Efficient Artifact Guide (SAVE YOUR RESIN) - What To Keep & What To Throw Away | Genshin Impact

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hey what's up guys today we're going to talk about artifacts and how to be efficient with them we're going to be covering what artifacts you should throw away and fodder into xp and what artifacts you should keep for your current characters and for future characters that might come out basically i've noticed a lot of people like farming artifacts and not sure what they should keep people throwing away artifacts that have a lot of potential and basically since i've been farming artifacts literally for like a year now since i was ar-40 and now i'm ar-58 i have a ton of experience doing artifacts it's honestly the main thing i do and so i wanted to give you guys some advice now a few important things before you begin number one this video has a lot of information and while i'm trying my best to structure this very clearly with some time stamps and trying to go in order it is very hard to split everything in specific categories so this video will have all the information you need to know but i highly recommend you like watch it all because it might be difficult for me to like accurately split everything into sections also this will be a video for basically all levels and so you should take this information and apply it to you based on your like artifact standards and where you are in the game and this video will be covering pretty much everything from basic information to like what stats you should be looking for to some of the more advanced and lesser known tips like just what you should keep what artifacts you should maybe level to plus four specific artifact stats for specific sets so what would be good for like no bless oblige versus what's good for crimson witch of flames and just everything you need to know regarding what artifacts you should keep and what you should throw away in as much detail as possible without taking too much time so yeah with all that being said i want you guys to know that i stream most nice on twitch link in the description if you're interested be sure to sub if you're new and let's get into it so let's start things off by going over some general information for every player and every character that we're gonna use throughout this whole video and that i should get out of the way right now first of all as you might know the most important stats on most characters again this can depend but generally speaking our crit rate and crit damage as those give you the most damage on most dps characters and even burst supports other than just crit a lot of characters need energy recharge as well they usually need a specific amount to be able to spam their burst on cooldown especially if they're support characters or have a high energy cost burst like eula beto changling so they usually need a specific amount of energy charge which can be a must and very important other than that a stat like elemental mastery is very situational but really amazing on specific characters who will be procking reactions like vaporize like swirl if you're a nemo or melt any of those reactions where you can be dealing big damage elemental mastery is really good on other than that the percentage stat of whatever your character scales on which is usually attack percent is good as a sub stat on a lot of pieces but do keep in mind that characters that don't scale with attack so a character like hutao for example who can scale off of hp or someone like albedo who can scale off of defense can want the defense percentage or hp percentage instead of attack percent which most characters would want lastly the other stats usually the flat stats aren't that good so flat attack flat defense and flat hp are usually stats that you're just never looking for even if your character normally wants hp flat hp is usually just a lot worse than other sub stats so this is sort of common knowledge at this point but i didn't want to do a sort of hierarchy of stats just so we can get that out of the way for the rest of the video now in terms of specific pieces flowers and feathers are pieces that you can be very picky on or at least more picky depending on what your sanders are because the main stats are always set your plume is always going to be attack your flower is always going to be hp so it's usually a lot easier to upgrade these feathers if you get a bad one and to be a lot more picky with your substats whereas other pieces like sands goblet and circlet can be a lot harder to get perfect now another important piece of general information is to know your standards know what point of investment you are in the game me for example since i've been farming artifacts since release my standards are a lot higher than most people's an artifact that might look good to you or might be good for you i might throw away because like for example i have four blizzard straight or circlets so i can throw away the ones that aren't as good as my other ones now overall i do just recommend getting good main stats first of all and then upgrading from there so let's say you're trying to build a character like klee mine has no artifacts on i would start by trying to get an attack percent sans a pyro goblet and a crit circlit now since i'm trying to build this character my standards can be a lot lower than a character i already have built because i'm just going for first of all a crit damage circuit or crit rate and then after that i'm trying to upgrade it by getting better and better sub stats in terms of general main stats circlits for most characters are crit rate or crit damage although there can be some exceptions for example healers might want healing bonus or hp percent which can be good and elemental mastery circlets can