Last Epoch BEGINNER'S Guide | Make YOUR OWN Builds

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so you want to play last Epoch and you don't know where to start or how anything Works no problem cuz I am going to show you everything you need to know to get started and make your own build that works feels powerful and is fun to play every class in last Epoch has a lot of build diversity with masteries and choosing a Mastery which happens around level 20 could be pretty daunting considering it is permanent but it is important to know that some masteries just straight up perform better than others for example a druid or a paladin has a lot more builds that easily reach the endgame whereas choosing a shaman or a spellblade requires more knowledge of the game and it would leave you with fewer build choices that being said any build you make can Master the endgame it just takes more time and investment into your character after choosing a class let's bring up the passive skill tree by pressing p and take a look at the masteries on the left you will find that each Mastery has its own passive bonuses this is a good hint at the type of builds that Master is going to support for example the void Knight clearly leans into using Mele void damage whereas on the other hand a paladin is the better choice for Elemental and physical damage builds even after choosing a Mastery you can put points into other masteries just know you are locked out of any passives on the right half of the passive tree separated by the Big Chain in the middle for most builds at higher level it's actually a really good idea to grab passives in other masteries like this one in void Knight even though I'm a paladin I get a huge boost in defensives here with health void and physical resistance so don't be afraid to dip into other Mastery passives now for your skills and specs I won't go into crazy detail here because this video would be way too long and much harder to digest but once you understand the basics it's pretty straightforward some important things to note are that each skill has a little icon to the right of it showing which damage types are available for that skill for example war path is a physical skill inherently but it can be converted to a fire or even a void skill every skill has scaling tags what this means is any one of these tags is going to increase the power of that skill if we take a look at Javelin here you can see that it scales with physical throwing attack strength and dexterity so any one of these stats on passives or items will increase the damage but some skills are sneaky if you look closely added throwing damage applies at 180% Effectiveness this means throwing damage will scale better than the scaling tags listed at the bottom you can even see the same with Shield bash 1.5% more damage per 1% block chance so just keep your eye out when you're planning a build pressing alt when you Mouse over a skill will also provide some very useful information on the scaling of that skill as well specializations are what you see at the top of the page you can choose five skills to specialize in completely altering the skill and defining your build these will level up with your character as you gain exp up to a maximum of 20 which can be increased further with increases to your skills on your items so you found the skill you want to specialize in you open it up and whoo okay to make things easy start by looking at the big hexagon shaped nodes these are usually what are going to alter your skill the most let's take a look at Smite here I don't really want to deal fire damage so this won't work this would make it a movement skill but I already have one of my builds so no thanks okay this node adds a ton of damage and Order of lagon up at the top right converts it to lightning perfect I can do a high damage Smite Build focused on Lightning now we can take a look at the smaller Circle nodes that benefit that play style you're going for and most times it really is that simple you don't need to overthink it stats the focal point of any arpg there's stats on your gear there's stats on your skills on your Idols which I will cover later in the video you get the point so let's start with doing damage you want to stick to one or two damage types at most going past that makes it really hard to scale your damage then you need to find a balance between flat damage and percentage damage so if you get a lot of flat damage on your weapon like this unique the last laugh with plus 64 physical damage you would increase your damage a lot higher if you paired this weapon with a ring that had 40% physical damage as opposed to+ 15 physical damage just make sure you have a good balance of flat flat damage increases and percent damage increases don't just focus on one or the other attack speed and crit can also be very useful but keep in mind when doing a crit style build you need to heavily invest into crit chance and multiplier for it to be effective another important tip is to identify what build you are going for do you want big juicy hits go with a Critical Strike build want to do damage over time stack damage overtime multipliers try not to go hybrid as this more or less turns out to be less effective than focusing on one type of damage now you might say okay I'm doing great damage but man why does my character just keep dying well you need to max out your resistances and the cap is 75% but it's not a bad idea to go over the cap because some enemies will penetrate your resistances this is the first priority then you want to look at your health investing into your max health is important if you get hit by a fire attack that does 2,000 damage and you have 75% fire