Why does NOBODY use Unreal Engine for THIS?

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as you probably know Unreal Engine has already changed film making forever through virtual production it's been used on a ton of high-end Productions including the Batman the Mandalorian and the new Fallout series but today I want to talk about a different maybe less glamorous but potentially more impactful way Unreal Engine is changing film making for people like you and me not just Hollywood Blockbuster Productions now before I get into how this impacts you I want to talk about how it has already impacted Hollywood most recently Unreal Engine was used on one of the biggest and in many people's opinions one of the best movies of all time Dune 2 dune's Director of Photography Greg Frasier is one of the pioneers of virtual production and a huge contributor to the development of the technology with his significant contribution to its use in the Mandalorian as well as his continued use of the technique on Films such as the Batman but in Dune he used it for something a little bit different prev visualization now you may have heard prev visualization or previs before and you're probably thinking of the rudimentary animations you've seen from older movies in the early 2000s or 2010s when computer Graphics were first coming around but what I'm talking about is the incredible potential of Unreal Engine to create photorealistic prev visualizations as well as the ability to plan out lighting composition and staging using physically accurate light values and camera settings which translate directly to Onset shooting for for Dune 2 Frasier used unreal engine's time of day system to display the exact positioning of the Sun in the sky based on the shooting locations coordinates and orientation on the globe Frasier used the system to perform virtual location Scouts plan and schedule lighting and staging based on the sun's position throughout their planned shooting days and determine the best composition for each shot this is invaluable as a filmmaker for on location shooting because the sun will always be your brightest most impactful and least controlled light source meaning you have to learn to use it to your advantage and take its position into account when you're planning your lighting so it's really cool to see this tool being used at the highest level of production but how does this apply to you and how can you use these tools for your own films and projects well as you may have realized at this point these tools are somewhat useless without a 3D model or representation of the environment in which you'll be shooting for Dune the environments were modeled by artists and you most likely don't have the time or frankly the desire to do that so how can we streamline this process and get accurate models of real locations the answer is by 3D scanning them but how you may ask well there are a ton of methods for 3D scanning a scene including photogrammetry gajin splatting and lar scanning all of which have pros and cons however what's great about these methods is that they can all be performed using only the phone in your pocket and they're all capable of capturing incredible levels of detail and realism the process of 3D scanning is generally pretty Universal between the different methods the concept is to capture photos or a video of your scene or object from all different angles an algorithm analyzes the photo or video input as well as the overlap between the individual frames of that input to generate a highly detailed Point cloud or a representation of the position of particular points of an object in 3D space from this point the different scanning methods diverge photogrametry utilizes the point Cloud to construct a highly detailed fully textured 3D mesh which can be used in traditional 3D Graphics this is very useful however photogrammetry often requires hundreds or even thousands of images to construct a 3D model and it's usually only viable for use on a single object gajin Splats however utilize the point Cloud to construct a field of 3D gajin which display lightness and color values based upon the original Source video according to the camera's position in 3D space since no 3D model is actually constructed there's no need to apply lighting or texturing and therefore the result is an extremely lightweight fast rendering reconstruction of the scene you scanned however you're limited in your ability to relight these scans and your ability to manipulate them meanwhile lar scanning actually uses pulse lasers shot out into the environment to determine the size and scale of objects and capture your scene in the form of a 3D model lar is extremely accurate in terms of scale and measurements so it allows you to capture your environment to scale with a high degree of precision while lar scanning does require Hardware to accomplish many people already have this Hardware in their pocket in the form of an iPhone or an iPad Pro which comes equipped with a lar scanner built in this method is great for capturing larger environments though the result is not typically as detailed as photogrametry so once you're scan is captured using one of the aformentioned capture methods you can pull it into Unreal Engine and virtually Scout your scene light it using physically accurate real world light values and virtually shoot your scene using unreal's physically accurate camera and lens system the ability to move massive light sources swap between different lighting looks with a click of a button and try infinite lighting and Camera setups from the comfort of your home is second to none when it comes to giving you creative freedom as a filmmaker you can even use light profiles for real light fixtures such as aperture and Airy lights which allows you to see exactly to a te what your lighting is going to look like on set without ever leaving your home you can also easily create lighting plans from your setups and Unreal Engine with accurate measurements so that your team can have a detailed plan of exactly how your scene should be set up where lights need to be placed and the intensity of those lights using this technique to plan my last shoot it cut my setup Time and Time on set literally in half because all the experimentation and planning had been done before even showing up on the location it saved me a ton of money in Manpower as well as gear and location rental because I was able to rent only the gear that was necessary for the shoot and also I only had my crew on set for half the time but not only is this an incredible tool for filmmakers to plan shoots it's also an amazing way to learn film making and cinematography without having to buy or rent a single piece of gear an expensive camera or spend years working on set trying to acquire these skills Mastery of skill comes from experience and practice and learning and practicing these concepts with so much creative freedom in the digital world can allow you to grow your skills exponentially even if you're an experienced filmmaker Director of Photography or photographer if you want to learn more about this process and see step by step how to do it I've put together an extensive course on how to use all of these incredible tools including an in-depth guide to all the latest 3D scanning options how to work with them inside of Unreal Engine and how to use them to virtually Scout your location create incredible previous scenes and plan your real film shoots so you can see exactly what you'll be getting when you show up on set the course is tailored for complete beginners so you don't need any experience in Unreal Engine 3D scanning or even film making to take it so I'm very excited to share this new workflow with you all it's changed the way that I plan film shoots and I think it has the potential to change a lot of people's careers and hopefully jump start some amazing creativity in the the film community so don't forget to check out the NextGen filmmaker course to learn exactly how to do this process in no time so you can take your skills to the next level also if you want to learn more about Unreal Engine I highly recommend checking out the Unreal Engine for filmmakers course on the website as well it covers how to create stunning films and visual effects all inside of Unreal Engine as always if you found this video helpful it makes a huge difference if you leave a like or a comment and I'd love it if you subscribe to the channel for more content like this we have a ton of new stuff coming that I can't wait to share with you all so thanks for watching and have a good one guys
Channel: Boundless Entertainment
Views: 27,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine, unreal engine 5.4, unreal engine 5, unreal, engine, ue5.4, ue5, previs, previz, previsualization, tutorial, how to, planet of the apes, dune 2
Id: SstexNmLc68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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