also be good for characters who want to proc reactions like swirl or who are just elemental supports again mainly for animal characters like sucrose but generally speaking crit is what you're looking for on your goblet usually an elemental goblet for whichever element you're using is the way to go however attack percent can also be viable on certain characters and hp can be good for healers or shielders like zhong li but generally speaking an elemental damage goblet is what you're looking for and then for your sans this is where it gets more complicated most characters want attack percent but a lot of supports will go for energy recharge and elemental mastery can be viable on a few reaction characters and best in slot on animal units characters that are constantly swirling like sucrose like venti like kazuwa can really want elemental mastery on their sands and on their substance and lastly characters that scale off of different stats than attack percent and this is a general rule just on building the character in general you can replace this attack percent with whatever they scale on so again for who tau that would be hp percent and for albedo that would be something like defense and while this isn't too relevant to the video if you're wondering why some of my characters are on weird artifacts because when i make videos i move things around a lot so ignore the fact that my chichi's on defense another piece of general information i can give you guys regarding your standards on artifacts are actually how many sub-stats they have at level zero something you might have noticed is that five star artifacts can have either four or three sub stats at level zero and these really aren't bad but you are missing one role with a three sider versus a fourth adder so i'm actually gonna level a piece uh for this video just to show you guys but basically when you get this artifact to level four and every four levels it'll roll but when you get to level four as i'm sure you know it unlocks another sub stat we got flat defense here but basically you're level four now with zero bonus rolls into anything you just have all four stats now the artifacts that started with four stats are at an inherent advantage because once you level them once you get this to plus four it'll roll into one of the four sub stats and so you can get a higher stats overall if you do have four stat artifacts the reason i'm mentioning this is because artifacts that have four sub-stats are generally just better and so you can be a bit more picky with your three-stat artifacts versus your force that ones because artifacts that might look bad that might only have one or two good sub-stats if they do already have all four at level zero have a lot more potential now we're gonna get into a bit more specific information this regards what you should actually be keeping and what you should be throwing away based on you the characters you have the characters you want future characters and just all of that first of all you have to ask yourself what your current artifact standards are so if you were to compare an ar-58 player versus an ar-45 50 or even just 55 player their artifact standards are usually going to be very different if you are at the point where you're just building good main stats on characters and you don't really care about the sub stats that's basically your first step right going for good main stats on everything then you might want to just be keeping artifacts that have good main stats for example you should be sure to have elemental goblets five star elemental goblets for every character that you can every element that you need even if the sub stats are completely terrible while goblets can be really hard for other pieces i would recommend being a bit more picky and looking for at least crit on the substance usually crit damage and crit rate if you can and effectively keeping all of your pieces that have let's say crit damage and crit rate because that's just generally a very good piece on literally any of the five uh slots as a general rule to sort of sum things up and to basically move on from the subject is if you are very early game so let's say under ar 50 and maybe you just started farming artifacts or maybe you farmed from 45 to 50 i would try to go for main stats first and then start integrating good substance in your pieces especially flour and feather which it's all you're looking for usually through crit rate and crit damage but also things like we mentioned earlier energy recharge attack percent elemental mastery can all be very good after that though when you get to the late or end game you can really start to min max your pieces and start throwing away a lot more pieces that you would have otherwise or previously kept a good example of this transition is if we look at my first razer video and i've made an updated one but you can see my flower that i had this is the one i used it was plus 20 and it only rolled into crit once right it mainly rolled into flat attack and once into attack percent this is a flower that at the time was amazing because i was ar like 45 or around there but if i were to get this artifact now i 100 would have thrown it away i actually don't even have it anymore but at the time it was definitely an amazing piece and so it really depends the stats you're looking for can highly depend on what ar you are and what your standards are with that being said i want to go into as much detail now into what you should be keeping and what you should be throwing away uh now that we covered you know your specific standards for characters you have and you're building right now i think you should always be looking at upgrading their pieces so again go for good main stats then start upgrading their substats more and more and only keeping the