their own uh kind of little assistant so it says let's start with the physical appearance we have a tank character from OverWatch with r is there anything else you would like to add uh excellent It's recommend me some props that may be related to this so when it comes to these there's the dream face is a realistic one uh from what I've been told the hero style I think it's a little bit stylized and tunify fully cartoon let's try hero Style all right it's done what do you know this this looks pretty good I don't think this texture is uh too useful because of I think it it was trying to make a stylized beard and some eyebrows I do think the detail around here it's pretty good but the the mesh that it gives you I think this is pretty impressive okay we already tried it out with a realistic portrait and we did it with a description now how about a stylized picture so let's try this one um if you know don't know who this is this is Reinhardt from OverWatch from that cinematic short all right so let's see 40 year- old male it's not anime uh it's really not Asian but it is white let's just generate and see what happens all right it has finished generating and I would say I'm super impressed with this I mean look at it it's almost like it it even got the accident that Reinhardt had in the eye of course he his eyes pretty much close here but look at this it captured the expression even something as stylized as this it got it right this this blows me away because it is very unusual shape and it's also very unusual angle to get a picture from even if I was using um the other blender app that I showed in a video before to the one that allows you to also create a base mesh from pictures I don't think it would have gotten this close and what we're going to do for this one I'm actually going to pack it as a full rig character so you guys can see the difference between that and the metum uh so all you have to do is go here next default and because you choose default you're going to see that now you get different options un likee the medicum one where you don't have all these options I'm just going to click rig buddy mail gives you something where you can choose the height and weight I'm just going to leave it at medium to see what it guesses I need eyes and teeth expression and blend shape so the AR kit works and of course I need backhead textures so I'm just going to hit pay and again just like the meta human one I just need to waigh a little bit and when it's ready I can download it and we'll use the plugin to bring it into unreal all right here we are in Unreal Engine and the plugin for Unreal Engine it just installs like every other plugin that I've shown over and over and over pretty easy just hit install and install to engine so we're going to go to the plugins make sure that our plugin is on as you can see chat Avatar plugin it's on if you don't have it just check on it and restart your engine as usual now over here we're going to go to Windows and this is usually when you find your plugins you can see I have the perception which is the motion capture one and you can see the chat Avatar plugin so if we click on this it's going to pop up a window or chat Avatar now the way that this works is you have to have downloaded your character from the website it's going to give you a z file so that's what you're going to be using with this plugin we click on import and as you can see I have uh various other packs uh I have the David one which I already have here on the scene and let's import the Reinhardt one which is the one that comes with everything rigged I'm going to click open and as you can see it's telling me here you want 2K default next now we want absolutely everything that comes in the pack that we told it we want click on next and um we want to prepare it for live link face which is the AR kit that we always use with the iPhone I'm going to click here and as you can see it says please ensure that you have enabled these plugins which if you have a metahuman on scene you will always have um these plugins turned on if not then you can see here which ones they are just type the name of the plugin section and just make sure that they're on cck confirm okay it's done and uh I already have that folder but you should get a folder called chat Avatar just go into that folder and you should see the character that you've imported I already had a character imported but let's go into this one is the one we just got and as you can see it gives you everything you need for onreal which is the skle mesh that comes with the physics and skeleton it gives you the maps already setup and the textures in case you want to make any changes now let's go and throw him over here here now one thing that we need to do is we need to give this character uh some materials and we're going to the way that you figure out what material is what is usually you can either highlight here or if I get this to show you can see that they've uh named everything here for your convenience so you already know where everything goes now let's throw face into face let's throw back in into back of the head now we don't have a body in this case um but let's keep on going down now for the teeth and everything else I've uh the first time that I tested this I found that you can use the metahuman stuff so I do have a metahuman here so for teeth we're going to use the metahuman teeth and we're using U materials we're not using anything different and we have the eyes so let's just go to the eyes and another thing you can do with chat Avatar is you can use Grooms so if you saw the metahuman one