BEST CHARACTERS YOU SHOULD USE IN PATCH 2.0! Strongest DPS & Support Characters in Genshin Impact

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hey what's up guys today i want to talk about the best characters in patch 2.0 we're going to be talking about the strongest characters you should be using the best dps and the best supports for every piece of content now some important information before i begin uh first of all i will be talking about characters who are good overall but we will also be focusing on the hardest end game content which is the new abyss that changed in patch 2.0 so while every character here is as i mentioned good in general i will also be explaining why they are good right now in the current patch especially in the current abyss with the abyss floor 12 being the hardest it's ever been and i'll put some numbers on screen showing the hp totals of the current abyss versus the previous ones you can see it's really hard so this video will have a sort of abyss focus because as a general rule characters that are good in the abyss are good everywhere and to keep the information in this video new and fresh while i will be talking about the characters general strength i will also be focusing on why they are good in the current patch how a lot of characters got better this patch and why i believe they are the best in patch 2.0 and lastly very important thing to keep in mind is that this list is not ordered in any particular way we're just talking about all the best characters but i'm not trying to argue on which character is slightly better than the other so it's not in any particular ranking we're just talking about the best ones that you should be using with all that out of the way i want you guys to know that i stream outside on twitch link in the description if you're interested an insane amount of time went into this video so i really hope you guys enjoy and with that being said let's get into it the first character i want to talk about in this video is actually ayaka ayaka is actually a new character that came out in patch 2.0 and the more i've played her the more i fell in love with her and honestly she's even better than i thought she was initially the reason for that is because not only is her damage especially on her burst very high but she's also really good at perma-freezing enemies since her attacks can be infused with cryo and can deal a good amount of damage when you pair that with the blizzard straighter set that gives her 40 crit rate and some crowd damage bonus the ridiculous scaling on her elemental burst and the fact that she can just freeze enemies in place meaning that they can't move and then you can burst them down very fast makes her a very strong carry especially for the current abyss as you guys probably know for floor 12 the first chamber is generally the hardest one it's widely regarded to be the most difficult one and a freeze comp is usually the easiest way to clear it without too many problems as you can see you can make this chamber a joke by perma freezing enemies not let the mirror maiden like teleport away from you and just demolish her super fast with ayaka's damage other than just the abyss though ayaka's just a good carry that shines exceptionally well in freeze teams and can honestly clear any content with ease now while there are some weaknesses like some enemies that can't get frozen like the magu kanki and so using aika there can be annoying but overall her strengths greatly outweigh her weaknesses making her one of the strongest units for patch 2.0 to give you guys a bit more information her burst can hit up to 20 times so you'll see the scaling here that might not look too high this 180 at level 8 will actually be multiplied by every single time it hits up to 20 times making it absolutely ridiculous continuing the trend of talking about new characters that are really strong kazu is exceptional in patch 2.0 because of everything he offers to your team not only is he a great animal unit which means you can run the verdes and veneer set to increase your team's overall damage by reducing the resistance of opponents but he also shines at grouping enemies as you can see with his elemental skill he can pull enemies together displace them and group them up which is very important to deal aoe damage and to prevent the enemies from running away using special abilities like you know fetus or the mirror maiden and that's not all kazua also brings an insane amount of damage to your team so much so that oftentimes as a support he'll be carrying because when you stack elemental mastery on him you will greatly increase your swirl damage and as you guys know swirl recently got buffed which means the damage it deals is actually very high to where kosovo can easily carry your team by constantly swirling opponents paired with the ridiculous scaling on his abilities to show you guys what i mean not only do all of his abilities have really good scalings but on top of that he scales very well with elemental mastery by not only buffing his swirls but also enabling this passive which as you guys know increases the damage of all his party members to whatever element he swirls that means that in an elemental team when you pair him with someone like shangling he can swirl that element the pyro and then greatly buff the damage of your carry or other party members and so because of all those reasons i believe causewa is amazing definitely an s3 unit for patch 2.0 and while we're on the topic of nemo units the next character i want to talk about is someone who got a lot better recently and someone who's honestly still underrated despite being pretty popular and that character is sucrose sucrose is an excellent four star and since she's a nemo much like kazua she can not only group enemies pretty well swirl an insane amount of damage with that buffed reaction but also greatly buff your team to where she's often times the best option for many different teams she can also carry you pretty hard as you can see from the footage on screen this taser comp is one of the strongest