best pieces for your specific character that being said when you're trying to build new characters or maybe a new artifact set that you don't already have i would recommend being a lot less picky for example this new emblem of severed fate set that came out in patch 2.0 i don't have a good attack sense of it my best one is this one which considering my standards is honestly not that great but i am keeping it and i will level this to plus 20 and use it on my emblem characters because it is the best that i have for this set now keep in mind it is plus 16 so it can still be better but when you compare it to some of my other sands it just really isn't a piece that i would normally be keeping unless i need the artifact set effect which i do now if you're afraid of throwing away a piece that might be good in the future let's say a piece for a character that you're not using or someone that might come out that looks a bit different like kokomi for example what should you do well let's talk about it first of all you can be a lot more picky if you don't have a character yet if you're waiting for a new character or if you're not sure what they're going to need if you're like maybe you know i have this really good hp sense maybe i should keep it for the future right like this one then you can be a lot more picky let's say you don't have hutao but you want her whenever she gets a rerun since you're gonna have so much time to farm for that character i would highly recommend being very picky with your substance and basically keeping like one hp stands on set so maybe a crimson witch of flames either elemental mastery or hp stands for her and effectively only keeping like one or two with whichever ones have the best sub stats personally i know that i don't really use a lot of hp scaling characters and i already have decently good sense so i'm only going to keep hp sans for future characters if they have both crit rate and crit damage on the substats so i can clearly show you guys the difference between an artifact that i locked which is a defense sands with crit damage crit rate and elemental mastery versus another defense sands uh i'm sure we'll find one yeah like this one which i'm obviously gonna throw away because the sub stats are completely terrible so all of these five stars that aren't locked i can just easily throw away since i'm not gonna keep them for like a future character if the sub stats are so bad whereas something like this might have potential in the future so for now i'm going to lock it because there might be a new defense scaling character or it might only roll into crit when i level it now another tip i can give you guys is actually to test the waters with a lot of artifacts for example something like this right let's say you need an attack sands you might already have one but let's say you know you might want an attack sense and it has three stats one of them being a crit stat while this piece looks bad right crit rate is good but flat defense and flat attack are terrible it could actually be a really good piece if you level it to plus 4 and see that it gets crit damage for example because of that i highly recommend usually testing a lot of artifacts that have potential by leveling them to level 4 and yes you lose a bit of artifact xp this way but like see we got energy recharge here which means this might now be an artifact worth leveling granted this really isn't the best example this artifact isn't perfect but i do recommend testing a lot of artifacts that may or may not be good depending on how they roll the biggest example of this and this is a tip that honestly i've never seen people talk about at least from the videos that i've watched is regarding circlets circlets have an immense amount of potential even if they look really bad at level zero now the reason for that is because the most important stat for a dps character usually is crit rate and crit damage on a circulate since you're going for one on the main stat the main subset you're looking for is the other form of crit so for a crit rate circulate you're looking for crit damage substance and vice versa for a crit damage circulate because of that ace three sub stat crit circlit which i literally have none of since i leveled them all to four can be amazing this artifact for example could have only showed hp elemental mastery and energy recharge at level zero since their first three sub stats but then getting it plus four could have revealed this crit damage making it a actually good circuit that's worth my time that's why i level basically all of my crit circuits to level four you see this one had attack defense hp i got it to plus four and it was unlucky but there was a chance that it rolled crit rate which would have made it amazing in the same vein i also think that can be applied to some goblets especially depending on your sub stats and your current standards let's say a piece that might be something like let's see if i have any locked yeah like this one avi pyro goblet locked with crit rate and two other bad stats this is something that for me given my current pyro goblet standards doesn't look particularly amazing but if i were to get it to level four it might get crit damage on the last roll and then i level it all the way and it just becomes amazing a good example of this is one of my pyro goblets and i feel bad like flexing in this video but i do have a power goblet that started with only defense crit damage defense i got it to plus four it got crit rate and then it only rolled into crit making it an amazing goblet despite looking not that great at the start now i'm gonna show you guys my inventory really quick you'll see that there's actually a lot of circuits that are locked a lot of just pieces in general that are locked the reason for this