that I have for the Michael fast bender avatar you're going to see that I'm using metahuman Grooms actually you can see this this is pretty much the regular metahuman Grooms I have eyebrows I have eyelashes I have Peach fuz everything from metahuman works on these guys too so as you can see right out of the box just throwing some things in there this guy looks pretty good and you could work probably in substance painer and get even a more painterly style kind of texture if you wanted to uh same with the eyes or you can just leave it at that I think the way it looks right now it actually looks very good so let's try let me add a camera here and what we're going to do is we are going to do the AR kit now for the AR kit to work you are going to create a animation blueprint in case you haven't seen my other videos on animation blueprints I'm going going to do one real quick so just like you see right click on your skeleton create animation blueprint and we're just going to right click here LifeLink post and we're just going to connect that here the other thing we need to do is turn on our iPhones which I'm doing right now and I think it should already be in there there there it is my iPhone if I click here and compile you can see that uh he's not doing anything because there is a bug that I don't understand in unreal where you have to like restart things so now you can see that I'm actually doing things so pretty cool awesome over here and select animation blueprint one we just made it's this one right here and it's not doing anything because we need to add a live link and there you go we have a character a functioning character with everything that comes with a metahuman and it has a rig I think this is pretty cool and actually took us no time like from what I usually do and you can see there's something in the teeth and let's fix the teeth real quick this is because there's something that needs to go there so the way that we can do that if we don't have a specific material for something I just like to create a hide material go here into mask hold number one and click and put this into opacity mask save and we just throw it in here save our character and as you can see that little problem just went out and you can see this this guy works well it's perfect and again you can just um work a little bit on the textures and make it your own but this is a great base to start on now let's look at the body rig okay in order to test the weights I want to create a sequence going to call it chat Avatar test I'm going to throw in the character and as you can see we don't have like control rigs or anything thing but if you've been in the channel for a while you know that I do have a video showing how to edit animations when you don't have control rig that's precisely what I'm going to do here you click on edit with FK control rig click create and as you can see you can see the bones here and you can grab the bones and you can actually animate your character here if you wanted to so I'm just testing the we to making sure that everything is fine and as you can see it's perfect got pretty good weights to it let's say a little bit better than miximum which I'm pretty sure you can take this character into the mixo thing and get some animations for it so you don't have to retarget by the way your plugin usually should be here as well so if you click this you should get the plug-in window as well I'm just going to click on import and I'm going to click on this one and this 2K metah human because these are the settings that I selected when I created it click on next uh that one takes a lot less time because uh it's not a full-on rig here is what you get now the way that you can use this is you can actually use this with metahuman Creator uh in mesh to metahuman if you want to do it that way so if you wanted to rig that it's actually pretty easy just bring it into a mesh to Med human and you got your unique rig into what you made with chat Avatar now we can throw in here and yeah just like I mentioned you can just use this sculpt and bring it into MH to metahuman and then just do the whole Mash to metahuman process with metahuman Creator and you get a rig face that is exactly to all those pictures that you gave chat Avatar to make so I'd say chat Avatar is great resource to get meshes for mesh to meta human now the other way that you can use it is the way that I did it and and it's what I use for that uh little short that you saw before this video and it's this one so this one is actually completely rigged so we can take a look at the character we can see that I also used metahuman animator on it so this is fully rigged if you've watched my channel before you've seen the process that I Ed to turn any mesh that I want into a custom metum and to get rigged exactly like this all right everybody thank you so much for watching the video remember to leave a like and leave a comment for the YouTube algorithm all the links for chat Avatar are down description below also remember the night first 99 users that sign up and use the coupon that's below you're going to get 10 free credits on top of the free credits that you usually get for testing the app for free thanks uh to Chad avatar for sponsoring the video and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: MR3D-Dev
Views: 2,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Genai, ai, chatavatar, deemostech, ai character, chatavatar tutorial, hyperhuman tutorial, unreal engine 5, ue5.3
Id: pWkFlVgYbo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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