resistance and 450 Health 500 of that damage is still getting through and you are going to get one shot so make sure you get increases to health and add a lot of Health regeneration or life steal to keep feeding Health into your health pool you can even build into to Ward which is a shield over top of your health pool and decays over time Ward retention is a stat that will help make the ward Shield Decay much slower but most classes won't really use Ward unless you are playing an acolyte or a mage where it can be really good those are your primary defenses this is the important part to make your character very tanky you need to layer your defenses what do I mean by that well you have block chance for instance which gives you a chance to block damage and the amount you block is increased with block Effectiveness so you can see here if I block an attack it reduces the damage by 38% which is fantastic but why because that is an extra layer of protection after my resistances have already reduced the damage if someone throws and I mean whips a cookie at your face even half of a cookie it would probably hurt but what if by the time the cookie gets to your face it's just crumbs do you see what I mean another great defensive is armor it's perfect for straight up reducing damage from a direct physical hit but in last Epoch 70% of your armor is also used to reduce non-physical direct damage this does not affect damage over time at all though endurance Dodge stun avoidance glancing blow these are all good as well but I'm sure you get the point you need to layer your defense the forge is the core of FL Epoch and it's where you craft your gear to be more powerful from Level 10 all the way to level 100 you should absolutely be using the forge f is the default keybind to open up the forge and each piece of gear has two prefixes and two suffixes which can be increased within the forge you can add or increase these using AIX shards which can drop from anything in the game they can also will be obtained by destroying the item using a shatter Rune or a rune of removal giving you the shards of the aexes present on that item depending on the tier it's important to know that using a shatter Rune gives you a random number of AIX shards so if you find a rare AIX like plus one to a skill you should use a rune of removal instead which guarantees you get the AIX Shard you want but this costs Forge potential every AIX you add or upgrade cost Forge potential with the exception of using a rune of discovery which fills all empty slots with random tier one affixes at no cost a random number of Forge potential is used every time you craft until the item reaches zero when your Forge potential hits zero there's nothing more you can do to this item every piece of gear has a random amount of forging potential the higher the better as it allows you to get more craft out of the item and glyphs such as Glyph of Hope can be used to save you forge potential because it has a 25% chance to not use any Forge potential there are other glyphs and runes that allow you to do more complex crafting like turning a normal item into a unique item and if you hover over them it will tell you exactly what each of them does and clicking on the guide button at the top right of the Forge menu will also give you some pretty helpful insight on crafting in last Epoch you have some interesting items known as Idols make sure to do all side quests to unlock all of the idol slots these Idols provide passive bonuses to your character and on the surface they seem pretty simple with stats like resistances increases to health or damage increases but you can find some pretty badass build defining Idols specific to each class take for example my hammer throw Paladin here I have four Idols that all give me a chance to cast Smite whenever my hammer hits an enemy making for some sick effects of seeing lightning rain down as my hammmer spin around smiting everything but more importantly it's adding a ton of damage because I specialized into Smite in the skill tree taking advantage of the Smite procs from the idols it also makes a cool sound effect when I move them around in my inventory hey if you're enjoying the video why not click the Subscribe button and leave a comment letting me know what other guides you want to see now let's get back to the video as far as gear goes last Epoch has common magic rare exalted unique set and the highest legendary which we will talk about in a moment every AIX on an item which are just the four stats it can have will roll within a tier ranging from 1 to five one being the lowest and five being the highest and these can be increased through crafting like we explained earlier the exception is finding an exalted item which is what you will be hunting for as these are some of the best items in the game exalted items drop with tier six and tier 7 affixes and can only be dropped you cannot craft past tier five Pro tip if you hover over an item and hold alt on your keyboard you can see exactly what each stat does and if you hold alt and control at the same time you will see what tier any given stat is on that item now legendary items is where things get a little nutty a legendary is just a unique which had additional stats crafted onto it as you can see here I have the normal devotion unique amulet on the left and then I have the legend version with an extra 49% poison resistance the red stat was actually taken from another item now I know this sounds confusing so let me explain when a unique item drops it has a chance to drop with legendary potential which ranges from 1 to four this determines how many extra stats it can have so a unique item with one legendary potential can have