is because i'm anticipating maybe future characters that might need specific sets for example a healing bonus circlet on maidens with two hp substats could be good if i want just like a pure healer unlike kokomi or any future character same thing with why i locked so many of these emblem flowers every single emblem flower i locked has at least one kritstat right which means if i get it to plus four it might get the other one and immediately be amazing this piece with em er crit damage if the last that it rolls as crit rate will be honestly pretty perfect as long as it rolls into the good stats other than just sub-stats regarding specific main stats that i would keep for future characters again i do think having like one or two good main stats of every piece is probably recommended especially if you're farming a lot of artifact domains let's say you get an elemental mastery piece that looks this good right both crit stats and elemental mastery and you don't need elemental mastery i would still recommend locking it or at least locking like one or two of them you know not every one you get just in case you need it in the future since the subsets are so good now i did want to add that first of all basically any main stat you have even if it's a bad main set or something that you might not need on a current character right like an attack goblet which might be good on a future character or you know a select few characters even if you don't need it right now if the sub stats are amazing like crit rate and crit damage and maybe you have four stats at level zero it is something that i would almost always keep even if the main set is something that you don't need right now now do keep in mind i wouldn't start hoarding artifacts because artifact xp can be really hard so if you do already have like you know two or three really good pieces of a specific element a specific type a specific main stat and those are like two extra that you aren't currently using i wouldn't necessarily keep hoarding them and i would simply just get pickier and pickier with what you're looking for or maybe you can even give them one or two rows and then if they miss and just keep rolling defense or something you can throw them away and move on generally speaking though crit rate and crit damage if they're together on basically any piece i would keep or if you have like a promising circuit then circus can be really hard also one thing to keep in mind is that you actually keep a lot of artifact xp uh when you are basically throwing it away so if you are testing an artifact by getting it to plus four and then you realize that you don't want it anymore or if you're upgrading an artifact you actually keep 80 of the xp and it doesn't really cost you much more as you can see even a plus 21 will only cost me 3780 and you will keep 80 of the artifact xp which makes it a pretty good deal especially if you're just checking like plus four you can put it back in and you'll still get like the next artifact plus four since you keep 80 of the xp all right so now i want to get into a very important section and this is regarding specific artifact sets some specific artifact sets want specific stats and can require you to farm for specific pieces because of that some pieces that might look bad can be really good if they are on a specific set like verdes inventor or like no bless oblige which we're gonna talk about so first of all there are some support sets once again like the four piece numbers obliged that's used by a lot of healers this set is amazing because it buffs all your party's attack and so it's good on support characters like bennett like diona or potentially even like kokomi because of that it would be very smart while farming this domain to keep pieces that have stats like energy recharge or just support status in general this feather for example can look pretty bad if you're trying to build a dps but the 22 energy recharge is really good for my bennett who doesn't really need offensive stats and is mainly just used as a healer same thing with like dionna and it would be even better if it had something like hp percent since his scaling does scale off of that since it is a support set as i mentioned having energy recharge on like the sands and even hp pieces like an hp sands for some healers like dionna and the same thing for some circuits like healing bonus on this specific set can be good so do keep that in mind when you're farming the bless oblige since yes it can be an offensive set but can also be used for like healers and some support characters that might want different stats also and i thought i should mention that for the quote-unquote bad artifact sets you know sets that you're not necessarily using like maidens or for example lava walker if you're not using that set on anyone i still recommend keeping the ones that have really good sub stats because they can be used as an off piece for example since i've done so much verdes inventor i have a lot of maidens pieces that i can use as offset pieces and so i highly recommend keeping pieces on bad sets if the substats are amazing but once again you can be more picky with these pieces on top of that for your goblets obviously since it's usually the hardest piece to get a good main stat of especially early game if you don't have a ton of like elemental goblets they can really be from any set since it's usually going to be your offset piece unless you get lucky and have a goblet on set next up for the blizzard sprayer set this one is quite particular because it's usually used by crowd characters who want to freeze right so while the 2p set can just be you know crowd damage the four piece set is really good in freeze comps because it gives you 40 crit rate when you're attacking frozen enemies because of that and