four star teams for the abyss it's what i use to get my first nine star clear using only four star characters by constantly procking swirl on all of sucrose's normal attacks enabling your off-field characters your off-field carries to constantly deal damage on all of sucrose's normal attacks while she applies the vertex inventor set and deals damage by swirling so she's great as just a general support but she's also good in this specific taser team where she is the one auto-attacking and swirling despite mainly being a support also in case you're unaware sucrose is really good at amplifying your team's damage because yes there's the british adventure set that i already talked about but she also gives a ton of elemental mastery to your whole team with her passives which makes it very good for reaction teams like when she's paired with the shangling or just any vaporize or melt carry on top of that if you run the thrilling tales of dragon slayers on her this will reduce her damage a bit than if you were to run an elemental mastery book but it will greatly buff your carries damage which can oftentimes be very important if you're running a hyper carry in your team moving on from those animal units i now want to talk about some characters that make your life a lot easier especially against difficult enemies these are two amazing supports that provide you with a lot of utility and a very powerful shield to prevent you from dying if you just make a slight mistake these two characters are obviously diona and jong lee the reason why i'm talking about these characters together is because they fill a similar role now keep in mind drangley is a better unit because of everything he provides right an amazing shield resistance shred on opponents increasing your damage and a great alt that petrifies enemies and can deal a lot of damage if you invest into them diona on the other hand is also great because she has a powerful shield she can heal your team as well so also be that healer that your team needs and gives a lot of particles cryo particles to your entire team especially when you pair her with a fuvonius or a sacrificial bow so while zhongli's shield and resistance shred is usually more valuable dionna also gives you a ton of particles and just utility with her shield that is nothing to scoff at because of that i believe both of these characters are amazing for patch 2.0 especially when you consider that a lot of the new enemies released in inazuma and in the new abyss can watch out you pretty easily these samurais and the magu kanki while they can have predictable attacks and attack patterns that you can learn can demolish you in one hit if you mess up if you don't dodge at the precise timing to where having a shield can just make your life a lot easier on top of the utility that john lee and diana provide you apart from just their shield now to take a break from all the amazing support characters i've talked about i actually want to talk about a few carries that are really strong right now the first character i want to talk about is actually hutau and uh de luke is similar here because hutel is really good at single target damage with her charge attacks constantly vaporizing since it has no cooldown on the pyro application and since her scalings are pretty high her burst is a nice chunk of damage that is the sort of aoe part of her kit and overall she's a great unit in patch 2.0 and the reason i'm praising her in this video is because she did get better in this patch the reason for that is because the new abyss the second half of it actually has a few chambers where there are single target enemies mainly 12 2 with the mago kenki that can be difficult to clear if your team comp isn't built well characters like hutao and also daluk who deal a ton of pyro single target damage constantly vaporizing are very good for this chamber and while hudau is a good unit just in general my main complaint about her is her lack of aoe that you only get through her burst but she does shine in the second half of chamber 12 to burst down single target fights like the magu kanki the rune guard and even bursting down the mirror maiden very fast and she also gets much much much better with her first constellation and staff of houma which are two really big upgrades but even at c0 and without this weapon she's still a pretty good carry so i felt like it was very appropriate especially given the current abyss to include her in this list while we're talking about pyrocaries i guess it's time to talk about shangling i've talked about her in many videos in the past so i don't want to go into as much detail as some of the other characters here but basically shengling's just a pyro carry that shines at everything since her scaling is so high and she does such good area of effect damage around her she's just a must play if you like her as you guys know her birth snapshots which means all the buffs will be factored in for the whole duration so when you pair her with someone like bennett someone like sucrose who can greatly buff her damage for the whole duration of her pyronato the damage she deals is absolutely insane you can see the vaporizes i'm dealing on screen now she's just amazing at everything she does her main weakness and critique is that she requires a very specific team to do exceptionally well right pairing her with bennett and a vaporized support but other than that her damage is just objectively one of the highest in the game she's an excellent carry great at aoe damage and shines exceptionally well once you have her constellation 4. and as you can see even in a single target situation like against the magu kanki while this is probably her weakest situation since usually you want her pyronado to hit multiple enemies at once even against this single target she can still clear it very fast and do very well lastly while you can usually run changling on pretty low energy recharge if you funnel particles properly by generating them on bennett swapping to shangling and catching them and while that is what i recommend generally in