one extra stat okay well how do we add the extra stat that you have to run a temporal sanctum dungeon which is one of four endgame dungeons if you survive to the end you can use the eternity cash you then put your unique item with legendary potential in The Eternity cash alongside an exalted item note that they need to be the same type for example a unique helmet needs an exalted helmet when you click seal cache random stats off the exalted item will be added to the unique depending on the number of legendary potential the unique had this is why any build in last EPO is viable with the right amount of investment into your character a loot filter is actually built into last Epoch but as of right now it's pretty hidden the only way to find it would be to check your keybinds to see that there is a loot filter by default it should be shift and F at the same same time and you can look through this yourself and be as strict as you want I usually keep mine pretty simple especially in the early game first I hide all the item types add a rule to show all exalted unique and set items then I add a rule to show items with the affixes I want for example if I'm going to be doing a me physical build I go through and select all the items and affixes that are going to work with that build one massive tip is if you are looking for specific AIX shards check the emphasize option and select the aix's you want that way you can just look out for anything that is emphasized when it drops and you know that if you deconstruct that item through crafting it will give you the AIX shards you need but honestly I would not really worry about a loot filter until you reach the end game and the screen is cluttered with items you will never use in Path of Exile endgame you have maps in Diablo 4 endgame you have nightmare Dungeons and in last Epoch the main endgame consists of monoliths which I'm just going to refer to them as monos for Simplicity these will unlock after you finish the campaign around level 50 to 60 there are a bunch of monos to conquer and each one has a stability bar at the top filling up the bar is done by completing Echoes all these little nodes you see here on the map are echoes and you're going to hear me say Echo a lot by the way each Echo adds stability to the mono when completed killing all enemies within an echo gives you the maximum amount of stability for that Echo unlocking quests along the way when you finish the final quest on the left the mono is completed and you get to choose a random blessing each mono has a bunch of blessings tied to it and you can repeat it as much as you want to get the blessing you need you can go to your inventory and click on the blessings tab on the top left to see a list of all the blessings in each mono that are available though most of these will not be visible if you haven't seen it as an option at least once when you complete the monoliths on normal you will unlock the level 100 legendary monos there is also corruption a mechanic that makes it more difficult but increases the loot you get you can increase corruption by doing these blue Echoes which will put you in a boss fight once completed the timeline will be reset and the corruption will be added the level 100 legendary monos have a minimum of 100 corruption and the blessings are much more powerful so I recommend just trying to shred through normal until you unlock Legendary all right let's quickly summarize some important takeaways from this video Pick a Class you know you will enjoy it's much more likely you will create an amazing build if it resonates with you and your play style one or two damage types it is much easier and your damage will be much higher if you scale cold and lightning as opposed to trying to scale cold lightning and physical layer your defenses remember that Max resistances High Health and health regen is good but not enough you need to add extra layers of damage reduction such as having a ton of endurance and a ton of armor further reducing all the damage you take you can't deal damage if you're dead craft everything all the time aside from the obvious things like plus one to a specific skill or a glyph of Despair which are really rare crafting materials that should be saved for the end game you want to be crafting all the time use up the forge potential on your gear exalted gear and legendaries keep your eye out for exalted gear as these are the best items which cannot be crafted and uniques with legendary potential because you can create some pretty insane legendaries that literally help your build break the sound barrier endgame blessings Farm out all those monoliths and get some of those sweet sweet blessings that are straight up extra passive bonuses to your character that is all the info I have for this last Epoch beginner guide if you want me to cover any of these subjects in more detail I would love to make a video that would help you out so you could make your own awesome builds be sure to subscribe to my channel and leave a comment whether you like the video and this helped you or even just to tell me how stupid I am and nothing I say makes sense thanks for taking the time out of your day to click on my video and watch I'm manith and I'll be back peace [Music]
Channel: Manarith
Views: 127,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: last epoch, last epoch guide, last epoch tutorial, last epoch gameplay, last epoch mastery, last epoch beginner guide, last epoch tips, last epoch starting guide, last epoch build tips, last epoch gaming, last epoch beginner tips, last epoch progression guide
Id: gxJHlIyA-34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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