with cryo resonance also giving you some crit rate generally speaking cryo characters that want to build blizzard sprayer don't need that much crit rate on their artifacts my iaca for example is running a lot of pieces that just have a ton of crit damage but not a lot of crit rate and so when you are running blizzard stats like crit damage and attack percent are really valuable and even pieces with really low crit rate that might look bad on other sets can be very good on blizzard sprayer since it is the main stat you're looking for crit damage and also attack percent even for like a circlet can be very good on the set because of how much critter you gain from the effect and so you're mainly looking for like crit damage and attack percent next up for the verdus inventor set when you're running support characters who are relying on their swirl's damage characters like venti characters like kazua or even sucrose who can deal a lot of damage by constantly swirling enemies and do remember that swirl got buffed in 1.6 to where it actually does a lot of damage elemental mastery is a stat that is very needed on the set because of that getting elemental mastery on the main stat of your sans goblet and circlit are all super important for the verdict inventor set it's so good and it's usually best in slot on characters like sucrose characters like kazua and often times also on venti it can be really good and it can even be good on like sawyu so whenever you get elemental mastery main stats on verdescent i would lock them until you have enough for all the animal characters you use and potentially maybe like saving one extra one if you need it because they can be rare and so throwing them away especially if you don't have many can really be a bad idea on top of that while it's hard to get elemental mass remains that the subsets on these are really not that important like yes for causeway you do still want crit yes for sucrose energy recharge can be nice but honestly once you have the main stats especially for someone like sucrose it's basically all you need honestly on top of that for sets like crimson witch of flames where you're really gonna be procking reactions non-stop right like this is a set that increases your melt damage your vaporized damage your overload damage uh it is a set where elemental mastery can be really nice because a lot of pyro characters that run crimson witcher flames are gonna oftentimes be vaporizing or even overloading where elemental mastery can be really good and one of the best subsets and also for the emblem of severed fate set since the four-piece set transforms your energy recharge into some burst damage or you know gives you some burst damage based on your energy recharge it can be nice to have some er on your substats although keep in mind that an excessive amount of er is still less damage than crit or attack percent or other subsides that you might need but having energy recharge on the set can always be nice and i also wanted to as a sort of last and bonus section talk about artifact ratios basically what you should be trying to achieve and why mine are so good because i noticed a lot of people asking about this basically you're looking for a one to two ratio of crit rate to crit damage attack percent and a lot of other stats are important too but generally speaking for a main dps when you start reaching the higher ranges of 60 120 maybe up to 70 140 right crit rate to crit image that's when your character starts being like optimal and what i would call high investment now do keep in mind that is off of your artifacts there are crit weapons or ascension stats that can make your ratios inflated but setting yourself the goal of getting like 50 crit rate 100 damage and then 60 120 and then 70 140 is always good but there is a certain point where farming artifacts for a specific character becomes really hard and not really realistic to upgrade to where you should move on to other characters and so the ranges i told you are when your character starts becoming sort of optimal which is like 6120 7140 is a good place to be happy with now that's not really the point of this video but it is artifact related and i wanted to add it and also to the people wondering why my artifacts are so good it is because my standards are so high for example i farmed xiao for so long that it's not really just me being lucky anymore it's me having done so many verdes inventor domain runs like these are all the plus 20 ones that i have that eventually i would get just better and better and better feathers to where i can min max my pieces so yeah there's really a lot to cover in this video and i was always really afraid of like not being too structured so i hope it was easy to follow and i hope you learned a lot through this video if there's anything i want to add it will be in a pin comment because again there's a lot of artifact sets and there's just a lot of information that i had to cover i hope this video was helpful and i hope you enjoyed with that being said that's pretty much it i'm gonna go stream right now so i hope you guys enjoyed the video as i mentioned in the intro feel free to come watch me on twitch links in the description be sure to sub if this helps you out and if you're new because it does mean a lot and with that being said i'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Zy0x
Views: 424,546
Rating: 4.9640102 out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact artifacts, genshin impact guide, genshin impact artifact guide, genshin impact resin, genshin impact resin guide, genshin impact 2.1, artifacts, artifact guide, what to keep, fodder, genshin impact build, zy0x, zyox
Id: hW4pTE8lVZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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