the current floor 12 with the high tide low tide mechanic you just get so many particles that honestly you can often times just do like one eon bennett and get your shangling's burst back very fast in the high tide with no problem lastly the new emblem set that came out in patch 2.0 can make her even stronger by giving her energy recharge and additional damage to her burst making it a very strong set for her the next character i want to talk about is similar to changling in that they're a very powerful carry that i've been praising for a while now that being said they got a lot better in patch 2.0 for a couple of reasons and so that's what i want to talk about that character is beta the reason beto is so good right now is not only because she got the new emblem set which can greatly buffer damage like changling by giving her energy recharge and burst damage but also the current abyss has a lot of floors where there are two or three enemies that is where beto shines exceptionally well because her burst can bounce between those two or three enemies dealing an insane amount of damage i'll put some numbers on screen showing exactly how much damage her burst can deal and as you guys can see it is ridiculous once vado has her second constellation the damage she deals against exactly two enemies can even be higher than eula's damage just from her burst alone and on top of that it's an off-field ability that's snapshots and that can be paired with other carries betel is a character who gets a lot better with two specific constellations the main one you care for is her second constellation which gives her more damage on her burst and then constellation 6 is a nice bonus upgrade that reduces the electro resistance of enemies that being said even at constellation zero this character and all the other characters i talked about in this video are great and definitely characters you should use also i believe a lot of people talk about beto without really mentioning fishel who is the electro battery for her also does a ton of single target damage and is a great character overall especially with constellations so because of that i kind of wanted to mention official in this video because her role as an electro support and battery is something that you should not overlook and definitely a character worth using the next character i'm going to talk about is pretty fitting after we just mentioned beto and changling and that is child child is a great enabler for both of those off-field carries because he applies hydro extremely fast by attacking extremely fast procking riptide which deals an insane amount of area of effect damage having an excellent burst that can deal upwards of a hundred thousand at high investment and by just being a very powerful character i believe child is a great enabler because once again he allows your off-field characters to proc those reactions in a child shangling team shengling is the character dealing the most damage but child is also dealing a lot of damage and applying hydro and just such a good character that i really think everyone that has them should use them i also believe child is stronger now in patch 2.0 because not only are his teams better right shangling and beto can both run the new set and are very good in the current abyss but child is also good against the current abyss enemies you can just constantly apply riptide to all of them and destroy them very fast alright so now i want to talk about one of the strongest hyper carries who's really good for just any piece of content but who can especially abuse the current floor 12 by getting an insane amount of particles during high tide and then using their burst during all of low tide to quickly take care of all enemies around him that character is obviously shao xiao is great because he has consistent and well consolidated aoe damage with all of his plunges being able to hit a wide range around him being an amazing carry to use at basically any stage of the game especially if you can build a team around him ciao's main weakness although it is usually over exaggerated is the fact that he needs a battery or another animal character to generate particles for him so he can get his burst back on cooldown and while a good rotation can usually make this not that big of a deal the current floor 12 that gives you a ton of particles during high tide and then allows you to dps in your burst during low tide makes charles rotations very smooth and allows him to get his burst back extremely easily with very low energy recharge and while there are some characters that i personally like more than others so i am biased to enjoy xiao's playstyle in terms of his damage and just his objective performance he is definitely one of the strongest carries for the kern abyss especially when paired with characters like zhang li or even bennett who can greatly increase his damage although he is not dependent on them the second hyper carry i wanted to mention is one who scales very well with investment and who's honestly a lot better late game than early game and is another character who can abuse this high tied low tide mechanic that is present in the current floor 12. that character is none other than yula who can get away with a lot less energy recharge now and who can be one of the strongest units to speed run at high investment or even with constellations i mainly wanted to mention her because she is a good carry and because as i mentioned she's able to take advantage of the floor 12 ley line very efficiently now she is a character who really wants a lot of investment and her burst actually similarly to ayaka can like miss sometimes or can be a bit janky but when it does hit the scaling on it is huge so being able to use it on cooldown and dish out massive amounts of damage when you crit can be devastating for clearing any piece of content very rapidly the next character i want to talk about should really come as no surprise to anyone it's the character has been widely regarded to be the strongest dps ever since her release and that is obviously gone you there's no real secret to why gany is so broken basically just everything about her is really strong for insanely powerful charge shots that explode and deal aoe damage to her great bursts that can be good especially in freeze teams she's just a very powerful character overall and definitely one of if not the strongest carry in get an impact now gany's always had two very good teams a freeze comp with venti and mona and a melt team with uh bennett and either coswell or shangling two constantly apply pyro while ghani melts and then usually like zhong lita shield or a flex slot now while the freeze team is actually worse than this abyss because some enemies can't be frozen and monaventi can have less utility than in previous abysses the melt comp actually got a huge buff to where i really believe melt ganyu is one of the strongest teams right now it is absolutely devastating the reason for this is because you can apply pyro extremely fast with shang ling who does a lot of damage while ganyu literally one shots everything the problem with shangling in this team is when she's ran as a support who isn't you know a dps isn't on field collecting particles she can need a lot more energy recharge especially in nagano team where she gets almost no feel time and while this team comp is still really good overall in the current 412 it is absolutely amazing because of the ley line of floor 12 giving an insane amount of particles to your shangling during high tide allowing her to run on a lot less energy recharge than she previously needed because of that she can stack a lot more damage while consistently getting her burst back on cooldown which obviously increases your team's damage and while ganyu has always had some amazing set options like wanderers troop and like many others the reminiscent set came out in patch 2.0 which is absolutely amazing for a meltdown you since you don't necessarily need to use your burst since you're trying to melt your charge attacks having a 50 percent increased damage to your charge attacks and 18 attack overall is very good for gun you and can oftentimes be your go-to set especially when you consider how difficult it can be to get a good wanderer set now i want to mention another enimo character and i know there's already been like three but animal characters are pretty broken overall and so i believe we have to talk about venti now venti is a very unique case because first of all the damage he deals is absolutely insane his burst can swirl enemies up to 14 times each as long as he is double swirling them so once you have two or more enemies in your burst he can reduce the resistance of enemies with the verdes inventor set group them up very efficiently and deal a ton of damage now you might be thinking that you can have some difficulties grouping certain enemies he can seem a lot less useful in certain abyss floors than other animal units but he invalidates certain pieces of content and is undoubtedly the best in certain floors like floor 12-1 on the second half grouping up those fatouis and lifting up the mirror maiden in the air permanently is very very valuable lastly i feel like it's basically mandatory for me to talk about bennett and sinchu xingchu did get better in this patch by getting the new emblem set which is amazing on him since it gives you energy recharge and damage but just in general ben and synchro have always been amazing supports venit by giving you an insane amount of damage healing you giving you pyroparticles and seeing chew for dealing insane amounts of damage with his rain swords and constantly applying hydro enabling reactions now i wanted to mention these two briefly because they are both amazing but they've always been amazing and i'm sure you guys have heard this multiple times now there's nothing really new to say about these characters other than the fact that they're just really good xingchu is the support who's needed by basically every pyro character to enable them to constantly vaporize and was also wanted by like electrocarries and most dps's whereas bennett is also wanted by many teams and usually the best option in most teams as a healer slot and so as you guys can probably tell i really went through a lot of characters in this video the reason for that is because there are a lot of powerful units and units that got honestly better in 2.0 uh given the current abyss i've always advocated for you know playing who you like and catch an impact which is why i tried to mention all of like the best characters for this patch i tried to name as many of the really powerful ones as i could so that you guys can choose your favorites this video took an insane amount of time to make i actually haven't slept yet i kind of stayed up all night making this so i really hope you enjoyed if you did be sure to leave a like and subscribe if you're new because it does mean a lot and i do appreciate it uh with that being said i hope you guys enjoyed if there's anything i want to add it will be in a pinned comment and do keep in mind that there are some characters that i could have mentioned like jean who's a great healer kaya and rosaria who are good in freeze teams but i don't want to make this video too long so that being said i hope this video helped you guys that's it i want to end it so that it's not too long of a video i really hope you enjoyed and that it helped you out and as always i'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Zy0x
Views: 439,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin imapct, genshin impact best, best characters genshin impact, genshin impact best dps, genshin impact dps, genshin impact support, genshin impact best teams, genshin impact guide, abyss, floor 12, dps, support, genshin impact 2.0, patch 2.0, best dps genshin impact, genshin impact tier list, genshin, zyox, genshin best characters, best dps, best support, best genshin impact characters, genshin impact gameplay, showcase, abyss guide, underrated
Id: VQ2YuaYBu94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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